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Sunteți pregătiți pentru Diana Șoșoacă prim-ministră?
În aceste momente dramatice, pline de ură și de înjurături din partea unei pături sociale care a fost complet inactivă până acum, apare un alt factor ce ar trebui să ridice steulețul roșu de alarmă pentru toată lumea. Nu am avut campanie electorală Surprinzător sau nu, anul ăsta nu am avut campanie electorală. Nu știm ce partide candidează, nu știm nici cine sunt candidații lor, nu știm ce…
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«Ils veulent cacher leurs plans diaboliques»: l’UE et l’OTAN ont verrouillé la Roumanie pour conduire le peuple roumain à la guerre, prévient le roumain Calin Georgescu
[Le peuple roumain et les autres]
«La presse n'est plus libre», rapporte le candidat roumain, vainqueur du premier tour de l’élection présidentielle annulée.
Les membres du Club roumain de la presse sont menacés d'emprisonnement par les institutions de l’Etat. Aucune discussion sur un avenir prévisible –l’éminence de la guerre– n’est plus autorisée.
La Cour constitutionnelle de Roumanie a aussi disqualifié la candidate de SOS Roumanie; Diana Sosoaca.
Le motif?
Ses déclarations publiques et son comportement violent «systématiquement» le fondement constitutionnel de l'appartenance du pays aux structures euro-atlantiques.
On ne peut plus clair.
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Members of the European Parliament voted on Wednesday by 508 to 53 with 104 abstentions for a resolution calling on Russia to respect Moldova’s independence and cease political interference ahead of presidential elections and a referendum on EU integration in Moldova on October 20.
The resolution denounced “voter bribery, cyber operations and information warfare”, according to the European Parliament website.
It said there were “a plethora of malicious actors, including pro-Russian Moldovan oligarchs and Russia’s state-funded RT network” involved in trying to sway voters against Moldova’s pro-European orientation.
The resolution noted that Moldovan security services have estimate that Russia has spent approximately 100 million euros to undermine the upcoming electoral process to get Moldovans to vote against closer ties with the EU.
The resolution came as the EU reportedly slapped sanctions on the pro-Russian governor of Moldova’s southern Gagauzia region, Evghenia Gutul, according to Radio Free Europe.
Gutul, who claims her pro-Kremlin, anti-EU local administration in Gagauzia has the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has previously been sanctioned by the US.
She and other officials in Gagauzia were sanctioned for alleged attempts to destabilise the country in cooperation with the oligarch Ilan Shor. Convicted of large-scale fraud, Shor is currently a fugitive from justice and lives in Moscow, from where he has been seeking to influence the upcoming referendum.
The other official sanctioned were Yuri Cuznetov, deputy head of the department for external relations, Ilia Uzun, deputy president of the executive committee of Gagauzia, Mihail Vlah, deputy governor and press adviser to Gutul, and Evrazia, a pro-Shor organisation.
Gutul has not yet commented on the sanctions but said on X on Tuesday that “elections in Moldova have ceased to resemble any kind of democratic process” because of court cases against her and her allies.
In a separate development on Tuesday, a Russian-Ukrainian citizen involved in political activities on the part of pro-Russian parties in Moldova before the October 20 elections was deported to Ukraine after being arrested in Chisinau.
Ukraine’s security service, the SBU, said that the deportee, Dimitri Cistilin, 60, was “one of the Kremlin’s ideologues of the ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine”.
The SBU also stated that Cistilin is an assistant to Vladimir Putin’s former adviser, Sergei Glaziev, who was involved in the takeover of the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine and in developing an “‘information warfare strategy’ that justified the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia”.
Cistilin faces life imprisonment and the confiscation of his property in Ukraine if convicted.
Ukrainian intelligence officers stated that Cistillin interfered in the Moldovan elections through his involvement in organising a ‘March of Peace’ in Chisinau on October 6.
At the march, priests prayed for the well-being of Victoria Furtuna and Vasile Tarlev, two candidates for the presidential elections who are alleged to be close to the Kremlin and the fugitive oligarch Shor.
Before Moldova, from September 20-22, Cistillin was in Bucharest, Romania, where he organised a discussion event involving Diana Sosoaca, an MEP with pro-Russian views, and as well Moldovan presidential candidate Furtuna.
The Chisinau authorities believe Russia’s interference in the presidential elections and in the October 20 referendum is intended to derail Moldova from its path towards EU membership.
Moldova was granted candidate status by EU in June 2022 and has set a target date of 2030 for accession.
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Romanya Senatörü Sosoaca, Avrupa Birliği'nin üye ülkelerin gelişimini nasıl engellediğini çarpıcı bir şekilde ortaya koyuyor. Bu korkunç engelin ardındaki gerçekler ve etkileri üzerine derinlemesine bir inceleme.
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Yamal vuelve al ‘once’ y el Alavés cambia la mitad del equipo

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El Tribunal Constitucional de Rumanía invalida la candidatura presidencial de la ultraderechista Diana Sosoaca
PorNewsroom Infobae
06 Oct, 2024 11:04 a.m. EST

El Tribunal Constitucional de Rumanía ha anunciado este pasado sábado la invalidación de la candidatura presidencial de la ultraderechista Diana Sosoaca, líder del partido SOS Rumanía, una decisión que ha tenido lugar durante los preparativos de las elecciones presidenciales: dos rondas que se celebrarán el 24 de noviembre y el 8 de diciembre, con elecciones parlamentarias de por medio, en un escenario muy fragmentado. Sosoaca, cuyo partido obtuvo dos escaños en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del pasado mes de junio, ha criticado duramente la decisión a través de un directo en Facebook donde ha asegurado que "Estados Unidos, los judíos y la Unión Europea han conspirado para decidir de antemano las elecciones" y pedido explicaciones inmediatas al Constitucional. La invalidación de su candidatura podría provocar una redistribución de votos entre los electores soberanistas que, según los analistas políticos, podría favorecer a George Simion, líder de la Alianza para la Unión de los Rumanos (AUR), quien vería incrementadas sus posibilidades de pasar a segunda ronda contra el primer ministro socialdemócrata del país, Marcel Ciolacu. Cabe recordar que Sosoaca fue expulsada en verano de una sesión de la Eurocámara por aparecer con un bozal de perro y empezar a gritar "En Dios confiamos" después de que la eurodiputada francesa Valerie Hayer, del grupo Renovar Europa, abogara por la incorporación del derecho al aborto al Tratado de la UE. Durante un acto del Día de la Amistad Rumania-Israel en el Parlamento rumano, gritó "Larga vida a la Guardia" en referencia a la Guardia de Hierro rumana, un movimiento fascista, ultranacionalista, clericalista y antisemita formado en la primera mitad del siglo XX. EL GOBIERNO PIDE CELERIDAD AL TRIBUNAL El alto tribunal rumano no se ha pronunciado por ahora sobre sus razones pero es habitual que la corte espere unos días para publicar un argumento razonado. No obstante, Ciolacu ha expresado ya públicamente su preocupación con la decisión del tribunal, al que ha pedido que publique cuanto antes los motivos para no inflamar tensiones. "La decisión en el caso de la señora Diana Sosoaca, parece a primera vista y a falta de una justificación, desproporcionada en relación con el principio democrático fundamental de elegir y ser elegido", ha hecho saber el primer ministro en una comparecencia recogida por el portal de noticias rumano Capital. "El papel principal del Constitucional", ha añadido "es defender a los candidatos y su derecho a ser elegidos, no ser un obstáculo para su participación en las elecciones y siempre defenderé que los cargos deben ganarse en las urnas mediante el voto popular, porque esa es la esencia de la democracia". "Creo que el Tribunal Constitucional debe presentar rápidamente el razonamiento que sirvió de base a esta decisión y que debe contener argumentos jurídicos y constitucionales sólidos", ha zanjado el primer ministro

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Nu exista mitinguri politizate si controversate
Legea nu interzice. Daca cineva vrea sa aiba si are deja ambitii sau sperante prin "eu tin cu partidul x si automat y este de vina", o face si prin "mitingurile sunt politizate".Indiferent daca este vorba de PSD sau SOS, prin senator Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca.
LEGE nr.60 din 23 septembrie 1991 privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea adunărilor publice
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Ucraina anunță sancțiuni împotriva Dianei Șoșoacă. Reacția senatoarei: „Cum își permite?” | Digi24
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ja, Sosoaca, a maszkellenes bolond néni?
ő is indulni szeretett volna az elnökválasztáson, de a partypooper alkotmánybíróság nem engedte :Đ

hogyhogy a redditről kell megtudnom a román Bane létezését és @unatkozorobotok még nem posztoltál róla?? :D
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Liderul protestelor anti-vaccin din Zalău indeamna la vaccinare : Îmi pare rău că nu m-am vaccinat
Liderul protestelor anti-vaccin din Zalău indeamna la vaccinare : Îmi pare rău că nu m-am vaccinat

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The nationalistic right-wing Alliance for the Union of Romanians, AUR, has started a campaign to attract smaller nationalist parties, some with far-right leanings, ahead of the 2024 elections, gathered in an “authentic sovereignist choir”.
“AUR is a constantly growing force. This thing is more and more visible. The more our strength grows, the more [others] come to us. We will make the necessary selection and welcome all who deserve and correspond to our principles and values, ” AUR leader and MP George Simion said on Tuesday evening.
Next year, Romania will hold European, local, parliamentary and presidential elections.
“We want to unite because only together can we help Romanians. We don’t keep our doors closed. We’ve proved that we did not make a party for ourselves and a group of close people and that we are open to all who can do something for the country”, ther co-president of AUR, Senator Claudiu Tarziu, said.
AUR has already presented a narrative of winning the elections, pedalling a nationalist, Euro-skeptic and anti-NATO agenda, which matches Moscow’s own narratives.
Its “entire ideology … fits the type of narrative pushed in the West by Russian propaganda,” wrote Dan Tapalaga, editor of the G4Media , an influential Romanian independent news portal, in an analysis.
He described the party as “extremist and anti-Semitic … based on isolationist nationalism, anti-Europeanism, economic nationalism, traditionalism and [Christian] Orthodoxy”.
Simion said he was out to beat the “so-called democratic bloc” in 2024.
“In 2024, two ‘army corps’ will fight. The so-called democratic block PSD-PNL-UDMR [Social Democratic Party, PSD; National Liberal Party, PNL and Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, UDMR] will fight the sovereignist pole, concentrated around AUR … We need to win these elections,” he said.
AUR has brought into the party a businessman of Israeli origin, Ilan Laufer, and another, Mohammad Murad, of Lebanese origin, to signal that ethnicity and religion are no bar to membership of its nationalist projects.
Previously, Simion was accused of anti-Semitic attitudes for praising Marshal Ion Antonescu, the leader of Romania in World War II and the figure most responsible for the mass killing of its Jews and Roma. Simon rejected these accusation after he had a meeting with the Israeli ambassador to Romania.
Simion also stated that AUR is based on four pillars – the Romanian nation, the family, freedom and the Christian faith.
He further stated that the legacy of Corneliu Vadim Tudor, the former leader of the Great Romania Party, PRM, who championed anti-Western, homophobic, xenophobic and anti-Hungarian views in the 1990s, must be continued. That was why he welcomed his daughter, Lidia Vadim, into the party. However, Simion has publicly insisted that he has no anti-Semitic views himself.
Judging by recent opinion polls, AUR and one other Romanian nationalist party could win seats in the European Parliament elections.
According to the latest Avangarde opinion poll, from last month, AUR stands to win 19 per cent of the votes in those elections, while the party of Diana Sosoaca, formerly of AUR, S.O.S Romania, would win 5 per cent, allowing it to cross the electoral threshold.
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la protestele din bucuresti au fost adunati sosoaca, tzanca uraganul si bahmuteanca. i still maintain the opinion ca mai lipsea doar dan diaconescu
mai tineti minte cand se facea misto de dancila si ca cineva mai praf decat ea nu exista? Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
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Tate instructed two associates to tell Mr Simion and Ms Iovanovici-Sosoaca that supporting him would be “very good for their careers”
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