edwinspaynes · 10 months
I'm the SophiexGideon Anon of the other day! hey!
I looked at your fics and found one where Gabriel and Claire are tagged but not complete, will Sohpie and Gideon also appear in upcoming chapters? Or as Gabriel and Claire are tagged as mains they won't and you are centering more of them?
I started reading the fic, I'm on chapter number 2 and I looooove all the references, I want a WILL HERONDALE for christmas please
Honestly that fic is completely the bane of my existence at this point LOL. I'm going to work on it today a bit maybe, but I've hit a massive block because I have no idea what to do with the next chapter. I have the last chapter planned out a bit better, so that will be less of a challenge - but the next one? Insanely void of ideas.
Maybe I'll include Sophie and Gideon, maybe I won't because I genuinely have no plan for it. It's an idea, at least.
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My heart hurts for Charlotte and Henry and how concerned they are about Matthew, they clearly know he’s ill and has an addiction and they want to help him, but unfortunately Matthew doesn’t want help, he doesn’t want to get better.
But also it made my heart happy when Charlotte called James ‘Darling’ I want more of the TLH kids and their Aunts and Uncles interacting please! Cecily and Gabriel being protective and fussing over Lucie while they watch the institute while Tessa and Will are in Paris. 
Charlotte and Henry loving The Merry Thieves as their 3rd, 4th and 5th sons.
Sophie and Gideon defending and standing up for Anna against people who no doubt talk shit about her every opportunity they get.
Tessa and Will sometimes forgetting that Christopher, Matthew and Thomas don’t also live at The Institute, because they’re there so often.
More TID gen and TLH gen being wholesome families please! 
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clarys-fairchild · 7 years
Tumblr media
ya lit meme: [2/8] OTPs:
↳ sophie collins x gideon lightwood -  the infernal devices
My dear Miss Collins, it is true that my feelings for you go far beyond admiration. I would describe them as the most ardent affection. Your kindness, your beauty, your generous heart—they have quite overset me, and it is to that alone that I can ascribe my behavior of this morning.
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
For the fic thing.
Prompt 19 "I‘ve missed this." SophiexGideon pleaseeeeeeeee xx 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Prompt #19 - “I’ve missed this” + Gophie
The noise had finally died down and Gideon slanted against the wall. Demon hunting was less tiring than throwing a wedding party. 
Every inch of body was tired and all he had done was to greet people and make conversation. Sophie, his beloved, who had handled from everything from the wedding ceremony to the after party merrily walked into the bedroom and smiled at him. 
“All done,” she patted him on the shoulder. 
“Oh, thank the angel,” Gideon sighed.
Sophie went over to the couch and sat down, gracefully as ever, and gestured him to join her. Even though he was considering the possibility of falling asleep right next to that wall, Gideon had never been able to say no to her. He used every inch of strength to push himself off the wall and join his wife. 
“I already miss Eugenia,” Sophie said softly as she rested her head on his shoulder. 
It hadn’t been an easy road for his daughter. But then again he thought of himself, Gabriel, Tatiana and then Barbara. It hadn’t been an easy road for any of them. Maybe the Lightwoods were not destined for easy roads.
He could only hope that fate would make an exception for his Thomas. 
“I miss her too,” Gideon kissed the top of her head. 
Sophie hummed quietly. 
“I’ve missed this,” she said. 
“Peace and quiet?” Gideon chuckled. 
No one was home right now. Eugenia now lived with her husband in London and Thomas was off with Christopher as usual. 
“No,” she replied. “This. Taking care of my family.”
“Sophie!” Gideon exclaimed in such shock that his wife raised her head in worry. “You take care of me every single day. I don’t know where I would be without you.”
“Probably buried underneath a pile of scones,” Sophie replied and covered her mouth. 
“I do wish you would forget that embarrassing incident,” Gideon muttered.
“Never,” she said and kissed him on the cheek. 
“If I…The children and I…If we ever made you feel as if you don’t take good care of us,” Gideon bit his lip. “If we don’t appreciate you enough, I do hope you forgive me. We d-”
“Gideon, no,” Sophie interrupted. “It isn’t that.”
“Then what is it, my love?” He asked her softly. “What bothers you?”
“I think I’ve forgotten…I’ve forgotten what it is like to be a mother,” “Sophie whispered. “Barbara…Our darling Barbara is gone. Eugenia is with her new family now. And Thomas…Well, we hardly ever see him.”
Gideon took her small hands in his and held them tightly. 
“I just…I just wish we don’t have to keep losing them,” Sophie sniffled and rested her head back on his shoulder again.
“Sophie,” he whispered. “My sweet Sophie. We haven’t lost our children. Barbara will always be with us in spirit. Eugenia is only a portal away. And Thomas. Nothing and no one is going to take Thomas from us. I promise you.”
“Do you think they will miss us?” Sophie asked, her voice hopeful. “Do you think they will miss us as much as we miss them?”
“I should hope so,” Gideon smiled. “Otherwise we could annoy them until they write back to us.”
Sophie chuckled. “I don’t know what came over me. I am sorry.”
“It’s alright, my love,” he wiped a dry tear off her face. “It’s been quite a day for all of us. I know we’ve been through a lot in the past year. But we Lightwoods always land on our feet, don’t we?”
“We do,” she smiled and kissed his palm. “I just wish they wouldn’t grow up so fast!”
In that moment, their son burst into the room, looking worried. 
“Mother, um,” he scratched his head. “Do you happen to have something shiny? Maybe like a diamond?”
“What on earth for?” His wife asked, looking perplexed, but sporting a smile she only reserved for her son.  
“Christopher and I are summoning a goblin,” Thomas explained awkwardly. “I promise it’s for well intentioned research. Well..Mostly well intentioned research.”
Gideon couldn’t help but laugh. “What was that about growing up?”
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Hi, I just read some of your works on AO3 and checked out some of the fics on your tumblr especially works that are not also published on AO3. They're great! I especially like the SophieXGideon wedding one. LOL with the whole shoe deal. I wonder if Charlotte realized or wondered why Will is wearing Henry's shoes. It would be a funny and heart-warming fic to post on AO3. I feel there aren't a who lot of works that center around SophieXGideon.
Helloo! Thank you so much for writing such sweet things! I've been a little lazy when it comes to putting fics on AO3, but since you've asked, I'll make sure to have on there by the end of today!! 
Charlotte didn't realize that Henry didn't have his shoes on at first (she was, after all, stressed since she had to officiate two of her good friends' wedding and didn't want to mess it up). She did, however, notice during the ceremony, when she looked towards his direction. She decided not to question it.
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kierarktina3ever · 7 years
Somebody Please Tell Me the Ship Name for SophiexGideon??
Okay can we just take a minute to appreciate the absolute purity and beauty that is Sophie’s and Gideon’s relationship? Honestly they are my favorite pairing in TID just because they are so good for each other like Gideon needed a kind soul like Sophie who would love him despite the heinous deeds of his father and Sophie needed someone as gentle and sweet as Gideon to help her get past her abusive experience with men.
And their relationship is just pure fluff and it’s much appreciated after the angst of Herongraystairs and don’t get me wrong I love their dynamic as well and they will always hold a large place in my heart but it’s just so refreshing to see a couple that doesn’t have to deal with all that struggle and sadness. Like all the struggles they deal with are light and goofy things like the scones. Of course there’s the issue of her being mundane but that’s easily solved with little to no angst.
I also love how kind Gideon is and how much he clearly adores Sophie and appreciates every second he has with her like with the scones and how his favorite part of the day was training her. And seeing Sophie so comfortable around him after everything she’s been through I just love them thank you and good night.
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25 with Sophie/Gideon from tid please!! They're such an underrated ship and I love them
25. I can’t believe you talked me into this.
Sophie and Gideon looked down at the Academy from the hill theywere standing on. It was a bustling hub of activity, with Shadowhunters andMundanes alike training, talking and learning. Sophie bit her lip, nervous butexcited. This was going to be her life for the next few years.
“You don’t have to do this,” Gideon told her for what must havebeen the seventeenth time in two days. “I don’t like the way they treatMundanes here. You’ll be disrespected and sneered at. You don’t deserve thatkind of treatment.”
Sophie turned around, looking directly at Gideon. She wrapped her armaround his back. “Gideon, I want this. I want to be a Shadowhunter.”
“Why?” He turned to face her, his eyes pleading. “Why subjectyourself to this? You’ll have to sever all ties with Mundanes.”
“Which Mundanes do I have ties with?” She asked, begging him tounderstand with her eyes, “you are the only person I want to be near, and thisis the only way for me be with you.”
Sophie could see Gideon fighting with himself, trying to convinceher to change her mind. “I could become a Mundane. Marry you, and have my Marksstripped.”
Sophie felt herself swelling with indignation. “And you think I’dlet you subject yourself to that? Who do you think I am?”
Gideon looked away, evidently surprised by the force of heremotion. Sophie sighed, pursing her lips. Maybe she had gone a bit overboard.She just wished Gideon would understand. “I’m not just doing this so I can bewith you,” she squeezed Gideon’s hand in her own. He looked back at her,lifting an eyebrow. “Why else, then?”
“The Shadowhunters took me in. They helped me. That is whatShadowhunters do. And that is why I want to be one of you. I want to bepowerful enough to help people who need it.”
Gideon looked at her for so long that she was about to ask him whathe was thinking outright.
Then he kissed her.
It was soft and slow. Sweet and loving and promising. Telling herthat he loved her and that he understood completely.
“You will be the best Shadowhunter there ever was.” Gideon smileddown at her.
“Yes I will,” Sophie beamed at him and turned towards the Academy.
“Sophie?” Gideon asked, confused at her suddeneffusive energy.  
Sophie threw her unoccupied hand out in the air and went runningdown the hill to the Academy, pulling him along and laughing with pure joy,because this was it, here she was, with the man she loved, about to become whatshe’d always wanted to be.
“I can’t believe you talked me into this!” Gideon screamed as helet her pull him down the hill, laughing with Sophie.
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alltheworldsinmyhead · 11 years
What kind of monster could possibly not adore SophiexGideon, tell me.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #47, Herongraystairs. What if Jem had never been addicted to Yin Fen?
It is a cool October morning in 1887 and Tessa Herondale-Carstairs has found herself wide awake again due to the feeling of little feet kicking inside of her. She is currently 7 months pregnant with her, Will and Jem’s second child, a daughter they plan to name Lucie Ella. They have a 1 year old son named James William, after both of his fathers. 
Tessa had fallen in love with both Jem and Will the moment she met them and they had fallen in love with her, though little did she know they already loved each other too. During the battle with Mortmain, after Tessa transformed into Ithuriel, Jem had run to her side to aid her, but the Heavenly Fire was still burning through her, when he touched her, it burned him too and burned off his parabatia rune as well as Will’s, breaking their bond. Tessa had expected them to be devastated, until a few weeks later she walked into the music room and found them kissing. After that the three of them sat down together and talked about how they all felt about each other, in the end they realized no one had to choose anyone and that all three of them could be together.
In early 1886, much to everyone’s surprise, Tessa found out she was pregnant. She, Jem and Will were thrilled beyond words but also extremely nervous that something would go wrong. Throughout the pregnancy Will and Jem were extremely protective of Tessa, hardly letting her lift a finger and they were constantly at her beck and call. Throughout the pregnancy they did not know if the baby was Will or Jem’s, but they did not care because any baby born to the three of them would have two fathers, no matter their DNA. 
After a rough pregnancy filled with pain and sickness, Tessa gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It was almost immediately clear that Will is his biological father, even at moments old he looked just like him, with a few wisps of thick, curling black hair, Will’s bone structure, mouth and eye shape along with Tessa’s pallor and nose shape. Tessa was afraid at first, that Jem would be disappointed that they baby was not his, but he has always loved James just as Will does, he loves snuggling him and playing his violin for him, while Will loves to read him stories and tell him about everything he and Jem had gotten up to when they were younger.
Approximately 9 months ago, Tessa began to feel ill and achy and felt a lot of the symptoms she had felt while pregnant with James. She didn’t dare get her hopes at first, for the last year she had convinced herself that James was a miracle baby and that Tessa would not be able to fall pregnant again. However after a check up from The Silent Brothers, it was confirmed that Tessa was pregnant with a healthy baby girl. Once again all three of them were utterly thrilled and James was so excited to be a big brother, he loves feeling his sister kick and is forever asking Cecily to tell him stories about his daddy as a big brother, and vowing to be just as good as his daddy. 
Right now, Tessa is just weeks from her due date and having a lot of trouble sleeping due to the baby constantly kicking. She has been awake the past 2 hours and knows it is worthless trying to get back to sleep. With a sigh Tessa grabs her book off the bedside table and heaves herself from the bed, quietly padding across the hall to Will’s office where she can sit and read for a few hours without waking Will and Jem by switching on the lamp. It is odd to have light at the flick of a switch, but much better than trying to fumble around in the dark for a witchight or a match to light a candle with. 
After Tessa has been reading for approximately half an hour, she hears rapid footsteps approaching the office and seconds later the door swings open to reveal Jamie, his golden eyes wide with excitement for the new day, his thick black hair tangled and one of the legs of his pajama bottoms has rolled half way up his leg.
“Good morning my baby.” Tessa brightly says, setting her book down and holding her arms out for her son. Jamie dashes across the room to his mama and flings himself into her arms. His favorite way to start the day is by cuddling with his mama for an hour or two, he loves the way she holds him, strokes his hair, kisses his cheek and tells him how much she loves him. 
“Ucie.” Jamie softly says, placing a hand on Tessa’s bump and beaming up at her in delight. Having only turned 1 recently, James cannot pronounce his sister’s full name yet, so he calls her ‘Ucie’ which Tessa, Will and Jem find extremely sweet and endearing. Jamie is so excited to meet his sister and be a big brother, he’s always been so jealous that his cousin Anna has a little brother and his cousin Thomas has two big sisters, now he’s finally getting a sister and he could not be more happy. 
“Lucie’s been awake all night, I think she missed you.” Tessa softly tells her son, pushing his tangled hair back from his eyes. 
“Ove oo Ucie!” Jamie says, resting his head on his mother’s bump, pouting when he doesn’t feel her kick.
“Oh don’t be sad Jamie, she must have fallen asleep at last, shall we see if we can wake her up?” Tessa gently asks her son, pushing her top up and resting one hand on the side of her swollen stomach. “Come on now little one, you’ve been awake all night and now your brother wants to say hello.” She coos. Jamie furrows his brow at his mother when Lucie still doesn’t kick, then leans forward and pokes her stomach which immediately gets a reaction from Lucie. James’ face lights up and he laughs in delight.
“Mama she kick!” Jamie exclaims in a tone of delight. Tessa laughs lightly and says
“So she did, you must have woken her up.” 
“What a beautiful sight to wake up to.” comes a familiar voice, from the doorway. Tessa turns to see Will standing in the doorway, his hair ruffled from sleep, a smile playing on his lips. 
“Jem still asleep?” Tessa asks.
“Of course, you know him he could sleep through the apocalypse.” Will says in an amused tone, catching Jamie up in his arms when he runs at him. “Good morning Caraid, how are you this morning?” Will softly asks. 
“Good! I wake Ucie up!” James happily exclaims. 
“Did you now? Speaking of your sister, how is Miss Lucie doing in there?” Will softly asks, making his way to Tessa’s side and placing his hand on her bump. 
“Energetic as usual, even more so now she’s heard you and Jamie, this little girl is going to be an amazing Shadowhunter one day, if these kicks are anything to go by.” Tessa lightly says, holding Will’s hand over the spot where Lucie is kicking. 
“I guarantee the minute she hears Jem she’ll calm down, the man is so calm he can even relax an unborn baby.” Will says in an amused tone. Lucie always kicks up a fuss every time she hears Will and Jamie, but when Jem speaks to her she is totally calm and relaxed. When Jamie was a baby he had been the same, he was always hyper and wide awake around Will, but with Jem he was so relaxed and calm, it was amazing. 
“I’ll have to get him to have words with her, she’s not letting me sleep very much.” Tessa lightly says, rubbing at her heavy eyes. 
“Is she only this active at night?” Will asks, lifting his eyes from the bump to look at Tessa, who nods. 
“Yes, during the day she’s quiet calm.”
“Then you should get some sleep during the day when she isn’t so active, Jem and I can easily handle Jamie, you need your rest.” Will softly says. Tessa smiles at him and says
“I suppose but I like being up and spending time with my three boys.” 
“We love spending time with you too but you know how important it is for you to get enough rest.” Will says in a tone of concern. It worries him greatly that Tessa isn’t getting much sleep at night, Brother Enoch made it very clear that it is essential for Tessa to get as much rest as possible, especially in these last few weeks.
“I do but I feel guilty when I go back to bed during the day.” 
“You have absolutely no reason to feel guilty, you are carrying and growing our child, that is hard work and bound to wear you out, feeling guilty over needing to rest is as silly as feeling guilty over needing to eat.” Tessa hears Jem say. She turns to see him walking into the room with Church in his arms and a look of concern on his face.
“Papa!” Jamie squeals, wriggling in Will’s grip until he lets him down. He darts over to Jem, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.
“Good morning sweet boy, I missed you so much.” Jem says in a tone of joy, scooping Jamie into his arms and kissing his cheek.
''Miss Oo too, love Oo papa.'' Jamie sofly says, snuggling into Jem. Jem beams and kisses his son's forehead.
''I love you too Jamie, shall we go have breakfast?'' Jem says. Jamie nods enthuastically and says
''Mama and daddy come too?'' Will and Tessa smile at their son and Tessa says
''Of course, I think Lucie is hungry too, judging by these kicks.''
When the three of them arrive downstairs they find they are the only ones up for breakfast, there is no sign of Charlotte, Henry, Charles and Matthew or Gabriel, Cecily, Anna and Christopher.
Halfway through breakfast Tessa begins to feel a famillar aching cramping pain in her lower stomach, she immediately knows that the pains are contractions but doenst want to say anything to Jem or Will incase she frightens Jamie.
When Ruby -The Institue Maid- arrives to clean up after breakfast she notices Tessa wincing and clutching her stomach.
''M'am are you alright?'' Ruby asks in a tone of concern, which immediately catches Jem and Will's attention.
''Tess are you alright, is it time?'' Jem calmly asks. Tessa winces as another pain hits her and weakly nods.
''Yes, yes I think so.'' she weakly says.
''I will take Jamie to my sister, Jem you help Tessa up to the infirmary.'' Will orders. Jem nods and begins to help Tessa out of her chair, while WIll takes Jamie to find Ceciily and Gabriel.
Tessa's labor is long and painful, she wishes more than anything that she could have Jem and Will by her side, they were there when this baby was concieved they should be here when she is born. But Tessa feels far too weak and tired to fight with the midwife and settles for having, Cecily, Charlotte and Sophie by her side. while Jem, Will, Gideon, Henry and Gabriel wait outside along with Jamie.
After six long and painful hours, Tessa gives birth to a healthy baby girl.
''Oh, Sophie can you bring Will and Jem in now?" Tessa asks in a breathless tone, wanting her husbands to meet their daughter immediately.
''Of course, Gideon and I will keep an eye on Jamie until we leave and Cecily and Gabriel and Charotte and Herny are practically fighting over who gets to look after him tonight, so you dont need to worry about that.'' Sophie lightly says, rising from her seat and making her way out of the infirmary.
A few minutes later, just as the midwife places Lucie in Tessa's arms, Will and Jem walk into the infirmary, immediately making their way to their wife's side.
All three of them gaze down at their daughter in awe, she is absolutely perfect, she looks so much like Tessa it would be almost impossible to tell who her father is, if it weren't for her blue eyes, identical to Will's.
''Lucie, sweet girl you look just like your mama and daddy you lucky little thing, you are so perfect.'' Jem queitly says, softly running his hand over Lucie's chestnut brown hair.
''I cannot believe she's finally here.'' Will queitly says.
''I cannot believe we have two children under two, I still cannot believe I was pregnant again when Jamie was only eight months old.'' Tessa lightly says, rembering how shocked she had been when at Jamie's eight month check up, Brother Enoch had told her she was pregnant again.
''At least we know we can concieve and quite easily, unlike poor Charlotte and Henry who tried for Mathew for years.'' Jem quietly says. He feels awful that he, Tessa and Will seem to have absoluetley no trouble concieving and had two children in 18 months while Charlotte and Henry struggled greatly to have a second child.
''Right as usual James.'' Will says, leaning in to kiss Jem on the cheek.
Just then, Lucie begins to fuss annd whine in Tessa's arms, her little fists clenched and her face turning bright red.
''And so it begins.'' Will jokingly says.
''Let me try and settle her, she always calmed down for me when you were pregnant.'' Jem says, holding his arms out for the baby.
The instant Lucie is placed in Jem's arm she calms down, her cries die down to whimpers before ceasing altogether and she snuggles closely into Jem, reaching a hand out of her blankets and grabbing onto Jem's shirt. Jem's heart swells with love and joy, just as it did when he held Jamie for the first time. He can still hardly believe he has two beauitful and healthy children.
''I think you're showing a bit of favouritism Miss Lucie, but I cannot blame you, your papa is rather wonderful.'' Will coos, leaning over to stroke his daughter's cheek softly.
Jem chuckles and kisses his daughter's forehead. He then looks between Lucie, Will and Tessa, his beautiful family.
''I love all four of you so much, I could not possibly ask for a more perfect family.'' Jem says in a tight tone, trying to hold back his tears of joy.
It has now been two weeks since Lucie was born, and James is absoltuely in love with his sister, he loves cuddling her and showing her his favouriet books, though he's not too happy that his sister mostly sleeps all day and is too small to play with him just yet.
Right now Lucie is having her afteronon nap in the living room in her bassinet where Tessa, Jem or Will can hear her better if she starts to cry.
Just as Tessa sits down next door to read her book, she hears Lucie begin to fuss and whine. With a sigh Tessa closes her book and makes her way into the living room. When she arrives in the living room she doesn't know wheather to be anry or amused at the sight in front of her. Jamie is standing over his sister's bassinet, lightly poking her.
''James what are you doing?'' Tessa asks in a stern tone, making her way over to the bassinet and lifting Lucie into her arms and holding her against her shoulder.
''Want play wif her mama, but she not wake up so I poke her, when she in your tummy I poke her and she wake up!'' James explains, looking up at his mother with innocent golden eyes.
''Sweetheart when she was in my tummy she was protected by a sack of water, so when you poked my tummy it didnt hurt her, but it will hurt her now, you need to let her sleep okay?'' Tessa softly explains.
''Okay, oove oo mama.'' James softly says, leaning into her. Tessa places one hand on Jamie's back and softly says
''I love you too baby.''
That evening, a few hours before James' bedtime, Tessa, Jem, Will, Jamie and Lucie all head up to Tessa, Will and Jem's room and get into bed. For the first whiile Jem plays his violon for them, which soothes and relaxes both Jamie and Lucie. Right now, Jamie is curled up in Will's lap listening to him read, Tessa is nursing Lucie and Jem is simply watching his family with a huge smile on his face.
''Our family is just perfect now Lucie is here, dont you agree?'' Jem queitly says to Tessa, putting an arm around her and their daughter.
''Yes absolutely, it feels complete, I do not want anymore children, these two are more than enough.'' Tessa quietly says, looking from Jamie to Lucie.
''Me neither and neither does Will, we were talking about it earlier today, everything is perfect as it is.'' Jem softly says. Tessa smiles and nods in agreement.
''I love you.'' She softly says, tilting her head up to look Jem in the eyes. He grins and leans his forehad agaisnt hers.
''I love you too, you and Will and our babies have given me the perfect life and I could not love you all more.'' he says, before leaning down to kiss her. Tessa closes her eyes and while she enjoys the kiss she also revels in the delight of the weight of her beautiful new baby in her arms, the heat of Will next to her, the sound of her baby boy's giggles and the feeling of Jem's kiss. When she got off the boat from America all those years ago, she could never have imagined a life like this, but it is perfect and she could not be happier.
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New Fic!
Just want to let you know that I have a new story coming tomorrow morning, I hope to post it around 10:00 A.M. GMT, the story is about Ariadne and Anna, Ariadne finds herself needing someone to talk to and winds up on Anna’s doorstep. Here are two snippets for you to enjoy and of course I’ll be adding this fic to my master list, a few hours after I post it! Enjoy!
Snippet 1.
“Your Uncle is a Silent Brother? I thought my family was unique!” Ariadne says in a light tone. Anna grins at her and says
“Oh that’s not the worst, my grandfather was a worm.”
“Oh? Why? What did he do?” Ariadne asks in a curious tone.
“No I mean literally, he was literally a giant worm, he contracted demon pox and turned into a giant, blood hungry demonic worm.” Anna says, smiling widely and remembering back to when she and Chris were little and would beg their parents to tell them the story of when papa’s papa had turned into a giant worm.
“Demon Pox is real?” Ariadne asks in an amused tone.
Snippet 2.
“I... no of course not, excuse me Aunty Lottie, I-I have a bit of a headache, I need to lie down.” Anna quietly says, quickly making her way from the room, hoping nobody saw the tears rolling down her face.
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Hullo there!! I found your last 3 part SophiexGideon story lovely, I liked how you incorporated Barbara and Eugenia as well ;)
Thank you!!! I thought they deserved more scenes in Chog, like many of the snippets cc released before suggested. I hope I did them justice!
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