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theartofknightjj · 2 years ago
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#dndcharacter is going around on twitter and it reminded me I never posted my rogue I played in a short campaign this past winter! :0 
His name is Andrea he's a rich boi air-genasi soulknife rogue, who's often forgotten by his family so he breaks into peoples houses to entertain himself✨
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genpitre · 10 months ago
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Changeling kisses for good luck?
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theoutcastrogue · 9 months ago
D&D 5.5: The New Rogue
This being a promo video, everything of course sounds peachy, and only changes that give players more power/options are mentioned.
That said, if they haven't veered off from the latest Unearthed Arcana version (which managed to excite me! see here), this should be a fantastic improvement all around.
Except Stealth mechanics. (They're not mentioned in the video, I'm only judging from UA.). I swear there's a dark curse on D&D and we just can't have good, elegant, and intuitive stealth mechanics in this game.
And here's some art from the video, featuring Rogue, Assassin, Thief, Arcane Trickster and Soulknife.
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rogues are SO COOL you guys, I'll NEVER get over them
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jellisdraws · 1 year ago
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Posted two timelapses of drawing this gal to my Patreon!
You can find them here! For free!
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riverdoge · 1 year ago
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Reference sheet of my latest D&D character, Willow! She's a tabaxi/harengon rogue and the daughter of my harengon/warforged monk, Nymbus! She's a sassy little shit with a napoleon complex and a colorful criminal record. Here to steal gold (from the rich) and break hearts.
Drawn by the ever lovely @humblegoatart
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vindikat · 9 months ago
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And I am so done asking for permission, a girl in my position could conquer the world
My Sunday D&D game got put on hiatus 😭 But the last thing that happened before that was that Rae had to 1v1 the queen of an insectoid hive to prove that the party were worthy allies. Here is my editorialized rough animation of that fight. 😈🗡️
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niklos-draws · 8 days ago
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Guinevere, house crest & motto.
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runegrave · 1 year ago
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quick chibi sketch of one of my dnd characters, sorrow!
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boredguitarfish · 2 years ago
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Full character design of my soul knife rogue Eugene el Fontaine, for our Dragonheist game
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cagemasterfantasy · 6 months ago
Rogue: Soulknife (5.5e)
A Soulknife strikes with the mind cutting through barriers both physical and psychic. These Rogues discover psionic power within themselves and channel it to do their roguish work. As a Soulknife your psionic abilities might have haunted you since childhood revealing their full potential only as you experienced the stress of adventure. Or you might have sought out an order of psychic adepts and spent years learning how to manifest your power.
Level 3 Psionic Power: You harbor a wellspring of psionic energy within yourself. It is represented by your Psionic Energy Dice which fuel certain powers you have from this subclss.
At level 3 your Psionic Energy die is a d6, becomes a d8 at level 5, a d10 at level 11 and a d12 at level 17.
You get 4 Psionic Energy uses at level 3, 6 at level 5, 8 at level 9, 10 at level 13 and 12 at level 17.
Any features in this subclass that use a Psionic Energy Die use only the dice from this subclass. Some of your powers expend a Psionic Energy Die as specified in a power's description and you can't use a power if it requires you to use a die why your Psionic Energy Dice are all expended.
You regain one of your expended Psionic Energy Dice when you finish a Short Rest and you regain all of them when you finish a Long Rest.
Psi Bolstered Knack: If you fail an ability check using a skill or tool with which you have proficiency you can roll 1 Psionic Energy Die and add the number rolled to the check potentially turning failure into a success. The die is expended only if the roll then succeeds.
Psychic Whispers: You can establish telepathic communication between yourself and others. As a Magic action choose one or more creatures you can see up to a number of creatures equal to your Proficiency Bonus and then roll one Psionic Energy Die. For a number of hours equal to the number rolled the chosen creatures can speak telepathically with you and you can speak telepathically with them. To send or receive a message (no action required) you and the other creature must be within 1 mile of each other. A creature can end the telepathic connection at any time (no action required).
The first time you use this power after Long Rest you don't expend the Psionic Energy Die. All other times you use the power you expend the die.
Level 3 Psychic Blades: You can manifest shimmering Blades of psychic energy. Whenever you take the Attack action or make an Opportunity Attack you can manifest a Psychic Blade in your free hand and make the attack with that blade. The magic blade has the following traits:
Simple Melee Weapon
Damage on a Hit: 1d6 Psychic plus the ability modifier used for the attack Roll.
Properties: Finesse and can be Thrown (Normal range of 60 feet and long range of 120 feet)
Mastery: Vex (You can use this property and it doesn't count against the number of properties you can use with Weapon Mastery)
The blade vanishes immediately after it hits or misses its target and it leaves no mark if it deals damage.
After you attack with the blade on your turn you can make a melee or a ranged attack with a second Psychic Blade as a Bonus Action on the same turn if your other hand is free to create it. The damage die of this bonus attack is 1d4 instead of 1d6.
Level 9 Soul Blades: You can now use the following powers with your Psychic Blades.
Homing Strikes: If you make an attack roll with your Psychic Blade and miss the target you can roll one Psionic Energy Die and add the number rolled to the attack roll. If this causes the attack to hit the die is expended.
Psychic Teleportation: As a Bonus Action you manifest a Psychic Blade expend one Psionic Energy Die and roll it and throw the blade at an unoccupied space you can see up to a number of feet away equal to 10 times the number rolled. You then teleport to that space and the blade vanishes.
Level 13 Psychic Veil: You can weave a veil of psychic static to mask yourself. As a Magic Action you are invisible for 1 hour or until you dismiss the effect (no action required). This invisibility ends early immediately after you deal damage to a creature or you force a creature to make a saving throw.
Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest unless you expend a Psionic Energy Die (no action required) to restore your use of it.
Level 17 Rend Mind: You can sweep your Psychic Blades through a creature's mind. When you use your Psychic Blades to deal Sneak Attack damage to a creature you can force that target to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 plus your Dexterity modifier and Proficiency Bonus). If the save fails the target is Stunned for 1 minute. The Stunned target repeats the save at the end of each of its turn ending the effect on itself on a success. (For those who don't know the Stunned Condition. You are Incapacitated. You automatically Fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws and Attack Rolls against you have advantage)
Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest unless you expend 3 Psionic Energy Dice (no action required) to restore your use of it.
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jeremyvinar · 2 years ago
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justavulcan · 1 year ago
Backgrounds With Class: Dimir Operative
I'll be honest: Ravnica has always fascinated me. I was a high schooler when the first set came out, and I was immediately consumed creating characters for the setting. Now that we've actually received my long-awaited crossover, I thought it would be nice to write a love letter to the setting in the form of another Backgrounds with Class series. After all: some guilds have natural class choices tied in, from a conceptual standpoint. Boros and Fighter, Izzet and Wizard, Selesnya and Druid. But guilds aren’t class-restricted, and so I wonder what it would look like if you paired every class with every guild background, even the ones that seem at odds, like Izzet and Barbarian, or Gruul and Artificer.  So I thought about it, and this is what I came up with.  Some character concepts for each class, and each Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica background for each class.
Dimir Operative
The Dimir Operative Artificer tried to play it straight as a member of the Izzet League, he really did.  He joined the league to leave his days as a guildless criminal behind him, but the costs of an apprenticeship to one of the League’s metallurgists are not insignificant, so he took his own armor- lightning throwers and sound dampeners and all- and sought work.  That he fell in with a House Dimir crew stealing from rival magisters’ labs wasn’t what he thought would happen, but he’s rolled with it so far.
The Dimir Operative Barbarian wishes he was somewhere else than slumming it with the Gruul.  Passing himself off as a trog interested in joining their clan had been easy as falling asleep, and the ruse itself takes a bare minimum of effort, but he’s quickly growing tired of the ‘freedom’ of the Clans.  Sleeping on the hard earth, scrounging for food, and getting involved in a fistfight every other day wasn’t what he had wanted to do for the House, and despite his best efforts it’s starting to show.  His rage isn’t furious and burning like many of his ‘tribe,’ but chill and detached, a thing of winter and cold.
The Dimir Operative Bard came to the House’s notice after exploiting her librarian’s covert liasons for her own career’s advancement.  Contacted telepathically and charged with retrieving a major barrister’s court notes, she proved her skill at deception quickly and the House taught her the rest.  She’s remained in that place, lying low as a member of the Azorius beaurocracy and feeding confidential records to her masters moonlighting as a pulp horror writer- under a pseudonym, of course.  That the stories double as hidden messages is nobody’s business but the House’s.
The Dimir Operative Cleric has been a ‘member’ of the Cult of Rakdos for decades.  Gifted with a Silhana’s long lifespan and the matching practice as a party animal, it’s only recently that he’s been called upon to do much more than pass on information about various figures comings and goings.  In truth, the change of pace is exciting- if only because it promises access to both deeper secrets and the opportunity to put more of his true guild’s mind-magic to use.
The Dimir Operative Druid has never met another member of House Dimir.  Embedded in a Selesnyan vernadi as a healer and prospective evangel, they’ve always received their orders and assignments by dead drop or telepathic message.  They’ve done all manner of things in service to the House, and some of them have weighed heavily on their conscience.  The lack of contact from their mysterious handler or handlers has exacerbated the guilt, and they’ve started to wonder if they’re just mad.
The Dimir Operative Fighter owes the Dimir much for getting him out from under the threat of the debtor’s pillory.  Originally indentured to a powerful oligarch for his family’s debts, the Dimir saw an opportunity and recruited him, using their mental magic to erase the woman’s mind and leave her easy prey for a binding contract of debt-absolution.  He’s switched masters a few times, always leaving their service just before their finances or some other secret of their keeping passes cleanly from their heads into the House’s hands.  Among the Syndicate he’s starting to be considered bad luck, and his masters are contemplating shuffling him into the Legion- with a new identity, of course.
The Dimir Operative Monk appears on the surface to be just another one of the many knife-wielding toughs aspiring for rank in the Golgari Swarm.  Plain and forgettable save for a distinctive scar on the left hand, he’s a talented knife fighter and sneak, and does work for both guilds as a scout, messenger, and spy when asked.  His contact has only ever come to him in the garb of a Golgari shaman, but he trusts the woman implicitly even if he doesn’t know what she really looks like.
The Dimir Operative Paladin has a fine grip on the way that people think, and has a manner about them that makes them inclined to talk.  Useful as these talents are as a counselor and spiritual consultant for the Selesnya, they’re even more useful for an agent of the Dimir, who serves as a finger on the pulse of their entire vernadi.  The oath of redemption they pursue is in service to this goal as well, as they seek to weaponize advanced persuasive speaking alongside their actual training in arms and armor.
The Dimir Operative Ranger roams the Undercity tracking the movements of both prey and hunter alike, disguised as the former.  Home in the twisted depths of the undercity’s collapsed buildings, buried streets, and raw cavern complexes, this minotaur has joined hunting party after hunting party.  There, he builds his skills and keeps his eyes open for anything the House might find of interest, be it places, things, or secrets his fellow hunters try to hide from their comrades.
The Dimir Operative Rogue learned her crafts from a variety of sources: quiet movement as a small child among the Gruul, backstabbing from a Tin Street tough, and mind-reading and espionage from a Dimir recruiter who ‘heard’ a natural talent.  She’s come a long way from her urban-hating roots, now skulking with the best and proudly proclaiming the mind a greater weapon than the blade.  This point of view makes her a natural fit among the Orzhov, where she’s been installed as a messenger and euthanist-in-training, set to pass off any useful intelligence to her contact telepathically.
The Dimir Operative Sorcerer was mutated as an infant in the womb from an illegal experiment’s dumped contaminants, she lost her power of speech but gained so much more.  Recognized by a Dimir mind-mage as a natural talent with potential, she was inducted into the House’s service and sent to observe the Simic Combine, who find her telepathic talents to be of considerable interest.  Part lab assistant and part experimental subject, she’s had ample opportunity to flex her metaphysical muscles in controlled conditions, but she longs for the test only the real world can give her.
The Dimir Operative Warlock has been a spy for the House for most of her life, and through a deal she struck with a mysterious entity on a starless night she’s acquired the tools for psychic trickery.  Indeed, she’s acquired them repeatedly- her natural aptitude, shapeshifting familiar, and magical pact mean she’s in high demand on highly confidential missions, and much of her work for the House has been scrubbed from her memory.  The gaps didn’t bother her much when she was young, but now that she’s getting older, having nothing to look back on with pride has started to chafe.
The Dimir Operative Wizard knows that power over the mind is a tool to be used for the betterment of those who wield it- whether in her cover as a lawmage of the Azorius Senate or as a mind-mage of House Dimir.  Contacted nearly thirty years ago as a youth by a Dimir operator, she’s put her education in enchantment magic to the kind of single-minded focus that few but a vedalken can.  While her assignments have been innocuous so far- guiding this arrest, putting a suspect to sleep at an opportune time, and the like- she knows that won’t be the case forever, and awaits greater tests eagerly.
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genpitre · 1 year ago
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haven’t updated about Hollow in a while! Hollow’s still in the north looking for shards of a blade and trying to rescue Merritt, Merritt’s still dead💀 mostly
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theoutcastrogue · 5 months ago
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tunerfoxx · 1 year ago
We unknowingly unsealed an ancient dragon with our level 13 party.
0% chance of winning.
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The dragon was a homebrew amethyst dragon(in mortal form) that was historically very powerful in the wrym war in this setting. Not sure how different it is from a normal dragon because it was the first time any player in the party has ever fought one, or even encountered one.
We were playing as a 4-person unit in Section 2 of a large adventuring guild called Umbra.
My character almost died in this oneshot, but was saved using her pact talisman.
She fell into a void while unconscious, as her companion tried to teleport the whole party out. But they couldn't take her with them.
When the other 3 left her with the unknown status, they initially thought she died. But one of her party members had the talisman which was a round eyeball-like obsidian that they can use to teleport to her.
Luckily their girlboss who can open portals found their location and used the talisman to teleport back to her and got themselves out of the ruins.
I never thought I'd sail a ship in a DnD oneshot session.
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These moon elves took 20 whole years of working together to realize they were a thing.
Azula is my 120yr old elf warlock(The Undead) with skin cold to the touch.
Elgin is my friend's OC who is about 400+ years old. Class Rogue: Soulknife
Everyone else in the party is around 20. They've been calling these two mom and dad jokingly, and these two finally came around sailing after my character was thought dead.
I forgot the part where they're in a guild that does shady questionable quests.
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larkscribbles · 9 months ago
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Quentin deserves to be a bit General Grievous as a treat.
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