#Sorry Emmett lol
jessicanjpa · 5 months
happy mother's day
It's Alice's first time baking with Esme! An excerpt from this 1957 one-shot. Esme POV.
"I'm home!" I called out from the garage. "And I could use some help!"
I heard Alice's delicate sigh three floors up. By the time I got around to the trunk and opened it, she had flitted to my side wearing a new striped yellow dress and a pitiful look of resignation. She stuck out her arms and I began filling them with bags of groceries.
"You don't really have to do this, you know," I teased her, scooping up the last four bags myself.
"I promised," she said, and her pout turned upward into the smile that was never very far away.
"You did! And it's a chance to learn something new. The older we get, the more we'll treasure opportunities like this."
"I suppose I will. But ugh! Why do you buy so much at the grocery store, and so many things that smell funny?"
We set the groceries down onto the kitchen counter all in a neat line. Alice rooted through the bags, her nose wrinkling more with each one. "I don't even know what this one is!" she complained, pulling out an enormous zucchini with two reluctant fingertips.
"A zucchini. It's a kind of squash. That's what we're baking," I reminded her. "Zucchini bread. And you know how important it is to keep up appearances, especially when we're new. Some of it does go to waste, but we end up donating a lot of it in the end."
We had enjoyed a good, long stay in Klamath Falls. Emmett had, unfortunately, had an accident near the middle of our time there. But it had been an easy cleanup, so it hadn't interrupted our stay. Edward had been able to earn his bachelor's in music performance and Rosalie had finished a degree in bio pre-med. Carlisle and I were fiercely proud of both of their achievements. And even though Emmett had drifted aimlessly between majors for his entire stay at Southern Oregon college, my mother-heart had nearly burst to see him come so far. He hadn't even been able to read when Carlisle had first changed him.
But six years was pushing it; the children hadn't really known what to do with themselves after graduation, knowing we wouldn't have much time left, and Carlisle was starting to get jokes at work about having found the fountain of youth. So after some traveling, we had ended up here in northern Michigan. Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett had just started high school again last week. Alice was torn; we had all hoped that she and Jasper would both be joining the others in school this time, but Jasper was still reluctant. The rest of us all thought he was ready. The only way our newest vegetarian was ever going to trust himself at school was to go and practice being at school. He was dragging his feet and he knew it, but it was his choice in the end. I just wished Alice would go ahead without him and enjoy herself.
My darling girl, full of sunshine! I busied myself getting the ingredients ready, smiling as I watched Alice take the groceries out of the bags, peering at each item as if it were from another planet. Out of all of us, she was the only one who had no memories of her human life—no memories whatsoever of things as commonplace as eating and preparing food. The whole concept was completely foreign to her, and until today she had skillfully avoided my every cajoling effort to join me in the kitchen. Everyone except her had taken at least one turn by now, even Emmett and Jasper. But I had won in the end.
"It's almost Mother's Day," I said to her last Tuesday. "And there's something I really would love; let's see if you can figure it out without any hints."
That was all it took; Alice couldn't resist a challenge for her visions. She loved stretching her gift like this, especially where shopping and surprises were concerned. She eagerly plunged into the silent world of pictures that swirled around inside her head, visiting department store after department store and flipping catalog pages, all without moving a muscle. It took her three days to figure it out.
"Esme!" she pouted, bursting in on me as I was painting that third afternoon. "That's not even a real present!"
"It is to me," I said, opening my arms for her reluctant hug. "You know I've always wanted to bake something with you." She made a face, but she also promised to follow through.
"Hand me the whisk, would you, dear?" I asked her now. She dug through the drawer of mysterious cooking implements, zoning out for a moment, no doubt to peek ahead and see what a whisk even looked like. I donned my favorite apron and tossed another one to her.
"I'll beat the eggs and oil and sugar if you'll peel and grate the zucchini," I offered.
"Gladly," she said, peering with distaste into my bowl. "I will never understand why humans like to scramble up animal embryos. Isn't that... kind of gross?"
"It is when you put it that way," I laughed. "I can't say it appeals to me either, not anymore."
Alice was concentrating, trying to figure out how to peel the zucchini. She was holding the peeler steady and drawing the vegetable back and forth along it instead of the other way around.
"Try the opposite way," I suggested gently. "You hold whatever you're peeling still and draw the peeler downwards, away from you. Then lift it up and start at the top again." She nodded and tried again, sticking her tongue out in concentration. Her pressure wasn't quite right and she ended up peeling away a good half of the zucchini itself, but I adored her effort. I laid three more down for her to do.
"You know I like to bake for various local things now and then," I explained, whisking the oil into the eggs and sugar at superspeed. "Hospital fundraisers, the children's ward, sometimes an event or two at whatever school you all are attending... Good. Now you're going to grate the zucchini right into this mixture." I demonstrated first this time.
"I'm sure they appreciate the gesture," she said, "but you and Carlisle give gobs of money to those things anyway. Wouldn't store-bought cookies or bread be just as good?"
"Heavens, no! They aren't baked with love when those industrial machines do the work. And it makes me feel good, too. It feels like I'm actually participating in a way that feels familiar and human. Baking was a way I showed love to people in my first life, so I kept on doing it in my second, even when I wasn't ready to go out at all. It's a shame I can't enjoy the food myself, but it's still special."
"You used to volunteer at Carlisle's hospitals, didn't you?" Alice asked.
"Now and then, yes. But it's been a long time." I hesitated for a second. "I've been thinking of a new adventure lately—going back to school."
"Really? You would pose as a college student?" She looked doubtful.
"I would be a college student," I laughed. "Why, do you think I look too old? I might need a little help from you and Rosalie..."
That perked her right up. We started chattering about ways we could make me look younger: hairstyles, makeup, styles of clothing and jewelry and shoes and purses, even ways I could talk differently. Alice got so focused on our brainstorming that her grating went faster and faster until her fingertips accidentally smushed the grater's holes in on themselves and she had a big mush of zucchini pulp on the other side. She put everything down and scowled at it.
"I don't think I'm going to be good at this," she said with a sigh, picking at the grater with her fingernails to make the holes right again. "For all I know, I've never done any of it before."
"It's all right," I assured her. I moved on to the dry ingredients in my own bowl. "We're so... perfect at so many things that I find it can be refreshing to not be so good at something, or to at least be so new at something that we can make mistakes. I bought several. Just try again." She took another zucchini, moving more carefully this time. She was concentrating so hard her tongue was sticking out the corner of her mouth again. She was so adorable; I couldn't resist. I snapped a picture before she could change her pose. She didn't even notice. Everyone had grown used to my clicking shutter by now.
Jasper had quietly joined us a moment ago. He was leaning against the kitchen door frame with his arms folded, watching Alice with the most tender, thoughtful smile. He caught my attention behind her back and twisted that naughty little corner-grin of his, the one he got whenever he was about to prank Emmett somehow. He pounced and grabbed her from behind, making her scream.
"I'm sorry!" he laughed, letting her go and dodging the half-grated zucchini she tried to slap him with. "It was just too easy—I could tell you were too immersed in your, uh..."—he gestured toward the mixing bowl vaguely—"for visions, and the stink was strong enough for a good stealth operation... what?" he added, narrowing his eyes.
"Nothing," Alice said sweetly, turning back to stir the putrid green mixture. "Just thinking of how I'll get you back."
"It was worth it," he promised, wrapping his arms around her again, this time for a peck on the cheek.
"Hmm," was all she said. Her eyes were absent, scanning the future. I picked up the camera again, just in case.
"I think you'd better get out while the getting's good," I told Jasper. "Unless you'd like to help out too?"
He held his hands up in surrender. "No thanks. I've already served my time. Emmett and I are going out to whip up some dinner of our own."
"You ready?" Emmett called out, just coming down the stairs. Alice whipped around and flicked a heaping spoonful of zucchini mush, hard, straight at Jasper's face. Jasper ducked just in time for the missile to fly over his head... straight into Emmett's open mouth.
I laughed and took the picture just as Emmett's eyes bulged out in horror. He spewed it all out, and it just happened to time perfectly with when Jasper stood back up, so he got a faceful as well. He swiped furiously at the mess and his mouth, and I got one more picture to commemorate the moment when my newest son tasted human food for the very first time. He looked like he was actually going to vomit, and he sounded like it too. He finally rushed over to the sink and flushed it all out with water, leaving a bright green trail everywhere he stepped. Alice was serenely stirring the batter, humming to herself.
"Was it still worth it?" she asked innocently.
"No," Jasper said, shuddering one last time. "It was not. Real funny, Emmett."
"You're blaming me?!" Emmett practically yelled. He was wiping his mouth out with my brand new kitchen towel. I sighed and took it from him, dropping it in the trash; I had learned the hard way never to put venom in the washing machine.
"I guess not," Jasper sighed, growling playfully at Alice as he passed instead of giving her a goodbye kiss. Emmett relaxed and turned to go, but Jasper flew up behind him and punched him so hard in the gut that a dribble of venom and old blood gushed out of his mouth. Emmett grabbed Jasper and roared and yanked the back of Jasper's shirt over his head before he could struggle out of Emmett's bear-sized grip.
"Take it outside," I warned them. I grabbed another towel and rushed to get the blood and venom before the dining room floor could start dissolving.
"NOW!" I shouted as they tumbled blindly into the sofa, knocking it askew by several feet. It took them a minute, still snarling and struggling to get a grip on each other, but they got out the back patio door without causing any further carnage. I caught the floor lamp as it fell, an inch before it hit the ground.
"Those two, I swear," I said, dropping the towel into the trash with the other one. "And you saw that whole thing, didn't you?"
"Who, me?" Alice said, stirring furiously.
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haybuhay · 5 months
erasermic legally blonde au btw … if anyone even cares …
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emmettspeakz · 1 year
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cheriboms · 11 months
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doctober day 30: sunset
a pair piece to the first prompt i did !! whole family reading together before bed <3
+alt vers (sans lighting) under the cut :)
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idnull · 2 months
( @bloodykneestm is being haunted! | ♡ )
"do you really have no control over who you let in?"
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it's not meant to be as bitchy as it comes out, but he's clearly frustrated, evidenced by the way he's glaring over at emmett from where he's tucked into the corner of the couch with his legs pulled up.
"you look like shit, by the way."
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Jimmy being all cleavage-out, looking like he’s actively competing for whore rights, here with Amanda while Mikey’s stuck hiding out in sticks.
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Michael’s out here killing assassins barefoot and in his underwear. 😂 
Poor Jimmy, he just can’t win. ^.^
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venolfy · 2 months
I love this duo. Need more moments to took. More of Mammett.
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chipou-art · 10 months
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October sketchbook dump i forgot to post! 🎃👻
I think a lot about my ocs and their stories lately, I wish I could draw and talk about them more often :) also I have only 2 pages left in my sketchbook and I can’t wait to start a new one!
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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that's enough................
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priyajoyyy · 7 months
(idk how to name fics that aren’t based off a song)
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Clarisse la rue x Aphrodite!fem!reader
Reader sneaks into clarisses bed after a nightmare, forgetting that she was wearing short shorts and a tiny bra top, but people definitely remember when she walks back to the Aphrodite cabin wearing clarisses large shirt and what looks like nothing underneath…
Established relationship, implied new relationship, implied friendship to lovers, boys (gross ew) sexualising reader a bit, bad writing sorry, half of these are not warnings
lol sorry 😔 , fluff, poor dialogue because I’m still trying to work out how to properly write dialogue lol.
You couldn’t really remember what happened.
One minute you were gasping out in your cabin, hearing one of your sister grumble at you to be quiet, sitting up with wet cheeks and blurry eyes.
And the next minute you had grabbed your teddy bear and started making your way towards the ares cabin.
And of course you didn’t take notice of what you chose to wear to bed that day, you were half asleep and terrified from the nightmare you’d just had, the dark forest surrounding you not helping at all.
“Claire…” you whispered to the girl, shaking her a little, “can I sleep with you”
You knew you hadn’t woken anybody up in the ares cabin, seeing as they would be a lot more verbal about their annoyance being woken up than most of your own siblings would be.
However you also hadn’t been successful in waking your girlfriend up either, shaking her a little more before giving up.
You figured she wouldn’t mind you just getting to bed, you had slept in her cabin a handful of times before, and you knew she had a long day of practice planned for the next day in preparation for an upcoming quest, so she could deal with not being woken.
You had normally snuck out of the ares cabin before anyone could notice you the previous times you had stayed, though you hardly thought it mattered right now, no one would dare snitch on Clarisse so as long as Chiron didn’t see you you would be fine.
You crawled into the bed and snuck under clarisses arm, her grip tightening around you snuggly, and it didn’t take long to fall asleep in that state.
By the time you woke up. You could hear giggling surrounding you.
You didn’t take much notice, your sisters were often scheming in the early hours of the morning and you had always been a light sleeper, so it wasn’t really their fault it woke you.
It wasn’t till you heard a snapping noise and through your eyelids saw the faint light of a flash going off that you became more aware, your brain waking up and remembering what had happened the night before.
Obviously Clarisse hadn’t woken yet. Like it was proven last night, unlike you, she was a very deep sleeper, and you could still feel her arm around you and you begun to slowly get up in confusion.
“Shit, quick” you heard one of the kids stood by the bed infront of you say before taking another picture, the light momentarily blinding you.
The two ran off quickly, hiding the camera somewhere as you became aware that most of clarisses other siblings were watching you both also, laughing or trying not to.
It wasn’t exactly a normal sight to see Clarisse cuddled up in bed, arms wrapped around her girlfriend and teddy bear laying next to them.
Quickly, turning red, you jumped to get up, still not clocking what you were wearing.
Clarisses elder brother, emmet, certainly had however, staring at your boobs as you sat up quickly in bed and laughing along with his brother, and smacking their arm to get him to pay attention.
“Hey y/n, you don’t have to leave just yet” Ben, the other said as you searched around the bed for your phone. (Ik that technically their phones didn’t work in all ways but in my head I imagine them still having them at camp for photos and stuff)
“Yeah, we don’t need Clarisse to have a good time” emmett laughed as they approached you, his eyes resting on your ass as you bent over slightly, searching the bed.
“You could stay around tonight as well if you want…My bunks always free” he said, both of them laughing as though it was the funniest things he’d ever heard.
“Leave her alone” one of the girls said from her bed, adding, “Clarisse will kill you if she finds out anyway”
You turned around to face the two and stumbled back into the bed a little when you noticed them both closer to your body.
“Finds out what?” Clarisse asked in a groggy voice, looking up at her girlfriend’s back from her spot in bed in confusion, not knowing why you were there.
“Nothing clarry it’s fine” you said softly, turning your head round to her and smiling at her nervously, not wanting to cause any issues so early in the morning.
Clarisses younger sister kitty however had no problems causing an argument between the girl and their gross brothers, opting to kill two birds with one stone by telling on them to Clarisse.
“Oh nothing” kitty stated sarcastically, causing Clarisse to turn to her and glare.
“Kitty” she warned, demanding her to explain what’s going on to her in one word.
“They were just being rude to y/n is all” she stated with a smirk, jumping off of her bunk that she had been sat on and walking towards the bathroom as if she didn’t say anything, wanting to tell the girls in there about what was about to happen.
You didn’t know if you were glad she was somewhat standing up for you or annoyed that she was trying to start a fight this early in the morning, something bound to ruin clarisses, and in turn, everyone else’s, mood for the rest of the day.
And as you watched kitty return from the other room with 3 others following her, trying to act inconspicuous, you decided you wanted to kill her. Very
“No it’s fine Clarisse I promise” you attempted to reassure your girlfriend.
“Yeah clarisse, it’s fine” Benjamin added in a mocking voice, sitting on his bed as if he had no cares in the world.
Clarisse started to stand from her bed at that, grabbing your hips from behind, pulling you along with her, “Come here baby”
She guided you across the room, not really giving you a chance to turn until you had both reached your destination.
She bent down to search through the bottom drawer of the cabinet she had lead you to, rummaging through the shirts and tops.
You were weirded out by her sudden dismissal of her brothers, especially given their taunts, but you were glad nonetheless.
You turned back to look at them and caught them both still watching you, Ben still sat on the bed while emmet lent on a cabinet near it, smirking at you.
Eventually Clarisse pulled out an orange camp half blood tshirt, handing it up to you, grabbing your attention again before closing the drawer.
You looked at her in confusion, why was she handing you her, far too big for you, tshirt? Clarisse not yet acknowledging you as she walked back over to the two boys, watching you both from bens bed.
“You two are gonna apologise to my girlfriend right now and the only punishment you’re gonna get is laundry duty for two weeks…” Clarisse told the two in a scarily calm voice, “or, if not, we can go to training and I can beat your asses for thinking it’s ok to disrespect my girlfriend like that”
The two boys looked less amused now, Ben scowling and emmet rolling his eyes like a child about to throw a tantrum.
“And…you can beg 3 weeks of laundry duty” Clarisse added with a smirk, staring them down until they backed down.
“Ok whatever” Ben muttered, giving up first, “sorry y/n”
“I-it’s ok” you replied from the cabinet, clutching onto clarisses shirt.
“No y/n, it’s not ok” Clarisse said sternly, turning to her other half-brother with an expectant look in her eye, “emmet?”
After a slight pause with no response Clarisse stepped forwards raising her eyebrows at her brother, both of you watching his scowl deepen before giving in.
“Sorry” he stated, rolling his eyes.
“Nah that’s not good enough…” Clarisse told him with a grin, “try again”
“Clarisse it’s fine really” you told her, watching her just shake her head in response.
“Fine, I’m sorry y/n…good enough?” He said in annoyance.
“Perfect” Clarisse said stepping back and walking towards you, not turning around to tell them, “might wanna get those clothes to the laundry room…the hampers are looking pretty full”
“You didn’t need to do that” you told her with a pout, still holding onto the shirt she had handed you.
“You ok baby?” She asked.
“Yeah I’m fine, I said that” you reassured, gesturing to her shirt, assuming it was for her to wear, “do you want your shirt back?”
“Baby have you seen what you’re wearing?” Clarisse laughed, “I mean I don’t mind at all but I can’t imagine you’re gonna have fun running back to your cabin in a bra top, tiny shorts and no shoes”
With that she handed you some slippers off of the floor by her bed.
At that you finally realised why she wanted you to wear the top, looking down at your body, as your cheeks began to turn red you shyly looked back up at Clarisse and smiled at her with a giggle.
“Thank you” you told her, throwing the shirt over yourself and slipping the shoes on your feet.
“Now I hate to kick you out baby but I think if you stay any longer Chiron will see you” Clarisse told you, her hands reaching your waist.
“Yeah you’re probably right” you stated, not making any moves to walk away yet.
Clarisse leaned down to kiss you, her grip on your waist tightening slightly as she did.
You both continued to kiss for a moment before you heard laughs behind Clarisse, opening your eyes to see kitty and 3 other girls sat on a bed watching you.
Clarisse glares at the girls and you laugh at her. “Ok I should go then”
“I’ll see you later” Clarisse told you, knowing she’d come find you at lunch if she didn’t see you before then.
“Ok” you replied simply, picking up your teddy from the bed and walking towards the door of the cabin.
You noticed the stares on you as you rushed back to your own cabin, the children already up watching you depart from the Ares cabin wearing barely any clothes holding a teddy bear.
You were as quick as you could be, hoping not to get caught by Chiron and get back before he started making his rounds of the camp.
You heard a whistle from your right, an older boy watching you rush past him, you scowling in reply and raising a middle finger to him and you walked past.
You were just glad Clarisse wasn’t with you to start a fight with him for it.
Haven’t proof read this yet lol 😭
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hello 👋
If you have time could I request the cullens or just Jasper hale x reader whose really easily startled.
And like when they get scared they start crying not being there upset or anything but that's just there bodies first reaction
I love you work
The Cullens with a Reader who is easily startled
This might be the first story where I’m the reverse of this. I love sneaking up and scaring people lol
And thank you for the kind words!
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You’re gonna need to put a bell on him
He thinks it’s funny when you jump
So he sneaks up on you all the time just to mess with you
But one time he scared you so bad that you started crying
He felt so bad
He still sneaks up on you after that
Just not as often
Or at least not after you’ve watched a scary movie
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She can be sneaky when she wants to be, but she usually announces her presence
So if she ever startles you just know that it’s an accident
One time she walked into your room to show you something
She even knocked and everything
But you were wearing headphones so you didn’t hear her
And you got spooked so bad you started crying
She spent the whole night consoling you after that
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He doesn’t mean to scare you
He’s just a quiet person
Everyone else that he’s around are super sensitive and can feel when he enters the room
He forgets that you can’t
So he scares you a lot
He’s started standing at the entrance to the room you’re in and calling your name until you see him
He always uses his ability to make you feel better tho
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She’s also not one who usually sneaks into a room
She’s always wearing heels of some kind, so you can hear her coming most times
But sometimes if you’re distracted you don’t notice her coming
She always feels super bad that she’s the reason you’re crying
So she tries to click her heels more when entering the room
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He’s a bit of a dick
He also needs a bell
He can never unintentionally scare you, since his footsteps are super loud
But when he wants to, he can be super quiet
He feels terrible the first time he makes you cry
But after you tell him that it’s just a knee-jerk reaction and not you actually being upset, he keeps sneaking
Sorry you’ll just have to live like that i guess
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Again, never intentional
And she always feels terrible
Even if you don’t cry, she never intends to scare you
And if you do start crying then she is so upset with herself
She wears tap shoes for a while
Just so that you can always hear her coming
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Another one who never means to catch you off guard
He’s just a very gentle person with very gentle footsteps
He always apologizes
And always consoles you when you start crying
He starts calling your name when he enters a room
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Vampire! Bella:
She starts out as a prankster
She loves watching you jump
But the first time she makes you cry, she never does it again
She swears to not do it ever again and she doesn’t
She doesn’t want to be the reason why you’re crying ever
Even if you tell her it’s okay and that it’s not her fault she still blames herself
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thatgrumpybxtch · 1 year
The Cullen's (individually) with a s/o that's covered in tattoos, piercings, and works at a tattoo parlor in Forks?
Thanks for reading this! :)
Ahh, I'm so sorry for the wait!!
The Cullens with an s/o who has piercings/tattoos:
Ngl, he probably thought it was a bit odd at first glance
Then he got a better look and realized all those tattoos and piercing really fit you :)
He definitely likes to touch your tattoos
Wants to watch the tattooing process, and looks into the aftercare process for them and piercings so he can be more educated
Is always lowkey checking on your healing tattoos and piercing to make sure they are healing properly
She loves the way your piercings fit your face
Loves any more simple tattoos and piercings because if she were to ever get one she'd just get a small simple tattoo or piercing
Thinks it so cool how the tattoo grow with you and change over time as you age
Definitely buys any cute jewelry she sees for you
He thinks its so hot and badass
And hes def not afraid to say so
Jokingly asks you to get a tattoo of his name
Will actually cry if you do
He loves any tattoos you have on your biceps, idk why he just does
also thinks nose piercings are so cute
Much like Esme, she adores simple tattoos and piercings
Could def see her wanting a labret piercing and convincing you to get one
She likes to rub any tattoos you have on your hands whenever she holds hands with you
Absolutely adores your piercings!
She loves them all and how that make you stand out
Also buys literally all kinds of jewelry for you
Loves tattoos too
Is always wanting to touch them or trace them
Pretty curious about it
Like wondering why you got them, if they mean anything special to you, or if they are just cause you like it!
Whatever the reason, he loves how the tattoos or piercings complement you
Is definitely one to lean more towards the simpler piercing just cause he's an old man deep down lol
He is also very curious about it
Curious as to why you got them especially if they hurt
It's all kind of silly to him but he loves how they look on you
A sucker for tattoos, they just fascinate him
Wants to trace them so bad but is scared he will hurt you
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cemetery-sunset · 5 months
Cullen Family Helping You Through a Depressive Episode [headcanons]
divider from: @saradika-graphics
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- The most logical one to be honest
- Being a doctor, he knows how important it is to keep you healthy
- He keeps you fed/watered/nourished, makes you whatever food you want and brings it to you in bed
- Carlisle always makes sure that you have a cool glass of water on your bedside table
- He also helps you stay clean; he will offer to hop in the tub or shower and bathe with you, or if you asked him to he would just wait in the bedroom getting some pajamas for you
- He’ll brush your hair for you, but he’s not a very good stylist so dont expect anything more than a simple braid (and even that would look a little wonky lol)
- Offers to lay with you, if you accept he will hold you so gently and lovingly
- Continuously praising you and telling you how strong you are and how good you have been doing
- Sometimes he will read to you while you cuddle, any book you want 
- He's always there for you, he never hesitates to help you whenever you need
- Sometimes he knows when you start spiraling before you do
- He knows just the right things to do and say to help you calm down
- He’s surprisingly scared that you’re going to do something stupid if things get too bad. He hides his fear well, he doesn't want you to worry about him on top of everything else
- Always tries his best to help you and stay by your side for as long as you need
- He can feel that you’re feeling down, without you even telling him
- Never try to hide it from him, cause thats never going to work. He always knows what you’re feeling, and he is always on red alert whenever he feels literally any negative emotion from you
- Jasper is a quiet person, so he isn’t very forward or aggressive about his approach, his is more subtle but still very much effective
- He doesn’t really say a lot, it’s his actions that speak volumes.
- His love language is quality time and touch, so he is always by your side
- He is definitely the type to ask if he can touch you when you start to spiral. If you’re panicking, he asks to give you a hug; if you dont feel comfortable with that, he’ll just hold your hands
- Jasper has never been more grateful for his powers than those times when you feel so down and self hating
- It hurts him so much to feel all that pain and suffering you feel for yourself, and/or in general
- He enjoys quietly cuddling together, which always seems to improve your mood
- If things are really bad, he will hum some old country songs from his childhood, but thats very rare
- The biggest thing he does is to use his powers to help you, but he doesn’t do it to much because he doesn’t want to control your emotions, he just wants to help you know what i mean?
- My favorite himbo <3
- His biggest thing is to distract you and get your mind off of whatever is hurting you
- He will be the one to offer cuddles before you even ask, he hugs you so tight and starts talking about everything and nothing
- Emmett would be the first to help get you out of bed
- He would make a huge effort to keep you fed, he just wants to keep you healthy
- If you’re feeling up for it, he likes to take you on hikes in the woods. It’s a simple thing but it helps you focus on something else
- If you don’t want to get out of bed, he is perfectly fine just cuddling and watching something on tv
- He will whisper sweet things into your ear
- Telling you how much he loves you
- He focuses a little less on the actual situation and more on hyping you up in general
- Like he will compliment your personality and appearance. He will go over everything he loves about you and every single part of your body and tells you why he loves all of it
- He loves to cover you in kisses and doesn’t stop showering you in praises until he knows for a fact that you’re feeling better
- Would either be the sweetest, most comforting man ever or a distant, super cold one
- There’s no in between, sorry about it :/
- Sometimes he would be almost suffocating with how worried and close he would be
- He wouldn’t leave your side for a second, always doing anything you need
- But sometimes it would start to make him start to spiral
- Like he would start to worry that he’s not good enough to take care of you and you dont deserve him
- After he sees how stupid that thought is, he sees how much you need him in this hard time so he steps up to the plate and starts doing much better
- He doesn’t know how to cook, but he’ll buy you any food you want
- He will gladly cuddle and praise you whenever you need
- Sometimes he will even play you some piano, to help you drift off to sleep
- He would surprise you with a song he wrote for you
- Even if he doesn’t want to force you to do anything he would persuade you to get out of bed
- Both of you sit at the piano and she will teach you a thing or two
- But usually he likes to take you on walks in the woods, his favorite thing to do is just lay in the field with you and feel the cool breeze and your warm hand in his
- It brings him peace. Being there with you and knowing that he’s helping you feel better
- She is similar to Jasper with the more subtle approach
- Rosalie understands what it’s like to have those really bad days because she’s had them
- She will help you stay clean and eat something
- Rosalie would take baths with you and brush your hair, doing it up in a beautiful style
- Usually people see her as the cold, stubborn type of girl, but she’s much more than that
- She knows what it’s like to feel that broken
- That’s why she offers her help in any way she can, anything you want, it’s yours
- It’s the little things for her
- Like she’ll make you a simple sandwich or just be cuddling with you
- A bunch of those little things just keep adding up and she doesn’t stop there
- She would bring you gifts to try to raise your spirits
- She’s a little awkward in her approach to showing you this much affection, thats why she does a bunch of little things rather than huge declarations of her love
- It’s more of an unspoken understanding about how much she loves you. But when times like these hit, she realizes that you need her reassurance and love more than ever
- She puts in a huge amount of effort into those small gifts and actions, just to make sure you know she loves you and will always be there when you need
- I know that all of the Cullens know what it’s like to feel broken and hurt, its just that some know the feeling more than others
- Alice definitely knows that feeling
- Sometimes she sees that you’re going to have an episode before it even starts
- So she starts gathering all the supplies: your favorite snacks, blankets and anything else you need
- She is super worried for you but she hides it with her positivity
- She will give you makeovers and take care of you, without you even asking
- The makeovers are her favorite because not only is it a way to get your mind focused on other things but it’s an easy way to help keep up your hygiene with the showering and the self care she helps you with
- Sometimes, if things are looking really bad she will get really worried that something bad was going to happen
- Then she sees a vision of everything being okay in the future
- She very much enjoys wrapping you in tight hugs and whispering nice things to you
- Everything from “You’re so beautiful inside and out, i love you so much” to “everything is going to be okay, we’re going to get through this together. I’ve seen it”
- Dare i say: she would take a much more maternal and protective approach
-  I dont want to say she forces you to eat and drink but she definitely makes you stay nourished
- She is more than willing to make you anything you want, she just wants to help in any way she can to make you feel better
- She will help you bathe and cuddle all day if you need
- Cuddling is her specialty, she makes it even better because she likes to sing quietly
- She likes to hum and sing you cute little songs until you drift back to sleep
- As much as she doesn’t want to force you to do anything, she does make you take regular walks and get outside every day
- The movement and fresh air are very important
- She will make a picnic basket and take it on a small hike, just the two of you
- Esme would gladly make your favorite food (or try to) and have a cute little picnic to take your mind off of things :)
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agaypanic · 4 months
Could you do fic for Carlisle Cullen with wife reader? It was his day off and they were just doing domestic things. Like, taking a walk in the park, having a date. It was rare that he was taking a break but he felt that he was not spending enough time with his mate and he missed her. Add anything you want. Just something fluff and cute. Lots of kisses and hugs. Bonus : The Cullen's kids appearance. Thanks!! :))
A Day Off (Carlisle Cullen X Vampire!Wife!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Feeling like he hasn’t spent enough time with you lately, your husband Carlisle takes a day off of work to do his favorite things with you. 
A/N: i have a fic kinda like this, but carlisle’s hot so im ok with writing another similar one lol. For silly plot reasons, pretend twilight takes place in the 2010s instead of the 2000s
“Emmett, get down here! You’re gonna be late for school!”
“Don’t worry, Y/n,” Alice said. “We’ll get there on time.”
“Sorry.” Emmett rolled his eyes as he ran down the stairs. “I slept in late.”
“How could you sleep in late? You don’t even sleep.”
Carlisle laughed at the conversation between you and Emmett. You were rounding up the kids, ready to send them on their way to school, while he was up in his office finishing up some last-minute things before he had to go to work. He listened as you said goodbye to the five vampires, getting responses in return before the door to the garage shut. Then, you made your way up to Carlisle’s office.
“Come in.” He said before you even had to knock. He looked up to see you leaning against the open door’s frame, smiling at him fondly. “Hi.”
“Hi.” You pushed off the doorframe and walked around the desk. Carlisle turned his chair so he’d keep facing you. “Shouldn’t you be heading off to work?”
He sighed. “I suppose.” You stood between your husband’s open legs, taking his face into your hands. He relaxed into your touch and closed his eyes.
It had been a while since you and Carlisle had been alone together during the day. Sunny days were rare in Forks, and being the best doctor around from centuries of experience, his presence was always needed at the hospital. Especially with the recent ‘bear’ attacks.
“See you tonight?” Your voice brought Carlisle out of the trance that you had put him in. Despite both of you being ice cold, you always made him feel so warm. 
Carlisle nodded. “Of course.” You looked at each other for a moment, reveling in the silence and privacy you rarely had. “I love you.”
You grinned, leaning down to kiss him. “Forever and eternity?”
“Forever and eternity.”
Soon after that, you left his office and went back downstairs. Carlisle leaned back in his chair, tapping a simple rhythm on his desk. God, how he missed you.
Suddenly, he grabbed his phone. He quickly dialed a number and put the device to his ear.
“Hi, Denise. It’s Dr. Cullen.” He said. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to call out of work for today. Family things.”
After the quick conversation, Carlisle hung up the phone and headed downstairs. He found you curled up on the couch with a book.
“What are you reading?”
“One of Edward’s books.” You answer, looking up to see Carlisle looking at you curiously and lovingly, a look he always had for you. “Don’t worry, it was mine first. Heading off to work?”
“Actually…” Carlisle rounded the couch, and you sat up to make some room for him. “I decided to take a day off.”
You looked at him with some shock. As far as you could recall, Carlisle only took time off work when the sun came out so you and your family wouldn’t expose yourselves to the humans. “Really?”
As Carlisle settled on the couch, he gently pulled you to lean against him. “I’ve realized we haven’t been able to spend much time together lately. And I missed you.”
“Aw, I’ve missed you too, darling.” You gave Carlisle a peck on the lips, but when you pulled away, he cupped the back of your neck to kiss you deeper and longer. You wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping your thumb between the pages of your book so you wouldn’t lose your place. Carlisle’s cold but firm hands held you close to him. You only pulled away when you felt breathless, which really meant something, considering you didn’t need to breathe. “I missed that too.” You said with a giggle.
“Well, there’s more where that came from.”
Carlisle spent the next few hours reading your book to you while you lay in between his legs and on his chest. You loved the sound of his soothing voice as he absentmindedly stroked your arm. Every now and then, he kissed your head, cheek, hand, really anywhere he could reach. 
When he finished the book, he set it on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around you. “What would you like to do now?” He asked.
“Hmm…” You hummed, trying to think. “Well, usually around this time, I put on a show.”
Carlisle reached for the TV remote and handed it to you with a kiss on your cheek. You turned the television on and scrolled through until you found a show that you had been wanting to watch. 
“Pretty Little Liars.” Carlisle read the title. “Sounds interesting.”
“We’re home!” Emmett yelled as he and his siblings exited the garage, even though you and Carlisle could hear their cars pulling in. He jumped onto the other end of the couch, bouncing you and Carlisle slightly. “What are we watching?”
“Pretty Little Liars,” Carlisle answered. “It’s… interesting, to say the least.”
“Who’s she making out with?” Emmett asked, pointing at the screen.
“Oh, that’s her teacher.” You respond nonchalantly.
“Her what?!”
Twilight Taglist: @in-my-hoe-era
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cheriboms · 11 months
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doctober day 29: 2023
remembered this exchange from ahsoka show and uh yeah QwQ
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bless-my-demons · 11 months
Redamancy: Chapter Twenty-Four
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, cuss words, and… angst
Notes: I fell asleep after I decided to add a Jasper dialogue last night… I’m sorry it’s later than normal lol remember, I told yall Jasper has to make up for his being gone😌🫣
Word Count: 2373
Series Masterlist
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• March 20th, 2006 • Forks HS •
The weekend passed by in a blur, I spent it wishing I got more time with Jasper, but he desperately needed to hunt. So that left me with Quil, if he noticed my far-away mind, he didn’t comment, the new video game he picked up Friday occupied most of his attention.
Friday. I jumped off a cliff with Bella, was rescued by Quil’s ex-best friend, and then the object of my every waking thought showed up at my doorstep.
Friday was a long day, to say the least.
Which brings us to today - Monday. I have to go to school as if it were a normal fucking day, like my weekend hadn’t changed the trajectory of my life. Like my other best friend isn’t in Italy right now fighting to save the man she loves.
Slamming the door shut to my locker, I turn towards the direction of second period when a hulking mass at the other end of the hallway stops me short.
The blonde next to him grins, gracefully walking in my direction as if no more than the weekend had passed since I last saw them.
“Life has been rather dull without you.” Rosalie brings me into a delicate hug, the smile on her face growing.
“I missed you too.” The words aren’t much more than a whisper and my heart twists in my chest, they’re really back.
My eyes haven’t left his and they’re so full of sadness. The hallway empties out, but neither of us has managed to move an inch or look away.
Rose nudges me, “Go.”
A simple word, but the command moves my feet. It started off as one step and then two, but then I’m halfway down the hallway in a full sprint. Emmett takes one large step and then another before I fling myself into his arms, wrapping my own tightly around his neck.
“I hate you.” The words aren’t true, but this ache in my chest can’t be described any other way.
“I know.” His words are muffled as he lifts me.
“I missed you every day.” Tears well in my eyes, making it hard to see the grin splitting Rosalie’s face.
“I missed you more.” He argues back.
Safety, that’s Emmett McCarty Cullen. He’s strength and power and softness that only a man his size with his heart could exude. He is the definition of protector - someone that would go to any lengths to safeguard those closest to him. And just his hugs alone could cure anything, the hug of a brother who cares immensely.
“You left me.” The tremble in my voice gives my hurting heart away.
He clears his throat, “And I put him through hell every day for it.”
“He really has.” Rose confirms, full on smiling at me.
Emmett sets me back down on my own two feet, holding my shoulders in his massive hands, “Never again, I can promise you that.”
“Emmett-” I start, but he isn’t having it.
“Nope, we’re already late for class and I have some catching up to do.” Winking, he offers me one arm and his mate the other, leading us in the direction of next period.
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• March 21st, 2006 • Home •
“Hey, you got a sec?” Knocking on the door frame to my mother’s bedroom, I watch as she turns off her tv.
“For you? Always honey, c’mere.” She pats the bed in front of her, her full attention making me a little nervous.
I sit and work up the courage for a few beats. “He’s back.”
“I know, I saw Doctor Cullen at work yesterday.” Her calm answer surprises me.
“I’m not sure what to do, momma.” I pull at her old bed spread, hoping for some words of wisdom.
“Well, you have options.” Her warm hands cover mine and encourage me to meet her eyes. “You can kick him to the curb since he dropped off the face of the earth for six months.”
“Or?” I ask, provoking her to complete her unfinished advice.
“Or, you can give him another chance.” A beat of silence while I weighed her answer. “You don’t have to do it right away either, you can ask for space to think about it. You can make him talk it out too.”
I process the possibility of cutting him out of my life for all of half a second before my heart tells me it’s impossible.
“Talk to him, I know you need to.” My mother has always been able to read me like a book, it’s why it’s so easy to get along with her.
“Why give me options? Why not forbid me to see him?”
Her knowing smile grows, “Because you’ll do what you want anyways. And no matter how much I want to protect my baby,” she lovingly strokes my cheek, “you have to navigate this in a way that heals that pretty heart of yours. I’d be failing you as a parent to not allow you to figure this out.”
“Mom-” tears threaten the corners of my eyes.
“Don’t think that means I’ll cut him some slack.” She jokes, but her tone includes some seriousness. “He hurt my baby.”
“I love you, you know that?”
“Always sweet pea, I love you too.” She delivers a sloppy kiss to my cheek before reclining back to her previous tv-watching position.
Rising from her bed with a lighter heart in my chest, she stops me at her doorway, “I got your back kid, whatever you decide.”
I turn and give her a genuine smile, “I know, thanks mom.”
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• March 22nd, 2006 • Forks HS •
Setting my tray down at the dubbed “Cullen table” I make direct eye contact with Edward as I stand before the siblings.
Don’t fucking do that again.
His face splits with a grin. “To which are you referring?”
Leaving her, leaving your family, going to Volterre with a death wish, you fucking idiot.
He actually laughs at my angry directive thoughts, the bastard.
You have people that care about you, you know. My eyes soften as his meet mine seriously. Including me. I’m glad you’re safe. And home.
He nods, unable to meet my eyes now.
“I’d hug you if you weren’t so adverse to physical affection.” Before I finish my statement, he rises from his chair to round the table towards me.
Shock roots me to the spot as his arms envelop lightly around my frame, my arms hesitantly wrapping around the tall Cullen after a beat.
“Thank you.” It’s whispered low enough for just me to hear and he’s returning to his seat.
Emmett’s jaw practically hits the floor, “You’ve never given me a hug-”
“Because your hugs are rather violent in their intensity.” Edward notates.
“But-” Emmett whines.
“No ‘buts’, I’m his favorite.” Sticking out my tongue at Emmett as I take my seat next to Jasper, the jealous vampire launches into a deep explanation of why he must be the family favorite.
“Thank you for starting something I will never hear the end of.” Jasper leans over to whisper in my ear as I grin at Edward who rolls his eyes.
“Glad to be of service.”
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That afternoon I rode with Alice to the Cullen’s after school, something about an intervention with Bella and their family. And naturally, the curious part of me agreed to tag along.
The moment her car comes to a stop in their driveway, Jasper is opening my door and offering me a steadying hand.
“Do you know what this is about?” I ask, watching as Alice skips ahead of us.
“Not a clue, sweet girl.” He answers, leading me inside his family home.
His cool hand enveloping mine sends a pang through my chest, it’s like none of this is real - I’m just in some heavy dream. I’ve wished and hoped for their return with every fucking cell in my body, but now that they’re back? It’s surreal and I’m on edge - I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Standing loosely in a circle in the living room, our attention turns to Bella on the stairs, Edward looming behind her.
“You all know what I want. And I know how much I’m asking for. The only thing I can think of, for it to be fair, is to just vote.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Shut up.” Bella shushes Edward from his grumbling.
Bella is asking them to vote on her becoming a vampire? A slight tremble begins in my hands, this isn’t exactly a debate I’d wished to be a part of. I mean, what would this mean for me? Would we eventually have one of these for me?
“Alice?” Bella asks, opting for starting with the one securely in her corner.
“I already consider you my sister.” She surges forward to wrap her in a hug. “Yes.”
One vote yes.
“Thank you.”
“I vote yes.” The rumble of Jasper’s chest under the hand I have placed there stops my breathing. “It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time.”
It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time. The words ring in my ears and burn my chest, repeating.
Two votes yes.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry to both of you for how I’ve acted. And I’m really grateful that you were brave enough to go and save my brother.” Rosalie’s next sentence a quiet confession within her answer, “But this isn’t a life I would’ve chosen for myself. And I wish there had been someone there to vote no for me. So, no.”
A breath, one vote no.
“I vote hell yeah.” Em spins her around in his excitement, “We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other day.”
Three votes yes, one vote no.
“I already consider you a part of the family, yes.” Esme happily gives her blessing as Carlisle steps forward to look at Edward.
Four votes yes, it’s almost unanimous.
“Why are you doing this to me?” He asks his adoptive father. “You know what this means.”
“You’ve chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won’t lose my son.”
Carlisle’s answer is like a gavel being slammed down, sealing her fate, confirming what she wants.
Bella meets my eyes, even I can tell relief floods them as I’m sure anxiety fills mine. She’s going to turn into one of them - a vampire.
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After a few heavy minutes following the votes of my family, I turn to Y/n.
“Would you like to go home? It’s getting late.” I ask her, but her eyes are distant.
Immediately I gently probe at her emotions, but I can feel her trying to suppress them. I furrow my brow as I look down at her, why is she hiding from me?
I tilt her chin back and she removes herself entirely. Ice, I know as a vampire my core temperature is already low from the absence of blood in my system, but with her physical departure - it feels as though every ounce of warmth has been zapped from my very soul.
“I need time.” Her request is hardly a whisper and her eyes still refuse to meet mine.
Shock roots me to the floor, time? She’s asking for time from me. Not with, from. Away. Without.
And I must grant it to her. I’d give her anything in this world she would ask for.
I remove myself a step back from her even though my chest wishes to tug me forward.
“Emmett?” I ask aloud, not taking my eyes from her, he immediately answers by way of flashing to my side. “Take her home?”
“Of course, but-?” Curiosity tinged with sadness finishes what he fails to ask.
“Just get her home safe, please.” I step aside, forcing my eyes to my shoes as I clear the path to the front door for them.
Emmett escorts her outside and I swear, every bit of strength leaves and threatens to buckle me. I watch as the Jeep’s tail lights disappear down the driveway from the front windows.
“It’s the right thing to do.” Esme lays a hand on my shoulder as she watches with me, I hate the truth in her words. “She needs to process everything, we haven’t given her the chance and now this with Isabella, it’s a lot.”
“I know.”
Love. “Come here.”
I turn into her waiting arms, the overwhelming urge to cry hits me like a fucking freight train when her arms pull me close.
“She will be back, just be patient with her.”
“What if she realizes-”
“Nonsense, she’s hopelessly in love with you.”
I pull back to inspect her face, “What?”
She smiles at me in only the way a mother really can, “My son, trust me. Give her a few days, but she needs to know that love is returned.”
“How do you-”
“I’ve known since the day you first brought her home. I knew then she was yours before you ever figured out she was your singer, I’m a mom like that.” Winking at me, she pats my shoulder. “She makes you happier, lighter. It makes me happy to finally see that in you.”
Venomous tears make my vision swim, more often than not I take the fact that Esme mothers us in ways unique to every single one of us for granted.
Glancing down, I clear my throat like a typical male trying to avoid being emotional, “Thank you, Esme.”
“Dear, you never have to thank me, I love you more than you know.”
“I love you too.” I kiss her on the cheek, our talk having smoothed out my frayed nerves.
Time. I can give her time to think, to process everything that’s happened in the last week. But then she’s mine - she has to know how I feel about her. And if she wants nothing to do with me after that?
Well, I guess I’d give her that too.
But not until after I fight for her, because fighting for her is in my bones. Fighting is all I’ve ever known and it’s time I put it to good use.
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Taglist Part 1:
@aoi-targaryen @Min-jianhyung @pbbsl @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @Blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea @foolsgoldxo @heartfilia01 @azuredgalaxies @geekysimmerthings @graciereads @ramen-girl-2424 @0hmydekiru @creeqvealley @cherriebat @whichwitchisthebitch @dragon-rider-with-a-book @secretfairytailpetscookie @psychobitchsthings
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