#Spencer Reid x Aaron hotchner
her-soliloquies · 4 months
So remember when we found out Hotch pulled this stunt in season one?
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And remember when two seasons later Reid did this?
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Yeah that's Reid literally looking up to Hotch
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1×17 | 3×16
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starchaser45 · 2 months
For the people that ship hotch and Reid I need to know your reasons like how did you look at those two and throught oh I'd like them to fuck like why how I need answers
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cherryspence · 1 year
why does spencer look like a frail victorian child in all hotchreid fanart??
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foxy-eva · 9 months
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Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner Holiday Headcanons
for @coastalchutoy as part of my New Year's Celebration
After Spencer finished knitting the scarf for his Doctor Who cosplay he starts working on a Christmas sweater for Aaron. It takes him a long time since they spend a lot of time with each other and he wants to keep it a secret, but he finishes it right before the holidays.
Aaron is genuinely happy about the surprise and wears the sweater every chance he gets.
To everyone's surprise, Aaron actually wears the sweater to the holiday party at the BAU (even though it is hideous).
Aaron knows that Spencer didn't really celebrate Christmas as a child due to his mother's illness, so he really wants him to feel loved around the holidays. They spend as much quality time as possible.
The first time Aaron and Spencer go on a walk to look at all the decorated houses in the neighborhood, it warms both of their hearts to be able to spend this time of year together.
Spencer quickly becomes part of every holiday tradition Aaron has with his son. Spencer is there to decorate the tree with them, to go visit Santa in the mall and to bake cookies.
Even though Spencer helped packing all the present, he still displays a similar child-like wonder in his eyes as Jack when the whole family enters the living room on Christmas morning.
On New Year's Eve Spencer confesses to Aaron that he had never had a New Year's kiss before. Of course that would change that night.
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Author's Note: I made this post for my current celebration. Please note that I don't usually take requests for mlm ships!
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hankaka-myz · 9 months
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“Actually, do you know that…”
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starzzyeyed · 11 months
Take My Breath Away (And Make It Last Forever Babe)
This is for @andiebeaword 's 3k celebration contest!! I actually got this finished on time, which impressed even me despite the fact that it's so short. I also never post fics to tumblr so my apologies if there's formatting issues.
The prompt I chose was "Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?"
Summary: Spencer finds himself a little bit distracted during a case wondering just how it would feel to be wrapped up in Hotch's strong arms and kissed by his lips.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None that I can think of. There's brief allusions to sex but it's not mentioned in any depth.
Word Count: 1.5k
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There’s nothing he wants more than the feel of Hotch’s lips on his.
He knows, should his thoughts ever somehow accidentally leak from his brain and become public knowledge, that Morgan would most likely snigger and tell him he’s sure Spencer would like the feel of those lips a few other places as well, but he’s not thinking about that right now.
All he’s capable of focusing on at this moment in time, is what it would feel like for Hotch to kiss him.
And that’s before he even begins to think about Hotch’s arms.
Strong, muscular biceps, thick and prominent veins responsible for carrying the blood that keeps him alive and fit running up and down his forearms, visible in what is a rare occasion of Hotch having chosen to have his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the heat of the Texas summer forcing him to forgo his usual full suit attire.
He knows he’s staring, and he’s been staring for the past four minutes and thirty- seven seconds and yet he can’t seem to bring himself to stop.
Hotch is leant over the table, photos and evidence spread across every square inch of the laminated surface in front of him with a hand planted either side of the journal that they know holds the final puzzle piece, if only they could figure it out.
Spencer’s glad he has the file cabinet to lean against because he’s not sure his legs could hold him up if he didn’t, and he doesn’t want to make his attraction any more obvious than it clearly already is to anyone with a pair of eyes in the same room as him.
“Earth to Reid.”
Spencer jumps, knocking over a stack of folders with his elbow that clatter to the hardwood floor underneath, making him jump again. He hears Morgan laughing in the background as he bends down to pick them up, his cheeks burning as he clears his throat and looks back over to the table, to where Hotch is now watching him with a small, barely there smile.
“Hmm?” he tries, aiming for casual even though he knows he can’t hide the way his pupils are undoubtedly dilated, and that’s without even mentioning his inexplicable clumsiness, which is extreme even by the normal Spencer Reid standards.
“Hotch asked you a question, genius,” Morgan teases, still laughing, and Spencer forces his gaze up from the floor to the very person he’s spent the past six minutes and forty-two seconds staring at. Not just staring at Hotch as a person, in fact; staring with all of his focus on Hotch’s arms.
“What did you say the link is between the victims hair?” Hotch asks, that small smile still playing on his lips, and Spencer feels as though his cheeks are on fire.
“They all purchased the same brand of rinse out box dye,” Spencer begins, finding his voice and rattling off the information he knows that’s actually relevant to the case, rather than the information his brain has spent the last seven minutes and fifty-one seconds hyper-focussing on.
Information like the way he just knows Hotch could pick him up in those strong and muscular arms, perhaps even just on one arm like a bodybuilder lifting a weight. The way he imagines himself far too often being carried bridal style in those arms, with Hotch looking down at him from above with that same small, barely there smile that he had on his face a moment ago. The way he knows without question the safety and security he would feel with those arms wrapped around him, holding him, carrying him; keeping him protected from all the criminals they come up against on a daily basis, all the lowlifes they take off the streets to protect others.
Spencer blinks himself back to the present moment, clearing his throat as he looks up at Hotch again, at Hotch’s face, forcing himself not to let his attention drift back to those well-muscled arms that he so desperately wants to feel wrapped around his waist, holding him tightly against the filing cabinet that’s by now supporting practically all of his weight as he struggles to keep his focus on what’s actually going on right now, as opposed to what’s happening in his imagination.
The problem with looking so directly at Hotch’s face, though, is that now he finds his gaze drifting back to Hotch’s lips again, once again imagining how those lips would feel pressed against his, how it would feel to kiss Hotch, how it would feel for Hotch to kiss him.
The thought alone is making him slightly breathless, and if he carries on like this he’s going to end up with his body outing him to the rest of his team, so he clears his throat again and mutters a quiet, “excuse me,” when it’s clear that no one in the room needs any more information from him for the moment, before he slips out of the office and down the hall.
He makes it two corridors away before he leans back against the wall and lets out a shaky sigh, willing his body to get itself back under control before he’s forced to do something he desperately doesn’t want to and take himself into the men’s bathrooms to take of himself.
He doesn’t get the chance to finish deciding what to do, though, because a moment later there’s the sound of footsteps and Spencer presses himself even further back into the wall behind him, hoping he’s at least somewhat hidden by the cabinets on either side of him. Apparently he’s not hidden enough though, because the footsteps stop right in front of the filing cabinet to his left and someone clears their throat.
Spencer’s in the process of deciding if he can come up with a sufficient lie for why he’s hiding behind a filing cabinet in a local police precinct, or whether he can turn around to this person and ask them why they’re questioning him, a highly trained and admired member of one of the most respected sections of the FBI, when it dawns on him that he knows that voice, even if the person hasn’t technically spoken.
“H-Hotch? What are you doing here?” he asks, stepping out of his hiding place and slowly lifting his gaze from the polished black shoes in front of him to the amused expression on his boss’s face.
He doesn’t even need to hear Hotch’s response to know that he’s been caught out, and he’s already forming explanations and excuses and apologies in his mind, ready to spill the moment Hotch starts talking because he’s definitely going to lose his job over this, when the sound of Hotch’s laughter finally reaches his ears.
Great, now he’s laughing at me, Spencer thinks, his cheeks heating up as he begins stammering out apologies.
“I’m so, so sorry, Hotch, I don’t… I don’t know what got into me. Well, no, that’s not technically true, I mean… I do know, obviously, it’s you… no, it’s just, well, you got into my mind, that’s all, and I-”
He doesn’t get any further than that before Hotch leans forwards and shuts him up with a kiss, pressing him back against the wall behind him as his arms, oh, those arms, circle around his waist and keep him locked in position against the wall behind him, as those lips press against his and kiss him, and if Spencer could actually form a coherent thought it would be that he’s definitely died and gone to heaven, because there’s just no way that this is happening to him.
When Hotch finally pulls away, Spencer’s panting for breath and his head his spinning and if he didn’t have a tent in the front of his pants before he definitely does now. But, as he’s looking at Hotch, raking his eyes across the body of his boss as the other man smiles and raises an amused eyebrow at him, he sees a similar tent in the front of Hotch’s suit trousers, and he raises his own eyebrow back in shocked disbelief.
“What?” Hotch asks, chuckling at Spencer disbelieving expression, “did you really think I didn’t notice the way you were staring at me in there?”
Spencer’s still getting his breath back, but he manages to grin at Hotch, leaning forwards and wrapping his arms around the older man’s neck while he breathlessly asks, “does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?”
Hotch just laughs softly, kissing Spencer softly again before he nods.
“Evidently, yes,” he replies and Spencer grins wider, running a hand through his hair as he tries to come to terms with this development. Fortunately, Hotch is one step ahead of him, because when he looks back down from the ceiling Hotch is holding a hand out towards him that Spencer hesitantly takes.
“Are you free for dinner tomorrow night, assuming we solve this case? Say, 8pm?” he asks and Spencer nods shy smile.
“That sounds perfect,” he replies, walking hand in hand with Hotch back to the conference room.
He’s never been so happy for a case to be solved quickly.
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derryqueenx · 2 months
My fav thing to do is just appear out of nowhere with a random new fic.
It's my first Criminal Minds fic as i ease into the idea of potentially writing more, but i wanted to test the waters with these characters a little first.
Minor Hotch/Reid, but mostly just Aaron having a crush on Spencer cause who can blame him. oh and protective Hotch cause its my fav.
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circussbeetle · 11 days
Hotchreid fic <3
Headfirst Into Shallow Pools
Chapter 1/2
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: references to past drug addiction, case gone bad
The soft glow of the pool light casts dancing shadows on his already gaunt features, accentuating his high cheekbones, his deep set eyes and exhaustion ridden dark circles.
He’s as beautiful as always, in Aaron’s eyes. Ethereal, almost. Deeply burdened
Hotch makes his mind up easily then, nodding along as he processes Reid’s distressed rambling and reaching down to start untying his shoes.
It’s only when he stands again and starts to approach the pool that Reid finally looks up, his brows climbing his forehead when he notices Hotch moving to sit beside him.
“What are you doing?” He asks quietly, squinting almost as if he’s suspicious of Hotch’s motive here. Maybe he is. Aaron can be self aware enough to admit this is an uncharacteristic move for him. Spencer tends to bring that out in him.
“Sitting with you,” Hotch replies as if it’s obvious, as if this is at all normal for him.
AKA Reid has a bad night, and Hotch is there to make it better
Read on AO3 here
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lover-i-lover · 1 year
Spencer's still getting use to the cane. He has nothing against it but, going from walking with crutches to using a cane is, difficult. So when he takes his fourth tumble of the day, he's just about had it. Luckily, or unluckily, Hotch is there.
Spencer's pushing himself op on his elbows, waiting for the whole office to brust into laugher. But there's almost nothing, only the sound of Hotch's shoes hurrying towards him.
"Are you alright Reid?" Hotch offers him a hand op and Spencer takes it, letting Hotch pull him op. "Yeah" Hotch help Spencer to his desk, the place he was trying to reach before his fall.
"Thank you" Spencer smiles, looking around to see where his cane lost it's footing. Hotch bends down and grabs it, it's all the way by Emily's desk. Aaron hands it to Spencer and it makes Spencer blush a little
"Thank you Sir" Spencer leans the cane against his desk before silently cursing himself. His bag. He had fallen off his shoulder. Spencer goes to get back op.
"What are you doing?" Hotch asks, laying a hand on his shoulder. "My bag, it fell over"
"Oh" And suddenly Aaron's on the ground, grabbing Spencer's bag and the items that fell out from it. Aaron sets it down on Spencer's desk. "Thank you"
Spencer felt his stomach flutter, he knows Hotch is just being nice. Anyone on the team would have done the same. But that doesn't explain why Aaron gently squeezes his shoulder before returning to his office.
It sends a shiver down his spine.
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mwahmimi · 1 month
I need professional dom!Aaron who works in a BDSM dungeon and his new client sub!Spencer and I wanna hear about how they play!!
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thatboisus · 8 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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l0caltiredgirl · 9 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
that reality check hitting after reading smut
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lovelyspooks · 1 year
Me at 3am clicking “keep reading” on the most jaw dropping, earth shattering, pantie dropping, smutty fic when I have to be up in 3 hours
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hankaka-myz · 10 months
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This is how I see them going out on a mission together
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starzzyeyed · 8 months
Hi! Are you still doing Hug Prompts?! If so, can I request HotchReid #36? I love all your HotchReid writings!
Hi! I most definitely am, thank you so much!
I actually have a much longer fic with this premise set during the Lo-Fi/Mayhem arc that I'll add a link to here for you too!
But here's your prompt fill, I hope you enjoy and thank you again for your kind words <3
36 - I thought you were dead hug.
Despite the clarity of the sound of the shot that rings through the air around them, Hotch can’t hear anything other than the thundering of his own heart in his ears.
He thinks Morgan shouts something, or maybe it’s Rossi, but the only thing he knows besides how fast his own heart is beating is how much adrenaline is currently being released into his body; flooding through his bloodstream, enabling him to flee the danger his mind subconsciously recognises is nearby.
Except, it’s not him who’s in danger.
bad enough, he was having to instruct his partner, who he knows is less physically capable of defending himself than himself or Morgan is, into danger on his own.
He’s terrified of what he might find as he keeps moving forwards towards where he thinks Spencer must have found Lindsey, and then a door opens in front of him and for the briefest of seconds, his heart stops altogether, because if someone is walking away from the scene, especially without screaming for help, the chances of there being a casualty inside is lowered.
But then-
Then he sees who it is, sees that it’s Jack.
Not only Jack, but Jack and Lindsey, which means there only people remaining inside the room are-
The fact that Jack had immediately raised his hands does nothing to ease Hotch’s fear.
Hotch feels as though he’s about to faint as he bursts through the room of the men’s bathroom, expecting to see his partner covered in blood and most likely on the floor, and the fact that Spencer isn’t either of these things surprises him so much that, for a moment, he’s unable to do anything other than stare straight ahead, his eyes on the body of the teenager on the floor but not really seeing the scene before him.
Slowly, he forces himself to take a few steps towards Ryan’s body, taking in what’s happened before his eyes catch with Spencer’s at the exact same time as Morgan speaks.
“You okay, Reid?”
Hotch only just barely manages to contain his desires until Morgan’s hand has left Spencer’s shoulder, until he and Rossi have filed out of the room, before he’s crossing the room again in three long strides and pulling his partner against his chest in a crushing hug.
He hears Spencer gasp slightly, clearly not expecting the action and really, Hotch can’t blame him. They’re almost never physically affectionate with each other in public, and especially not in a fresh crime scene that will still need to be processed, but he can’t help himself this time.
He’s been keeping it together this entire case, coming up against so many more unexpected developments and issues than usual, not to mention the fact that it’s a case involving children, and the thought that he’d lost Spencer, especially after he’d sent his partner into this situation alone… that had been the straw that broke his back.
Subsequently, the relief that he felt seeing Spencer not only alive, but alive and uninjured, had been too much to squash back down.
“I thought you were dead,” he breathes into his partner’s long hair before Spencer has the chance to question his unusual behaviour. “We heard the shot from outside and I thought-… I thought I’d sent you in here to your death.”
He both feels and hears Spencer inhale a sharp breath before his arms are wrapping around Hotch’s back, pulling him against his own chest as tightly as he can in return.
“Never,” the younger man whispers back, tucking his face into the side of Hotch’s neck and breathing out a shaky sigh. “Never, Aaron. Never.”
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