#Spider Cereal (AU)
aftout · 6 months
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There’s a Spider in my Breakfast Cereal and She Refuses to Leave but I’ve Honestly Grown to Like Her Quite a Bit <- normal au title
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howlingday · 1 year
Pyrrha: (The Red Huntress) You're definitely not The Red Rose, but Vale definitelt needs The Red Rose, even if he is an imposter. I'll give my contact information so we can find her together.
Oscar: W-Wait, how would I go about finding her if I don't even know her name, her face, or, well, anything?
Pyrrha: Hm... I trust you, but the fact you're a dummy means you're more valuable to me in not knowing... yet. But there is one thing...
Ruby: "That's why we're here. To make things better."
Oscar: Huh?
Pyrrha: She says something like this all the time. Honestly, she can't say it enough. After everything you'rlve done, I'm sure you can understand the weight of those words.
Oscar: (Thinking, Looks at Red Rose's mask) Make things better? No way. I mean, sure, I've helped out here and there, but I feel like everything so far has been fluke after fluke after fluke. Sooner or later, I'll run out of flukes.
Pyrrha: Of course, it's not like saying her catchphrase will be any clue. She's about five-foot-three, dark-haired, and in her early twenties, like you, except she's got real muscles for days, and is as beautiful as- (Blushes) J-Just keep the dumb antics to a minimum. I'll be in touch. (Leaves)
Oscar: ...Well, that answers some questions, but nothing important.
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luveline · 1 year
Since we’ve seen zombie au with Steve may we have a little something of vampire!eddie?
Sorry I don’t have any sort of plot in mind, I just think vampire!eddie is cool :)
thank u for your request! vampire!eddie x ditzy!reader
"Eddie," you say, in that meandering way you do, like talking is a pastime with no urgent goal at the end, "one of your friends is in the bathroom."
Eddie blinks, the spoon in his hand quickly put back into the bowl of cereal it had risen from. "What?" 
"One of your friends is in the bathroom," you say, and only now does he notice you have soap all over your face. Suds in your brows and the baby hairs of your hairline, across the soft hill of your chin and at your nostrils. 
"Baby, you've half-washed your face. Come here." 
You sit at the dining table beside him and Eddie sets to work, one hand on your thigh, the other your face as he dabs the soap away with his hoodie sleeve. Your eyes flutter closed at his gentle touches. Eddie feels satisfaction in knowing you trust him to be so close while you're unguarded. You've never been scared of him, but Eddie is scary. He can hear your heart slow as he finishes, and that's when he wonders why it had been beating quickly to begin with.
He tries not to listen to your heart. It plagues him when he's hungry, and it feels like a strange invasion of privacy. "Sorry, it's freaky, but I can hear your heart–" 
"Sorry for what?" you ask. 
Eddie shakes his head fondly and chucks you under the chin. He wants to go back to his cereal, but he continues, "What has your pulse up?" 
"I told you, baby, there's a friend in the bathroom." 
Eddie knows better than to expect an explanation. He puts his bowl of cereal in front of you in case you're hungry, kisses the top of your head, and goes to investigate the bathroom. 
Eddie's shocked as he opens the door. The bathroom is in extreme disarray, which isn't unusual for you typically but he cleaned it last night, and you may be scatterbrained but you don't often leave the faucet blasting hot water full pelt. He turns it off, collects the pile of tipped laundry on the floor, and wonders how best to ask you if you're feeling alright when he notices something alarmingly large. Your soapy face is explained, as well as your quick-beating heart. You must've seen what he's seeing and run away. 
"Holy fuck," he says, flinching back hard into washing machine. "Holy fuck! What the fuck is that?" 
"So you've found your friend?" you ask from the hallway. 
Eddie scrambles sideways out of the bathroom and into the hall with you, almost knocking the bowl of cereal clean from your hands. "That thing is not my friend." 
"What? I thought you liked spiders, they subsist off of the same kinds of things," you murmur, a little drop of milk at the corner of your mouth. You lick it away absentmindedly.
"A spider could slap my ass and hand me a cheque for a million bucks and I still wouldn't like him," Eddie denies, peering into the bathroom cautiously. The Spider had been hanging down from a web and nearly as big as Eddie's hand. He's not making friends with that. "And how about you, huh? I thought you liked spiders? You keep enough of them." 
Sometimes you'll keep a spider inside of a mason jar for artistic purposes, sketching them before setting them free. "Yeah, Eds, I like spiders," you say around your spoon, "not tarantulas." 
He waves a hand at you, vaguely irritated. You giggle and offer him a spoonful of cereal, which he accepts. The two of you stand and chew with your backs against the bannister, staring at the bathroom door. Too afraid to look away, and too afraid to go back inside. 
"Wanna seal it off?" he asks eventually, morosely, knowing he's not brave enough to go and deal with it. 
"Yes." You scrape the bottom of the bowl with the spoon. "We could call Steve?" 
"I'm not calling Steve." 
"Okay. Hey, this could be good for us. Peeing outside connects you to nature, or something." 
Eddie sighs and rubs his pale face. He's way too hungry to deal with this, for both cereal and something less family friendly. He can't tell you, though. You keep offering to let him bite you. "Alright," he sighs. "I'll call Harrington." 
"Then you'll have two friends in the bathroom," you say, nearly to yourself as you begin down the stairs, "like a party. I'll go make you some more cereal." 
"Thanks, sweetheart," Eddie says with a relieved laugh, closing the bathroom door and drawing a cross against the woodgrain.
He doesn't notice the shadow of his definitely-not-friend as it squeezes under the doorway.
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thermitetermite · 11 months
I return from the grave for one night only to post a Helluva Boss AU. Enjoy my delulu AU about a Christmas tree capitalist clown spider demon and his adopted cyborg clown son.
Also there is swearing and mentions of Fizzaroli's accident.
Mammon being a half decent step-dad AU
Mammon hears about Fizz much earlier though the grapevine (Paimon complaining to all royal demons about how his son got rid of all their shit bc of some clown kid)
Interested, he attends a show in disguise.
He finds that Fizz is good. Like, really good! Dollar signs start popping up in his head. Also the little bugger kind of reminds him of himself.
Immediately asks to buy Fizz from Cash Buckzo. He refuses at first because Fizz is his star but with strong negotiating tactics (money and threats) he caves.
Fizz is nervous about leaving his only home behind but is excited to be "adopted" by Mammon! His hero!
It's giving bought by One Direction vibes
At first Mammon was planning to just train him to be a child actor/clown, give him a TV show and pawn him off to someone to actually raise full-time. He wanted to be the convenient step-dad, not a full time parent!
That changed after the first couple nights with Fizz living in his mansion.
It started with Fizz handing him a red balloon horse.
"Alright, not bad kid, but can ya make a balloon unicorn?"
Fizz ran off to attempt to make it. That'll keep him busy for a few hours, guess that meant he could make some calls and... He was back already with the completed unicorn.
"Give me another!"
"Uh, alright ya little bugger, why dontcha make a Quevie?"
This back and forth happened for the next few hours, with Mammon judging the balloon animal, giving a few pointers when he messed up, and Fizz making the next animal he asked for.
Damn, this parenting shit is easy.
It eventually got so late that Fizz fell asleep on the couch trying to complete a kangaroo.
Sighing, Mammon picked Fizz up and carried him to the bedroom he hired someone to decorate. He tucked him into bed and finally after an entire day was able to make a call.
However, the first call he made wasn't to the networking company or his broadcasting station. Instead, it was to Lucifer, his self proclaimed best friend and a successful parent.
"What is it Mammon? Do you have any idea how late it is?"
"Yeah, yeah. I just had a quick question for ya. What do children eat? Cereal? Oats? Ice cream?"
Needless to say, Lucifer had a long talk with Mammon about how to raise a kid, stating it'd be hard work.
After hanging up and going to bed, Mammon had only one thought on his mind. To raise this kid better than any of the other Sins could. His boy would be talk of the town and the best clown in all of Hell.
That first week of parenting went about as well as you'd expect.
Mammon had the approach of being "The fun step-dad" which included eating candy for every meal, teaching him swear words and showing him how to do all the tricks he thought a capable child could do.
(These tricks may or may not have included tax evasion and driving)
Speaking of, Mammon insisted on bringing Fizzaroli everywhere. Including work.
"Mammon, sir, I'm sorry for filing the paperwork for the expansion of LooLoo Land wrong- is that a child?"
"Yeah, this is my boy. Look attem. Ain't he talented!" Cue Fizz hanging off one of his arms. "Whatdya think Fizzie? Should we keep or fire him?"
"You heard the boy! Off withya, ya bloody cunt!"
"Bloody cunt!"
Mammon would belly laugh whenever Fizzaroli would copy his swearing or accent. When is children swearing NOT funny?
Mammon's definitely the type to have tons of pictures in his wallet of his kid. Fizzaroli does get a TV show, lots of interviews and the spotlight often but whenever someone asks Mammon about him he immediately opens the photo wallet.
(He would kill anyone who even touched it)
Of course he still has some of the Mammon-ness we know, bribing and pushing Fizz to do shows, acts, commercials and more, causing Fizz to start getting overwhelmed.
Then one day Fizz's accident happened (it's a canon event)
Mammon practically broke down Belphagor's door when he got the news Fizz was hurt, demanding his boy get the best treatment in Hell.
Mammon didn't sleep for the entire time Fizz was in that hospital bed, sitting beside him for days at a time just thinking about how he nearly lost him. He couldn't lose him.
When Fizz woke up/was stable, Mammon was there during his emotional moments. When Fizz asked if Mammon would replace him he scoffed.
"Fizzie, why would I replace you? You're in recovery right now. A break. Yer fans are dying to see that Fizzie face when you get outta here. You're more popular and more in demand than ever. You do the recoverin and I'll show you the huge profit we return."
Mammon to English translation: It's stupid to think I'll leave. You'll be able to return to the stage, I'll make sure of it. You'll get better and I'll be here with you.
Fizz eventually recovered but needed limbs so Mammon sent a request (demand) to the best mechanic in Hell, Asmodeus. If anyone could make limbs for his boy it'd be that rooster fuck.
Of course just because Mammon had faith in him didn't mean he wasn't picky in what he delivered.
"Can ya loop your arm like a bendy straw?"
"Uh, no."
"Then it's not good enough for you!"
Mammon practically sent Asmodeus a list of limb adjustments and upgrades that needed to be done every other week. All other times he had Fizzie trying all these different therapies, practicing with his limbs, and occasionally try doing a trick. (Not clown car driving after last time). Eventually he was mostly satisfied with the work and to celebrate "Ozzie not *HONK*-ing up" he started teaching Fizz how to play the guitar.
Cue a bit of a time skip of say 7 years.
Fizz has his hands in nearly every facet of entertainment. News, sports, cooking competitions (which he surprisingly sucked at), and of course comedy. Fizz didn't want to say it but doing so much had him tired, stressed, and anxious. He was doing this for Mammon, the person who gave him everything. He couldn't just let him down. He'd seen what happened to those that failed him. All those people who got fired for mistakes they made. He couldn't fail.
At the same time Mammon wants to get into the robot doll industry. Not sex dolls because he can't stand the thought of his (boy) brand being sold like that. Instead personal assistance robots that have all the features. It can make coffee, teach you yoga, be a parent, etc. but of course he needs the mechanical help of Asmodeus again.
Once again Fizz is taking trips to Lust to oversee the production of the robots. After 2 years of this the robots are completed (a huge financial success) and Fizz asks Mammon if he can stay with Ozzie.
Mammon is surprised but ok with it as long as he visits and does a show every now and again. Especially guest judging the Clown Pageant.
He doesn't realize Fizz and Oz have a thing until the Clown Pageant (his final one in canon)
Once it comes out, oh boy, Mammon goes full demon mode. Shit gets ugly. Mammon goes on his normal rant (minus the "raised you like the son I didn't want" part) and Fizz, unwaivering because he's seen this a million times, retorts back with all the anxiety Mammon caused. The acting and shows. How it weighed on him. How he was so scared of fucking something up and getting kicked out.
"I'd never kick you out! You're the crown jewel of my empire! My runt turned pick of the litta! I made you in my image! If I pushed you hard it was because you could be better! I raised you! You've got my training in your back pocket so I knew you could be a better clown than I ever was! All of this was for you!"
Eventually Mammon breaks down and asks why Asmodeus. He's worried about their relationship considering he's known Asmodeus since the beginning of hell.
"Why do you need to date him when you have my empire! If you need money, we have it! If you need companionship, we can buy it! If you need power we have that too! We built this empire! Your talent brought in a fortune and you've seen how to run the business! If you need your own power or your own space you can have it!"
"I'm not with him for any of those things! I know I have everything else here! But I love him Mammon! He takes care of me. He's kind, sweet, handsome, and supports me even on my roughest days. I love him."
"...he makes you feel safe?"
"He treats you good?"
"He treats me amazingly."
"You love him?"
"With all my heart."
"I... Respect your decision. I'm going to make it about me but please bear with me. I know I haven't been the best at raising you. I can be overbearing. And clingy. And I pushed you to do a lot of things that were hard or uncomfortable or er... greedy. I haven't been the best influence on your life but I did my best and if I had to I'd do it all over again."
"Up up up, let me finish ya little shit. You know I have a hard time letting go of things. And I was kidding myself when I thought I'd have ya forever. I forgot how fast ya implings grow up. I thought I could keep ya safe and smilin but I couldn't even do that right. The second most painful thing I experienced in my life was gettin kicked from heaven. The most was seein you in that hospital bed. I've been smotherin ya since. Yer my boy and I wanted better for ya. Thought I could protect ya if I pushed harder. Taught ya more. Did more shit with ya. But in the end you were always gonna have ta leave ta find a life of yer own.
Mammon paused, taking a familiar but heavily deflated remnant of a red horse balloon from under his hat
"I'm at least glad ya took somethin after me. Yer greedy like me and ya landed the best bachelor Hell has ta offer. I... I don't want to let ya go but... Ya need to do this. Live yer life kid, and live it better than me."
The fucking stadium was in tears (me too tbh)
Before Fizz could say anything (he was choking on his words) Mammon extended a card with his sigil on it.
"Remember I'm always here. Please... Call me if ya need me."
Fizz wrapped his robotic limbs around Mammon, bringing him in for a tight hug.
"I love you, Dad."
Mammon cried on that stage, hugging the son he always wanted.
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What happens when the sullys (that includes spider) go to the grocery store?
Someone’s bound to get lost🙄
KSKSK I love this question I'm obsessed with this thank u.
I did just read a fic where Neytiri got accused of kidnapping Spider at the grocery store (racism! we are never free!) so that is living with me rn as I think of this ask, so let's try to make a more positive version.
Like I said once before for my modern au, Jake Sully is a retired-veteran-stay-at-home-dad. He is dedicated, he's at all the school sports on time, he's first in line at parent pick up. These are actually just perks because he can park in the handicap spots close to the doors, so he doesn't have as far to wheel. So naturally he does the grocery shopping, because I think the idea of Jake and four kids under five wheeling around a Stop & Shop is really funny.
The kids are usually fairly chill out in public when it's just them and Jake, because one time when they were being crazy a lady told him people like him shouldn't be allowed to watch kids alone and he looked like he might cry for a minute and it scared them all. Lo'ak does not remember this incident, and no one has told him about it so he will still be a little shit. Spider's fresh from his childhood trauma and newly adopted so he's like, very insistent on being held 24/7 so he has to sit in Jake's lap and hold his little stuffed dragon Kiri gave him. He's pretty chill he's just not 100% sure they're not all gonna leave him at Stop & Shop if given the chance.
Jake treats shopping like a scavenger hunt for the older kids, giving them one item at a time in the aisle to grab for him. He stops the car and turns back around to be like "Alright gang, here's the mission:" and lays out the grocery list like it's a battle plan. Then he makes them all put their hands in and go "BREAK," and throw their hands up. Spider isn't comfortable yet, but later he climbs the shelves to get higher things for Jake when Jake isn't looking. Kiri and Neteyam are old grocery shopping hats at this point, they know how to fetch things that Jake asks them to get from the lower shelves. It is a silent battle between them to see who can get the most things and faster.
Lo'ak is on strict front of the cart jail because last time he climbed to the top of a shelf and knocked an entire display of cereal boxes down because Jake said no Cocoa Puffs. Now he just focuses on losing one item of clothing discreetly during the shopping trip. No matter how many times it happens, how hard Jake tries to watch him, he will ditch one item. Usually a shoe. Jake will like turn around to grab milk from the freezer and look back at Lo'ak and he's got one shoe. His other shoe is gone forever, into the ether. Neteyam was getting butter and Kiri was staring at the dogfood for some reason, so there were no witnesses. Jake just has to buy Lo'ak new shoes and hope Neytiri never notices.
When they finish shopping every kid gets a small candy for behaving, including Jake Sully. Lo'ak gets mad on the way home that he didn't get to help with the scavenger hunt, but Jake pretends to notice a car behind them has Dr. Robotnik in it and tells Lo'ak to keep an eye on it and make sure he doesn't follow them home. Lo'ak has never been more quiet and serious before in his life. It backfires later when Lo'ak refuses to go to bed, intent on watching the street in case Dr. Robotnik comes back.
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lvpislvzuli · 2 years
The Ultimate List of Modern AU Headcanons for the Sully Kids (and Spider)
— her favourite colour is green
— wears knit cardigans and floral converse shoes
— had a frozen yogurt phase
— collects rocks and crystals
— presses flowers in notebooks
— paints her toenails ten different colours
— cuts her own hair, DIY bangs
— always has headphones on. listens to Florence and Lana religiously
— has a crush on her childhood best friend and fellow orphan, Miles “Spider” Socorro
— but she is taking that secret to the grave
— visits the botanical gardens on weekends. Spider always goes with her
— eats toast with strawberry jam for breakfast every morning
— makes her own rings, bracelets, and anklets
— hates crowds and will actively avoid them
— not a strict vegetarian but she prefers to not eat meat
— she never takes off Grace’s necklace and always asks Norm for stories about her when he visits
— she also keeps all of Grace’s published books on botany on her bedside table
— has a part time job at the local produce shop
— not sporty but she loves roller skating
— is attempting to teach Lo’ak to roller skate but it’s going poorly
— babysits Tuk for Jake and Neytiri on their date nights
— Tuk insists they do makeovers and Kiri agrees even though she hates wearing makeup
— she is very quiet at school but is the brightest student in her year
— the other kids used to bully her until she and Tsireya became friends, but they still think she is weird
— her favourite subject is art but she wishes there was a botany class
— climate activist
— never posts on social media but she does scroll
— always likes her siblings’ and Spider’s Instagram posts
— retweets Greta Thunberg
— orders a strawberry shake from McDonald’s
— loves anything strawberry flavoured
— still has sleepovers with Spider even though they are probably getting a bit old for that
— loves watching Studio Ghibli movies and her favourite is Princess Mononoke
— can play some piano but cannot sing to save her life
— her bedroom is filled with plants and she hangs wind chimes beside her window
— which just so happens to line up perfectly with Spider’s bedroom window next door
— she’s a morning person and is always the first one awake in the Sully house
— her favorite season is spring
— hates overhead lights and prefers lamps
— binge read the entire Rainbow Magic series in middle school and wished there was a fairy named for her
— a “YOLO!” kid
— he met Spider when they were seven and nine during the first week of school
— they had both been sent to the principal’s office for disrupting their classes
— it turned out that they lived next door to each other but had never met before
— so he introduced Spider to Kiri and Neteyam, and the rest is history
— picks up casual shifts at Domino’s Pizza
— will tell anyone who orders pineapple on their pizza that there is something wrong with them
— middle child syndrome
— vehemently defends his belief that vanilla is the best flavour
— on the school swim team but is always late for training
— eats cereal out of the box
— his favourite colour is orange
— looks identical to a teenage Jake
— always in detention for talking back to his teachers
— he brought home a stray dog and tried to smuggle it into his bedroom but Neytiri caught him immediately
— convinced his parents to let him keep the dog
— he named him Payakan
— is attempting to read Dune by Frank Herbert but gets distracted whenever he picks it up
— tripped over his own feet the first time he saw Tsireya
— she tutored him for an English exam—the only exam he’s ever gotten an A on
— when he finally asked her out he was shocked that she said yes
— it took him a while to warm to Tsireya’s family who thought he was trouble at first
— his phone is always, mysteriously, at 13% battery
— orders a Big Mac, a large fries, and a vanilla shake from McDonald’s
— plays the drums and is actually good
— formed a band called The Outcasts with Spider and they practice in the garage on Friday nights. Kiri sits and listens to them
— he lives on energy drinks and Doritos
— loves jet skiing and surfing. all water sports
— often tries to sneak out but Tuk always catches him in the act
— bad at making friends but great at making enemies
— posts selfies on Instagram but they’re always blurry
— will accidentally burn his toast but still eat it, plain.
— feels misunderstood by his parents
— “I’m just a kid” by Simple Plan
— secretly admires Neteyam but will never admit it
— on weekends he takes Tsireya shopping at the mall and holds all of her bags
— his favourite movie is The Karate Kid
— insists that she put the star on top of the tree at Christmas
— loves pink lemonade and bubble gum ice cream
— spends her pocket money on temporary tattoos
— has recently started playing club netball. Neytiri and Jake attend every game
— she will stay up to catch the tooth fairy but always ends up falling asleep
— prefers waffles over pancakes and chocolate syrup instead of maple syrup
— her favourite colour is rainbow
— Lo’ak tells her that rainbow is not a colour
— Tuk tells him that vanilla is not a flavour
— they argue a lot
— she is friends with everyone at her elementary school and always has a birthday party to attend
— but her best friend is Popiti who lives down the street
— she and Jake watch Saturday morning cartoons together
— orders a Happy Meal from McDonald’s
— rides a bike with a basket and handlebar streamers
— always asks Neteyam to read her a bedtime story, but she will wake Kiri up if she has a nightmare
— Neytiri has to find creative ways of sneaking vegetables into her meals
— she is terrified of needles
— Halloween is her favourite holiday and she was once sick from eating too much candy
— she has a pink glitter lamp in her bedroom and her bed is covered in plushies
— Tsireya introduced her to Taylor Swift’s music and now she is obsessed
— writes with glitter pens
— has a pet bunny named Bugs because she is a huge fan of Looney Tunes
— loves spending time with her grandmother who teaches her how to embroider
— wants a unicorn ice cream cake for her eighth birthday party
— has to wear contacts because his eyesight is actually pretty bad
— no one knows where that gene came from
— but he still has excellent hand-eye coordination
— and is a pro at tennis
— straight A student
— all the teachers love him
— is impeccably dressed at all times, except on weekends when he comes downstairs to breakfast in his pyjamas
— loves to read and always carries a paperback with him
— doesn’t like McDonald’s
— once travelled to Vietnam on a school trip and came back “cultured”
— the peacekeeper sibling
— hated sitting at the kids’ table at parties and always wanted to sit with the grownups
— he will discreetly check up on his siblings at school
— Jake takes him fishing on the weekends
— Neytiri likes to brag about how clever and kind he is when he is within earshot, which embarrasses him
— always chosen to be team captain in gym class
— is friendly to everyone he meets and always thinks the best of people, but is ready to throw hands the second someone insults his family
— sticks to a daily routine and feels unsettled whenever it’s disrupted
— very neat. maybe a little OCD
— he was a well behaved child and has never thrown a tantrum
— always tells the truth and can tell when someone is lying
— his favourite colour is purple
— has a pair of glasses for when his contacts bother him but he only wears them at home
— he is naturally smart and doesn’t have to study to get good grades
— had a hardcore photography phase and still uses his camera
— loves eating spicy food, which is one of the few things he has in common with Spider
— always wins at Monopoly
— prone to rolling off his bed during the night
— lives with the McCosker family next door to the Sullys
— but he might as well live with the Sullys because he spends all of his time with them
— will sneak out of his house through his bedroom window, jump the fence between their houses, and climb through Kiri’s bedroom window while she keeps watch
— he once got a subtle mullet on a dare but he hated it
— was a barefoot kid
— plays the guitar and sings
— (everyone was shocked when they realised Spider could sing really well)
— skateboards
— his favourite colour is blue
— orders chicken nuggets, fries and a Coke from McDonald’s
— doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth
— has a part time job at a local mechanics garage helping to fix cars
— never does homework but still gets decent grades
— doodles on every page of his textbooks
— a Star Wars kid. had lightsaber fights with Kiri and Lo’ak in their backyard
— will wash the dishes for Neytiri whenever he stays for dinner
— is saving up his money to buy a truck
— watched Tarzan on repeat as a young kid and it still shows
— his hair is long and always a mess
— wears sweatpants and owns three shirts
— posts memes on Instagram that no one but Kiri and Lo’ak understand
— he once punched a guy at school for harassing Kiri and was suspended for a week
— his adoptive father grounded him for a month
— “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance
— loves rock climbing. Kiri always tags along to spot for him
— doesn’t like celebrating his birthday, but Kiri always writes him a heartfelt letter which he saves and often rereads
— he can’t sit still for more than five minutes
— and he bounces a knee whenever he is sitting
— there is a faded scar above his eyebrow from the stitches he needed after falling from the monkey bars in middle school
— he once started a food fight in the school cafeteria
— loves roller coasters
— and is a bit of an adrenaline junkie
— would eat nachos at every meal if he could
— picks up interesting rocks he finds that he thinks Kiri will like for her collection
— he once went camping at the beach with the Sullys and it was the best weekend he’s ever had
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
I don’t know if this is too much, but after reading cap 13 of Days Into Decade ima need a what if the squad aka Quaritch’s friends raised spider instead or the McGreggors
Here are some thoughts on Spider if he’d been raised by Lyle Wainfleet & co. after they’d gotten out of prison (in my Days to Decades modern AU fic):
They have absolutely no clue how to raise a child. Before and after getting out of prison, Lyle takes parenting classes through the prison and DCFS and does his best to get ready for the ten-year-old he's about to raise for the next five years. But, when he actually gets said child, he's unsure if everything he offers is too complex or too babyish, so he just panics and puts on Bluey the first night. Spider, though maybe a little old for it, has been stuck watching cocomelon for the past year with his baby foster sister, so he's happy with talking dogs. Lopez comes over later in the night with Ja and Z-Dog and all five of them end up arguing about muffin until Spider falls asleep on the couch.
Spider's hair isn't in dreads probably, but I imagine if he was with the Sully's before Lyle or just neighbors with them while living with the McGregor's (readers choice) he'd probably still rock long hair. I also like to imagine that he probably has no clue how to take care of it and from ages ten to thirteen, one of his various aunts or uncles has to spend an hour detangling it for him after every wash. Eventually, he gets a healthy dose of teenage angst and insists he can do it himself, but I imagine that when he's particularly tired or just had a bad day he wordlessly chucks a brush at his uncle Lyle and sits on the floor in front of the couch, waiting.
Spider would (after getting assurances from the squad about how much Quaritch loves/misses him) probably go to visit his father in prison and talk to him on the phone as much as possible. By the time Quaritch gets out of prison, he'd be so fucking hyped to see his dad. Like, he'd even clean his teenage-filth-ridden room just for the occasion.
Lyle definitely lost Spider in a mall/grocery store/restaurant once. Like, Spider (and probably Kiri, tbh) is probably the kind of kid who just sees something cool and dips. What, a Pikachu plush the size of a large toddler? Must get closer. I also think it'd be funny if he met Kiri this way. Dad of (Too) Many Jake and Fun-Uncle Lyle are panicking in a Walmart. Jake's got Tuk strapped to his chest and Lo'ak is on a child leash while Neteyam sleeps in the cart, cuddling a bag of oranges. Kiri had been on her own child leash, but Jake realized as he reached for cereal that the neon orange child's backpack was limp on the ground.
Spider quickly became a leash child after Lyle saw Lo'ak and Jake. He thought it was a great idea, really. Less grey hairs for uncle Lyle. It wasn't until Spider was twelve that he finally convinced his uncle that he didn't need the monkey backpack (also how he got the nickname monkey boy from Kiri).
This is all I have for now, but there are so many young Spider ideas I have (modern au and normal cannon wise).
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paytato435 · 1 year
Snapper and Stinkpot Masterpost!
Hi! Welcome to my au where Casey is a reluctant part time turtle and he falls in love with my interpretation of Angel from the 2003 show. (Currently on a break because I started a band, lol. )
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Snapper and Stinkpot is an angsty rottmnt au that takes place one week-ish from the end of the movie. The story features Casey Junior as the protagonist as he deals with normal teenage boy things, like being the same age as his dad, blackmail, and xenoc*de.
Read on Ao3 Here!
Chapters on Tumblr and more:
1: After Dark
2: Lucy's Cat Cafe Hanging Out
3: You His Pet or Somethin'?
4: Spider’s Web Deleted Cereal Scene
5: The Stinkpot
6: Pink
7: Stability Sidewalk Comic
8: How to Light a Firecracker Dishwasher Animatic
9: Straight F*cking Sugar
10: The Bug Saturday Morning Sillies Comic!
11: The Phantom Limb
12: The Iris
13: Breach of Contract
14: Off Beat
Character References: Casey Junior Turtle Casey Future Donatello Sunshine Angel Marina
Playlist for S.A.S. 8+ Hour Extended Playlist LMAO
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
Mandela Prophet AU: Sleepless Nights
Adam is unable to fully get over Jonah’s death, and to make things worse, he’s starting to feel…different.
TW: body horror, blood, vague arachnophobia/spider mentions, character death mention
Notes: this is around 3,400 words I think? This is just a random thing I wrote cause I wanted to write something based on this au cause. I think it’s neat
Adam had been awake all night. Lying in his twin-sized bed, he stared at the ceiling, his expression blank and his mind the same. Adam had shifted his sleeping position at least 17 times, yet could not for the life of him get comfortable enough to drift off. Every single time he was able to even somewhat fall asleep, a twitch or squirm in his torso woke him back up. He sighed deeply, groaning as he pressed his hands against his face; might as well get up if staying in bed wasn’t doing any good.
Adam sauntered out of his room, deliberately ignoring the second bed resting next to the opposite wall to his. He looked down the hallway, seeing Sarah’s bedroom to his right before looking left, walking through the hallway and immediately entering the kitchen. He opened one of the cabinets, grabbing a nearly empty box of off-brand cereal before placing it on the small, pathetic excuse of a dining room table. When he went to the fridge to get milk however, he saw nothing in there besides a few cans of soda and a couple condiment bottles.
“…Figures.” Adam sighed quietly before slamming the fridge door closed. He grabbed the box of cereal before all but throwing it back into the cabinet, slamming the door of it shut as well.
Adam audibly groaned, looking over to see Sarah, sleepily staring at him from the hallway entrance. She was in her pajamas, being a cheap T-shirt and shorts, and her long, chestnut-colored hair was a mess.
“What?” Adam questioned.
“It’s four in the morning…” Sarah said as she attempted to fix her hair a little. “Why are you awake?”
“Could ask you the same thing.” Adam replied.
“How could I not be, with you being loud as hell in here?”
Adam sighed, moving his arm to itch his upper back before lowering it again. “I say you mind your business.”
“…What’s your problem?” Sarah questioned. “Ever since you got back last week, you’ve been acting so…shitty.”
“It…it doesn’t matter, okay?” Adam responded, unable to help himself from scratching his back again when he noticed the itch didn’t leave.
“…Is this because of Jonah being go—?”
“Shut up.” Adam’s tone seemed…harsh and stern, as if mentioning Jonah’s name was taboo. “No…I…I don’t care about him, alright? He ran off, and that’s that. I don’t get why it’s such a big deal.”
Sarah appeared stunned by the response, feeling somewhat unnerved by Adam’s tired and annoyed glare. “…He was your best friend.” Sarah said softly. “Yet I feel more sympathy towards him than you do.”
“I was his best friend.” Adam said, trying to ignore how irritated his back was. “I…I don’t…have friends.” Adam glanced at the ground before looking back up at Sarah, trying to keep his harsh glare despite the hesitation in his tone. He doesn’t need friends…right?
Sarah shook her head slightly before shrugging. “Alright. Sure.” She said with a hint of cynicism. “If that’s true then I guess I’ll go back to bed and leave you to sulk alone. Goodnight.”
With that, Sarah sighed and walked back down the hallway to her room, closing the door behind her. Adam watched her leave, with his brow furrowed and his glare able to melt ice. He winced slightly, his gaze fading when he felt a slight sharp pain in his back, as if someone poked him with a tack multiple times. The pain felt somewhat…familiar, though he couldn’t place why. He walked down the hallway, entering the bathroom before closing the door behind him.
He pressed his hands against the counter, staring at the sink for a moment before grabbing his plain white shirt and pulling it off. The first thing he noticed when he threw the shirt onto the ground was how thin he was; he could see his ribs through his skin, and his arms seemed almost longer than usual. He was still losing weight, even though he figured he had been eating just fine. In fact, he only seemed to be losing more weight the more he ate.
He groaned, going back to try and satiate the itch on his back once again before he paused. His finger brushed past something that felt somewhat hard, like a small hook. He stayed still for a moment before pushing his hand further, rubbing his upper back before he once again felt something under his fingers. This time, it wasn’t as small, and it felt almost fuzzy, in a prickly kind of way. He started to feel worry build in his chest as he poked whatever was sticking out of his back, feeling his blood run cold when it twitched away.
He pulled his arm down to his side, able to feel…something moving in his skin; multiple things. He quickly threw open one of the drawers, grabbing a hand mirror, one they had salvaged from the mirror destruction act, before holding it up. He held his breath as he turned his head the most he could, pointing the mirror towards whatever was on his back. His heart sunk when he saw a glimpse of multiple small, black, almost arachnid looking appendages sticking out of his skin, small hooks at the end of every single one.
Adam tried to suppress the urge to hyperventilate before he hesitantly used his other hand to prod at one of them. It didn’t move for a moment before it suddenly twitched, wrapping itself around his finger. Adam yelled in surprise before ripping his arm away, out of its small grasp. He dropped the mirror, unable to catch it before it slammed against the ground, cracking as a portion of it broke off. Adam stumbled back, trying to scratch the spider-like appendages off of his back, even grabbing one of them. He took in a breath before ripping it out, swearing he could hear something like an inhuman scream in the back of his mind. He looked down at his hand in front of him, uncurling it to reveal the limb itself.
It was bleeding something viscous and dark, like clotted blood. It had two joints, curling in on itself despite the fact it was no longer connected to anything. Adam was unsure whether to drop it on the ground and try ripping the others out, or try and figure out what the fuck it even was. However, before he could make any decision, he heard a knock on the bathroom door.
“Adam? What the fuck’s going on?” It was Sarah, sounding especially concerned.
Adam couldn’t spit out anything for a moment, flinching slightly when Sarah knocked on the door again. “Adam?”
Adam threw the small limb into the sink before fumbling with his shirt, sliding it on and trying to forcefully get rid of the horrified expression on his face. Sarah prepared to knock again before Adam swung the door open, his eyes still wide.
“…Are you—”
“I’m fine.” Adam interrupted, walking out of the bathroom before slowly closing the door behind him, his eyes locked on Sarah. “…I’m okay.”
“…You…don’t sound like it.” Sarah’s voice seemed shaky.
“I uh…I’m…y-yeah, I’m fine—”
Sarah caught a glance of a small splotch of blood soaking into the back of his shirt as he attempted to brush past her. “Oh my god, you’re bleeding—”
“NO.” Adam shook his head when he realized he said it louder than he wanted. “I…I’m fine, alright? Mind your fucking business for once.” Adam pushed past Sarah, hurrying into his room before slamming the door shut. He locked the door as soon as he was inside, walking backwards before sitting on his bed. He pressed his hands against his face, despite the right one still having traces of blood on it. He planted his elbows on his knees as he thought to himself.
“Such a fucking idiot. You absolute moron.” He muttered, grasping his hair. He had no clue what was happening to him, but he knew deep down that whatever it was, it was his fault. Before he could wallow in self-pity however, Sarah started speaking from the other side of the door.
“What’s going on with you?” Sarah asked. “Do…do you need help with anything?”
Adam glanced through the gaps in his fingers, towards the door. He was tempted to yell at her to go away, but for once, bit his tongue. “…Things…have been…weird, okay?” He said, putting his situation lightly. “I…feel like shit all the time, and…I don’t know why.”
“No, not…I don’t think so.” Adam said. “I’m…I’m…”
“…scared.” Adam could barely hear himself say the word, but he knew it was true. He was scared; scared of the things happening to his body that he can’t control, and scared of the fact that his mind rarely felt like his own anymore. He was scared of how Sarah would react when he eventually had to tell her the truth about Jonah. Every time his name was mentioned, Adam couldn’t stop the image of his cold, lifeless, headless body from creeping into his mind.
 He was scared of the fact that something in him wanted to open the door and strangle Sarah to death.
 “Well…you…know I’m here to talk, right?” Sarah asked as she leaned against the door.
“…Yeah.” Adam responded, almost choking on his words. “I…I guess.”
“...I’ll…be in the other room then.” Sarah said softly. “And…try and get some sleep, okay?”
Adam murmured a response she couldn’t even hear before Adam heard her walk away, back to her own room. He stared at the ground, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of something pushing against the back of his shirt. He wondered what the hell was happening to him, and why. Ever since—
The angel.
The false angel that stopped him on his way back to Bythorne that night.
That fucking thing is the reason he’s like this.
Adam felt a twitch in his torso when he thought of the alternate, making him hunch over as he pressed his arms against his stomach. He was too tired to think any further than that, but he wasn’t sure how he could sleep, knowing what was sticking out of his own skin right behind his head. He laid down on the bed, resting on his stomach, before hesitantly closing his eyes. Hopefully it was a strange, vivid nightmare he was having from sleep deprivation. He’d wake up the next morning, with no strange spider legs, no twitches in his torso, and hey…
Maybe Jonah would be there.
 It wasn’t a nightmare.
After only around an hour of sleep, Adam woke back up, finding himself on the floor next to his bed. He was drenched in sweat, from a nightmare he couldn’t remember. He sat up, wincing when he felt something shift inside of him. He stood up, grasping his torso, uncontrollably twitching his head and arms. His back hurt; a dull, yet intense pain rushing over him. He wanted outside, with no clear reason why. He wanted out of there, he needed out of there. He needed fresh air.
He stumbled towards the door, opening it before slamming against the wall in front of it. He tripped over his feet, nearly falling as he approached the living room, his wide, dilated pupils fixed on the front door. “Out…out…” He muttered under his breath as he reached for the doorknob. He swung open the door, stumbling away from the house, not even bothering to put on a jacket or boots to protect him from the cold winter air. The door remained open, wind rushing through into the living room as Adam disappeared from sight.
 Sarah awoke to the very faint sound of screaming; muffled, yet gut-wrenching screams from outside of the house. In her half-asleep state, Sarah couldn’t tell if it was real or if her mind was playing tricks on her, unsure whether to ignore it or try and help. Her fear of it being real was only confirmed when she fully woke up and still heard the screams, though when she stood up from bed, they abruptly stopped. She froze in place, unable to come up with a single plan of what to do. It could be someone in genuine danger, or an alternate mimicking the screams of its victim, and she wasn’t sure which one it was, nor how to differentiate them.
She hesitantly walked towards her bedroom door, pushing it open as she looked down the hallway, thankfully seeing that no one was there. She walked towards Adam’s room, seeing that the door was open. When she peeked inside, she saw that no one was there, and that it was completely silent. “Adam?” She called as she turned down the hallway. “God damn it, where did you go now?”
As she inched down the hall, she caught a glimpse of the bathroom, seeing that the door was also open. She flicked on the light, seeing the broken mirror on the ground. She glanced towards the sink, seeing that part of it was stained with a dark liquid. She looked into it, seeing a small appendage curling and uncurling itself in a pool of its own blood. “What the fuck…?” She asked herself before backing out of the bathroom.
She walked into the living room, immediately feeling the cold breeze hitting her. She saw the faint moonlight coming from the open front door, her heart sinking as her mind started putting things together. “Oh…god fucking damn it Adam—” She jogged back to her room to put on warmer clothes, only hoping Adam didn’t get himself killed.
When she had put on her jeans, jacket, and shoes, she grabbed a pistol from her nightstand and immediately left to go look for the missing BPS member. She closed the front door behind her, shivering when the cold air hit her face and blew through her hair. She looked around the front yard, seeing the street in front of her, yet no sign of Adam. She glanced towards the ground, seeing something in the snow; footprints, leading towards the side of the house.
She followed the trail, seeing that it was leading into the woods behind the home, seeming to go on for what felt like forever into the darkness. Sarah swallowed hard before she hesitantly began to walk into the forest, hoping that the pistol she held tightly in her hand was enough.
“Adam?” She called, almost afraid of how loud she was being. “Adam, where the fuck are you?!” When no response came, she only felt the sinking feeling in her chest become worse, knowing she had to keep following the uneven footprints, deeper into the woods.
After a few minutes of walking, she stopped, seeing that the trail had ended, and her eyes widened as she stared at what it led to; a pool of rapidly freezing blood. The impressions in the snow were messy and unclear, as if Adam was struggling against something. Sarah crouched down, lightly grasping something that was sticking out of the snow, being a torn piece of blood-soaked fabric.
“Shit.” Sarah stood up quickly, dropping the cloth and turning to head back for help. However, she froze when she heard something behind her; a faint, hoarse voice.
“Saaarrah…?” It sounded as if it was in pain, drawing out the word. Sarah hated that it was Adam’s voice.
She turned her head, looking behind her before freezing in place, not from the bitter cold, but the figure standing by the trees, barely visible in the shadows aside from the moonlight bleeding through the leaves above. She found Adam, just…not in the way she wanted.
His clothes were stained with blood and grime, and he was around a foot off of the ground. Sarah noticed in horror that there were…hands covering most of his face, one barely holding his mouth shut and three others covering his eyes and grasping his hair. Two large, mangled arms held his limp body up, its hands pressed against the forest floor. Every single blackened arm was attached to his back, the main body hanging from them almost lifelessly.
Sarah watched as Adam lifted his own arm weakly, the pitch-black hand covering his left eye shifting its fingers so Sarah could see his eye; his horrified, tear-filled eye.
“H…Help…me…” He choked before his human arm fell to his side and the hands covered his eye and mouth fully.
The two large arms shifted, “running” to the side and out of view in the blink of an eye. Sarah stumbled backwards before turning and sprinting away. It was a hunt, and she could hear the alternate behind her, chasing her from behind the trees. She didn’t dare look behind her, even when she heard Adam’s voice telling her to come back; she knew it wasn’t really him talking.
Sarah finally made it out of the woods, turning towards the house to see the van in the parking lot. She sprinted towards it, seeing her salvation as she ran around it, fumbling with the car door handle before swinging it open. However, she heard a loud thump from on top of the van, and when she looked up, she froze. The alternate was perched on top of the van, its two walking hands grasped firmly on the roof. Adam’s head was facing her, forcefully moved around by the hand clasped on his hair. Two free arms from his back appeared, reaching for Sarah before she swung up her gun and fired.
           The shot hit Adam’s shoulder, and she could swear she heard a muffled, human scream under the cacophony of horrid screeches. She didn’t spend any time figuring out if she was simply hearing things or now before she spun around and ran. Sarah rushed down the street, wishing she actually worked on her cardio often as the alternate continued its pursuit.
She felt her foot hit a rock before she yelled, slamming against the asphalt before she scrambled back onto her feet. She felt something grab her ankle however, and fell to the ground once again before turning over and seeing the alternate right above her, staring down at her. Adam’s head tilted slightly before Sarah’s shoulders were grasped by two of the arms sprouted from his back. She kicked at him, but it did nothing as she was lifted off of the ground and brought to eye level. She watched as the hand covering Adam’s mouth was brought away, and when he opened it, eight spider like mandibles flicked out, his body shuddering at the action.
The hand that was covering his mouth reached for Sarah’s neck, and the one grasping his head let go and joined the other before beginning to strangle her. She struggled to move, coughing and choking as she felt the ice-cold hands tighten around her neck. She felt herself slowly losing consciousness as the alternate tried to crush her windpipe. She shakily held up her gun, struggling against the arms holding her shoulders before pointing it towards Adam’s body, and as much as Sarah felt guilty for doing so, for the sake of her life, she pulled the trigger of her pistol once again.
The bullet hit him square in the middle of his torso, right under his sternum. Adam screamed, and the hands let her go. Sarah slammed against the ground with a thump before seeing the arms forcefully jam themselves back into Adam’s back, retracting before his limp body fell to the ground unconscious. Adam grew still as Sarah’s quickened breath echoed in the silent street. Her wide eyes fixed on Adam’s body, seeing the open wounds in his back and the blood that was pouring out of them.
Sarah had no fucking clue what she should do. She had no idea a situation such as this was even possible, and as she stood up, she wondered if the Adam she had been talking to was even the real him. She hesitantly approached Adam’s body, her gun trained on him before Sarah looked back down the street, barely seeing the apartment from where she stood.
She shoved the gun into its holster before crouching down, shakily grabbing Adam’s leg before beginning to drag him down the street. If what she was thinking was correct, Adam could be saved, though she never encountered a possession of that sort before. Whether she was actually able to help him was unclear; either way, she had many questions to give him when he woke up.
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cattstep · 3 months
Dyed Banana Imbued Breaded Fluffy Crunchy Jelly Exterminated Frozen Yogurt Guava Citron Prune Plantain Mulberry Rose Apple Apricot Dragonfruit Currant Boysenberry Olive Pomelo Quince Gooseberry Cantaloupe Strawberry Citrus Pear Raisin Kiwi Melon Hazelnut Almond Acorn Cashew Walnut Macadamia Worm Cheeseball Granola Thick Vegetable Curd Buttermilk Marmalade Miso Beer Oil Cookie Vinegar Dough Egg Yolk Melted Butter Milk Roux Orange Water Alcohol Soup Grease Caramel Fruit Juice Matcha Popcorn Bone Bubblegum Tofu Cornstarch Gallium Jello Himalayan Baking Soda Reuben Sandwich Grilled Cereal Cheeseburger Mozzarella Blue Cheese Cheddar Provolone Parmesan & Cracker Sour Cream Cheesedog Ganache Biscuit Screwdriver Rice Brookie Yoylecake Sauerkraut Brussels Sprout Lentil Eggplant Cabbage Black Seaweed Cocoa Garlic Coffee Mashed Kohlrabi Oat Tea Leaf Bell Chickpea Vanilla Bean Onion Pepper Corn Pumpkin Potato Kebab Sussy Sushi Feijoada Shepherd's Pie Le Fishe Au Chocolat Twice-cooked Ham Pork Liver Spider Donut Churrasco Marine Biologist Fried Red Herring Eel Salmon Anchovy Mackerel Tuna Nachos Barbecue Ketchup Gravy Chocolate Salsa Chili Mustard Meat Soy Tomato Sauce Butterscotch Icing Sundae Carbonara Chicken Pho Minestrone
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aftout · 5 months
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You guys say “hey nico we already saw your Chandrelle redesign yesterday” and i go uhm what the freak? Her boyfriends are literally here now as well :/ you literally have to look at them or i will wail and also drawing vallamir made me almosg pass out (Lazarus’ helmet reveal under the cut baby!)
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Idk how any of these fuckers get onto that motorcycle
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polutrope · 10 months
for the Christmas prompts, can I get #14-being a Scrooge with Turgon, please? 😀
Another great prompt! This is loosely a part 2 to yesterday's. Turgon has a hard time with winter, and forgiveness. Also featuring Elenwe. ~1.1k words. Rated G. Little context: Feanor is adopted in this AU. See Beleria Cast of Characters for more! Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list.
Despite not getting to bed until eleven the previous night, Turgon was up early. He glanced out the window as he adjusted the thermostat and scowled. Still dark. And they hadn’t even reached the shortest day of the year yet.
Turgon hated winter.
He flipped on the kitchen lights and was greeted by the sight of his dining table still strewn with handmade Yule cards, left to dry the night before. What could Aredhel possibly need that many cards for?
He's talk to her again about finding her own place. Soon. He would have already if Elenwë hadn’t insisted that Yule was no time to kick someone out of your home. Was there ever a good time? And now she was back with Celegorm and bringing him around… Ugh. Turgon shuddered at the memory of coming home last night to the unwelcome sight of that man sitting at his dining table, blithely gluing popsicle sticks together. With Turgon’s daughter. And giving her hot chocolate at eight p.m. on a school night.
At least he’d taken the hint and left. But Turgon did not like the idea of that guy in his house, even if he wasn’t home.
Turgon rolled his shoulders and yawned loudly, setting the coffee to brew. Next: a cup of water in the saucepan and a half-cup of oats – as he'd done every day (except Saturdays, when he and Elenwë made crêpes) for the last five years. Since Idril had been born. (Not that he'd been especially creative with his breakfasts before that.)
He cleared a corner of the table for himself and idly perused the cards around him. The ones by his daughter and nephew were rather charming, he had to admit. Even if Maeglin’s choice of subject matter was odd, his spider was remarkably realistic for a four-year-old. He was a smart kid. Hopefully Celegorm’s influence wouldn’t ruin him.
“Hey babe.”
Turgon jumped, and Elenwë laughed. “Just me,” she said, setting her hand on his shoulder and pulling his head, nearly level with hers when seated, to her chest. “Up early again, hey? How’d you sleep?”
“Bad,” said Turgon.
Elenwë huffed as she set the kettle to boil. “You’ve been so stressed this term, Turno. Can you maybe give up teaching a class next term, focus on finishing your book?”
“El, no. I need the teaching experience. What we need is to get rid of my sister and her kid.”
“Turgon,” Elenwë said sternly. “Aredhel can’t afford her own—”
“Hey guys,” Aredhel said, appearing in leggings and a bright pink tank-top with her mass of black hair in a messy bun. “I forgot I’m subbing for the Hatha flow class this morning. Turno, do you mind watching Lómion? I’ll be back before lunch.”
“Why don’t you get Celegorm to watch him?” Turgon grumbled.
“I said, why don’t you get your boyfriend to watch him? I have things to do.”
“Well, for one I don’t have time to take him to Celegorm’s—”
“It’s okay, Ar,” Elenwë cut in. “I can take him to work with me for the morning. I’m just putting on a movie for the kids this morning any way. Impossible to get a bunch of fourth-graders to learn anything this close to Yule!”
Turgon tried not to let his spoon clatter against the bowl as he scooped another bite of oatmeal. Of course, make him look like the bad guy.
“Thank you! I really appreciate it, I’ll owe you!” Aredhel said, then, “See you tonight, Turno.” Turgon could feel his sister’s glare but didn’t deign to meet it.
Elenwë sat down at the table with her tea and cereal. “I wish you’d partake in a little holiday cheer.”
“I will,” said Turgon noncommittally. “Once grades are in.”
“I wish I could believe that,” said Elenwë. “I was thinking: what if we had a little gathering here?”
Turgon looked up from his breakfast in shock. “Absolutely not.”
“Come on, it could be fun!” Elenwë said with a little bounce of her shoulders.
“I don’t think so. Anyway, we can’t afford a party.”
“You’re such a scrooge,” Elenwë said. “I think it would be a nice way to bring the families back together.”
Turgon dropped his spoon. “What families?”
“Yours and the Finvesens. You know, now that Aredhel and Celegorm are getting serious—”
“Elenwë,” said Turgon gravely, “please tell me you’re kidding.”
“I’m not,” said Elenwë. “We had a nice time with him last night. I think he’s really gotten himself sorted out since they got back together. Did you know he’s back in school? Vet college! And I’m tired of every visit with Fingon being such an awkward affair, too.”
“Well, it wasn’t me who made it awkward,” said Turgon, returning to his oatmeal.
“Maybe not! But it’s you continuing to make it awkward. Look, like it or not, your brother and sister are dating a Finvesen now, and they are happy. Maybe it’s time to forgive them.”
“Elenwë, listen to yourself. I almost lost you because that fu— that Fëanor is a greedy bastard. You could have died after the accident, and—” Turgon’s eyes began to water “—they could have paid for the surgery, Elenwë, it would have been a drop in the hat for them. Dad would even have paid him back!” He covered his eyes with a hand and pinched his temples.
Elenwë found his other hand with hers. “Yes. I know," she said gently. "But I did get better, even without them. You didn’t lose me, I’m here. Listen, I’m not asking you to forgive Fëanor, but can you forgive his sons?” She squeezed his fingers. “I have.”
Turgon dragged a deep breath into his lungs and slowly let it out. “Fine,” he said. “Fine, I’ll try. But no party. I’m not ready for a party with them.”
Elenwë smiled. “Fine, no party. What about if we give them gifts?”
“Gifts!” Turgon shouted. “We can’t afford that many more gifts!”
Elenwë rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.” Then she gestured to the cards. “How about we make them gifts?”
“Real cute,” Turgon said. “I’m sure they’ll love some popsicle stick trees. Oh, I know: let's make them cards that say 'We're broke as shit' on the backs. Just to make the message clear. Wait,” he said, a grin slowly claiming his expression at his next thought, “actually: I saw a perfect gift idea for them at that quirky coffee shop down the street. We could probably make it.”
“Yeah, a cute little sign. It said ‘Merry Kiss My Ass’.”
Turgon chuckled around his last bite of oatmeal, rather satisfied with his idea (about which he was not entirely joking).
Elenwë playfully smacked his shoulder. “You’re awful,” she said affectionately, and laughed.
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Hogwarts uni AU: Draught of Peace
Chapter 2: Draught of Peace. Chapter 1 here.
Pairing: Severus Snape x oc Minoes.
Summary: University life continues. A mishap on Jasmine's part messes up what should have been a wonderful Potion's class, and Minoes' has trouble with a persistant migraine. Jasmine belongs to @devil-doll13, Scarlet belongs to @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 4255
Dividers by delishlydelightfuldividers.
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I could just feel the time of my menstruation approaching. The morning started a little earlier, with how early I was to bed the night before, and I took my time getting ready. Layers of myself; spider necklace, strings and strings of beads, clinking together faithfully, the same braid I slept in pinned up again. I cast a similar spell as the one I used last night, to make little stars glimmer in my hair. They won’t last all day, but that’s alright. The headscarf of choice today is the deep blue one with the forget-me-nots.
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At the breakfast table, I sank down next to Scarlet, who sat by herself, reading a book. I pulled down the scarf as I reached the table – it’s something for in the hallways and outside, but not during lectures or meals.
“Good morning,” I greet as I sit down. They closed their book, checking the page number to remember later. Must’ve ran out of bookmarks.
“Morning. You greet me as if we haven’t seen each other as soon as we woke up,” she said.
“Hmm, I thought it’d be impolite not to say anything. How did you sleep?”
“Decent,” was all they said and I helped myself to one of the cereals on the table.
“You know,” I started absentmindedly, “it’s all fun with the house colours and the robes and all, but I can’t help but think we got unlucky.”
Scarlet hummed noncommittally.
“Green doesn’t look good on me. It clashes with almost every other colour besides the usual colours that match with everything. Don’t get me wrong, I also wear black all the time, but look how pretty this scarf is.”
“Forget-me-nots,” they affirmed, with a short nod.
“Yeah. And it’s blue. With this green? I hate it.”
“Then don’t wear it. I like green.”
“That’d feel like losing. It’s windy, I need the scarf for when I go to Herbology, ” I grumbled, then I realised I’d have to eat quick to get some food in me before breakfast is over. “I have Art now, gotta run, see you, Scarlet!”
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Wizardly Art, taught by the wonderful teacher, Professor De Smet, all the way from Belgium, who greeted us with a large projection of Witches on the Sabbath (1878) by Spanish painter Luis Ricardo Falero.
“Who of you knows this painting?”
Like the overeager art school ho, I raised my hand instantly. He pointed at me to let me know to go ahead. “Witches during the Sabbath.”
“Very good,” and he clicked to the next slide, showing my minute mistake in title, and more information about the artwork. “Falero is one of those painters famed in the muggle world for his female nudes, but who has made a very different art that he kept for fellow wizards only. Now some of his works are in private galleries of some large pureblood families, or in the homes of descendants of his family.”
Dipping my quill in the ink, I took notes eagerly. The slides switched to one of his magical artworks; a beautiful female nude, with her holding a wand, posing coquettishly. Professor De Smet continued.
“Originally taught in Paris, student of the similarly well-known painter Gabriel Ferrier, he devoted himself to the arts after failed experiments in the sciences. Yes, this man was one of those who seemed to want to do it all. Now, you may be wondering; how did he get away with his portrayal of witches in the manner he did?”
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Art flew by and I hurried to the greenhouses for Herbology after. Neville greeted me, and I sat down next to him. The last seat. He must’ve saved it for me. I smiled gratefully at him.
“Nice of you to join us, as well,” said Professor Sprout about my tardiness. Untying my scarf and getting my quill out, I tried looking in Neville’s book to see the subject of the day.
“Sopophorous plant,” whispered Neville, leaning in so closely that we bumped heads as I righted myself with book in hand. “Damn, ouch!” he hissed quietly, rubbing his forehead.
Sprout sent us a stern look, hands on her hips.
“Ahem. If the two lovebirds back there could pay attention, that’d be great,” she said, lips pursed. I elbowed Neville to pay attention and he did, sheepishly. Gods, let this be a good year and not let me fail Herbology.
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I met up with Scarlet during lunch.
“I saw on the notice board that duelling is tonight, are you joining again this year?”
Scarlets face brightened up by the mention of her favourite after class activity. “I am.”
We both stared out at the lunch table. Eventually I plucked a hot cross bun from one of the plates.
“You miss the food back home?” I asked. They helped themselves to something, and poured a glass of pumpkin juice.
“You know it,” she chuckled. “Dinners are really good though, just not the bread.”
“I may ask my parents to send some,” I said, thinking aloud. “They probably have enough going on, though.”
“Hey Minoes, hey Scarlet,” said a familiar voice. Anatoli, who climbed over the bench to sit next to me. I scooted over to make room, smiling at him.
“Hey! I missed you during Art just now. I though you were also taking it this year?”
“I am – just had a thing with the…” he pointed over his shoulder, letting his voice trail off, and shrugged. “We have Ethics after this, though.”
“Can’t wait,” I said, heavy on the sarcasm. Then I checked with Scarlet, who hadn’t said a word. A little suspicious of a new face perhaps. She didn’t know which of the Slytherins was nice and which would call her a slur to her face, after all. “Scarlet, this is Anatoli, my dear friend from Ethics.”
They exchanged polite greetings, but it felt like it was little use. At least I tried. Anatoli seemed eager to talk with just me, so I left it.
“What did I miss in Art?”
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After the most boring Ethics class, it was finally time to retire. I was tired from having people around me, and left my headscarf on during dinner to relieve at least some of the noise of the Great Hall. After eating, the library was my sanctuary. Thankfully that one alcove I inhabited during the previous year was empty and I settled down to get a good start at the various assignments for the different classes. Something about uses of lavender for Potions, the ethics of Plato and how to apply them to the use of love and hate potions for Ethics, a study of one artwork of own choosing by Falero for Art, and for Herbology… well. A disaster. I’ll have to find Neville tomorrow.
As I penned down the different uses of lavender, making sure to include information on how the methods to prepare them effect their workings, my mind kept wandering off to the Potion’s class. Just the smell of the classroom was enough to make me yearn for the Professor. My father was proud when he heard about my good grades in Potions, but I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was because Professor Snape is just a really good teacher. He has this way of explaining things during lectures that just make them stick in my brain. And unlike the other teachers, who waved me off when I came to them with difficult questions, sighing and rolling their eyes, he actually took me seriously. Not only that; he only gave cryptic answers, which forced me to find the solution on my own – which is incredible. To him it all seems to come so naturally…
Images of him crushing up hellebore petals, beautiful bony hands measuring the ingredients, testing the temperature with a wet finger to the side of the cauldron, his at ease expression as he stirred – then looked up and met my eyes… A single moment last year that still was impossible to forget.
I slammed my book closed. Nevermind. Better continue tomorrow, if all my brain wants to do is daydream.
Retreated back to the Slytherin common room after the library closed for the night. My second night at Hogwarts and I was already going back so late… The lack of students in the halls brought me peace. The tall windows of the common room, looking out over the dark lake calmed me. It’s so dark and serene out there. Barely anyone was left, just some smaller groups of students, quietly chatting or reading amongst themselves. I stood so close to the window that I could feel the cold seep through the glass and stared at the underwater vegetation swaying gently in the stream.
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Terrible headache. The blood started, too. A rainy day; black wool headscarf with roses and the nice fringe. Changed the spider necklace for the sun and moon one, then layered on the strings of beads, the lipstick, enchanted Saturn earrings, the rest of me. Black blouse, velvet skirt. During breakfast, I finished writing a letter to a friend back home.
I was glad to spot Jasmine during Charms, sitting somewhere near the front of the class. Scarlet had found her before I did, and sat on her other side. Both greeted me.
“I dearly hope the assignment was for next week,” I mumbled, as I sit down next to her.
“Yeah, it is,” she nodded, kindly smiling.
“How is Peaches settling in?”
She perked up at mention of her dear cat. “Quite well! She misses me now that I leave her alone for most of the day, but she adjusts quite well.”
Class came to an end, and I finished by writing a reminder to do the assignment before Monday.
“Where do you usually study?” I asked Jasmine as she pushed her book into her bag, the quill in a separate compartment.
“Common room or library. There are some spots that are quite nice in there. How about you two?”
“Library, but in the dorms as well. I like the view of the lake,” said Scarlet. “The couches are more comfortable than the wooden chairs in the library.”
“There’s this little alcove that I like in the library, but there’s plenty spots quiet enough for me. Maybe we could meet up and study together sometime,” I proposed. Both of them nodded.
“Could be fun. Always good to feel less alone.”
“Bring Peaches,” I grinned, and our paths parted.
After classes, I worked on assignments, and after finishing some on time, I made my way up to the Astronomy tower to see Hannah Theresa. Giving her treats and pets, she was happy to see me. Finally, after a nice time enjoying the view, I gave her the letter I wrote during breakfast and watched her fly off. Magnificent creature.
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Terrible migraine persisted. Ran out of potions for it. Made a mental note to stop by the Potion’s classroom or Professor Snape’s office to ask if I could make myself some. Put on the layers of me like zipping up a difficult theatre costume. Realised that it would soon be done with the summer weather, so I choose a my nice, yet not so warm, sheer spiderweb lace shirt instead of a blouse. Back to the spider necklace, to fit with the theme. Perhaps I should tinker around and find a spell to get artificial spiderwebs in my hair. It’d be cute.
“Good morning, Scarlet,” I greeted, seeing we were both awake at the same time.
“Morning,” they said, rubbing their eyes before lowering their glasses.
What classes are on today? Alchemy, Potions and Ethics. The black wool scarf from yesterday was too precious to get messed up with alchemy and potion fumes, so I choose the another black one, a nice cotton blend with soft coloured hydrangea. Hair pinned up so nothing could fall into a cauldron by accident. The ritual of it calmed me down. I was buzzing with excitement to see Professor Snape again.
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Alchemy was everything but a breeze, but nothing could beat my good mood. Even Scarlet noticed it, as we walked to the dungeons.
“You’re so cheerful today,” they remarked. “Is it because of the particular class we’re heading to now?”
“Hmm, maybe. Did wake up with a terrible headache, though.”
“You should see Madam Pomfrey. She’s a great help.”
“I’ll think on it. My dad helped me a lot over the summer and we finally made a recipe that actually helps with the specific type of migraine I get.”
“You’re just saying that because you want to spend more time hanging around Snape.”
Ah. Ouch. “That’s really mean and not true, actually,” I said, keeping my tone flat. We reached the classroom and were joined by our favourite Ravenclaw friend. “Hey Jasmine.”
“Time for Potions again,” she said, looking dejected.
“It’s not too bad. We’ll help you, if you want? Let’s meet up in the library when we can and we will help,” I said.
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We entered. Draco jeered at Scarlet, but the Professor’s entrance ended that quickly, thank goodness.
“Today we will be brewing the Draught of Peace,” he started, “a potion meant to calm the mind and relieve anxieties.”
My heart surged at the sound of his voice. I was glad there was this large, safe  distance between us. Glad to know I could admire him from afar, to feel inspired by his mastery of the art of Potions, to push myself to greater things hoping for only the smallest bit of praise… Oh right, we need ingredients.
As we started with preparing what we needed, Scarlet leant to me.
“What is Malfoy’s problem today?” they hissed.
“Maybe a fly died in his pumpkin juice this morning.”
Starting the potion, I used the bottom of the mortar to do the heavy lifting of crushing the ingredients, trying my best not to make a lot of noise as I slammed it down to break the unicorn horn and the moonstones.
“Miss Vleerebosch, is that how we crush porcupine quills now?” His voice so close to my ear made me jolt. I looked back to see him examining my work station with one eyebrow raised. Displeasure was written all over his face and I sighed.
“It’s quicker, Professor.”
But he already moved on to Jasmine’s cauldron. I pinched the bridge of my nose, willing the headache away.
“And what have we here? Tell me, Miss Daly,” his voice was different now, more than just displeased. “Precisely where in your textbook does it specify that your potion should look like an oil spill?”
Ouch. I glanced at Jasmine to check if she was okay, but my cauldron bubbled dangerously, so I quickly moved to lower the head and add the two drops of hellebore syrup. All the while, Professor Snape continued lecturing poor Jasmine. She already had it tough in Potions…
A bang made me look up, only to see that Snape’s robe caught fire, and a stunned Jasmine standing there, wand in hand.
“What,” he spat through gritted teeth. He looked mortified. “Exactly did you just do!?” 
Jasmine fumbled over her words, eventually settling on: ““Well I just- Sir, you’re, um, very flammable, and…”
Flammable? What a mess. Having caught the attention of the entire classroom, the Gryffindor didn’t hide their joy at seeing the hated professor on fire. Shocked as I was, the absurdity of it all made me laugh awkwardly. The Slytherins weren’t any better, snickering quietly, forgetting all about their potions.
Another loud clatter, and Finnigan’s cauldron fell of the table, spilling its boiling contents all over the floor.
Still on fire, Professor Snape seethed with rage, not doing anything to extinguish himself. Merlin, what do I do?
Deciding to risk it, I cast a spell to summon water, pointing it at him. It worked, and the flames went out. I breathed. The smell of smoke lingered.
“Mr Finnigan!” Snape snapped, whirling around to face Seamus. His clothes were so badly damaged they fell to the floor. “That’s twenty points from Gryffindor, and a failing grade!” 
Finnigan’s laughter died down quickly, as did the rest of the class. The spell was broken. Laughter made way for apprehension and fear.
Seeing the hot orange liquid bubbling dangerously on the floor, another disaster waiting to happen, I said, frowning: “Clean that up, Finnigan. Before it ignites!” 
“Oh, right!” 
Seamus scrambled to clean it up himself, but Scarlet was quicker and did it for him: “Scourgify!” 
I shook my head, and took over Jasmine’s potion as that didn’t look too good either. Professor Snape’s fury had her shaking in her boots. What a mess.
Needless to say, class ended quickly and terribly.
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After lunch, I studied a bit in the library, before Ethics started. The cramps were setting in fully now, and conjuring up a hot water bottle just didn’t cut it. Not to speak of the migraines. It was scary to think of the mood Snape would be in, but perhaps I really should stop by the dungeons. Before I ruin my grades this early because I can’t focus past the pain.
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Ethics was suffering, but I tried my best to make the most of it with Dana and Anatoli. I hoped they couldn’t tell that I wasn’t in it. The first of the gossip about what happened during Potions already circulated in the classroom and the hallways. Setting fire to a teacher would have the school lively with whispers, let alone that teacher being Professor Snape. I felt bad for him. After class, we chatted while walking back to the common room.
“I heard your crush on Snape has ended,” said Dana, stretching after the lecture was over. I dropped my book and quill in my bag, hoping the notes I took were good enough to revise later.
“Who told you that?”
“Is it true?” Anatoli perked up.
Dana nodded eagerly and got up to walk out of the classroom. “She had a summer fling!”
I rolled my eyes. Better play along. We entered the hallway. “Let’s discuss this in the dorms at least,” I proposed. They agreed. Once we were in the common room, the subject immediately shifted back to me, unfortunately.
“So tell us about your summer lover,” pushed Anatoli.
“Alright, alright,” I held up my hands in mock surrender. “He studied philosophy with me when I went to muggle university, he only listens to Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan and he played guitar for me, and we went star gazing a lot. That enough?”
“Who are they?” asked Dana, and I remembered she wouldn’t be familiar with muggle artists. We found our familiar seats on the couches by one of the fireplaces.
“Muggle musicians,” and I quickly made some comparisons to some artists that she would know. “Essentially a romantic soul.”
Dana looked at me, her expression serious. “You dated a muggle?”
“Hm?” I frowned. “Sure did. Liked him a whole lot, too.”
“I knew you studied at a muggle university before this, but…” her voice trailed off, eyes shifting everywhere but to me. I looked at her sharply, glad she didn’t look at me or I’d frighten her. Anatoli laid a warm hand on my knee for a brief second.
“What do you mean?” I encouraged her, voice betraying nothing but curiosity.
“Didn’t think you’d enjoy being with one. Since, you know. You’re a witch. It’s not… It must be hard.” She changed her posture, growing uncomfortable.
“It was pretty fun, actually,” I chuckled. “We still write letters sometimes.”
Then she looked at me, sudden and unexpected. “I just wouldn’t want you to settle for someone like him, when there’s so many good wizards out there to choose from.”
What a diplomatic answer. Very telling, but diplomatic.
“Thank you for looking out for me,” I said, and decided to end it with a joke: “Love hardly feels like choice, or I’d never have liked Professor Snape.”
That lightened the mood, and both of them laughed softly.
“Well, good wizard or not, I hardly think he’s a suitable lover for anyone,” Anatoli chuckled.
“Every pot has a lid!” I said cheerfully. “But I have to go, I should borrow a book for Herbology before I forget about it again. Bye, see you at dinner!”
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With that disaster averted, and making a quick note in my dairy to not trust Dana too much, I gathered all the courage I could find until I stood in front of the Potion’s classroom. After knocking and hearing a gruff ‘come in’, I entered. Professor Snape stood by the shelves that lined the walls, tinkering with bottles of ingredients.
“Good afternoon, Professor,” I greeted, and closed the door behind me. “Are you… alright? That was quite the situation earlier.”
There were no traces of what happened anywhere. Good. The look Professor Snape gave me as I came closer was the most hateful look I’ve ever seen him wear. It shocked me, felt like my heart froze over.
“What do you hope to accomplish by asking that?” He looked like a wounded animal.
“I worry,” was all I could think to say. “Is it forbidden to care?”
“I don’t need your pity!” He moved towards me, towering and casting frightful shadows across the walls. When he reached me, my eyes widened in shock, he gripped me by the shoulders and pushed me to the door.
“Get out! Get out!”
The door slammed in my face. Fuck. What now? Jesus Christ. Another sharp stab of pain pounded through my temples. Ok. Fuck it. I knocked rapidly on the door.
“Get away!”
I kept knocking urgently. “I came to brew a potion! Let me at least use the supplies!”
No answer. My knuckles hurt by now, but nothing beats the migraine. Then the door swung open, so unexpectedly that I almost lost my balance. He jerked me inside by a sharp grip on my arm. The door locked behind me.
“At least do it in silence,” he hissed, his eyes shooting fire. I nodded, keeping quiet, but my frustration grew.
After gathering ingredients, I sat in my usual seat and prepared to start brewing.
“What potion,” Snape’s cutting voice shook me from my thoughts and I looked up over the cutting board, “is important enough to disturb me for?”
It wasn’t a genuine question. It was him seeking to intimidate me.
With similar venom, I replied: “Perhaps you can recognise it from the ingredients and seeing the preparation? Surely a great teacher such as yourself would be able to.” While I knew full well this was a potion my dad and I invented.
The knife came down on the chopping board a little too harshly. The spikes of pain made me want to retaliate anything thrown at me, and somewhere deep down I knew that’s what Snape felt as well. Yet I couldn’t find it in me to let myself be treated like an emotional punching bag today. So I brewed in silence, ignoring the prickling feeling of his eyes on me.
The tinkering of glass against glass as he arranged his ingredients soon put me more at ease. Brewing was always calming for me, and I breathed in deep once I put in the crushed lavender buds. Good. It’s coming along. Every once in awhile I’d sense he was looking at me, and I’d stare right back. It seemed he was truly trying to see what potion I was making.
A long hour and a half later, the potion was done, and I ladled it carefully into vials. I felt better just by knowing that now I’d have enough to last me a week. After barely waiting for it to cool down, I moved to drink one now, but Snape cut in. He stood in front of me suddenly, peering down at me past his nose.
“That’s not a potion I’m familiar with. If you see it fit to poison yourself, go ahead.”
“It’s a recipe of my own,” I replied, “for the migraines I get.” And I drank the vial to the last drop. He raised an eyebrow.
“Leech juice, lavender buds, salamander blood, poppy head, unicorn horn, honeywater, billywig sting slime, moondew drops, chizpurfle fangs, dried nettle, dittany, thaumatagoria; that’s quite a rare ingredient for an at home remedy,” he sounded critical. “I assume that’s your take on a Wiggenweld Potion.”
Under his scrutinising stare, I hastily sat up and threw the peels in the bin.
“It started out as such, but I kept changing ingredients around until it worked for me. My dad helped, of course,” I said, cleaning the rest of the workspace as quickly as I could.
Professor Snape remained quiet.
“You’re welcome to try some, if you ever get a migraine,” I joked.
“If it’s done, you can get out.” But his voice was softer. We stared at each other for a long moment. Slowly, my headache faded. Still, neither of us moved a muscle. His eyes darted over my face, seeking something, and he seemed calmed, much calmer than he was when I came in. His handsome face, regal and gaunt at the same time, was enough to take my breath away. His dark eyes were hypnotising, every time I tried looking away, I was sucked right back in. His lips parted slightly, as though there was something to say, but it never came. Then, a knock sounded on the door, and the spell was broken. Quickly, I gathered my vials and ran off.
13 notes · View notes
the-fiction-witch · 11 months
Seventeen P31 - 39
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Media TMR AU X Seventeen Series
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet + Flirty af
I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt, I didn't even care how little sleep I had gotten. I smiled and pulled my pillow even tighter wrapping my legs around the pillow too peppering the soft cotton with kisses.
"Good morning y/n" I smiled squeezing the pillow even tighter "ummm did you sleep well? Yeah? Hummmm" I smirked biting my lip "Yeah? You wanna snuggle? No? Ohhh you wanna make love? Hummm well who am I to deny my darling her desires" I smirked squeezing and kissing my pillow and grinding against it playfully
"Isaac sweetheart you want fruit loops or cinnamon toast for breakfast?" My mum said as she opened the door to my room
"Mum!" I yelled moving the pillow away and grabbing my covers to conceal my erection though as it was pretty obvious through my boxers
"Ohh goodness-" she gasps shutting the door again "Oliver! I think you need to have another one of those... chats with your son" she yelled
"What are you going on about Alice?" My dad yelled back from their bedroom
"Ughh! Mum means Newts Wanking again!" Sonya yelled from her own room
"Again? I think he needs to skip the cereal love, it's increasing the libido and production far too much"
"Privacy. In this house. Can I have some please!" I yelled
"You get privacy when you're eighteen" my mum warns hitting my door "Now leave that pillow alone and come down for breakfast"
I sighed and got out of bed getting some fresh clothes on even if I had to give myself a decent adjustment given I was still very hard but I slipped my orange and black button-down on as an overshirt I heard a noise.
Buzz buzz
My phone!
I bolted over grabbed it from its charger and opened it up to see the most wonderful of notifications from the name I put in yesterday
Y/n <;3:
Morning Newt x hope you had a nice night just got to the gym with the girls
So I happily texted her back
Morning love X yeah I hope you had a good night too :) you have fun with the girls at the gym, don't work yourself too hard
Y/n <;3:
You're are so sweet x but that's really up to Teresa she makes the plans for everyone I will work as hard as she tells me to
Oh, well if she does push you a little too hard maybe I can treat you to another slushie on Monday xx
Y/n <;3:
I'll hold you to that &lt;3
Ummmmm y/n my darling, I put my phone in my pocket and headed down to the kitchen where everyone else sat having breakfast there was silence at the table as I poured some cereal and milk having a couple of spoonfuls before my dad broke the silence.
"Okay. We need a chat"
"Newts in trouble" Sonya laughed
"Dad I wasn't wanking. I was just in bed that's all"
"No no this isn't about that." He says folding his Sunday paper and setting r down beside his coffee "I am sick to death of the name calling, arguments, bickering, complaining, tadletailing, the fights for the bathroom every morning, the constant complaints about space and privacy. I have had it. And you kids can't seem to be mature adults and put it aside so after much long debate your mother and I have come up with a solution." He explained
I merely chewed my cereal sheepishly
"We are clearing out the basement"
For a moment there was a stunned silence and a mild wave of confusion as too if that's what he meant to say and then how that sentence connects to the first.
"Okay... as a bonding exercise?" Sonya asks clearly as confused as me
"Well to some extent," he shrugs
"No we are going to clean out the basement and one of you will be moving down there"
"Into the basement!" Sonya yelled
"Yes, it's a very large room bigger than both your bedrooms, with its own bathroom"
"Yeah and probably a million spiders!" Sonya complained
"I take it you don't want the basement?"
"Newt do you have any issues with the basement?"
"...can I do anything I want with it? Furniture? Wallpaper? Can I mount my own TV?"
"You can do whatever you want provided you don't disturb the water heater"
"I'll take it!"
"And what about me?"
"And once Newts emptied his room... well call a contractor. Put an arch in that wall"
"So I get my room and Newt's room!"
"Yes, is this agreeable?"
"Yes!" We both jumped
"But you two have to get it cleaned out"
"Will you take me shopping? To furnish my new basement?"
"Yes but you keep your bed and you keep to a budget"
As soon as I finished with breakfast I bolted to the basement door and down the stone stairs clicking the light on to show off the room better.
The large room with grey walls and floor, a bunch of boxes stacked around the place with various household junk, the old sofa from the living room, a small bathroom under the stairs with a shower and bath, toilet and small sink but no door, the water heater in the back corner two small windows to the outside garden, and one light bulb on a old wire. Immediately I sat on the stairs and began to plan my first job to remove all the boxes of stuff. So I started on those closest to the stairs most of it either needed to be tossed or to be put in the attic with other seasonal and memory stuff
"Hey" sonya says as she came down and began to help
"Your helping me?"
"I want your room, I'm gonna use it as a walk in wardrobe. The quicker this gets done the quicker I get my huge room"
"Fine, and I don't have to deal with fighting you for the shower anymore. And I get my cool basement room"
"Whatever" she said as we got on with the slow work but we made good progress finishing the last few boxes by lunch "where's your phone?" She asks as she dug thought a box
"On the sofa," I answered absentmindedly as I looked through a box. It was mostly old family pictures and things, weddings, parties, grandparents and such but I spotted one that for a moment gave me pause.
It was a fairly aged photo with speckled white grain the corners slightly folded and rubbed, for a moment I thought it was me but that would have been stupid.
It was dad.
Sat on the same bleachers that still sat on the track field at school, brown trousers higher then they likely should have been, a white button down with a orange and brown striped knit sweater vest, his face so much like mine I finally get why so much of our family compares me to him the only real difference the thick black frames and darker hair as both Sonya and i's blonde class far more from our mother. But in one hand were some books and the other around a young girl in a flag girl uniform with blonde hair up in a bun.
It's strange I suppose to see my parents like ... people. To remember they had a whole life before they became my parents.
I put it away in the box and picked it up taking it to the top of the stairs for dad to decide what to do with
"Here" Sonya says as she handed me back my phone a she delt with another box
"Thanks what did you want It for anyway? Check the time?"
"My phone's upstairs" she shurgs "and I found his cute, adorable picture that I just had to share"
"-What - what picture?" I stuttered
"This one, I figured y/n would love to see it. Aren't you just so cute? In your little bath with your ducky. You can even see your little butt" she smiled showing me a photo album that did indeed have a photo of me.
I couldn't have been any older then a year old maybe less laid on my stomach butt naked in a bubble bath with my old duck plushie
"Bye newt!" She giggled taking her box and scampering upstairs before I could chase after her
I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. 
Buzz Buzz
Oh dear god please tell me that's not y/n. Please tells me that's just tommy asking about the science homework.
I was almost too scared to look but I knew I had to I forced myself to look and saw it was y/n so quickly opened her message seeing she had seen the phone and has responded
Y/n <;3:
Awwww, newt I didn't know you had a baby brother
Ohh she doesn't think it's me! Okay I can work with that I can fake having a baby brother... can I? I mean it can't be that hard right. I highly doubt my parents are going to be thrilled about me faking having a baby brother, I don't know how well I'd be able to keep that up. And I really like y/n do I want to start our relationship on lies?
No, no I don't. we're cleaning out the basement. Sonya thought it would be funny send you that old picture of me I'm really sorry about that.
Y/n <;3:
I thought that might have been the case,
You were a very cute little baby newt X
Don't worry about it I thought it was sweet have fun clearing out x
And then she sent a picture of her in little blue shorts, some trainers, a loose fitting top and sports bra her hair up tightly her headphones in clearly on the treadmill at the gym
Thanks X awww you look really cute too x
Have fun at the gym.
I smiled putting my phone away and cleaning up sweeping, moping, dusting, cleaning the years worth of dust from the bathroom dumping loads of chemicals down the drains, letting all the taps run and such as the bathroom has pretty much been inaccessible for a good couple of years. All while thinking to myself what I was going to do with the place.
"Oohh lovely, you've done a good job. Now DIY store closes at four shall we get going?" My dad says as he heads down
"Ohh yeah absolutely" I smiled grabbing a pad and pen from my room and getting into the car with him starting on my list as we drove
"I'm sure you'll add your personal touches"
"What's my budget?"
"Let's say three hundred bucks today. That's the usual price for the work needed to turn your old room into an extension of Sonyas anymore we'll sort accordingly so it's fair"
"Thanks for this dad"
"It's fine. Sick of the bathroom fights. Plus that room was getting small for you anyway, especially after you finish school"
"And... give you and this little lady some privacy"
"She's not my girlfriend dad. Atleast not yet"
"Do you want her to be?"
"Very much"
"Then you'll need the privacy." He says as we parked up.
My dad and I headed through the store, luckily there weren't many people around My dad had the pallet cart as we went around grabbing various things I wanted for my basement room. grabbing some towels, a bathroom shelf for in the shower, a little set for soap, my toothbrush and such, a nice mirror with some lights on, a few nice pillows and a cover for the sofa, a little shelf unit for my collections, a little coffee table, a little wooden unit for my tv stuff, some little curtains for the small windows, a new fitting for the one light, and a couple of other homewear stuff to personalize the place not too much given pretty much everything from my bedroom is coming down with me, and my dad grabbed some stuff and the card for a contractor to come and open up the wall between me and Sonya's rooms. 
"You done?"
"I think so," 
"You'll have to remember to add your bathroom utility bits to the weekly shopping list"
"I will do" I smiled 
"You sure you don't wanna ... grab a little container?" He asks offering a little wicker container from the side 
"Uhh what for?"
"For in your bathroom," 
".... Okay"
"For lady items," he said "Ladies appreciate when boys have stuff for them makes them feel supported"
"Good point" I nodded adding it to the cart 
"When do we get to meet this y/n anyway?"
"I don't know, we're not like dating or anything Dad"
"But you texting?"
"and walking each other home"
"Have there been kisses?"
"....Maybe" I blushed "Little kisses, cheek kisses is all"
"I'm sure we'll be seeing her soon then" he chuckled as we headed to the check-out "How about when we get home we throw everything down into the basement and move all your stuff down there then we can just leave you to your design work" 
"Sounds good" I nodded helping as we scanned everything and dad paid so I happily helped excitedly heading out to the car 
"You excited?"
"Of course, I weirdly like interior design"
"What are you most excited about?"
"Uhhhhh.... hummm"
"putting your Tv on the wall?"
"Kinda, I think I'm most excited for my little self unit I can finally property display stuff" 
"Alright lets get your butt home then so you can get working" 
As soon as we got home we moved My stuff downstairs box after box and eventually my furniture too meerly leaving it in the basement.
"Right you have everything you need, call you for dinner"
"Thanks dad" I smiled before he headed up and out the basement or well my room now.
I put on some music and got to work moving furniture and generally sorting the place out which took a good while until At Last collapsing on my bed. And looking at the place.
The large gray basement with the staircase up to the house in the bottom left corner with the bathroom under the stairs, the bottom wall now had my little TV and game stuff set up with the sofa pushed close with a rug and the small coffee table, the water heater in the back corner, my desk with my computer setup at the side along with the shelf where I had set up all my snow globes and other little accumulations, as well as my wardrobe and chest of draws with the wardrobe in the top right corner, the curtains on the little windows and my bed against the wall with my beside table. Of course I still had some stuff to do like the light and a few things I'd need to buy online but I was so happy having a nice private space.
Buzz buzz
I quickly grabbed my phone and smiled as I saw her text
Y/n <;3:
Hey x all done at the gym How'd it go with the basement?
Whoa you were there a long time, all good now it's my bedroom
Y/n <;3:
Wow! I bet it looks great
I can send a pic if you wanna see?
Y/n <;3:
It's okay I can wait, I'd rather see it in person xx
Well you'd more then welcome maybe one night your free you could come over? I could show you the basement and we could run lines?
Y/n <;3:
I'd love to newt x
Just maybe... call it your bedroom, not gonna lie I think it's gonna scare some ladies away if you invite them to 'Come over and spend the night in your basement'
Yeah good point x
"Newt! Dinner!' My mum yells
"Coming!" I called back
Sorry dinner, got to go
Y/n <;3:
Me too maybe we can chat again later x
I'd like that love X 
I got up with my alarm and yawned as I rubbed my eyes pushing back the covers and climbing out the bed
"Ahhh cold floor!" I whined as met feet touched the ice-cold floor so I scampered to the rug "note to self by another rug" I nodded I put my music on and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth while the shower heated up checking my phone as I did
Y/n &lt;3
Good morning x
Ummm my little y/n, she such a sweetheart.
Good morning love X sleep okay?
Y/n &lt;3
Unfortunately not
No? What's up?
Y/n &lt;3
I think I'm getting Ill that's all
Ohh you poor thing, I did say not to overwork yourself at the gym yesterday. Don't push yourself too hard today okay
Y/n &lt;3
I'll do my best
I set my phone down and jumped in the shower scrubbing myself nice and clean before climbing out with my towel and relaxing on the sofa as I got dry, soon enough I picked out my clothes for the day and for dressed into my jaded grey jeans, and grey shirt, loose fitting dark green and red button down rolling my sleeves up and fixing my hair before I grabbed my stuff and headed up to breakfast
"Morning basement boy" Sonya laughed
"I think it's cool, it's like I've got my own little apartment down there" I laughed grabbing some breakfast
"Lunch" my mum smiled handing the bag over
"Thanks mum" I smiled taking it and stuffing it in my bag
"Why are you back to pack lunches again? You miss lunchables?" Dad asked
"I mean kinda. But I've got drama rehearsals at lunch and scholastic after school so haven't really got alot of time"
"Alright have fun" mum smiled
"Will do" I smiled giving them both a hug before headed out to the porch waiting under the stoop to hide from the rain as I put in my headphones Sonya came out not long after and ignored me as usual heading down the street alone so I went on with my music. I got on the bus as soon as it arrived and kept checking my phone incase she messaged I wanted to texted her but I didn't want to seem... needy. Once we got to school I went to my locker as usual doing the shift around I often do on Monday making sure everything is where I need it for the week.
"Morning" Thomas smiled as he arrived at his own locker
"Hey Tommy"
"So... physics"
"Your on your own Tommy"
"I did have time"
"Ohh what you been texting y/n all weekend?"
"How do you -"
"Newt, just accept anytime I know anything about you and y/n that you didn't tell me. Teresa told me" 
"What do you and Teresa talk about other than me and y/n?" 
"The State of the Economy" 
"You.... you have a weird relationship, Tommy"
"At least I'm in a relationship,"
"I'm making progress, we send little kisses now"
"I've heard,"
"But I've been doing a lot of stuff I've moved rooms now so I had a busy weekend"
"Moved rooms?"
"I live in the basement now"
"Like a weird uncle?"
"No! Like a cool hip teen"
"Like a weird uncle" He nods
"It's cool! I have a sofa, and I'm thinking of buying a projector"
"Okay projector movie nights in a basement does sound cool, we should set up a movie night and get some pizza and popcorn"
"We should. But I have no physics help so we're all alone. I've also done so studying so... I may be a bit fucked"
"Yeah, you are definitely fucked" 
I sighed putting my stuff in my locker and grabbing my lunch 
"How bad did that go for you?" Thomas asked
"Uhhhh... Bad" I sighed "But it's over, Come on we have rehearsals"
"You excited to see your girlfriend?" he joked
"You excited to see Your girlfriend?" I glared back
"Course, I'm dating the head cheerleader I'm always excited to see her" He laughed as we headed through to the drama room and I found myself a seat as he met with Teresa,
"Hi Newt" I heard behind me so I turned and smiled as I saw her
"Hi y/n" I smiled seeing her as she came over and sat on the chair beside me, she had little black sneakers today, light blue leggings, a little black denim skirt, and a little blue fluffy jumper with the sleeves pulled down to her hands so she could ball them up, very little makeup on her face so much even I noticed she had more makeup on in her pic at the gym then she did today, her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail with a little blue scrunchie "You okay?"
"Yeah, Just not really feeling that great today"
"Ohh you poor thing, you don't look so good. I mean you look nice obviously but -"
"Thank you newt, but it's okay I know I'm not my usual cute cheerleader today"
"Well I still think you look very nice"
"Thank you" she smiled 
"Right kids I hope you've all been reading your scripts as we begin blocking" Miss Mary began "Nowhere better to begin than the beginning let go" she said 
So everyone for the opening scene got up with their scrips 
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked her
"I should be" She smiled taking her script and heading up with everyone else 
I wasn't needed for the first number so I got comfy keeping my script so I could keep track of where we were while I had my lunch often meeting y/n's eyes she was clearly nervous and not doing so well but I made sure to give her a smile which often made her smile a little
"Alright let's run it through from the top scripts in hand"
"September 1st 1989, Dear Diary..." She began 
We didn't even get to me needing to rehearse today but we made good progress on the opening number even if we overran a little meaning everyone was late to our next classes having to rush off quickly. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful so I headed to scholastic sitting and doing as little work as usual given we didn't need to do much. Miyoko pretty much had all of this in the bag and the rest of us merely used the room to sit down and snack on what I hadn't eaten from lunch.
"Alright kids, get off now before the track practice lets out and blocks the car park up" Jorge told us as we finished the last practice question 
I didn't waste any time as dark clouds were looming and it would likely rain before I got home so I got my stuff and scampered through the school, and out to the car park and once again I found myself stopped by the light of the track field. 
I should really get home I'll get soaked if I don't... 
But I do wanna check in on y/n she if she's still okay. 
So I headed into the track field seeing the cheerleaders doing a routine but y/n wasn't with them? I saw her with her back up in the bleachers with her script so I headed up and sat beside her 
"Hi Y/n"
"Ohh Hi newt" she smiled putting her script back in her bag 
"What are you doing up here?"
"Teresa said it would be best I stay up here today"
"Awww, because you're not feeling well?" I asked and she nodded sadly 
"And I didn't wanna anything happen to my uniform, it stains I have to buy a new one," she says shuffling her feet 
"I miss my uniform"
"Yeah you look really cute in your uniform, but I still think you look really nice. I actually kinda like this outfit better" 
"yeah, I mean of course you look good as a cheerleader. But I really think you look cute like this it's less cheerleader more... you. You don't blend into the back of the cheer squad like this" 
"I thought everyone loved the cheerleaders"
"Everyone does, and if you like your cheer uniform you should wear it but if you want to wear some other outfits somedays, I think it makes you look really pretty"
"Thank you newt" she smiled 
"Are you feeling okay? I've been kinda worried about you all day"
"That's sweet, I'll be okay," She says "I'm pretty used to it" she smiled 
"Can I ask what is wrong? you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"
"It's okay newt it's just that time of the month"
"Ohh." I nodded "Uhh here" I said grabbing my bag and having a dig around for a moment "Did you want some painkillers? I've been packing them every day since the incident with Ben"   
"You don't mind?"
"Of course not, you're in more pain than I am" I happily handed them over to her and she quickly took one 
"Thank you newt, that's very sweet" she smiled moving to lean her head on my shoulder wrapping her hands around my arm 
"You're welcome, whatever I can do to help," I told her putting the packet away in my bag 
"Is that a chocolate bar?" She perked up a little as she spotted the last part of my lunch a small Milky Way chocolate bar 
"Ohh yeah guess I didn't eat it at lunch"
"... Could I be cheeky?"
"Could I have it?"
"You want my chocolate?"
"Ummmm" she nods "I'll trade you a fruit roll-up?" 
"Don't worry about it" I smiled handing over the Milky Way, 
"Nooo I feel bad-"
"Don't worry about it, really love"
"Are you sure? I feel bad just taking it and not giving you anything for it"
"It's okay, I know chocolate helps so you can have it" 
"You're too sweet" she smiled nuzzling a little closer
"Well, I don't like to see you in pain," I told her 
"Yeah?" I asked turning a little to look down at her as she nuzzled on my shoulder she smiled up at me and moved closer giving my lips a soft little kiss barely even a second, her lips so sweet and soft with a gentle cherry sent, before she pulled back and nuzzled herself into my neck and tightened her arms around my arm 
"Thank you Newtie" She smiled 
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh" was all that arrived in my mouth "You uhh you're welcome" I blushed hard trying not to faint but I smiled widely and held her arm gently and leant my head on hers too. 
as much as I utterly adored our little cuddle the clouds only grew darker so I spoke up,
"Hey? If you're not actually cheering we could start the walk home? try and beat this rain?"
"They don't like me to leave early"
"They won't notice, I won't tell I promise" 
"I would, but my dad's picking me up tonight"
"Ohh okay sorry"
"No, it's okay, if you like I can get him to drop you off at home so you don't have to walk"
"You don't have to"
"No no, it's no trouble" she smiled 
We watched the track guys practice and her cheer girls run through routines often getting closer and every so often sharing a little kiss I felt so utterly happy so peaceful like I just wanted to squeeze her in my arms and fall asleep but I was right and when the rain came it came with a score to settle. The rest of practice was cut off as the track got rained out in minutes, the car park drain overflowing and flooding the car park with a good few inches of water luckily we hid under the bleachers waiting as many got in their cars and scampered 
"There he is!" she says spotting her dad's car pulling in almost having to shout over the sound of the rain. I followed her kinda nervous as we went over to the tall car and she tapped on the driver's window, It vrred as the window rolled down revealing her father. 
He was a wide man in a green button-down shirt, his face sharp and intense with a scowl across his face as he looked over at us his hands on the wheel in a tight grip his hands scared. 
I gulped rather afraid. 
"Hi daddy, Would it be okay if we took my friend home? so he doesn't have to walk in the rain?"
There was silence for a moment he looked at me and then back to her all while we stood getting soaked 
"Please daddy," she asks sweetly 
He gruffly nodded "Boy in the front" he demanded 
"Thank you" she smiled opening the door to climb into the back 
"thank you sir" I nodded going around and climbing into the passenger seat once we were sorted he started the car up and headed off the rain didn't easy battering the car the wipers on their fastest speed to try and keep the window clear, I did my best not to drip or get dirt on the car or make eye contact with her father 
"Name?" he asks me 
"Ohh uhh Isaac, Sir." I explained
"shhh" he warns making me gulp again "She's asleep"
I looked into the back and y/n had fallen asleep in the backseat 
"she always falls asleep in the rain, and she's not well anyway"
"Yeah, I gave her some painkillers I don't think that helped" I nodded 
"Isaac you said?"
"Yeah, everyone just calls me Newt though"
"Ahh" He nods "So you're newt."
I was stunned for a moment "You've heard about me?"
"I haven't stopped bloody hearing about you in months" 
"I uhh I didn't know that" I blushed 
"Good of you, taking care of her today and all"
"It's okay, I was more than happy too."
"Good, She's mentioned she'd like for you to come to dinner one evening, that something you agree with?"
"Yeah absolutely I'd love too. And I'd love to have her over too one evening"
"I'm not going to pry, I don't wanna know." he says "But Whatever you are... Look after her for me. She means a lot to me."
"I will do sir" I nodded "She means a lot to me too" I smiled "Did you need me to-" I began 
"I know where you live" he says, "she told me."
"Ahh alright then" I nodded and soon enough we arrived at my house "Thanks for the lift"
"Don't worry about it," he says 
"Is she still asleep? I don't wanna wake her"
"I'll be the bad guy" he chuckled "So you don't have to" he laughs "Y/n!" 
"You were asleep hun"
"I wasn't sleeping" she yawns "I was just resting my eyes" she says clearly having been asleep "Ohh is it time to go?"
"Yeah, thanks for the ride through"
"It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow?" she says moving closer to the front seats
"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow." 
"Okay, Bye" she smiled 
"Bye" I smiled back I wanted to give her one more kiss but given her dad was right there I knew that likely wasn't the best idea for my continued... being aliveness. But she smiled and gave my lips a sweet little kiss just like on the bleachers 
"Bye newt"
"Bye love" I smiled trying not to blush to hard grabbing my stuff and quickly getting out the car giving them both a wave as I headed inside away from the rain and the car drove off as I shut the door and raced past the kitchen 
"Dinner will be done in a bit Isaac" My mum shouts as I went past
"Okay call me when its done" I smiled bolting down to my basement room dumping my bag and jumping on my bed hugging my pillow tightly over my face as I screamed with joy an excitement! 
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Septictober Day 2: sharp objects
Part of my Missed Messages AU
Content warning: angst, implied self-harm, hatred, there's only one bed.
The kitchen light was on. Again.
And as Jackie dragged himself into the kitchen, he saw that she was awake. Again. This time, she was sitting cross-legged on the floor, pen in hand, drawing on her wrist.
“What the hell are you doing up?” he accused her, his tiredness only adding to his annoyance.
“Can’t sleep.”
“Yeah.” He grabbed his cereal box from the cupboard and let it shut loudly. “I see that.” Couldn’t go to sleep down here with her like this, no matter how much he desperately wanted to ignore her and her warped reality.
“I asked: what are you doing down here?”
She stopped drawing, laying her hands in her lap. Looked down at the floor instead of at him. “Drawing.”
“You’re supposed to be an artist, right?” He opened his box and grabbed a fistful of food. “Wanna show me what you were drawing?”
“No.” She changed her position, curling her legs up and hugging her knees to get chest. Rested her chin on her legs, showing off her pouty lips and deject eyes.
“Look, I can’t sleep until you’re asleep. So just tell me what I can do to get you to sleep.”
Robin didn’t say a word. Barely moved. Didn’t even look around.
“I will put you under a sleep spell if that’s what it takes.”
“No.” She unwrapped herself and slowly pushed herself off the tile onto her feet. Stretched her arms out to catch her balance for the next minute. By the amount of time she stood still, trying to center herself, seemed she’d been sitting too long; too much time down here. And by the amount of ink on her arm, Jackie could confirm that fact.
She’d broken her promise to Marvin. Again.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” She seemed to be getting on steadier, straightened her back and actually looked at him.
“That drawing,” Jackie gestured to her arm, covered in traces of blood vessels and veins. “I’ve seen you do it multiple times now.”
First time he saw it was last year, maybe in late February. Helped him confirm that she was strange. A bunch of black ink on her wrist, looking like spider veins. And when Robin had left their house and he’d asked Marvin, he just said ‘That’s something she does.’ It’s not something normal people do. Had seen it a few more times since then, on either arm, always at least the wrist and maybe further down. And none of his other brothers questioned it. ‘Just something harmless she does.’ But that was never enough for Jackie. Normal girls draw hearts or flowers. Normal girls didn’t draw spider webbing or blood vessels. Normal people didn’t draw vessels all the way up their entire arm.
“Tell me why.”
“No reason,” she mumbled, looking down and starting to move. Barely picked her feet up off the ground as she shuffled. And when she went to walk by him, Jackie grabbed her arm. She stopped as soon as he made contact, but she wasn’t startled. They knew this dance of theirs.
“There’s a reason.”
“... You won’t care.”
“Trust me. I do. Because I’d much rather be passed out by now.”
As always, she debated on what to say. Thinking of how to test him. Cooking up a half-truth believable lie with a double meaning. Two tongued viper. “It’s harmless.”
“So are flowers.”
“I like anatomy though.”
“And I like motorcycles. Doesn’t mean they’re always on my brain.”
She sighed with exhaustion in her chest. “Just, lock me in my room tonight. Or all of tomorrow.”
“That’s not answering my question.”
“Because you don’t want the answer.” Robin wasn’t arguing right now. Her limbs and posture proved that she was on the brink of sleep too. Maybe she thought she was being truthful. They were getting a rhythm now.
“I need to know. No matter how stupid it is.”
Eventually, she looked at him, eyes squinting against the light. “It’s not a sharp object.”
“So what, do I have to add a lock to the knife drawer now?” He was tired of this bullshit.
“No.” She looked down at her wrist, then to his chest. “Maybe.”
And now, Jackie was feeling the sleep flush from his brain. “Do I need to lock the knife drawer?”
“No.” She gave with the same lack of enthusiasm. “I Always carry a pen around.” She didn’t smile at her joke. And considering how tattooed her arms were...
“Come on. You’re going to bed.” Jackie turned off the kitchen light and started toting her towards the stairs in the dark.
“I can’t sleep.”
“Yeah, well, this time, I’m sleeping with you.” Didn’t mean for it to sound like that but they both knew the real meaning. “You’re sleeping tonight whether you like it or not because you are not going to keep me awake, are you?”
“No,” she replied meekly.
As they climbed the stairs, Jackie made the choice to use her room, so at least he didn’t taint his own private space. Even if it meant someone discovered them.
“You have any sharp objects in your stuff?” Jackie whispered, now remembering that he kept knives in his room. Yeah, good choice not going there.
“Pocket knife.... Scissors... They’re dull though.” It wasn’t a fast answer, but there also wasn’t much thought gone into her answer. “They’re harmless.” Jackie was gonna develop a complex with her and that word.
Once they were at the room she was occupying, he let her go. “I’ll be right back. Don’t. Do. Anything. Seriously.” No matter how much he emphasized it, she probably wouldn’t view it as a threat. Then again, what would he do if she did?
He changed quickly out of his gear and into some light clothes. It wasn’t what he wanted to sleep in, but he wasn’t going shirtless with her.
Back in Henrik’s room, she was already on the bed, situated near the edge. Well, at least she gave him some sleeping space.
Jackie slotted into the area beside her, barely staying on the bed. Which left him only one recourse: cuddle up to cut the space between them. And unfortunately, he ending up having to wrap an arm around her to make himself fit better and actually get comfortable. She wasn’t going to go anywhere tonight, not under his watch.
“This means nothing. You got that?” he whispered, trying not to be too aggravated.
“I know,” she whispered, underlined in sadness.
Jackie laid his head down, only now realizing she got him a pillow to rest on.
She fidgeted underneath him. Moving her arms in various positions, straight and then bent legs, readjusting her pillow.
“Stop messing around and go to sleep!” he quietly threatened.
“I can’t stop thinking.”
“Yes, you can.”
“No, I can’t. Please just, knock me out. I’m sorry.”
Jackie sighed in anger at this. Let her go to pinch the bridge of his nose at how exhausting she was. But then, it was back to his resting spot on her waist. Recalled a standby eight hour spell, and they were asleep within the minute he finished. Didn’t even have time to think of where he should hide the kitchen knives.
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red-eft · 1 year
ohoo new ocs.... questions 1-19 odds only for Fisher
woo fisher..
quick info abt this guy- he's in his late teens/early 20's, the son of a fishcutter/fishmonger and following in her footsteps. he's always been a little odd and has strange dreams that he overwhelmingly believes will come true at some point (even if they never have).
fisher isn't his real name- just sort of a placeholder as tradition in this setting is for people to choose their own names once they find or earn one they feel is right.
1. what's their most trivial fear?
he's afraid of spiders bigger than a coin. little ones are fine with him but the others are a bit much for him.
3. are they clumsy?
nope! he used to be clumsy when he was little, but his mom sort of trained him out of it? she taught him to become mindful of his body at all times and helped him gain better reflexes by encouraging him to participate in sports and stuff. it was always fun for him tho which is nice
reason why she trained him to be less clumsy is because clumsiness can cause a lot of problems in their line of work- cutting up fish with sharp knives, standing around on a boat at sea, walking along tall docks, etc.. accidents are the last thing you'd want to happen!
5. in a modern au, what would they order at a coffee shop?
something chilly with a lot of caffeine.. cold brew maybe?
7. do they know how to cook?
yep! it's not his favorite activity but he's pretty good at it, especially when it comes to cooking fish. he can prepare and cook pretty just about any fish found in the waters around the coastal city he lives in. he can even prep venomous species :-)
9. cereal before milk or milk before cereal?
milk before cereal. he wants that cereal to be Crunchy
11. who would they beat to death with a butter sock if they could?
sunvaar! a very nasty and ancient sea serpent that wants to destroy the city fisher and his family live in. would explain more about him but that'd be spoilers :>
13. the one chore they refuse to do.
there's no chore he 100% refuses but he hatesss disposing of the leftover fishbones/scraps/gross bits from butchering fish. he basically turns it into chum and has to lug it to the docks, where he sells it as chum/bait.
15. would they be a good parent?
maybe? he's protective of little creatures and does well with understanding their needs (he saved lazarus' life when she was very young despite knowing nothing about false newts, for example).
that said, fisher feels like he's much worse at understanding people & their needs. he thinks he'd be a bad parent (he would be a good one).
17. would they lie about their height?
wbsbskf sometimes.. he's not vain but he'll round up his height if he feels like it
19. explain your oc as if explaining them to a parent that asked you what they are/what they mean.
this is fisher, he's a uh. fishcutter/fishmonger with haunting prophetic dreams and a giant wet beast as his best friend.
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