renonv · 5 months
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Freaks off their leash who fight like dogs
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goldammerchen · 2 years
HC/Idea I don't think I'll use, posting this for the shippers.
Now that Prussia is just a "retired" country, he could work in whatever german embassy or consulate of your choosing *wink*. I assume he has the bureaucratic experience (prussian civil service tradition blah blah...) and he is a nerd so (could be a translator too)....
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dino-i · 10 months
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I miss those ship thingies so I made my favourite Spain ship
Too bothered to draw rn
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ziashetalia · 1 year
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【APH】無題【落書き】 Pixiv ID: 61980386 Member: 2809420 - まきがね
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist's art~
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spidertalia · 1 year
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finally decided to indulge a drawing for a recent ship i have gotten into. there are criminally way too few fics or drawings of them so i decided to draw them myself <333
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the-hipster-nugget · 2 years
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Who else thinks. Do you guys. What if they.
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proosh · 2 months
He/him dyke vibes gil is so goddamn real and hgfjkdsl POST HAVING KIDS FEMINIZATION IS MY JAMMMM lord that is true, whoever he's shacked up with (for me I love a good SpaPru) he is not safe from wondering hands if he chooses to vibe nude in places. I miss those kinda fics, i find myself not as excited to read fanfics as much anymore, I think it's because I have a good few roleplayers that I love RPing the characters with and it's hard to find characterizations as good as i have it now. Ahhh Gil pregnant and in sundresses, probably drinking copious amounts of ginger ale n stuff, i feel like if he cant have liquor or beer he likes mixing soda drinks. Like Ginger ale and black tea, fruit purees with stuff. Being a pregnant nation must suck with cravings, how can u replicate a food you had once in some tavern in what is now Italy?? Some of these guys have 100% tasted endangered animals or extincted ones! Gil is craving hard tack lathered with pig tallow on top and pickled unions or something hgjfkdlsa.
oh I was never like. a huge fan of kidfics tbh, mostly because they were never of ships I was super into (and most of the time the quality was. questionable) lmao. But I do have a gaggle of frapru fankids hanging around in my brain so I regard them with fond nostalgia if that makes sense
re: pregnancy cravings, I actually have a scene in mind for an eventual fic regarding that >:3c
Gilbert, I think, is someone who ends up craving raw meat, be it mince or steak tartare or whatever else he can get his hands on because he wants -- needs -- protein like the fucking werewolf he is.
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What if my polyship has a banned ship in it? Is it banned as well?No. If your ship is, for example, DenPrUK and PrUK is banned. DenPruk is still accepted.
What about the opposite? What if my ship is part of a polyship that is banned? Also accepted. Ex: The bad friend trio is banned but SpaPru is accepted.
Can I add a pairing in the banned list as a background ship? Yes only if they stay in the background. Main pairing should be a rare pair
Do I have to create content for the same ship all week? You can absolutely change the ship you create for during the event no problem.
Are OCs allowed? Absolutely. As long as they are nation ocs in your rare pair. Human x nation aren't allowed anymore.
Can I submit my work late? Yes this is not school. You can submit your work weeks or even months late.
Can I create different version of my rare pair? (neko, nyo, 2p, ect.) Yes. you are welcome to.
You haven't reblogged my art/fic/creation. Possible I missed it but I reblog all the posts the blog was tagged in within a few hours during day time (EST timezone) Be patient. In case I did actually missed it, you are welcome to message me about it.
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renonv · 4 months
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Pov: you are Francis stuck on a long carriage ride with your freak friends (good for them)
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goldammerchen · 3 months
okay okay okay i do like bottom!pru with with some actual characters instead of random ass humans or monsters, sometimes. frapru hatesex, scotpru (:D), spapru, auspru (the idea of rod getting rode [LMAO] and him getting his dick metaphorically destroyed in the process is fun, but also is about sex and some kind of disability, whether he tops or bottoms), polpru (let pol top!), hunpru (but i'm bored of the same jokes sorry) and uhhhh. ah yeah, gerpru, that dude is or can be a creep about his older brother, who tbh is/was also a creep, in other ways.
edit: FUCK i forgot about kiku!!!
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Heta-Poly Week 2022: Day 3
@heta-polyweek2022 @magictrio1118
Rating: T
Relationship: BFT + England
Word Count: 809
Author’s Note: Kind of, very self-indulgent, but whatever. I want to get this out. 
What a Crummy Day
“What a crummy day,'' Francis cried dramatically as he stared out the window. “There goes all of today’s plans.” He, Gilbert, and Arthur were visiting their boyfriend Antonio in Spain. Francis had planned all kinds of outdoor activities during their two-week stay, but the weather had different plans. 
On their very first full day in Spain, they woke up to a cloudy sky, and by breakfast, it was raining. “Even Spain gets spring showers,” Arthur noted in an attempt to comfort the devastated Frenchman. 
“But we were supposed to walk the town today.”
“We can always do that tomorrow,” Gilbert chimed in. He wrapped his arms around Francis’s waist and rested his head on their shoulder. “Or any other day over these next two weeks. We have plenty of time.”
Arthur rested his head on Francis’s shoulder. “After that plane ride yesterday, I think this is a blessing in disguise. We can get settled and relax a bit.”
“I guess…” 
Gilbert and Arthur guided a disappointed Francis over to the couch. “Toni,” Gilbert called.
“Si?” Antonio replied, poking his head out of the kitchen where he was busily making breakfast.
“Where are your blankets?”
“In the closet, in the hall.”
Gilbert took off towards the hall, leaving Francis and Arthur alone. Arthur rested his head on Francis’s lap. “It’s not that big of a deal you know…” the Brit murmured. 
“It is to me. I was looking forward to it.”
“Isn’t it us being together that matters?” Antonio chimed in. He entered with a tray of magdalenas and ensaimadas, freshly baked. “That’s why you three came in the first place right?”
“I guess…”
Spain gave Francis a cheery smile, kissing the top of his head before placing the tray on the coffee table and snuggling up against their other side. “Plus! Now we have an excuse to cuddle all day.”
Arthur rolled his eyes with a groan, but he didn’t have much room to complain considering how comfortable he looked against Francis’s thigh. He was about to complain when a pile of blankets was tossed on top of the three of them. 
“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Prussia said with a pout. 
“Don’t complain,” Francis tsked, “We have plenty of time for all kinds of cuddling after all.”
Gilbert’s pale skin became a striking scarlet upon his own words being thrown back at him. He tried to sputter out some complaints, but it came out jumbled. So, instead, he settled next to Arthur, the his legs coming to rest across Gilbert’s lap. 
“Comfortable?” Gilbert asked with an amused huff. It wasn’t often Arthur was this openly cuddly, so the sight of him curled up across them like this immediately improved the German’s mood. 
Francis’s hand tangled in Arthur’s hair, scratching at his scalp. Arthur hummed in approval. “He’s like a cat,” Francis whispered to Gilbert. Gilbert snickered. 
“Oi! What are you two gossiping about?” Arthur hissed. 
‘Still, just like a cat,’ both Francis and Gilbert thought.
“Awww,” Antonio cooed, “Te ves tan lindo mi conejito.”
Arthur was about to protest further when there was a sudden loud boom. All four lovers tensed at the sound before falling quiet. Arthur began shaking slightly, and Francis’s hand in Arthur’s hair tightened. “H-Hey now…” Antonio said. He put an arm around a still tensed Francis. “It’s okay…uh…G-Gil help me out here?”
“A movie! How about we watch a movie? We can drown out all that noise.”
“You’re a genius!” Antonio jumped up, rushing over to a nearby cabinet, pulling out a random movie and popping it in. Gilbert in turn cranked up the volume so that the thunder was nothing more than a distant rumble. 
Arthur and Francis settled once more–still on edge, but not frozen or shaking like before. 
“Okay, you were right Francis, today was a crummy day,” Gilbert sighed. He rubbed at the nape of Francis’s neck in comfort.
They gave him a weak smile. “Thank you for admitting it mon amour.” Francis turned to Arthur. “And how are you doing mon lapin?”
“Okay…” Arthur said softly. Only his hands shook, but other than that, he seemed fine. 
Antonio caressed the Englishman’s face gently. “That’s good to hear. Just tell us if you need us to turn up the volume more.”
Both Francis and Arthur nodded. Francis settled against Antonio while Arthur let his eyes drift closed, focusing on the hand in his hair and Gilbert’s strong hand that had grabbed onto his own. 
By the time the film came to an end, the four were fast asleep. The storm soon dispersed, and by the time they awoke, it was sunny once more. Though the day had started out crummy and only seemed to have gotten worse, in the end, Francis got his trek to town, and the other three were just happy to see the Frenchman happy.
Extra Info/Translations:
Magdalenas: Basically like a lemon cupcake/muffin part of some spanish breakfasts
Ensaimadas: sweet bread eaten for breakfast with either fruit or powder sugar
Te ves tan lindo mi conejito = You look so cute my bunny
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helianskies · 3 years
Do you have Spain/Prussia headcanons or AUs?
Antonio is clingy, he likes hugs, he will launch an attack on Gilbert at any given moment, and Gilbert is never prepared
they like to drive each other insane. Antonio by not wearing matching socks or making the bed, and Gilbert by moving Antonio's things and enjoying watching him lose his mind
neither confessed first, Francis did it for them because they were getting on his nerves
Gilbert is the responsible one (Antonio has the world fooled he is a bad influence and a clumsy mess of a human being, so Gilbert has to supervise him like a parent)
they send memes and vids to each other through the day as their preferred method of communication
both enjoy playing with the other's hair
Gilbert is incredibly ticklish
infrequent sex - they don't actually have intercourse too often as the other aspects of their relationship are fulfilling enough and they'd rather enjoy the company
that said when they do have sex, it's normally more than just your normal vanilla 5-minute quickie, ya know?
they aren't in-your-face about their relationship around other people and Antonio especially has learnt to keep the pda to a minimum for Gilbert's comfort (hand-holding is acceptable)
romantic gestures have become a form of competition and so far, Antonio is winning (not that Gil's complaining)
Gilbert prefers quiet date nights in with food and a film, whereas Antonio likes more outdoorsy, adventurous, daytime dates
when they fight or bicker, they give each other space to cool off because they can't otherwise be reasoned with
Gilbert hogs the duvet
so Antonio steals the pillows
but they always wake up tangled together and they find it quite tough to get out of bed because it's just too damn cosy
dogwalker au - when an injury means he can't walk his dogs himself, Gilbert begrudgingly finds a local dogwalker to help him out (of the closet, and then some)
school teachers au - Gilbert normally looks forward to getting home after a day of teaching, but the arrival of a new coach for the afterschool football club sees him hanging around later than normal so he can mark books and totally not watch out of the window of his classroom nope not at all
sins/virtues au - in which, rather than an angel getting stuck in Hell, a demon gets stuck in Heaven (or: Gilbert is lumped with a near-constantly grumpy Antonio who has no idea how he ended up in Heaven but whatever!)
vampires au - neither of them are actually the vampires, but the vampires are what bring them together as a couple humans who find that being meals isn't the most fulfilling way to live!
babysitting au - with FrUK out of town, Gilbert agrees to be a last-minute childcare provider and surprises Antonio with the sudden extra responsiblity (but Antonio can't stay mad at that face)
shapeshifters au - a fantasy abo au where Antonio brings two human children home one day, to Gilbert's horror, but they end up raising them as their own - and as better humans than those that live in the 'real world'
+ various aus where PruSpa exists but is not the main/sole pairing involving these characters because i'm a filthy multishipper, it makes for fun narratives that way, and sometimes i like to write polyships too aH
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balkantalia · 4 years
HWS Germany: How did Gilbert find a guy as sweet as you?
HWS Spain: Actually I hit him with my car while he was breakdancing in a Lidl parking lot
HWS Spain: It was love at first sight
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im-still-not-dead · 4 years
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Hello, Tonio 💕
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queenofcringe · 5 years
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I love how Prussia is pregnant but still drinking alcohol.
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proosh · 1 year
The author of three tails also has a ruspruger fic in their bottom!ger oneshot collection. CW for noncon and forced fem/forced SRS. I hope they have more fics planned, I liked their rusbel one (CW for body horror in that one too)
I've read that one and while it's not super my thing I support the author because by god this fandom needs to get weirder again. Very excitedly looking forward to the next chapter of the magic game TF fic they've got going on, I'm very curious as to what they're cooking with the SpaPru subplot and quietly hoping Gil gets hit with the same preg-flavoured TF stuff as some of the others but you didn't hear that from me
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