#Soul taken
chaoticgo · 4 months
“Be afraid,” he whispered clearly and almost soundlessly.
The end of Soul Taken has Mercy convinced that Stefan is warning Mercy of Wulfe. I don’t think that was his intention. We know Stefan got the brunt of Bonarata’s torture-both physical and more (whatever Marsilia meant by that). I think the warning is about Bonarata.
I’m kind of annoyed at Mercy always being afraid of Wulfe when he keeps showing up and helping, but I get it. He’s chaos too because he is broken. Just some examples off the top of my head:
In Blood Bound (#2) - didn’t harm Mercy when she found his house, told her he also knew how to make demon vampires, but wouldn’t, killed Andre’s victims to save her.
Wulfe was 100% on Marsilia’s side during the fight with Frost
Calling her the most powerful, was really the most honest and least harmful way to answer Bonarata’s question before Silence Fallen.
He used so much magic and was incredibly helpful with the zombies and black witches.
He saved Mercy with the running water in Smoke Bitten.
Dude is a white witch, wizard, mage, part fae, vampire. Of course he is messed up. Especially after being tortured for centuries. I really think he is a cool character and I’m glad he has been around more.
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i-think-in-metaphors · 3 months
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An art study of one of my favorite Dan Dos Santos book covers. This was a lot of fun
Link to the original art below
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books-in-a-storm · 2 months
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My Library📚
Soul Taken, Patricia Briggs
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Now Reading: Soul Taken by Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson #13)
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bookcoversonly · 8 months
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Title: Soul Taken | Author: Patricia Briggs | Publisher: Ace (2022)
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bagheerita · 1 year
"So," I said into the silence that followed, "I'm afraid we got complacent, even after two warnings. Maybe next time you should give us three?"
~Soul Taken, Patricia Briggs
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
I don’t much like doing things people expect me to do. That trait contributes to my long life.
Patricia Briggs, Soul Taken (Mercy Thompson, #13)
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sondrawr · 2 years
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Soul Taken, pg. 250.
I don’t like the idea of old Cornick wolves skeeving on 16 year old Mercy, but damn if this isn’t fic material.
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aucoba · 1 year
I finished Soul Taken and I think I liked it.
I might be a bit tired and I know I did enjoy previous books more after reading them multiple times. Altho ig I felt it took a bit too much time to get to the point, and the realisation that bonarata is the antagonist felt a bit... Not rushed, but I might have needed a bit more time to process the logic 😅
Now that's been said, I reaaaly liked the evil scythe (is that the right word? I'm French and to lazy to check) : this abyss, begging for mercy to let it have her soul to bring back some deity... Hmm, tasty!
Knowing more about the vampires is also a big great point! Why wouldn't Wolfe kill Bonarata... 'cause they are family and he loves him. They are fucked up and still the bound exists. I'm a fan.
And bonarata? Altho I felt the thinking process of the characters being... Lacking of something, I like the road he is taking : someone as proud and powerful would never accept our little coyote escape. Of 'course he is gonna stalk her and try to impact her daily life and, why not, strip her and her people off of their power. There' s nothing more terrifying than a powerful prick.
I don't know where we are going from here but I'm happy to see what else there is to discover.
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upon-the-snow · 3 months
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I can’t believe it took me this long to draw her!
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books-in-a-storm · 10 months
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Book Haul
Spells For The Dead & Soul Taken
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Soul Taken (A Mercy Thompson Novel) Mass Market Paperback – June 27, 2023
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chappelroans · 8 months
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missing someone bad for you
trista mateer / trista mateer / sue zhao / u.k / u.k / clementine von radics / trista mateer
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mlepbean · 13 days
my partner doesn't have tumblr but i was given permission to share this so here we go!
we are both normal about aurora btw. analysis of chapter 2.2.32, specifically on erin and his story because silly :)
i mentioned that erin was having a crisis, and the analysis follows:
He has been this entire comic. Because one of his first lines to Kendal was he was the only one who could fix it, and yes the others can HELP him but they can't help him with the problem only the symptoms. They can minimize the damage but they can't get rid of it. Erin is desperate and he'll literally rip himself apart to fix it. Because he is alone in this, he is right. Only he has those powers, and he's pushing himself past any limit against all judgment out of fear. He's afraid. And we almost never see him angry, but he's screaming at the only people who can stop him. They can't help him for all their power. They can stop the dragon from destroying the world but that's not what Erin needs.
He needs it gone.
So we see him at the end of every rope for once, screaming. "Nobody can help me in a way that matters." He's correct.
And he does it while doing some of the most powerful magic ever seen in the comic ever, like what a terrifying moment, because he's currently channeling so much magic, possibly more than that's even necessary as it was an emergency and he did it without much thought. He's not trying to prove anything really, he's just trying to keep going out of fear, his ego isn't a part of this, he truly knows they can't do anything to help and he can't bring himself to delay the trip. Because of fear.
But a corner stone of Erin is his fear and inadequacy complex almost as much as his ego and people don't realize that. He's also petty and vindictive and is ready to do everything he can to prove himself right. Or just to bring someone lesser down a peg even to his own detriment (Tynan and Walter). He's a mess of character traits that conflict because he tries to be the egotist without fear, and he is to some degree. But his entire arc he knows he's out of his league and it scares him.
He is both a terribly petty egotist who has to be right, but also an impulsive afraid 19 year old with too much power.
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bagheerita · 1 year
"When I say that the sickle is very old, I mean just that. It was old on the day I first heard of it. The name of its god is long lost."
"But not the god itself," said Adam.
"Sadly gods seldom die unless someone kills them," said Zee, who had done so at least once that I knew of.
~ Soul Taken, Patricia Briggs
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
“Pirate extends his greetings,” Sherwood said solemnly, “and expressed his regrets that his evil roommate would not bring him tonight. He bids me tell you that he will endeavor to teach said roommate the error of his ways—probably by coughing up a hair ball on the bed.”
Patricia Briggs, Soul Taken (Mercy Thompson, #13)
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