gleafer · 9 months
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The ineffables are having a squabble. Look at that perfect RBF on our favorite angel!
Too fun to draw!
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“So… we inherit those cool powers that Joyce has and then we carry on his name!” Joachim says smiling “what else!”
“You become a compulsive liar and a compulsive manipulater. You make a deal with a man who looks a lot like Ottto to protect the son you adopt only to realize you’ll be stuck with said Otto looking person for the rest of your life because neither of you can die.” Welt says smiling at his younger self “oh and don’t forget the constant overwhelming fear that everyone you trust is going to betray you! Oh and the voices that don’t let you sleep.”
“I don’t want to become a Herrscher anymore.” Joachim says
“Life sucks buddy. Get over yourself.” Welt says “you also eventually realize your probably the reason your parent got divorced.”
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avatarfan11 · 1 year
Korra: So that’s my plan.
Asami: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean. *looking questionable*
Korra: No, go ahead, I want to hear it.
Asami: It fucking sucks.
Korra: *Waving her arms* That’s not constructive criticism.
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beeefy · 9 days
u shoot any shot you chance missed that brother 🫵😎
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nauticalsonneteer · 9 days
Camellia station squabble v.6
I am pleased to whomever enjoyed my former tangent about my ongoing writing with Camellia station. It makes a writer elated to share his works to the world!
Camellia railway station was a real station located in Sydney Australia; Upon seeing a station that took after the name, I'd appraise it as a wonderous setting for my story! Being the appropriated location, but research is due to look into it. I refuse to jump into planning, as it may settle as my impending faulter if I hastily choose with little to no hesitation. I must keep upholding my wit.
The setting of time is what most importantly grapples my intrigue. Being officially open to public boarding in 1885 and my setting in the 1930s, alas! This may be adequate. Foremost, a debacle plagues me. The lack of information that is provided on the actual station itself! I'll take to the books more closely to enlighten myself. Eye key components!
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hersurvival · 4 months
We are fighting about text messages -
And you're on top of me, yelling shut the fuck up,
Both of your hands, all of your weight
Pressed down over my mouth and nose,
Chin to chest, choking.
We are fighting over who does the dishes -
And the closet door behind me
Comes off the rails, a hole beside my head,
You go to bed, leave me sobbing in the entry way.
We are fighting about my friends,
They make you insecure because one likes girls -
And you get shit-faced, yell at me for 4 hours,
Throw your shot glass at the wall
When the bottle's empty.
Petty arguments turned violent,
Little things that fester immediately
Into terror, home repairs, and glass breaking.
@nosebleedclub May 25th - Squabble
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dodgerkedavra · 4 months
@microficmay day 16 Drarry CW: post-Azkaban
Hotter days, more games. Cushioning Charms in the garden. Six in a circle. Harry balances Draco.
Charm yourself or you’ll be OUT! 
Draco points, grabs a quill, writes SNAKE.
“I did not cheat!” Blaise cries.
Draco taps his parchment, accusing.
Ron laughs loudest. Blaise laughs longest. Harry hides tears, relieved.
Also posting on AO3!
Start at the beginning here!
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richs-pics · 1 year
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"I was here first!"
A coal tit is indignant at a blue tit muscling in on the feeder
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inkcross · 6 months
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chao-studios · 2 years
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the gift of giving! :D altho i'd wish these 2 weren't squabblin over one! :X
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there still going at it... ._.
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havoc how could u! D:
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well at someone's happy wit there gift! <3 :D
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ambientskai · 1 year
Brotherly Squabble
(Sounds of a TV show in the background) (Impact sound of Kyle jumping on the couch)
Kyle: Come on bro, you've been watching this show for hours. There's a show I want to watch, a professor I admire is doing a thesis on the possibility of wormholes.
Conker: But I'm really enjoying this dude, you could watch that anywhere else in the house. Besides sounds boring. Kyle: I want to use Dads amazing television system for once, why don't you go watch your show elsewhere Conker: I was here first! Kyle: Give me that.
(Sound effect of snatching and struggling.)
Kyle: Give me the remote dummy! Conker: Hey I am not dumb! Kyle: Are too! Conker: Am not!
(Queue really fast back and forth then the sound of the 2 standing.)
Conker: I'm not dumb dude, quit calling me that.
Kyle: Oh please, I could name all of the bones in the hand before you could eat another cheeseball, dimwit.
Conker: Say it again
(The sound of powering up could be heard.)
Kyle: Dim… wit..
(Second sound of powering up)
(Enter Theodore Shade)
Theodore: Boys! Power down this instant! Or I'll take away your powers again for a whole week this time! Kyle: He started it! Not letting me use the TV Theodore: I don't care how it started, neither of you are using the TV for the rest of the day. I am on an important conference call and need silence! Theodore: Now both of you apologize to each other, and just get along for 10 minutes! If I hear another peep, no powers okay?! Kyle: Yes dad.. Conker: Yes dad..
(Door slam, Exit Theodore)
Conker: Great now neither of us can use the TV. Kyle: What-ever, I'm going to my lab.
(Impact of Kyle jumping off the couch.)
=End scene=
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f-p-studios · 1 year
Time to Make Another Poll
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jhsharman · 1 year
Back story shift
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There is no reason for this shift that I can detect, though I guess it follows as Archie plays another cruel joke in the guise of pretending to forget an obvious.
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beeefy · 8 months
sorry the light flickered in your room your house is connected up to my hamster ball n i just tripped and im spinning round and round and round
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nauticalsonneteer · 15 days
Camellia station squabble v.5
Thinking about how I may write Clara's character. How her as a character will be magnified, when really, she is aftmost a person up-close with feelings and a life. Upon first meeting, Horatio is absolutely enraptured with her methodical nature from faraway, smitten. Afflicted with an individual that seems utterly beyond him. As he gets to know her, he learns to love Clara for her in all her entirety.
hh wanting to type concepts on my typewriter. But it daunts me; half the typeslugs do not implicate onto the page. The mechanisms obscured, waning. In a measure, I may resort to my trusting quill, ink and my parchment notebook!
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Charlotte: Detective
Daniel: Counselor
Lucifer: Douchhe
Daniel: Dick
I love them, your honor.
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