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the-seven-clans-week · 6 months ago
thank you to everyone who participated last year it was awesome! we're doing it again little later this time around so i hope its not too inconvenient.
DAY TWO: Drenchen
DAY THREE: Stone Wood
DAY FOUR: Grottan
DAY FIVE: Spritan
DAY SIX: Vapran
chosen dates will be the 22nd-29th of August (this month) although your free to make art whenever and tag me in the most so i can rb it for everyone to see :D
same as last year when it comes to the rules, super brief but please take a second to read them...
1. All art forms are accepted! cosplay, painting, ink, sketch, sculpting, makeup looks inspired by the clans, one shots...anything, seriously
2. We didn't have any bullying last year thank goodness but i feel like i have to say it anyways...PLEASE do not be rude ot bully anyone, i don't tolerate it at all. thanks :)
3. I'm gonna sound like an english teacher for a second but seriously have fun! i really hope everyone enjoys and challenge weather you only participate one day, none of the days and just support, or all the days, i sincerely hope this will be really fun for you guys and wish you the best in your art ventures!
4: if you decide to participate please tag me in the post so i see it and reblog it to this account! that would be @the-seven-clans-week !
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amri-and-art · 2 years ago
A short story i might turn into a fic--Your thoughts are welcome in the comments
     “He’s alive, I just know it. I can feel it.” Naia pleaded with Kylan to come with her. 
          “Naia,” He started, sympathetically. “I’m sorry, but Gurjin is dead. We all know he is. He’s been gone for almost a Unum. Leaving the swamp is practically a death sentence, you should know that.” 
              The songteller spoke true, and Naia knew that. Leaving the swamp is dangerous, but he wasn’t right about her brother. That much she was sure of. 
   “Even if he lives, I cannot come with you. I have to take care of my family. I stand by my word.”
           Naia groaned. 
       She stood, “I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.” She scooped up her young daughter and left the small tree house Kylan had called home. She pushed through thick vines and brush until she entered her home through a window. 
        “Naia! Did you find someone to come with you?” He asked excitedly. “No.” She spoke softly, setting her daughter on the moss covered floor to play with her siblings, leaving Naia and Amri to talk. His ears flattened. 
          “I cannot let you go alone. It isn’t safe.” 
                  “I know. That is why I must do it alone.” 
       He shook his head. 
              “Naia Please. Do not stay for me, for them.” He begged quietly, gesturing to the children that sat playing loudly on the soft floor. She sighed. She pulled her short curls into a bun, tying it at the back of her head. “I need some air, I’ll go get dinner.”
      Amri watched as Naia disappeared from the same window she came in through. He leaned against the kitchen counter behind him. The small house was just big enough for the six of them, and he liked it that way. 
         “Father! You’ll never believe what I found!” Amris oldest son pushed through the front door, a giant beaming smile spread across his face. 
      “Really?” He asked.
   “Yes! Look!” Amri wiped his hands on a nearby towel and tossed it on the counter. His brow scrunched when he saw what Kaapa pulled out of his bag. A Muski. It was tiny, and flew straight out of the bag and into Amris hair. 
              “I don’t know! It’s completely undarkened!”
        Amri pulled it away from him gently to look at it. Its black inky eyes were full of innocence and youth, not a speck of purple tainted them. It chirped and wrapped itself around Amris hand. 
    Moments later Naia returned with a pack full of Sogberries, and soon Amri was sinking his sharp grottan teeth into the sweet pink fruit. 
        Kaapa talked all about his findings that day, and his parents warned him not to stray far. It reminded Amri of when he was a childling, and snuck out of the caves at night to find ingredients for his experiments. 
It was hard to find joy given their situation, but reminiscing on past memories, and dreaming of the future was one way to do it. 
           After the Garthm were released from the Castle of the Crystal, many Gelfing were killed, nearly all of them in what seemed to be no time at all. As a result, many childlings were orphaned, and were taken in by anyone willing to care for them. Amri remembered the day like it had been only a night ago.
    The first children to be found, Kaapa and Hakira were much younger when they had been brought to Naia and Amri. They had two of their own children only a few Trine later. But he loved his own children just as much as the other, and often forgot the eldest two were not his, but was just as often reminded by Kaapas long Spritan ears, and Hakiras Vapran wings  
    When the topic arose of them being adopted, Amri always tells them yes, they are not his, but a gift from Thra, as all children are. 
    That night, after all was still, and her children were asleep, Naia climbed through the trees, all the way to the top. She laid on the large branches of the Apeknots and stared at the stars. 
   She felt dizzy after a while. There were so many of them, all so different and unique. 
It hurt her brain when she thought about how vast the heavens were, and even Augura didn’t know how many stars just gelfling eyes could see, perhaps too many to count. 
    She thought maybe, somewhere out there, there was a place. Another planet like Thra, without Skeksis, and without fear. Without death, and without pain. 
          It was a silly thought, and she knew that, but she let it entertain her mind for a while before she crept back into her hammock and fell asleep.
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Drew a bunch girls from each Gelfling Clan
I almost thought it was a waste of time but i’m glad i was proven wrong in the end.
please don’t ask me to do the guys next. the inspiration dried up.
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chimeowrical · 5 years ago
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@myfanartblogplusshippingtrash did this a few weeks ago - designing girls from the clans so!! I also took a crack at it
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dhachaigh · 5 years ago
Ok this is controversial but gelfling clans as American regional aesthetics
Stonewood - upper midwest, “True North ✨”, flannels, deer hunting, “cabin vibes”, very Minnesota/Michigan
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Spritan - Hick as fuck, “Yee yee”, tailgating, “Welcome to the Farm ❤️” , not Southern hick, like Ohio/Virginia hick
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Sifa - Pacific Northwest but I live near the warf aesthetic, “I love the ocean 👌”, “Starbucks and Seattle’s Best or local cafés are the ONLY valid coffee choice
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Dousan - The turquoise + red brick shit in Arizona, Jamaican dancing guy art next to their pool, “Snow!!! Wtf is snow!! It’s never been less than 150 degrees here!!”
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Drenchen - Florida. Just... everglades redneck shit. The people the Spritan are TRYING to be. Wrastlin’ gators. Florida man. Severe chaotic energy.
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dhachaigh · 5 years ago
ABSOLUTELY CORRECT she has farmer thottie vibes
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shammers · 2 years ago
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Here are my Gelfling OCs! I finally have a good ref sheet of them. Bruni is Sifan/Spritan, Prue is Sifan/Drenchen and Finli is Vapran!
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ladynoirelf · 4 years ago
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Traveling artist Gelfling who wander  all over the Gelfling nation. They mostly are commissioned for traditional family and self portraits. They also take other commissions such as landscape, educational illustrations and even work with writers to do book illustrations. They mostly travel alone or with their animal, or podling, companions. Some find traveling with other SketchMasters to be like traveling with your competition, and some fear of their art or ideas getting stolen. SketchMasters who travel together are usually spouses or highly trusted partners.
Very few to none SketchMasters don't travel, these are usually retired or heavily injured artists who prefer to stay home. Traveling allows a SketchMaster to get recognition and gain experience by drawing nature still life and an array of diverse gelfling. The youngest to leave home is around sixteen trine. Self taught SketchMasters usually leave around that time to get more drawing experience to catch up with their school taught peers.
A SketchMaster can come from any clan, though the ones that get the most recognition and commission orders are Vaprans,Sifans,Spritans and occasionally Stonewoods. The other clans, the Drenchen, Grottan,Dousan have a little bit more difficulty and hurdles in getting their art recognized.
When a well known SketchMaster comes to a village, most Gelfling will rush to their rented room before a long line starts. Trying to get an appointment for a family portrait or commission. During their stay, it will be common to see Gelfling families dressed in their best formal wear heading to their appointments. Missing one is not an option.
Maeve of Stone-In-The-Wood (Upper left)- A fresh new artist who is ready to start her claim to the SketchMaster title, with her precious Sidetic of course!
Geehr of Cera-Na (Bottom left)- A preferred landscape and nature artist who mostly partners with scholars to create educational books on nature.
Lunhir of Ha’rar (Top right)- A newly famous artist who has almost blossomed into her peak as an artist. She travels with her best friend and loyal companion, the Podling Tola.
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444names · 3 years ago
brythonnic deities + mythical humanoids
Abandart Abannia Abanniae Abannik Abelata Abelenus Abelins Abello Abellos Adsullo Adsullos Aerich Aerichaun Aeris Aerius Alang Alangelie Alanger Alaun Alibagon Aliban Alibannia Alibannus Alisama Ambie Ambis Ambisama Ambisanos Ancamullo Ancamulus Ancant Ancantaur Ancanthus Ancantia Ancantina Ancaste Andartio Andatus Andigo Andine Andinus Andman Andmantia Andra Andrasta Andrausio Aneton Anetonna Anetonnus Anetonus Anextio Anextios Angelie Anger Arabus Araniae Aranid Arannia Aranniae Arannik Arannus Araugarta Arduinn Arnemeti Artiomara Artios Arvernuno Asteris Aswangel Aswanger Atepomara Atepombie Atepombis Aufania Aufanid Aufanis Avent Aventara Aventaur Aventina Aveter Aveteris Avetter Avetteris Bandatis Bandatus Bandigo Bandine Bandman Bandra Bandraste Bannia Banniae Bannin Barintado Barintaur Barinyes Belata Belie Belin Belins Bellio Bello Bellos Boggan Boggang Boggangel Boggant Boggantes Boggar Boggargon Boggartio Boggaruda Boggarus Borrigan Brianos Briantia Brianus Brigan Brigantes Briggan Briggarus Britan Britannin Brite Brito Britonus Calibagon Calisanos Camna Campes Campire Campiren Cantaur Cantes Cantia Cantina Centado Centara Centia Centicore Centina Cernuno Cernus Changer Chaun Chaunus Cicoll Cicore Cimbrigan Cimbrite Cissoni Clope Clopes Clotaur Cluri Clurich Clurichan Cluricura Condart Condarta Condatus Contrebit Contres Contress Covent Coventara Coventaur Coventia Cyclope Cyclota Cyclotaur Damarabus Damaranis Damarusa Damon Damonopod Damonos Damos Demona Demonopod Demonos Devila Doppelgan Drasta Draste Draugart Drausus Dullo Dullos Encamna Encanthus Encasta Encaste Entara Entarabus Entaur Entia Entina Erich Erius Fagusa Faunus Gargon Garta Gartios Garus Gianos Giantado Giantes Giantina Gianus Gigan Gigang Gigangel Giganger Gigant Gigantia Gobling Goblins Gorgoyle Grania Granid Granis Granniae Grannik Gremling Gremlins Grendinus Gress Gwishinx Hiban Hibannia Hibannin Hobbito Hobgoblin Hueter Hueterius Hueti Huetia Huetio Huldrasta Huldraste Intado Intarania Intaranis Intaur Inthrope Inthus Iovant Iovantes Iovantess Iovantia Iovantina Jinna Joroguns Jotutis Kobor Koborrum Koborvo Korrigang Korrigant Korriggan Korrum Laress Laressis Latucarus Leprecat Leprechan Leucellio Leucello Leuceti Leucetia Lichan Lichaun Lugusalka Lycant Lycantado Lycantara Lycantaur Lycantess Lycantia Lycantina Mantess Manthus Mantia Maponopod Mertrios Mertrite Mertriton Minota Minoton Minotonus Mogumo Monos Moritan Morite Morito Mothmant Mullata Mullatus Mullos Mulus Nemausio Nemeti Nemetia Nemetio Nemetiris Nerecat Nerechan Nerechaun Nerehyena Neren Nerendel Nerewolf Nerichaun Nericura Nerintado Nerinthus Nerinyes Neris Nunnos Oceania Oceaniae Oceanis Ogremlin Ogremling Ogremlins Ogren Ogrendigo Ogrendine Ogres Ogressis Onius Polter Polteris Polterius Pomarabus Pomaruda Pomarus Pombie Robold Roborrum Roborvo Rudiant Rudiantia Rudianus Samara Samebis Samebit Sandart Sandarta Sandra Sanos Satyres Satyress Sedatis Seelin Seeling Seelins Segus Sirendel Sirendigo Smermaid Smerman Smertrite Sphin Sprigan Sprigang Spriggar Spritan Sprito Spriton Sucellio Sucello Suceti Sucetia Sucetio Sucetiris Sucius Tarabus Taraugar Tarausus Tennia Tenniae Tennik Tikbala Tikbalaun Titannia Titannin Titannus Titasgus Tridama Tridamon Trios Tritan Tritannus Trite Trito Trolluis Trownie Tyres Tyressis Undigo Undinus Valka Vampes Vampiren Veter Veterius Vetteris Vetterius Vheter Vheterius Vindonna Vinota Vinotaur Vinoton Vinotonna Virotuns Visucello Visucetia Visucetio Vosegomo Vosegus Wendel Wendine Wendinus Werechan Werechang Werechaun Wereid Weren Werendel Yerecat Yerehyena Yereid Yerendel Yerewolf Yetia Yetios Yetiris Yukionnus Zombero
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blossoms-in-sog · 2 years ago
Chapter two:
The gentle sog breeze caused the trees to dance, and the fleeting sun bounced in and out of the leaves gaps, letting spots of sunlight illuminate the landscape.
He spotted Naia sitting on a large apeknot branch, high off the ground.
He ran up, not bothering to be graceful or silent, his bare feet clicking and clopping in the mud.
Naia glanced down at him below her, for once, she was taller.
She glided down, slipping off the branch with ease and gracefulness. Her wings caught her fall like the sails of a Sifan boat. It reminded him of their adventure on the coast of the Crystal Sea. Galloping through Cera Na in search of trouble. Which they evidently found in their encounter with Periss. It made him think of Kylan, and in turn, made him feel a little bit of loneliness. The song teller was no longer there with Naia and Amri on their adventures in sog, his lute and firca no longer filled the empty silence of evening time. It felt as if a piece of their team was missing, the trio had now become a duo.
She landed almost right in front of him, beautiful in the early morning suns.
“So you didn’t forget?” “How could i? you’re the only thing in my life worth remembering.”
He delivered the smooth line with a smirk, watching Naia blush.
She slipped a hand behind his neck, pulling him in for a ‘good morning’ kiss.
He returned it, feeling his pale Grotten face flush with color.
He didn’t want to pull away, he never did. Naias gestures of affection always felt warmer than a hearth fire, and so passionate and full of love, Amri couldn’t help but feel the same energy surge through his veins.
She eventually pulled away, laughing to herself for a reason Amri wasn’t sure of. He grabbed her hand, “Good morning.” He spoke softly, the words feeling calm and affectionate. She mirrored his words, before speaking her own, “care for a walk?” His ears percked up, “sure!”
So hand in hand, the walked through sog, neither of them knowing what to say. “I wonder what Kylan’s up to..” Amri wondered out loud, “probably still reading all those dream etchings.”
Naia was probably right, there was a lifetimes worth of reading at stone in the wood, and he was glad Kylan had found something he could be passionate about, just like Amri was about Naia.
They hadn’t seen Kylan since the war at stone in the wood, He wondered if their songteller had changed at all, physically, or mentally.
“He definitely has plenty to do, especially with Tavra and Onica around, I’m sure they’re having fun just the three of them.” Naia nodded in agreement.
“You can read too can’t you, you don’t even think about staying behind?” Amri’s large Grotten ears flattened against his head. He really didn’t think about it, but it made a little sense. Maybe if he hadn’t caught feelings for Naia he probably would’ve stayed behind. “Not really.” He said, looking at Naia with a smile, but Naia looked stern. “Why so serious?” “I don’t know, I just keep thinking about the future and everything.” She stopped talking, and for a moment Amri thought she was done, after all he was expecting a short winded answer, but suddenly she stopped walking, and started speaking again: “Us, my clan, I have the Spritan and Grotten to worry about too, the skeksis, and whatever creature they’re creating that Skekli told us about all the way back in grot. And Kylan. Oh, for Thra’s sake I can’t stop thinking about Gurjin and Rian! I promised Gurjin I wouldn’t worry, but I have, and I am!” They had stopped walking at this point, Naia tugged on her locs in nervousness.
Amri wasn't sure what to say, usually words slipped off his tongue like magic, but Naia had caught him so off guard with the outburst he couldn’t think of any words to speak.
“I understand what you’re feeling Naia. You’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s so much happening all at once, and it feels difficult when everything’s out of your control.”
She looked up at him, a gentle smile creeped across her face.
“How do you always understand how I’m feeling?”
“I know you well,” “or maybe it’s my creepy Grotten magic.” He said the second half to lighten the mood. Naia sighed, “we should get back.” “You’re right…is there anything I can help you with once we return?” “Probably, there’s always plenty of work to go around.”
Once they made it back to the great smerth, Amri spoke again, “well, in case I don’t see you again until tonight-“ Naia rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but breaking character when a smile made it’s way onto her face.
He kissed her once more, not as long as the last time, but the warmth stuck with him even after he watched Naia walk away.
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the-seven-clans-week · 2 years ago
Thra is home to Seven clans, each with their own unique culture, and appearance. So why not create a week long challenge in which we create something themed after each clan for each day of the week!
Each days theme:
Day One: Drenchen
Day Two: Vapra
Day Three: Grotten
Day Four: Spritan
Day Five: Dusan
Day Six: Stone Wood
Day Seven: Sifa
The days on which the challenge will be taking place:
Friday August 11th - Thursday August 17th
-No stealing art
-don’t be a douche (Don't harass people if they don't draw a character or scene "to your liking")
More info:
If you can do all seven days or just one that’s totally fine, i probably wont get all the days done either. You don’t need to get the drawings done on the day i’ve specified, feel free to complete them whenever. All art mediums are welcome. Sculpting, writing, drawing, painting, sewing, etc. 
questions? DM or send an ask on this blog or my main @amri-my-child
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amri-and-art · 1 year ago
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Spritan Headcanons
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Because I can’t help myself...
Sneak peek! of some of the Dark Crystal Fan Art I’m currently working on 
Whats Almost Done! (most are not related but some are)
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Halfway there...
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Not even close (Still in the sketch zone)
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And a Stonegrot (Rian x Deet) Comic in developement! (actually I got a lot of other comics in progress too)
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It’s gonna be a while before they see daylight. Seriously the Gelflings have taken over my life
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dhachaigh · 5 years ago
Hrmm... in an oc mood... might fuck around and make a new gelf
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ask-obscure-amri · 5 years ago
It'd take too long for Amri to explain why he did the things he did and like Rian, he too had enough of this so he simply calls out to his retreating form, "Whatever you say Captain! I'll do just that!" Not caring if Rian heard him or not and with him out of sight a large beam of a smile covered his face.
"Well said Stonewood. Well said." Whistling to himself he takes his own leave to sought out the spritans, regardless of his true feelings regarding Rian. He is still the leader and of course Amri will do his part, he can obey orders.
"So, you are Amri?" The Stonewood asks. [thebraverian]
Amri sat on upon a log, menialy sharpening his blade before looking up when his name was called with a absent expression.
“Indeed I am,” he says simply, no longer surprise when gelflings-who he hasn’t met- already know his name approach.
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ladynoirelf · 4 years ago
Dark Crystal Couples Tiktok: Texting s/o that someone is flirting with them
Deet to Rian.
Rian, this guy keeps leering at me and it's making me uncomfortable.
Deet counted six seconds before Rian came sliding down the aisle she was in. 
She doubled over in laughter at the sight of a loaf of bread in his hand and his hair tied in a bun.
“Where is he?” he asked, tone filled with menace  as he looked around for the creep.bread swinging as if it were a bola.
“W-Why do you have bread”? Deet laughed, holding a fuming Rian back with her hands on his chest.
“Where's the guy”? 
“Why are you swinging the poor bread like that”?
“I'm gonna hit him with it”.
“With a loaf of…” Deet grabbed the bag midair “Spritan Maiden Wheat Bread”?
“Yeah, he's lucky I didn't grab the string cheese. Deet where is the guy”?
“There is no guy, but thank you for getting the bread”. Deet beamed, fluttering her lashes as he gently disarmed her pissed love to put the loaf in the basket. 
Rian to Deet
MY Deet:
So don't panic, but the same girl keeps jogging by me while I do my stretches.
‘Where in Thra’s name is she’? It had been twenty minutes since he sent his text and he was still shirtless and sweaty underneath one of the park’s trees.
“Hey Rian”.
He turned around to see Deet walking his way 
“Hey, did you get my message”?
“Well...where were-do you care”?
“Oh Rian” Deet cooed, kissing her boyfriend’s sweaty cheek “I knew you were gonna handle that. I trust you”. She giggled, settling on the blanket Rian had spread out for his workout gear. 
As Rian continued his workout he coulndt help but notice Deet side eying any female joggers that passed by them.
Brea to Kylan
Larva this guy has been giving me kissing faces. I tried losing him in the mystery novels but he’s still goggling me.
Brea was leaning on the bookcase when Kylan came jetting into the mystery books aisle.
Hair tousled, jacket tied around his waist and a heavy encyclopedia gripped in his hand. Brea raised a brow.
“What in the-”?
“W-Where's the guy”?
“ Hm”?
“They guy that was making you uncomfortable, where is he”? Kylan scanned the isle looking for anyone suspicious.
“Oh Larva there is no guy, I just wanted to see if you would come.” Brea pulled Kylan into a comforting hug. “My big, strong, protector”. She cooed. Giggling at Kylan’s relief sigh as he gripped the sliping encyclopedia with his other hand.
“Oh thank Thra, because as much as I love you I can't fight very well. I was ready to take a beating”. Kylan breathed.
“Awww, you would take a beating for me”?
“Please don't, and why are your clothes and hair a mess”?
“I was trying to look intimidating Brea you know i'm only 3’3”.
“Oh, okay and what's the encyclopedia for”?
“My weapon of choice, you like it”.
“Yeah it's...fitting”. Brea chuckled “so where are you coming from? You got here pretty fast”.
“The adventure books, they have the new volume of that series you like”.
“Oh Really! Well come on then”. She grabbed her still confused boyfriend by the wrist and dragged him to the adventure aisle.
Kylan to Brea
Brea, this guy keeps on following me. I've tried to lose him, but I think he's trailing me. I'm in the calligraphy aisle. 
‘I already have a feeling i'm going to regret this’ Kylan hesitantly sent the message, making sure no one was in the aisle with him before he sent it. Knowing his girlfriend, she would attack at the first gillon she saw.
It took only a second before the rapid clicking of heels and Brea sliding into the aisle with an exacto-knife removed from its package, uncapped and gripped tightly in her hand.
“Where is he”? She seethed “who's bothering you”?
“For the love of Thra, where did you get a knife”?!
“We're in the Art store, I'm surrounded by weapons of choice. Now Where is the guy messing with my Una Larva”?
“There is no guy, I was just joking”. Kylan frantically gripped the back of Brea’s dress trying to hold her in place. She looked back at him with wide embarrassed eyes.
“Are you being serious”?
“Yes, I'm sorry”. Kylan’s ears bashfully lowered. Brea sighed as she pulled the exacto blade’s cap from her pocket.
“Augra’s eye Ky, be careful I was ready to kill a gelf”. She sighed as she put the cap on the blade “And I need to buy this because I took it out of the package”.
“You are crazy, I love you but you're crazy”. Kylan laughed softly, kissing Brea’s silver locks.
“Hey it took me nineteen trine to find my dream-gillon”. She yanked Kylan into a kiss by the collar of his shirt. “And i'm not gonna let anyone take him from me” she smirked.
“Of course, my princess”.
Mothria to Gurjin
Himbo Prince:
Gur-Gur, some guy is eyeing me. I'm by the shirts, please hurry!
Mothria couldn't help but snicker behind her hand as she tucked her phone back in her bag. She was actually kind of excited to see what deranged yet comedic thing was gonna come next.
‘Oh my Thra.’
Nothing could prepare Mothria for her boyfriend, covered in poorly drawn lipsticks marks all over his face with his clothes all disheveled.
“Hey you woke up before we could start round two~. You ready to-where's the guy”?
Mothria burst out laughing, doubling over, clutching over and wheezing as she tried to catch her breath.
“W...What in Aguhra’s name did you do to yourself?” she wheezed 
“Where’s the guy”?
“There is no guy, what is on your face”? Mothris brushed her thumb over her love’s face wiping off the lipstick. 
“Babe, I had to sneak into the makeup section to get this stuff on me. Do you know how many looks I got? Alot”.
“Oh Thra, come on before we get banned”. Mothria grabbed Gurjin by his jacket, hurrying out of the store before getting caught.
Gurjin to Mothria 
I’ve got a guy on my tail, could use some assistance in the tool aisle.
Gurjin snickerd as he sends the text, leaning against one of the shelves as he hears the incoming doom of the imaginary pursuer.
All he saw were green and blue locs dangling as Mothria peeked her head into the aisle, eyes scanning for someone close to his proximity.
“You okay”? She asked, heading towards him with a metal pipe in her hand.
“Aughra’s eye Mothy”.
“You gonna break the guys kneecaps? I'm flattered”.
“Huh”? Mothria looked at Gurjin pointing to the ‘weapon’ in her hand “Oh my- no this is something I'm buying this  for Pop-Pa! I would never”. She giggled “So is there no guy? You made me run here like a mad woman with an assumed weapon”.
“You wouldn't bust some kneecaps for me”? Gurjin pouted.
“I would, just not today in a hardware store”.
“So you would do it any other day in a different place”?
Mothria rolled her eyes, taking her boyfriends hand “Of course, no one touches me or you”.
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