#Spraying Your Cat With Vinegar
apoemaday · 8 months
by Margaret Atwood
Winter. Time to eat fat and watch hockey. In the pewter mornings, the cat, a black fur sausage with yellow Houdini eyes, jumps up on the bed and tries to get onto my head. It’s his way of telling whether or not I’m dead. If I’m not, he wants to be scratched; if I am He’ll think of something. He settles on my chest, breathing his breath of burped-up meat and musty sofas, purring like a washboard. Some other tomcat, not yet a capon, has been spraying our front door, declaring war. It’s all about sex and territory, which are what will finish us off in the long run. Some cat owners around here should snip a few testicles. If we wise hominids were sensible, we’d do that too, or eat our young, like sharks. But it’s love that does us in. Over and over again, He shoots, he scores! and famine crouches in the bedsheets, ambushing the pulsing eiderdown, and the windchill factor hits thirty below, and pollution pours out of our chimneys to keep us warm. February, month of despair, with a skewered heart in the centre. I think dire thoughts, and lust for French fries with a splash of vinegar. Cat, enough of your greedy whining and your small pink bumhole. Off my face! You’re the life principle, more or less, so get going on a little optimism around here. Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it be spring.
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Anonymous asked: Tiger (not anthropomorphic) reader x everyone at circus (platonic)
A cat is a cat, they get into boxes, they sleep anywhere, they catch things that fly, they purr, they groom themselves, they lick the people they love, the only difference is that this cat COULD FIGHT AGAINST KAUFMO ABSTRACTED IF HE WANTED TO!!!
I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted something! Hopefully this makes up for it? Please forgive me
Tadc cast & Tiger Reader
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★ Every circus needs a lion, but I guess a tiger is close enough. Oh, just imagine all the tricks Caine can perform with you! I hope you like flaming hoops and balancing on pedestals. Because he sure does.
★ Please be gentle with Gangle. I know that those fluttery ribbons can be tempting but she needs them. If you want she can ask Caine to get you some? Wait. What's with that look in your eyes? Oh no, Gangle run!
★ Even mighty tigers need rest. Fortunately Kinger knows just the place to relax. With the condition that you don't ruin it- pardon me, "invade" it, feel free to relax inside his safe fortress.
★ Que Kinger yelling "Release the tigers!" As a defence against a certain jester who was just trying to borrow a pillow to sleep with. Due to her room not having any yet. Treason.
★ I just had a wonderfully cursed thought. If you were anthropomorphic you'd just look like an actor from the cat's movie. Released 2019, you know the one.
★ Jax makes it clear that, in no uncertain terms, you may not bite him. Nothing prompted him to say that, he just said it. Maybe it was a subconscious fear of predators and prey?
★ Ragatha loves you, but could you please stop trying to be a lap cat? Yes, the purring is relaxing but when you lay on her lap for attention she can't get up. Ransoming her ability to move for attention.
★ While on the topic of Jax, he sprayed vinegar on your fur when you weren't looking. That day, grooming yourself was suddenly very interesting to him.
★ The only person who doesn't let you take the occasional nap in their room is Zooble. Zooble's room is strictly private and if you try to go in be prepared for the consequences.
★ Because You're not a complete idiot, when Kaufmo abstracted you ran like hell. Thank whatever God cursed you with this body for your strong legs. Very useful when you need to run for your life.
★ Honestly, who would try to fight one of those things? I get dumb bravery but c'mon. Nobody would be that delusional. Even in a place that makes people go insane.
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copperbadge · 11 months
Oh boy,, now i wonder if we have any hidden weevils 😵‍💫 do you have advice on what you did with the vinegar water?
Well, the weevils weren't exactly hidden; they kept showing up on the counter, in the corners, etc. and when they almost got into a bag of cat food in the kitchen I realized it was a real issue. They don't stay hidden, they just live and reproduce in hidden places, which are sometimes inaccessible, hence my campaign of terror. If you walk into the kitchen in the morning, flick on the light, and don't see weevils on your counter, backsplash, or in the corners, you're probably fine. Most of the time people find them in food stores like flour or cereal, but mine can't get to my food so they just wander around the kitchen eating crumbs I drop.
I tried bug spray; it didn't seem very effective and even "pet safe" sprays aren't great for pets so I was hesitant about going nuclear with it. I finally googled and every website said "clean the area thoroughly and then spray with white vinegar". Now, I love the smell of cider vinegar, but white vinegar smells like BO to me, so when I saw some sites saying a 1:1 dilute vinegar:water mix, I went with that.
It's been effective -- kills them immediately, and then every time I see one, I just coat that area in vinegar water. No lingering smell or residue once it dries, it won't damage 99% of what's in the kitchen, and the cats keep away because they don't like the smell. I spray the baseboards, behind and underneath appliances (I just kinda aim behind them and hope for the best, I don't move them), and into every seam between linoleum tiles in the floor. And as I said, any cleaning item being used in the kitchen is used there last, then cleaned thoroughly before being stored or used elsewhere.
I've been using the vinegar about a week, and I'm still seeing bugs, but I'm still also finding new places to spray, and I've noticed that the weevils I'm seeing are much smaller and less frequent. I think I'm going to keep spraying pretty constantly throughout November, but then take it down to maybe just one all-over spritz once a week or so. I don't really anticipate being able to wipe them out completely, they're an endemic problem to Chicago, but I needed to get the numbers down.
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The Phoenix and the Crow
part sixteen
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: netural
el's thoughts: the next part!! yayyy please let me know your favorite parts or what you are hoping to see next!!
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The sick feeling in Y/N’s stomach had nothing to do with the rocking of the rowboat. She tried to breathe deeply, to focus on the lights of the Ketterdam harbor disappearing behind them and the steady splash of the oars in the water. Beside her, Kaz adjusted his mask and cloak, while Muzzen, one of the Dregs, rowed with a relentless and aggressive speed. Hellgate rested on one of Kerch’s tiny outlying islands, Terrenjel. 
Fog lay low over the water, damp, and curling. It carried the smell of tar and machinery from the shipyards on Imperjum, and something else – the sweet stink of burning bodies from the Reaper’s Barge. The place where Ketterdam disposed of the dead who couldn’t afford to be buried in the cemeteries outside the city. ‘Disgusting.’ Y/N thought, drawing her cloak tighter around her. How could these people live with themselves? Not giving the dead the respect they deserved. Then again, it was Ketterdam… How many of these people truly deserved an honoring of their name? 
Y/N shuffled away from the edge of the rowboat, accidentally brushing her arm against Kaz’s side. If her being this close to him bothered him, he didn’t show it. Instead, he spoke in a quiet whisper, “We’re almost there.”
The tightness in her chest dwindled at his words. She nodded just enough for him to notice her thanks. 
When the boat’s hull scraped sand, two men rushed forward to haul them farther onto land. The other boats she’d seen were making ground in the same cove, being pulled ashore by more grunting men. Their features were vague through the gauze of her veil, but Y/N caught a glimpse of the tattoos that inked their forearms. A feral cat curled into a crown– the symbol of the Dime Lions. 
“Money?” One of them had asked as the crows clambered out of the boat. 
Kaz handed over a stack of kruge and once it was counted, the Dime Lion waved them on.
They all followed a row of torches up an uneven path to the leeward side of the prison. Y/N had seen the prison from afar before but looking up at it now… She understood why the mention of the jail instilled such a strong fear in people. She tilted her head back to gaze at the high black towers of the fortress named Hellgate.
A door had been propped open, and another member of the opposing gang led Y/N and the others inside. They entered a dark, surprisingly clean kitchen, its walls lined with huge vats that looked better suited to laundry than cooking. A strong aroma of vinegar and sage filled her nose. ‘Like a mercher’s kitchen.’ She’d thought to herself. The Kerch believed that work was akin to prayer. Maybe the merchant wives came here to scrub the floors, walls, and windows to honor Ghezen, the god of industry and commerce. Y/N resisted the urge to gag. They could scrub all they liked. Beneath the wholesome scent was the indelible stench of mildew, urine, and unwashed bodies. It might take a miracle from the Saints to dislodge it.
They all continued down a dark hallway, and she thought they would head up into the cells, but instead, they passed through another door and onto a high stone walkway that connected the main prison to what looked like another tower. 
“Where are we going?” Y/N whispered. Kaz didn’t answer. The wind picked up and lifted her veil and lashed at her cheeks with salt spray.
Nina let out a breathless gasp as she looked around the familiar surroundings. “I thought we were breaking him out. Brekker, you lying bastard.”
Kaz didn’t turn around to look at her, “We are breaking him out. But he was already scheduled. He survives tonight then he gets out.”
Y/N looked between the two, confused as to what was happening.
Nina gritted her teeth, “Hellshow.”
The slow cranking of metal against metal echoed in the arena over all the shouts and loud conversations from the crowds. The two grisha women walked closer to the metal cage, Nina grasped the thick bars between her hands tightly, as if willing the metal to bend at her will. They both watched as a tall man walked out from under the gate. 
“Matthias.” Nina’s voice was barely heard over the cheering around them. 
The two men in the ring stood there for a moment before the one with ‘cannibal’ written on his back lunged first. A strong punch to the Fjerdan’s jaw caused his head to snap to the side, and with no time to recover another blow was aimed at his stomach. 
After taking a few more hits, resulting in the Heartrender flinching at every grunt, the Fjerdan finally snapped. He threw a jaw-snapping punch at the smaller man, spun around, and threw his elbow back landing on the man’s collarbone. The latter fell to the floor giving Matthias an opening to continue his attack. He picked up a leg and dragged the man on his back before crushing his leg in his grasp. 
Y/N’s eyes widened at the memory and felt a sickening feeling creep up on her. Such a dishonorable way to keep your life. But then again, what choice did these people have?
The Dime Lion led them around the tunnel to the third archway, where a prison guard dressed in a blue-gray uniform was posted with a rifle slung across his back. “Four more for you.” The Dime Lion shouted over the roar of the crowd. Then he turned to Kaz. “If you need to leave, the guard will call for an escort. No one goes wandering off without a guide, understood?”
“Of course, of course. Wouldn’t dream of it.” Kaz said from behind his ridiculous mask.
“Enjoy.” The Dime Lion said with an ugly grin. The prison guard waved them through.
Y/N stepped under the arch and felt as if she’d fallen into another nightmare. They were on a jutting stone ledge, looking down into a shallow, crudely made amphitheater. The tower had been gutted to create an arena. Only the black walls of the old prison remained the roof long since fallen in or destroyed so that the night sky was visible high above, with dense clouds and free of stars.
It was a different view from when she came with Nina before. Now higher in the stands, the crowd’s shouting echoed and made her ears ring. Around her, masked and veiled men and women crowded onto the terraced ledges, stamping their feet as the action proceeded below. The blazing light from the torches on the walls was hardly bright enough to make out anyone’s face even with a strained effort, but it was bright enough below them to see the red and damp sand of the floor.
Y/N swayed on her feet when she saw a man standing in the caged arena while a desert lizard crawled out from under the heavy metal trap door. Her sight blurred the moment she noticed the man pick up his knife and quicker than she could whisper a prayer the crowd’s volume got louder only this time they were booing. Y/N turned to the man standing next to her. “Why are they complaining? Isn’t this what they came here for?”
“They wanted a fight,” said Kaz. “They were expecting him to last longer.”
“This is disgusting.”
Kaz shrugged, “The only disgusting thing about it is that I didn’t think of it first.”
“These men aren’t slaves, Kaz!” Y/N spoke harshly but kept her volume down. “They’re prisoners.”
“They’re murderers and rapists.”
“And thieves and con artists. Your people.” Nina spoke up from Kaz’s other side.
“Nina, sweet, they aren’t forced to fight. They line up for the chance. They earn better food, private cells, liquor, jurda, conjugals with girls from the West Stave.”
Muzzen, the man who accompanied the crows on the heist, cracked his knuckles. “Sounds better than we got at the Slat.”
The two grisha looked around the stands at all the men and women who came here to support such a violent show, all of them exchanging bets while walking up and down the aisles. The prisoners of Hellgate might line up to fight, but Pekka Rollins made the real money. At least he used to. News got out shortly after Pekka was thrown into the high-security prison where he was brutally beaten to death by a few of the other prisoners.
“Helvar doesn’t…” Y/N couldn’t get her eyes to focus on anything as she spoke and pulled herself out of her own thoughts. “Helvar doesn’t fight in the arena, does he? You bought his name off the list, didn’t you?”
A grim look passed over Kaz’s eyes as he looked down at the inferni. “We aren’t here for the ambience.”
“Are you aware that I could waggle my fingers and make you wet your trousers?” Nina was beyond furious at this point. Her hands clenched at her sides.
“Easy, heartrender. I like these trousers. And if you start messing with my vital organs, Matthias Helvar will never see sunshine again.”
Once the stomach-churning sound of the heavy metal gate being cranked open was heard the crowds went wild. Y/N looked over to see Nina staring down into the arena with a pale face. She had turned to look down and felt her heart drop to her stomach at the sight before her.
Matthias emerged from the mouth of the cave while the unmistakable growls of wolves could be heard from the other side. 
The Fjerdan had to fight his most sacred animal.
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taavisplushies · 1 year
do you have any advice on how to clean plushies of fleas? one of my cats escaped and I think she may have gotten them and spread all over my bed/stuffies :(((
i once bought a stuffed frog from a garage sale who was full of fleas! this is what i did and it worked….
1. put the stuffed animals in a garbage bag and tie it shut as tight as you can.
leave them in there for 30 full days! this should be long enough to starve any fleas. eggs that hatch during this time should die off as well.
2. hand wash them like normal with dawn dish soap and lukewarm water.
make sure to rinse them off super well! you should see the dead fleas coming off the plush!
if you can’t get this plush wet, i’d recommend vacuuming them on a low setting and then spraying them with disinfectant spray instead of washing. lysol and other similar sprays can leave a gross residue on the plush, so i’d recommend fursuit spray. you can buy some online or even make your own!
3. let the plushies air dry in front of a fan. don’t forget to occasionally rotate the plush so that they dry faster! air drying can take anywhere from 1-3 days depending on the plush and how wet they were. plushies with bean pellets will take longer to dry than ones with only stuffing!
4. after the plush is dry, comb the fur and make sure there’s no remaining fleas!
5. as a last protective measure you could spray with disinfectant spray! fursuit spray works the best, because it’s specifically made for fake fur and will NOT leave behind gross residue :)
if you can’t wait for the 30 days, you could try just washing the plush. hot water should kill fleas BUT it can damage the plushie if it has glue. sometimes hair, eyes, or noses are glued on. the hot water can melt the glue, and cause the items to fall off. so be careful.
you might be able to try washing plushies with flea killing shampoo, but i have no idea if that will leave a residue on the plush or not. if it does leave a residue, you can always soak the plush in diluted vinegar for 30 minutes. that should remove any gross residue left behind.
make sure to treat all your pets for fleas as well!! it doesn’t matter how well you clean the plushies, if your pets still have fleas they can just crawl right back on the plush!
i hope your cat is doing well! it sounds like she had an exciting little adventure! i’m really sorry about the fleas tho :(
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tadpal · 5 months
hello isabell!! have i told u that i love your pfp i love to see it it makes me giggle
🥀 what keeps you motivated/helps boost your mood when you’re feeling off?
motivation is a huge weakness for me! if i knew how to boost it i wouldnt be on this app but i have a laundry list miles long about mood boosting and emotional maintenance! ive been in and out of care for bpd and autism for the better part of 8 years now and while i can't rate the professional help (nhs mh 😬) i CAN say that i am currently doing super well in terms of stability. i think for me it's less about Feeling Better and more about breaking the bad you know? temperature shocks are a big thing for me, especially with my heavy emotional weights for temp, so it's a lot of uncomfortable showers, cooling towels on neck, cool water on feet and face, cat baths, hot water bottles, ice creams, going outside. just anything with that like Temperature Shock is going to help. for overwhelming most often going sudden cold (safely) is what works best for me!! resets!
🌿 do you like having plants in your home/yard? do you have any currently?
LOVE THEM!!! when i was living at uni i had 7-9 various houseplants in my room and others scattered in the kitchen halls and bathroom but these days most of them have been claimed by my mom! i have three in my room now! a large succulent a sort of grass and something tall with dark greens and waxy leaves... by those descriptions you can tell im terrible at remembering plant types but im surprisingly not terrible at keeping them alive. idk it mostly just works out
✨ what scents do you have strong memories/associations with?
the nice ones are like orange blossom (aunts perfume who passed, grandmother figure to me, scent never lasted bc of her work so you could only ever smell it if you hugged real tight, calloused hands, bristly hair, miss her ), ocean spray (lived by a beach, leaving the commune for outings, big bright blue, one day we'll get out of here, people on the outside are kind - the systemite kids are kind - i will be able to have friends on the outside, calm, loneliness, laughter), honeysuckle (represents childhood hunger and gentleness and peace and danger, the importance of ritual), lemon blossom (tree by the pool in one of the worst communes we lived in, best lemons ive ever tasted, my aunt maria taught me how to make soap), apple cider vinegar (self sufficiency - making meals for myself too young, fresh vegetables from the local farms, abuelas tomato salads, full stomachs)
but there's also more unpleasant ones just in terms of the scent itself: septic tank in the height of summer (danger, childhood recklessness, the feeling of being trapped, the buzz of the wasps,) the thing that died in the pool over winter (we didn't find it until we cleaned the pool in summer, it smelt mostly of chlorine, we don't know what animal it had been, it's bones were greyer than id expected, my mom cried for a week) and it's dry and the car is leaking (it's the middle of a drought and the old car is leaking, thick black oil onto the drive. there have been three bush fires this week and every time you haul your childhood possessions onto the year and watch the smoke. the smoke clings and clutches and you think about the oil. no one else can smell it but you. it's worse when the fires start when you're already out and you think about all the things that you left inside the home.) the smell of the old car in summer (and then you're inside the car, waiting at the gas station and all around you is the smell of smoke and gasoline and seaweed and leaking. the seat is somehow sticky and sandy all at once. your uncle is talking about leaving forever again.)
i am very much an associator tho you could say anything and id go Oh That Reminds Me. guy who is reminded
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arthropooda · 1 year
While spraying water as a deterrent often does not work and can make cats unnecessarily averse to water, if you add a little vinegar to it, it becomes like cat repellant and redirects their attention to the smell and getting away from it, they are physically redirected or if sprayed with it redirected to grooming and eventually it reduces the problem behavior by association with the bad smell. Still annoying if you don't want to smell vinegar but better than being attacked or harassed by your cat and it does alter bad behavior over time. Also I feel like everyone knows this but clapping is usually a good way to get their attention quickly and isn't associated with a fear of noise in general, at least in my experiences but my cat is pretty special 😻 anywayz
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arofundy · 1 year
tfw one of the raw food pushers who thinks um. garlic and avocados are completely dog safe. when asked where he gets his sources. links two holistic "vets". one of which believes raw diets can ""cure"" cancer and seizures. and the other promotes. spraying apple cider vinegar and essential oils on your cat or dog to prevent ticks & fleas. and people just believe this guy bc he is a ""canine nutritionist"" (gives no actual credentials. just trust me bro! i guess!)
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queeriboh · 1 year
I had a bad infestation a while ago and that shit had my cats and I on edge 24/7. It sucks, ESPECIALLY having to sit at the laundromat all day washing everything cloth in your house. I feel for ya there. Do you use the same brands of spray/ingestives/topicals/etc each time? Dunno if you've already checked but some areas have fleas that have been naturally selected to survive certain brands. There's also diatomaceous earth, which felt like the only way to defeat the super fleas in my area. You could try that next?
I had a bad infestation once before when I lived with my ex and her dog like 6 years ago, but this is the first time I've had to deal with them since then!!! all the time I spend outside hiking insane hours and I've never even gotten a tick before! but I let my cat come out ob my patio for literally less than 10 minutes and got eaten up THAT NIGHT. I was scared it was bedbugs bc it was just so abrupt, but then I actually caught a couple of them and. bedbugs don't jump lol
SO OH MANNN. I didn't know about that, I read a few different websites including the terminix site, a couple other exterminators, a few reddit threads, and a mommy blog and ALL of them suggested using peppermint oil or vinegar + water spray, and the botanical spray I got is lemongrass + peppermint essential oils + some other things. I just stripped my bedding, sprayed it all with that botanical spray again, but also vacuumed for the 2nd time today (I only did it once before today lol), and sprayed my mattress + carpet down with an actual pesticide (pet armor?? ? idk it was from Target and it had decent reviews xjdjdbd) so we'll!! see !
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spudcity · 2 years
Winter. Time to eat fat
and watch hockey. In the pewter mornings, the cat,
a black fur sausage with yellow
Houdini eyes, jumps up on the bed and tries
to get onto my head. It’s his
way of telling whether or not I’m dead.
If I’m not, he wants to be scratched; if I am
He’ll think of something. He settles
on my chest, breathing his breath
of burped-up meat and musty sofas,
purring like a washboard. Some other tomcat,
not yet a capon, has been spraying our front door,
declaring war. It’s all about sex and territory,
which are what will finish us off
in the long run. Some cat owners around here
should snip a few testicles. If we wise
hominids were sensible, we’d do that too,
or eat our young, like sharks.
But it’s love that does us in. Over and over
again, He shoots, he scores! and famine
crouches in the bedsheets, ambushing the pulsing
eiderdown, and the windchill factor hits
thirty below, and pollution pours
out of our chimneys to keep us warm.
February, month of despair,
with a skewered heart in the centre.
I think dire thoughts, and lust for French fries
with a splash of vinegar.
Cat, enough of your greedy whining
and your small pink bumhole.
Off my face! You’re the life principle,
more or less, so get going
on a little optimism around here.
Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it be spring.
– Margaret Atwood
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worstsoupever · 2 years
Winter. Time to eat fat and watch hockey. In the pewter mornings, the cat, a black fur sausage with yellow Houdini eyes, jumps up on the bed and tries to get onto my head. It’s his way of telling whether or not I’m dead. If I’m not, he wants to be scratched; if I am He’ll think of something. He settles on my chest, breathing his breath of burped-up meat and musty sofas, purring like a washboard. Some other tomcat, not yet a capon, has been spraying our front door, declaring war. It’s all about sex and territory, which are what will finish us off in the long run. Some cat owners around here should snip a few testicles. If we wise hominids were sensible, we’d do that too, or eat our young, like sharks. But it’s love that does us in. Over and over again, He shoots, he scores! and famine crouches in the bedsheets, ambushing the pulsing eiderdown, and the windchill factor hits thirty below, and pollution pours out of our chimneys to keep us warm. February, month of despair, with a skewered heart in the centre. I think dire thoughts, and lust for French fries with a splash of vinegar. Cat, enough of your greedy whining and your small pink bumhole. Off my face! You’re the life principle, more or less, so get going on a little optimism around here. Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it be spring.
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Know your gnomes
Garden gnomes are a common pest, but not all of them are the same. What works to get rid of one species won��t deter another. Here are some common types and tips for how to keep them out of your yard!
Knobbly gnomes: These gnomes have big lumpy heads and burrow underground, where they can kill your plans by munching on the roots or even damage your house’s foundations. You can get rid of them by spraying vinegar into their gnome holes, which they hate, or by getting a pet weasel or ferret (a more aggressive option).
Statue gnomes: Statue gnomes avoid predators by freezing in place and trying to blend into the background. If you think your relatives got you a kitschy piece of decor, but it’s in a different place every day and your flowers are dying, that’s a statue gnome. The good news is, these guys are usually solitary, so unless your neighborhood is having a really weird time you probably won’t have more than one to contend with. Just pick it up and put it in a park or by the retention pond.
Gnarled gnomes: Frankly, these guys are the worst. Gnarled gnomes resemble twisted chunks of wood and like to infest trees. It’s very difficult to detach them once they’ve burrowed in, and they often bite, so invest in some sturdy gloves and a club or, better yet, a professional arborist-wizard.
Toadstool gnomes: These gnomes don’t harm your garden at all, unless you’re a mycologist. Many people actually find them useful, because they eat any mushrooms growing in your yard. Still, if they’re causing you trouble or you’re worried your cat will hunt them, chanting the full Baranthkanomel chant in a single breath while standing in your doorway will have them cleared out by dawn the next day.
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royalrealty · 10 days
What can I do to keep stray animals out of my garden?
Dealing with stray animals in your garden can be a frustrating experience. Whether it’s stray dogs, cats, or other creatures, keeping them away requires a mix of proactive measures and humane deterrents. Here’s a guide to help you protect your garden while maintaining the well-being of these animals.
1. Create a Less Inviting Environment
One of the most effective ways to keep stray animals at bay is to make your garden less appealing to them:
Secure Your Trash: Stray animals are often attracted to garbage. Ensure your trash cans are tightly sealed and consider using containers with locking lids. This prevents animals from rummaging through your waste.
Avoid Leaving Pet Food Outside: If you feed pets outdoors, make sure to bring any leftover food inside promptly. Stray animals, especially dogs, can be drawn to pet food left unattended.
Use Scent Deterrents: Animals have a strong sense of smell. Using natural deterrents such as vinegar, citrus sprays, or even marigolds can help repel them. Marigolds, in particular, are known for their strong scent that animals tend to avoid.
2. Implement Physical Barriers
Creating physical barriers can be a highly effective way to keep stray animals out of your garden:
Install a Fence: A sturdy fence can deter most animals from entering your garden. Ensure that the fence is high enough and that there are no gaps where animals can squeeze through. For added effectiveness, consider using fencing with materials that make it difficult for animals to climb.
Use Motion-Activated Devices: Motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic repellent devices can be useful. These devices detect movement and activate to startle or deter animals from entering your garden. They are particularly effective if used in conjunction with other methods.
3. Employ Natural Repellents
Using natural repellents can discourage stray animals from frequenting your garden:
Cayenne Pepper and Garlic Spray: Create a homemade repellent by mixing cayenne pepper, garlic, and water. Spray this mixture around your garden to create a barrier that animals will find unpleasant.
Water Sprays: Propelling water from a hose or water gun can be a simple yet effective way to deter animals. The motion and sound of the water can discourage them from approaching.
4. Maintain a Safe Distance and Avoid Confrontation
If a stray animal does enter your garden:
Stay Calm: Avoid approaching or confronting the animal. Stray animals may be frightened or defensive, and sudden movements can provoke them.
Use Verbal Commands: Firmly and calmly use verbal commands like “No” or “Go away” if the animal seems approachable. However, avoid making direct eye contact as it can be perceived as a threat.
5. Consider Professional Help
If stray animals become a persistent problem despite your best efforts, professional help might be necessary:
Consult Pest Control Experts: For severe cases, consulting with pest control professionals can provide additional strategies and solutions. They can offer advice on humane ways to manage and deter stray animals from your property.
By following these strategies, you can effectively keep stray animals out of your garden while ensuring their safety. Combining these methods with a focus on humane practices will help create a peaceful environment for both you and the animals.
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vegaspetodorremoval · 28 days
The Ultimate Guide To Erasing Pet Stains: Keeping Your Carpet Fresh And Clean
Pets bring joy and companionship but can leave behind their fair share of messes. If you're a pet owner, chances are you've faced the unfortunate reality of pet stains on your carpet. These stubborn marks not only detract from the beauty of your home but can also lead to lingering odors if left untreated. Pet Stains Out Of Carpet
Cleaning up after our furry friends is essential for maintaining a fresh and inviting living space. Fortunately, with the proper knowledge and tools, getting those pesky pet stains out of the carpet is more manageable than it may seem. Let's dive into everything you need to know about effectively erasing those unwelcome reminders of your beloved pets!
The Importance of Properly Cleaning Pet Stains
Properly cleaning pet stains is crucial for several reasons. First, it helps maintain your home's aesthetic appeal. A clean carpet can transform a room and create a welcoming atmosphere.
Beyond appearance, untreated stains can lead to unpleasant odors that linger long after the initial mess. These smells are often caused by bacteria in urine or feces, which thrive if not addressed promptly.
Another significant factor is health concerns. Pet waste can harbor harmful pathogens and allergens that may affect both humans and animals in your household. Regular cleaning minimizes these risks.
Moreover, neglecting to clean up properly might encourage pets to revisit the same spot, making future accidents more likely. Addressing stains quickly sets boundaries for our furry friends while protecting your carpets from permanent damage.
Understanding the Different Types of Pet Stains
Pet stains come in various forms, each requiring specific attention. Urine stains are among the most common and can leave unpleasant odors if not treated promptly. The ammonia in urine breaks down into compounds that cling to fibers.
Then there's feces, a stain that poses both an aesthetic and a hygienic problem. Due to its texture and potential for spreading bacteria, it can be more challenging to clean.
Don't forget about vomit—another frequent mishap with pets. If left untreated, its acidity can damage carpet fibers, leading to discoloration.
Saliva may also pose a staining threat, especially for drooling dogs or excited cats. This sticky residue can attract dirt over time, compounding the issue.
Each type of stain requires careful identification before appropriate cleaning methods are used. Understanding these differences is key to effective carpet maintenance and overall home hygiene.
Essential Tools and Supplies for Effective Stain Removal
Having the right tools is crucial for effectively tackling pet stains. Start with absorbent towels or cloths. These are your first line of defense against liquid messes.
Next, consider a high-quality enzymatic cleaner. This cleaner breaks down organic matter in urine, feces, and vomit, neutralizing odors at their source.
A sturdy scrub brush can help lift stubborn stains from carpet fibers without causing damage. Look for one designed specifically for upholstery or carpets.
I don't remember a spray bottle, but it's perfect for applying your cleaning solution evenly over the stained area.
Rubber gloves will protect your hands while you clean up those messy situations. With these essentials, you'll be well-equipped to keep pet stains out of the carpet and maintain a fresh living space.
Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Pet Stains
Start by blotting the area with a clean cloth or paper towel. This helps absorb as much of the stain and moisture as possible. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the fibers.
Next, mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Using a spray bottle, apply it to the stained area, ensuring it's well-saturated but not soaking wet. Let it sit for about five minutes.
Afterward, sprinkle baking soda over the treated spot. Watch as it fizzes — this reaction helps lift stains further from carpet fibers. Allow this mixture to dry completely before vacuuming up any residue.
For stubborn spots, consider using an enzymatic cleaner designed specifically for pet stains. These products break down organic matter effectively and neutralize odors that linger long after cleaning has begun.
Remember to always test any solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that no discoloration occurs during the cleaning process.
Dealing with pet stains can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. By understanding the types of stains you face and having the right tools at your disposal, you can tackle these messes effectively. Regular maintenance and prompt action are key to keeping your carpets looking fresh.
The step-by-step guide provided is designed to make stain removal straightforward. Always remember that patience pays off during this process. Each time you handle a pet accident promptly and adequately, you're not just cleaning but also maintaining a healthy environment for your pets and family.
With diligence and these methods, you'll find that keeping pet stains out of carpet is entirely achievable. Your home can remain inviting while accommodating your furry friends without worry or stress about unsightly marks on the floor.
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greatlakesworks · 2 months
How to Clean Your Garage Floor
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If you’ve spent any time in a garage, you know that the floor doesn’t stay pristine for long. Cars leak oil and fluids, dirt and leaves find their way in, and rusted tools lean in the corner. At some point you’ll need to get it cleaned up, but what’s the best way? Here is some information on how to clean your garage floor the right way.
Do You Really Need to Clean My Garage Floor?
Cleaning your garage door floor isn’t just about making it look nice, although it certainly is a perk to see a sparkling clean surface when you walk in. Regular garage floor maintenance will also help it last longer and reduce damage from wear and tear.
Your home’s flooring will thank you for not tracking in oil and dirt, and so will your clothes and shoes if you spend any time on projects in the garage.
Finally, if you’re planning to do any upgrades to the floor such as sealing, painting or epoxy coating, a good cleaning is part of the preparation process.
Where to Begin
Before getting started, everything that’s not permanent should be removed from the garage. Pull out the cars and bikes, throw away the trash and used rags, and store the tools and boxes elsewhere for a little while.
You’re going to be getting water and cleaning supplies all over the place and wouldn’t want to damage any of your property. Shelved items can stay put as long as you’re sure they won’t be in the way and get wet from water sprays.
Next, you’ll want to put up a tarp or sheet over your drywall and outlets, and sweep loose debris out with a broom.
How to Remove Rust Stains from Your Garage Floor
The next step is to examine the floor for any rust spots and clean them up. If there are any solid pieces, they will need to be scraped away to reveal the stained concrete. You need something acidic to dissolve rust stains, so look no further than your own pantry.
Pour some pure white vinegar or lemon juice directly onto the spot and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Then, use a tough-bristled brush and as much elbow grease as you can muster to scrub away the stain and rinse with cool water. If these natural options don’t work, you can purchase a commercial rust-removing product from any home and garden store and follow the manufacturer’s directions.
How to Remove Oil Stains from Your Garage Floor
Oil stains are perhaps the most common problem with garage floors, since that’s where we maintain our vehicles and they often drip fluids. They’re not just unsightly – they’re also a slippery fall hazard!
To remove an oil stain from your concrete floor, first sweep the area and then put down some cat litter over the spot. Let it sit overnight to soak up all excess oil, then throw away the litter and prepare to scrub out the remaining stain.
You can use a cleaning solution such as an Oil & Grease Cleaner, or even some good grease-cutting dish soap. Pour the liquid onto the spot, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub, scrub, scrub.
How to Pressure Wash Your Garage Floor
After you’ve emptied out and swept your garage, and taken care of any rusted or oily spots, you can get your floor sparkling by cleaning it with a pressure washer. You can use any type of cleaning agent you want – whether a degreaser, a commercial concrete cleaner or a mild detergent – and apply all over the floor with a spray bottle.
You can spray on a soap and water combo with low pressure, and then rinse with high pressure, starting at the back and pushing the used soapy water outdoors. A pressure washer is a great choice for this job, as it uses a lot less water than a regular garden hose and won’t damage the garage floor.
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white-persian-cat · 6 months
How to Keep Ants Out of Cat Food 2024?
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Ants Out of Cat Food 2024?
15 April 2024 by whitepersiancat.com
Ants Out of Cat Food: Ants invading your cats food can be a nuisance. Not only is it unhygienic, but it can also lead to health issues for your feline friend. In this guide, we’ll explore effective methods to keep ants away from your cat’s food bowl.
Table of Contents
Why Do Ants Invade Cat Food?
Attraction to Food
The Dangers of Ants in Cat Food (Ants Out of Cat Food)
Preventive Measures
Cleanliness is Key
Use Ant-Repellent Products
Create Physical Barriers
Natural Remedies (Ants Out of Cat Food)
Citrus Peels
Vinegar Solution
Peppermint Oil
Are ants harmful to cats if they consume them with their food?
How often should I clean my cat’s feeding area to prevent ants?
Can I use chemical insecticides around my cat’s food bowl?
Will these methods also deter other pests like cockroaches?
Is it safe to use essential oils around cats?
Why Do Ants Invade Cat Food?
Attraction to Food
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The Dangers of Ants in Cat Food (Ants Out of Cat Food)
When ants come into contact with cat food, they leave behind contaminants that may not be visible to the naked eye. These contaminants can pose health risks to your cat if consumed. Ants Out of Cat Food.
Preventive Measures
Cleanliness is Key
Keeping your cat’s feeding area clean is crucial in deterring ants. Regularly wipe down the area around the food bowl to remove any spills or crumbs that might attract ants. Ants Out of Cat Food.
Use Ant-Repellent Products
There are various ant-repellent products available in the market that can be placed around the cat’s food bowl. These products emit scents that deter ants from approaching the area. Ants Out of Cat Food
Create Physical Barriers
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Natural Remedies (Ants Out of Cat Food)
Citrus Peels
Ants are repelled by the scent of citrus fruits. Placing citrus peels around the cat’s feeding area can help deter ants naturally.
Vinegar Solution
A mixture of water and vinegar sprayed around the cat’s food bowl creates a scent barrier that ants find unpleasant. Ants Out of Cat Food.
Peppermint Oil
The strong scent of peppermint oil can deter ants. Dilute peppermint oil with water and spray it around the feeding area to keep ants at bay.
Also Read: Affordable Siamese Cat Price in India 2024: Understanding the Costs Also Read: How Much Whiskas Kitten Food Should You Feed Your Feline Friend?
Ants Out of Cat Food: By implementing these strategies, you can effectively keep ants out of your cat’s food and ensure their health and well-being.
Are ants harmful to cats if they consume them with their food?
While ants themselves may not be harmful to cats, they can carry bacteria and contaminants that may pose health risks if consumed.
How often should I clean my cat’s feeding area to prevent ants?
It’s recommended to clean your cat’s feeding area at least once a day to remove any spills or crumbs that may attract ants.
Can I use chemical insecticides around my cat’s food bowl?
It’s best to avoid using chemical insecticides around your cat’s food bowl as they may be harmful if ingested by your cat.
Will these methods also deter other pests like cockroaches?
Yes, many of the methods mentioned, such as using citrus peels and vinegar solutions, can also help deter other pests like cockroaches.
Is it safe to use essential oils around cats?
While some essential oils can be toxic to cats, peppermint oil is generally considered safe when diluted properly and used in moderation.
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