#Speed-o'-sound sonic x reader
suprababka · 7 months
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Texting them "I love you"
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• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: decided to at least try to do a bunch of posts with messaging opm boys as boyfriends <3
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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itsthatmff · 7 months
Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open, can I request opm Garou, Saitama and Sonic with a partner capable of healing any serious injury and renewing their vital energy?
So interesting. It was my first time writing for sonic so don’t go too harsh on me 😞. And yes everything is fine! Just school stressing me out lmao. But I hope you enjoy!
Having an S/O who can heal wounds
Included: Garou, Saitama, Sonic
Requests are open !!
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It was in that shack where you and your friends often came to hang out because it was an unused and empty place in the middle of the forest that you found that white haired man resting after a long and tough fight.
It couldn’t even be considered resting the way he looked. Blood dripping down his body like water. Of course you immediately tended to him without thinking twice.
You were a B-class hero. Downplayed to the support role, a mere healer. People - especially the association did not see the potential in you. It always bothered you but in this situation you were lucky. God knows what Garou would have done if he had seen your name in the Heroes lexicon instead of just skipping the Pages with the B-class ranked heroes.
One instance lead to the other and it became the norm healing him up whenever he got injured. You developed a weak spot for him. The way he sat on the dust filled couch with his legs spread and his head leaned back. Always making snarky remarks. And always being shirtless.
“It’s great I have ya. Got my own private hopsital.”
“You good? Stop starin at my abs and heal them damnit..”
And of course he has a soft spot for you. May not show it but he cares for you in his own way.
It was when he began coming over for the most useless reasons that you realized he had a crush on you.
Like for instance before or in the middle of fights he’d come looking for you asking you to renew his energy. But after a while he came over every second day with the excuse that “What if I get into a fight?? I need all my power ya know.”
Once you start dating he eventually finds out about you being a hero. Doesn’t really care about it. He is just as upset with you that no one acknowledges your true powers and asks you if you want to join him on his hero hunting but you refuse.
That does not affect your relationship though.
Will lay on you as he lets you heal him. Is real snuggly. Will also groan extra loud to get you all flustered though.
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(Does this guy even get inured???)
After some research I’ve come to the conclusion that this guy has never gotten severely injured. He does feel pain but it barely hurts.
He does get some tiny scratches from time to time though.
Those if course you heal as his partner. He insists that he doesn’t need it but secretly loves the care you provide him.
When out on Monster battles you two are the best duo to see. While he takes care of the Monsters you take care of any citizens in the area.
He admires you so much and thinks you’re like the backbone of the heroes association because in the end you’re the one who contributes to the citizens and the heroes health.
If anyone dares to say otherwise they’ll have a problem with him.
Let’s you play support in video games because you’re “made for it”
What he does love getting from you are massages though. Your massages are magical because due to your healing and energy renewing powers they make one feel refreshed.
He’ll ask for one whenever he gets the chance.
“A massage’s always good. I can seriously start to feel the back and shoulder pain at my mid-20’s.”
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At first he’s very reluctant over getting treated by you.
The chairman he works for offered him a personal assistant/nurse. Which was you of course.
This guy knows no shame. Literally strips himself naked in front of you so you could inspect “all his wounds clearly.” It takes you some bickering around for him to put his clothes back on.
Also this guy CANNOT SIT STILL FOR A SINGLE MINUTE. always has to hop on from one place to another with his super speed. It’s just more ‘comfortable’. You literally have to cuff him down sometimes for him to sit still.
And will not stop talking during the treatments. Talking about being the fastest, avenging saitama and whatsoever.
It’s like a therapy and treatment session all at once.
Once you both start dating he gets so comfortable. Will enter the room and lay on you without saying a word expecting you to treat him.
Will justify the injuries he’s gotten like it’s his job.
“Ah that one..you see there was this frick of a cyborg who did not know when to quit. He chopped my hair off too..can you believe it?!”
“See but i’m still stronger than him though. Next time I’ll bring you his head as a souvenir.”
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the-daiz · 11 days
Arachnophobia | One Punch Man
Synopsis; How One Punch Men would react to you calling them to get rid of a spider in your house.
Characters; Saitama, Genos, Zombieman, speed-o’-sound sonic, Flashy flash, Child emperor(platonic)
Genre; Crack, fluff
A/N: I was just daydreaming abt zombieman cuz I love him so much and thought of this scenario so why not have it with the rest of these guys (and boy)
this can be viewed both platonically and romantically, except child emperor, he’s purely platonic ofc
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When you first call him, and you hesitate a bit while trying to explain you situation since it’s slightly embarrassing for you, he rushes you then gets a bit worried thinking it might be something serious
he then proceeds to say “seriously…?” When you finally tell him why you’re calling: there was a spider in your house and you were too scared to do anything but stand on top of your table, keeping a wary eye out incase the soider tries to approach.
At first he was about to decline and tell you to just squish it with a shoe, or trap it under a cup and throw it out your window, but when he hears the actual fear in your voice, he sighs and puts on his slippers. He’s supposed to save people and stuff after all…
Surprisingly, when Saitama arrives to kill the creature… he sucks at it. It keeps just escaping from him, no matter how fast or strong he was.
Saitama started to grow mad with every passing second, trashing your house as he jumped from spot to spot trying to catch the thing, with you pointing and yelling frantically from your safe-zone on the table.
Your house quickly becomes almost like a war-zone with both of you yelling at eachother from the top of your lungs, you out of panic and him out of frustration.
Saitama eventually squishes the spider…. Then an army of tiny spiders erupts from it.
Saitama tries to deal with them quickly, throwing punches at all of them.
when he’s done, he turns to you with a fulfilled expression on his face but deadpans once he catches you lying passed out on the table and foaming at the mouth.
Ofc he takes you to the hospital though.
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Unlike Saitama, he takes it very seriously when you call him and tell him the predicament you're in.
He doesn’t quite understand the big issue, it's just a bug… but he can detect when someone is in distress, and either way, he would do anything you ask of him.
When he arrives at your home, he’s already gathered enough information on how to safely deal with spiders to take the best approach he can to this.
he grabs a glass container and a piece of paper, proceeds to efficiently trap the spider, and throws it outside.
He does listen to your instructions though and releases it at least a kilometer away from your home.
He then comes back to check on you and gives you a small, almost pitiful, pat on the back.
”Don’t worry about it, you did good.” -Genos, with his very stoic expression
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Sorry, anyhow, when you call him, your voice is obviously on edge, and you tell him what’s wrong. The first he does is reassure you over the phone, telling you everything will be fine and he’ll be right there.
And as he said, he was right there.
He checks up on you when he first enters the house, then goes to search for the spider.
When he finds it, he ALMOST stomps on it with his shoe out of surprise but quickly remembers how it’ll probably cause a bigger problem, and like genos he uses the good old glass container and paper method and throws it out.
After that, he helps you get down from the table, with his hands firmly holding you from your sides.
If you’re still uneasy even after he gets rid of the spider, he’ll give you a reassuring embrace, with his large build basically consuming you.
He then takes you out somewhere nice to eat.
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Ahhh, speed of the sounds
Calls you stupid at first, and tells you to just kill it or leave it be, its more scared of you than you are of it.
But not a second later he’s at your door and asking where the spider is.
He REALLY doesn’t get what the big deal is, it’s just a spider. Nonetheless, he doesn’t really question it much and helps out anyway.
He grabs the spider gently with his hands and throws it out the window, then flashes you an unamused look.
Again, he calls you weak but then tells you not to worry so much when you have someone like him around.
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Sassy flash
He’s irked by your call, then hangs up on you
He then calls you again not a second later and asks if you’re actually panicking, and when you say yes, suddenly he busts down your door.
He HATES spiders. But that doesn’t mean he can’t deal with them
thanks to a previous encounter he had with the creature, he learned killing them is a bad idea.
So he hesitantly kept trying to get the spider under the damn cup, but every time he did and it would move, he’d dash to the other side of the room instinctively, releasing the spider once more.
It takes him about 10 tries to finally get the spider out of the house.
After making sure that you’re ok, he then tells you to never waste his time on such ridiculous things ever again
he doesn't mean it though, don’t worry, he’d do it again for you
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He is scared of spiders too
Reluctantly he shows up at your house.
He tries to act tough but you can clearly see the sweat running down his face as he uses his robotic equipment to slowly look under the couch for the spider.
When he finally catches it, he screams, prompting you to scream, and blasts the area of the spider with a laser beam.
the both of you stare intently at the area of the blast and let out a sigh simultaneously as the ash clears and the arachnid has been successfully vaporized.
You both give each other a pat on the back for being so brave
Then you offer to take child emperor to a nearby store and get some ice cream together
he happily obliges and you both skip out of the destroyed apartment with your hands intertwined.
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0lshadyl0 · 1 month
Hello!! Idk if you still making one punch man headcanons,but could you do speed-o sound sonic headcanons? 🙏🙏
Of course I still write for the OPM fandom, if it's on my masterlist it's because I write about it, honey, don't worry about that.
speed-o sound sonic Yandere Headcanons
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This guy, like Flashy Flash (let's assume that he is a ninja crush thing, due to all the training put in since early childhood) has a taste for only strong women, so no civilian darlings for him either
But unlike his ninja partner who is a hero, his standards are even more ridiculous thanks to Saitama, since according to Sonic's logic, strength = beauty
So he doesn't really care how you look or what race you are (you can be a monster or an alien) he only cares that you are ridiculously strong… and have a high sense of fashion (he can't date someone who dresses badly, he has an image to maintain)
Also, the only way to get his attention (and arouse his obsession, mind you this is canon) is to simply kick his ass, that's it, that's all
After that event you will never be alone again because day and night, behind a tree, in the corners, hidden in your shadow or on the other side of the street, he will always be there, watching, stalking you without any shame (he is one of the most stalkers in OPM)
The type of yandere that he is is obsessive, possessive and sadistic (this can be interpreted from the side where he likes to scare you or see you cry to the other sexual side… where he also likes to see you cry)
He's also aware of how he feels about you, it's an obsession with the power you possess, his need to possess you, (and that he finds you hot, after all) but honestly he doesn't care, not out of selfishness (like Flashy Flash), but because he literally has no idea what a healthy relationship is and he doesn't care to find out
Honestly, his s/o is going to think that Sonic hates her or simply wants to be her rival, since the first few meetings (and a few months of the same routine) he'll look for a way to attack you to show how strong he's become (and he'll fail stupidly in the process)
Once he's better at interpreting his own emotions and feels more prepared to deepen the relationship to make it official, whether you want it or not (whether you're even aware of it or not), Sonic will change his dynamic from attacking you to kidnapping you (again failing epically in each attempt)
Sonic will invite you to train with him from time to time, for him they are dates and yes, it is your duty to go to each and every one of them
He spies on you when you shower and likes to put his special manly seed in your shampoo (he is marking you as his)
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thedoctorswholigan · 5 months
Texting with the gents of One Punch Man!
“She’s busy rn” text prank Part 2
Find Part 1 here: Pt. 1
incl: Metal Bat, King and Speed O Sound Sonic
warnings: Slightly suggestive themes but nothing explicitly nsfw, reader is female, cursing, mostly fluff!
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h3yo4its4toxin3 · 1 year
Speed-o-sound-sonic is so fucking hot....i just know he's a mean dom too...😍😍
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yoshu-yoshu · 1 year
I'm a noob at writing so I want requests. I need to get better at writing and at going off prompt.
!!Things I will write!!
- Fluff (☁️)
- Lemon (🍋)
- Against (🚫)
- Platonic (🌸)
Thank you<3
Fruits basket
- Akito
- Kyo
- Shigure
- Ritsu
- Yuki
- Tohru
One punch man
- Saitama
- Genos
- Speed-o-sound-sonic(Yûki)
Spy x Family
- Yor
- Loid
- Frankie
- any of the children platonically
- Yuri
- Miku
- Len
You may request any one thats not from this list and I will read about them to try and capture their personality the best I can. I have more but the tags wouldn't fit and its already 2am. Imma gts then make another one tomorrow(or- when I wake up)!<3
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rikiws · 3 months
꩜ single serving friend.
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hyung-line x gn!reader ┆ fluff!!
꩜ The one time when you met someone amazing- arguably your twin flame- until you part ways, never to meet again. Well... mostly.
warnings: n/a (i think)
ps: jakes one lowk hit so hard, my no 1 delusion whenever I go to some random comp I never wanted to sign up to... also my first time doing headcanons like this, please lmk what you think 🙏
. . .under the cut! ⊹
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𖥔 Lee Heeseung : a holiday getaway
clinking glasses, loud blaring music, and the feeling of the warm, humid air brushing through your hair: just what you needed to get some well deserved rest
especially with your friends, who seemed to have all disappeared into thin air, considering that you were now huddled around a fire on the beach with a group of unfamiliar faces
what you most definitely didn’t need however, was to see a rather irritated crab scuttling through the sand- it's antennae-d eyes glowering at you, pincers snapping ominously
then the crab started to scamper towards your feet and the SCREAM you let out
good to know that the guy next to you was just as terrified, seeing that he was about to break your shoulders from gripping them too hard
you could hold your dignity for a little longer
....until the crab decided to test your courage again, and the first thing you did was sonic far away from that little thing
guess who followed? your now holiday buddy- who's also super cute
10/10 wingman-ing, crab
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"I'm starting to feel bad now."
"It's not our problem anymore, survival of the fittest- or something."
As similar screams sounded from the distant flicker of light of the campfire you had left behind, the two of you couldn't help but laugh. Heeseung was the first to speak up, a melodic voice to match his attractive appearance, which you could now admire in its fullest without having to worry about a tiny crab trying to pinch your toes.
"What about we stick together for the rest of our trips, for the crabs- obviously."
"Will you help me fight them off?"
Heeseung grinned at your question.
"I couldn't say no to you."
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𖥔 Park Jongseong : a tiresome visit to the police office
as if your day couldn't be any more unbearable, you get "caught" speeding
"caught" as in the car before you was speeding, but the automatic camera only took a photo of the number plate of your, very sensibly paced, car instead
so here you were, standing in a dingy office, aeons of crime-dust spilling into lungs while you tried to convince the half-asleep police officer that it wasn't you who was speeding
"you too?" some MAJESTIC looking man was seated right behind you, his face somehow displaying all five stages of grief at the same time...poor guy though, getting his car towed over nothing
at least he could keep you company, especially while you both bonded over your terrible luck
it looked like the police got the hint, since they ushered the both of you out without any apology
indoor road rage is real everyone
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Your hand was gently moved away from the direction of the police station by someone else's, middle finger propped up just so you could give those wretched old men a piece of your mind,
"o...kay lets not do that now."
The other hand belonged to Jongseong, who offered you a kind smile to try and calm you down as he was...except for the very obvious eye twitch once he heard the double-doors slam shut in the distance. You returned his kindness with a small pat on his shoulder while Jongseong only sighed out a fraction of his frustrations away.
"I hate this city."
"Tell me about it."
"All this arguing got me a little hungry, though."
You chuckled at his fruitless attempt at lightening the mood, though your grumbling stomach had different plans. Jongseong playfully raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, how about we go get some food together?"
"You have a deal, I'll drive then."
"You won't speed, will you?"
"No promises."
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𖥔 Sim Jaeyun : a not-so-boring science competition
sure, you were good at it- sure, you liked it, but definitely not enough to do a whole competition for physics
squeezed between your teammates on a table much too small for a 3 member team, hearing out all the different answers your peers hurled at you at the same time, not to mention the fact that you had to correct them yourself as well, only then could you press your clicker to select the correct option
you kept a mental note to drop out of the team after this competition, secretly of course, since your teammates would start a riot if they found out
at least you could tell that cute guy from some other school about it after all of the academic events while your teammates abandoned you for a bit of socialising
sim jaeyun, bored out of his mind, and very much exasperated over his own teams antics, just as you were
the two of you decided to stick together for the rest of the programs: giggling at the jokes the hosts would make as they bought time to mark all of your mark sheets, making stupid jokes about the kids who participated in the impromtu talent show right after, complaining over the mediocre lunch you were provided with
you both made sure to stay right by each other during the award ceremony as well, with both of your teams neck-and-neck with the awards you had gotten
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"And finally, its time for the individual quiz results.."
the host fumbled with the laptop opened in front of him. Jaeyun looked at you with a competitive glint in his eye; one which you immediately returned yourself. Though you had won 1st place for his segment 3 times in a row already, ever since you joined the academic team.
Yet, your confidence wavered when you heard your name.."second place" Jaeyun gave you an overenthusiastic pat on the back as you stood up, your eyebrows furrowed and wondering who in the world had beat you.
Only you meet Jaeyun's eye as went up to the stage right after you, a quick raise of a brow as he nonchalantly took his place in the centre, just next to you. He posed awkwardly for photos, you following in tow. You felt him lean towards you, whispering from the corner of his mouth
"You still thinking about quitting after this?"
"Not until I get my trophy back, Sim."
You broke into a smile, and Jaeyun seemed to have been caught in the crossfire, seeing that he harboured an even giddier smile after seeing yours.
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𖥔 Park Sunghoon : an energetic concert-show
you lost your friend in a crowded concert, the nightmare.
searching through the jumping crowd, bass-boosted music blaring in your ears as you passed by, you made your way through the swarm of bodies, only to feel an arm grab onto yours
turning your head, you face arguably the most gorgeous man you have seen in your life, far better than the band guy you had bought tickets to fawn over tonight
the boy quickly ripped his hand away from yours with a frantic apology, explaining that he had lost his buddy as well
poor guy was about to trip and your arm was the first thing he managed to grab onto to keep his trip
Sunghoon, as he introduced himself, agreed to stick with you for the remainder of the concert until the two of you could venture out of the crowd to search for your friends
though you ended up leaving the crowd much earlier than you anticipated, just to catch some fresh air after inhaling the stench of random sweaty people and nearly losing your eardrums
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"You've gotta be kidding me."
"I think they hooked up with each other.."
You and Sunghoon stared at your phones, slack-jawed at the messages the both of you had received. Your friend had stumbled upon Sunghoon's mate, and now they were off to the dude's house to do- you didn't even want to know. You were left to drive on your own, while poor Sunghoon was left without a ride at all.
"It's just you and me then."
"You want me to drop you off?"
You heard the deafening drums of the concert the two of you had left behind, exasperated at your friends' rash actions. What if the guy was some serial killer, and not just a random college kid's good friend? You were shaken out of your thoughts by Sunghoon grabbing hold on your hand, steering the both of you closer towards the crowd once more.
"Finish the concert at least- with me."
You gave in, obviously.
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꩜ want to read more? check out my masterlist
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olinblogin · 10 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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suprababka · 2 months
You telling OPM men you can’t walk because of the night before? If yk yk🫣🫣🫣
Hellooo!👋 Thank you for the request, and, yes, of course I'm doing this!🔥 I hope I properly made this prompt. If something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕
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Telling them you can't walk because of the night before
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A/N: dang, I don't know what to say here🤷‍♀️
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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itsthatmff · 2 months
helllooo, can you write boyfriends headcanons with other men like flashy flash and amai mask please? ~
IM FINALLY BACK WITH MORE HEADCANONS! writing for these was so hard- it was my first time doing amai mask too- I hope they turned out well 😩
Please keep the requests incoming I’ll try to work through them! I’m sorry for taking so long and Thank you so much for the patience.
Boyfriend Headcanons on OPM men Pt. 2
Included: Flashy flash, Amai mask, Saitama, Zombie man
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Flashy Flash
Having him as a boyfriend sure isn’t for the weak
He’s definetly the leader of the sassy man apocalypse
He takes his night routine SERIOUSLY like you will have a 20 step hair routine and a spa session
He gives great hair care tips though
Lets you braid his hair when you’re bored or does your hair when you’re tired
Gossiping with him is super fun
When he’s annoyed or jealous he scoffs a lot
Tiny bit reluctant over physical affection but his hugs and kisses feel so gentle, you could melt into them.
He goes all out when you’re on your period, like he knows exactly what you need and what to do.
Gifts you hairclips on random occasions !
Doesn’t like you touching his katana cuz he’s worried you’ll hurt yourself.
You get the best dates with him because he knows the best spots, prefers staying at home with you though in case one of his opps are after him.
He does bicker with you from time to time because he knows you too well and can’t be bothered to deal with your overdramatic ass
"Yeah fine we get it you’re just angry because you’re craving some desserts. Stop whining and lets go get it.“
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Amai Mask
Might seem like a narcissistic and selfish bastard at first but he really just has issues
As a boyfriend he might not be able to spend much time with you since he is a hero AND a celebrity with a filled schedule
Makes sure to spoil you rotten tho
You get expensive gifts from him on a weekly basis and he takes you out to the best restaurants
He has to be very discreet with your relationship since it could cause him a bad reputation and backlash from the media
Whenever he’s overwhelmed or had a bad day he seeks comfort in your embraces
Feels like you’re the only one who understands him
Genuinely opens up to you and shows you his vulnerable side from time to time
He gets VERY jealous like he better not catch you admiring some other hero
At first he’d laugh it off not wanting to believe such a thing but slowly the jealousy would start creeping up
“You’re mine understood?”
Is just scared of u leaving him
He calls to tell you there’s a new magazine out that features him and wants you to buy it.
Thinks you’re his biggest supporter and likes to brag about you.
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Dates consist of gaming or getting deals at different supermarkets
I can totally imagine that he’s willing to try some new things at the convenience store with you and do taste tests.
Never rates the food a 10/10 cuz he thinks Genos could do it better.
YES sometimes Genos DOES make dinner dates for you two, he goes all out making a 5 star dinner for his sensei and his girlfriend.
Saitama secretly loves it when you come and sit on his lap as he watches tv.
He may not look like it but he really notices the small details, like he’ll ask if you put on different perfume or shampoo. Does it so sleek too.
He’d lean in to your neck and WHISPER INTO YOUR EAR
"Hm..you smell so good, got a new perfume?“
This guy just knows how to get you flustered
Is very nonchalant about most things, doesn’t really get jealous. (Unless you’re being overly nice to someone that has like really good hair)
“Yo genos. How much do you think a hair transplant costs?”
“Why are you asking sensei?”
“No reason really..” as he GLARES at the guy you’re talking to.
Doesn’t call you often, more like he randomly texts you what he’s doing and if your schedule matches his you both hangout.
Wants to climb up the ranks in order to impress you and loves to tell you about his day when he gets home.
Gets the most expressive around you.
He kicks out Genos when you two need your private time.
Gives the best piggy back rides.
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Hands down the best boyfriend out there
He’s so chill about everything
Likes to take you everywhere with him, especially on shooting ranges, coffee shops or jazz bars
Respects your boundaries a lot, if you don’t like the smoke from his cigarettes he’ll try not to smoke around you, if you’re a smoker yourself he always looks forward to smoke some with you.
You both have a very casual relationship, there’s no awkwardness at all nor the cheesiness and pampering
That also includes physical affection. Cuddling on the couch or holding hands seems natural to you.
As nihilistic as he is, he can’t hide whenever he’s jealous.
“Was it fun chatting to that human?” He’d ask whilst pressing down the last remaining of his cigarette onto the whiskey glass. He wasn’t upset, more like curious of what you saw in another man.
Only calls you in the evenings after he walks you home. Likes to hear your voice before he goes to sleep.
He loves to get you roses
Asks childish emperor for advice on what to get you. Doesn’t even realise himself that he slips in your name in every conversation.
Is the kind of boyfriend that is happy enough to just watch you from afar.
Never ever gets aggressive with you. In fact you’ve never seen him angry.
Likes to polish his guns while you sit on his lap.
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the-daiz · 6 days
When you’re sick | One punch man
Synopsis; How the one punch men would act when you’re bed ridden
genre: fluff, hc
Characters: Saitama, Genos, Speed-o’-sound sonic, flashy flash, Zombieman, Garou
side note; My… my hands… wont… stop typing… save me…. I’m gonna hibernate after this post
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Shockingly takes very good care of you
he’s a mundane guy that lives alone and needs to take care of himself, so I’d assume he’s gotten his fair share of sick days
He’ll be softer and more careful with his words
He lets you huddle up in his futon, even if he’s a little annoyed cuz now he needs to find somewhere else to sleep,
he still wants you to be close to him so he can look out for you
makes you lotssss of tea and warm meals
and bananas! (Saitama loves bananas)
he knows all the foods to avoid when you’re sick, ex: eggs
he’ll probably spend most of his day sitting next to you while he watches tv or talks to you about something
doesn’t leave the house to do any hero work so he can stay by your side
like I said before, he takes veryyy good care of you until you feel better
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oh gets really worried
a little bit frantic even, but he doesn’t let it show
does a shit ton of research about your illness/symptoms and how to take care of it
Consults dr kuseno
who of course gives him a lot of advice
he’s hella dotting
Like fr he doesn’t leave your side
despite being an S-class hero, unless its an absolute emergency, he DOES NOT LEAVE YOUR SIDE
Will make sure you take your medication exactly on time
Prepares gourmet type meals for you
Also expect a lot of broth, soup etc etc
Will offer you any form of physical affection you want. Since he’s a cyborg he doesn’t get sick, so will cuddle you all day without complaints if thats what you’d like
He’s constantly checking up on, his cool metal hand pressed gently on your forehead while his mechanic eyes inspect your frame, a small frown etched on his temple.
he’s so cute kms
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He knows how to take care of you
he’s gotten sick PLENTY of times, it never lasted long though because his immune system is simply goated
That being said, he’s very… awkward?
he’s concerned and worried, don’t get me wrong, but he’ll probably try to hide it
His words won’t reassure you much but his actions will!
He’ll drop off supplies like medication, food, herbs, or anything else you need, whether you mention it or he decides you need it anyway.
he’ll check up on you a lot, and he’ll try to stay nearby to make sure your safe
but honestly, you having to rely on him when you’re vulnerable makes him feel prideful
he doesn’t admit it, but he kind of likes having you sick, just a tinsy bit
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Oh god
of course he’s terribly worried about you
very aloof about it though
I’ll start with the cons: He’s sort of emotionally distant, and offers very little emotional support, and he won’t try sticking by your side as often as the other characters
Now that that’s out of the way,
He does make sure you have everything you need, and if he’s not with you, probably because he’s doing some hero work, he’ll text you or call very occasionally to ask how you’re doing and if you need anything
If you do mention that you’re feeling worse, he’ll be right by your side in an instant
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He’s very down-to-earth and calm about it
He won’t fuss over it or worry too much in the slightest
He’ll take good care of you, bringing you meals in bed, drink lots of fluids and getting enough rest
he’ll focus on making you as comfortable as possible too
He’ll leave for hero work every once in awhile, thats unless you’re really sick, then he’ll stay rooted beside you without another word
He’ll spend a lot of time just sitting or laying next to you. If you’re uncomfortably hot and would probably not want him to sleep beside you, he’ll sit on a chair and quietly hold your hand.
If you want him to talk, he’ll talk, and if you don’t, he’ll sit wordlessly without complaints.
he’ll probably crack a joke here or there if the mood is too damp
also, he’ll offer lots of forehead kissess
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He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s got the spirit! 😍😍
this lone wolf isn’t used to taking care of people, let alone himself
He’ll probably tell you to just walk it off, but his protective instincts will kick in anyway
he’ll try to stay by your side as much as possible
he’ll grumble and act like he’s annoyed, but he really isn’t
he’s a little harsh, probably giving you some weird motivation like “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” or smth
he’s genuinely concerned for you though, just be patient with him, he’s trying
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Playing Tricks
✂ Pairing: Yandere! Speed-o’-Sound Sonic x Reader
✂ Word Count: 824
✂ Trigger Warnings: Stalking, obsessive behavior, yandere theme.
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“I am now a central part of your mind's landscape, whether you care or do not. Yeah, I've made up your mind.” - The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get [Morrissey]
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You had a stalker.
The word popped into your mind at one night, when sleep continued to elude you like a sly fox. Somehow, you weren’t surprised by the realization. Almost as if you had... expected this. Maybe you had but pretended to be oblivious for the sake of your sanity. You were the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in Japan, after all, so you were bound to be a target for criminals someday.
But you couldn’t comprehend why they kept stalking you after practically learning about your schedule. You knew they were there, in the shadows, just watching. Sometimes, you could distinguish a pair of silver eyes staring at you from the darkness of the woods your house was located in. But whenever you ventured outside to see the culprit, they were always gone. All you saw was a single green leaf floating in the chilly air.
There was nobody in there.
You used to think you were being paranoid over something that never existed in the first place. That, maybe, your mind was playing tricks on you. College could be a challenge sometimes, and the lack of sleep probably elicited your brain to conjure up ridiculous scenarios. But you knew they were there, somewhere within a cluster of trees and bustling people, just watching.
It was like they solely belonged in the background; hidden from society yet visible in your periphery. White noise in the crowd yet a discord to your keen hearing.
Despite their seemingly ‘obsessive’ behavior, they always seemed to protect you. There was one unfortunate and unforgettable encounter with a drunkard that tried to grope you in an empty street when suddenly two shurikens zoomed out of nowhere and pierced his nape. As expected, the attacker was nowhere to be found. However, you were able to conclude their identity – or, perhaps, their profession – based on the weapon of choice.
A ninja.
Now, there were a lot of possibilities as to why a ninja stalked you. It could be because their master ordered them to do so, someone hired them to study you, or they had a grudge against you somehow. But that was impossible because you never knew anyone who was a ninja in your life. Then again, they definitely wouldn’t come up to you and declare they were one. Maybe they were in a disguise or something. You didn’t know, and it was starting to string you out.
“Father, I... I think I need a bodyguard.”
It took a lot of courage and preparation just to ask him that. You hated asking for help, especially to your parents, because you wanted to be seen as independent. You were a grown woman, after all. However, there were things that you could never solve by yourself, and one of them included stopping your stalker. Sure, you could always report this to the police, but you weren’t certain they would take this seriously due to the lack of concrete evidence.
Besides, what would you say to them anyway? “Help, someone is stalking and protecting me from a pervert!” or other exclamations equivalent to that? Yeah, they would either laugh or reassure you that ‘everything’s fine and you’re just overthinking things’. Thinking about it was enough to boil your blood a little.
“What’s wrong, dear? Is someone bothering you?” [Father's name] inquired when he heard you clicking your tongue in annoyance.
“N-no. It’s just that... I think someone is stalking me.”
The wrinkles on his forehead became more visible with the pitiful frown he wore as he took in your disheveled appearance. “Is that why you look so restless lately?”
You bowed your head and nodded nervously.
“Have they hurt you?”
“No, they haven’t. But it’s bothering me, Father. I can’t sleep right and I feel like losing my mind each day.”
“That’s not good...” Sighing, he wiped the sweat on his brow with a paper tissue. “Well, I’ve just met Zeniru-san today and he told me about a ninja that he hired. His name is Speed-o’-Sound Sonic and he’s a very capable man.”
Your ears perked up at the word ‘ninja’ as you slowly looked at him in the eye. “What... exactly do you mean by ‘capable’, Father?” you drawled out a question that you dreaded somehow.
“Well, Zeniru-san said he’s very fast and proficient in killing. I can contact him if you want.”
Clenching your fists at the prospect of safety and good night sleep, you nodded vigorously. “Please do.”
When the said ninja appeared that evening, you were beyond relieved and looked forward to the day where you could sleep soundly for the first time in a month. You refused to think how his eyes matched the color of your stalker’s, how he could travel from one place to another at the speed of light, and how intense his stare was when he finally met you in person.
It was just your mind playing tricks on you.
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
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If he accidentally hurt your feelings
I got my first request and I'm so excited to be working on it but imma drop this here for the time being
He was probably joking around and said something out of pocket
If it hurt you a little and you mentioned it, he would just be like "Oh, my bad" and won't talk about it again
If it was enough to really upset you he will try his best (very awkwardly) to reassure he was joking and like, hold your hand the whole explanation. He does a pretty good job, surprisingly, and it settles quickly.
It would never be anything that would make you cry. If this fool made you cry about anything it would probably be accidentally hurting you physically and man, he would never live it down. Even if it didn't leave any mark.
It would be something he meant with good intentions but it could easily be taken the wrong way.
No matter how badly it hurt your feelings, the treatment is the same overwhelming apology and loving.
The wrong person could get anything they wanted from him he would refuse to say no to you about anything at all. Even going out of his way to spoil you unnecessarily.
Once things are chilled out you gotta try and reassure him it happens and he's not a failure of a boyfriend.
God forbid it ever happens again he might explode.
Yeah he's a bit of a prick in general. You guys can dig at each other forever and none of it means anything.
During a playful date he says something that you initially didnt think much of, but later found yourself overthinking about.
You bring it up just to get it out of your head. At first he said "Wasn't that a while ago?" Seeing how it affected you though he contradicts his initial statement and is actually genuinely sweet about comforting your feelings and is very validating.
Nothing he would say would ever make you cry, he knows most boundaries. He takes it easy on you for a while before getting back to his shit head shananagings. Also tries to add some balance to it by dishing out some nicer remarks. *Tries*
Now this was probably inevitable, let's be honest. Dude hasn't had enough nice people in his life to know how to not be awkward trying.
It was just some teasing as he usually does, and you were trying to give it back to him. After some back and fourth he takes a little bit of a low ball, and when your face changed it was a serious "oh shit" moment.
Endless awkward silence. Endless
It would really depend on your reaction how he responds. It will vary from a shy, decent apology to some awkward coddling if you're more upset (sad/mad it doesn't matter). He does feel bad and didn't realize how much a low ball it was.
If you somehow cry he will definitely half ass cry later and feel like a huge asshole and don't deserve you after that. He lays off and tries to be more of a sweetheart, forcefully, it just is so painfully awkward you eventually say its water under the bridge and to go back to his old self.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Gone Again - Sonic (Speed O Sound Sonic)
Pairing - Sonic (Speed O Sound Sonic) x f!reader
Warnings - none! just sonic being extra hot
Word Count - 322
Notes - this is super short, but ngl super hot. i dont know how he became my favorite character in one punch man lol
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my��pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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“And you can't make it to our date… why?” She looked down at Sonic, who was doing contortion type stretches on the ground, his legs going over his head. “I told you, I have people to kill. I am an assassin after all.” “So you’re putting killing people… over your own girlfriend?” “Okay, when you put it like that, it makes me sound gross.” “I still don't get why you have to miss our date.” “Do you want me to pay for another date, maybe something better? Then I have to do this job.” She rolled her eyes and watched as Sonic stood up, his latex suit squeaking. He pulled his leg up, like he was doing the splits standing up. She quickly looked away, her face bright red. “So, can I go now?” She felt Sonic’s index finger and thumb grab her chin, pulling her face over to his. She averted her eyes, but to no avail. Sonic moved over to where her eyes were and made a pouty face. “Stop being pouty, love. It won't be long. And when I get home we can cuddle up and watch a movie or something. Okay?” “Okay.” “What was that? I couldn't hear you.” Sonic cupped his ear with a slight giggle. “Okay!” She tried to look angry, but she couldn't help but crack a smile at seeing his cute little face. “I'll see you soon then?” She nodded as Sonic pressed his lips to hers softly, his eyes halfway closed. “I love you.” Their lips were inches apart, so she could feel his warm, minty breath dust against her nose and lips. “I love you too.” He kissed her again, their lips sticking as he vanished out of the window. He left a small breeze behind, blowing the curtains and her hair, the sun reflecting off of her eyes that were watching out of the window, waiting for him to get back.
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
With Two Ninjas
Okay yes here we go. I hope we get season 3 soon.
Fandom: One Punch Man
Warning(s): Futa reader, dom reader, Sub males, dom female, smut, nsfw
Character(s): Sonic, Flashy flash
Readers Gender: Female
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{Gif Not Mine}
Muffled moans filled the room as you looked down to see Flashy flash and Sonic licking a sucking on your cock. You would puss their heads further down your cock loving to hear them gag. Mixed with the face expressions and moans you pushed both away as you finished yourself off cumming all over their faces. 
Sonic soon slowly put himself on your cock as he rode you. Eyes rolling back, tongue sticking out as he moaned. Flashy flash was busy sucking on your chest and coming up to nibble on your ear. You placed your hands on Sonic's waist as he bounced faster. Flash pulled your face towards him and kissed you. Sonic seeing you two making out right in front of him helped him cum right then and there. 
Once you came inside of Sonic him and flashy flash switched places. Flashy flash soon put his face in between your neck leaving love bites even moaning in your ear to get you rilled up more. As sonic sucked on your chest  with his other hand playing with the other nipple.
You soon came again this time inside of Flash as both boys laid beside you. You rubbed their backs saying nothing but sweet things to them.
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{Gif Not Mine}
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