#Spacekru deserved better
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doortotomorrow · 2 years ago
Still bitter over Spacekru not getting their flashback episode in S5...we were fucking robbed!
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heyjayyay · 2 years ago
Anyone fans of The 100 still around? Selling my paintings signed by the cast to help pay for rent. 🙃
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something something clarke griffin being mocked and insulted and told it isn’t enough when she apologises and octavia blake being called a monster because she didn’t.
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silverflameataraxia · 3 years ago
When Clarke gives her radiation-proof head piece to Emori, I almost cry. Every. Single. Time.
Emori, who has always been banished or forgotten about or never deemed a priority, was deemed by Princess Clarke to be more important than her own life.
I just 😭 😭 😭
I love Clarke so much. In spite of all her mistakes, she values others above herself.
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starscompanion · 3 years ago
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According to this, Harper knows Murphy well enough to decide that he deserves a second chance. Therefore, Harper McIntyre and John Murphy were besties. In this essay I will-
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erends-hoe · 3 years ago
Does it ever drive you crazy
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Just how fast the night
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captainmar-bear · 4 years ago
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@ Jason Rothenberg
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skaifaya-heda · 4 years ago
Let’s Talk About Bellamy
SPOILER WARNING FOR SEASON 7 OF THE 100 Let me just start off by saying that Bellamy Blake is probably one of my favorite characters on The 100 to look at how he’s progressed. Not only did he start off as the protective brother willing to do anything for Octavia and end up poisoning her (with some good reason), but he also just has really interesting dynamics with other characters. I’m going to look at the whole Pike incident, Clarke, and his death. 
I think it’s safe to say that when all of us Bellamy fans saw his interactions with Pike we were screaming at our screens in frustration. Not only did Bellamy stand by as Pike was one of the most hated characters in the history of The 100, but we also got to see the aftermath of these interactions. I’m not going to go into details about this situation but I think that the most interesting part about all of this was how his interactions with Octavia changed after Lincoln’s death. This is really the reason why the Blake siblings’ relationship was damaged, at least at the beginning. 
I’m also not going to hide that I personally prefer Bellarke to Clexa. It’s not exactly the most popular opinion but I just think the characters mesh better. Clarke’s relationship with Bellamy, even though it was never romantic in the series (AND THEY WERE FREAKING MARRIED IN THE BOOKS), is probably one of the most complex within this series. I’m not even going to touch on all of the baitings the writers put into the series between Bellamy and Clarke but that’s a whole different issue. They started with a strained relationship, went to a point where Clarke would let TonDC be blown up to not put Bellamy in danger, to Bellamy putting the flame in Madi’s head and Clarke leaving him at the fighting pits, and finally to Clarke being responsible for his death. All in all, it was a ride.
My biggest issue with how they portrayed Bellamy in Season 7 is the idea that Bellamy could betray not only Clarke but all of his family like he did. Something I loved between the characters of this show is the unrelenting loyalty, even after everything they’ve been through, between them. I think it was completely out of character for Bellamy to betray them after a cult-like religious journey on a frozen planet and I would prefer a rewrite of honestly the last two seasons. 
And finally, let me just say this. The final ending where everything was meant to be all “happy” where everyone comes together is BULL! Are you telling me that everyone just forgot Bellamy’s death? Are you telling me that as Clarke and Octavia cried in each other’s arms after Clarke shot him that they could just pretend that didn’t happen a few days later? My point here is that we never really got to see how Bellamy’s death affected the characters in the story even though he was so central in it. 
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multismileee · 4 years ago
I AM TIRED OF RAVEN, ECHOKE, AND STUPID CLOWNKRU- I MEAN SPACEKRU!!! (anti clownkru post) We love and respect Clarke in this house.... [DRAFT]
Okay this is going to be really long but I want to get all the feelings out so here I go. In this post I will be talking about everyone in clownkru: Raven, Echo, Murphy, Emori, Monty, Harper, and Bellamy. Although I love the last three and Emori doesn’t annoy me because she barely does anything, I will still be talking about all the times they’ve done my bby Clarke wrong. Honestly I don’t even have that big of a problem with Murphy either. It’s just Echo and Raven, the SiStErS, that irk me and make my blood boil. I will go from the least annoying to the most annoying so enjoy! :)
Monty and Harper- Honestly I can’t really think of anything they have done to go against Clarke, honestly they are probably the only ones who actually held none of her impossible choices against her. I know Monty wasn’t fond of her when she was making the list, which she never wanted to make and Raven pushed her to but I won’t get into that, and when Clarke and Bellamy wanted to kill Cooper but he said it in a way that was him being in disbelief of her actions and telling her that this isn’t who she is. Overall, they’re really good friends and they told Bellamy and Clarke to take care of Jordan for them. Monty saying that he took a page out of Clarke’s book of raising a child.. I’m soft, I love them.
Emori- I don’t really mind Emori, she is never directly rude towards Clarke and when Murphy was helping Josephine she did the right thing and told Bellamy. I just think she holds the fact that Clarke held Emori and Murphy tied up when Clarke was going to inject Emori to see if the serum worked is held against her, but I’m not sure. Anyways, here’s underrated times Clarke saved Emori: When she talked Emori down from killing the guy who attacked her at the house, when Clarke injected herself with the serum instead of trying it on Emori, and when she took off her helmet with untested nightblood so Emori could wear it. Also it’s so underrated that Emori goes “Can’t we give her more time?” during 5x13. Anyways I really like Emori :))
Bellamy- LISTEN I LOVE BELLAMY WITH MY WHOLE HEART, SO NO HATE. That being said, he has done Clarke wrong a good amount of times. I know they forgave each other for everything but the thing that still doesn’t sit right with me is the whole Madi situation. 
The way I started writing this before Bellamy died or anything and now I don’t feel like finishing it lmao, I’ve moved on from this show but I didn’t want to just leave this draft unposted. I think it’s a good thing that i didn’t get to Echo and Raven because then this post would be super long, even longer than it already is.
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bellamyblakru · 4 years ago
im watching vicariously through @alexmaanes and let me tell you,,, how fucking much,,,, that man ruined this show.
why have all that pregancy imagery and drag out her death for the last episode??? what’s the fucking point.
emori, you were a queen and deserved better writing. may we meet again, yu gonplei ste odon
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doortotomorrow · 3 years ago
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“Whatever happens, I know we’ll find each other again.”
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osleyakomwonkru · 5 years ago
So is there a tag out there for people who aren’t big on Becho because they believe Echo deserves better than that jerk? I don’t want to tag shit such that it will end up in a pile of Bellarke nonsense. I’m entirely uninterested in that shitshow and just want something where I can appreciate Echo but also bemoan her awful choice in men. (Or, well, everyone’s awful choice in him. No truer words have been spoken on this show than when Hope said “What is it about Bellamy that has otherwise sensible women willing to die for him?”.)
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prettyshon10 · 4 years ago
I honestly checked spoilers for the recent episode of The 100 to see if the writers could disrespect Bellamy any more than they already have, and I’m truly amazed at how they exceeded my expectations. Not only is Bellamy barely mourned, he’s also getting ragged on and blamed for his own death by the same characters that are supposed to be his “family”. Never, in all my years of indulging into shows, have a seen such GARBAGE.
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clayandstuff · 4 years ago
Pure. Angst.
Becho: and the Fantabulous Character Assassination of One Bellamy Blake
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nightbleeder · 6 years ago
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                                           You cannot stop me.                                                   -Nikita Gill
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tallariawalker · 5 years ago
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The 100 moodboards: Luna x Raven
            “Ai giv ai op gon nemiyon kom lanik-de. 
                              I give myself to the miracle of the sea.”
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