#Sparkling Bumblebee
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themimicwecallmeg · 2 days ago
Platonic Yandere D-16 and Bumblebee who takes Bee in the divorce
Hi!!! I like your request, a wonderful TFOne oneshot… Okay so I want to say this first; I really wanna do a baby bee type scenario I hope you won’t mind… or maybe that’s what you want? Anyway I’m done yappin, tysm for the ask and enjoy ^v^
⛓️: When he saw Orion fall in the well of Cybertron, previously shot by his best friend, now turned into his greatest nemesis, Bumblebee, AKA Badassatron or B-127, managed to keep Elita from jumping to his rescue, despite him being smaller than her. She screamed a sparkfelt “NOOO-” and Bee’s audials flinched… he didn’t like too loud noises, and the crowd around wasn’t helping. He saw his best friend, Orion, fall to his death, no more left arm as it was blasted off by D-16…
⛓️: Elita fell on her knees, Bee silently trying to comfort her as he noticed D’s intense scarlet gaze, turning around to Sentinel desperately trying to crawl away, wounded and weak… Bee was overwhelmed, the crowd was cheering way too loudly for D, who was now dealing with Sentinel’s minions effortlessly as his fury took him over
⛓️: Suddenly, D took Sentinel by his back collar, Bee knew what would happen, he wanted to cover his blue optics, he didn’t want to look… but he did… as Sentinel was ripped in half… Bee subconsciously put a servo on his mouth plate in horror, while Elita was starting to not recognize D anymore
⛓️: He gasped when D ripped Sentinel’s t-cog out of his chest, wielding it in the air, making a speech to all high guard members as he started shooting and blasting down everything Sentinel owned… including some innocent cogless miners in the way
⛓️: Elita told Bee to evacuate the city, or at least try getting everyone to safety, even if she knew Bee was still too young to do all this… she couldn’t help but rush at D- wait no… Megatron… He tried to stop her, crying at her that it was suicidal, but instead she ignored the cries of the sparkling… rage also taking over her…
⛓️: Finally when Bee managed to get out of the crowd, he met Megatron’s gaze… it was firing red, crimson sparkles of rage emitting from them as he approached Bee, but Bee was mortified, he stumbled into his pedes and fell on the ground as D-… Megatron crouched to his level…
⛓️: “Come with me Bee… you’ll be safe with me… Sentinel’s gone… you’ll be better with me… under my care… forever” Megatron’s tone was petrifying, his red optics showing desperate possessiveness as he restrained himself from picking up Bee and bring him with the high guard and him… Bee was on the ground, mute from the fear that made his spark almost jump out of his chest…
⛓️: Suddenly, the ground opened from under them, a huge blue blast of energy knocked both of them down… but Bee? He fell unconscious, his processor not able to process anything anymore… he missed the fight of the titans… but what he didn’t know was that when the high guard and him left Iacon for good… Megatron brought something… or more like someone with him…
⛓️: Bee woke up in a room that wasn’t his, or maybe more of a “rusty old place that was falling down” type of room. He felt a painful pang onto his intake pipe… he touched it with a servo snd he saw blue energon on his digits… how was he even alive? He tried to ask himself the question… but trying to use his voice box made him feel intense pain, a pain stronger than Darkwing’s punch, a pain stronger than being left alone in sub level 50… a pain he couldn't even express… At least… not verbally
⛓️: Outside it was dark… smoke was seen outside, fire… then blasts of energy started to be fired in the sky, as if celebrating something… screams and victory howls were heard, which were loud enough to make Bee cover his audials firmly
⛓️: After some time, loud and imposing pedes could be heard walking towards his room, as he tried to get away, he noticed a tight handcuff on the side of the recharging berth he was on… he couldn’t escape… poor young Bee… still a sparkling, forced to live with a future tyrant until maybe, just maybe, Elita and Orion find him… Bee will learn everything that he missed… or maybe he won’t..
— After all, Megatron is known to be more than stubborn at times… he’ll take good care of Bee… as long as he… stays… quiet… —
OMG I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THIS ONE!!! Second ever yandere work, GOD this felt so good to write.. anyway @shatteredglass36, I hope you liked it and I hope anybody who stumbled upon this likes it too ^v^
- Meg >:3
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yuukirita · 4 months ago
*taps shoulder gently* I know your busy and already have a lot on your plate… but listen.
How about a sparkling deceptibee au? I… don’t really have a reason I just wanna see a baby bee in your art style… if that’s ok?
Ah- of course! Let me just- *trows away responsabilities*
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Lil guy has big shoes to fill! Makes it hard to walk though!
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Let me propose this: Bee is a sparkling but he acts exactly the same as movie Bee... Like exact same. Not change of tones or anything- wouldn't that be funny? Like being that young but acting like that is like seeing a toddler act like a unbalanced young adult and that is just hillarious to me...
Also- In the sparkling Deceptibee au???? OPTIMUS AIN'T LETTING THIS CHILD FOLLOW MEGATRON. Different story line entirealy. Elita DID keep Bee from going with Megatron (because that is a freaking baby) but Megs/the high guard sees that baby try to follow them but Megs tells them not to bother.
And the story is Bee that keeps trying to run away/get in contact with Megs cuz that his friend and he's freaking stubborn and he wants to be with him dammit!
And Optimus has to deal with that child who acts older than he is because he had to grow so fast mentally and he's trying to be a mentor but Bee is like '... eh?' And stuff- And Elita probably saves the day as usual- OMG THAT MEANS CLIFFJUMPER IS ALSO A SPARKLING HFIDKJLSADGDSJ (will draw that later)
ALSO- Em... In SecondBee au... Bee starts as a sparkling. I've drawn him... I'll show him when the story is posted (he's very cute and small)
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dat-lil-shark · 7 months ago
So after three days of grinding my guts i finally completed this rough WIP of my animation of the entire TFP Episode 7 in my Sparkling AU.
I might or might not finish it, it hurts me too much.
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my-anndreamer · 3 months ago
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Little sparkling Bumblebee, fell often, and his armor wasn't strong enough.
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lloyd-007 · 21 days ago
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expired-creamcheese · 2 months ago
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have some momlita and baby Bee bc i have writers block
lita is rlly difficult to draw im not drawing her ever again.
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minniethemoocherda · 1 year ago
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When Optimus goes out on a seemingly standard energon raid but comes back with a sparkling Bumblebee.
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mossyscavern · 29 days ago
A promise, kept forever
“With all that’s been said and done, we’ll earn our rightful place!”
Megatron says to his solders, every word counts as he kept his vow as leader of the decepticons. He is built for this, just as the rest of the mechs who joins the decepticons.
“Our motto for cybertron is as such, especially for new soldiers like yourself, we will have our rights. With strength of our own, strategic smarts, the undying loyalty! Respect! Power-!”
Megatron heard from behind, turns around in confusion and saw his yellow framed sparkling staring up at him, with big baby blues. The most precious thing in the warlord’s life.
“… and energon!” He repeats, with a proud smile.
He had prepared this whole speech for when he became first known, but he guessed he can improvise the speech a bit, just for his sparkling.
“These are the things we shall live for. To rise up for! So remember these phrases, we’ll fight for our peace and never grow in hunger ever again!” He shouts with a raised fist, the crowd of the future decepticon warriors going wild.
With that out of the way he descends down the stairs and returns to his pride and joy, lifting his baby up from the makeshift birth. “Hello my little warrior, why the sudden change in speech?” He asks, with a raised optic ridge.
Watching his sparkling pout, his servos pushing against the warframe’s chassis, giving megatron an idea what his baby wants while said baby whines.
“Ooooh… heh, all is fair in hunger and war.” He says, shifting his hold to cradle his heir, grabbing an energon cube from his sub space and holding it carefully for the baby bot to drink. “-- m e g a t r…--.”
He smiles down at his precious sparkling, his gaze softened as his baby yawned, placing the now empty cube away, he starts rocking the infant, lulling the tiny bot into recharge, walking back to his berthroom-.
“Lord megatron.”
The warlord hears, turning away from his sparkling to Skywarp, strange.. the seekers didn’t sign up in the ranks until-… megatron looks around.
Reality catching up to the war frame. He sighs deeply while seated on his throne. “Are you alright, sir?” The black n’ purple seeker asks in concern.
“I’m fine, Skywarp… any news with the insecticons?” He told his officer, feeling a helm ache form in his processor. “Negative, didn’t bother contacting us ever since our loss.” He told him, megatron gave a tired nod.
“We must prepare for another energon harvest, has Soundwave found another source?” Megatron asks. “Yes sir.” He says simply before speaking up again.
“It’s probably not the best time to ask but… how did you know about the energon shortage?” Megatron looks up, with a raised optic ridge towards the blue seeker. “Pardon?”
“Last thundercracker checked while reading one of your old memoirs… the words you described for peace was ‘strength of our own, strategic smarts, the undying loyalty! Respect! Power! And energon.. and it was before the shortage.”
Skywarp listed off, reminding megatron to give Thundercracker a praise for his memory bank. “So I ask again, lord megatron. How did you know?”
“I didn’t, energon wasn’t supposed to be in the speech in the first place. It was an improv that I did and it just… stuck as our motto ever since.”
He says truthfully, thinking back to when he had felt the proud saying that word, he smiled at the memory. ‘It was thanks to my sparkling that day.’ He thought to himself. “Huh… thank you sir, enjoy the rest of your evening.”
Skywarp says, running off to who knows where, shouting. “Thundercracker! you and screamer owe me 20 rust sticks, I fragging called it glitches!!”
Megatron shook his helm at that, checked the time, got up from his throne and walked to his berth room… things were never the same since.
Once there he prays to primus that his sparkling is alright and thriving, not realising…
That his youngling is closer than he thought.
Done. Woo! New record!!
This… took a bit. I wanted to get this out of the way, mostly because I wanna do more babybee au’s but I still wanna write the heck out of parental megatron… so I’m doing both, cause yes.
I’d very much would like to keep doing these, whether they’re for comedic purposes, tragic but healing value… fluff and angst-.
… this version is where bumblebee is the lost heir, so… lost heir au anyone?
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spophiearts · 2 years ago
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Some more shit posts?? For you??
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redactednamehere · 1 month ago
Random AU idea that mashes my two favorite (not bayverse really, but they both have some level more significance to me than the others) Transformers continuities.
It would be a sort of Bayverse x Prime crossover.
This idea came about when I was thinking about how Team Prime ended up on Earth and how they found each other. Surely it wasn't like Magnus and Smokescreen every time. I imagine that Optimus and Ratchet might have landed together, maybe even with Bulkhead, and Arcee and Cliff on their own. But I'm not sure about Bee. I mean, I guess they all could have landed together, but that's no fun.
ANYWAY! The AU makes use of both sparkling Bumblebee, and the wonderful Witwicky family of the Bayverse.
The AU starts long before the events of Prime, before the team is together, or perhaps even before they're on Earth. Sparkling Bee crashes somewhere in California, close enough to where a young (think preteen, possibly younger) Sam regularly goes to explore. A bit further away from the city, or in an overgrown park or something.
Sam's out messing around and comes across this weird pod thing. Inside is a large lump of yellow metal all curled in on itself. He pokes it and- Boom! Bee pops his cute little head out of the ball he'd curled himself into.
Sam promptly adopts the alien he found and sneaks Bee home. His parents eventually find out, obviously, but Sam is very attatched to his robot buddy. And Bee makes a very convincing argument for staying by being the cutest thing out there.
So he stays. Large robot son would obviously draw attention, so Ron and Judy choose to move their family to the middle of the Nevada desert. Getting a new house means they can look for one where Bee can be more comfortable, rather than staying in the garage. (He's not all that big, being really young, but he's curious, fidgety, and cuddly, the more space for him in the actual house the better)
Years pass, Sam goes to high school. Sophomore year, there's an exchange student; Miko Nadaki (I'm tempted to send Carly here too.) But I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a three year period where both factions are on Earth without any conflict. If I'm correct, anyway. But that's where we are.
Bumblebee was too young to have any insignia, so the Witwickys wouldn't make any sudden connection seeing all the new vehicles around town.
But the Cons and Bots are in Jasper. Which means it's only a matter of time before one faction or another finds out about the sparkling.
The Autobots find the family first. Fowler has to talk to them, and they end up meeting Team Prime. Bee is very obviously attatched to his human family, so they get to stick around.
Bumblebee now has a Cybertronian influence as well as a human one. He has the entirety of Team Prime doting on him. Maybe more if I want to bring in a couple more Bayverse folk. (I say Bayverse, but it's just my favorite guys that happen to appear there as well. Sideswipe, Ironhide, Elita, and Chromia. Sunstreaker as well if I add them all, because everyone else has separated the twins but I'll be damned if I do it too.)
So the Witwickys have the next couple of years to get familiarized with the Autobots and the Omega Outpost. And here's where our story begins. Well, the familiar part, anyway. The events of Prime start happening.. Three new humans in the base AND! The Decepticons are back.
Don't know how exactly the AU would progress from there, considering Cliff would still die and the Bots are down a Bumblebee. I suppose if I added more Bots, it wouldn't be as much of a problem. It would also allow me to send Sunstreaker to be the one to deal with MECH because Bee's a baby.
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yuukirita · 1 month ago
Would soundwave try to put baby bee in his subspace with the other cassettes?
Bee would go hang out there himself.
That's a small dark space inside one of the coolest people he knows- he's getting in there.
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dat-lil-shark · 8 months ago
THE MASTER LIST OF SPARKLINGS I'VE DESIGNED (+ one fun fact about each of them)
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The gods:
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my-anndreamer · 2 months ago
Sparkling friendship.
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Briefly about my idea The events take place on Cybertron, even before the full-scale w@r, there were local battles. The political situation is tense, the newly elected Prime is not taken seriously by the political elite, which is still ruled by Sentinel. Megatron is trying to overthrow the government by his own forces. Optimus Prime, on the other hand, wants to change the government by his own peaceful methods, and in addition, he is raising a son, whom he gave birth to while he was Orion.
Bumblebee, or the system name B-127, is an ordinary spark who recently completed 7 cycles (700 Earth years old). He started going to the primary academy, he has no friends, because he was smaller than his peers and his carrier was Prime, who is trying to change what is already "working well". Bee was an excellent student at the academy and studied for the highest grades, but he was very lonely, even having made friends with Optimus's friends did not make him happy, because they were usually busy.
Breakdown, system (laboratory) name MRL-001. Shockwave's laboratory experiment, in the "Menasor" project. He was born in an incubator and did not leave the laboratory for 7 cycles, until he himself escaped, unable to bear the pain and experiments at his T-cog. Seeing the city for the first time, he was scared and got lost.
Bumblebee met Breakdown on his way home from the academy. Bee simply showed Breakdown the city so that he would not be afraid, and it turned out that this grew into a friendship. After that, Breakdown would escape from the laboratory again and again whenever possible to play with Bumblebee (and return back closer to the evening).
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bumblebee-is-best-boi · 1 year ago
Random headcannon:
-What if all transformer sparklings were born fuzzy, but they lose that fuzz as they age (unless they are Maximals, Predacons, or Insectacons).
This is just bc i want a fuzzy sparkling Bumblebee ^v^
It would be funnier if older (aka present day) Bumblebee still has the fuzz in some areas, usually hidden by metallic plates, maybe on the back of his neck.
Also the fuzz is a type of metal that would feel like an organic animal's fur to a Cybertronian, but it isnt that soft to a human (ouchie).
Maybe this is a defense mechanism to make them bigger? Idk havent thought it through that much.
This hc was also made so that there would be other reasons for platonic touching (ewww terrible wording but idk what else to call it) that isnt just hand holding and pats.
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i-give-u--art · 7 months ago
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Me waiting for that one person to post art of that one character
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themimicwecallmeg · 3 days ago
- Meg >:3
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