#Sr. Relationship Manager
something about Emily Brontë ending with Wuthering Heights, a novel about obsession and revenge and how it does no one good, with Hareton and Catherine - two extremely wronged characters, Hareton especially - rising above their circumstances and getting married just scratches my brain right
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe
@technodromes sent: 💗 : my muse mentions that they want to be kissed under a mistletoe (for Bishop & SR)
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Holidays were always a weird time for Rick. His family had never really celebrated them outside the religious aspect, something he had never cared about. He had celebrated his fist, "real" Christmas with Diane and her parents, in his late teen years, back in a time that now felt like it belonged to another life. They had kept up the tradition during their marriage and she had always invited him over even after they had divorced.
All in all, he had some good memories linked to the day, but he also had quite a few that weren't as pleasant. The first year he had spent it at Beth's, they had reconnected was just one example. He still marvelled that Nora hadn't ended up literally kicking him out, considering what fight had broken out between the two of them. At least Summer had loved her present.
Then there had been the odd years he had chosen to spend Christmas on the Citadel, to make sure that AR did more than just getting drunk and throwing around lewd holiday-related insults until he managed to start a brawl. His best friend always insisted on getting wasted, and he had gotten the guard intoxicated too more than once, but at least no fighting had ever been involved.
Also, he had to admit that, since the election of their new president, the Citadel had always looked great during that time of the year, with all the lights and decoration and the massive tree set up in the middle of the main square. The view from the top of the highest buildings was beautiful and it almost made him feel like the city-state could be a great place to live.
Those last two things were the reason why he had decided to man up and invite Bishop over to this relatively calm but still fun party AR had roped him into joining. Deep down, Rick suspected that it was mostly a ploy to keep him busy, so that he wouldn't be there to stop him from doing whatever he had planned for a certain Commander they both knew.
The thought almost caused SR to sigh, but he held the urge back, choosing instead to focus his attention back on his friend. He had been scheming a little too, so he couldn't really judge the black market dealer as much as he usually did. Not without sounding like a hypocrite, at least.
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"I-I hope all this isn't too confusing for you," he spoke up, after having swallowed a mouthful of the liquor he had been sipping. He wasn't planning on getting drunk, but he had figured that he could use a dose of liquid courage. "M-Most of the shit you see is stuff from Earth, b-but apparently someone had the bright idea t-to mix it up with alien traditions and...I-I won't lie. I-I have no idea of what that is supposed to be."
He pointed with his thumb an oddly shaped...something that had been put in one of the corners of the terrace. His guess was that it was some sort of decoration, with how brightly it was shining, but it was also made of what had felt like solid good when he had got to poke at it. Plus, there was a Santa hat casually tossed on top of it, which only furthered the confusion.
"B-But I hope that you...w-well, that you like the place. U-Usually the Citadel is never festive, s-so...I thought that you should see it like this too."
What he didn't say was that he was hoping that this would allure the Utrom to spend more of the holidays with him. He did have a guest room in his flat, even if that was another thing he hadn't mentioned yet.
"An-And speaking of traditions, t-there's a funny one I should tell you about..."
His voice trailed off and he gulped quietly, resisting the temptation of downing the rest of the contents of his glass. He knew that he couldn't have managed to be smooth about this, but he wanted at least not to show how nervous he was.
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"Y-You see that plant up there? T-The, uh, mistletoe?" He made himself go on, nodding towards the bunch of white berries and green leaves that was hanging from one of the light wires. There were a few sprinkled here and there, just waiting to catch two unaware people underneath them.
"B-Back on Earth, i-if you and someone else end up under it at the same y-you're supposed to...to kiss. I-It's considered a well-liked romantic clichéd."
He wasn't sounding to lame, right? Or, even worse, too desperate?
"I-I did it once. T-The, uh, under the mistletoe kiss, I mean. B-Back when Diane, my ex-wife, and I were still dating. W-We were at this party our college had organised an-and she tricked me so she could catch underneath one of those things. I-I was embarrassed as hell, b-but...it's a nice memory."
Clearing his throat, he allowed himself another sip of liquor as a reward for having gotten this far without running away, before forcing himself to stare right at Bishop as he spoke the next, crucial words.
"I-I've been thinking...I-It would be nice to do it again. W-With the right person, i-if they wanted to try it out." He could do it, just one more sentence. "An-And since you like learning about Earth stuff, I-I thought that we could...you know. K-Kill two birds with one stone maybe?"
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noxtivagus · 2 years
hdkfjalskdf just thinking of. video games or wtvr stories in general n my heart is just so full of them :((
#🌙.rambles#thinking of hermes again T_T n then.. gbf oh my godddd wmtsb WHAT MAKES THE SKY BLUE#i wna write. like. original stories or idk stuff w characters i like or. idk really just anything !#bcs everyday when i go through every single day there's just. so much in my mind that#last year managing all that was so tiring esp bcs my sleep was so messed up but this year is different#since i've been sleeping much better so i have more energy to manage it better but#it's still. very overwhelming but yeah basically i can manage it better#being productive w school or wtvr but at the same time idk! there's so much i want to do n so much i do at the same time#whenever i just go through my day normally i notice mundane things that give me inspo? n then everything in me or around me invokes like#idk i think a lot of stories n i really soar high w that but i'm also firmly rooted to the ground n#it's just confusing bcs it's overwhelming but i manage somehow wtf i think maybe i'm just more sensitive to all these things rn#i don't know how to write it properly bcs i can't relate myself to others that much bcs i don't. interact w a lot of kinds of people#mostly just observing n then even w the friends i have#i'm srs not very social i don't typically go out of my way to message ppl but it's not bcs i don't like it. nah i really genuinely like it#but. IDK HOW TO SAY IT BUT YK.. i'm introverted fr n also rlly shy n anxious at times :c#but honestly it also depends bcs ik i have apollo after all n i think our relationship as twins is. really special in this lonely world :^)#idk what i'm saying anymore but. i'm just overwhelmed oh my god#I SHOULD PROBABLY LET MYSELF REST PROPERLY EVEN FOR A BIT BCS THAT'S NECESSARY BUT#oh my god hdfjaksldfjsd when i think of how i cld always make better use of my time i can't let myself rest properly#it's not just. taking time off doing stuff that's rest. it's also resting the mind bcs i can't. goddamn rest. w my mind like this#most of the time when i do things i srs can't help but think of how i cld always improve or do better#stuff that r more.. creative? idk but like less than school assignments or. achievements in video games#while that gives me a sense of satisfaction i want to sort of 'complete' everything#thinking of stories n what they mean to me n only me comforts me more bcs there's no true right or wrong w them#just.. me. that sort of freedom n escape from those systems or wtvr that drain me so much#either way i still perform well enough BUT ITS SO DRAINING I SHLD STOP THO BCS I HAVE SMTH TO DO AAAAA#i'll fix myself later. i cld say that better bcs it's not like there's exactly smth 'wrong' with me? idk i'm not sure#tbf emotions r Irrational n human so all in all i'm being too harsh on myself but still hfkdajfklsdfj#life's just. so complex. its depth is so. yh. oh my god that said though i do have to do some school stuff rn so i'll put this away for now
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ichimu · 2 years
i hate those urges to download dating apps only to either swipe left on everyone or be too afraid to message matches
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dyns33 · 5 months
Family respect
Alfie and his Shelby wife are back for more adventures.
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"He's back." was the first thing Ada said to her when she picked up the phone, and that was enough for Y/N to understand who she was talking about.
If she had hardly known her mother, who died when she was young, she had not really known her father well either, while he was still alive.
The relationship between Arthur Shelby Sr. and his family had always been complicated. Long before Y/N was found by Polly when she was still a child, abandoned in an orphanage.
It had been luck or fate that her father quickly spoke of her in a letter sent to his sister, writing that he had made a little mistake during a trip. That was what he named Y/N, his little mistake.
The rest of Shelby didn't see her that way. They had adored her from the moment they saw the girl, welcoming her as if she had always been there, as if they had the same mother, and protecting her against this drunken and tyrannical father.
There was still respect for the elders. This notion was important to the romani, and some therefore found it difficult to completely rebel against the man despite his many faults.
This was especially difficult for Arthur. He admired him when he was younger, and even though he often stood up for his brothers and sisters, he blindly followed him in all his dangerous plans.
He had often gotten into trouble because of their father. Tommy was very angry with him for that.
This naivety was undoubtedly one of the reasons why it was not Arthur who managed the family affairs even though he was the oldest.
He never complained about it. As he followed their father, he followed Thomas without question, recognizing that his little brother was smarter, more stubborn, better at business and discussion.
But the few times their father had passed through Birmingham again, he had criticized this absurd hierarchy, and even if Arthur eventually bowed his head to Tommy, there were always several days when he was at their father's side, ready to believe that he had changed.
“Where is Thomas ?” Y/N asked her sister, because she didn't want to hear more about their father at the moment.
"Probably in one of the neighboring farms, with horses, to calm down and stop himself from shooting someone between the eyes."
"And the others ?"
"Polly is talking to them in the kitchen. She thinks dad wants something. Money probably. He'll leave quickly when he gets what he's looking for. But I'm afraid of what will happen in the meantime."
"I'll take care of it. I'll find Arthur." Y/N promised, because absolutely anything could happen to Arthur Senior, no one would be sad, but leaving her brother was out of the question.
Ollie asked nothing when she ordered him to send his best men to look for her older brother, and to watch what he was doing. He just nodded, calling her "Madam Solomons" with great respect.
According to Alfie, she had seduced the poor boy, as well as many of his employees, the residents of Candem, and even the dog.
"Before, Cyril sat with me by the fire. Now he moans by the door until you come home. Where have you been, love ?"
“You know very well where I was.”
"Damn right. With Tommy, dear Tommy. Tell me, treacle, why are my men outside a bar instead of working, uh ? Because when I asked Ollie, he just shrugged his shoulders, saying that those were the orders, but I didn’t give those orders. Remind me who’s in charge here ?”
"Very funny, love. Hilarious. Why are my men following this crazy dog who serves as your brother ?"
Of course Y/N could have told him. It would have been simple, and Alfie would have sighed and muttered insults, because the whole thing was nonsense and he didn't really care because it wasn't his family.
Since it wasn't his family, she decided there was no need for him to know the details.
There was no need for him to hear about her father.
So she simply replied that Arthur was in trouble, which wasn't a lie, and that she was just checking to make sure he wasn't going to end up in prison, or worse.
If he noticed that she was hiding something, her husband accepted it, growling when he saw that she was petting the dog before giving him attention.
Several days passed, and Arthur Shelby Sr did not leave. The whole community was nervous, which made the London underground scene much more dangerous than usual.
So Y/N went by herself to look for her brother in the tenth pub he had visited this week, finding him alone at the counter while their father was talking with some men in another room.
"Little sis ! In my arms !" shouted the eldest cheerfully, hugging her tenderly.
“Come home with me.”
"I can't. Dad needs me for a case. A big thing."
"You know very well how this is going to end. It always ends the same way."
"You sound like Tommy… He's changed this time. He wants to make amends, he has the right for a chance."
"He got more chances than Judas got silver coins, Arthur. Please."
"Y/N ? Is that you ? You grew up, I almost didn't recognize you ! Beautiful. When I think that I saw you as a mistake, I was wrong, right, son ? A charming girl, all men would want her."
In that moment, she saw in her brother's eyes that he knew he had a choice. He could defend her, saying that no one talked about his little sister like that, not even their father. He could also keep quiet, nodding his head and not talking about her marriage.
But he had drunk a lot, and despite all this time he still had resentment towards Alfie, so he opened his stupid mouth.
“She married a Jew.”
Their father turned to Arthur with a huge frozen smile, waiting for a follow-up to this joke, before looking at Y/N again with a darker look, understanding that he was serious.
"… A Jew ? You married a pompous old cheapskate ?"
"Arthur, come home with me." Y/N insisted, trying to ignore everything around her brother.
"He's not just pompous, he's crazy. And a coward. And mean. He can't be trusted. I'm sure he's putting on an act to get to us, holding Y/N hostage."
"Well said, son. It's quite possible that's what happening. They know how to play, those dirty rats."
"Arthur, come home with me."
"I knew right away he was evil. Even before he killed Billy and betrayed us. I don't know why Tommy agreed to work with him again, or give him our sister's hand."
"Thomas has always been less clever than you. They're a bit sodomite, you know ? He was able to seduce several of us for sure."
"No… No, that bastard son of a bitch, I'll kill him."
"Arthur, insult my husband once more and you will never see me again."
The threat caught her brother's attention for a second, like the tears in her eyes, but their father continued to criticize Alfie, and as always Arthur followed him blindly, considering that nothing could happen to him if he imitated his father.
A hand then rested on her shoulder, while she hesitated between crying and hitting him. Alfie's smile was quick, only for her, as he held her close, watching the two Arthurs who were surprised to see him.
Y/N thought he would say something, but he only placed a kiss on her forehead, leading her outside, to the car that took them home.
"… I'm sorry."
"Why, treacle ? Because your father is an asshole and your brother is a moron ? I don't see how this is your fault."
“I’m still sorry.”
"Nothing I haven't already heard. I promise I've never slept with Tommy."
"You are not funny." she whispered as she sobbed, letting the tension leave her body. He muttered that she was probably right as he took her in his arms, not knowing what to do to comfort her.
It was not easy to lose a family member. Y/N had been close to all of her siblings, but Arthur had always been there for her, like she had always been there for him, standing up for him, respecting his ideas, making sure he was okay.
She loved him, but she also loved her husband, and she could not tolerate him being insulted like this. If she said she wouldn't talk to him anymore, then she wouldn't talk to him anymore.
So it was a shock to find him in the middle of her living room the next day, holding his cap with two hands, looking miserable and embarrassed. Y/N almost told him to leave, before seeing Alfie standing in the corner, tapping the ground with his cane.
"Well, come on, mate. The lady is waiting."
"… I'm sorry, lil sis."
“Where is father ?”
"In prison, I think. He organized bets, the coppers caught him. They would have had me if… I mean if…"
"If I hadn't saved his sorry ass." Alfie translated, raising his eyebrows when Arthur growled at him. "Maybe I should have left him, he made you cry after all and I didn't like it."
"Y/N… I'm sorry. Your husband is a cunt, but… But he's not that bad, I think. I see that you're happy and he treats you well. I want you happy. I'll try… If he doesn't deserve it, I won't knock his teeth out."
"Mazel tov ! I'll buy you a drink, brother-in-law, but I don't drink and I want you to leave. Well, come one. Out."
Her husband still gave Arthur time to hug his sister, who accepted his apologies on the condition that he finally stopped following their father in his usual bullshit.
To avoid any problems, she only notice out loud after he had left that he had not winced when Alfie called him "brother-in-law".
“Hangover, probably.”
"Or he considers you part of the family now. Normally it's Polly, Tommy, John or me who keep him from completely tripping."
"If you hadn't cried, I would have let him drown in his beer and piss, treacle."
"I wonder how the cops knew, our father is often quite secretive. He moslty ruins everything by wanting more money or insulting someone."
"Oh. Someone who looks like Ollie may or may not have called the police on orders from their boss." Alfie muttered, pouting a little.
"… Arthur will kill you if he finds out."
"He said you were a mistake. Nobody says my wife is a mistake. Would you rather he be in jail or at the bottom of the Thames ? Now I'm sleepy, love. I've been running all night to find your stupid brother, come to bed with me."
“It’s nine in the morning.”
"So what ?"
The only true thing her brother had said was that Alfie was insane, but that wasn't a bad thing. His madness was charming, tender and funny, and if one day they had children, he would be the most protective and caring father in the world.
You only had to see him with Cyril to be sure, even if he slammed the door in the dog's face to be alone for a few hours, only letting him in because he couldn't concentrate anymore. cause of the squealing.
"There you go. Before, he stayed on the ground, now he jumps in my place to press against you, while it's me who opens the door for him despite the cold and my poor back."
“Shut up Alfie and go back to sleep.”
"It is noon."
"Come here."
"Very well, damn woman. You will explain to my men why I was not at work."
Since they had all heard about Y/N's family troubles, they adored her, and were quite happy that the boss wasn't there to yell at them, no one asked Y/N why Alfie had been absent. They even gave her flowers, which greatly annoyed the King of Camden.
They didn't ask if he wanted flowers too. The Shelby sent him some gifts, bottles, money and a horse, without having to say why, and Alfie was in a weird mood for the rest of the day.
Y/N only smiled, knowing that he was lost but proud to be accepted by her family.
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Solar Return Observations ☀️✨
Hi friends! Today we’re discussing solar return notes + what I’ve observed from them. I’ve been observing for three years, but I’m not able to fit all of the details in one post. I can always make another 🦋 enjoy and feel free to like, comment and reblog.
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Chiron in the 7th house 💌- Healing through partnership and connections. I’ve had this placement last year and went through a breakup which taught me a lot about self worth (Aries ruled 7th house SR) and I learned to stand up for myself. I learned to be my own best friend and start over after a loss. Everything in terms of my relationship and how I viewed it changed completely. It was a pretty long journey, being that Chiron is the wounded healer, I’d say about a year the cycles were going on. Anyone who has this placement in their SR chart, you can expect for healing to occur in your relationships. Not necessarily a breakup always, but definitely wounding will come up that year.
Neptune in the 6th house 🌷- Routines can be heavily centered around spirituality. Meditation, yoga, occult practices become a theme in the daily life. Incorporating this can help the native grow and develop a consistent routine, and eventually connect with a higher source of love (deity, religion, universe, etc) because Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. With Neptune here there’s an emphasis on romanticizing daily routine and self care. Certain day to day events can feel whimsical, ethereal, and fated even! The native may question that year their beliefs and want to start something new, or reignite spiritual passions ✨
Moon in the 4th house 🌙🌟- Romanticizing the past, viewing things from a nostalgic lenses, daydreaming about a family. The native may deal with family illusions around this time, manipulation, or themes surrounding the family this year. The native might find it difficult to balance their life as family is an important theme for the year, whether it’s their own, or biological. The mother could be significant this year, and the mother may try to build a close bond with the native. The past is viewed from a bittersweet lenses, as there’s an element of moving on but honoring the past for what it was.
Capricorn 4th house 🦋✨- Structure, evolution, and discipline is needed regarding the home. Things may be slow, sluggish, or even depressing in the house. Saturn slows things down and when Capricorn is in the 4th, it can point to restrictions, boundaries, and limits. The native will learn to have boundaries with the family that year, and the value of alone time. The necessity of independence, and rebuilding structure in terms of roots. New job, new ways of managing finances, moving homes even. The native may feel uncomfortable that year within their home, they could feel detached even more than usual, and may long for an actual home of their own. Their own independence apart from family. Family could be stricter that year, and family events may be limited.
Saturn in the 6th house 🤍🌹- Structure, routine, discipline through health. The native may develop a stable gym routine and eating habits that year, and their health will improve with dedication and practice! They may choose a better diet, and learn about proper nutrition that year, and take care of their digestive system especially. Even energetically, the native will find themselves not wanting to consume shows or channels that are stressful. The native is meant to build a stable routine with their health.
11th house stellium 🌷🥂- Emphasis on networking, friends and meeting new people. Lots of people will want to meet the native, and will try to talk to the native. It’s easier to meet people this year, and to form new connections. Even strangers will randomly strike up a conversation with the native. Potential for meeting a marriage partner or best friend is strong! Potential for growing famous online is also strong, you may start an online business or be online a lot more this year.
11th house sun ☀️✨- Finding others is how you come back to yourself. What kind of community will you center yourself around? This year the native will try to figure out what kinds of friends they want, and where they belong. Through others the native comes to themselves, and people will teach a lot to the native. Not necessarily handing out wisdom, but there will be situations in which the native has to choose their own community and their beliefs compared to what everyone else wants.
11th house Venus 🦋🤍- Having friends and community becomes important, and the native realizes the importance of it all this year. Lots of people may want to date and get to know the native, as the 11th house is public. The native will be seen a lot more by others, around the place and people may actually make comments about that (I’ve had that happen with this placement many times!) The native will find that somehow the people around them come the right time when they need help too. Almost as if they’re blessed 💘 The native learns a lot about detachment from others expectations, and opinion. It’s about finding what works for them not for others this year. Potential for dating online is strong! And meeting someone through a dating app or social media.
Mars in the 12th house 💗🌹- The natives abilities and effort may struggle to be seen and recognized. There’s a sense that the natives effort is hidden, and the native feels unseen. It’s important this year the native keeps their plans and goals hidden as there could be others who want to criticize negatively. Especially with virgo 12th house! People may expect perfection from the native this year, or the native will struggle with perfectionist tendencies, and eventually will be the self undoing (12th house) Perfectionism is the natives enemy this year, and the native will have to find ways to understand themselves and work on their tendencies. There’s a chance to end up injured or hurt this year, so be cautious. The zodiac sign in that house will tell you where. For example if you have Virgo 12th house, your stomach in some way could struggle this year or be injured.
North Node in the 8th house ☕️💌- Leaving behind the material realm for the spiritual. Native is involved heavily with healing, releasing, and esoteric practices. The native eventually finds balance towards the end of the year with the material realm, but will likely find 6-8 months of deep inner work. Boundaries regarding spirituality get muddled as the native explores their psyche, uncovering new experiences! Healing and transformation through the past, to be in the present. Certain relationships can fall apart as it’s not aligned with the natives growth. Jobs may change as the native adjusts to their needs.
Libra Ascendant 🥂💗- Focus is on beauty and seeing the world through a connective lenses. Connection everywhere, with nature, people, communities, spirituality, etc. the native will fill more in touch with their fair and balanced side. This year the native will focus on balance, and not doing too less or too much. The act of balancing means things will be out of balance, so this year the native will go through upheaval as well. They will learn about discipline and structure throughout these changes, and work on mending things that were out of place. Going back and rebuilding. Or starting new if needed. The natives peace is important, and the native could find a partner this year! Depending on the other SR placements. The native is looking for ways to be connected to whats around them and within them.
Pluto in the 7th house 🌟🌷- Transformative relationships and unhealthy dynamics can come up this year in the native. Power dynamics and upheaval of roots in connections. The natives relationships with others is changing tremendously, and likely they could attract someone healing as well, and the two can heal. But with pluto here it can get intense and chaotic, if the two aren’t consistent working on themselves. People from outside could try to get into the natives relationship, adding gossip. It’s important to stay private this year with relationships.
Venus in the 12th house ✨☀️- Some I knew actually met a soulmate that year, the potential for a deep bonding connection came up. It was long distance given the 12th house ruling distant lands. If Venus is in a water sign for that year, the connection is a psychic one and very intuitive. Her house had cancer over it, and she developed a close bond with someone. They did things for the first time she’d never done before like traveling to another place! Everything was kept private, as Venus fell in the 12th house. Although this happened, they both mirrored wounds and did inner work to sustain the connection, and had a connection that was incredibly intimate. So Venus in the 12th can bring up a romantic interest, a connection that will be profound in terms of inner healing. It can also mean the native will choose to heal and do inner work, and not have the desire to date that year. It can mean codependency is the natives undoing that year in their relationships.
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Sun in the 1st house ☀️🥂- Focus is on the self, growing and improving the body. The native could go to the gym and explore new routines, or be athletic that year. Participating in a sport they enjoy. Their appearance will go through a massive change too, someone I knew impulsively cut their hair after drinking lmao. It was super long, and then they went short! The father could be in the natives life a lot more, whether thats through spending time and bonding, or being intrusive and invasive. The native will realize a lot in terms of their strength, depending on which zodiac sign falls in the sun. For example, if its Leo, the native will realize a lot of their determination; strength, resilience and their self esteem will improve.
Venus in the descendant or 7th house 🤍☕️- Dating someone! Or meeting someone who is a potential partner. Venus was in my 7th house for my SR when I got into long term relationships. Conj. NN will be an impactful relationship, NN is also associated with destruction in a way because it rebuilds, and what doesn’t work must leave, so that relationship I had was incredibly chaotic 😅 But for those who have Venus in the 7th house, you will potentially meet a long term partner that year. Check the zodiac sign and that’ll tell you how! Someone with Gemini Venus 7th house met someone online.
Venus in the 1st 🌟🌹- Appearance changes! A glow up will definitely happen that year, and ideals of your relationship will change a lot. What you expect, want, desire will go through changes. You may prefer healing therapy of some kind for the body, like massages, or yoga. Something to restore the body physically. You could absolutely be in the gym too!
Saturn in the 1st 🌙🦋- Having to be more structural and disciplined within yourself. Setting new routines and maturing personal boundaries. You may struggle with dissatisfaction and apathy this year, because you’re moving towards what fulfills you. Check the zodiac sign to see what will be maturing most within yourself that year. For example if its in Pisces, you’ll be maturing the part of you that has wishes, dreams, but has been passive in taking an approach to make them happen.
Venus in the 5th house🌙🥂- More fun and romance this year! The chance to get to know someone and friendship. However your approach to dating will differ depending on what zodiac sign falls in the 5th house. For example, if it’s in Capricorn, you’ll take on a reserved and detached approach to relationships. You’ll show up practical.
Capricorn Venus 🦋🤍- Material matters are important and you’ll likely pick up extra hours this year. Your approach to relationships are practical, refined and you have a long term focus. You don’t want anyone or anything unnecessary, as you know it’ll hinder you this year. There’s a need to mature when it comes to relationships and understanding how they work, because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. There will be lessons on emotional intimacy this year!
Leo Venus 🥂🌟- This year there will be a focus on attracting the one potentially, and going big. Not playing small in relationships and attracting abundance. Loyalty is important, and the native wants a commitment within their friendships or romantic interests. The native steps into their worth and their value. By valuing themselves, they learn to realize their value in other peoples life. Lessons regarding self worth and value will come up, and the native will find themselves having to speak up for what they deserve in relationships!
Thats all I have ya’ll! I hope y’all enjoyed and please support this blog 💗🤗 it’s very much appreciated! If ya’ll would like I’d love to do more of this!
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amirasainz · 5 months
Can you write about her and the grid couple and her family dynamics like in details with each couple and family member?
Hi love! Sorry it took me so long. I hope this is what you were searching for! @zahwoka My request are always open. Feedback is welcome. -XoXo
Baby!Sainz Relationships
Carlos Sainz Sr. and Reyes Vázquez de Castro -I think there's not much to say here -the two of them were more than joyed to have another baby -she definitely has her Papá wrapped around her finger -so that means that her Mamá has to be the bad cop -they are quite protective of her -i mean, no parent wants to let their youngest daughter fly to Colombia alone and stay there for nearly one year (for Narcos) -they were always very supportive of her career -all in all they are the best parents she could ask for
Ana and Blanca Sainz -YAY -another sister -when i tell you, those two acted like she was a doll -Amira always goes to them when she has boy problems -they are definitely the type of sisters to color each others nails,do their Make-Up together,… -when they were kids, they always forced Carlos to play Barbie with them -ALWAYS -they always criticize each other -but if someone else dares to: you're never seen again -when they are older, they will live pretty close -they also never know who has whose clothes -they also encourage Amira to embrace her beauty and attention she receives -which only gives Carlos more gray hair (Senior and Junior) -they are Amiras safe space -all in all they are like the Spanish Power-Puff-Girls
Carlos Sainz -Carlitos -poor little Carlitos -during his younger years he is so busy chasing away the boys -now it's the same thing, just that the boys became men -is a really protective brother -he was NOT happy when Amira went to Colombia -will buy her anything -"do you like the new Dior dress, hermanita? Let me get it for" -visits her quite often unexpected -he aged at least 20 years when his sister decided to wear crop tops -hates to leave her alone -it feels like he is dying -was very happy when she decided to attend his races -but he forgot about the drivers (and their girlfriends) -look it's not his fault that non of them are good enough for his darling sister -Carlos is her protector and always will be -a big spider in the room? Bring me a tissue hermanita -a scary thunderstorm? He will hug her the whole time -he will always be there for her
Baby!Sainz isn't in a relationship with any of them, even though it may seem like that (But we all now she isn't the brightest out there)
Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet -for some reason they give me older couple x younger babygirl vibes -I mean there are not THAT old, but they kind of act like it -Max and Kelly are more mature than others (I mean, they do have Penelope) -so they would kind of treat her like an innocent babygirl -and they love it -"Don't worry Schatje, me and Kelly will do everything. You just sit here and look pretty" -Max is protective of her, but me thinks Kelly is a bit more -she doesn't like when guys are near her -she would sometimes pick clothes for her to wear -protective waist holding -they surely took her and P to a lot of ski trips -and Penelope? she adores Amira -I think if they would ever manage to get together with her, she would get babied a lot (but not in a weird way)
Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Saint Mleux -Cottage Core Vibes -they are the definition of privat but not secret -i think they tease the internet the whole time with quite strange pictures -for example: Charles post a picture of Leo with clearly two women there -or Alex posting a mirror picture with Baby!Sainz in the background, in their bedroom -they are unsurprisingly very affectionately -words of assurance are a daily thing -always calling her jolie fille, petite fleur or dove -Alex and her would be all matchy-matchy when it comes to nails, shoes, clothes… -if Alex is wearing a white dress and Baby!Sainz a black one, be sure to expect Charles to wear a black jeans with a white shirt -they would spend the summer-break with her on the yacht -would treat her like a princess -Charles would write a song for her, of course -the prince of Monaco and his two princesses
Pierre Gasly and Francisca Gomes -Ok it might only be me that thinks like that but hear me out -I feel like Pierre and Kika a very possessive of her -no doubt they already manipulated her to spend more time with them -of course she wouldn't find out -if they are sitting somewhere, Pierre will have a hand on her thigh and Kika would play with her hair -and Amira would only be like: Oh physical touch is their love language -would tease her with their touches -when Kika buys her a necklace and puts it on her in front of a mirror while babygirl holds her hair up, she will definitely kiss her from the shoulder to her neck -or when Pierre helps her take of her heels, be sure to expect his hand to lightly touch her thigh -we all know how much PDA those two like -they will not hesitate to do the same with her -in the club, when they are dancing, she will be in the middle -the hands will roam each other and….. -well babygirl surly isn't the smartest one out there -they will be possessive till the end of the world
Daniel Ricciardo and Heidi Berger -the fun couple -they call her Roo, because she is their very own Kangaroo -if Baby!Sainz ever seeks an adventure, she knows where she has to go -they would take her on late night drives -she wants McDonalds at 3am? No problem, let us grab our shoes -during the Australia GP she is certainly staying with them -they teach her how to surf and take her to the Australian Zoo -Of course, Babygirl has to sleep in their rooms -what if a big bad spider is in her bed? -or a snake that wants to bite her? -only Heidi and Daniel can protect her -when they have a bond fire, Heidi will brush her hair and Daniel will take a hundred of pictures -and if she falls asleep on Heidis lap while Daniel plays the guitar, that's no-ones business but their own
George Russell and Carmen Mundt -Old money vibes -they are without a doubt the couple that always celebrates each others accomplishments -George likes to show the two of them of -I mean, who wouldn't like to have those two by their side -they will take her anywhere -a family feast? Ohh honey, you have to meet my grandma -a Tommy Hilfiger shoot? Honey the always need more models -a vacation in Spain? Honey, you know George will get a sunburn without us -what really makes her heart race is when she is talking and they give her 100% of their attention -she is actually always happy when George is shirtless -for example: the Watermelon picture (fr that was freaking hot) -their will always leave space in the middle for her -I think, they are quite protective
Oscar Piastri and Lily Zneimer -they give me the quite kind of love -shared glances -fleeting touches -i feel like they were quite shy with each other the first time they met -over time, they opened up more to each-other -now they will have a monthly movie night -her head on Lily's lap -her feet on Oscar's lap -they have insider jokes with each other -if Baby!Sainz ever needs quite time, they are the perfect couple for that -I imagine long walks on the beach during the sunset -sharing the same blanket and watching the sky
Alex Albon and Lily Muni He -like Pierre and Kika I think the are quite possessiv as well -They would certainly be the funny couple as well -but I think that they sometimes get quite jealous as well -they will post her often on Instagram -include her in all the fun activity's -however, if they think she spends to much time with someone unimportant, they always have a reason to get her away -"Oh my god, love! I have to show you this new bag i got you. It's blue and small and-oh hi George- and has a bit glitter on it and…." -as I said -possessive -they would be the couple to cuddle her when she's sick -play with her fingers during a conversation -make her look at them with a hand under her chin
Extra: Rebecca Donaldson -she is like a third sister to Amira -always goes shopping with her -which doesn't make Carlos happy -they are the types to read the Vogue together and watch the Met Gala with each-other -Mira and Becca are a dream team -me thinks they have the quite kind of friendship -the giving advice to each-other and are complete honest -Carlos is happy that they get along amazingly, but what do you mean his sister is here to visit Rebecca and not him??????
Lewis Hamilton -let's be honest -we all have an older man crush -and hers is 100% Sir Hamilton -I mean, look at those hands -look at his tattoos -is the type to buy dresses for her -when she wants to go out, "here baby, use my credit card" -he can make her blush and giggle like a school girl -he would definitely be the soft but dominate partner -with him, she truly is babygirl -would buy the world for her -(Am I listening to Older by Isabel LaRosa? Yes!)
Lando Norris -oh boy -on one hand Lando would feel very guilty -it is his best friends littles sister after all -but the heart wants what it wants -and his wants Amira Sainz -at first Lando would be kind of like a dork -trying to make her laugh all the time -taking her to go karting together -meeting his friends -but over time Lando would become more bolder -the hugs would linger -he would stare more -and the nicknames would include a my -"What did you do today, MY pretty girl?" -"MY darling, aren't you a sight fore sore eyes" -if she ever starts doubting herself, he will be the first one to stop her -would have one of her necklaces around his neck all the time -he would use stupid excuses to spend time with her -"my girl, can you help me with my curls again?" -he might have been Lando Norizz a long time ago -but now he's full of Rizz (?)
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wheelie-sick · 7 months
this is going to be a long post, it's kinda just me writing all my raw unfiltered thoughts on ABA therapy as someone who actually went through it
-> TW for ABA therapy, child abuse, suicide <-
I was functionally diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 but it wasn't until I was 13 that I was actually formally evaluated for it and given an official diagnosis. I was behind in social skills and developmental skills
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[ID: "was also described as a sensory seeker. She does not currently have any friends and has struggled to make and maintain peer relationships throughout her childhood. Difficulties with social skills were initially noted when she was in preschool (years before the onset of clinically significant symptoms of anxiety and"]
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[ID: "Social functions: [blank]'s mother also completed a questionnaire rating her social responsiveness. Her responses on the SRS-2 indicated that [blank] is demonstrating severe deficits in the areas of Social Communication (reciprocal social interaction and nonverbal and verbal communication), Social Motivation (motivation to engage in social-interpersonal behavior) and Social Awareness (perceiving social cues) and moderate deficits in the areas of Social Cognition (understanding social cues). Severe Repetitive and Restrictive Behaviors (stereotypical behaviors or highly restricted interests) were also reported. The total T-score on the SRS-2 indicates severe deficiencies in reciprocal behavior that are likely to result in interference in everyday social interaction"]
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[ID: "%ile) are mildly impaired, while her social skills are moderately impaired (2nd %ile). By domain, demonstrates mildly to moderately impaired abilities in six adaptive skills areas, including self care (9th %ile), communication (5th %ile), home living (5th %ile), self-direction (2nd %ile), social (2nd %ile), and leisure (1st %ile)"]
and ultimately all this ended up with the number one recommendation after my autism evaluation being for ABA therapy.
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[ID: "Recommendations: Based on the above results, the following recommendations are made for [blank] and her family.
1. ABA therapy: [blank] May benefit from an intensive treatment program to foster cognitive and communication skills, improve independence and adaptive functioning, and help manage interfering behaviors (i.e home-based, 1:1 instruction, task analysis, etc.) Most private and community programs are based on principals of operant conditioning and taught in home with 1:1 instruction"]
*I'm getting misgendered here. my pronouns are he/him
"operant conditioning"-- like a dog 🐕🐕. woof woof.
my mom didn't know any better so she put me in ABA therapy with the Center for Autism and Related Disorders. she regrets this. I regret this more.
my autism evaluation was cruel, it dissected all my flaws as if I was a bug under a microscope in a highschool laboratory. my evaluation was passed around to ABA therapists, a line of high schoolers peering through the microscope examining the most vulnerable parts of me.
and I choose the highschool analogy quite deliberately. most of the ABA therapists at my center were recent highschool graduates with no degree and little training. they knew nothing about autism and had no qualifications. you need more certificates to become a professional dog trainer than to become a professional human trainer.
"operant conditioning"
and I wish I could say it was just a poor choice of words but ABA therapy was dog training for children. my dad used to call me an "it" and somehow I felt less dehumanized by that than the entire experience I had in ABA therapy.
I was the oldest person at my center (I did not receive in home therapy) with the next oldest being approximately 3 years younger than me. at the time I felt babied. I was surrounded by 5 year olds and I was treated as if I was not just a 5 year old but an autistic 5 year old and anyone who has been a visibly autistic 5 year old knows what that feels like. I had escaped being an autistic child and now I was being treated like one again. The head of the program tried to console me by telling me adults received their services too.
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[ID: "Following the principles of applied behavior analysis, CARD has developed a treatment approach for children and adolescents with"]
this was the first lie they told me. CARD does not work with adults.
I was not allowed the privileges of being a 13 year old. because I was an autistic 13 year old and therefore I was the equivalent of a 5 year old. I was in psychotherapy at the same time and I had grown very accustomed to some level of freedom in therapy. I was allowed to use the bathroom independently. in ABA therapy I was not allowed to use the bathroom independently. I tried once, me and my therapist were on an "outing" to the grocery store and I told my therapist I was going to the bathroom and walked off and I got a very stern talking to about how I needed to "stop eloping" and if I didn't stop it would "become a behavior"
eloping became a common theme used to control me and squeeze money out of my parents.
out of everything I hated in my life, including severe physical abuse at home (which they did not report), I hated ABA therapy the most. I would repeatedly make serious threats of suicide to try to get out of ABA. no one cared. everyone thought I was being dramatic but there were times I wrote out suicide notes and ABA was among the reasons I listed. ABA made me feel hopeless, depressed, revolting, disgusting, inferior, and less than human. between ABA, my home life, and my social life I had never felt so hated and it was boiling through my skin. I acted out, I was bullying people, I was behaving recklessly, I was starting fights, and all this only made the oppressive force of ABA crack down on me harder. I was a cat hissing in the corner begging to be left alone and ABA brought a net to try to tame me further. every time I scratched back it was listed as a reason I needed to be there.
I was "disruptive" and "rebellious" and "uncooperative" and "resistant to treatment" and no one could figure out why I was "regressing" despite me shouting the answer. I was screaming and no one was willing to hear me
I hated myself and my autism. my autism diagnosis made me want to die. I didn't feel freed by it or understood I felt ashamed and disgusted. I felt incompetent and like I had failed. I was ashamed to be at ABA, it was my biggest secret. I'd lie to my friends about why I couldn't hang out and I'd lie to people in public about who the woman I was with was and I'd lie about all of it to try to cover up my most shameful secret.
ABA therapy did nothing but foster this. In ABA therapy I was mocked for being autistic and what was happening only clicked when a young kid, maybe only 4 or 5, was flapping his hands and a therapist took out her phone and recorded him. we were circus animals. it was all an entertaining show to them while they poked and prodded at us with metaphorical hot irons to make us dance. the first time a therapist laughed at me for rocking back and forth I wanted to throw up. I almost did. it was systematic bullying of children I was forced to watch and experience.
my point is: the last place on earth I wanted to be was the ABA center.
so of course I tried to leave. my mom would bring me McDonald's and I'd beg, sobbing real tears, to leave early because only she could sign me out. every time I'd go to meet her I'd be marked as "eloping" and my hotel stay in hell would get extended.
my natural response to a stressful environment (leaving) was pathologized. I was eloping this way and that way and never once did I actually, truly elope. that word was a weapon used against me. they used my "elopement" to justify extending my stay to my parents. they ate it right up.
they argued I needed to stay there because I was making friends. this was true, I'm great at getting along with children it's part of why I want to go into pediatrics, but I had also made real friends with people my age at my highschool. ABA was getting in the way. I wanted to spend time with my friends outside of school but ABA took up all my time from the minute I left school to 6pm and all day on weekends. I was doing a full time job's worth of hours. I complained about how I was missing out on spending time with my real friends (as in, over the age of 7) and I was met with almost no wiggle room in my schedule. I was allowed to pre-plan time to spend with friends but every time my friend group wanted to do something spontaneously? I had to say no, and I had to lie about why. my friends would share stories about driving around town with 2 people in the group stuffed in the trunk, of hanging out in the woods together, of taking part in ordinary highschool activities as ordinary high schoolers and it made me cry because I was not an ordinary highschooler and I was not allowed to participate in ordinary highschool activities. I was one of those weird, unpleasant, socially awkward autistic people instead. eventually, they just stopped inviting me. I was forced into the out group by ABA.
I'll never get that back. I'll never get a chance to be a normal highschooler ever again.
when I did have time available to hang out with people I never had the energy to. at the time I was living with an undiagnosed physical disability and I was begging to see a doctor but no one would believe that it wasn't just anxiety. the people who believed me least of all were the people at the center.
I was constantly told I was trying to get out of therapy by "feigning" very real pain and fatigue. I tried to explain spoon theory, and that I had limited spoons, and in response they made a task for me to name things to "regenerate spoons" that's not how it works. I wasn't the only physically disabled person there. there was a wheelchair user who was constantly forced to stand for periods of time despite being in agony doing it. he wasn't allowed rewards until he did it.
rewards were used to train us like dog treats are used with dogs. sometimes the treats were fun! I'd get to cook, play Mario kart, and go on outings. other times the treats were "using the correct name and pronouns for me." I'd constantly be threatened with deadnaming and misgendering if I was being "noncompliant."
misgendering because of my autism was a theme in my life. my neuropsych evaluation report misgendered me. my parents misgendered me. the staff at ABA misgendered me. at one point the head of the program suggested that my "gender confusion" was because of my autism. my abusive father latched onto this and still claims that the reason I'm "confused" about my gender is because the evil transgenders tricked me into thinking I'm one of them because I'm autistic and therefore easily impressionable.
the two therapists I had were nice because I refused to work with the others. they weren't on a power trip and both eventually left because they realized the harm the organization was doing. other therapists were not so kind. other therapists were on a power trip, because in their mind lording over autistic 5 year olds (and autistic 14 year olds) makes them powerful and strong. occasionally I'd get stuck with one of the other therapists when my usual therapists were out. they would talk to me in a baby voice. they would make fun of me for rocking back and forth, for not making eye contact, for talking about Skyrim "too much" and generally just for being autistic.
I never really knew what I was supposed to be doing, just that I was doing it wrong. the therapists there rarely actually told me what my tasks were they'd just mark yes or no on them, judging me for something I wasn't aware of. I was never actually supposed to graduate, I was never supposed to get out, if they wanted me to succeed they would have taught and explained what was happening but I was intentionally left in the dark.
I continued threatening suicide to get out. no one took me seriously. I was seriously considering it. there's no happy conclusion where someone finally realized it was all wrong, or I figured out how to be allistic and graduated, or I felt more comfortable there. I only got out when covid struck and shut the center down. it's gone now, replaced by a family advice center. I hope their advice for autistic children is to never put them in ABA.
there is no grander message here just suffering. I'm sorry if you were expecting some sort of great point at the end of this. there's not one. it happened, I wish it didn't, and I hope no one else experiences what I did ever again.
okay to reblog
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hdra77 · 2 months
hmmm, about the disarray post from one or few days ago, can i maybe hear something about SRS n' Spear?:]
(my favs, so uhh :'D)
WARNING : this post contains death, experimentation and mentions on some dark themes. view at your own risk!!
SEVEN RED SUNS, a second gen iterator. very ambitious and persistent in finding ways to achieve what they desired the most.
back when the ancients were still around, during the time where they were all finding different alternatives to solve the great problem. all kinds of various projects were built: huge machines, high tech devices, etc. and suns' project was one of the few who had gain..some bit of 'success' during its opening.
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they created the spiritual ascension project where ancients are placed inside a capsule and be put into an unconscious state as their spirits separates itself from their physical body before travelling across the astral plane.
but mysteriously, the project was shortly discontinued and nobody knows why except for the founder of this project.
suns refused to explain what truly happened to their project and why it had lead to be shut down almost immediately after its debut. some speculated that an incident occurred or a freak accident. or if it did worked out in the end but its success eventually lead to its downfall at some point.
but they carried this secret to the grave for many, many, many cycles. most of their life was a lie. reassuring their citizens,their friends and fellow local group, lying to others that their project was a success but it was later discontinued due to strict rules from their council administrators. seven red suns is most likely known for their project even as of the present cycle. surprisingly they managed to hold onto that lie for so long.
they had a knack for experimentation. they love to study organisms and modify them into their liking or, just to simply learn on how far they could go with all this power in their hands. they would simply place these failed experiments into that same capsule that doomed their citizens' fates and 'ascend' them. and even until now they would still try to find ways to turn their project into a success. despite the amount of lives ruined because of them. not like they do mean it though. they just wanted to fix everything and because of how much they have fed themselves with lies they would turn on a blind eye and reassures themselves that the spiritual ascension project worked. and that they had helped those poor lives pass onto the spiritual realm.
they created many failed abominations after the mass ascension. desperately trying to find the solution until a massive triple affirmative outbreak occurred. although they were too cooped up in their can to even care that much until they noticed an opportunity.
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and thus the spearmaster was created, originally going to be one of the test subjects for the ascension project but had come soon to realize that this slugcat could help them.
spearmaster's purpose is to deliver messages to iterators, aiding others and helping those in need with the help of SRS and NSH. they seem to have redeemed themselves at least?? spearmaster is still the same, nothing much changed except that they have a device that allows them to speak to other iterators. spears and suns seemed to have a close bond but this slugcat is ignorant about the failed repurposed organisms created before them. and they appear to prioritize their purpose as messenger than to communicate with other fellow slugcats.
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now as for suns' relationship with other iterators i'll be including these two for now!
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suns and pebbles relationship : these two shared alot in common and appeared to be a lot more closer due to this.
Pebbles knows alot about suns' history and mostly about their project. he looks up to them and idolizes them. these two have more of a close mentor relationship and pebbles seemed to trust them enough to spew out all of his secrets, rambling and frustration after the mass ascension event. and suns is almost just as glad to listen to him.
suns admires him, it was almost as though they could see themselves through him…sometimes. but they show signs of uncertainty and anxiety whenever pebbles mentions about their project, or mentioning how much he wanted to be just like them. ambitious and successful. one who refuses to give up anytime soon. and especially when he pleaded to them to use that old device of theirs on him in the middle of his mental breakdown.
after five pebbles' sudden disappearance suns would only blame themselves for everything as they were the one to give him an advice to cut ties from his big sister despite the huge risk of him getting infected from the virus.
suns and sig's relationship : they are best friends!or atleast used to be.
suns isnt the type to disconnect themselves from their superstructure and roam around free. they were more so the type to isolate and busied themselves with experiments. NSH however is the opposite. he's alot more adventurous and outgoing, despite being out in such a dangerous time he's tanky and a decent fighter. their first encounter was when he so happened to stumble upon an active superstructure and as he explored around the place. he eventually encountered suns in their can with their messenger.
the project is already common knowledge to other iterators and sig is one of the few who has not heard of them before until he read a pearl that contains blueprints of the capsules and information of the project. but whenever he asked them of it suns mostly avoided talking about such topic which made sig become a bit suspicious of them. he tries to piece puzzles together out of pure curiosity, theorizing and trying to pry answers out of them.
their relationship only became more strained after pebbles' disappearance, since he was also sig's friend it was also very obvious how close pebbles is with suns and how it could also be possible that suns has something to do with it. add that with the gaps of their history it was clear to sig that they were hiding something from him. from everyone else.
and thats all of them!! phew this was really long LMAO i was so happy when i got an ask about this au like you've NO idea how obsessed i am with them!!i love rambling about this au and any questions are very much welcomed!! <33 also bonus: this is literally their theme song
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scorpioriesling · 5 months
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Dance For Me, Baby HC
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Rhysand / Eris / Azriel / Lucien / Cassian / Tamlin x reader
Summary: Each male is in a different situation with a famous female with you as the OC, and you're in a performance-based setting. The perfomance is based on the song/dance listed with each character (:
SR’s Note: I hope you guys like this lol idk where or why I thought this one up
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Rhysand's Performance - Vigilante Shit (Taylor Swift)
"Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man."
"WHOOO, YES!" Rhysand unashamedly shouts through the quieted arena, all eyes turning to face him and gush
All your fans knew of your relationship, and to put it simply... the two of you were absolute goals
He was the best boyfriend, coming to every show he could, always being so supportive of you, and offering his love in every way -- when you were on (and off) the stage
You can't help but chuckle into the mic while trying to remain serious during your song as Rhys bobs his head along to your sensual song, swaying back and forth with your movements
"And she looks so pretty..." you lilt, and he claps loudly from the front row where he watches
"YES SHE DOES!" he shouts. You roll your eyes playfully, many fans in the pit "aww"ing at the interaction and watching the two of you
You try and remember to focus your attention to the whole crowd as you perform your routine on the chair -- it's hard when your handsome man is literally right there, catching your eye
Ugh, let's face it -- that chair should be him, shouldn't it?
Nonetheless, it propels you to dance harder, and keep going; you know his pride in you, and the reward you'll get later for working so hard
Sneaking a glance just one more time at Rhys, he's gazing at you lustfully, a smirk on his lips as he watches your arms and body roll in tandem with the music, the beads on your tiny dress swaying with each movement of your hips
The moment the song ends and the stagelights dim, you feel his delicate touch in your mind, voice delicate, unlike his promise of what is to come post-show
"I'll be the one getting revenge later, darling."
・゚:* ✧・��: *
Eris' Performance - Greedy (Tate Mcrae)
"Alright! Let's uh... let's run Greedy one more time before we call it? Yeah?" Your manager's voice echoes through the open arena, bouncing off the open walls. You nod, and glance to the left corner of the arena when outside light floods in
One of your bodyguards is ushering in someone, and it only takes you a moment to figure out who it is. You hold up a "1" finger, and your manager sighs, nodding from the sound booth near the ceiling as you hop off the stage and jog toward your bodyguard and the approaching guest
"Hey!" You say, excitedly throwing your arms around your boyfriend's neck. He smiles brightly, pulling you into a hug and spinning you around by your waist
"Hey baby," he mumbles into your hair, setting you onto the ground gently. He pulls back to gaze into your eyes, and you smile breathlessly up at him, sweat sticking on your forehead
"I'm sorry I got here a little early to pick you up, " he glances around. "Maybe I can watch the end of your rehearsal?" He asks cautiously. You roll your eyes playfully and push his shoulder lightly
"I'm mainly practicing my moves today," you say. He glances to the top of your head and smirks
"I can tell," You gasp and swat his chest, causing him to laugh. You cross your arms over your chest
"Well... I've been at it all day. I can't promise it'll be all that good," you say. He only shrugs
"Show me what you've got."
You raise your brow at the challenge, sauntering back to the stage and climbing back upon it
"HIT IT!" You shout, and your manager begins the track to your song "greedy". On instinct, you begin singing along. Your voice is drowned out by the loud music, but you don't mind; Eris has heard you sing a million times
You accentuate each move to the fullest, performing this time as though your life depends on it. He has approached the edge of the stage, lightly crossing his arms over his chest, and staring you down like he's ready to eat you whole
You continue to dance, whipping your hair and moving your ass in a circle the way you were choreographed to do, but as full as you are physically able. Eris watches intently, smirking and shaking his head at you
As the song draws to a close, you stand, panting and bracing your hands on your hips
"Alright! I'll call it for today." Your manager says over the speakers. "Really good run, Y/N. Maybe your boyfriend should come to all our rehearsals," she says with a chuckle. You can't help but huff a laugh, dropping to your knees and sliding off the stage. Eris meets you, brows high on his forehead as he leans close to whisper in your ear
"Don't ever tell me you don't dance good again."
・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Azriel's Performance - Don't Start Now (Dua Lipa)
Azriel was more than excited to be your +1 to an awards show you'd been invited to perform at
This wasn't your first performance, as you'd toured before, done shows, all that... but you'd only been with Azriel for a couple of years, and you hadn't toured in that time, meaning he'd never seen you perform live
"You have a lot of fans," he said, wrapping his hand around your waist tighter as a million cameras flashed around the two of you on the carpet outside the venue
"Trust me dear -- they find you much more interesting," you say. You love to see the small tinge of pink that shades his cheeks, only you being the one to make him blush
After a few short interviews, autographs, and more photos -- Azriel walks you toward the stage door and presses a sweet kiss to your cheek
"You will do amazing, my love." He says
He's the only one to make you blush, too
"I'll find you after," You promise. He gives you one last small smile, and leaves you go get prepared for your performance
You don't meet his stare again until you're taking the stage for your hit single, "Don't Start Now"
The way his eyes roam over you in your pink two piece outfit make you feel as though you're one of the trophies being handed out tonight, and you begin singing, walking in time to your song with your dancers
When you get to the dance break, you're directly in front of Azriel in the front row, his eyes wide as he takes you in fully moving like a goddess in front of his very eyes
Kicking your feet in your cute boots, swaying your hips in your high cut sparkly pink bottoms, and rolling on the stage floor has the crowd cheering in awe -- and has your boyfriend speechless
By the end of the performance, your chest heaves breathlessly as you smile and look around, Azriel standing to clap above his head for you
You wink and saunter off the stage, changing quickly to not waste any more time not by his side. When you arrive at his side again, he pulls you close, hugging you fully
"You're... really, really good at dancing..." he says sheepishly, grinning so wide that all of his perfect teeth show
You giggle at him, kissing his reddened cheek. You love when he gets all giddy and speechless for you
・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Lucien's Performance - ... Baby One More Time (Britney Spears)
It was well into your tour when Lucien was finally able to come see you
You were so excited for him to finally be able to see you perform
He loved your girlypop songs, and he thought you were so cute in your little outfits you'd shown him
But, this was the first time he would get to finally see you live
He was in a private suite, and you could see him from everywhere on the stage
You were a little nervous pre-show, as you'd heard murmurs of rain showers in the area and the arena wasn't enclosed
Nonetheless -- you were going to perform your little heart out. It was just in youe nature to do so anyway, besides the fact that your boyfriend was finally there to see you
As tough as it was, you couldn't see Lucien pre-show. You really, really wanted to -- but between warm-ups, rehearsal, and hair and makeup, you did not want to distract yourself and Lucien agreed to see you first thing afterwards
Just knowing he was there, he was in the arena was enough for you to buzz with a different kind of energy that excited you more than ever before
When assembling your outfits in order, you yanked the typical pink one off the rack. Your outfits director gave you an incredulous look, and you only smirked at her. "I think I'm ready to try out that other one you recommended a few weeks ago"
She only chucked at you, replacing it with the skimpier option for the "Baby One More Time" number. "Maybe your boyfriend should attend all your shows", she said with a wiggle of her eyebrows
As the show started, you were able to spot him immediately. With his flaming red locks and overly joyful cheers, you couldn't help but perform harder than you had before
Each outfit change had him giving you a smile and a thumbs up like a dork, but once you were nearing the end of the show, you knew the last number was what would do him in
The stage descended into darkness, and you were hurriedly changed into your final outfit. You took a steadying breath in and scurried to one end of the ascention plane, your dancers surrouding you as the opening notes of "Baby One More Time" began
The lights arose, and the crowd erupted in cheers. The stagelights bathed every crystal on your glittering Swarovski bralette in radiant essence, and you tipped the edge of your fuzzy cowgirl hat once as you began strutting down the walkway, swaying your hips in your low-rise jeans. As if on cue, thunder cracked overhead and rain begain drizzling in from above, cascading over your esposed torso. You sang along to the beat, rolling your hips and flipping your soaking locks over your shoulder. The plane you stood on rose from the stage, and your abs flexed slightly as you fought for balance on the unstable surface
Your eyes met with Lucien's -- his jaw hung, and his mouth in a dramatic "O". You couldn't help but smile through your performance, playing up the movements as the song neared its ending
The crowd roared when you finished, and you thanked everyone for coming, waving to them all and blowing a kiss to your boyfriend. He met your eyes, and pointed to the door backstage, mouthing "You. Me. Back there. You know it." With a little wink
I'll leave you to just imagine the rest (;
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Cassian's Performance - Espresso (Sabrina Carpenter)
Performing at a festival for the first time? A dream
Performing at a festival for the first time while your boyfriend was there watching you? A dream come true
Cassian was your biggest supporter in everything, especially your music career -- so when you were set to headline at one of Velaris' biggest music festivals, he was all over it
He even wore an "I <3 Y/N" shirt, but that is besides the point
You'd spent all morning getting ready with your team, the warm summer sun only encouraging you to get in the mood to perform your new song for the summer to the awaiting fans outside the doors of your backstage prep room
"Y/N! On in five!" The stage manager called. You smiled to yourself one last time, savoring these last few moments before you'd allow anyone outside your recording team and your boyfriend to hear your new hit single
When you finally took the stage, you walked back and forth, allowing the cool breeze to ruffle your long hair and cool your nerves burning through your skin. This was new for you, performing at this festival, and you worked the crowd for a little crowd interaction as you gazed to the right section where Cassian promised he'd be
The sight of his wings behind him left you smiling as he waved both hands over his head, and you send him a small wave in return. You also couldn't help but giggle at the corny tee he donned, dispite the taunts he'd recieved from Rhys and Azriel about it as the intro to "Espresso" began
As if on instinct, you began moving in time with your dancers to the song, keeping your movements small and controlled to conserve energy while singing your heart out. Nonetheless, you were performing - and the crowd was loving it, swaying and cheering along, but none of them as enthusiastic as your boyfriend
When you'd reached the end of your performance, you gave the edge of your fluffy white skirt one final toss and winked to Cassian before waving to the crowd. They erupted in applause, and Cassian cluthched his heart, pretending to faint before smiling widely at you. You giggled once more, skipping happily down the steps of the stage to the sectioned off area of the crowd to watch as the next performer geared up to take the platform. Cassian embraced you with his arms wide, lifting you high and rubbing your small back with his large hands
"Ha Ha!! Yesss that's my girl!" He praised. "You did amazing, sweetheart," he said, setting you back down and twirling you in a circle, admiring you from head to toe
"Why thank you, love bug." You say, standing on your absolute tippy-toes to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. He holds you in place with his hands wrapped around your waist, his voice a raspy whisper agaist the shell of your ear
"I'll drink your Espresso any day."
・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Tamlin's Performance - Obsessed (Olivia Rodrigo)
Tamlin had been to your shows a few times, as he was your best friend... well, you were his best friend
Sure, he was yours too, but... you'd always wanted more with him. How he didn't see that? You weren't sure
You always listened to his problems, been there for him when he needed you, and he was always there for you too
This show was an example of that. You were performing an unreleased song, one that would be a huge suprise for your whole fanbase, and as this was something you'd never done before, naturally, you were nervous
Of course you confided in your best friend about it, and he was perfect about it; he made you feel better, gave you all the courage you needed...
"What is the song about?" he'd asked you
"Well... there's this guy..." His brows had raised
"Oh?" He'd asked, suprised
"It's not about the guy, just... about his ex girlfriend, ectually. Haha," you'd explained. He only noded.
"Well that's... different. I didn't know you liked anyone." You immediately tensed, wanting to change the subject.
"It's also making me nervous, I hope people will like my aesthetic change too. I'm going with red this time... not... purple, like usual." You stammered. He nodded looking at the floor.
"What kind of red?" He asked. You looked around, eyes landing on the very thing that you two shared the most in common.
"Like, the color of the wooden panes of your fiddle."
It was after that he told you he actually wouldn't be able to come to this show. Which sucks, because you really, really wanted him to come. Little did he know, he was the guy. You liked him. He was going to come all along, why all the sudden the cold feet?
You sighed to yourself as you exited the stage, changing into the very outfit you'd hoped to be debuting for Tamlin today. As if on cue, your assistant rushes up to you with a bouquet of 12 perfect red roses, a small card in hand. She was out of breath, as were you as your atage attendants pulled fabric over your shoulders and brushed through your hair.
"This... these... he said it had to be now," she breathed. You quickly took the card from her, eyes scanning over the words.
You know I wouldn't miss this for the world. And quite frankly, I think you look beautiful in red.
You recognised the handwriting immediately, and your heart felt like it might explode out of your chest. Your assistant took the card back from you, promising to put the flowers in your dressing room as your brand new, shiny red guitar was thrust into your arms and the stage section you stood on was being lifted once more
You met the lights, the screams, the cheering -- and you looked. You searched the sides, the back, all around. You wouldn't find him, it was no use
You didn't care. He was here. He was here to see you. And he thought you were beautiful
The intro of "Obsessed" begins, and you shakily start the motions you'd practiced over and over. Dragging a sensual hand down your chest, the crowd roars and you're filled with confidence, moving to strum a few chords on your guitar. Its not long before you retire it for a microphone instead, heading toward the corner of the stage for the part of the song where you sing laying on the stage floor
It's then, when you're belting the lyrics, back arched, the you look to the side and meet those familiar emerald eyes, staring at you in shock. His strong arms are flexed over his chest, satisfaction and awe gleaming in his stare. You only smirk and continue, thrusting your hips and writing on the ground with the lyrics
As you continue your show, the crowd goes absolutely wild, and you're a panting mess by the end of it -- a panting, satisfied, excited mess
When you round the corner to your dressing room, you find him there, leaned against your vanity, hands braced against the edge of it as his lustful eyes meet yours. His roses are sat nest to him on the table, and you can't help but grin as you slowly saunter into the room, quietly closing the door behind you. He is the one to break the silence first, licking his lips as he drinks you in with his stare
"So... it seems there is something we needed to discuss, Y/N."
・゚:* ✧・゚: *
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bingusbongu · 7 months
(Sorry I'm about to send like 4 requests /srs)
May. May I request some rottmnt Leon general dating hcs..
A/N: HEY BESTIE,,,, dawg really sent me 8 requests,,,, oh well here is my take on Leolanadro dating hc!!!!!! Im tired,,, sorry if this is to short
Leonardo Dating hcs♡
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• he is a HUGE flirt. Even before you and him even began a relationship, he is finding the most wildest pick up lines that he can think of, and blurting them out without even thinking about it
• he would totally get hurt and when you rush to his aid he takes this chance to flirt
"Ow,,, ive hurt myself from falling,,,, for you ;)"
• does litterly EVERYTHING to get a blush or a giggle out of you it makes him look stupid (he already does)
•and when he actually manages??? His ego boosts, and he gets all proud of himself. The smugest smile ever
• NEVER uses your real name. He HAS to call you a nickname. From the moment you guys started dating, and even before he had a stupid nickname for you. And you just have to go along with it
• does litterly anything and EVERYTHING to try and impress you. Whether it just be chugging a whole can of soda without burping, he does it just to earn your praise. (He is also alittle insecure,,, make sure he knows how amazing he is ♡)
• he loves physical affection, atleast just holding your hand or tackling you into a hug to cuddle. But i also think he would use words of affirmation. Praising you on every little thing you do, even if you are just sitting there with him, he will just come up with a praise out of nowhere, and not even realize it.
• he also needs words of affirmation from you, make sure he is doing a good job and you love and appreciate him<3
• when he has to leave you or you have to leave, he wont let it happen without getting a kiss from you. Whether it just be a quick peck or a cheek kiss, he needs a kiss before he leaves. And has the biggest grin when he gets it
• speaking if which, when he is out with his brothers without you, he complains so much. Complsining about how he misses you and your kisses and your hand in his and the way you lean against him -
• his brothers had to ducktape his mouth shut because of how much he was complaining about missing you.
• Donnie is getting so tired of here about you from Leo that he had to pull you aside and ask what you see in him. But alittle releaved since Leo goes to you to bother instead of him.
• Mikey thinks you guys are ADORABLE. Having Leo come home after a date and tell him EVERYTHING because he needs to know
• Raph is happy for him! He is just very worried that he is going to get distracted during a battle or something even worse and get himself hurt because he couldn't stop babbling about you
• when he is done with his day, he is immediately searching you our to find you, kiss you, lay ontop of you and tell you about his day and the recent battle. (Def twists the story to make him look like the only hero)
• you have to wear earplugs simetimes at night to drown out Leo from being up or making alot of noise in the middle of the night. Or, sometimes you stay up with him for as long as you can jusr to talk to him or comfort him. Though, i also think he would love to hold you while you sleep. Even if he is awake, he'd like holding you close to him
• wakes you up super early because he is bored
• Dates are normal, going out to a different restaurant each week to try the food. And if there is pizza, Leo always orders that instead
• some of your dates though might be small, like him coming over to watch a show or movie with you
•you are one of his main priorities, alongside His Brothers, Dad, April, and Casey. So you bet your ass Leo would go out of his way to protect you and keep you safe. And you're his first concern when a battle is done. Has Donnie scan you just in case so many times.
• hold this poor baby PLEASE, he so needs it
• he makes sure to drag you along with him everywhere he goes, he dosnt go anywhere without you unless its a battle. He needs to keep you safe and he intends to to so.
• brags about you all the time, mever shuts up about how amazing you are. Telling everyone how you woke up this morning
• he is the type of guy to push you back in the car and close it just so he can open the door for you.
• when you enter the room he is automatically to your side and cracking up the worst pick up lines once again
• if you do actually manage to laugh at one of his jokes, he is already looking at rings to buy you
• if anyone tries to flirt with him, he will decline by going, "sorry, but im... taken." makes it so dramatic for no reason
• if you were to call him at any time and you could be halfway across the city and you need him, he is automatically up and out of the lair running to your destination to get to you he isnt slacking.
• LOVES the fact that you depend on him. Makes him so proud of himself, also gives him another bit of motivation to be a good leader!
• Casey is so happy to see you two together in a different timeline. Yet, has to constantly avoid Leo sometimes. Because he pesters Casey atleast once a day to see if you guys were married in the future.
• cant go a full day without seeing you at least once. He will show up to your home unannounced and break in. He's done it so many times that you just gave him a spare key.
• your home becomes his second hang out spot. If hes not at the lair, he is definitely hanging in your house and raiding your fridge for food
• his brothers dont question it, they know where hes at
• sends you random memes in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, LIKE???? leo honey, we need sleep
• gets so pouty when he has to leave you, but when he does he makes the most dramatic exits like jumping out of the window and shouting "WE SHALL MEET AGAIN, MY LOVE"
• He's so stupid, but we love stupid♡♡♡♡
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the-house-of-gaunt · 1 year
One thought
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(picture not mine, credit to the owner)
Note: First fic based on the headcanon that me and @veroriddle invented for this group blog. The pairing is Tom Riddle Sr X Tom Riddle Jr's wife!Reader with a glimps of Tom Riddle Jr X wife!Reader. Smutty fic, with cheating, sins and heirs. Kind of dark, Enjoy.
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The rain poured down gently against the walls and windows of the Riddle mansion, the fresh and pleasant air filled the rooms where it managed to enter such as the kitchen, the place where Y/n Riddle was busy thinking about what to make for dinner.
Since she had married Tom Riddle Jr, she had to greatly expand her culinary skills and now they had three wonderful children who obviously all had different tastes in food.
Y/n loved being a mother and loved her children even more, her father-in-law could say the same thing, a fixed thought had plagued him since the first time he saw the young woman pregnant with his first grandson, Salazar Riddle, and the second pregnancy with the twins did not help to calm the forbidden thoughts that kept lurking through his mind.
The two Riddle men were definitely similar, not only in looks but also in jealousy, they were both definitely jealous men even though they managed to hide it quite well with their blank stares or in the case of the older Riddle was by fake smiles.
The handsome Muggle was definitely jealous of his son's relationship with the beautiful witch, seeing her spending time with his son and allowing him to impregnate her, filling her up in such a way that she became all swollen and even more gorgeous drove him really crazy.
He wanted the same thing too, but it was definitely risky to knock her up while keeping it hidden from Tom Jr, that didn't mean it was impossible though, which is why just a few months after he fantasized and admired Y/n being pregnant with her and Tom Jr’s twins, a perfect plan to manage to get what he wanted came up in his mind.
It was a plan that would have wasted some time but would have worked, he was sure of it, he just had to have patience which was in short supply whenever his blue-green eyes stopped on her like they did at that moment.
The young woman was busy with the food she wanted to cook for dinner, soft music in the background made the scene almost unrealistic as if Tom Sr was dreaming it, which was why he had a sudden urge to have to check that this was not the case.
He approached from behind, as soon as he made sure that his son was busy having one of his usual discussions with the little toddler who was his first born and who looked so much like him despite the fact that they both kept denying it.
His big hands stopped on her hips causing her to jump slightly startled and turn toward him, a surprised look on her face-which disappeared shortly afterwards as soon as she realized it was only him.
No words were exchanged, Y/n did not have the chance because the man pressed his lips against hers in a hungry kiss before slowly kneeling down indicating to her not to make noise, therefore to stay quiet.
The young woman didn't even have time to figure out what was on his mind before it happened and she found herself on the counter, her legs spread wide and her underwear in his pocket, Tom Riddle Sr.'s gorgeous lips against her sex.
His tongue was working her well, concentrating in just the right places, making her struggling in keeping quiet. She had to bite her lower lip to prevent getting caught even if it was hard due to the overwhelming pleasure, which kept increasing as her hand buried itself in his short curly hair in an attempt to hold him even closer.
His blue-green eyes remained fixed on her the whole time while his lips worked in cooperation with his warm tongue and long fingers that were stretching her well, preparing her for what was to come next.
They both knew it was wrong but Y/n did not have the strength to say anything, too caught up in the pleasure and skills of the older man, finding herself therefore comparing her husband's skills with those of her father-in-law without shame or regret. 
Tom Marvolo Riddle was damn good with his tongue, how he worked her up sometimes but giving head wasn’t one of his favorite things, he highly preferred working with his long pale finger to be able to watch his wife curl in the pleasure he was able to give. Tom Riddle Sr instead, was eating her out like a starving man, he was for sure a giver and he didn’t mind at all getting her all ready and wet by just using his tongue and lips all the time; he had for sure some kind of long experience, Y/n could tell.
The music somewhat covered the sounds of the sins they were performing together.
As soon as Y/n reached her first orgasm, wetting the man's fingers, he shifted as he returned to his feet, cast a quick glance toward the kitchen door that was still open before turning the young woman around, slamming her against the counter while he focused on his pants and the skirt of her dress.
He wasn’t really planning a quickie with her for their first time but the rush and the danger that they could get caught was driving him even more wild, his cock twitching at the mere thought.
The young witch could feel his rock hard length against her exposed ass, she had to suppress a moan of pleasure, after Tom Sr nipped her neck whispering against her skin as he set her in position and buried himself inside her wet and warm pussy.
"Don't make any noise and go back to cooking, my dear" he commanded hoarsely, his hips starting to move after a moment while Y/n continued to try to cook dinner, her eyes rolling in the back of her head at the feeling of fullness that his cock caused her.
Tom Sr was also lost in the moment, his hips moving quickly, his balls hitting her clit as his lower abdomen kept slamming against the delicate skin of her ass causing a delicious noise that enticed him to go faster.
The old man had been imagining that moment for some time, it wasn't the first time he'd ended up coaxing her and hiding his tongue inside her or putting his cock inside her precious mouth, but they'd never gotten this far before now which freaked him out in a very good way.
His movements quickened, preventing the young woman from having the ability to do any other activity than biting her lip and concentrating on not moaning too loudly as the tip of her father-in-law's big cock brutally poked at the sweet points inside her, his big hand busy playing with her clit while the other fondled her milky tits that continued to bounce delightfully with every movement of his hips. Tom Sr was aware that her dress would be ruined since she gave birth just a few months previously to the two twins, therefore her breasts were still full with milk that lacked often, wetting the cloth of the gorgeous clothes her husband wanted her to wear.
Time passed too fast according to both, Tom Jr would have appeared in a short time at the kitchen door to ask how much time was left for food after Salazar and the twins would have started to insist and annoy him with their tantrums and cries caused by hunger.
That’s when Y/n moved her hand behind, grabbing Tom Sr's balls, her legs spread wider as she pressed her ass more against him, massaging his sacs causing low moans from the older man who soon filled her with his seed, continuing to thrust slowly for a few moments so that she took everything he had to offer before finally moving away to taking care of their clothes and they hair while Y/n washed her hands and quickly finished cooking dinner, right in time for her husband to appear as expected at the door.
Salazar stood behind him with furrowed brows and puffed out cheeks, visibly angry at his father for some particular reason.
The twins were in Tom's arms but as soon as he approached his father and her own wife, his dad reached for the two babies, taking them out of their father's arms while walking to the dining room. 
Salazar was still at the door, looking upset while he decided to interrupt the moment his father was trying to have with Y/n.
Indeed, Tom was pressing his body against her back making sure to grind his hips against her butt slightly, his nose smelling her perfume while it brushed softly against the skin of her neck "all worked up because of me, I hope” he whispered huskily in her ear, noticing her slightly blushed face.
Y/n covered her embarrassment and shame with a cough, answering in a teasing but loving voice “Always” before letting him kiss her hard and passionately, not noticing the little toddler reaching for them managing someway to take Tom off guard, pushing him away from his own mama to be able to have her for himself.
The young witch giggled at the scene, noticing how her husband was now the upset toddler while he looked with his red shiny eyes at his first born, who wasn’t paying attention to him too focused on getting all the kisses he wanted from Y/n.
“We should really try for the fourth one” the hiss reached her ear, making her shiver as she realized what her husband had said to her in Parseltongue since it was something he kept doing each time to suggest to have another heir, using the same intonation each time so that she could understand despite not being a descendant of Salazar Slytherin.
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cinnbar-bun · 9 months
Trading Cards- Cross Guild's Day Off 1 (Cross Guild x Reader)
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Summary: In which you work with the three Cross Guild officers and stumble across a new trading card game to introduce to them. Hilarity ensues.
Rating: SFW/Crack
Word Count: 1.8k
Notes: No relationships are defined, so feel free to headcanon whatever you want. I know it says x Reader up there and I wrote it in mind that it's a weird ass polycule but I made sure to leave it ambiguous for your reading pleasure. Reader is GN and gets Gumshoe'd, while Mihawk gains a gambling addiction. Minor swearing and violence (but funny).
A/n: Yes I collect the trading cards and I'll be damned if I don't put these three men through hell for funsies in this series (guess what's gonna happen next time).
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"What's with all those boxes?” Buggy rubs his red nose as he twirls a knife in hand as you walk into the office. 
“You’ll never believe this! Apparently, someone’s been selling trading cards of famous pirates and marines! It’s a crazy new thing!” You happily plop the boxes on your desk. “And so, I managed to nab a few boxes!” 
Crocodile lowers the newspaper he’s reading to reveal his agitated face. “With whose money?” 
“Oh, that’s no biggie,” you wave off. 
“I’m docking your next paycheck,” Crocodile states as he goes back to reading. Mihawk raises a brow. 
“I have to ask, can they really just sell cards of us like that?” The swordsman questions. “Besides, what makes cards like that so interesting? Isn’t this simply a child’s collection?” 
“That’s what you think! But apparently, there are some secret rare cards everyone’s been dying to get their hands on!” 
You get a dark blue box and marvel at it. 
“Hey, why the hell is that Straw Hat on it?!” Buggy screams. “He’s a nobody! Who the hell wants a card of him?!” 
“Don’t worry, there’s cards of you, I think,” you respond, and Buggy gasps before lunging for the box. “Where?!” 
“I think it’s in one of them,” you point to the many boxes, and Buggy huffs. 
“Well hurry up and get to them!” 
“Don’t you guys wanna open them? They’re meant to be played in fun games,” you ask. “Here, I’ll separate them by fours, and everyone gets to make a new deck!” 
“I have no desire to-” Crocodile begins as you drop the card packets on his desk. 
“This is a strange form of games, but my interest is slightly piqued. I’ll take some,” Mihawk says, extending his hand. Buggy pouts as he’s the last to get them. 
“Now, open!” You yell, while you and the Cross Guild leaders begin to open the card packets. Buggy is tearing through them, shuffling through the cards manically. 
“HUH?! ALVIDA?!” He screams. “That’s not fair! How is she in this?!” 
He gets more frustrated as he opens the remaining packets. “They all say ‘C’ on them!” 
“They’re all common then,” you explain. Buggy lets out a sob at his bad luck. Mihawk and Crocodile ignore Buggy’s wails before Mihawk clears his throat. 
“I’m not asking for any particular reason, but since this is supposed to contain the most famous pirates, does that mean Red-Haired Shanks is a part of this?” Mihawk asks, a curious tinge in his voice. 
“I believe he is in here,” you nod. At your confirmation, Mihawk glares at the cards in his hands and tears them up. 
“C. C. C. C. SR. SR. C. C. R. R. C. UC,” Mihawk reads aloud his card rarities as he opens the pack. 
“Woah, who’re the SR’s?” You ask before Mihawk tosses the cards to the floor and opens another pack. 
“C. C. C. C. C. R. R. UC. UC. R. C. C.” 
“Mihawk, are you-” 
“C. C. C. C. C. C. C. UC. UC. R. C. L.” 
“Holy shit,” Buggy stares in awe as Mihawk’s hands move faster and his eyes frantically roam over the cards. 
“C. C. C. C. C. C. C. R. R. UC. C. L.” 
Crocodile rolls his eyes as Mihawk eventually covers his face with his hands, the non-Shanks having pile of cards a mess on the floor.
“What do you have?” The hooked man asks you. 
“Let’s see…” you open some packets and shrug at the some of the common cards, before you smile at an SR card. “I got you!” 
You proudly show off your new SR rarity Crocodile card. Crocodile motions you to step closer and gazes at the card. “Huh. That’s interesting. I better be strong.” 
“Maybe. I mean, it is an SR, and that’s pretty good!” 
“Why the hell are you an SR?! That’s bullshit! You got your ass handed to you by Straw Hat-” 
Crocodile immediately silences Buggy by pressing his hook onto the clown’s throat. “Want to finish that?” 
You continue to hum as you go through more cards. “Oh, Boa Hancock!” You squeal. “She’s so cool!” 
“Not as cool as us…” Buggy whines. Mihawk is still despondent on the couch. 
“Woah, I got Mihawk, too!” You gasp as a very cool card of Mihawk sitting on his throne is in your hands. 
“Okay, now that’s complete and utter crap! These two get in, but I don’t?! What the hell! I should burn these guys!” 
“How did they find out how my outfit and room looked like…” Mihawk mumbled as his face scrunched up. 
“You guys are getting so worked up over some silly cards,” Crocodile clicks his tongue as his cigar hangs from his lips. 
“Easy for you to say! You at least have a card in here!” Buggy whines. “This is so stupid! (Y/n), give me the other boxes, now!” 
“Hey, don’t grab them!” You swat your hands at the clown. “Crocodile still has to open his.” 
“I don’t care about him! I want to find me!” Buggy grabs the first box you opened and notices a pamphlet. 
“Huh? ‘Get your starter packs to begin playing’?” Buggy squinted as he went through the listed starter packs. “Let’s see… Straw Hat, that red-head-” 
“Shanks?!” Mihawk jumps. 
“Not that red-head,” Buggy interjects, and Mihawk sighs. “Kaido, Big Mom, Crocodi- wait a damn minute! How are you the face of one of the starter packs?” 
“I am?” Crocodile blows a puff of smoke. 
“Yeah! ‘Seven Warlords of the Sea’ starter pack! You jerk! Why is it you?!” Buggy screams angrily as Crocodile chuckles and twirls his cigar in his fingers. 
“Well, I am the obvious choice, aren’t I?” Crocodile strokes his chin. “I am strong, handsome, and far more intelligent and renown than the others. Why wouldn’t they put me on the cards?” 
“And humble,” you mutter. 
“Another dock to your paycheck,” Crocodile adds, the smile on his face returning to his usual humorless appearance. 
You slump your shoulders pitifully. “Crocodile, I can barely afford instant ramen at this rate.” 
“Aw, it’s okay, Buggy’s here for you,” Buggy chuckles as he pats your back, relieved he’s not at the receiving end of Mihawk and Crocodile’s torment. 
The four of you continue to open box after box of booster packs, with you mostly happy to just see the cool art, and Buggy hitting the floor in retaliation to his awful cards. 
“Nothing! Not even one of me! And they’re all commons!” 
“I really don’t know how that happened…” you pitifully look at him. 
“You making fun of my nose?!” Buggy screamed, looking up at you as his makeup smeared down his face due to his crying. 
“Oh…” you wince at the sorry state he’s in. “It’s okay, we can always-” 
“Shiny foil!” Mihawk shouts, making everyone in the room jump. “Is it finally-” 
He pulls out the card, only to scream in agony as he drops to his knees and lets the card fall through his fingers. 
You curiously pick up the card, only to see it’s sadly not Shanks, but someone called… “Sogeking”? 
“Who is this?” You stared at the card. 
“(Y/n),” Mihawk shakily fumbles through his pockets and pulls out a bag of berries. “I don’t care what it costs. Go. Buy more boxes.” 
He drops the bag in your hands and shields his eyes with a hand. Crocodile opens another packet and lets out a chilling laugh. 
“What’s so funny, Croc?” Buggy asks, nervously anticipating how badly things will go when Crocodile is laughing like that. 
“You’re looking for a card of Red-Hair, aren’t you?” Crocodile’s voice lowers, the smirk on his face widening. 
“No we’re not!” Mihawk and Buggy shout at the same time, making you and Mihawk raise a brow at Buggy’s admission. 
“Oh? So then it’s fine if I keep this card? Perhaps sell it even?” Crocodile holds up the card and everyone’s eyes are wide as you three gasp. 
In his hand, is the Secret rarity Shanks card. 
“You…” Mihawk says under his breath. 
“How the hell did…” Buggy’s eye twitches. 
“Woah… so lucky,” your eyes lighten. Crocodile’s chest rises with every laugh he lets out. 
“Since no one else wants it, I think I may just sell it and get back the money (Y/n) stole for this!” He proclaims. 
In an instant, Mihawk stands up and pulls out Yoru, pointing it at Crocodile. 
“Hand it over.” 
“You don’t get to make the demands here, Hawk Eyes,” Crocodile shakes his head. “What are you willing to offer?” 
“Give it, or I’ll kill you.” 
“Okaaay, well, there’s no need to kill each other-” you stand up, trying to get between the two men. 
“I’m not asking again, Crocodile,” Mihawk threatens. Buggy scowls and then jumps to his feet, pulling out his knives. 
“Yeah! We aren’t asking again! Hand it over!” Buggy yells, feeling confident with Mihawk’s strength at his side. 
Mihawk locks his gold eyes onto Buggy and Buggy cowers in fear. 
“N-never mind! Have it!” He surrenders. 
You nervously think of what to do before you rip up the last packet in the room and pray to whoever is listening for another Shanks. 
C. C. C. C. C. C. UC. UC. C. C. C. 
You gulp. There’s only one more card. This card can either save your life, or lead to a massacre from Mihawk. Your fingers reach in and pull out the last card, and you raise a brow at the shiny gold border. 
“What is this,” you murmur as you finally reveal the full card. 
A Secret rarity Shanks card. But unlike Crocodile’s card, yours is a stunning art piece of Shanks. With a gold border and a badass look in Shank’s eyes, you’re in awe. Even Buggy gasps at the sight. 
“M-Mihawk! We got you a Shanks!” You flail the card in your hand to draw his attention, and Mihawk swipes the card from you. 
“Don’t do that! You’ll ruin it!” He lectures you and stares at the card. “Incredible. I never knew this was in here.” 
He drops Yoru to the ground and presses the card to his chest, as if all the weight in the world was finally gone from him. Crocodile rolled his eyes and promptly threw his card to the ground in front of Buggy. 
“Come the hell on, (Y/n)! I was negotiating!” Crocodile sighs in frustration and rests his chin on his hand. “I’m not paying you at all this week!” 
You don’t even care anymore, crying tears of joy at the fact the sword that clattered on the ground beside you was not spearing your chest. 
“Since we all got decks now, why don’t we try and play the game?” You innocently suggest. You lay out the multipage rule guide and manual as the three men surround you to take a peek. 
Immediately after seeing the abundance of rules, all of you grimace and shake your heads. 
“Maybe another time.” 
“That’s good.” 
“Great idea.” 
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queer-n-here · 7 months
Heyy. Can you pretty please write for subby Akutagawa? I want to dominate him so bad /srs
(Your sigma one was awesome sauce btw👍)
Hi, you're my first request! Thanks for reading man, and ohhh, bro, I would die for subby Akutagwa. You didn't mention a lot of details, so I let my intuition lead me with this one, I hope you like it!
Content: You come home to Akutagawa trying to pretend his fingers are your cock, and long story short, you fuck him. (Established relationship)
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, ability user reader, degrading kink, and... I think that's about it?
Fem aligned and MDNI
Ryunoske Akutagawa was hanging on by a thread.
You two had been trying to find time for each other, but what with the number of assignments the Port Mafia threw at you two after the Guild incident, you barely had time to even look at each other's faces. It was frustrating, to say the least.
You'd come back late at night, exhausted and drained out, and just as you'd step into the house, Akutagawa would be hurrying to get out of it. A hurried kiss and 'Have a good day/night at work, love...' had been the only interaction between you two for the past whole month.
And it was starting to take its toll on Akutagawa.
You hadn't been intimate for a month. An entire month! How was Akutagawa supposed to deal with this type of separation when before this sudden rush hour (or rush month, really) you had showered him with your love? There had been a time when he could barely fall asleep without your arms around him, and now he couldn't remember the last time you two had cuddled.
It was so frustrating, Akutagawa almost threw a fit in Mori's face one day. But he held back, thinking of the future, and how things were bound to get better soon.
Now, however, Akutagawa felt that maybe he should have thrown a fit at Mori.
He was filled with pent-up frustration, and as much as he tried to focus on other things, he just couldn't stop thinking about you. Your voice, your calloused hands, the way you touched him, the way your hands knew almost automatically where to poke to make him throw his head back and call your name, his hips bucking into your han-
Akutagawa tried to pull his mind away from this line of thought, but it was impossible. Sighing, he slipped off his boxers, and turned to lay on his stomach.
This was the only way he could get release.
He coated his fingers with his own spit, and reached back to insert a finger into his achingly empty entrance.
It was a pathetic attempt, he knew. You knew his body so much better than himself. And he couldn't even reach back properly.
Still, he tried, rubbing his throbbing dick against the bed sheets to get a faster release. And that was how you found him. Rutting against the sheets with two of his digits in his hole, calling out your name as tears built in his eyes.
You had stepped into the house feeling cheerful, after all, you had managed to convince Mori to give the two of you a two-day long break. It wasn't much, but it was something you knew would bring a smile to Akutagawa's face.
Your expression had turned tense immediately, however, when you'd heard something like a whimper coming from your and Akutagawa's shared room. Was he hurt?
You had hurried across the house, throwing away your jacket and stumbling out of your shoes, calling your boyfriend's name with worry in your voice. You'd threw open the bedroom door, and stopped short at the sight before you.
What. The. Fuck.
When Akutagawa saw you, his eyes widened. He let out a yelp, and immediately, Rashoumon jumped out, creating a sphere of black cloth around him, preventing you from seeing him.
Still reeling from the surprise, you sighed.
"Ryu?" You said tentatively. "Baby, let me in."
There was some rustling, and you knew Akutagawa was hiding his face in the sheets.
"I'm gonna have to cut Rashoumon apart, baby..." You said, your voice gentle as you sat down on the part of the bed Akutagawa's ability hadn't enveloped. "And you know I can do that."
There was a pause, and then Rashoumon retreated to reveal a flushed Akutagawa who had pulled up the bed sheets to his chin, his eyes glued to the wall three feet on the left of your head.
"It wasn't a weird thing to do, alright?" He said before you could open your mouth to speak. "I just... I just got kind of d-desperate. And I mean, we haven't been intimate for weeks, so-"
"I never said it was," You cut him off, and he looked at you. "But now I'm home, and we have time, so let me take care of you, hmm?"
Akutagwa turned to look at the clock.
"It's not time for you to be back home yet," He stated dully, and you chuckled.
"No, it's not," You reached out, taking the sheets from Akutagawa's hands and gently lowering them. "I got Mori to give us a forty-eight-hour break."
His eyes brightened. "Really?"
"Yeah," You nodded. "And I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie, or go on a date... But who would've though that I'd come home to you touching yourself and calling my name?"
He flushed again, and made as if to hide in the sheets one more time, but you were faster.
You ripped the sheets off of him, leaving his bare pale body exposed. Before he could react, you had pressed him back down on the bed, one hand supporting your weight beside his head, and the other at his waist.
"Come to think of it, it HAS been a long time since we had sex, right Ryu?" You smirked.
Akutagwa's breath hitched at the sudden change of your tone, and he nodded.
You lowered your head, placing your lips on his as his hands rose to clutch the fabric of your shirt. You kissed him passionately, nibbling and biting and sucking to your heart's content till you couldn't take it anymore, till you could feel the tent in your pants grow unbearable.
You pushed off of him, using your ability to strip in a millisecond, and turned Akutagawa around to make him lay on his stomach, just the way you'd found him.
He'd prepped himself well, and his arousal was such that his hole was opening and closing like a breathless fish, begging to be filled and abused to your liking.
You placed your tip against his entrance, planting a small kiss between his shoulder blades as you entered. He twitched beneath you, his fingers clenching around the sheets beneath him as he buried his head into them to muffle the sounds that he knew he would make soon.
When you had entered fully, you gave him a moment to adjust to the feeling of being stuffed full of your cock.
"Ryu, baby," You whispered, your breath warm on his neck. "It's kind of disobedient of you, isn't it, to do something like behind my back?"
"What do you- Mmph!" You pulled back and thrusted the very moment Akutagwa opened his mouth to speak.
"You could have waited," You said, as your hips rolled further into his, making him moan lewdly. "You could have been good and waited. But I bet you couldn't handle the feeling of not being stuffed full for a minute. I should be grateful you held on for a month."
Your thrusts sped up slowly, gaining a rhythm as you fucked Akutagawa into the sheets, making him push his hips back to meet you half-way.
"How slutty," You sneered, pounding into him as if it were your last day on earth. "Couldn't have held back till I came home, hmm? Such a pretty little whore."
Akutagawa bit down into the sheets, unsuccessfully trying to muffle his whimpers at your words. You grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, making him scream as your thrusts hit a certain place.
"But I bet you couldn't find that spot in you, right?" You shifted to hit it again, making Akutagawa thrash around in your grip. "That one that makes you see stars..."
You hit his prostrate again and again, making him clench pathetically around your fat cock. You chuckled, using your more force to ram into his ass.
"Wai..." Akutagawa panted, his brain foggy and barely able to form words at that amazing feel of you fucking him like he was just a hole. "I couldn't.... Nhh, ah! I c-couldn't help it."
"Of course you couldn't," You leered. "True nature is always hard to hide. A slut through and through aren't you?"
Akutagawa whined, nodding his head erratically like a dumb cock-drunk whore. "Just yours... Only yours"
"That's right," You thrusted faster, almost dislocating your hips in that chase of pleasure. "My dumb slut. My pretty little cocksleeve."
That alone was too much for him, and he squirted onto the bed sheets with a loud cry of your name. You let go of his hair as he tightened around your dick, and he collapsed, his body limp even when you turned him around to look at his beautiful fucked-out expression.
"A slut that can't even do his job right." You spat, entering him again, making writhe under you, clutching your arms without any force in his fingers.
"[Name]!" He blubbered. "I just came, I just..."
But you weren't going to listen, continuing your abuse of his lewd hole as you degraded him more, making him whine and sob from the over stimulation.
"Tell me," You panted. "Could you have cum so quick just from your own two fingers? Could you have made yourself feel as good as I can?"
Akutagawa shook his head, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. "F-Feels so good...Nghh!"
You felt heat pooling into your stomach, your throbbing dick loaded and ready to release into the man beneath you. You sped up sloppily, making him throw his head back and arch his body.
"Do you deserve my cum, Ryu?" You panted, your hips bludgeoning into him. "Do you deserve to be released in?"
He nodded frantically, his poor brain barely able to comprehend anything that wasn't your cock and your strong hands holding him place. "I-I do! Please, [Name], please. Cum in me, I'll be good, I'll-"
And so you released, using the last of your power to hit his sweet spot a few more times, and just that was enough to make him squirt a second time, his used hole milking your cock as ropes of white fluid shot out of his own dick.
You collapsed beside Akutagawa, panting as you turned your head to look at your boyfriend. On his waist were red hand prints, and his ass was still leaking your cum. His closed eyes were underlined with tears, and his entire face was covered in them. You couldn't help but smirk.
"Such a pretty boy..." You murmured, and Akutagwa smiled faintly.
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bri-cheeses · 3 months
Letters and Pens - Part 2
| Rosekiller microfic | Word count: 549 | A follow up to this microfic |
The next morning, Evan awoke to an empty dorm. Reg, he assumed, hadn’t even slept in his bed, most likely having stayed with James somewhere.
Barty had no such excuse.
Memories from last night plagued Evan as he reluctantly got ready and went to breakfast, praying that no letters from Barty Crouch Sr. would be waiting for him or Barty at the table.
He realized he needn’t have worried about it, though, as soon as he walked into the Great Hall. Barty wasn’t here, and it was too early for the post to have arrived. Which meant Barty hadn’t received anything yet, and that Evan could probably intercept a letter if one did end up arriving. Things would be fine.
Evan really hoped that Barty didn’t remember last night. He needed him to not have remembered last night—Barty having practically thrown himself at Evan, Evan having extracted himself from the situation in order to salvage their relationship, Barty having proceeded to flirt with everyone else there…
Evan really shouldn’t have been thinking about that. It was way too early for these kinds of self-deprecating thoughts. His toast was still warm, for goodness sake.
It was best if he just pretended like it didn’t happen.
A sudden clatter opposite him caused Evan to look up, toast halfway to his mouth. Dorcas now sat across from him, looking harried as if she had run to breakfast.
Evan put his toast down.
“You okay?” he asked.
She looked up.
“Huh? Oh,” she said, looking down like she had just now realized her rushed appearance. “Yeah. I—overslept. And I was worried about being really late. Although, it doesn’t appear as if I’m the only one who’s tardy today.”
She looked around the table as if the rest of their friends would suddenly materialize. Evan just shrugged.
“I’m assuming Reg is with James somewhere. Barty…” he trailed off, clearing his throat. “Uh, I don’t know where he is. You got any idea?”
Dorcas suddenly looked way too uncomfortable for Evan’s peace of mind.
She shifted, looking anywhere but Evan’s eyes and she responded, “I saw him with some Hufflepuff girl last night?”
It came out as a question, and she also winced as the words came out, but Evan could tell she meant what she said.
He looked down as his toast, lying lonely on his plate. He blinked.
Well. Had he really been expecting any different?
Yes, a small voice whispered. Evan immediately shut it down. He didn’t need that right now.
He cleared his throat again. “Okay. I guess I should’ve guessed that.”
He laughed somewhat bitterly, avoiding Dorcas’s gaze.
“Evan,” Dorcas said softly.
And nope. Still too early for this.
“Hey, do you know what we’re doing in potions today?” Evan asked, cutting her off.
Dorcas looked taken aback at the abrupt change in topic, but mercifully, she went along with it, rambling on about the complexities of some new potion Slughorn wanted them to try.
From there, breakfast progressed as usual as it could without Barty, Regulus having arrived halfway through. But despite the absence of Barty, they managed just fine, talking and smiling and laughing with each other like it was any other random Wednesday morning. Even if Evan wasn’t doing much of any of those things, really.
(Part 3)
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youmeandthestarsss · 4 months
Solar return observations pt 1. (Based on my personal experiences)
Hii guys, I know it’s been a super long while but I’m going to try to start posting more content for you guys 😊💕
This year I had Venus in the 6th house square Saturn and at the beginning of this year I was having heated disputes with some coworkers. I came very close to almost quitting my job because I felt like I was being overworked and underpaid, underappreciated by my managers and coworkers, and like my competency was being taken for granted because how much extra effort I put in to my job.
This year I had Mars in Capricorn trine Saturn in the 9th house and it’s been giving me the energy to get things done ✅. The times when I had to do something made me feel even more capable of being able to accomplish it and with efficiency. I felt motivated to get my homework done on time and do it early as well. I really like having this placement bc my natal 12h placements make me sort of lazy and a homebody
My moon is in Libra in the 5th house this year and I’ve been loving watching makeup and hair tutorials and just honestly keeping myself entertained with aesthetics. I started watching tv shows again too!
I think cancer ruling my 2nd house and moon in my 5th house might have something to do with my sweet tooth this year.
So I’ve had moon in the 4th house for two years straight now, & I can tell you right now I’m never been more of a homebody. I hate leaving my house and especially my bed. I’m always thinking about being in my bed whenever I go somewhere. I can also vouch that this placement is the root of my extreme laziness and desperate need to take lots of naps despite the fact that I have Mars in Capricorn this year.
In my SR ASC for this year I’m a Gemini rising and all I can say for it is that I’ve been focused on school a lot and getting ready to graduate, focused on perfecting my driving and also getting my license, communicating and getting along with my peers a lot more, talking a lot more, and doing a whole bunch of thinking. If you’re about to have this rising sign in your sr just know that you’ll be spending most of your time and energy in your head and will feel like you can’t ever stop thinking. This placement has also caused me to reflect on how it is I think and why I think the things I do. Lots of contemplation with this placement.
Neptune in the 10th house and I feel like there’s been some confusion on what it is I want to do for a career and how I’m going to go about it.
Saturn in the 9th house and UGH. Some of my teachers this year have been a real pain in the ass. I’ve had lots of disputes with them over grades and it at first was not working out for me all too well. I also felt like I was bombarded with a lot of homework a lot too this year.
Taurus in the 12h house & I’ve had a few dreams about material things and food
Moon in the the 5th house and mercury in the 7th house & lol let’s just say I’m always daydreaming about being in a relationship
2nd house ruler in libra spending money on things to make me feel good and look more aesthetically pleasing.
Venus in the 12th house 🤝 finding pleasure in solitude
The year I had an 11th house stellium caused me to be very addicted to doomscrolling so if you have that just make sure you take social media breaks every so often.
11th house ruler in the 12th house caused me to delete social media. Till this day I only really use YouTube, Pinterest, and tumblr ofc
I swear the year I had Saturn in the 12th house made me have the worst escapism tendencies. I hated this year and I also struggled with having multiple existential crisis all throughout that year. Let’s just say I became very apathetic towards everything and felt extremely unmotivated to get anything done or pursue my goals
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