#Sorry Eddie
midsummer-semantics · 2 months
the hint of a spark
Written for day 3 of @steddieangstyaugust.
Prompt: "The sunset looks lovely, doesn't it?"
Rating: G | WC: 2k | S4 Canon Compliant
Title from "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" by Death Cab For Cutie
divider from @steddiecameraroll-graphics
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The calm before the storm is always Steve’s least favorite part. The idle waiting they all have to do before a plan can be set in motion. It’s worse now, somehow, than it was in ‘83 or ‘84 (he doesn’t think about ‘85, when most of the waiting was done tied to a chair under the heavy influence of Russian drugs). Now, half of their group is AWOL and there’s a new person that shouldn’t have been involved in the first place.
It’s still early, their plan not beginning until after the sun goes down, but Steve is restless. He wants to finish this. Finally. Three years of his life tied to the bullshit that this Vecna guy has pulled and for what? What’s the goddamn point?
“Brooding all by yourself, handsome?” a voice comes, startling Steve out of his… okay, he was brooding. He looks over to find Eddie climbing the ladder that leads to the top of the caravan, which Steve had retreated to with a flimsy excuse of ‘keeping watch’ while the others tried to get some rest, charge up for the night ahead of them.
He waits until Eddie takes a seat next to him, offering a crooked smile before responding. “Got an image to maintain.”
Eddie snorts as he settles, one leg extended so his foot hangs off the side of the RV, the other bent so he can rest his elbow on his knee. “Even in the face of impending doom, you’re still the formidable King Steve,” he quips, but it lacks the bitterness that Steve’s used to hearing when that nickname comes up.
Steve bumps his shoulder to Eddie’s, a silent acknowledgment of the joke.
It’s quiet this far away from downtown. Not the suffocating quiet of his house or the droning quiet of Family Video on a slow day. A peaceful quiet. The kind of quiet that Steve hasn’t experienced in a while. The kind that lets him delude himself into thinking that the world is a quiet place, where the leaves rustle on the trees and crickets chirp to give the temperature and there’s no alternate dimension ready to rise up and raze the town. 
It’s a shame it’s March, he thinks. If it was summer, the fireflies would be beginning their nightly dance, one turning to two turning to a hundred as the sun sets over the open field. There’d be the smell of impending rain as another summer storm rolls in and a fox or two running to find a burrow.
Steve’s always been a big fan of summers: the sunshine and the adventure, the possibilities, the liminal space between school terms that allows him to just exist without thought for what came before or what comes after.
He still likes summer, even if the beginning of July is likely to be less exciting after last year. A lot of things have been ruined thanks to the crap they’re going to face later.
“How do you do it?” Eddie asks, once again breaking through Steve’s contemplative silence.
Eddie flicks open his zippo, which is the only thing that survived the dive into the Upside Down since his cigarettes didn’t. Steve watches him spark a flame, snuff it out, open, spark, snuff, repeat.
“All of—” Eddie waves his free hand over them then the RV they’re sitting on, “—this. The battles. The interdimensional plot twists. The fucking….” He sighs, shaking his head, his hair swiveling around under the bandana he’s already tied over it. “Everything.”
Steve takes a moment to look, really look, at the man sitting beside him. Eddie’s eyes are huge, pleading, but beyond that they glisten in the fading daylight. They contain the horrors that he’s faced in the last few days, but they also contain galaxies, the beginning and end of worlds as they sparkle and shine.
He’s a little pale, sure, like he hasn’t seen daylight in two years, but the color rising to his cheeks as Steve studies him gives heat to the simmering in Steve’s stomach that started since Eddie held a broken bottle to his throat. 
Since before that, probably. The first time sophomore-Steve saw Eddie Munson stand on top of a lunch table and wax poetic about the system and forced conformity. 
The first time Steve really thought ‘I want to be like that.’
He doesn’t mean loud or angry or volatile, he has plenty of that hidden between the bricks of his carefully crafted walls. He knows what attention feels like, knows that, at one point, people looked to him like he brings some sort of message only they can get from him. No. He means unapologetic, open, himself.
He hasn’t really felt any of that since November ‘83. He’s made an active effort to feel nothing at all, because feeling means hurt and pain, and nothing means…
“You get used to it,” Steve states, tone light despite the tempest swirling in his being.
Eddie stares at him for several beats, enough time to have the younger man almost turning away. “That’s pretty fucked up, Steve.”
Steve scoffs, mostly because Eddie’s right and he knows that, but also because it’s second nature. Scoff at the drama, the trauma, the ridiculous things. 
Old habits die hard.
“No, but really,” Eddie continues. “You’ve been through a lot. Way more than you’ve told me, I know for sure. So…”
Steve shrugs, brings a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “Well, normally we have—”
“The girl with super powers, yeah, I get it,” Eddie snaps. “But that doesn’t explain how you get through it all. Because if I’m honest, man, I’m about three seconds from running at every moment and you just…” He inhales and exhales heavily. “You just keep going. How?”
Steve sighs, turning back to watch the sky begin its change from blue to orange. 
“I dunno, man. I haven’t really gotten a chance to stop and think about it since it all started.”
That’s not entirely true. There’s been lulls between events before, time when Steve probably should have processed everything he’s been through. But again, it’s easier to just ignore it. Count his lucky stars that he survived another fight and then move on in the hopes he doesn’t have to do it again.
Eddie continues to fiddle with his lighter, occasionally spinning it between his forefinger and thumb before going through the motions once more. Open, spark, snuff, again.
“I guess that’s part of what I don’t get. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since it happened.”
Steve doesn’t ask him to clarify, he doesn’t need to. Not when he gets it completely.
“Barbra Holland died in my pool,” he says, once again looking out over the field. The sun has dipped below the treeline now, the sky darkening.
Eddie’s movements stop altogether. “What?”
“Yep,” Steve says, popping the P. “The night Will Byers went missing. The demogorgon that took him also killed her.”
He can feel Eddie’s eyes on him as the metalhead speaks. “And… where were you?”
Upstairs. Taking Nancy Wheeler’s virginity.
“Inside with some friends. It happened so fast, no one even heard it.”
“Shit, dude. So you’ve really been in this since the very beginning.”
Steve nods absently. “Yeah, I guess so.”
He doesn’t really think of it like that. Or, he hadn’t until now, he supposes. Mostly, he just blames himself, even though realistically he knows there’s nothing he could have done at the time even if they’d all been outside with Barb. It likely would have resulted in all of their deaths instead. There was no nail bat or firearms at that point. Just four stupid kids and an innocent girl who didn’t deserve to die.
“Billy didn’t die in the mall fire either,” he redirects.
“Oh jeez,” Eddie groans. “Don’t tell me, another demogorgon attack?”
Steve chuckles, can’t help it. “I wish. No, Mind Flayer that time.”
“It’s really uncomfortable the way all of these monsters are named after D&D characters.”
Steve laughs again, fiddling with the zipper tab on his vest. He wishes Eddie still had his cigarettes.
“Yeah, a bunch of people went missing and it turned out they were all melting into goo to create this 50-foot monster thing,” he explains, glancing over at Eddie’s horrified look. Honestly, it sounds unbelievable, like something entirely made up, so it’s a little sad to see in real-time that Eddie believes him. “Billy was working for it, I guess. I don’t really understand the connection even now. Anyway, we tried to take it out with fireworks—”
“Fireworks?” Eddie guffaws. 
Steve snorts. “Yeah well, it was all we had available. Well, that, and Nancy had a pistol, but there’s no way it would have stood a chance against this thing. But yeah, Billy tried to fight it, it was going to kill El, er, Supergirl, and Billy… I don’t know. Had a change of heart?” He shakes his head. “It was too strong, though. And he… he didn’t…”
Steve trails off, memories of that night flashing through his mind. It’s still, even now thanks to the drugs that had been in his system, but the crunching of bones and the piercing scream Max let out still ring in his ears if he listens close enough.
“So yeah,” he says after a moment. “I just try not to think about it.”
Eddie still looks scandalized when Steve looks at him again, his brows furrowed and his eyes shining in the dying daylight. He’s thinking, Steve can tell by the way his jaw flexes and his eyes dart over Steve’s face. Finally, the metalhead brings a hand up, resting it on Steve’s shoulder.
“And here you are, about to run head-first into battle again. You’re pretty amazing, Steve.”
Steve’s heart thumps hard at Eddie’s words, the touch to his shoulder that he can’t really feel through the tactical layers, but the weight of Eddie’s hand is enough.
“Thanks, man,” he replies, hesitating only for a moment before bringing his own hand up and resting it on Eddie’s bent knee. He can feel Eddie’s skin under his palm through the rip in the denim, and he absently drags his thumb across it. “So are you.”
It’s probably too forward. They barely know each other, and Steve might be overly familiar with what a crush feels like, but this doesn’t seem like the ideal time to explore that feeling. Although, if they’re going to die tonight, then he might as well let it ripple out in the open while he can.
Eddie drags his gaze away from Steve’s face to look down at his hand on his knee, this breathing a little shallower. Steve doesn’t stop touching him, won’t unless Eddie tells him to. But Eddie doesn’t, he swallows harshly and looks back up at Steve with a question in his eyes that Steve gives a nod and small smile to. They don’t need to talk about it. Either they survive tonight and can talk about it after, when the dust settles, or they don’t and talking wouldn’t make a difference anyway.
Instead, they sit in the quiet calm before the storm, Eddie only moving to brush the hand on Steve’s shoulder across his back to the other side, scooting a little closer to lay his head on the now free shoulder. Steve keeps his hand on Eddie’s knee, moving it just enough to cup the inside of it, holding him a little tighter.
“The sunset is lovely, don’t ya think?” Eddie asks, hushed, like it would shred the little blanket of night that’s folded over them.
“Yeah,” Steve replies, resting his chin on the top of Eddie’s bandana-covered head, wishing it wasn’t there so he could press his lips to Eddie’s hair, feel the curls against his skin, take in his scent if it’s the only chance he’ll get to do so. “It is.”
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ask-symbrock · 2 years
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Breaking Down My Theories on Buck and Eddies (Separate) Arcs
*all my sources are from this article: https://ew.com/911-season-8-preview-exclusive-photos-interview-8704969
(DISCLAIMER: this is just my interpretation and predictions based of this article, this is not officially canon)
Even though Buck and Eddie are best friends (and maybe something more depending on who you ask) they are still separate people with different story lines. However what I see coming this season are their own unique story lines that will mirror each other through the same underlying themes.
Eddie's main theme will deal with him having to deal with a big change in his life as Christopher has decided to live with his grandparents due to his fathers interesting choices (ex. the whole doppelganger situation).
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This will leave Eddie with time on his hands to go and do what he would like when he would like, which is a privilege he's never possessed before. His personal life however, will probably turn out equally as disappointing when he turns for Buck's support now that his best friend and good friend are both dating each other. Eddie was originally the one who clicked with Tommy so for him to be a third wheel will probably cause issues. This along with the fact that he might need a lot of emotional support right now from a couple with tight time. Eddie doesn't always handle emotions well, which will probably cause some tension and resentment on his side.
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On the other hand, opposite to popular beliefs, I think Eddie will be doing better in the workplace. Even though Captain Gerard is there and Eddie is a minority, I think that Eddie has a chance of thriving the most in this workplace. Out of everyone, I think he could be the most "socially acceptable" in Gerard's eyes. He was part of the military, has the least connections to Gerard out of the 4 mains (Hen and Chim worked under him, Buck interacted with him through Tommy and Chim), and he is a cis-het half-white man (plus with Chris gone, Gerard may not know that Eddie is a single parent to a kid with special needs). I think that Eddie will turn his focus to the workplace more than he's ever done before now he doesn't have to be a parent 24/7.
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Buck's main theme will deal with him having to learn how to accept change in his life too. Buck recently just lost access to his father-figure in the workplace while also discovering he was bi in his 30's.
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Now that Gerard is in the workplace and Buck is trying to learn how to integrate being bi into his professional life, his work life turning into a mess. Gerard and Buck aren't going to get along as Gerard has already met Buck, and not on the best of terms along (and Buck has heard awful things about Gerard) with the fact that Buck's emotions are tied in very heavily with his actions, especially during the line of duty (which is part of the reason he didn't join the SEAL's). Him and Gerard are going to clash based off those facts alone but now Buck has something else that makes him stand out, the fact that he's openly bi. Gerard may already know that Buck is bi and dating Tommy (due to seeing interactions with him and Tommy) or he will find out, which will add to the top Gerard's list of reasons to hate Buck. Due to this Buck is going to struggle in the work place not just without Bobby but also as minority and might notice Eddie getting better treatment than him/not standing up for him which may cause resentment and tension.
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On the other hand Buck's personal life is better than it's ever been, especially with a new addition, Tommy. Their relationship is now official Buck seems to be enjoying the affection, something he's been missing in his love life. Plus Buck can talk and relate to Tommy on a different level due to the fact that Gerard is his captain, which will make their bond stronger. On top of that he can just be "Evan" with Tommy, he doesn't have to be "Buck".
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Now going back to the main point, I think there is going to be a breaking point for the two best friends that is going to cause the them to go separate ways for a bit. I think Eddie will reach his breaking point first with the whole Tommy, Buck, Eddie situation and will trigger Buck's breaking point with the whole Gerard,Eddie, Buck situation. This is going to cause them to go separate ways (and hopefully to therapy for Eddie) to work on themselves separately, which is weird cause they tend to work through their issues together when they have one. That is the potential that this arc has though, to change that narrative.
This is where they share that same underlying theme, they have to learn how to become their own people for their relationship (platonic or romantic, however you view it), to become stronger. Eddie needs to become more confident in who he is as a person, friend, and parent without feeling the need to rely on others as much as he does. Meanwhile Buck needs to become confident in the fact that he is still learning who he is both as "Evan" and as "Buck" while also navigating a completely different romantic life.
We'll just have to see what happens starting September 23!
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madelynraemunson · 1 year
no one:
eddie in the bathroom while steve and shy girl were fucking:
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shieldofiron · 1 year
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Slightly modified dialogue from I Think You Should Leave
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inklessletter · 1 year
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Do you remember when Steve and Eddie invented the perfect summer love?
Trust me, sun child.
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
Is it still a fix-it if someone suffers major blood loss 😅
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lesbiansusanpevensie · 5 months
hen saving this dog this is why she will always be blorbo no 1
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moonchildquinn · 1 year
you know what’s been on my mind forever now that i really want to write but i’m sure there’s probably fics about it already? a fic based off Kill Bill by Sza. Eddie and reader dating, Eddie cheats, reader catches him, they break up, Eddie moves on. Reader is obsessed with him though and if reader can’t have him no one can. yes i will be killing Eddie again and i am SORRY but idk my brain just needs this to happen so yea be on the lookout for that whenever i decide to write it 🤣
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cuntyarmand · 2 months
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*looking into the camera like i'm on the office*
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forecast0ctopus · 3 months
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shushmal · 4 months
"Dude," Steve says, pressing on his eyes because he feels like he's about to cry. "What the fuck."
"What?" Dustin squeaks, alarmed. "What? Steve, you're freaking me out!"
"Good!" Because Steve just worked eighteen hours and it's past midnight and he got thrown up on twice and there was a bed pan incident and even though he showered at the hospital he probably smells awful and it rained and he lost his keys so he had to take the bus and he's sweaty and tired and wet and cold and Dustin's DnD friend is hot. "I can't believe you'd do this to me!" Okay, maybe Steve's feeling a little delirious.
"Do what??" Dustin is full on shrieking right now. His hot friend is standing in their apartment looking more and more worried and hot.
"You didn't tell me he was hot!"
The expressions that go across Dustin's face is impressive, before they stop and he settles on a flat glare. "Seriously??"
Hot guy is now blushing and Steve will collapse if he doesn't keep with the righteous fury.
"I've been TRYING to get you two to meet for months now!"
"You didn't tell me he was hot, though! Dustin!!"
"I don't know what guys are hot, Steve!" Dustin says indignantly. "I thought you didn't like nerds!"
"Um," says hot guy. He looks like he's panicking.
Dustin's face changes again. "Oh, no. Oh, no, you're right."
"All this time!" Steve says and he really is close to tears. "You've been nagging on me all this time to find my soulmate, and you had the perfect guy right here?? You had him in my home??? Dustin!"
"Whoa," whispers hot guy.
"I'm sorry," Dustin wails now, just as distraught. "You love nerds, all your favorite people are nerds, I don't know what I was thinking, oh my god!" He whirls on hot guy. "Eddie, give Steve your number right now!"
"Okay," says hot guy Eddie, immediately. His face is super red and his eyes are wide, and he looks scared out of his mind as he fumbles his pocket for his phone. "Yeah-Yep-Absolutely. This is a thing that's happening."
Steve, tears burning in his eyes, watches as Dustin punches his number into Eddie's phone. "Okay," he says a little nasally, wiping quickly at his face. "Okay, I'm going to shower and then sleep for two days, and then pretend like this never happened so I can look hot guy in the eye when he asks me on a date. Sound good?"
"Sounds great!" Dustin says, all cheery now. Behind him, still looking vaguely scared for his life, hot guy gives him a shaky thumbs up.
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
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mombin pt 6 and look who showed up
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
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heresvix · 5 months
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BIfriend 🩷💜💙
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doginacafe · 5 months
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hes definitely on his tippy toes
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adharafirenze · 1 year
When you get this respond with five things that make you happy!!! Then send to the last ten people you got notifications from (anon) :)
Aww this was fun! I’m glad I’m included in this <33
•some of my hobbies
•collecting things
•swimming in the sea
And a bonus last one that’s more of a wish than anything else,
•beating up @eddiestardust
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