#I GUESS ?????
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aronair · 2 days ago
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Happening right after "Mothering Heights" after Petey's building got absolutely ruined
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Inspired by these pages
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star-lights-up · 1 day ago
@veevil you're gonna start getting tagged with anything that has fish in it
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jesterjesteringjesterly · 16 hours ago
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They woke up to unknown noises downstairs (Sonic was raiding their fridge)
I love my silly doomed polycule
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deydenier · 2 days ago
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Severance merch idea: mysterious and important fidget spinner
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lily-onher-grave · 1 day ago
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Something-something Glindas watching their Elphies defy gravity at awards shows, 21 years apart
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saym0-0 · 21 hours ago
i cant do this anymore 😭😭
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bearhaviour · 2 days ago
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Shopping for gifts with miminana
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everest81 · 2 days ago
It's like a koala. It needs leaves, but a specific kind
touch-starved but if the wrong person touches me even slightly i will feel like i need to peel my skin off all day
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nudityandnerdery · 2 days ago
Anyone who lives in a red state wouldn't be surprised that Dallas said fuck you to ice. But these privileged people who shit on every poor, trashy, gerrymandered "red" state citizen are surprised when poor people stand up for their mixed communities. Y'all think we're all bigots since y'all grew up in bigoted upper middle class communities with bigoted upper middle class families. Meanwhile we're out here with queer, mixed, black, white, brown, trans, gay, lesbian, male, female communities where matriarchy runs strong despite the government trying to obliterate us and managing to turn a few of us against each other and blast that minority all over the news. We've always been more diverse than y'all will ever be and because of growing up together we're also less bigoted than y'all. It's the government and like 2 old geezers that's fucking racist homophobic and misogynist. Not us. We love each other, all races and queer shit. We don't care.
Hey there, boo, I'm gonna just take a second to screen shot something I wrote on that post a few weeks back, just for some context:
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So, hold your fire, okay? I grew up in a red state. I know that it's not all shitty people, okay? My surprise was literally that the COPS were saying no.
But, I also want to just take a second to gently push back a little bit on something you said:
We've always been more diverse than y'all will ever be and because of growing up together we're also less bigoted than y'all. It's the government and like 2 old geezers that's fucking racist homophobic and misogynist.
Hey. Do me a favor. Think about something for a second:
Who voted in that government? How did they get into power?
It wasn't just two old geezers, okay? You know as well as I do that there's bigots who are voting for these shitbags. And pretending that rural towns are an oasis of harmony and acceptance is the same stupid shit as pretending big cities are. I mean, let's look at recent electoral results. How did your county vote in the presidential race? Where I live right now, the county went roughly 65-35 for Trump. Hasn't gone to a Democratic candidate since LBJ.
It wasn't just two old geezers who got two votes that counted as 65% of the election here, you know? There's plenty of other people that went along with making the government more bigoted. Fucking millions across the country, rural and suburban and urban locations alike.
I'm not saying "Everyone living outside of a metropolis in a blue state is a bigot!" here, obviously, that's not what I'm going for. I'm not saying everyone living in a metropolis in a blue state is open-minded, either, of course, because shitbags gonna be shitbags wherever they're from- like the Felon who got elected, he's grown up in NYC and a racist dick for decades.
But I am saying that being blind to the flaws of places we love is incredibly dangerous, and that attacking each other over pointless shit like where we live is just feeding into the bullshit division that wealthy, powerful assholes use to keep us divided and from actually having an electorate that could support policies that would help large swathes of the nation, and take away the power that their money and control gives them.
So. Just something to think about. Assuming someone is an out-of-touch big city liberal who hates anyone living in a rural area is about as useful as assuming anyone living in a rural area is a MAGA fanatic who hates anyone living in a big city.
Aaaaaanyway. The American inability to acknowledge how class war is what will doom this country is near pathological. Sorry to the rest of the world that we're gonna drag so many of you into our bullshit.
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charlie-rulerofhell · 5 hours ago
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when you rather walk on stumbling tiptoes than not bury your face in your bf‘s shoulder
all credits go to the @ladyofleipa for that lovely change of perspectives in this beautiful moment
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poorlemons · 11 hours ago
Fuck it!
wlw doorkeay.
Transfem both of them!
..so technically i dont think this is doorkeay? i think that ones the distortion. but my transfem michael is shelley so.... this did somehow end up as a very fancy shitpost caused by a conversation with a pal of mine i had
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also transfem gerry is just normal gerry she would barely change in appearance
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percabethsong · 14 hours ago
I don't think Aang should kick him out of the group, buy BOY I wanted him to make clear to Zuko how disrespectful that was and that Zuko, of all people, should be the last one to say something like that because as though it wasn't his fault what happened to the Air Nomads, he still benefit from the wealth and status for at least a part of his life.
Someday, if I ever go back to write fanfic, I swear that I'll write a series call "Aang gets to yell at people for being racist towards his culture", cause damn, it wasn't just this line, in the comics especially it happened way too often (the only one in the Gang who DIDN'T disrespect Aang's culture was Katara, as far as I can remember, and maybe Suki, but Suki laughed along this time).
I really wanted to slap Zuko when he said this to Aang. Like dude, you do realize that the dead nation that you are making fun of is dead thanks to your family, right? The very same family who has profited from the deaths of the air nomads and countless others for a 100 years since the war started? Kindly shut the fuck up. He's lucky Aang didn't get pissed with him and decide to kick him out of the group. He would have been completely justified.
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slavicafire · 2 days ago
how do I ask if they can let me see her
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thecorefrisk · 2 days ago
Dc x Dp animatic idea
God, I read this fanfic-- real cute, real sweet, real angsty-- where Damian and Danny were siblings but instead of being twins, they were older-younger siblings. (Damian was the older, Danny was the younger.) And Damian was a possessive older brother 'cause his brother was (and is) dead and all that and Damian is just a naturally possessive person. And today I was listening to the song Body by Mother Mother and I just... had the greatest idea for an animatic.
First, for the song, trigger warning for some descriptions of different parts of the body getting 'gotten rid of'. (Ex: tear my teeth, tear through my cheeks. Take the nose, go and dispose, dispose, dispose, dispose.)
Danny has a breakdown with that song playing, basically. But, really, what I'm thinking is that when it reaches the climax of the song all the words the GIW have ever said to him swim around him, haunting him. "Ghosts don't feel pain." "Ghosts aren't people." "It'll grow back." Things like that. And it's Danny basically dehumanizing himself in order to feel safe? Secure? Something like that.
Surgical tools and weapons reach for him like they are ghosts in their own right, they cling to him, to his skin, to his heart and they claw at his body. Tearing him apart.
('Take my eyes, take them aside. Take my face and desecrate. Arms and legs, get in the way.')
Name of the Fanfic: Broken Bonds by PolarBearSeals.
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jave-harness · 1 day ago
Listen. Orteil. (imagine me sitting down like a youth pastor here) I don't normally disagree with you. I am a die-hard Cookie Clicker fan. I played NeverEnding Legacy to the fullest in spring of 2024. I got a couple thousand clicks into Nested once. But please for the love of gog keep that idea far far far far FAR away from Spore.
Let's consider EA's track record. Our closest example, Spore itself, was a cash grab. Or rather, turned into a cash grab. I do believe at one point it was an idea that had some merit (even if such is naivety). It was definitely good at one point.
But they took the vision that was had for Spore, and ruined it. And I can practically 100% guarantee that they would've done that for whatever idea you have for having five different fucking games for one continuous story.
Not to mention, who knows where which game is released. They probably wouldn't allow porting saves across multiple devices or services. Say they released the games on CD from, uhh, 2008-2011. 2013 if I'm being generous. Porting that to other game services like Steam or Origin (or the modern EA App) would've been absolutely disastrous. Linking your EA account to the Steam port is already the personal hell of the average Spore enjoyer. I don't know about the EA App, though, since I've only ever used the Steam port. Nevertheless...
I assume you say this because you wanted to skip the tribal stage specifically. Don't worry. Everybody has that feeling. But I would say allowing the player to skip any stage removes the vital linearity of the full game. You can't just go from being a creature to being the main designer of multiple cities, including the military leader of all of them as well. The tribal stage acts as a valley to understand the click-to-task, arrange buildings, war prep, and gift giving mechanics of the civilization stage while also being fun on its own (IMHO).
My personal proposition is to give up on all other stages entirely and just give us a fucking space game. The space stage takes up like 90% of the gameplay and is (")objectively(") better than all of them because it gives actual character to the creatures (which gives potential to be expanded on in Galactic Adventures and I would daresay widens the audience a little because when I was like 7 and playing Spore I loved being mean to the other empires). Plus, if they just focused on the space stage (what the game was actually about), the game just would've been better because they would've had more time and budget to work on something people might actually like.
Anyway. Crazy ramble over. Apologies. I just get so passionate about this subjects. Do not come near my Spore-kitten again.
Spore shouldn't have been 1 game with 5 different gameplay segments it should've been 5 separate games that each let you load your save from the previous one.
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