#but I ain’t got my book I’m sorry
carrotcakecrumble · 1 year
30 notes · View notes
stinkybreath · 1 year
What if I started Yet Another web serial
5 notes · View notes
harryspet · 9 months
bambi eyes (5) r. cameron
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[Warnings] soft!dark!rafe cameron x reader, daddy!rafe x little!reader older!rafe, crimeboss!rafe, rafe takes advantage of traumatized reader, DUBCON, dd/lg, sex trafficking, sexual slavery, sugar daddy rafe, stockholm syndrome, spoiling kink, unprotected sex, forced? age regression, obx special guest appearances, little editing, 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
A/N: Will tag people later, for now I must sleep :) Enjoy!
word count: 3.9k
In which Rafe loosens his leash, but actions come with consequences.
Rafe told you to get dressed and to wait at the front of the house. Truthfully, you liked it better when Rafe picked out your outfits. That way, you knew exactly what looked good on you and that you wouldn’t make some kind of fashion faux pas. You decided on a pink fitted top, a matching skirt, and an adorable pair of brown boots Rafe bought you for Christmas. You completed your look with a bow at the top of your hair and an array of colorful bracelets you put on each arm. 
You spent a while watching men in dark clothes walk the perimeter of the yard and through the forest on the sides of the property. At first, you were quite scared to see them, but Rafe explained that they worked for him. This led you to ask even more questions. Weren’t they cold out there? We should offer them some snacks? Could I make them cookies? Rafe shut down your curiosity quickly, emphasizing that you were not to say a word to any of them. 
When the door to the enclosed porch opened, you expected to see Rafe. You closed your drawing book and turned your head to greet him. Instead, Rafe’s friend Barry greeted you. You’d heard them going back and forth all morning, usually, their conversations were tense, but you assumed they must’ve come to some type of agreement. At the sight of you, he smiled, flashing his gold tooth. 
“Country Club’s little princess,” He sang, “How are you, baby?”
You smiled nervously, still not super used to being around others. It had been a few months now since Rafe brought you to Tannyhill and almost all of your social interaction had been with Rafe and Lana. 
“I’m good, I . . . how are you?”
He walked in front of you, his hands behind his back as he looked you over, “Oh I’m just peachy. Whatchu got there?” 
You glanced back towards the door, wondering if Rafe was far behind him. Looking back down at your lap, you said, “I was just drawing a little bit. Rafe told me to wait here–”
“Drawing, huh? You an artist?” Your eyes tilted back up to him. 
“Not an artist,” You said quickly, “I just like to . . .”
“What kind of stuff do you draw?” He asked, and you sensed sincerity in his tone, “You know, I used to draw a lot when I was in school. Nothing serious, but I couldn’t help it; my mind would just wander, and then my paper would have a bunch of doodles on it.”
He kneeled down in front of you, and you hesitated for a moment before you opened the book. You showed him your page of doodles. You drew a lot of what you saw, including doodles of Rafe, and things you saw around Tannyhill, “That’s Lana, ain’t it?” You nodded, “Impressive. Most people ain’t good at drawing faces. Not you though.”
“Thank you,” You said, “You don’t draw anymore?”
He shook his head, “Not very often. I should.”
You agreed, “You should. Sometimes, Rafe will draw with me. Well, mainly we’ll color together. He likes it when there’s already a picture, so he doesn’t have to come up with it himself.”
“He’s pretty bad at it, anyways, ain’t he?” Unexpectedly, a giggle left your lips, and you raised your book to cover the bottom of your face. 
“I should go look for him–” You made a move to escape, but Barry placed both his hands on the arms of your chair, effectively trapping you. 
Barry hadn’t touched you, but you felt you might get in trouble just for laughing at his joke, “You don’t like my company or something?” You shook your head immediately. 
“Sorry, that’s not what I meant . . .” 
“You’re sweet; I can see why he likes you,” Barry held his eyes on you and you felt the skin on your face heat up with embarrassment, “You know, you ever get tired of him, or he pisses you off – which he will, then you can call me. We can run away together.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “I don’t have a phone.”
Barry smirked at that, “Ask anyone on this island who Barry is, and they’ll point you in the right direction.”
Running away with Barry was the last thing you wanted to do. Rafe had his bad days but you hadn’t considered trying to leave. Barry also barely knew you but you decided to think positively. Afterall, Rafe trusted Barry. You assumed his intentions must be good, “Okay,” You agreed, “When you come back next, maybe you can show me some of your drawings.”
“You want to see them. Really?”
“Yes,” You said, “It’s only fair.”
Barry nodded, “You make a good point. I gotta come back soon and try more of your desserts. That cake you made … I ain’t tasted nothing better.”
“You have to,” You rushed out excitedly, “Rafe and Lana say everything I make is great, I can’t tell if they’re honest.”
“I’m as honest as they come, sweetheart,” You grinned at that, “A good friend is honest.”
“You want to be my friend?”
“I mean, only if you want me to.”
“I do.”
“Don’t tell Rafe though–”
Your conversation was interrupted when the poor door opened, and Rafe appeared, “Don’t tell Rafe what?” His gaze was sharp, and luckily, it was mostly directed at Barry. You watched as Barry stood and stepped back from you. 
“Nothing man, we were just talking about about Kildare. You’re going to let me help show her around, right?”
Rafe’s brooding look turned to amusement, “She’s not gonna step foot on your side of the island. Thanks for the offer though.” 
There was an awkward silence, and you felt some tension building until Barry finally said, “Alright, I’ll see you soon, Bambi,” You waved as he turned on his heel, “Rafe.”
Rafe watched as Barry walked out the front door before he held out his hand, summoning you. You hurried from your chair, moving in closer before you grabbed ahold of his hand. It was his cue to you that he would be leading you somewhere, and you were expected to follow. 
“He touch you?” Rafe asked, leading you out the same door. You watched as Barry pulled around the horseshoe driveway in his sports car. He walked you to his large truck, opening the passenger door, “Bambi.”
“Uh …no,” You stared. 
Suddenly, you were the furthest from Tannyhill’s front door than you’d ever been. 
“Good, get in, Bambi.”
“I’m leaving . . . you’re leaving with me in the car? Your car? Right now? Today?” 
“Yeah,” He said, unsure of himself, “Get in; I’m already starting to change my mind.”
You jumped in excitement, “Really? Where are we going?” Rafe helped you as you started to climb in. He leaned over you, fastening your seatbelt for you, “You aren’t taking me back, right?”
“No, sweet girl,” Rafe assured you, “As far as where we’re going, it’s a surprise.” 
You couldn’t contain your excitement as you settled into your seat. As you pulled past the gates at the end of the long driveway and onto the road, you couldn’t help but feel like all your faith in Rafe had paid off. 
“Who’s that, Daddy?” You asked, noticing a black car that had also pulled out of Tannyhill and was following closely behind. 
“No one, Bambi,” He brushed your question off, “So, uh, what were you two talking about? You and Barry?”
Your eyes were focused on the huge trees that hung over the road, beautifully dripping green moss from it’s branches. Between the trees, you saw huge mansions with big gates and long drives just like Tannyhill. 
“Drawing,” You said briefly, “He said he would show me some of his work.”
“He’s full of shit.”
You turned to Rafe who was gripping the wheel with one hand, “Daddy … I don’t like it when you curse.”
“Bambi, I–” He held his tongue, sighing before he reached over to place his other hand on your thigh, “I’m sorry, sometimes work makes me lose focus. What I mean is that Barry is my friend but … he likes to mess with me, you know? So he might say something to you knowing that it would bother me.”
“He seemed like he meant it,” You said, “Would it bother you if we were friends?”
“Guys and girls can’t really be friends,” Rafe explained, “Especially not with little girls like you, okay?”
“But why–”
“Because I’m telling you right now. I appreciate that you are kind to Barry but he wouldn’t be a good friend to you. If I’m going to protect you, and as your Daddy, I should have a say in who your friends are.”
You opened your mouth to argue but quickly shut it. It didn’t make much sense to you why men and women couldn’t be friends. Why would Barry offer to be your friend if it wasn’t appropriate? You supposed that you never had any male friends before, and most men you’d been around wanted a similar thing from you, “Maybe you’re right, Daddy.”
You drove over bridges with water on both sides of the road and through more neighborhoods with huge houses. Fifteen minutes into your drive, you arrived at an area with a grocery store and lots of stores that you assumed were also for shopping. 
Rafe pulled his truck in front of one of the storefronts. You unbuckled your seatbelt, sitting up further in your seat so you could read the sign, “Fig . . uuure eight …ball …it.”
“Ballet,” Rafe corrected you, “Figure eight Ballet Company.”
Confusion spread over your features, “I looked into it; they have adult classes for beginners. I thought it might be something fun for you to do once a week.”
“Me?” You pointed to your chest, “Dance classes?”
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay,” Rafe rushed out, “It’s good exercise, and you can also do it at home. And it’s a chance to meet friends, friends that are girls, preferably.” 
“Oh,” When you looked at Rafe, it seemed like he was desperately trying to read your expression, “I’d be so nervous. And I wouldn’t be good at it.”
“I think people just do it for fun and to learn something new. And I wouldn’t just leave; I would walk you in and pick you up. Not today; I just wanted to take you by and see what you thought.”
“... It could be really fun …”
“And you’d make quite the adorable ballerina.”
“Maybe I could try one class . . . and if I liked it, you would take me every week?”
“Every week, as long as you continue to be a good girl,” Your nervousness started to melt away into excitement the longer you thought about it, “And while we’re out, I thought we could do some shopping. My research has informed me you’re going to need shoes, tights, a leotard, and a skirt.”
You practically leaped over the center console to hug him, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Daddy!”
Rafe pulled you in close, “Anything for you, sweet girl.”
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Rafe didn’t need to get his hands dirty anymore; he could hire people to protect him or kill for him. As he settled into his new life with you, he started to miss some of the adventures he experienced in his early 20s and late teens. There were no more brawls or treasures to steal. He hadn’t realized he needed an outlet for the negative energy that seemed to boil up inside of him sometimes. Now, what he knew is that he needed to keep that side of him as far away from you as possible. 
Killing JJ would’ve satisfied that part of him that has been begging to come out of him for years. He would’ve felt a rush like no other, power and control that he hadn’t felt in so long. He hadn’t brought himself to do it yet, teetering on that line between sanity and insanity. The Pogue was always a good competitor, and Rafe wasn’t surprised that he was still fighting. Rafe liked that about JJ. 
Still, Rafe wanted to see him break, and he was patient enough to wait for it. 
“What would you do to see her again?” Rafe asked as he kneeled over JJ’s bruised and battered body. 
The pogue coughed, and blood-spattered on the boat cabin’s floor. 
The silent treatment followed, but Rafe was used to talking to himself, “I know she’s not over you, but how long do you think she’ll wait before she moves on? Six months? A year? I mean, she’s a wild one; I’m sure she won’t want to stick around this place for much longer.”
“Fuck you, Rafe,” JJ’s favorite words. 
“Maybe you just don’t love her like I thought you did,” Rafe taunted, “I mean if you did, you’d be groveling at my feet, right?”
JJ’s eyes pinched tight as Rafe’s words sounded like nails on a chalkboard. 
The silent treatment followed again, and Rafe considered what his next steps might be. Removing limbs? That could be fun for a while, but if he hadn’t surrendered at this point, what would make him crack? 
“Fine,” Rafe looked down at his bloody knuckles, “I won’t bother you anymore today, but I do have something I want you to contemplate in your hours of silence. Consider the idea that I let you go, and you see Kie again instead of bleeding out here and your body being chopped into pieces. I want you to think, and I mean really think, about what you might do to make that happen. And don’t think of it as sacrificing your morals or making a deal with the devil … think of it as securing your future, okay?”
Rafe tapped his hand against JJ’s sore cheek before he stood and left. He heard no quippy comeback from the Pogue. At least Rafe had successfully beat that out of him. 
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Rafe’s eyes snapped open and was awakened from his sleep when he felt a soft finger poking at his cheek, “Wha…” Groggily, he reached to turn on his bedside lamp and found you, dressed in a onesie that made you look like a brown bear,  standing beside his bed, a sniffling mess, “Hey, w-what’s wrong?”
Immediately, Rafe reached out to grab you, and you proceeded to climb onto his large bed, “I-I had a scary dream,” You hiccuped, “Y-You sent me away a-and I was alone again and Master he was so mad at me b-because I-I didn’t make you h-happy–”
Rafe shushed you, pulling you into him, “It wasn’t real, okay? Look, you’re here with me right now.” 
“It felt real,” You whimpered, and Rafe’s lips pulled into a thin line of frustration. He wanted you happy, and he wanted to give you much more than you ever had, and it pained him that you thought he might hurt you in that way. 
“I . . . I wouldn’t ever do that, Bambi,” He brushed tears from your cheeks and caressed your face, “I’d fu- … I’d rather die than let you go. And I’d kill anyone that tried to take you from me. Anyone, okay?”
“You’ve hurt people before,” It wasn’t a question; Rafe could see it was an observation she’d made. 
“Yes,” He admitted, “But I haven’t hurt you, have I?”
“You saved me.”
Rafe nodded, “That’s right, sweet girl. I saved you. I’ve hurt people, yes,  but I-I’m not a cruel person. I wouldn’t do something like that. And you make me so happy.”
Rafe watched as you blinked away your tears and tried to stop yourself from frowning, “What if I don’t always make you happy?”
“You make me happy by breathing,” Rafe tried to assure you, “You’re smart and beautiful, and you deserve nice things. I never had anyone in my life that made me feel like I deserved anything. I never even felt like I deserved to be loved. I don’t want you to ever feel like that.”
“I love you, Rafe,” You were trying to reassure him now, and Rafe was grateful. He loved those words on your lips, and he felt in his heart that you meant them, “And . . . I like being loved by you. So much.”
“Yes,” Rafe felt you press your forehead against his before you pressed your lips softly against his, “Thank you . . . for everything. Uhm, did I scare you?”
“No, no,” Rafe’s mind was mostly on the thought of your lips, “I like being woken up by cute bears.”
Rafe pulled you in again for a kiss. Softly, your lips moved together, and Rafe explored your mouth with his tongue, slowly deepening the kiss. Rafe was already growing hard, and he cursed in his mind, frustrated by how easily you got him going. 
“You still sore from earlier?” He asked. 
“A little bit,” You spoke shyly, “You were kinda rough…”
Rafe thought back to you, bent over the arm of the couch, taking you deep, but that just made his cock ache even more. 
“But I’ve trained that little hole well, haven’t I?” Rafe asked, pressing the length protruding from his boxers, against your stomach, “You can take more, okay?”
You nodded, although Rafe’s question was rhetorical. Rafe didn’t like you sad, but he certainly like seeing your teary face. Your pajamas were the cherry on top, including the convenient little flap on the back that allowed for easy access, “Turn around on your side, little girl,” Rafe commanded gruffly, “This will help you sleep.”
“Daddy…” You whined as you did exactly as Rafe ordered. 
“Right here, not going anywhere,” Rafe pushed his crotch into your ass, bringing his lips close to your ear. He ground against you as he carefully pulled down the front zipper of your onesie. He needed to feel your nipples between his fingers, your breasts in his large hands. He also needed your pussy dripping for him, knowing he couldn’t fuck you when you were already sore without any lubrication. He reached into your onesie, finding your mound easily, and began to rub circles over your sensitive area, “Daddy needs you so badly.”
You squirmed, but you were tightly pressed against him. He teased you, moving back and forth from your clit to your breasts. He’d rub your breast until you were aching below, and when you started to feel close, he’d go back to teasing your nipples. 
He got you to a point where you were so stimulated that you were already orgasming with three slow and deep strokes inside of you. You were convulsing around him, unable to contain your moans, but Rafe wrapped his hand around your mouth and continued to pump inside of you. It certainly wasn’t as rough as earlier, but Rafe could feel you squeezing him tighter, “You feel how happy you make me, Bambi?” Rafe grunted, “Daddy wouldn’t want to cum in any other pussy than yours — Jesus.”
Rafe finished inside of you. He hadn’t lost all of his energy, though, moving his hands back to your clit, as he filled you up. He didn’t stop until your legs were shaking and you were cumming again. 
“Thank me.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” You spoke breathlessly. 
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Now that your Daddy was allowing you out of the house, there were new rules for you to learn. Of course, you weren’t allowed to talk to strangers unless they were girls you met at dance class. You had to go by Y/N, Y/L/N, and Rafe had given you an ID to carry around when you couldn’t be together. If anyone asked who you were to Rafe, you could just say that you were his girlfriend and you’d moved in with him a few months ago. That wasn’t far from the truth, so you didn’t imagine that would feel like lying. 
A few days after he showed you the ballet company, he let you tag along to run errands with him. For most of the time you sat in the car, watching him pump gas, stop at different businesses, and shake hands with men who seemed amused by every word Rafe said. You noticed people tended to stare at him, especially as the two of you walked through the grocery store together. 
“Did people always stare at you like this?”
“They used to stare at my Dad; he used to be the King of this place,” You nodded, twirling the ribbon in your hair as Rafe pushed the cart along, “I don’t think people expected me to come back.”
“Well, since you’re Dad is gone. I guess you’re the King now,” You flashed him a smile. 
“Maybe so,” Rafe conceded. 
“Oooh, look!” You pointed at something in the refrigerated section that caught your eye, and your feet were already moving towards it. As soon as you pulled open the glass door, you felt Rafe’s strong hands around your bicep, stopping you. You whipped back to see eyes narrowed at you and his serious face.
“You can’t just run away from me like that,” He snapped, “Jesus . . . don’t do that, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” You squeaked, “I just saw . . . they have so many types of iced coffee. They have peppermint, and caramel and mocha-”
“Coffee isn’t good for you.”
“You let me eat sweets all the time, and those aren’t good for me,” The words came out before you could stop them. You couldn’t help but feel frustrated. Rafe offered you the world, but at the same time, he controlled so many aspects of it. 
You’d pissed him off; you could immediately see it in his face. His hand still on your arm, Rafe leaned closer to you, “You’re going to stand right next to the cart for the rest of the time we’re in here, and you’re not going to say another word, okay? I don’t want to hear it.”
You let the door go just as Rafe let your arm go. You crossed your arms, knowing you had no other choice than to keep your mouth closed. Rafe didn’t have much to say after that, and you let him brood on his own. 
You were standing near the fresh produce; Rafe was picking out the vegetables that Lana had written on the grocery list when you saw a woman approaching your cart. She had caramel skin and pretty curls that were tamed by a messy bun on top of her head. She was holding a small shopping basket, but she didn’t seem to have any care for any of the items inside as she stomped closer to the two of you, red in her eyes. 
“Rafe Cameron!” She didn’t seem even to perceive you as she stared Rafe down. You watched his reaction closely and how his contempt quickly switched from you to her. 
“Kie, long time no see,” He didn’t express much emotion other than through his eyes, making him appear stoic. 
The woman, Kie, didn’t hide any of her emotions, “I know what you did.”
“What’s that?” Rafe tilted his head. 
“You know what exactly I’m talking about,” She pointed a finger at him, tears in her eyes, “Your day is coming–”
He proceeded to talk over her, “Hey, let your Mom and pops know Cameron Development is still interested in working with them. I have the perfect property for their next restaurant. I mean, an absolutely gorgeous spot.”
“Fuck you, Rafe,” You covered your mouth in shock. 
“It was nice catching up with you too, Kie,” He winked as the woman walked away. 
You watched as Rafe’s hands squeezed into a fist and then how tightly they wrapped around the cart’s handle. 
“Let’s go, Bambi.”
“I didn’t want to hear it before; I definitely don’t want to hear your mouth now. Let’s go.” 
You bit your tongue and fell back into step with him. You supposed a king couldn't be loved by all his subjects.
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Please reblog if you enjoyed and let me know what you think/predictions for the future!
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deansapplepie · 3 months
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You couldn’t lose each other
Summary: You were pregnant, then you weren’t.
Warnings: ANGST, pregnancy, miscarriage, mention of character death, mention of “putting someone down”, soft Merle, on purpose asshole Daryl, blood, hurt, mental instability, hurt, stubborn main characters, loss, grief, and maybe more. 18+, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A/N: I never experienced miscarriage and am writing everything based on my knowledge through series, movies, soap operas and books, so it may have inaccuracies. If you are sensible to any of those topics please don’t read, your mental health is more important!
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It had started about a week ago, heavy dizziness and morning sickness (which didn’t happen exactly only in the morning). On top of that your period was late, which you tried to atribute to the sub nutrition all of you went through while on the road, but as soon as other symptoms started… you knew it was probably other thing.
You went on a run with Daryl to get more baby formula for Jude and just discreetly added a pregnancy test on your backpack, in a part you hoped Daryl wouldn’t look because he never did. As soon as you got to the prison and had some alone time you risked yourself going somewhere, no one would see you or find you, to pee on the damn thing and find the truth. The truth was… you knew it, you didn’t need a test, you were undoubtedly and very much pregnant.
One end of afternoon, Merle sat by your side and didn’t bother to tip toe around you. “When are ya gonna tell ‘im?”
“What?” He took you back with his question.
“When are ya telling my brother ya’re with his baby?” Your eyes widened at his question. “Daryl ain’t the only one with observation skills. Who ya think taught him everything? I saw the symptoms and the pregnancy test you hid on your pocket the other day.”
“Fuck you Dixons.”
“Ya already do it to one of us.” He sassy replied, you rolled your eyes as usually happened during your banters.
“Soon. I’m just waiting the whole governor thing end. He already has too much to worry about, he’ll freak out if I tell him now. He’ll probably put me on bubble of safety and not let me do anything.” You stated, Daryl could have the rough exterior but both of you knew how he was, how he cared about people. Also he had changed so much the last months, and it was for the better. “Don’t tell him, let me do it.”
“Al’ight.” He surprised you, you had learned how to deal with Merle, but he wasn’t the same asshole as before. Still an asshole though. “It’ll be good have a mini Dixon around. I’ll help to keep ya’ll safe.”
“I know, you can be a jerk sometimes but I know you care about your family.” You gave the older Dixon a small smile and squeezed his hand to reassure him. That had been one of the nicest things he ever told you and coming from Merle, that was a lot.
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The governor had asked for Michonne to leave your group alone, you didn’t believe a word of it it, but Merle did or at least he had to try. That morning he disappeared with her and all of you knew what he was up to. Daryl went after them, you wanted to go too but of course he wouldn’t “allow” you.
Some time after, Michonne arrived, alone. You asked about Merle and Daryl, and she told everything that happened with Merle. He had set her free and went by himself. It wouldn’t end up well, you could feel it in your guts, and your feeling just confirmed to be true when Daryl arrived alone.
Everyone gathered around him to know what happened and he told you with teary eyes. The others left to give both of you some time.
“Daryl, I’m sorry.” You said, both of your hands cupping his face, he averted your eyes. “Hey, look at me.”
“Leave me alone…” he grumply answered trying to get out of your grasp.
“We’re together in this, huh? I’m here for you, we both cared about Merle.” He snorted.
“Ya cared about Merle? Ya never liked him!”
That wasn’t true, he knew it wasn’t. He was hurt, he had to put his brother down, there wasn’t anyone else that could do it for him, even if there was… it had to be him. Somehow, in his abused mind, he thought it was all his fault. Merle died because he wanted to be a better person, he wanted to protect his little brother as much as he could in this fucked up world, and that was the way he found to do it. It was just a matter of time for you to do the same and it would be entirely his fault if you ended like Merle. You were the last thing he had from the old world. You were the only good thing he had, and if he had to push you away to keep you alive, that was what he was going to do, because he couldn’t afford living in a world without you.
“This isn’t true, Daryl. You’re hurting, I get it…” he cut your speaking before you could finish.
“Ya don’t. Ya never will!” He distanced himself when you tried to touch his arm. “We should break up.”
“Ya heard it.” He confirmed.
“Ok, when you’re not speaking no sense we can talk, I know you’re not ok, but there’s a limit of shit I can take.” You wouldn’t continue to insist on it if he was going to continue acting like that. You knew he was suffering, but so were you and he was being a prick.
“There ain’t gonna be another talk. I said what I said.” Those words left his mouth as if they were nothing, but each of them felt like a knife in his throat.
“Is it really the moment for you to dump me?” You knew he was emotionally unstable, no one make good decisions like this.
“Did I stutter?” The moment he threw the harsh words, he knew he had got what he wanted, the hurt in your eyes pained in his chest and this time he was sure he had lost you for good.
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Since that day, you didn’t talk to him and he also ignored you. You asked Rick to not put you both working together anymore. You moved your things to Carol’s cell, now also your cell. Woodbury had fallen, now the survivors of the town had joined you at the prison.
Your little secret was still yours, or sort of… Carol was a mother. She went through all the shit you were going through, all of you saw Lori going through it. She knew it already, but didn’t tell you anything until one week after everything that happened.
She asked you, “aren’t you telling him?”
This time you didn’t even got surprised and already knew what she was talking about. “No.”
“And when it starts to show?”
“I’ll tell I just fucked someone and was too drunk to remember.” You stubbornly replied.
“You’re being childish, he deserves to know.” She was right, but you were tired and emotionally damaged already.
“ ‘cause he’s being a fucking kid too. I get it, he’s suffering, but he needs to stop hurting people every time he’s hurt. It’s time he grows up and man up.” You said arms crossed.
“You know his past better than I, I thought you from all the people would understand.” The older woman wisely said.
“Carol, I appreciate your concern, he’s your friend too, but you don’t understand.” You said, was it you? Was it the hormones? You couldn’t know. “Please, don’t tell him. It’s not your place to do it.”
“I won’t. You’re the one that should do it.” As soon as she answered, she left you alone.
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One week later, or a little more, it seemed like Rick had forgotten his promise that he wouldn’t put you ti work with Daryl as he put both of you on fence duty to kill the walkers. Ok, there were more people with you, but you couldn’t help but feel yourself being watched and you knew the weight of his stare. You could feel it in your soul. Also, you couldn’t help yourself and from time to time look at him, because you would be a liar if you said you didn’t love him anymore or that you didn’t find him handsome and attractive, and what’s beautiful was made to look at.
It was middle of the morning, even though it was starting to get cold the sun was strong for whoever was working under it. You had sweat and few stains of blood from the walkers you had killed through the fence. You were feeling extra tired, you thought it was because pregnant women got more sleepy, so you didn’t think about it so much.
Some minutes after you felt a sharp pain on your lower stomach. Weird. ‘Please let it just be a stomachache or gases’, you thought.
You continued working then you felt the pain in the same place but sharper. ‘Please, don’t let it be anything with my baby’, you thought again.
You kept doing your job, this time more slowly as you felt the pain irradiating through your body, until you felt a stabbing pain in the same place and something hot going down your legs. You looked down and saw blood. “NO!”
You shouted and that called people’s attention Daryl’s specially. He looked at you and all he could see was blood. Did you hurt yourself with the weapon? Did the governor came back and wounded you? Did somehow a walker managed to bite you?
“Nooo-hooo-ooo.” You shouted cried throwing yourself to the ground.
In seconds he was kneeling by your side. “Hey, hey, look at me. What is it? What happened, doll?”
“I lost it.” You said, crying more at your realization. “I lost it.”
“What did ya lose, babe?” He asked, he thought you were delirious due to the blood loss. His hands around your face trying to make you look at him, trying to ground you. He was panicking, where were you hurt? Was he going to loose you anyway and he had spent the last weeks loosing his time with you?
You cried. “Our baby, I lost our baby.” You said between sobs.
It hit him like a punch on his stomach. You said your baby, a baby from both of you, a baby he didn’t know existed, a baby that… his abused mind played with him again. A baby that could be possibly gone because of him. “Stay with me, love. I’m taking care of you.” Who were you? Just you? You and the baby? Was there any chance this was a weird bleeding but the baby would still be ok? He didn’t know. He knew nothing about it.
He didn’t think twice, he took you in his arms and started running. “HERSHEL!” He yelled the doctor’s name again and again, until he found him and had you in the infirmary.
Before getting to the infirmary you had passed out, maybe it was the shock or it could also be the blood loss, you’d never know.
Hershel examined you. Daryl stayed all the time by your side, making questions to the doctor. Teary eyes while he explained everything. You were indeed pregnant, and yes, you had lost the baby. Daryl’s hopes were shattered at pieces, he cried. He the big rough man that didn’t like to show his emotions cried, it was Hershel. He was a friend. He was family after all.
After making sure nothing had stayed in your uterus, the old man had a talk with the younger one. Hershel made sure Daryl knew it wasn’t his fault, at this point he already knew the archer well and knew he was guilting himself for it. He ensured it was something that could happen at this early stage, you were at the maximum 2 months pregnant according to the tissue your body expelled from you. That small tissue was what would be your baby. The feeding poor in nutrients could have harmed your body, it was pretty much a disorder in your uterus so that happened. There was no one to blame, besides the end of the world.
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Some time had passed when you woke up, you were as much as clean as they could got you and you had warm feeling on your right hand. You looked to your side and you saw Daryl worried and guilty eyes.
“It’s not your fault.” You said. You remembered everything.
“Maybe.” He said, even if Hershel had already reassured him. “But it doesn’t make it less worse. I could have lived it with ya for the little time we had.”
“I was the one that didn’t tell you.” You turned to your side and extended your left arm till you were touching his face. “I’m sorry.”
“I AM sorry.” He said giving emphasis to that. “I… I dun know what I was thinking.”
“I know.” You knew he was lost at that moment, but it didn’t hurt you less when he pushed you away and both of you needed each other. “Merle wasn’t your fault. The baby neither.”
At the mention of Merle’s name and the baby, your voice quivered and the tears threatened to leave your eyes, and they did. They fell from your eyes and you couldn’t do anything about it. “I ain’t pushing ya away anymore. I… I was so afraid of losing ya too.” Tears also slipped on his face.
“Merle was happy, he knew he was going to be an uncle.” You remembered the conversation you had with him the day before he sacrificed himself. “He noticed it and asked me about it. I was going to tell you when the governor shit was over.”
You also felt guilty about Merle’s death. You knew sometimes he didn’t take some smart decisions, but did he tried to face it all alone because he also wanted to be a better person to his nephew or niece? He had told you he would protect all of you.
You sobbed. You both cried together, now your arms thrown around his neck and your face hiding in it. You both had lost too much already, you couldn’t afford losing anything else. You couldn’t lose each other.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @shadowcitrine @vaniniweenie @cupidelocke
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 2 months
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You had just sat down on the couch, sunk into the deepness of the cushions and gotten yourself comfortably when you heard heavy steps on your front porch. Your ears pricked up, listening, and sure enough there was a knock on the door. Your head dropped back and your eyes closed. You let out a slightly exasperated sigh before setting your paperback aside and climbing to your feet.
The door opened on a sheepish-looking Daryl Dixon.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, taking in the red welt on the side of his face and then the way he was cradling his hand with the other. Another sigh escaped you. "Come in," you said stepping back to let him enter. "You know, I was going to have a nice, quiet night of reading but I guess I'll be patching up your broken hand instead."
Daryl hurriedly toed his boots off on the rug in the entryway and trailed after you, nervously licking his lips. "Yeah, uhh—'m sorry. I know it's late."
You were putting some ice from the freezer into a plastic bag and turned to give him an appraising look. "Are yoooou going to tell me what happened or do I need to start asking questions?"
"Uhh—does it matter?"
You shrugged. "I guess not... But I'm extremely curious about what could have possibly happened that caused you to punch something or someone when we're supposed to be on our best behavior here..."
Daryl gulped. "It was—just that Aiden guy yappin', ya know?" Daryl froze as you took his hand and examined the swelling. He winced a little as your fingers pressed into his hand. You were making sure nothing was displaced.
"What was he yapping about?"
Daryl's face flushed with heat as he remembered it. "Ah—nothin'... just—talkin' shit," he said, hoping you'd drop it.
You gave him a skeptical look and a half-smile he found charming as hell. "Obviously it wasn't nothing if you got into a fist fight over it."
"Mmm," Daryl hummed, accepting the proffered ice pack. He laid it over his knuckles. He gulped again as you turned your attention to his face, looking the welt on his jaw over with concern. "Dun worry 'bout that. Guy barely got me. Couldn't throw a punch harder than Judith can righ' now," he drawled.
"Well what?" he asked, meeting your eyes.
You laughed. "You interrupted my quiet night in. The least you could do would be to tell me what all the drama was. You're dodging my questions. Did you think I wouldn't notice?"
Daryl's face flushed again. "Uhh—"
"Why are you being so squirrely?" you asked, your curiosity only increasing. You thought perhaps you'd better let it drop... He really seemed unwilling to tell you.
He ducked his head, staring down toward the ice pack over his bruised and swollen knuckles. "Just—stay away from that guy, alrigh?"
That hit you square between the eyes and you suddenly understood. "Oh." You paused and took a breath and Daryl hazarded a glance up at you, worry clear on his face. "What did he—?"
"I didn't like how he was talkin' about ya. And I set him straight. But I wouldn't put it past him to—I dunno. Just‚ he ain't worth the time of day, alrigh?"
You nodded, much more subdued now that you understood that the fight had been, somehow, over you. "Well... come and sit down. You should keep that ice on for 20 minutes. I didn't feel anything displaced in your hand.... I'm—I'm sorry you got hurt over—over something to do with me."
Daryl looked puzzled. "Whoa—hey. It ain't yer fault. Ya dun have anythin' to apologize for. Ya weren't even there. Besides," he said, fidgeting a little nervously, "it was worth it. And I'd do it again. I will do it again if he didn't learn his damn lesson..."
You smiled fondly at him, a little stunned by his protectiveness. "Thanks. I suppose I can still have that quiet evening now. Interested in joining me?"
Daryl nodded. "Ya got any books I might like?"
You grinned at him. "Mountain man adventures or pirates?" you asked him.
He laughed gruffly. "Surprise me." Prompt: "I was going to have a nice, quiet night of reading but I guess I'll be patching up your broken hand instead."
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mcflymemes · 2 months
ROMANCING THE STONE (1984) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
what did you do, wake up this morning and say “today i’m going to ruin a man’s life”?
if i were to die, there’s nowhere on earth i’d rather be.
oh, you smoke it?
the cops? what do they want? i haven’t done anything lately!
i couldn’t stop thinking about you.
why won’t you take the elevator?
i’ll kill you, goddammit!
how will you die? slow like a snail? or fast like a shooting star?
this guy who is following you, he is very persistent.
i like your boots.
we're sitting right in the middle of it.
i knew it would happen.
all you care about is yourself, isn’t it?
i knew that from the first moment i laid eyes on you.
i'm telling you, this is turning out to be one hell of a morning.
there's no way across this sucker!
you did this on purpose!
we just went over a waterfall!
i'll meet you there! trust me!
i even read one of your books.
he died right in my arms.
i don’t have any idea, i’m sorry.
you see? you're completely unprepared.
well, we’ve all got our problems today, don’t we.
can you tell me where the nearest town is?
will there be another bus?
that nice man who pulled a gun on you? what else did he tell you?
jesus christ, we’re in a lot of trouble.
understatement of the year, asshole.
is there anybody who isn’t following you?
now move it, before batman comes home.
you’re the best time i’ve ever had.
i understand you have a car.
goddamn it, i knew i should have listened to my mother.
now i ain’t cheap, but i can be had.
don’t i know you?
oh… i’m the creep, huh.
well at least i’m honest.
wait a minute. he’s after you.
who the hell are you?
don’t give me that shit.
one hell of a morning has turned into a bitch of a day!
how long have you been down here?
this kidnapping stuff makes me really nervous.
someone’s gonna get killed.
will you stop worrying?
have i ever hurt you? i will never hurt you. i can’t hurt you.
we’ve got the same blood. we’re not two people; we are one person.
someday if i had the money, i’d take you… we’d sail away… around the world and back again. i promise you.
i was thinking about something you said.
i’d love to see you on the boat.
you’re leaving? you’re leaving me?
you are now a world-class hopeless romantic.
which way do we go?
can we get there in your car?
what do you want? seriously, i’d really like to know.
maybe it’s silly, but… i know there is somebody out there for me.
i can’t believe how fast you cranked this out.
look at me, i’m a mess.
is it… uh… poisonous?
you are the luckiest son of a bitch that ever walked the face of the earth.
i could’ve been killed, and you’re drinking!
i’m hot-wiring the car.
you’re gonna need something stronger than that.
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joeyalohadream · 4 months
drabble request: bucky coming back from a night at the officers club and finding buck curled up in bed wearing his sheepskin to help him fall asleep 🥹
Sorry it took so long to get to this! Thanks for the idea anon, I love it! Hope you enjoy reading it too!
Word Count: 1,685 (some softness below the cut)
The air had a slight chill to it, the breeze reminding Bucky that Autumn was fading, and Winter was creeping up on them. He runs warm and the whiskey he’s consumed this evening does well to protect him from the worst of it, so he finds himself mostly content as he stands outside the Officer’s Club to finish the cigarette he’d come out to smoke.
The night was going well. The mission the boys had returned from earlier in the day had been a success in all the ways that mattered. They’d hit their targets and somehow, miraculously, not one fort had gone down. Some of the crews were busted up, but no one had required a trip to the infirmary, so it was a win in his book.
Bucky new better than to have hope that their next mission would end with the same statistics, but the success had motivated the boys and they’d all wanted to ride the good feeling into the night. He hadn’t been up in the air for this one, left off the rotation this time around, and the anxiety and fear that had gripped him all day was finally fully gone.
He had felt the need to join the boys in the revelry. He wasn’t with them up in the air today, but he could sure as hell be with them now and help show them a good time. As usual, Gale had agreed to accompany him, always willing to show his face and set a good example for the men, despite his preference for less crowded venues and less lively crowds.
Bucky turned his gaze to the door that swung outwards to his left, expecting Curt or another fellow smoker, but was happy when he saw Gale stepping out into the night and making his way towards him. He was always the happiest to see Gale.
“Finally decide to find a vice?” Bucky joked, holding his cigarette out towards Gale and laughing when Gale swatted his hand away as he finally stopped within arm’s reach of him.
“Already found one of those,” Gale said back, looking pointedly at Bucky, eyes playful.
Bucky laughed again, feeling even warmer now.
“And you’ll find that this particular vice you’ve got is one that’s impossible to shake,” Bucky grins at him. “You’re probably gonna be stuck with it for life.”
Gale nods, face a mockery of serious contemplation before he sighs and gives Bucky a small smile. “I think I can live with that.”
Bucky smiles back and takes another drag of his cigarette. He watches as Gale crosses his arms and rocks slightly on his heels. He runs cold where Bucky runs warm and he seems to have a harder time shaking the cold from the high altitude after missions than everyone else.
“So, what brings you out in the cold,” Bucky asks, “Miss me already?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Gale chuckles. “I made my rounds, saw all the men. Think I’m calling it a night.”
Bucky’s about to whine, throw out his usual protest for when Gale turns in early, but then he really looks at Gale. He sees the shadows under his eyes, the small cut along his jaw he’d received during the mission but couldn’t recall when or how, sees the slight shake to his shoulders. He tosses his cigarette away and turns to face him fully.
“You’re alright though?” He wants to reach out and cup his jaw, run his finger over the reddened skin. “You’re not hurting, are you?”
Gale’s eyes are full of affection when he meets his and a smile is tugging at his lips.
“Sore, the usual. You know that well as I do,” Gale tells him, and Bucky does know, it’s true. “I ain’t hurtin’ and I’m fine. Just tired.” His smile turns a little sheepish. “And cold.”
“Well, what a surprise,” Bucky teases. “Gotta get you a thinker coat, maybe one like mine. Wearing that puppy is like being wrapped in a warm hug.”
“You know I hate that jacket,” Gale huffs out. “And I’d rather just have the real thing than something like it.”
It takes a moment for Bucky to realize what Gale was saying, but when he does his heart gives an embarrassing flutter. He looks around and decides to take the risk, steps forward and wraps his arms around Gale’s shoulders. Gale doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around his waist, face burrowing into his neck.
“Wish we could do this all night,” Gale breathes into his collarbone and Bucky rubs a hand up and down his back. He knows that Gale means he wishes they could sleep like this, in each other’s arms and he wishes for it too. But they live in a barracks with 10 other men and it’s a risk they won’t dare to take. One day, Bucky thinks.
“Me too,” Bucky breathes into his hair. He feels the arms around him tighten for a moment before Gale pulls away and Bucky lets him go, even though he wants to do the opposite.
He sees Gale shiver and shove his hands into his pockets, and he just wants to hold him again. Knows he shouldn’t, knows he can’t.
“I’ll walk you back,” Bucky offers, not wanting to ever let Gale out of his sight. The memory from this morning of watching him disappear into the clouds, not knowing if he’d ever pop back out of them threatens to overwhelm him so he pushes it aside. Slams it back into the box in his mind.
“No way,” Gale laughs. “Curt was already hollering in there about you playing cards next round. I think he’s got money on you, Bucky.”
“I don’t care,” Bucky tells him and means it.
Gale smiles at him, fondness in his eyes. “I know you don’t. But the guys aren’t done having fun with the life of the party and I know you’ll have a good time sticking the evening out with them.”
Bucky wants to protest, wants to remind Gale that there isn’t anywhere he’d rather be than with him, anyone he’d rather be with than him. But he knows Gale is right. He’d told his table of card sharks that he was just stepping out for a smoke and they were all expecting him back. They were having fun, in large part due to his boisterous behavior and he’d set out to give them a night like this. He’d stick to his plan, no matter how much he’d rather walk Gale back and watch him fall asleep.
“Alright,” Bucky relents. “But know that while my body is here at the club, my heart is with you in your bunk.” He tells him dramatically with a hand over his heart.
Gale shoves him away with a laugh and an exasperated, “You’re ridiculous.”
“Makes you smile though,” Bucky points out with a grin.
“I’ll see in the morning,” Gale ignores his words, even though he’s still smiling. “Goodnight John.”
“Night Buck.”
Bucky lights another cigarette just so he can stay outside and watch him walk away until he disappears in the darkness.
Bucky’s hands feel clumsy as he tries to unknot his tie, stumbling through the door to the barracks. He hears Crank and Curt laughing at him, but their footsteps are no steadier than his. He makes an exaggerated shushing noise and gestures in the direction of his and Gale’s cots at the far end of the room. The other men roll their eyes but quiet down as they all make their way to their own racks.
It was a good night. All the boys left the Officer’s Club in even better spirits than when they’d entered, he’d won Curt a good chunk of change winning at cards, and he was pleasantly drunk on good whiskey.
He throws his tie on his cot and sits on the edge to start the fumbling process of getting his shoes untied, wishing Gale was awake to help him. The thought brings his focus to the cot directly across from his and he feels light and airy all of a sudden.
Gale is sleeping in his usual position, turned on his side, slightly bent, one hand under his pillow, the other pillowed under his cheek. He looks so soft and sweet, and Bucky wants to join him, spoon him, hold him and it hurts that he can’t.
He toes off his shoes and stands to unbutton his shirt and remove his belt, eyes still on Gale’s sleeping form. He pauses his movements as he notices a familiar cream-colored bit of fluff tucked under Gale’s chin. When he looks to the hooks along the wall they use to hang their things and prevent wrinkles, he notices his sheepskin is missing from its usual spot.
On silent socked feet he moves the two steps it takes to reach the edge of Gale’s cot and reaches out to grab the Army green wool blanket draped over him. A small, careful lift reveals a sight that warms Bucky’s heart more than all the sunshine and whiskey in the world ever could.
Gale has Bucky’s sheepskin, the jacket he supposedly hates, wrapped around his torso and shoulders, the fur of the collar tucked tight under his chin. He takes a moment to just look, thankful its dark as he knows the expression on his face is one of lovesick adoration.
He imagines Gale coming back from the club tonight, shivering and tired and alone. Imagines him grabbing the sheepskin and tucking himself into it before covering the evidence with the rough wool. Imagines he was probably embarrassed about it, maybe his cheeks even flushed when he decided to do it. He wishes he’d been here to see it.
Bucky hopes his words rang true and that his jacket feels like a warm hug to Gale.
Gently, he replaces the wool blanket, hiding Gale’s stolen object of comfort from any potential prying eyes. He runs his hand gently through Gale’s hair, wishes he could replace the jacket with himself and feels sad that he can’t.  
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rosiestalez · 23 days
LOVELY PLEASE. I need some Gambit angst. The angst where Gambit loves Rogue and he will never love you like he does her. I NEED IT. I NEED TO CRY.
Oh my gosh, y’all just LOVE angst dont y’all. I was working on something like this request before i got it, and i’m glad i finished this! Maybe i’ll make a part two to this! i have a good amount of requests and i’m getting them as quickly as i can thank you for understanding!
The Rules of the Game
Remy LeBeau x gn!reader
summary: Remy tells you something after 1 year of marriage!
warnings: ANGSTY ASF, cursing, a lot of alcohol is mentioned, i think that’s it. Picture from Pinterest
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Happy reading 🫶
It’s a rainy night; the soft sound of rain knocks on the windows, creating a gentle rhythm that fills the quiet house. The book in your hands is illuminated by the warm glow of the fire Remy lit before heading downstairs to play poker with his friends. The crackle of the fire mixes with the faint laughter rising from the basement, but the peaceful ambiance begins to fade as you hear the unmistakable sound of Remy stumbling upstairs, clearly drunk.
The kitchen cupboards bang open and shut, and you can hear him muttering curses in French under his breath.
“You okay, darlin’?” you call out from the couch, pushing your glasses up your nose. You turn away from your book, your gaze lingering on the kitchen. “Need some help?”
“I’m good, cherie, just tryna fin' my liquor,” he slurs in response, his words thick with alcohol.
Sighing, you reluctantly get up from your cozy spot and stroll into the kitchen. Without a word, you pull a brand-new bottle of Jack Daniel’s from the pantry and hand it to him.
“Oh, mon cherie, thank ya! You’re too kind to me!” he says, kissing your forehead clumsily before snatching the bottle from your hand and disappearing back downstairs. You roll your eyes, shaking your head at his drunken gratitude, and return to the couch, diving back into your book.
As the night wears on, the fire begins to dim, and the laughter from below grows louder, echoing through the house. You glance at the clock—almost 1 a.m. Deciding it’s time to call it a night, you snuff out the fire and finish the last sip of your wine. Heading upstairs to the bedroom, you strip out of your clothes, tossing them into the hamper, and slip on a silk purple nightdress. The plush sheets of your California King bed welcome you, and you soon drift off.
Hours later, the mattress dips beside you, pulling you from your sleep. You glance at the clock: 3:00 a.m. With a sigh, you feel Remy’s arm wrap around you, pulling you close.
“Shhh, go back to sleep. I ain’t mean to wake you up, amour,” he whispers, kissing the back of your neck as he brushes your hair out of the way.
“You’re makin’ it kinda hard, sugar,” you reply, letting your Southern accent lace the words with frustration.
“Sorry, jus’ miss you… you didn’t come down to see me.”
“My bad. My book was really good,” you chuckle lightly, though deep down, your thoughts are elsewhere. You can’t shake the discomfort of knowing Rogue, the woman who broke Remy’s heart, is downstairs playing cards. But you decide to save that for when he’s sober. “Good night, Rem.”
You try to let go of the irritation, but it lingers as your meemaw’s words echo in your mind: *Never let the sun go down on your anger, darling.*
The sun is already creeping through the curtains when the sound of vomiting startles you awake. “Damn it,” you mutter, pulling yourself out of bed. In the bathroom, you find Remy pathetically bent over the toilet, retching out the remnants of the previous night.
“Baby? You okay?” you ask gently. He gives you a weak thumbs-up, still hunched over the toilet. You hurry to the kitchen, grab an ice pack, and place it on the back of his neck, holding his auburn hair out of the way. “That’s it, get it all out,” you murmur, rubbing his back in comforting circles.
After several minutes, you help him into a cool shower, washing his hair and handing him an aspirin along with an anti-nausea pill. Once he’s cleaned up, he brushes his teeth and joins you in the living room, squinting dramatically at the light as if it were torture.
As the two of you stand across from each other in the kitchen, you can feel the tension brewing. He knows something’s on your mind, but he waits, sensing the storm coming.
“Why was she here?” you finally ask, your voice tight with emotion.
“Who?” he responds, though there’s a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“Rogue. Why… was… she… here?” you ask again, hugging your arms to your chest. A flicker of sadness crosses your face, but it quickly hardens into something more.
He sighs heavily, running a hand over his face, clearly frustrated. The two of you had been married for about a year now, ever since Rogue left him at the altar. You had been his solace, the one who helped him pick up the pieces of his broken heart. But sometimes, it still felt like you were competing with a ghost.
“Y/N, please, not today,” he says softly.
“Not today?” you huff, your sadness turning into anger. “What the hell do you mean, ‘not today’?” Your voice takes on the sharp edge of your Georgia accent. “Remy, is there something you need to tell me? Did you sleep with her?”
He looks at you incredulously, as if the accusation is absurd. “Y/N, I’m not sleepin’ with her. Oh mon Dieu!” His frustration is palpable as he walks away, grabbing his shoes and the jacket hanging by the door.
“Remy, where are you going?” you shout after him, your anger boiling over.
“Out,” he says flatly, slamming the door behind him.
“Shit,” you mutter, slapping the door with your palm before storming off to the bedroom. You throw yourself onto the bed, eyes welling with tears. Clutching his pillow, you sob into it, your heart aching. *What is he not telling me?* The tears come in waves—anger, jealousy, sadness, all tumbling out uncontrollably. His scent lingers on the pillow, and for a fleeting moment, you consider tearing it to shreds. But you can’t. Despite everything, your heart still swells with love for him.
Eventually, exhaustion overtakes you, and you fall into a fitful sleep, alone in the bed you share with him.
Hours later, the sound of the door creaking open pulls you from sleep. You hear it close softly behind him, the house trembling slightly. Glancing at the clock, you see it’s noon.
You wipe the tear stains from your cheeks and gather the strength to get out of bed. After rinsing your face, you make your way downstairs to find Remy sitting on the couch, whiskey in hand, soft jazz playing from the TV. His eyes are fixed on the dark screen.
“Rem, I’m s—”
He cuts you off, patting the spot beside him. “Sit,” he says quietly. His gaze burns into you as you take your place on the couch, pulling the blanket over yourself for warmth. The room feels cold—colder than usual.
“Mon amour, we gotta talk, like adults, yeah?” You nod, unable to speak, afraid the dam will break again if you do. He hands you a glass of wine that’s already sitting on the table, waiting for you.
“I can’t love you the way I loved Anna-Marie,” he says, his tone serious. The words hit you like a punch to the gut. Your body goes rigid, heat rising in your chest as you struggle to understand.
“W-what?” you manage to squeak, the words barely escaping your lips.
“We had somethin’ for years,” he continues.
Your eyes flick to the wedding band on his finger, then to yours, and back again. “Then why did you marry me?” you ask, your voice trembling.
“Because I love you,” he says, placing his hand on yours, trying to reassure you.
“This doesn’t make sense, Remy.” A tear slips down your cheek. “I’m so confused.”
“I can’t help my feelings, cherie. Feelings are feelings. I can’t change that.”
“Yes, you can,” you sob. “Remy, you’re the only man I’ve ever loved. I could never even *think* of having feelings for anyone from my past and then marrying you out of convenience.”
“Cherie, I didn’t marry you out of convenience,” he pleads.
“Then why did you marry me?” you ask, your voice cracking. The tears flow freely now, and your heart feels as if it’s being ripped apart.
Remy sees the pain in your swollen, red eyes. He knows he���s broken something precious.
“Y/N, I—”
“No, don’t you dare,” you interrupt, pointing a finger at him. You stand up abruptly, storming to the bathroom and slamming the door behind you. Sliding down against the door, you cry into your knees, your body trembling with the weight of it all.
*What does this mean for us?* you wonder. *How do we move forward? Can we even fix this?*
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Not the Only One
Summary: Reader comes from an abusive family and is insecure about it showing up everywhere with bruises, but one night she comes across Daryl who is more like you than you know
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Content Warning: Abusive parents
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Growing up in a small town in Georgia can have its benefits, close friend group, late night walks, fun memories, but not for some, not for me I get the other side of a small town, the rough crowd and the judgmental stares from the well of kids who’s parents gave them everything they wanted
I never thought there was a problem with the way I lived as a kid but the older I got and realized that not everyone lives with abusive, negligent parents it was world shaking for me and I felt like a complete loser and I still do, I don’t have much some simple clothes and some drugstore perfume and makeup but that’s about it, others girls in my class had expensive name brand everything and judge those like me who didn’t
My dads drunk and takes his problems out on me, my moms a coward and won’t stand up for me so here I am walking around school with a cut down my eyebrow with a nasty bruise forming around
“What happened y/n old man beat on you again” Jessie says laughing as she walks by with her little click, I look back into my locker getting my books for science class sighing not ready for the day ahead full of more comments like that
I walk into Mr.jensons class taking my seat at the back, some people whispering as I walk through the class
“Okay class we have a new student transfering to our class from a different course, obvious people like me more than miss.smith’s music class” he says obnoxiously as the student enters our class
Daryl Dixon he lived a few houses down from me but we didn’t interact much, sometimes I’d see him take out the trash or see him sitting on the doc on the lake behind our houses, it was rumoured that his dad beat on him too but it’s not like we were gonna be friends because we’re abused that crazy…..right?
“You can go sit at the back next to y/n” Mr.Jenson points out to me
He sits down and I can smell his calming aroma, woodsy with a hint of cigarette
“Hi” I smiled meakly
“Hey, ya live on my street don’t ya” he asks slouching down in the chair
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around” so he’s seen me too
“Alright class listen up” the class went on like usual until the bell rang signalling the end of the day, I gathered up all my stuff shoving them in my bag and leaving the class, walking through the hallways heading for the exit when someone runs up next to me
“Hey, ya walking home?” Daryl asks looking down at me
“Oh yeah, I usually like to sit at the doc when I get back, don’t like to stay in the house much”
“Why not?” He asks as he continues to walk beside me back to our street
“I think you know, everyone talks about it” I say motioning to my bruised eyebrow
“They don’t understand, ain’t yer fault”
“It’s just……embarrassing” I say rubbing my arm as a nervous habit
“Yer old man?”
“Yeah, you?” He nods in agreement looking down
“Pretty shitty, wish I could just get out of here or just start fresh here” he hums making my heart warm, finally someone understands how I feel
We got to our street stopping infront of my house
“So ummm I’ll be down at the doc later if you wanna meet me there just to talk or whatever” I say
“Yeah I’ll see ya there” he says heading off to his house a few doors down
I walked into my house hoping nothing happens today, seeing my dad sat on his chair with a beer in his hand watching the tv
I try to walk past him to my room when he grabs my wrist
“Did you pick up the cigarettes from the store like I asked?” His voice is already angry, I completely forgot
“I……I forgot, I’m sorry” I whine as he tightens his grip
“Why can’t you ever listen, you know what this means”
“No please I’m sorry I’ll go get them now”
“It’s too late”
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Sitting on the doc was suppose to be a wind down form the day an escape from hell that is suppose to be a house, instead I’m sat here feeling like I went solar against concrete, my lip is busted severely, by cheek stings, bruises and whips against my back, the hoodie I’m wearing was irritating against my sore flesh
I’d do anything just to go back in time and run away with my sister but I was scared and young and now I’m miserable and constantly afraid
“Hey sorry I’m late” I heard from next to me, too deep in thought to have heard him approach
I kept my head down looking at the water
“It’s fine” I mumble
“Ya okay?” That one simple question broke the damn in me as tears spilled down my cheeks, I turn to him just wanting reassurance or comfort
“I forgot to get a pack of cigarettes on the way home” my voice quivers as he stares at my red cheek and bust lip
“How am I even suppose to cover this up”
“I could go kill him” he huffs anger rising in his features
“Everything hurts” I wince when he places his hand on my back, he pulled back quickly
“Do ya need help?”
“I don’t know how bad they are”
He moves behind me lifting my sweater up to my shoulders, revealing the old and new scars that littered my back with occasionally fresh bruises
“Oh baby girl I’m so sorry” he says under his breath but there was something there in his words that made it feel like he understood this type of beating
“Are they bad?”
“Don’t think ya need stitches but I don’t want ya going back there” he says bringing my sweater back down moving beside me again
“But where am I suppose to go?”
“Old man’s gone for a week, ya can stay at my place”
“Are you sure I don’t want to burden you”
“Ain’t a burden, yer staying with me, come on”
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His house was more or less just like mine but there is no surprise there, our fathers are basically the same, he brings me to his room and it’s pretty normal, some hunting stuff plain brown walls
“Thanks for this” I say sitting on the edge of his bed
“ ‘course, ya need anything?”
“Do you have any painkillers?” He went in his drawer and popped one in my hand, taking it hoping it will ease this discomfort
He jumped on the bed sitting next to me as a comfortable silence surrounds us
“I got em too”
“Scars, don’t like to show em, don’t like to be reminded”
“I’m sorry Daryl, one day we’ll be happy, one day we’ll get out of this mess”
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Taglist: @l0kilaufeys0n7 @stoner420things69 @pinchofthetwd @thestonedwriter @daryldixmedown @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @superbowlisgay @daryls-wife @pinkratts @daryl-dixons-left-hand @mrrumplebottom @twistedprincess-92 @addi1978 @wongcena @darylspersonalwhore @starrqi @heidiland05 @livlaughlove03
281 notes · View notes
lonelystarrs · 10 months
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𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒁𝒆𝒏’𝒊𝒏
𝗧𝗼𝗷𝗶 𝗭𝗲𝗻’i𝗻 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
He really, really needed to stop making bets and gambling with you, it bit at his pride but god damn the results were always so fucking worth it.
Part one: Don’t Touch
Warnings: 18+ MDNI + maid Toji + loses a bet in prt 1 and makes it worse for himself + switch reader + reluctant sub Toji / dom + toy usage + Toji gets meann but also shows his soft dom + degrading/ praise kinks + established relationship + fluff + cum play + dirty talk + possessive + anal play + I’m sorry but I was screaming with laughter at the end -idk why my fics end with stupid crack I can’t help it.
Another 4k smut fic I’m not sorry.
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Yeah, you really did think you were fucking funny didn’t ya?
Toji’s jaw tightened as he tried so very hard to not have his damn eyes roll back into their sockets from rolling so hard because he was actually doing what you asked.
He was no chicken, he could keep up on his side of a bet but couldn’t recall this being part of the deal, in fact he was so very sure it wasn’t part of it.
The clothing was tight, not suitable for a man of his size and stature, in fact it wasn’t suitable for a man at all.
When the hell would he learn to stop making bets with you? He was always so ridiculously unlucky when it came down to it, when was he gonna learn that gambling with you wouldn’t ever go in his favour?
Maybe his pride was letting him make the mistakes again and again.
“You missed a spot, Maid Zen’in.”
“Yeah? How ya see that when you ain’t even looking up at that shitty book huh?”
You snickered as you flicked the page, indeed not looking up at him but knowing he’d skipped the bottom shelf because he didn’t want to bend over in this damn skimpy maid outfit.
“Don’t recall this being part of it,” he sneered, glaring at you as you still refused to look at him.
“Oh? When we got home after that Halloween party, you bet I’d cum first and you were the one who blew his load first, it was your idea on who wore the outfit had to do whatever the winner said for a whole three hours and well, Zen’in-“ you snapped the book shut and finally looked up at him, “-here we are.”
You smirked at him whilst tilting your head and he hated how those little pulses sent to his cock made him throb. He both loved to hate how that little stubborn, challenging streak in you made him secretly simp for you, not like he’d ever admit it, besides it was always so rewarding.
“So, bottom shelf T, needs dusting.”
He snorted and turned back around, when he bent over though you didn’t find yourself so amused, was it supposed to be hot watching that stupidly short skirt ride up, see Toji Zen’in in a damn thong and those fucking breeder balls of his bulging against the material?
You never thought about it, truly, but it made your cunt clench and suppress a moan with how this man was wearing something so degrading.
You didn’t think he’d go all out and actually wear the thong, but seems he took his gambling more serious than you thought.
It wasn’t because of you calling him a chicken, a pussy if he didn’t do it had anything to do with his pride being bitten at…
“Gone quiet doll, you into this shit you- oi”
“You are too, you’re getting hard.”
Even more so when your hands cupped his balls through the thin material, your thumb however followed the line up the thong and that’s when Toji straightened, turning around all but glaring at you.
“Don’t push ya luck, I ain’t into that ass stuff.”
“Oh? You tried it?”
His stare was hard, the silence making up for his lack of will to say any words and you only smirked at him.
“So you never tried it, you’ll cum so hard y’know-“
“You’ve banged a guy before?”
“Yeah, but we can just do fingers.”
“I didn’t say I was doing it you brat,”
“Awwwwh, Toji c’mon, you can’t handle a little finger?”
You wiggled your index finger at him and bellowed out a cackle when he told you to fuck off and stormed off, his skirt bouncing around his thick thighs and each step made heavier by your laughed that didn’t seem to fade no matter how far he walked away.
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You never realised how stroppy Toji could be, you’d seen him get assy when he’s lost a bet on any kind of silly race he was interested in at the time. You’ve seen him pout ever so slightly at the most stupidest of things, even if he denied it and said his face wasn’t capable of pouting…. Sadly his scar gave any kind of minor movement away on his mouth.
It made him quite readable actually, not like he was difficult to read— most the time he was rather black and white when it came down to it. However, this side of him wasn’t often on show.
But it was fucking hilarious when he did show it.
Two hours later after cleaning left him sat on the couch with his arms crossed pouting as he glared at the tv, you were sure he wasn’t even watching it just looking past it and directing his glare there instead.
Cause you’d only mock him further for his attitude if he directed his attention to you, sat there all cozy in his T-shirt that he should be wearing.
���Awww, t’wooohjiiii- are you fweeling sad?”
You prodded his cheek and stifled a laugh noticing his shoulders tense, the maid outfit was straining against his muscles.
“But you look too hot to be sad-“
Your name left his mouth slowly in a warning as he turned to look at you, his green eyes fired up and quiet honestly you’d never seen him this annoyed with you.
“-you’re pushin’ it, fuckin shut up before-“
You shifted and swung your leg over him on the sofa, straddling his lap and tracing your fingers along the front of the maid outfit, his huge pecs bulging under it and even more so from his crossed arms under them
“Before you what?”
Your voice was husky, practically tempting him to threaten you, in vain of course because he knew you liked it.
You wiggled your hips on him and he just glared harder at you.
“You got an hour left of me being in charge,”
“Tch, don’t get too cocky, you’ll regret it.”
“Will I?”
“Doll, don’t be a fucking fool.”
“I just wanna fuck you in this, on the sofa, right here.”
He fell silent, the hardened glare softening ever so slightly, but he still wasn’t convinced it was all you wanted.
He knew you better than that.
“I wanna start off with your cock down my throat, wanna treat you for being so good today T. But I want you to let me finger fuck your prostrate, if you don’t like it I’ll stop-“ his stomach tensed when you ran your hand down his stomach, his six pack tensing under your touch as his breath hitched. Your hand cupping his semi hard dick through the short maid skirt.
“You’re getting hard,” your leaned forward, lips brushing his ear and he tilted his head to allow it, his arms relaxing across his chest “-good boy.”
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It took fifteen minutes to get the little prostrate toy in his tight hole. It only took sucking him off and slipping a finger in, hitting his prostrate and milking his cock was surprisingly enough to convince him.
and it took five minutes for him to be practically drooling, his hips bucking up brushing against your clit with each stuttered jolt, the toy vibrating against his g-spot.
He was sweating already, his hands firmly gripping your hips that kept moving to your ass, unsure where to put his hands.
“F-F-Fuckin’ he- shit, fuck!”
You cackled above him, hands cupping his face trying to get him to look at you, your thumb running over his bottom lip swiping away drool.
“Awh, Toji you feel good?”
“S-Shut it,”
You hummed and kissed him, tongue filling his mouth greedily and he rose his own to meet yours, trying to keep up with it but failing as his moaning echoed against your tongue.
Your other hand reached down to angle his cock at your drooling hole, rolling it around to catch slick.
“Don’t, don’t you fucking dare, you’re dead-ah Fuck,”
You were so wet, so feral after watching him turn into an utter mess under you that you slid down in one smooth slide taking his 9 inch, thick cock to the hilt and his eyes rolled back.
“M’cummin’ fuck me I think I’m gonna cum,”
You’d never seen him cum like this, his voice broke, his whole body tensed, shaking as he came so hard his eyes crossed, looking down to see his cock disappearing into you. The bulge forming in your stomach as you reached the hilt, his toes curled against the floor, his hands forcefully moved your hips to rock against him.
You gripped onto the maid outfit at the front, your breath hitching as you spread to accommodate his girth, his hips moving so messily, so wild from cumming so hard that he was already moving inside you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself against him, hovering above him slightly and biting your bottom lip whilst smirking at him.
His green eyes dazed but focusing on your face, your hand held a little remote and you turned off the toy. The low buzz disappearing to leave his heavy breathing fill the silence in the room. Your rolled your hips and his jolted.
“Shit-“ his hands gripped your hips stopping your movement, his sensitive cock still leaking out cum as your cunt pulsed around him, his body humming as he came down from whatever high you’d just put him through, “-stop moving you brat.”
“Your last hour is up,”
It was shocking how quickly he recovered, your back hit the sofa so fast everything blurred, suddenly focusing on Toji hovering above you in a maid outfit. He was still breathing heavy, sweat beading on his skin and the veins up in his forearms, one hand around your throat as he kept you in place.
He pulled his cock from you, both eyes dropping down to watch it leave you coated in more cum you’d ever seen him unload. It was covered in white slick, dripping down his shaft both to his balls and onto your inner thighs. It slapped hard against his stomach before bobbing, still rock solid and dripping in cum.
The maid skirt hanging over the top of it, bunched at the hilt of his cock and it was kinda amusing seeing his big dick poking out from under it.
An airy, moany fuck left him watching himself pull from you,
“-well, ain’t that the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, made a mess of me sweetheart,”
He rolled his hips forward so the head of his thick cock caught your clit, sticky cum rolling around the sensitive bundle of nerves and your body jolted.
“Dicks drooling f’ya still doll, know what that means?”
You hummed in response, back arching off the sofa as your head rolled back from his dick starting to fuck against your clit, his hips rolling so smoothly your body was humming for him already.
Toji leaned down, brushing his lips against your ear as he pushed your hips up with his thighs, half curling over you, his dick sliding past your clit leaving a sticky glide up your stomach. It flexed against you as his mouth met your cheek.
“You got your safe word?”
His hands gliding up your sides, smoothing up your thighs that were braced either side of his ribs, over your hips and gripping your waist, his huge hands swallowing your smaller frame. His thumb brushed under your ribs, giving you a squeeze.
You nodded dumbly turning your head to meet his mouth with your own, but he pulled back, his hips following as he blindly lined himself up with your drooling hole.
“Use ya words, doll, know I ain’t doin’ shit until you do,”
You felt his lips moving against yours, his green eyes holding some glassy look in them you’d not seen in him before, glistening like emeralds framed by strands of black hair.
Your heart surged in your chest when your eyes locked, reading his expression that was almost soft.
“Y-Yeah, know my safe word.”
“N’what is it?”
“Good girl, if you take this without sayin’ it I’ll tell ya a lil summit at the end.”
God your heart was jumping, it was banging against your ribs like it was screaming the answer at you, like it knew what he possibly had dancing on the end of his tongue when he was looking at you like that.
Like you were feeding his damn soul.
“Are you making another bet with me?”
Toji smirked, cock sure about himself on this one.
“Sure, know you ain’t gonna win this cause I’m gonna ruin you.”
How he entered you was cruel, it was slow, almost damn loving the way he watched you. Your back arching, head rolling back and one hand moved to brace against the arm of the sofa behind your head. One of his hands joined yours, sliding from your waist, up your wrist slowly and laced his fingers through yours. His other remaining on your waist to hold you as he stayed folded over you, your hips angled up supported by his thighs under your ass.
Green eyes drank in your expression, your mouth opening so he could hear your breath hitching, the echo of your body humming for him in a song he couldn’t ever stop listening to.
And his heart kicked against his ribs.
You were it. His second chance.
He knew it months ago, maybe even years but it was so damn hard to ignore his soul singing for you at times like this.
“Fuck, Toji feels s’good.”
He hummed in response, leaning down to kiss the place on your neck that made your cunt clench around him and he felt it. He picked up a pace that was slow, fucking up into you at the perfect angle.
“Yeah, you do feel good sweetheart,”
Your tits bounced with every jolt from his hips meeting yours, the wet squelch of his cock bullying into your cunt, he moaned into your neck.
He meant how he was fucking you, but he had every intention to lead you into a false sense of security. His hand squeezed yours before leaving it to grab at your waist again, sitting back straight he looked down on you looking so small under him.
Your legs over his thighs, his huge hands swallowing your little waist and he had such a stunning view of his cock spreading you open from this angle, cum staining that pretty pussy.
He groaned and chewed the inside of his cheek starting to fight himself on changing his pace.
He could keep fucking you like this, all loving and slow, his body was humming for it after how hard you made him cum. The toy was still sat in his ass and quite frankly taking it out at the moment didn’t even cross his mind…
His cock flexing in you made his ass tighten around the toy every time and it felt fucking good.
He didn’t even give a shit he was fucking you like this in a damn maid outfit either.
He pulled out to the tip, moaning a breathy fuck me as he watched your cunt pulse, trying to suck him back in still covered in cum and slick.
His large hands squeezed your waist lovingly, before slamming back into you with such force you almost screamed. Head rolling back to him, your mouth agape, eyes doe eyed in shock at his sudden change.
And you couldn’t help but look at him, holding your waist, sat up with your hips to his smirking down at you in a maid outfit that was straining against his huge form. His black hair sticking to his face in some places, sweat beading down his chest and his veins bulging up his wrists and arms.
Your hand on the arm of the sofa flew to one of his wrists to brace yourself, the other held on firmly to the toy remote you kept hidden from him.
He snorted a laugh, the scar on his mouth twitching as he fought a smirk.
And he started to fucking rut into you, it was vicious, his balls sticking to your ass with every wet plap, plap, plap, of him bullying his thick cock into your pussy.
“F-Fuck, Toji! Fuck! Hah- baby- fuck baby that’s it.”
He sneered, panting out as he used his body to see you both through the stars, finding it still amusing that you were talking like this under him.
It wasn’t what he wanted.
He wanted tears, drool and begging. He wanted your body shaking under him.
So he fucked you nasty, not even slowing as you came around his cock for the third time, feeling your slick and cum drooling past your ass onto his thighs.
“You-you’re a sadistic little whore, hah, look how well you’re taking it. You like this cunt full of my cock, sweetheart?”
“Yeah? Like that bulge in your stomach? Fuck, fuck you take my big dick so well.”
You gave a moany laugh, your hips bucking up into his looking down to see the bulge of his cock appearing everytime his hips met yours, burying himself to the hilt.
“Who’s pussy is this?”
You looked up to him, green eyes already focused on you.
“It’s hah, oh fuck, i-it’s yours-“
One hand left your waist to grip your chin, squishing your cheeks and forming your mouth into a little pout.
“And who is dick this made for?”
“Yeah? It is huh? Fuck, you do look good on it.”
Your breath hitched when he pressed down on the bulge in your stomach, switching angles and your eyes widened when you felt something else stirring in your cunt.
He seen the panic in your eyes, your thighs starting to shake under him as he was fucking you past your limit. He suddenly moved up onto his knees, folding your knees to your head and his hands landed on the arm rest behind your head caging you under him, his dick fucking down into your cunt.
He hit so deep your eyes crossed, small whimpers leaving you as your voice left you, unable to moan with how deep he managed to get his cock into you, it was borderline painful how he was hitting your cervix but you couldn’t find it in yourself to say the safe word.
“Fuck you take me like a champ you little brat,-“ he moaned out, rutting his cock down into you in his little maid outfit, “-fucking look at you, she feels so good swallowing my cock like that. Sloppy pussy is drooling for me sweetheart -hah- shit you gonna cum again? Feels like it! C’mon, give it up. Fuck keep givin’ it to me.”
“T-Toji w-wait, it feels funny -fuck Toji w-wait!”
Of course he ignored you.
He wasn’t planning on listening to you unless you screamed that safe word of his last name.
Your toes curled as you felt yourself explode over him, cumming so hard you squirted over his cock and stomach, and onto yourself.
Green eyes widened as he watched you squirt over yourself, glistening on your tits as he folded you over.
“Holy shit-“ he kept thrusting into you, making sure to make a mess of it as you just kept cumming over him “-shit doll, you can squirt?”
“Y-You asshole! Hah, fuck! Toji you asshole!”
He chuckled above you as you tried to glare at him, unable to hold his gaze long as you thrashed, convulsing under him.
Somehow though you managed to find a second of clarity, fingers pressing that button to the little toy inside his ass and turning it up to full fucking blast.
The moan that left him was unholy, his arms over you buckled, his grip still firm on the arm rest but he dropped back, unfolding you slightly as he moved an arm to the spine of the sofa. His hips jolting into you uncontrollably as the toy slammed against his gspot.
“Huh- fuck, you little b-brat,”
His head tilted back, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he moaned out, the veins in his thick neck showing as his whole body twitched in places.
You huffed under him, trying to get air back into your body as you laid there shaking under him, still half folded and his cock still buried in you, flexing on its own as he got his prostrated fucked by a small toy.
His orgasm hit him so quickly he looked back at you a little stunned, his eyes dazing out and crossing as no noise left him. Gripping your hips again as he humped his cock into you, spilling cum into your swollen pussy.
“Feels fucking good-“ drool spilled from the side of his mouth, “phhh-uck, turn it off will ya? S-Shit,”
You gave an airy laugh and did as he asked, he fell forward onto you, even his own body shaking slightly as he was above your trembling one. Your heavy breathing filling the silence of the living room, the tv noises starting to fade back into your senses and the lights dancing across the room.
“So-“ you panted, patted his back and he lifted himself a bit to glare at you half heartedly. “-shower?”
He grunted in response, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you with him, your legs wrapped around him as he carried you towards the bathroom, his cock still plugged in you but softening.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, planting soft kisses at the scar on his mouth, moving across his cheek.
“So damn clingy-“ you laughed against his cheek, his deep voice sounding tired but content. His soft, wet cock slid from you just as he stepped into the walk in shower and he stood back, ripping the maid outfit off his body like it was tissue.
He threw it onto the floor, reaching over your shoulder to turn on the shower, planting his arms either side of you to hide you under the cold water, letting it warm up before it hit you.
With your back against the cooling tiles, you looked up to his calm face, eyes closed, giving a pleasant hum as the water hit his hot skin. His black hair falling to frame his face as water dripped from the ends, little streams forming on his skin.
You fingers grazed his cheek and his eyes opened to meet yours, still a little glassy from the sex you both had but focused on you softly.
He leaned forward, his forehead pressing to yours for a second before wrapping one arm around your waist, pulling you up against him burying his face into your neck.
“I love ya, it pisses me off, but I do.”
He felt you freeze under him and his arm squeezed you, apprehension spreading through his chest as for a split second he worried he said the wrong thing.
Like him you loved in a unique way, you were never one for the lovey dovey crap and neither was he, it suited him.
He felt you pull back and reluctantly his eyes met yours, now glassy as tears started to build in them.
“I mean it, I ain’t joking around.”
The tears spilled and his tongue clicked.
“Doll, don’t cry, Christ ain’t this suppose to be a good thing?”
You hit his chest playfully, babbling a laugh at him you wiped away at your tears.
“I love you too, you giant softie.”
His nose wrinkled at the insult, never in his life had he considered himself soft in any way. He says one thing to you and you think he’s soft?
He leaned down again burying his face into your neck and letting himself relax, hoping to fucking god you didn’t feel the beat of his heart slamming into his ribs, see the heat creep his neck or see the smirk twitching at his mouth.
Your response and acceptance making him feel like some dumbass schoolboy.
But you had to ruin it.
“Woman, can you just enjoy the silence for one minute?”
“Did you just tell me you loved me, with that toy still in your ass?”
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©pharix/lonelystarrs 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
Yes I used maid Barou as a banner ahahahaha
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
My Father’s Daughter
Relationship: Cooper Howard x Reader(Platonic)
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by @silverose365
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Strong Language
Word Count: 1,393
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: When his buddy calls, Cooper has no clue the whirlwind he is in for.
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“Heya, Coop. Got a minute?” When he picked up the phone, Cooper Howard knew that it was going to be serious. There was no way his old marine buddy would call otherwise.
“Hey, Eric. What’s going on?” He replied, leaning up against the wall of his house.
“I need you to take my daughter. She needs to get away from here. Needs to get away from me.” Eric whispered, losing the bravado he once held so tightly in his voice.
“What do you mean? What’s happening, Eric?” Cooper straightened up as quick as he could and was listening intensely.
“The vaults. I helped with the vaults but they want to send her to one of them as a damn test subject. Should’ve known working for this company was too good to be true.” He kept rambling on, but Cooper was more concerned than ever.
“Eric, I’ll take her. Where are you? Are you guys in any danger?” Refocusing the conversation to the important parts, Cooper was looking around for what he needed to bring with him.
“We’re at a motel in Hollywood. Future Resort on the boulevard.” There was a little commotion on his end of the line.
“Alright Eric, stay there. I’m coming to you. I’ll be there in twenty minutes okay? Stay put. Eric? Eric?” No response. Now Cooper was worried.
“Eric?” He repeated once more, and this time, the man responded.
“Sorry, Coop. That was my daughter. She had a question. Yeah, we’ll stay here. See you soon, Coop.” Both phones were put back on their hooks, and they went about what they needed to do.
True to his word, Cooper arrived at the motel in just under twenty minutes. He may have risked a speeding ticket but there was something more important on the line. Parking the car, he just now realized that Eric had never told him which room he was in. But, the old adage was true; once a marine, always a marine. Scanning his eyes across the room numbers, he found the room he was looking for. Coming upon room twenty, Cooper knocked. The curtains pulled back just a little, and in an instant the door flung open.
“Coop. Good to see you.” Eric brought the man in for a hug, and a pat pat later, Cooper was pulled into the motel room. A young girl sat on the bed reading a book, but was discarded once the man came in.
“Uncle Coop.” She greeted, getting up to hug the man as well. He returned the greetings, before looking back at the girl.
“Ready to go?” He asked, eyeing the suitcase she had on her bed in the room. She nodded solemnly, and picked the case up to start bringing it with her. However, Cooper swooped in and took it from her before she could get it very far. She tried to protest, but the man shot her down every time she tried to take the case back.
“Go say bye to your daddy. I’ll take this out to the car.” Cooper gave one last handshake to his buddy, but the man pulled him in close once more.
“Take good care of her.” Eric whispered, low to the point even Cooper was wondering if he said anything.
“I will.” He whispered back, pulling away and truly seeing the desperation and terror on his friend’s face. Cooper left shortly afterwards, but caught just enough of the farewell between his friend and daughter.
“I don’t wanna leave you daddy.” She cried, hugging her old man tight.
“Ain’t gonna be forever, sweetheart. You’ll see me soon.” He comforted her, but Cooper could hear the worry in his voice that he would not be able to keep his promise.
Their voices faded out from the distance between them as Cooper made his way to his car. Popping the truck, he set the suitcase down in it and leaned against the now closed lid. Thoughts ran wild through his head.
What did Eric mean by “test subject”? The vaults were just supposed to be a means of protection. What had he done that made him so afraid that he felt the need to pack him and his daughter up? What made him feel like Cooper was his only hope to keep his daughter safe?
These thoughts ceased the moment he heard the telltale footsteps of his friend’s daughter walking down the stairs. Her eyes held unshed tears that refused to fall. He opened her door, and without a word, she sat down in her seat. This was not the usual spitfire he knew and had watched grow up. No, this was the face of a young woman who was old enough to know certain things but not old enough to do anything about it.
It took three weeks for her to return to her usual self. Three weeks of laying in her room, depressed, and wanting her father to return. But by that third week, Cooper had found the one thing that brought her out of her shell more than anything; shooting. Being the daughter of a marine, it was not surprising that she was trained on basics from the corps. Watching her sew back together a deep knife cut on her finger, while she barely flinched was impressive.
A shot rang out, and the target had a new hole in it. Cooper was keeping a careful eye on everything while the young woman had been firing the gun. The new hole in question was smack dab in the bullseye.
“You got bullseye, girl. I better catch up or else you’re gonna take my job.” He teased, watching out of his peripheral as she lowered said gun.
“Oh, old man. I already can.” She jested back, playfully hitting the man on his shoulder. He wrapped and arm around her and began the long walk back to the house together. Once inside, he sent her off to get cleaned up before dinner. While he was not the best cook, Cooper could certainly whip up something simple. It was not too much later that he was done, and was plating the meat and potatoes with some extra vegetables on the side.
“Darlin’, dinner is ready!” Cooper called out through the house. He heard the footsteps approach, but then stop.
“Darlin’ come on!” He called again. But the footsteps did not get closer. Going in search of the girl, he found her in front of his radio. Soft music played as the girl just stood there.
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s going on? Dinner is ready.” Cooper stated softly, resting his hand on the girl’s shoulder. She turned to him with the most confused and sad look on her face.
“Oh, darlin’. Now what’s wrong? You got that look on you face.” He inquired, both of his hand now on her shoulders.
“I don’t know how to dance.” She lamented quietly.
“Sweetheart, you don’t know how? Didn’t your daddy ever dance with you? Or did you ever go dancin’ with friends?” Cooper was now curious.
“No,” she shook her head, “I don’t really have many friends because daddy would scare them off. And dance lessons don’t really fit in well with EMT training or hand to hand combat.” After her admission, she turned back to the radio with a forlorn expression. Cooper sat there, dumbfounded, as he processed her words. Before long, he recovered and slipped his hand to lightly grasp hers.
“Well, dancin’ don’t gotta be hard. It’s a simple skill to learn.” While one hand held hers in a soft grasp, the other slipped her hand onto his shoulder. That same hand then landed respectfully on her waist, and they began to sway. There were a couple times where she stumbled, or tripped, or stepped on his toes. But it was alright with him. They kept up their sway all through the rest of the song, only releasing when a faster jive song came on the radio.
The young lady pulled Cooper in for a deep hug. The kind that takes your breath away. Her arms wrapped securely around his neck, while his squeezed around her torso.
“Thanks dad.” She whispered, locked in the hug. Cooper felt the last of his air leave his lungs when he heard her call him that.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He replied, feeling alright with the world for once.
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jwanniie · 9 months
Ohhh I didn't know u write for minji 🤭
Can u do g!p minji x reader making love in the plane?
Yeah i do,🤭 But mostly some soft stuff since she is still 19. But your wish is my command love!❤️
I’m sorry this ain’t that good like I wanted it to be😞😮
Love in the air!🤭
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Well…how did this happen? You honestly don’t know how, but let’s go back to see how you ended up like this…
“Minji our flight is in 30 minutes.” You said while walking towards your gate. Minjis parents booked you and her a flight to Paris so you both could spend your anniversary in a city of romance filled with fashion, good food and last but not least the Eiffel Tower. You both will have a lit candle dinner there alone, with a scene that came straight from the movies.
Seated in the plane, of course in the business class!😚 As soon as you were on the plane,you fell asleep. Your sleeping figure made Minji feel things, one of those things was adoration for you and how breathtaking her girlfriend is and the second is how looking at you made her pants too tight and suffocating. Minji had to keep herself controlled because you are in a literal plane and you are sleeping. But she couldn’t help but start rubbing her length through her pants.
In an hour you woke up looking all innocent and confused. “Did you sleep well baby?” She questioned “yes I did,Jiji” you said giggling and smiling at her. She couldn’t help but smile at how adorable the love of her life was. “Baby… I need your help in something” she said looking away too embarrassed to actually admit what she wants. “Hmm what is it baby?” You questioned eyes big looking all confused which made Minji twitch in her pants. “Meet me in the toilet, in two minutes” she said heading to the restroom, after a while passed you went and followed Minji.
Once you knocked on the door and Minji opened she locked the door and took you in a hungry kiss, like she was being starved all this time. You immediately wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed back with the same effort, she was quick in undressing you. Sliding your shirt off and soon after your pants. Unclasping your bra in one shift motion skillfully. The toilet was small so she just bent you over your head in the direction of the sink and she was behind you, she unbuttoned her pants so only her cock would be exposed. She placed it at your hole and then a second later her whole length was in you. Her thrust were slow but sensual, your moans were getting louder so she had her hand on your mouth muffling your moans. Her steady pace changed to a fast one, hitting your toe curling spots effortlessly. Once you were close and she was close. She grabbed your hips and started rutting them basically meeting her thrust. “Min-Minji I-I’m c-close” you moaned out but getting muffled by her hand. One clench from you and one thrust from her got you both feeling your climax, her hot seed meeting with you juice dripped down your thighs. Now that you both got satisfied she hurriedly cleaned you up and herself and got out like nothing happened.🫢😵‍💫 Have a safe flight to Paris Pookie!!
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When you can't fall asleep - headcanons
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pairings... gn!reader x Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo
fluff! - short scenarios
I apologize for any mistakes in advance - english is not my first language!
Hope you enjoy! xx
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Dazai Osamu
You were tossing and turning in your bed, trying to fall asleep, but even the clock ticking kept you awake. Dazai was sound asleep next to you, and it pretty much pissed you off. He was facing you with his back, peacefully snoring. You bit your lower lip and hugged him from behind, burying your face in his messy hair. You remained in this position for several minutes. Your helpless attempt made you let out a huge sigh. 
Dazai woke up when he felt your huge exhale in his hair and slowly, carefully turned around. "What’s the matter, belladonna?" He asked while yawning. "Did you have a nightmare or something?" His words were blurry; he was still half asleep. 
"I wish." You sighed again, even more painfully. "I can’t fall asleep." You rolled on your back and looked at the ceiling. 
All of a sudden, Dazai snuggled up to you. "I can feel you’re annoyed. Come, come, hurry!" 
You couldn’t guess what was on his mind, but you blindly followed his order and made yourself comfortable in his embrace. You felt a tiny bit better. 
"Now, close your eyes, bella, and focus on my voice." He tightened his arms around you. You could hear his heartbeat in his chest. "One little sheep. Two little sheep…" "You know I’m not a child anymore, right?" You giggled a bit. 
"Sssh, don’t interrupt. Try to relax, okay?" He said in a very gentle tone. You nodded to his chest, but you still feel confused about whether this would be helpful or not. "Now… One little sheep. Two little sheep. Three little sheep." You felt your eyelids get heavier. His voice was somehow calming and soothing. "Four little sheep. Five little sheep. Six little sheep." You let out a silent yawn into his chest. "Seven little sheep. Eight little sheep. Nine little sheep." He gently caressed your back while counting; you felt sleepier already. "Ten little sheep…"
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Chuuya Nakahara
"Chuu, I can’t sleep." You suddenly turned to the ginger, who held you in his arms. You couldn’t tell if he was already asleep until he spoke up.
"Me neither. But…" He stopped for a moment." Wait here." Chuuya pulled out his hands from under your body. "I’ve got a great idea to solve this problem."
He carefully walked out of the dark room. You could hear some glass shattering from the kitchen. In a few minutes, he came back and crawled to the bed. 
"Gimme your hand!" You hesitantly reached out your hand. He placed a wine glass in it, and you heard some gulping sounds. 
"What the hell, Chuu?" You asked doubtfully; you were pretty unsure about the success of this idea.
"Don’t be so picky and trust the process. I’ve heard that drinking red wine before bed helps you fall asleep easier. So, cheers." He raised his glass and toasted with yours.
"I heard drinking on a daily basis is called alcoholism, you know?" You gulped down your drink, then burst out laughing as you heard him choking on his drink from the surprisingly harsh comment. 
"You’re ungrateful. I just wanted to help you, you know, Y/N? And this is what you say in response?" He poured another glass for the both of us. 
You drank up your wine again quickly and put the glass down beside the bed on the floor. You crawled into Chuuya’s lap like a kitten. "Sorry, Chuu" You said in a blurry, sleepy tone. "But… I feel sleepier, you see…" You yawned and curled up even more. 
Chuuya’s huffish attitude washed away as he heard you mumbling. He kissed your forehead and gently caressed your back. "Told you, you ungrateful little…" He smiled warmly in the dark as he heard your breathing paced. 
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Edogawa Ranpo
Ranpo quietly sneaked into your shared bedroom; he was working late again. He stopped for a moment in surprise that you were still wide awake, reading a detective book in bed. "It’s pretty late now, ain’t it, Y/N? Why are you still up?" He sneaked in beside you under the blanket. He leaned in close to get a good look at what you were reading. "Well, at least your choice of book is good for falling asleep quickly. The main character is…" You quickly placed your palm on his mouth. "Ranpo! We've talked about this hundreds of times already. I know you already know who the culprit is in every book I read, but you see, I want to find out myself. So please." You looked up at him with a terribly exhausted look on your face. His emerald green eyes widened even more. 
"Okay, okay, but…" He gently held your hand, which had been on his mouth moments before. "What’s the-" He lightly shook his head, like he had found out the problem himself. "You can’t fall asleep, right?" 
"So that’s the reason why they call you the Greatest Detective in The World." You giggled because of your own teasing comment. "The answer is obviously yes." A huge sigh escaped your lips, and you couldn’t hide the weary look on your face. 
He looked deeply into your eyes and frowned his eyebrows; suddenly, Ranpo turned around and drew out the nightstand’s drawer. He clamorously rummaged through the drawer until he took out a small metal box from it. 
He looked like a little child when he gave you the box. "I think this could help…" He pouted. 
You were a bit suspicious when you opened it. The box was filled with lavender flavored sweets. "I read in an article that lavender helps you fall asleep, so I kept some here for, you know… just in case." 
You were overwhelmed by your happiness since Ranpo never offered his treats to anyone. A huge, warm smile spread across your face, and you leaned in to give him a light peck on his cheeks. "We can share, Ranpo.” His eyes immediately sparkled at the generous offer. “And… thank you."
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▼△▼△▼△▼ Leave your footprints in the replies! ▼△▼△▼△▼
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zepskies · 1 year
Okay, I loved the reader smacking Ben's ass, so can we do an uno reverse of the situation, but lmao it would probably not end well because knowing Ben it probably would've been done during a terribly inappropriate time like a meeting or something, also I know that you didn't explicitly say it was BMD ben and reader but I did read it as such, lmao - salvadoreña anon (lmao it feels a little weird to call myself that because Im also desi lol)
Hello my Latina Lovely! 😘 (Wow! Love that you're also Desi. ❤️)
Aw, hell, you done uno-reversed me…
See this imagine for context: Repaying Soldier Boy for a job well done.
(And yes, I had Break Me Down-verse SB x Reader in my head writing that one as well lol. They're ingrained in me. 😂)
Word Count: 350
Imagine: Ben gets a little payback.  
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Your heels clacked on the tile floor brusquely as you made your way back to your office, over in Surveillance. You carried a stack of paperwork that had to be sorted through—and on Grace Mallory’s desk by end of day today.
Your hair was falling out of its loosening bun, and you tried in vain to blow a piece of it out of your face. The elevator on the opposite end of the hall dinged. The doors opened, and out came your boyfriend, strutting into the hall in his supe suit.
You smiled. “Wow, that was quick. You caught Metallo?”
“Being booked with bendy straws for arms as we speak,” Ben replied with a cocky smile. He headed toward you down the hall. “Gonna grab a bite to eat. Care to join?”
You raised a brow at bendy straws for arms. He really needed to work on how badly he roughed up these supes when bringing them into custody.
“Can’t right now,” you said, gesturing with your eyes to your workload. “But I’ll let you know when I’m ready to head home, if you want to wait for me.”
While you spoke, Ben was busy taking in your white blouse, the dark red lipstick, the pencil skirt, the sexy little heels. It was straight out of one of his fantasies…
Maybe you’d be down for a round of sexcretary after work. His lips curved at the thought.
But then, he remembered how you’d got him to accidentally shatter a nice crystal wine glass the other night, and it got him contemplating some retribution.
“All right. See you then, baby doll,” he said mildly.
When he finally reached you, he gave you a nice smack on the ass as he passed by.
You jolted with a wide-eyed yelp. Ben smirked at the sound.
He’d gotten you with a little more force than he thought though, as it made you lose your grip on your files. They flew from your hands and scattered onto the floor.
You twisted back to meet him with a glare. Ben’s hand clenched and curled back…
Then he gave you a sly grin.
“Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?”  
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AN: So I don't typically post two new fics within the same day (sorry for the spam), but this one was short and essentially a sequel to the other imagine lol. (And my weird brain doesn't like a packed drafts folder. 😉)
I have at least one more SB imagine coming this week. I got a ton of requests this weekend, so thank you all! I really am so flattered. 🥰🥰
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SB Tag List:
@melancholictearz @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @tipthejar @ajjustice @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@mrshalverson2021 @iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @waters-2567 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
@agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesdeanvessel @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @romaka344 @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @ades106 @chernayawidow @beskarfilms
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
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Pairing: Damian Wayne x Fem!reader
Word count: 1.0k
Warning: none
A/N: also reminder all my requests have been completely deleted after I had gotten a new phone. I’ll open up requests later I just don’t know when. I’m a bit disappointed in myself bc I didn’t get to them sooner. So again sorry if your requests won’t be done anytime soon.
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You’re never the first to call.
Most of the time it’s Damian.
Damian needs something in his life that no one in his family could give him. They could, but it wouldn’t be the same if he got it from you. You’re in your room, it’s late. Too late where the streets of Gotham have gone silent—and that alone should say something. You're humming a song of your choice that plays in the background of your bedroom as you sew up a piece of your jacket that you had accidentally ripped when you were out during the day. The music cuts off as your phone beside you starts to ring. It’s a facetime call.
incoming call 🩷🗡️Damian🩷🗡️….:
You’re quick to answer it… pressing the green button as you propped up your phone up against a couple of books you had laying around on your small desk you sat at so he could get a better view of you. There’s a smile on your face when he shows up. I'm your view on the phone. He’s laying down on his bed looking tired and beaten. Damian had just gotten back from a night of patrol before he decided to call you.
“Hi!” You great, he greets you back with a quiet hello “what are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing” you hum as you focus back on your jacket.
“Well, my excuse is I took a nap— at like—I don’t know-five? Maybe six? Anyway I woke up not even an hour ago. So I’ll be up the entire night” you laugh at yourself softly “What about you? Why are you up?” He’s quiet for a moment, and that worries you. He says nothing for a few scones seconds, you look up and stare at your phone—staring at his reflection on the other side of your device. There’s something about him that you can’t read well. And that says something because you could usually read off his emotions based on his expression.
“Just got done with patrol” he finally speaks and you nod slowly “how was your day beloved?” A question that’s quick to get you.
Damian loves listening to you talk about your day, even if it was just you doing absolutely nothing. You are quick with your answer.
“I didn’t do much! I only went to the mall today with a friend and let me tell you—twenty-five dollars in this economy ain’t shit. I think I spend around one hundred dollars? I think and I only went to like three stores but I still have money left over. Also Victoria secret underwear is not for the weak at all. They’re cute but some of them are just eh—not made for wearing them all day—“ you stop yourself from saying anything else. You look at your phone to stare at Damian who says nothing. The more you look at him the more he looks exhausted.
“Come over” a soft smile grazes your lips “‘my parents aren’t home. Away on a business trip or something like that”
“oh?” That seems to spike his interests “what’s the occasion?” You shrug as you think for a moment, your ripped jacket now forgotten and placed aside
“movie night? I was watching a scary movie on Max called Barbarian. I was watching it alone but ten minutes in I got scared” Damian let’s put a small laugh that warms your heart. He’s slowly coming down from whatever he was going through.
“I’ll be there. Just give me a few minutes”
“yay. I’ll see you in a bit. My windows open so you can just come in whenever”
You say your goodbye before you hang up on each other.
When Damian finally comes round you’re in the kitchen standing in front of the microwave as you make popcorn. Too engrossed on your phone you don’t notice him until his reflection covers your screen. You're quick to turn around and greet him with a hug that lasts longer than usual. It had you wondering. It’s not until the sound of your microwave beeping, you two pull apart but not fully. Hands linger on his face longer, palms against his tan cheeks.
“You okay?” Softly, you ask and he nods against your hands—his own hands coming up and grasping yours bringing your palm closer to his lips. He kisses it softly before he nuzzles into them again.
“Yes, with you I’m always okay” you hum as you smile up at him.
“Okay….” The microwave beeps once more, a reminder that the popcorn is ready. You let go of Damian as you make your way towards it, opening it and taking out the hot and steaming bag. You place it on the counter as you go and retrieve a bowl.
“You can go sit on the couch if you want” you say dumping the popcorn into the bowl
“I’ll be there in a minute” he nods but you can’t see, you hear his footsteps disappear as he walks away. You spot Damian sitting on the couch waiting patiently, there’s no expression on his face as he stares blankly at your T.V. A frown paints your lips as you walk up to him and hand him the popcorn—he doesn’t say a word as he takes it from your hand and watches as you search for the remote. When you do find it you sit next to him draping a blanket that was placed over the arm of the couch. There’s a static silence between the two of you as you search for the movie. Damian drapes his arm over your shoulder—leaning down onto you.
“Tired?” You laugh slightly—hand coming up to ruffle his black hair as you press play on the movie. He shakes his head
“No. I’m never tired” he smiles
“Okay, whatever you say” rolling your eyes playfully you lean closer to him. The popcorn was now in your hands, placed on your lap. Damian arms were wrapped around you protectively. You two to engrossed in the movie you were watching
Damian was always okay. He just missed you. Today was the first time he’s been over your house in the past six months and talking to you through the phone wasn’t doing any justice to him. Missing you kinda gives him a home sick-y feeling.
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Also I recommend watching Barbarian on MAX. It’s not really a jump scare kind of horror movie. It’s more like an uneasy kind of movie. 10/10. Although I do have to give a warning bc there is blood and gore and also mentions of rape and incest.
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ashleyfilm · 2 months
Seeing Clearly - Chapter 3. Joel's House
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Please leave comments, I'd love to know your thoughts. And if you feel inclined to reblog, that would be so nice.
Chapter Warnings: cursing, talk of body image, negative comments about body image (not by reader or joel), talk of SA and violence (past), There Will Be Smut, (eventually) Minors - DNI
Characters: Jackson!Joel Miller x F!Reader Plus Size. F!OC was recommended to me since there's a lot of description of her but I'm writing her as You (Reader) so hopefully you can still imagine yourself. Black hair, glasses, tattoos, big body, wears dark clothes, won't stop talking. Joel is tv show Jackson Joel.
Story Summary: Joel just saved your life, begrudgingly. He doesn't know exactly why but he brings you back to Jackson and you ingratiate yourself into his very small circle and his life. This takes place after season 1 of TLOU and season 2 doesn't exist in my brain because no.
Chapter Summary: You enter Joel's house for the first time and get to know him a little bit.
Thank you to @saradika-graphics for the book line divider. :)
Chapter 1 Here Chapter 2 Here
Chapter 3. Joel's House
You finally catch up to Joel as the two of you approach a surprisingly lovely two-story house. Is that a front porch swing? As you get to the door, Joel stops so abruptly you knock into his back. Oh, his back, it’s so big, and he’s taller than you and you smell the pine, musk and vanilla, maybe. And it’s intoxicating. He smells so good. Your eyes flutter closed and breathe him in. You’re startled back to earth by his low, stern drawl, “Look, this is my house and you’re a guest, so no wanderin’ around, no snoopin’, don’t take things that aren’t yours and stay outta my way.” Something about Joel giving you orders makes you feel a slight pull beneath your belly button. Something to unpack later, there. “Aye, aye!” You respond and he does one of his signature sighs, side-eyeing you and finally opens the door.
It's so cozy in here, it’s a home. A real home. There’s a set of stairs just to the right when you walk in the door, and the living room is to the left, a couch that looks more comfortable than anything you’ve slept on in decades. There’s a fireplace and on top a beautiful drawing of a black horse with a mane like your own hair, silky black with streaks of gray. Can Joel draw? No way, maybe Ellie did it. Then you see the little carvings. A moose made of dark mahogany wood; a wolf made of a lighter almost ivory shade. Okay, that’s got Joel written all over it. You don’t know how it’s possible you missed it when you walked in, maybe because it’s so foreign to you now but there’s a TV in the corner of the room on a tv stand. You gasp, holding a hand to your chest, “Does that work?”
When you turn to look at Joel, you realize he’s been watching you intently, observing as you take everything in. And there’s something in his gaze that makes your skin flush, like he’s proud to show this home to you. He shakes his head almost to clear his mind and come back to reality. “Yeah, we have some movies on tape we can watch from the library.” And that’s what does it. You start crying, fat wet tears down your cheeks. You can’t help it. You don’t sob, it’s just water, silently leaking down your face. “Darlin’ hey, you’re okay.” Joel comes to put a hand on your shoulder, and you don’t even realize the pet name he’s just called you, much to his relief. Voice shaky, “I’m sorry, Joel, I don’t know what’s come over me. I just never thought I would see a movie ever again in my life. I know it might seem trivial or whatever, but I went to school for filmmaking and wanted to be a director all my life and before everything, before, this was my life.” You look in his eyes now and again you’re shocked by the fucking depth of emotion they carry. He doesn’t want to show you, but his eyes do it anyway.
“Ain’t nothing trivial about it, Ash. I guess I should tell you the town has weekly movie nights, there’s popcorn and a big screen and everything.” You gasp, the tears have finally stopped, and you wipe them away, and you smack Joel on the arm, “Shut up, Joel, oh my god!” He can’t stop the chuckle that leaves his mouth, “I promise, on my life. This week its Jurassic Park, I just found that one on patrol last week.” “I LOVE JURASSIC PARK.” You’re yelling now. “Alright, alright, we’ll go, its Friday evenin’ – um, 3 days from now, it’s Tuesday, today.” Joel says, smiling just a little. You look at him now, and he looks softer, you think you see the brother of Tommy, the dad to Ellie, and maybe he could be a friend to you. “You’ll go with me?” You ask meekly. Joel shakes his head, smirking a little, “Yeah, yeah, don’t make a big deal of it. Now, its late and you’re sure as shit exhausted so head upstairs, your room’s the door on the left. Mine’s on the right, MINE, meanin’ its off limits to you. Maria left you some clothes and things in the room you might need, the showers got towels and everything ya need in there. Get a shower and get some sleep.” You nod, smiling at how he’s taking care of you without even realizing it. He’s such a dad. You walk to the stairs and kick your worn old boots off and leave them by the door. As you make your way up the stairs, you stop and look at Joel, “Thank you.” “It’s nothing,” he replies, not looking at you. “No, Joel,” you wait till he finally meets your gaze, “you saved my life, and you brought me to heaven on earth as far as I’m concerned...thank you.” His lip ticks up in a grin and you see it, the dimple in his cheek and it takes your breath away. Well, you’re officially fucked. “Get some sleep, Ash.” Your cheeks flush and you continue up the stairs. You’ll do anything to see that dimple again and as many times as possible after.
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Warning: talk of body image, negative comments about body image (not by reader or joel), talk of SA and violence (past).
You wake up early the next morning, the sun shining in through the window of your small, incredible, beautiful bedroom. YOUR BEDROOM with a bed and a door and a lock and a window that’s not broken. You slept so well, clean with a full stomach, in the most comfortable bed with sheets and pillows, multiple pillows. Hugging your curves and alleviating your back. You could just lay here for days, but you’re restless and you’re wondering what you did in a past life to end up here like this. You don’t think you deserve it. You sit up and stretch, the sleep shirt you’re wearing revealing your plush tummy, you grab for your trusty glasses on the nightstand and your shorts that ride up on your thick thighs and round ass. Even in the apocalypse with little food and a lot of walking, you’ve held onto your weight for the most part. Thicker than most others. Some strange phenomena. People you’ve run into during your journey over the last 20 years have questioned it. Accused you of stealing food, being lazy around the Nashville QZ. Men in the QZ ogling you, their wives or girlfriends blaming you, calling you a slut. Busting your lip open with their fists after catching you in an alley alone. Raiders telling you they haven’t seen a woman like you in years, calling you a fat bitch while assaulting you. But you never turned that in on yourself, you were happy with your body, she kept you alive. She survived everything. Your mind on the other hand…well that’s a different story.
You decide that there is something you can do to try and balance the scales. It’s not much but everyone loves breakfast, right? So, you pad down to the kitchen and start cooking, eggs and bacon. They have bacon here. Are you dead? Is this even real? You even see a loaf of sourdough bread, okay you’re making toast, obviously. You get to work and soon you notice Ellie and Joel come in from different sides of the kitchen. Oh Joel. He’s in flannel pajama pants that ride low on his hips and a thin t-shirt that strains to keep from tearing on his beautiful biceps. You thought maybe you made it up, maybe you were sleep deprived and starving and your eyes tricked you. No, nope, he really is incredible. “MMMMMM, hell yes, breakfast!” Ellie exclaims as she goes to pour herself some juice from the fridge. Joel grunts, “Who said you could go through the fridge and start cookin’.” You look at him with guilt in your eyes about to apologize when Ellie saves you, “Oh, stuff it, old man, she made you breakfast, say thank you, mind your manners. Isn’t that always what you tell me?” She winks at you, and you bite back the smile on your face. “Uh, thank you.” Joel coughs out. “Okay, sit down you two, I just have to plate the eggs and we’ll be – FUCK!” You scream as you grab the piping hot handle of the pan the eggs are sizzling in. Clanging it back on the stovetop.
In a flash, Joel is at your side, holding your left wrist and looking at the long red burn mark on your palm. He walks you over to the sink and turns on the tap of cold water, placing your burning palm underneath the stream. “It’s okay,” he coos, as you audibly wince, “You gotta keep it under here for a good long while to help keep it from scarrin’ too bad.” You’re not looking at your hand anymore, you’re looking at Joel. “How do you know that?” you ask timidly. He doesn’t take his eyes or his hand off your injured one, “Parents pick that kind of stuff up.” And you know he’s not referring to Ellie, but you don’t press. Speaking of Ellie, she’s got a huge, stupid grin on her face watching this interaction while scarfing down bacon. Still quiet you say only to Joel, “I haven’t cooked in two decades, I forgot the handle heats up.” He finally finds your eyes not expecting you to be looking right into his, he startles like a wild animal and drops your wrist. You instantly become colder without his touch.
He speaks, gruff and a bit louder now, “Well, watch it next time and go sit down, I’ll get the eggs.” You sit down at the table next to Ellie in what will soon become your designated seat, and Joel comes to sit beside you after dolling out the eggs. Ellie makes to grab your wrist, slowly, making sure you’re okay with it, “Can I see?” You nod and hold out your burned palm, “EWWW, its gonna scab, and then its gonna peel, can I see it when it starts to peel?” Joel about to take a bite of the eggs, “Ellie, can you not, tryin’ ta eat here. Ugh.” Ellie starts to giggle and so do you. Then you hear Joel moan, and you look over to see his eyes closed and notice he’s savoring the eggs you cooked him. You try to contain your squeak of excitement but fail and his eyes flick open to you like he’s been caught. “Okay, okay, I’ll give it to you, you make way better eggs than me, and no shells, good job.” Ellie watches you as you smile into your glass of water and Joel as he smirks just a little showing his dimple and she starts placing bets in her head on which one of you is going to fold first.
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