#Soul Chariot
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Six Fanart challenge, Dark Souls Edition
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Another AU idea (I'm sorry for sending so many my mind won't leave me alone): Under the effects of Silver Chariot Requiem, if someone dies it's the owner of the body who perishes instead of the soul inhabiting it. As a result, Giorno dies, Narancia goes back into his own body... and since Narancia is the only one in his own body once SCR is defeated, he's the only one who doesn't lose consciousness. And, well... what better way to keep the Arrow out of the boss's hands than using it on himself? (Also Polnareff just barely lives because I said so.)
if I may add an even angstier piece to it....... what if it wasn't immediate. Like, Narancia "dies," but Giorno finds that he can't swap himself back into his own body, so he sticks around in Narancia's. The rest of the fight plays out as normal...... until SCR is defeated and the swap back happens
Narancia has no idea what's going on. He died. He felt it. Felt the stabbing of the metal crush any hopes at a happy ending, how everything literally flashed before his eyes, how he died before he even fully realised what was happening
and then the next thing he knows, the sun has risen, Diavolo is in front of his eyes and there is an arrow grasped in his hands
I'll admit, I'm not fully sure what exactly to make Aerosmith Requiem's ability be. I do want to keep it something with a plane theme and it would need to be something with a bit of Reality Fuckery, but that's kinda all I got
but this...... this is going to CRUSH Narancia. That because of him, because of his actions and how he let himself get caught off guard, Giorno is the one who had to pay for it. How he barely got to know Giorno, how the younger boy had saved their lives countless times, and in the end this was how he was repaid for his efforts
........you know what....... for a bit of extra pain....... *bonks this with Supernova Vibes* everyone but Giorno survives :3
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asscrasher · 8 months
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God damn Transformers #4 fucks so hard. I even teared up a little bit. This comic is going to become the fan favorite definitive iteration of the franchise for decades to come!
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Transformers #4
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carrotcakecrumble · 8 months
Ykw I always draw ralph jacked hench muscle blasted etcetc I am ready to admit he is most certainly not, he is tiny little delicate guy very delicate. yes he’s a big tough lieutenant but also no he’s not. he’s my little delicate petal <333 tiny. Wouldn’t survive a strong gust let alone a sea storm <3
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ok no one is talking about this but. cole is for sure santa right he’s gotta be santa.
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darksouls2yuri · 1 year
dark souls 2 boss fights can be won with determination and many hours of yelling
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tatzelwyrm · 1 year
I like Executioner's Chariot in concept:
simple puzzle arena that makes you go "Oh!" when you see that you can use the lever from the cutscene
The adds can be distracted by alluring skulls
badass animation of the chariot crashing into the gate.
the boss preying on the eternal inner conflict of wanting to get a good look at the horsey vs. not wanting to die 🐴 🥺
But I find the runback to it so tedious that it's tempting to use the cheese instead of attempting to fight the horsey.
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renaultphile · 1 year
So I know @carrotcakecrumble has already pointed this out, but I was looking for 1930s hairstyles for a fic and 👀👀
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And then I realised it's Douglas Fairbanks Jnr.
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h-a-unted · 1 year
Characters tags (ignore these)
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omelevateart · 2 years
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Soulstober Day 5: Beast
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 years
Pick A Moon Card
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link. 
Inspired by Pisces season & the Virgo Full Moon last night.
Pile 1/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out was the Page of Pentacles.  This is strongly connected to learning new things.  As a page, communication can also be connected with this card.  I feel like there is a lot of confusion on your part about whether or not you should invest time into learning this new thing or about this subject.
The second card to come out was the 5 of Wands reversed.  This suggests that there is some inner conflict and self-doubt going on.  Perhaps going back and forth about whether or not something is worth taking the time to learn about.
The third card to come out was the 2 of Cups.  This is a card associated with a strong connection in your life.  This can be a romantic relationship or a close friendship.  Either way, this connection will likely be beneficial to you and support you along your path.
The first oracle card was Moon In Aquarius - The Time Is Ripe For Celebrating Life. Make The Most Of Parties, Gatherings, And Other Social Opportunities.  I feel like this simply verifies that people close to you will be valuable to you as you go through your situation.
The second oracle card was Full Moon In Aquarius - Show The World The Real You.  Basically, be yourself and pursue your interests.  
Pile 2/Soul Cats
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The first card to come out was the 6 of Pentacles.  This has a lot to do with giving when you can and being willing to receive.  A lot of desire to get back as much as you are investing as well with this card.  Basically, trying to figure out how to best invest your time and energy to avoid feeling drained.
The second card to come out was The Magician reversed.  This is strongly connected to not being the most confident in your own skills, which leads to you not using them to the best of your ability. 
The third card to come out was the 7 of Cups reversed.  This may suggest being overwhelmed by choices.  Basically, not knowing what choice to make.  
Overall, it seems like there is a lot of confusion with this pile about what to invest your time in and how to best utilize your abilities.
The first oracle card to come out was Moon In Cancer - Spend Time With Family Or Helping Others. Avoid Situations That Can Be A Drain On Your Emotions.  This goes well with that 6 of Pentacles, since that includes the concept of helping others while also making sure to avoid overstretching yourself by helping others.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Pisces - Meditate And Contemplate.  Basically, I feel like this encourages you to take a step back to think and clear your mind before you make a decision.
Pile 3/Animal Totem
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The first card to come out was The Devil.  This has to deal with releasing (or needing to release) negative habits and/or behaviors.  You are likely aware of what this thing is that you need to deal with, but that doesn’t necessarily make it an easy process.
The second card to come out was the Ace of Pentacles.  This can represent a great new opportunity.  I feel like this is something that you’ve been wanting for awhile.  I don’t feel like this is quite in your grasp though, since that Devil is something that may hold you back from this new thing.
The third card to come out was The Chariot.  I feel like this represents the progress that you’ve made and that you are capable of moving forward rather than being stuck.
The first oracle card that came out was Moon Totem Cat - Make Time To Focus On Your Own Spiritual Wellbeing And Connect To The Metaphysical World Around You.  I feel like this is a reminder to take care of yourself.  Perhaps taking time to meditate.
The second oracle card to come out was Full Moon Eclipse - Conclusions Are Within Reach.  Basically, something that you’ve been working towards is getting closer to finishing up.
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ladygwyndolin · 2 years
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#38: Executioner’s Chariot (Dark Souls 2)
“A horrendous mad steed, a window into the soul of its master.”
I enjoy the way Dark Souls 2 tried new things. While I ultimately found it to be more of a "one step forward, two steps back" situation, there are times when an imperfect execution of a fun idea is still enjoyable. For me, that's Executioner's Chariot in a nutshell. Take away the necromancers and constantly respawning skeletons and replace them with a few more attacks from the chariot and you'd have something much better, but in general I gotta say I'm a fan! It isn't a tough puzzle by any means, but it's a fun boss concept that can be tackled multiple ways with a passable normal boss form at the end. It ain't perfect, but hey. Time for horse.
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asscrasher · 7 months
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I love this cover cuz it’s just the Chariot card from the Thoth Tarot. Nice try Havok, but you ain’t fooling me!
X-Men #58
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carrotcakecrumble · 1 year
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terpia · 1 year
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I love this exchange lmao
#dare i say#me#personal#this is from the charioteer by mary renault#i think i'm enjoying it? or at least there are a lot of things that i like about it so far#but it's very slow going#it's the 50s-ness of the book that gets in my way i think#there are so many things about it that feel very modern/realistic#and i do legitimately love the portrayal of laurie's relationships with andrew and ralph#and the way they relate to the broader philisophical concept of a soul being driven by the two different horses#however i'm struggling to get fully invested because as soon as i do things start getting homophobic again#like the idea that any man who is flamboyant or 'effeminate' is somewhow lesser for it#or the idea that queerness should never be a major part of your identity and that the queer community as a concept is something to shun#not to mention that weird hierarchical idea of some gay men (i.e. artistic geniuses) being on top and others (i.e. the proudly queer)#being on the bottom#i like to think that i'm typically able to get over the more poorly aged features of old books#but in this case because there's so much that still resonates with me as a modern reader/queer person#those uglier elements just stick out all the more#mind you i'm only a bit over halfway through the book so i don't know yet how its portrayal of certain topics will resolve#also holy shit does this book love an awkward meet up#i just got to bunny's introduction and whatever else he ends up doing in the book#having a tea party with his current partner + his partner's ex + the ex's current jealous boyfriend#+ his own current partner's old flame/current crush/the guy the ex's boyfriend was jealous over#tells me he has nerves of steel
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plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
VIDEO: Alice and the Seeds of Light - Be Real (Chariot Sound)
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