#Sorry I'm a bit late replying!
causeimanartist · 2 months
hey!! i just wanted to tell you that i really love your art! in fact, your batman/dc art was a major part of what got me into dc as a whole (if it wasn't the inciting incident on its own lol)!! i love your bruce in particular—it's hard not to when YOU clearly love him.
wishing you the best in all regards but particularly health, rest, and creativity (those can be hard to come by sometimes)
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Aaah thank you so much!! It means so much to me to hear this 💙
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zariyen · 1 year
Do you have any art tips for beginner artists?
hi! i'll do my best to list the most useful ones for me from the top of my head! but if you're asking about something specific, lmk too!
always use references! this is 100% the fastest way to improve quickly! and don't forget if you're posting artworks using references, to always ask for permission if needed and to credit the reference! here's a very good post with links to various art tutorials and references :) try to do things out of your comfort zone!
i remember my sister drilling this into my head as a kid lmao: if you're going to draw people, make it a habit to draw the whole body, not just a face or bust. this way you can improve drawing the face and body at the same rate, rather than perfect the face and have like. a shoddy body HAHAHA (<- speaking from experience - my sister warned me but i still did not listen) here's an example from when i was 12 lol i went so hard on the eyes but my anatomy wasn't great so the drawing looks kind of goofy
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if i'm being honest nothing has really changed even now HAHAHA you can still tell i spend too much time on the faces and neglect my anatomy studies a lot 🥲
3. don't worry too much about building a signature art style if you're a beginner! experiment and imitate art styles that you like, and it'll eventually develop into something you're comfortable with
4. speaking of art styles, Naoki Saito-sensei does very in-depth art videos for people looking to develop and improve their art, and he covers a variety of different topics! the link i provided is for his new YouTube account, since his first one was unrightfully terminated :( since it's new, there aren't a lot of videos up yet but he'll be re-uploading all his old ones soon
5. this video by tppo is also a useful tutorial/explanation for style breakdowns, using Mika Pikazo-sensei's artworks! also another good reference for building art and colouring styles
6. unless you're going for a specific art style, try not to use black colours for shading. Instead, try using a darker version of your base colour with the hue slightly adjusted. it's a little difficult to explain so i made a tiny diagram underneath:
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it makes the colours pop a lot! Kurahana Chinatsu-sensei and Akiakane-sensei are really good at doing this 😭💖 that can also apply to lineart! but again, only if you're going for this kind of colourful art style :') do what feels right to you!
7. lastly try to enjoy drawing! if you do what you enjoy, learning and improving will come so much easier to you :) i can understand the urgency to improve (it's like my default state of mind 🥲) but if you keep focusing on that, drawing will eventually just start to overwhelm and frustrate you. try to combat it by doing something self-indulgent! i like to draw my ocs whenever i start getting burnt out :')
8. actually i lied this is the last one!! never give up!! it's so easy to feel bad or frustrated about your art no matter where you are in your art journey, so what i like to do to try and fight that is to look at my old art and compare the improvements! here's one of the earliest oc drawings i could find from my childhood vs my most recent oc drawing :pensive:
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doodlingwren · 7 months
Hi hellooo- i saw that you started follow me and i asked my self "why and how a talented artist made brain connections to decide to follow this low quality artist", did i look funny? 🥺
Do I look talented? 🤨😳
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Same anon about buggy hate here
Yeah I do think it’s especially funny when I see hate from die hard OP fans who definitely are up to date. They just misinterpreted 1082 because they want to hate this character. And for no actual reason whatsoever, other than they want their cool hot characters to be always on top (not that I don’t find buggy hot, please buggy simps spare my life)
I think of buggy more like an absent minded character though. Like I don’t think he’s just dumb dumb, but definitely he has this great comedy moments, coming from his hotheadedness and completely not paying attention. I genuinely think he’s one of the funniest OP characters. And I do think 1082 was big change of that in a way. He didn’t lose those characteristic, he just got more.
Tbh I didn’t even mean it in shippy way? I don’t really engage that much with shipping other than zolu tbh. I guess it could be interpreted in shippy way though so yeah… I meant just dynamics that people choose to portray between those two. Definitely just see a lot of zolu/shanks/buggy mix there which is… kinda iffy to me. People already have this type of relationship there but something stopping them from engaging
And yeah shanks and buggy literally have insane bond just on the fact of their shared experiences growing up. Just that fact is enough to make shanks like buggy, or see him as brother, or whatever you want to portray them as. (I’m more on brotherly bond but hey, it’s just marine’s interpretation, so nothing canon! Not hating on any shippers here). And I truly do think shanks just genuinely likes that guy. As in his character. The way he acts. He loves being playful with him, like me and my siblings. For me it’s like someone saying to me “why you love your sisters, she’s annoying”. That’s my sister and I don’t care how others see her. She’s just mine and always will be. You know? So definitely I agree with your point (in twisted way, agree bond exist, just different interpretation)
I’m sure buggy will have nice arc with cool finish. Probably do have some kind of moment about shanks too. It’s just makes sense from writing point and I think deep inside many people hate that fact.
Thanks for taking your time with answering me!
As somebody who reads chapter 1082 every day (a normal amount of times, thank you very much) people misinterpreting it makes my blood boil.
And I wish I could expand on what you've already said but I think we've talked about everything I've had in mind? Like, yes, Buggy is still himself even after 1082. In fact, it just added depth to his character and made him even better. The ships thing is pretty real too, and people often are afraid to engage with new dynamics and stick to what's safe. And it doesn't even need to be romantic, if you see them in a platonic way that's cool too, the point is that Shanks still cares for him and has his reasons to love Buggy.
I'm not even worried about Buggy's arc because I trust Oda with this, so we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
For the unpopular opinions ask: If a time traveller/wizard/genie gave me a choice between getting to listen to the next Arctic Monkeys album years in advance OR getting to read a short-story collection written by Alex, I'd be far more tempted by the latter... 😅🥰
Hope you're having a lovely day too! 💖
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
oh my god i would trade in just about ANYTHING to get to read a short story collection by alex 😭😭 or any of his written prose, tbh. it's an actual crime that a choice of three is the only piece of that nature we've got to see besides a few wonderful little glimpses here and there from interviews. i am absolutely IN LOVE with the way he writes - which is something i obviously already knew from hearing his lyrics, but god. his prose?? i would be absolutely fascinated to get to dive into that a little more. a choice of three is just incredible. in fact, i think i'm going to have to go and listen to it again right now 🙈
don't get me wrong, i'd love to hear the next monkeys album - but i'm also actually quite happy to wait for it (although not too long please boys 🙏) and let it unfold at its own pace whenever the time is right for it. but getting to read short stories by alex?? not to be dramatic, but i'd consider selling my soul for that, actually. i'd be SO fascinated to see what he writes about at this point in his life too. like, choice of three was amazing but it also felt very much like a piece of alex from that era, you know? given the kind of things he's experienced since then and gone on to create with tbh+c and the car, i'd be fascinated to know what directions his prose has evolved into too.
anyway i'll stop rambling now! thank you for letting me fleetingly entertain the wonderful possibility of getting to read alex's short stories 💗 i hope you're having a wonderful day and that you're still enjoying a post-gig high from qotsa last night 😘
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marazhai · 8 months
why do you dislike bg3 so much? just curious, no judgement. all i've seen for the game so far is praise, so that's why i'm asking!
Oh, I don't dislike it, but I do think it's very much overrated. The only thing that separates it from the other cRPGs is that it has full voice acting (love it!) and mo-cap (I wish all that money and resources went into writing instead) but those two qualities are not what makes a cRPG good. Not to mention, they keep changing and adding stuff here and there to cater to their loudest fans and Reddit bros. Good for them, I guess?
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coollyinterferes · 8 months
*taps mic; a certain gentleman is standing right beside him*
"Good evenin', everyone!! We're back!! Hope you didn't miss us much!"
"It sure hasn't been that long.... has it....?"
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randomnameless · 1 year
Here's a thing, even if Supreme Leader was trying to dismantle some corrupted system, she should do it in her own country, not conquer two sovereign countries over the pretense of "well they used to be part of Adrestia so they belong to me". I swear this game brainwashed people into thinking imperialism is okay after years of basically saying "no, it's not".
Given how Ionius was yeeted away from Nopes, I don't even know if we're supposed to look at Adrestia's own corruption - even if Adrestian NPCs are Supremely Aware and we have instances of Adrestia's finest Double Standard and we have the hilarious Ferdie line about the Kingdom having much more crested soldiers and generals than the Empire, when just checking the data of the game through all routes reveals it's much more nuanced than that!
(but how much of theDouble Standard is just Adrestia being Adrestia or those randoms being educated thanks to the propa- I mean the "information campaign" machine, idk).
At the end of the day it's not the premise of having a revanchist invasion by an Empire that, imo, really bothers in Nopes, but it's how this "campaign" is played completely straight, and everyone, even on the opposite sides, just passively accepts it, pushing everything under the rug because "IdEaLs" and "ReFoRmS" - and that's what some people said about the game wanting to sound "smart", we read and hear about those complex notions - reforms, nobility, systems, etc etc - but they are never developped.
Heck, Ferdie is the one who pushes the idea of "Imperial Schools" were randoms, regardless of their backgrounds, would be able to sit for imperial exams and become imperial civil servants, but without even making RL parallels and how the RL system was (or still is in some countries!) completely corrupt, there's no dissident voice, or anyone going all "yes sure, but what good would it be to be able to go to school if you are starving because no one is left make sure basic needs are provided and satisfied?".
That's what some people meant by the tech tree and the reasoning, I suppose, watsonian wise, behind the "ban" of the printing press - what would be its use if a majority of your people are illiterate because they cannot "waste" time going to school and have to work on the fields instead to make ends meet or just to have something to eat?
It's not something you can ignore when you talk about societal changes, but the game hammers "ReFoRmS" and "IdEaLs" while the rest of the cast holds the idiot ball to make the story believable, because no amount of "no u" could save it otherwise.
And I'd say it's the same for the imperialism depicted in Nopes and FE16, even during that sorry excuse of a parley, there's no real answer to "why the eff are you forcing my people to follow your reforms, can't you just reform your country?", we derail instead to "wow ur strong" "no i was weak" "okay we won't see eye to eye let's fight then" "okay".
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ahogedetective · 2 months
dress up: your muse helps my muse get ready by doing their hair/makeup since they cannot see themselves in the mirror. ~ Kiko <3
Let them help each other damnit I def have to tackle my drafts out other vampy one is somewhere in there XD
{ vampire inspired prompts ! }
With them being unable to see themselves in the mirror, Shuichi and Kiko were each other's 'mirrors', essentially. Kiko would make sure Shuichi's hair and clothes look presentable, while he does the same for her.
Right now, he was carefully brushing her hair. Thankfully it was a completely cloudy day, so sunlight wasn't going to be as much of a problem for them. "Ah, is there a particular way you wanted to wear your hair, today? Like keeping it down, or in a ponytail? Or braided? As long as you still bring your parasol with you, you will not have to worry about needing a hat for this weather..."
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Since otherwise, it would be hard to do most hairstyles with a hat on. He's even been studying fashion magazines to get a better idea on how to properly brush and style women's hair for her, too..
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darlenicy · 1 year
Hi!!! I'm very new to your acc but I absolutely love it here (cuz I love winx haha). I was curious - noticed in your bio it says that winx ends after the first movie. Do you personally dislike movie 2 and season 4? This is not an attack on your opinion, I am genuinely interested to hear your thoughts! Unless it's been answered before ofc.
OH MY, THANK YOU <3 Your kind words mean a lot and I am happy, that you enjoy my content >v<
About my bio: I just think Winx became pretty cringe after the first movie and to be honest, the first movie would have been a perfect ending. Bloom got her home planet and her parents back and has become a full Enchantix fairy and everything is alright. (And we got a hint of the Trix at the end, like and open end but that was good. Everyone could've had their own hcs what happens after TLK.) I can't really say if I like the second movie or not. i KINDA like it but it's already cringy and doesn't give a sh*t on continuity (why do they already have Belivix powers, why is Nabu still there etc.). But it's still fun to watch if one doesn't take it too seriously. xD
I recently watched s4 for the first time and comparing it to s5, it was watchable. Totally. But I kinda missed the original Winx spirit and was no fan of the earth setting (and the Love and Pet Shop, ugh). The idea of the earth fairies was excellent and I like Roxy a lot but as I said, I missed the real Winx spirit. It's just gone and unfortunately, Winx feels like cheap mass production to earn money in the newer seasons (but I will watch all of them now, I try my best but it takes a lot of effort for me to watch s5. I really have to force myself😂).
If you're interested in my thoughts on movie2 and s4, I wrote a messy reaction review for both (even though the one from the movie is quite a while ago and I will update it at some point). 😀
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waci-illstr · 2 years
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gas-station-chai · 1 year
Yo Chai, I was thinking about cosplaying Jack on tiktok and basically no one I know is into tftgs, can you think of any audios that would be good for him? I have a couple but nowhere near what I'd like lol
Okay so I have so many options for you bc I've got a messy playlist dedicated to every song that reminds me of TFTGS, but I'm gonna spare you my infodumping and try to limit myself to only explaining why these three songs might fit:
First note, it really depends on what aspect of Jack you wanna show off; Wanna portray him in an angsty way? I think Destroyed By Hippie Powers by Cars Seat Headrest would fit great! Showing off Jack before his (mids)diagnosis as content and (sort of) happy, and then cutting to the tired, apathetic, go-with-the-flow version of him we know so well. 
(What happened to that chubby little kid who smiled so much and loved The Beach Boys? What happened is I killed that fucker and I took his name and I got new glasses)
Or do you wanna show off how Jack as a character gets manipulated constantly? (I do, LOL) In that case, you could go with Fool by Djo, with Jack acting generally confused and anxious as he spirals into madness through the chorus (maybe with text of a bunch of gaslighting quotes from Vol. 3 surrounding him?). 
([...] I'm a jester and I'm yours Call me your (look into my eyes and baby, whisper) fool I will be your fool (I'll be your fool) I'll perform for you (perform for you) Just tell me what to do (do) I always felt so foolish anyway)
Or lastly, you could go with Dark Red by Steve Lacy and pair it with Jack acting out… well, there’s a ton of instances where Jack’s got a bad feeling about something and ends up being right about it. But my favorite one to imagine with this song is the cooler scene in Volume 1, where Tony’s trying to convince Jack to get into the cooler and flashes him the gun in his waistband. (actually, this is something I’ve been wanting to draw out, too :3)
(Something bad is ‘bout to happen to me…)
Of course, these are all just suggestions from a guy with limited(?) music taste, so I'm sorry if any of these don't fit the vibe you're goin for. No pressure, no stress to use em! Good luck and have fun cosplaying my favorite wet cat of a man <8
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avaantares · 1 year
@lunarlegend wrote:
if you are playing an English copy of the game, it doesn't have subtitles. you're reading the English version's re-written script, even with the Japanese audio. the localization murdered the characters; their OG Japanese personalities are much better. (unless you do understand Japanese already, in which case disregard this!)
I'm not fluent, but I do speak conversational Japanese, which is enough to pick up about 80% of the dialogue -- and YEAH, the English dub script is... a thing. O_o
I absolutely hate the practice of dubtitling (using the dub script for subtitles instead of a literal translation). I realize that it's easier and cheaper for the publisher to minimize the number of subtitle/caption files, but sometimes the dub completely inverts what the characters are saying, or omits key story information for the sake of dialogue timing. (I've gotten into debate with other fans about things that happened in a game, only to realize that we had experienced drastically different versions of the story because the dub had abridged the explanation of plot points.) Or they alter the characters' personalities in weird ways, probably because someone in marketing thinks they need to make them more appealing to a Western audience (*cough*Aerith swearing in FFVII:R*cough*), as though the market for Japanese games is not full of JRPG afficionados who are playing those games in part because they like the Japanese character types. But even if a dub has good reason to make those changes, it's still really annoying to have the subtitles directly contradict what the characters are saying in Japanese, or add/remove entire lines of dialogue because the English dub decided they weren't necessary (this happens more than it should).
As for FFXV, I agree that the characters are definitely much better developed in the Japanese script! But to me, they still feel like flatter copy/pastes of things I've seen or played before, and I haven't gotten attached to any of them or invested in their character arcs. Maybe I've just played too many JRPGs at this point. 😅
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m4niackkyun · 1 year
Hi. (Announcement in the tags)
#uhmm...i don't know how to explain this...#so my family has been having a lot of trouble lately#mostly our relationship with our step father#there's been ups and downs..well..more on the downer side. the only main reason my mother married him was because of..well..#money..as trash as that sounds. i can't deny the fact that I've been able to continue my studies due to his financial support.#i don't want to justify anything that i've probably done wrong to him but emotionally right now—i'm simply scarred to the point where—#I don't think I could heal without professional help. I've been struggling a lot with it ever since of what he did#i felt disgusted. dirty. I felt lost. I didn't want to forgive him. maybe this is the punishment i have to endure because I didn't have it—#—in me to forgive him. I know the principles of my religion and it is stated that one must always find forgiveness towards others.#no matter how big their mistake is. but you see—I'm not God. I am human. my kindness isn't as grand and as big as Him.#my patience is limited and so is my forgiveness#that applies the same to my mother. my mother is a very patient person when it comes to her husband. but yet again she isn't an angel—#nor is she God. she is also human and has limits to what she could handle and what she could forgive and forget.#they argued tonight. and I don't think it'll slide or end well like the past arguments. and I'm sorry to say but—#I won't be able to be active all that much either.#without him now I'll probably have to look for part time jobs. which is gonna limit how active I will be here and on my main account#I will probably go into an indefinite hiatus for some time#maybe I'll come back...maybe I won't. hopefully I will. just...pray for me that I have it in me to continue doing what I love and—#—sharing these little bits of what I do in my free time with you.#I won't have the time to reply to anything for the time being. college tests are on the way and I have to prepare myself for—#—the better or worse.#if things go downhill and you don't hear from me for a long while. then this will probably be my last post here.#I'll still be able to reply to messages on other platforms#but I just don't have the emotional stability to talk right now. No it's gonna be fine. I have faith in me and God.#I know that He doesn't put His children into burdens that none of them could handle.#and if He thinks I could handle this. then I will. and I can. He is with me and so is all of your faith.#that puts me in a sense of reassurance a little hahah...#yeah.. so...I'll see you then..bye.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
Bit random but I am going to see Miles soon and saw some pictures of fans seeing him after the concert and wanted to ask if he always comes out after shows or just sometimes ? Thank you :)
hiii lovely! 🥰 oh my goodness, firstly that's SO EXCITING that you're going to see miles soon - i hope you have the most amazing time!! he truly is magic live 🌟 i'm less sure about the europe tour just because i haven't seen as much content about it, but i'm pretty sure miles came out after all the uk dates - and i've definitely seen several fan photos from the europe tour so far too, so i'd say your chances are pretty good! i so hope you get the chance to meet him, he really is just the absolute loveliest human with the most wonderful energy 🥹
sending all the best vibes out into the universe for you to have an amazing show and to get to say hi to our favourite turtle 🐢💖
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loregoddess · 8 months
Frederica Aesfrost or Cordelia Glenbrook for the ask game?
Oh, I'll do both, they're both great!
First impression: For Frederica, it was something along the lines of "Oh, she seems cool, I bet I'll like her" when I was watching the early trailers. For Cordelia, after meeting her for the first time in the game I didn't...actually have much of an impression of her, she seemed very bland "youngest sister, most gentle-hearted princess" and nothing more (I was very wrong).
Impression now: Love them both lots! Frederica went well beyond whatever I was expecting of her characterization, she's really interesting and I love how she comes into her own and really starts standing up for herself and her ideals as the story progresses. And I was SO wrong about Cordelia, she's literally one of the most interesting and complex characters in a "royalty" role I've ever come across in fiction, and I love her so much for it. She's got an incredibly strong will, she's very intelligent, and she was actually shaping up to be a really extraordinary leader. I'm sad she gets sidelined in the story as soon as Roland's able to reclaim Glenbrook Castle, because she had all this budding potential to be one hell of a powerhouse of a character.
Favorite moment: Hmm, it's been a hot minute since I played TriStrat, so my memory of the story isn't as sharp, but I really enjoyed the scenes where Frederica fights against Thalas and Erika (in her route of Ch13, "Born of Strife and Sadness" specifically, although her battle dialogue with them in Roland's version "Time to Say Goodbye" is good as well). It marks an interesting turning point in her character growth, and it was really nice to see her finally oppose them without fear.
For Cordelia, I'd...have a harder time combing the wiki for the specific chapter, but all of her cutscenes from her father's death to Ch13, where we get to see how she starts to come up with a plan to retake Glenbrook, and how she's able to inspire Avlora to her side, those were really interesting scenes, and I had a new appreciation for her character after watching them because I simply wasn't expecting her to deal with the grief of loosing her entire family (as she didn't know Roland was still alive at this time) to be "well, I'm the only one left and I am Not going to take this lying down, I will be queen of my people in my own right". Just, mm, really interesting character growth, I would have loved to see the type of leader she would have become if things had gone differently.
Idea for a story: Well, I'm always interesting in post-game type narratives that explore how the characters and world begin to heal after all is said and done, and I think that type of story would be really interesting to explore for both Frederica and Cordelia, but in different ways. For Frederica, exploring how her life as the official Lady Wolffort is, and what work she does to help the Rosellen people after the war while also balancing her new married life would be really interesting.
For Cordelia, I think there's a lot of potential to explore the intricacies and power dynamics behind the scenes of Glenbrook's restoration, as I'm sure she ends up doing a lot of work to help Roland even if she isn't the official ruler (again, all that potential she showed as a leader, you can't tell me she doesn't take up some sort of important position in helping to lead the country)--all this while she also settles in to learning that Serenoa is her half-brother (I like to think she learns that at some point), and her life with Avlora as her knight, and just, stuff in general for her since she has a lot to recover from and grieving she can finally go through.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have any wildly unpopular opinions about Frederica. For Cordelia, I guess I'm not keen on the Cordelia x Avlora ship, I just...can't see it as romantic (and the age gap doesn't work for me, I'm fairly certain Avlora is in her thirties at the youngest due to in-game dialogue about when Svarog took her in), although I am partial the idea of the platonic knight-liege friendship between the two, but platonic stuff isn't as popular in most fandom spaces.
Favorite relationship: I'm really fond of Frederica's canon romance with Serenoa, like, normally I'm kinda neutral on canon romances, but the way this one was written was so, so good, and I loved seeing her interactions with the other House Wolffort members. I also like her friendship with Geela a lot.
For Cordelia, her familial relationship with Roland is very interesting (somewhat bittersweet at times), and I would have loved to see and know more about her relationship with Frani and their dad. As I mentioned above, I really like her friendship with Avlora, because it was so unexpected but it makes a sort of weird sense. Would have loved to see more of her interactions with the House Wolffort members, and also would have loved to see how she reacts to learning Serenoa is her half-brother and how that shapes her relationship with him and Frederica after the game's events.
Favorite headcanon: Hmmm, I don't have as many headcanons for TriStrat in general but, I guess for Frederica that in Benedict's ending she eventually ends up breaking away from and opposing Serenoa so she can take up defending the Roselle (probably sometime shortly after Benedict's death), and that in the Golden Ending she grows into an excellent leader for both the Wolffort Demense and Roselle people alongside Serenoa, and the two are fondly remembered by their people in histories later on.
For Cordelia, it would be that her capability and tact for government makes her vital to ensuring Roland's rule is successful in the Golden Ending, and also that she eventually becomes very close with Frederica and Serenoa after learning she's related to Serenoa (catching up on family time), enough that if the two ever had kids she'd be the favorite aunt (she'd be their only aunt technically, but she probably spoils them more than Roland would).
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