#Sonne Mond und Sterne
maimoncat · 1 year
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Poco fa ho visto la produzione del Glyndebourne di Alcina, con la regia di Francesco Micheli. È una produzione fantastica, che si può noleggiare a 11 euro. Ho pensato di postare qui un disegno di due anni fa delle sorelle
Morgana, sebbene non appare nel Furioso, ha un ruolo importante nell'Innamorato di Boiardo, dove è uno degli antagonisti soprannaturali principali del romanzo. Assume aspetti di quasi ogni fata dei racconti bretoni (l'altro mondo subacqueo, l'amante rapito, il cervo bianco dalle corna d'oro) mescolati alla Fortuna personificata dell'immaginario italiano: infatti porta i capelli corti col ciuffo, e Orlando deve rincorrerla e acciuffarla per raggiungere i propri scopi. Come nel ciclo bretone, è un personaggio ambiguo, non buono, ma con aspetti anche umani. Nel folklore italiano è diventata la fata malvagia per eccellenza, e al Sud si dice che viva su un palazzo fluttuante sullo Stretto di Messina. In Sicilia è anche conosciuta come la madre delle fate e delle Donne di Fuora.Alcina appare in entrambi i Romanzi cavallereschi, ed è una maga ingannatrice, che incanta gli eroi Astolfo e Ruggiero per tenerseli sulla sua isola, finchè non se ne annoia e li muta in piante, rocce ed animali. Quando peró Ruggero fugge, grazie all'aiuto della strega Melissa, l'incantevole fata conosce per la prima volta l'abbandono e desidera morire, cosa per lei impossibile. Anche lei trovó gran successo nelle leggende, venendo identificata con la Regina Sibilla, la sovrana delle fate. Da lei Händel trasse la sua omonima operaLogistilla è stata inventata da Ariosto, e le vicende che la riguardano sono un'allegoria per la difficoltà di evitare i piaceri e i vizi, ricompensata però dalla vera gioia della Ragione e Virtù (il suo nome infatti deriva dal greco λόγος, "parola", "ragionamento"): Ruggero per raggiungere il suo bellissimo palazzo che rispecchia i pensieri della gente, pieno di oggetti meccanici o miracoloso, deve prima attraversare l'ardua strada piena di ostacoli sull'isola delle fate, venendo continuamente tentato dalle damigelle di Alcina. Forse è proprio per questa sua natura allegorica, che Logistilla è stata perlopiù dimenticata. Appare solamente nella fiaba della "Regina Marmotta", raccolta da Gherardo Nerucci, e aggiunta alle "Fiabe italiane" di Calvino. Lì il suo nome diventa Lugistella, e così, dato che Alcina nel Furiosa è paragonata al Sole, ho voluto dare alle tre fate un tema astrale.
Hab vor kurzem die fenomenale Glyndebourne Produktion von Alcina geschaut, also wollte ich mal hier dieses alte Bild von den Mädels posten.
Morgana taucht zwar im Furioso nicht auf, spiel aber im Innamorato eine wichtige Rolle als magische Shurkin. Boiardo gab ihr sowohl Eigenschaften der Bretonischen Feen (unterwasser Zauberwelt, entführter Liebhaber, weißer Hirsch mit goldenem Geweih) als auch der Italienischen Glücksvorstellung: sie trägt nämlich ihr Haar kurz und Roland muss sie verfolgen und am Schopf packen, um zu siegen. Morgana wurde zu der bösen Fee schlechthin im Italienischen Glauben und man sagt, sie lebe auf einem schwebenden Achloss auf der Straße von Messina. In Sizilien glaubt man auch, sie sei die Mutter der Feen und Donne di Fora.Alcina kommt in beiden Ritterepen vor, und ist eine tückische Zauberin, die die Ritter Astolfo und Ruggero bezaubert und auf ihrer Insel fest hält. Danach verwandelt sie sie aus Langeweile in Pflanzen, Steine oder Tiere. Doch als Ruggero dank der Hexe Melissa entkommt, spürt sie zum ersten Mal den Schmerz des Verlassen Werden und wünscht sich den unerreichbar en Tod. Auch sie spielt später eine Rolle in der Italienischen Folklore, wo sie mit der Sibylle, der Feenkönigin gleichgestellt wird. Händel basierte auf Alcina seine gleichnamige Oper.Logistilla wurde von Ariost erfunden und ihre Geschichte ist eine Allegorie für das schwere Überwinden von Genuss und Sünde um Verstand und Tugend zu erreichen (ihr Name selbst kommt vom griechischen λόγος, "Wort", "Gedanken"). Um iheen Fabelhaften Palast, voller technischen und magishen Wundern, muss Ruggero einen weiten schweren Weg überwinden, und den Versuchungen der Alcina wiederstehen. Eben wegen ihrer allegorischen Natur hat sie keinen Platz im Volksglauben gefunden. Nur im Märchen der "Murmeltierkönigin" von Gherardo Nerucci und Italo Calvino gesammelt, taucht sie als Lugistella auf. Darum wollte ich im Bild die Feen mit Himmelskörpern verbinden.
Recentoy watched the amazing Glyndebourne production of Händel's Alcina, so I wanted to post this old picture I had done of the girls.
While not appearing in the Furioso, Morgana plays an important role as Supernatural villain in the Innamorato. Boiardo gave her both elements of Breton fairies (underwater Other World, kidnapped lover, white deer with golden antlers) and of the Italian depiction of Fortune: she has short hair and Roland needs to chase her and grab her by her forelock to succeed. She also found much success in Italian folklore, where she became the go-to evil fairy of Folktales. In the South, she's believed to live on a floating palace on the Strait of Messina and to be the Mother of fairies and Donne di Fora.Alcina appears in both chivalry poems, and is a cunning sorceress who lures the knights Astolfo and Roger on her island and traps them there, before turning them into plants, rocks and animals out of boredom. But when Roger escapes thanks to the witch Melissa, the beautiful Fairy discovers the pain of abandonment and loss. She too found a place in Italian legends, where she was identified with the Sibyll Queen, ruler of the fairies. Händel based his opera "Alcina" on this facinating figure.Logistilla was invented by Ariosto, and her story is an allegory about the hardships at overcomming pleasures and vices in pursuit of reason and virtue (her name comes from the greek λόγος, "word", "reasoning"). Before reaching her truth-revealing castle, full of technological and magical wonders, Roger must go through the dangers of the fairy island, while resisting Alcina's temptations. It's probably because of her allegorical nature that Logistilla barely had an impact on the folk tradition. She only appears in the tale of "the Groundhog Queen", collected by Gherardo Nerucci and Italo Calvino, under the name Lugistella. I tried to use an astral theme with these characters, since Alcina is compared to the Sun too.
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marplediscopuchine · 1 year
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This is not a PNG file. And not a chocolate bar wrapper that is bleached by the sun after ten years of being attached to the window of the small old sweet shop.
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loewens · 4 months
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Sonne, Mond und Sterne
Happy Late Mother's Day everyone
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justaholycorpse · 2 years
“The Giant and The bird.”
|| König x gn!reader ||
reader’s pronouns aren’t mentioned other than “you”
pairing: König x reader(you)
i wanted to make my own because this man is eating away at my brain and this idea fits him so well
König paced around the idea of sending you a text, he hated the idea of confrontation, especially when it was a person like you. He opened his phone and found the shared texts between you both. His eyes softened while reading texts, you texted even when he didn’t respond. He could never find a pattern to your texts, they were as chaotic as you were in the best of ways, like a ticking time bomb that never had a clear time for detection. König found it impressive that you never found him to be scary or intimidating, you would always wave or flash a smile at him when you saw him, every single time it made the giant man melt.
He wasn’t sure when he started feeling like this, it could have been when you called him ‘your König’ or when you shielded his face from debris on the field. You were always right there when he needed you. Even when you first struck up conversation with him, you were always so kind and never showed any fear towards him. He has never been more glad to be cleaning his weapon than that night, if he hadn’t he didn’t know if you’d ever talk to him. He watched from afar, watching you work or talk, the subtle way your mouth twitched at the corners when making up a plan. It was always the little things that made him melt, he couldn’t talk to you because of how sweet your voice sounded compared to everyone else.
He would listen to you talk for hours on end just to hear the sweetness in your voice, it was enough to get him drunk, to steel his shaking nerves. He felt so many things around you it drove him crazy. He took a long, deep inhale before typing his confession in german:
“Du füllst meine Tage mit Freude, ich werde dir die Sonne und den Mond geben, wenn du fragst, ordne die Sterne neu an, um deinen Namen zu buchstabieren, ich würde dir Galaxien geben, um dich lächeln zu sehen.” He began, the mountain of a man tried his best on his rather small phone. He prayed he did not mess up the message he was typing out, words failing him as he mindlessly roamed the key board with his eyes. König took a deep breath, hoping the others at KorTac wouldn’t question his nocturnal patterns. he continued on: “Nichts in diesem Leben kann damit verglichen werden, wie schön du bist. Bis die Zeit verstirbt, wirst du die Schönheit in allem sein, was diese Welt zu bieten hat. Mein kleiner Schatz.” He read over it countless times, was it worth the time? He didn’t even know if you could even read german despite picking up a few choice words to throw out here and there. He fumbled with the phone for a moment, lost in thought, he didn’t realize the text he had spent the last week trying to come up with had sent. He snapped out of thought when a text bubble popped out of the corner. You had seen it, he scrambled to delete the paragraph, the text bubble went away. He let out a deep sigh and called it a night.
The next time he saw you, he avoided them like a plague, too afraid to find out what you had planned to say that night. He would turn away at your waves or gentle smiles, it pained him but he was embarrassed. You felt like you had done something wrong, had he sent the message to the wrong person? There was a medic on the team that was awfully close to him, was it meant for her? You huffed out, following Soap while he ran off, your mind followed König the entire time. You hit your shots and made your calls like clock work, everything felt off: wrong.. You gathered the courage to knock on his door, hearing the muffled voice cursing along with some tumbling before the door cracked open.
“König, can i come in?” You whispered, keeping your voice low while the others slept. You watch as he gives you a small nod, opening the door further, you took a shaky sigh and found your spot on his bed. “What is the matter, (y/n)?” His voice rung softly over the sound of the door closing, glancing up at him from your fingers. “Uhm.. Was uh..” You mentally punched yourself for sounding so hesitant. “Was that text meant for someone else?” The words spilled from your lips as you locked eyes with him, his pupils became the size of a needle with how much adrenaline pulsed through his body. Words failing him again he stumbled with forming a sentence but he settled for a shake of the head. “It- I wrote it, uh..” He searched the air for the correct words, swallowing the effects of anxiety that held him in a death grip. “I wrote it for you.” He finally said, it was like a whisper but in the quiet room it sounded like a gun shoot ringing in your ears and reverberating in your skull. Your eyes searched his but found no evidence of lies, not that you thought he would lie to you of all people.
[enjoy the cliffhanger, here’s the translation for the german text: “You fill my days with joy, I will give you the sun and the moon, if you ask, rearrange the stars to spell your name, I would give you galaxies to see you smile. Nothing in this life can be compared to how beautiful you are. Until time dies, you will be the beauty in everything this world has to offer. My little darling.”]
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valkoinenlintu · 6 months
Hinter den Wellen, hinter dem Meer,
Sinkt die wärmende Sonne jeher,
Lässt den Himmel ganz leer und schwer,
Bis der kühle Mond kommt daher.
So sind die Sterne das Licht,
Und mit dem Mond das Gesicht.
So brechen sie nicht,
Und schreiben ihr Gedicht.
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decadentpostnacho · 6 months
Tujhe dekha to yeh jana sanam
Pyar hota hai deewana sanam
Tujhe dekha to yeh jana sanam
Pyar hota hai deewana sanam
Ab yahan se kahan jaayein hum
Teri baahon mein mar jaayein hum
- Tumhari ,
Sonic 💗
Liebste @sonics-atelier, diese Worte rührten mich zu Tränen. Nimm dies Gedicht an, als Ausdruck meiner eigenen Gedanken. Es ist ein Stück welches mir in den Sinn kommt, wenn ich gedenke zu beschreiben wie ich zu dir stehe.
Ich denke dein, wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer
Vom Meere strahlt;
Ich denke dein, wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
In Quellen malt.
Ich sehe dich, wenn auf dem fernen Wege
Der Staub sich hebt;
In tiefer Nacht, wenn auf dem schmalen Wege
Der Wandrer bebt.
Ich höre dich, wenn dort mit dumpfem Rauschen
Die Welle steigt.
Im stillen Haine geh ich oft zu lauschen,
Wenn alles schweigt.
Ich bin bei dir, du seist auch noch so ferne,
Du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt, bald leuchten die Sterne.
O wärst du da!
-Auf Gedeih und Verderb hast du dir einen Platz in meinem Herzen gesichert, Herzblatt. So kann ich guten Gewissens sagen, dass ich ebenso dein bin wie du mein.
~Nacho <3
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christliche-kunstwerke · 11 months
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Gott schuf die Sonne, den Mond und die Sterne am Firmament, um 1650 von Jan Brueghel the Younger (Undatiert, oil on copper)
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sidinsky · 2 months
Es ist Juli, der Regen hämmert gegen mein Fenster;
Verrückt wie ich auch die Hitze hasse, vermisse ich das Vögelzwitschern.
Es fliegen keine Schmetterlinge, alle Blumen sind vergangen.
Wo auch immer du gerade bist, sie alle sind dir nach.
Sonne, Mond und Sterne.
Du nahmst den Sommer mit dir.
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zaunwelt · 1 year
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Ich bin der Stern
Am Abend auf der Terrasse, da liege ich auf den erwärmten Steinboden. Die Zeit vergeht in der Dämmerung, während ich die Himmelsbahn absuche. Am Tag von der blendenden Sonne, in der Nacht von Mond, den Planeten und Tierkreiszeichen durchwandert. Da entdecke ich sie, ich bin es, der Abendstern. Das Gold in meiner Sichel, das uns dem Glück näher bringt.
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xwingleader · 7 months
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Du bist der Mond und Sonne und die Sterne in meiner Finsternis 🖤 @lightningxdagger
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Ich hab eine Mauer aus Eis gebaut, so weiß und so kalt wie der Mond. Wenn du mich findest, sei vorsichtig, ich bin keine Liebe gewohnt.
Sonne, Mond und Sterne (Horrorkissen)
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marplediscopuchine · 1 year
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The VHS:
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"Hi dearest<3 My name's Vivianne. Vivianne Vex~ (They/Pony/She) Trans femme butch/futch/femme Ponygender Cyborg/Cybernetic Unicorn succubus enby, but who I am doesn't revolve around sex and violence (anymore). It revolves around humor, VERY silly memes like that barely qualify legally as memes, MLP, Fallout, Halo, and loving and supporting the people around me, not least of all my 15-year Partner and love of my life, Cole/Panza<3 I'm a surrogate mom to a lot of people, and will do almost- and will do *anything* to protect trans kids, trans people, or any marginalized folk. I love you. And I'm proud of you. I'm glad you're here<3"
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"Hey! My name's Colton or Panzara(depending on my current gender) Zander Marluxia They/He/She/Bug I'm a toric/achillean transmasc bigender genderfluid girl boy! I'm a mage from the tropics, I'm very soft-spoken, and I bugging love everyone, and try to be kind and understanding towards everyone, as does Vivi my Wife and love forever<3 I like Half-Life, lil bugs, boys<3<3 fresh fruit, Halo, and being outdoors! Uweh<3"
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"uh uhm uhm uhh uh H-hi, my name's um... Willow or Wren or Ren, still kind of uhm.. Experimenting, uh, I'm just a lil trans pony girl who loves her friends and is kinda silly and trying to do better and find out who she is. I love you<3 Uhm, I think."
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"Hai!!! :D My name's Pinkie Pie, and I'm a kinda ace-spectrummyy bisexualish lesbainish pony with she/her and im trying out pink/pink pronouns!! Im the most recent member of the system, and i love everypony here! They're all so nice and friendly and supportive, oh, I really like sweets and parties and Twilight and soda and baking and making friends and candy and everything! Everywhere! If I could, i'd give everypony in the whole world a biiiiig hug!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU, DONT FORGET TO SMILE AND DO STUFF THAT MAKES YOU SMILE! LOVE YOUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"
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"Hello/Hallo. My designation is LSTR-512. I go by Elster. I am a fictive, of some definition, from Signalis. I am a he/him lesbian. I am... Incredibly dedicated to my partner. I love her. Very, very, very much. She is the light of my life. Meine shatz, meine leibe, meine sonne und meine mond und mein sterne der nacht. Ich liebe dich. Du vervollständigst mich. I enjoy very much classical music, wine, Bavarian food, and Centaurworld."
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"Hewwo!!! bork bork! X3 My name is Koda she/her and i am doggy girl. i like u and biting and smothing peoples in my chest floof and i love you!! brrruf :3 das about it love u byeeee ||3 *waggywaggywaggy*"
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"hey. my name's Jonas. Jonas Kujo. some of my friends call me Shen, or sometimes Jojo. Aroace, he/they pronouns please. im a pretty soft, quiet dude. but... i love trans people. Mogai people. my people. I'll do anything, and fight anyone for you. Pinky promise. i have a fire in me that won't go out. I will burn down the world if it means keeping the folks i love warm for another winter. I will not fail you. You are my family. You are my strength. You are my heart. My name is Jonas. and I'm gonna save the world."
Not pictured/without comment: Smiley, a Yes Man fictive who helps out when other folks are under a lot of emotional toil, and has repaired me several times after stress damage<3 -Vivianne
"Howdy! Ah'm Workhorse, an Applejack fictive, she/her. I'm just now startin' to stretch my legs, but y'all might hear from me soon. Take care, y'all! :D"
Raer Gorebeest, It/Its/Itself, is a cryptid who enjoys drawing with crayons, scaring people, biting things, and and many other violent possibly triggering actions, but don't worry!! It's actually very sweet and lovey, and kinda just a big kid! -Colton
All others didn't want a spotlight, but are still as much a part of the family as an others. Feel free to ask about us and stuff, we're pretty open, friendly folks.
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myreygn · 2 years
thanks for the tag sugar @italeean <3
favorite color: hunter green (and black. yes, that counts.)
currently reading: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Klara and the Sun and the haikyuu manga
last song: Sonne, Mond und Sterne by Horrorkissen
last series: The Legend of Vox Machina, i got my dad to watch it with me and we binged it yesterday
last movie: Fiddler on the Roof, i rewatch it as often as possible when i'm visiting my parents
sweet, spicy, savory: call me basic but savory
currently working on: squealing santa, one more commission for @wertzunge (thank you for the patience!), a request, a birthday os and a few of my own ideas
no pressure tags: @parkersaysthings @duckymcdoorknob @fanfic-chan @ticklygiggles
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justaholycorpse · 2 years
you cannot, legally, tell me that König doesn’t randomly text you smth like this at 2 am when he think you’re sleeping and deletes it in a hurry when he sees you’ve read it. he would avoid you like the plague for almost a month afterwards.
“Du füllst meine Tage mit Freude, ich werde dir die Sonne und den Mond geben, wenn du fragst, ordne die Sterne neu an, um deinen Namen zu buchstabieren, ich würde dir Galaxien geben, um dich lächeln zu sehen. Nichts in diesem Leben kann damit verglichen werden, wie schön du bist. Bis die Zeit verstirbt, wirst du die Schönheit in allem sein, was diese Welt zu bieten hat. Mein kleiner Schatz.”
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Ab wann ist Recht?
Ab partage, ab ovo, quasi sobald es Schalen und ein Eiern gibt, in diesem Fall (dem Fall einer Geschichte und Theorie des Juridismus) ab einem (choreo-)graphischen Vorgang, der Akt, Formel, Protokoll, Routine oder Technik sein kann und mit dem Differenz operationalisiert wird, ist auch Recht vorhanden: nicht nur Recht, das aber auch.
(Choreo-)graphisch ist ein Vorgang, der skribbelt, zeichnet, zählt oder schreibt, wie das Ochs und Kuh und Mensch für das pomerium, für die gründliche römische Linie tun, wie das Celsus tut, wenn seine Hand den Satz ius est ars boni et aequi zieht oder wie ein namenloser Verwalter das tut, wenn er für ein Schaf einen Strich macht und einen anderen Strich für kein Schaf. Wenn er mit Strichen oder Falten ein Feld markiert um an einer Stelle signalisieren zu können, dass er mangels Schafen keine Striche gemacht hat, wenn er also Lücken (choreo-)graphisch präpariert hat, dann beginnt etwas und das Recht oben drauf. Markiert man den Stand der Sonne, des Mondes, der Sterne, stellt man sich selbst wohin, um Raum und Zeit zu (er-)messen, dann ist das ein (choreo-)graphischer Vorgang, an dem etwas und das Recht dazu beginnt.
Das Recht ist nicht alles, alles ist in Stücken, zerstreut, distrahiert und kontrahiert. Das Recht teilt durchgehend mit, ist also an allen Stücken beteiligt und involviert alle Stücke. Das ist eine technische Wahrheit, also eine Wahrheit, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, etwas wahrnehmbar und ausübbar zu machen: Praxis und Forschung und Lehre zu juridischen Kulturtechniken.
Der (choreo-)graphische Vorgang muss nicht leicht, er muss sogar gar nicht von der Hand gehen. Es können auch Körper sein, die mimetisch organisiert sind (die also Körper sind, weil sie Körper nachahmen, kopieren oder reproduzieren), die den (choreo-)graphischen Vorgang ausführen.
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