askthepokemutants · 3 years
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Alma: Should I clean this thing first? I mean, technically you’ve been wearing it since I’ve known you, Jory-
Jory: Just put the dang thing on before I ‘deck ya...
Alma: And who says that-
Jory: You’re not my boss anymore, Alma, rememberrrrr you disbanded the Sinnoh Knights...
Alma: Calm down, I’m joking...
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Regigigas: [I am certain you can understand me now, yes?]
Alma: Huh... yes, yes I can.
Regirock: [Does that include us?]
Jory: I assume? I mean, he does have the item tied directly to Regigigas, so...
Registeel: [That’s quite the responsibility to leave to a non-Proxy. Albeit, spreading the power is not unheard of, look at Lugia’s Proxies after all.]
Alma: ...
Regice: [It is, very much so, but this Lopunny, Alma was it?]
Alma: ... That’s right...?
Jory: Oh! He can understand them!
Alma: Where are they though??
Regice: [As mentioned earlier, we reside within the rings worn by Proxy Jory, thus we can move about freely while being aware of the world around us and not draw attention that is unneeded. However, I do find some interest in if Sir Alma will join as our Proxy, having another to speak with that can understand us would be lovely.]
Alma: “Sir” Alma...?
Jory: Sometimes Regice can be pretty formal, most of them try to be, really.
Alma: Huh...
Regigigas: [I considered making Alma a Proxy, truthfully, but I do think testing him first would be ideal, it would fit in with his circle of friends after all.]
Alma: I don’t think choosing a Proxy based solely on who their friends are is wise...
Regirock: [Lugia did it.]
Alma: So...? And do you think I know what Lugia did??
Regigigas: [Lugia’s Proxies are also fellow experiments of the criminals of Orre, and in turn, their greatest foe and fellow Shadow Pokemon is a mortal who outclasses them on occasion, not to mention one of the humans behind their alteration into these new forms of Pokemon also created the mortal that you once bore animosity towards.]
Alma: You mean... Reid? How do you know-
Jory: Remember this... even while incapacitated, there are other Regi out there, somewhere, ‘Gigas made a bunch of them, just I-personally-don’t know where they are.
Regice: [And Madam Jory has yet to prove herself worthy of that knowledge, regardless, I am certain quite a few of our Regi brethren “slumber” within Orre. Likely failed versions of Registeel and ‘rock, I’d say.]
Regirock: [Possibly, yes.]
Alma: So, the Regi aren’t like the other Legends?
Regigigas: [Well, not my creations, no. I am the only one-true “Regi” as you call us. These are extensions of myself, they do not “Reincarnate” in the same way as others do, either. One Century, I was bored, and recreated the Regi with these unique colors in mind, if you must know.]
Alma: ... Huh, but they all have independent thought?
Registeel: [Correct. We have our own thoughts and emotions, Regigigas is capable of creating life, as they are one of the original Legends created before the beings of life and death truly existed.]
Alma: And those would be-
Jory: I think they mean Xerneas and Yvetal...
Alma: Ah...
Jett/Victini/Meloetta: ...
Victini: I thought the Lopunny was a hardass...
Jett: [He’s been acting strange since the Giratina attack, honestly.]
Meloetta: Maybe that’s why he cannot understand you.
Jory: ...
Alma: Something wrong? Everyone suddenly got eerily quiet...
Jory: Nope! I’m just glad you got used to the voices in your head thing so fast!
Alma: I think I’ve been through enough BS to be comfortable with an ancient god and their creations talking to me through telepathy provided by an artifact they made...
Jory: ... OK!
Regigigas: [I’m certain you know where to locate the “Spirits of Chaos” as you call them, so please make sure to prepare for anything before you head off on your journey.]
All (except Jett of course): Right!
[To be Continued on @askdeceptiveliepard​]
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askthepokemutants · 3 years
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????: Waking Regigigas just to have them do what exactly...?
Meloetta: I hope to have them possibly confront Fath-Arceus-and try to delay whatever insane idea they’ve come up with... this “Reset” plan doesn’t feel... correct anymore.
Jett: [That is true... King’s apparently vanished since the Giratina attack... and we’re all still here...]
????: That’s true, Jett... which just makes this even more confusing... if Arceus wants us all dead... why bother with this crazy challenge unless there was something more to it? Giratina and Victini obviously fell for it, I mean... Hoenn and Unova...
Victini: ...
????: Sorry...!
Alma: Wait, Jory, you can understand Jett...?
Jory: Yep! If I remember right, you gotta be in the same condition mentally or something... I’m not in poor mental health, mind you, but I can sorta resonate with whatever wavelengths he’s using to communicate, you konw-auras and all that nonsense!
Alma: Um...
Jory: To be blunt, I’m surprised you can’t understand him...
Meloetta: It’s not that Alma can’t understand him, it’s more or less Alma seems to be on the wrong “wavelength” as you used, Proxy Jory. I believe with time, they will reach that proper link, but one has to understand that something’s blocking that very ability from working. It’s quite complex, possibly.
Victini: Sounds more like this Alma is just ignorant to your Proxy’s feelings...
Alma: ...
Jory: ... Hey! Off topic!! Focus back to waking up an ancient god!!! If you’re going to wake up the master of the legends I act as the Proxy for... we need to explain the situation to them, simple. ‘Gigas is not someone I want trampling the landscape hunting for Arceus!
Alma: That... could happen...?
Victini: Arceus triggers a lot of us Legends...
Alma: ... That’s... nice to know...
Victini: Nice and terrifying, maybe...
Jory: Anyway! Only I can understand the Regi’s voices, so... let me do the talking, ‘Gigas is going to be pissed...
Meloetta: Oh, I’m sure. There has to be reason Giratina did not want Regigigas to wake, and why Alma was important to that-
Jory: Because I entrusted Alma with the key to the ruins! So if he died back there, no one could get in here, especially if you and the dream duo hadn’t weakened the fake Regi enough for me and the real guys to get free of whatever Giratina’s weird effect over them was, believe me...
Jett & Victini: ...
Alma: ... I’m just as familiar with ruins here... this used to be a place to play before I joined the Knights and met my old squad...
Meloetta: ... Ah...
Jory: Anyway...! The Regi are currently resting within the three colored bracelets I wear... so I technically have their powers to wake ‘Gigas...
Meloetta: By the way, when did their coloration change?
Jory: Don’t know, I was made their Proxy after that, I guess they reincarnated as “shinies”? Anyway-Time to wake up ‘Gigas!!!
Alma: Stop yelling so much...
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Jory: Big guy! Wake up!!!
Everyone: ....
Victini: It didn’t-
Alma: Give it a minute, Regigigas is a slow sta-
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Regigigas: $#@@$%$$% &^^%$% *(((&^%$#$# $$#@$%54
Victini: !!!?
Alma: Aaand there they are...
Meloetta: Huh?
Alma: Somehow, I think Regigigas is angry already...
Jory: Ooh, nice catch, Alma, maybe I’m not the only one who can understand them.
Alma: Nah, that’s just easy to pick up on...
Jett: [Jory, please explain...]
Jory: Right... right-
Regigigas: !$$##$#%#$% %$^$%^%^&$^%^ *&&())_)(&*&^^$%$#
Jory: ...
Alma: What?
Jory: ‘Gigas knows a bit... knows that Giratina messed with the Regi... at the very least...
Alma: How, though?
Jory: They share a link, but-I’ll explain the full story later... um, Big Guy-about Arceus-
[Some time later...]
Regigigas: $%#% $%^^%$ #$%^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alma: ...
Jett: ...
Victini: ...
Meloetta: Why do I sense that was-
Jory: ‘Gigas said: “That Little Shit”...
[The Elder’s upset...]
[Jory Lucario... sorry, nothing to add on this blog at least...]
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askthepokemutants · 5 years
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Meloetta: That’s Faraway Island as the humans call it, right? Mew’s domain?
Victini: Normally only Mew can go there, among the Legends nowadays... unless they’re taken there by a human or are invited... Mewtwo, is that a good idea?
Mewtwo: I think it is.
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Darkrai: If that’s what happens, that’s fine! We’ll still get Mew to do what we need them to do!
Cresselia: You just want more Shadow Pokemon dreams to feed off of...
Darkrai: SHuT Up!!!
Mewtwo: Shadow Pokemon are too unstable... I mean, Multres, Articuno and Zapdos are Shadow Pokemon-they’re just good at supressing it, so is Entei.
Darkrai: Hold on, what-
Mewtwo: Orre is not a place to be... trust me on this... Celebi’s stories are one hell of a ride...
Darkrai: Where was I when this happened???
Mewtwo: I don’t know, sleep?
Darkrai: I DON’T sleep-
Victini: Let him go if he’s going to go...
Meloetta: Wait, why-
Victini: Because we’re wasting time, right? Fath-I mean-Arceus could decide the next ‘challenge’ or Giratina could pull another stunt any minute... we need to get to Hoenn before something else stops us...
Cresselia: I’m glad your head injury didn’t scramble your mind too much!
Victini: Um... I... thanks...?
Cresselia: Ah, maybe I spoke too soon?
Darkrai: Gods, can we ditch Cresselia already??
Mewtwo: Later...
Darkrai: Wait! Mewtwo!!
<Meanwhile... On Faraway Isle...>
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askthepokemutants · 5 years
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Mewtwo: Get a hold of yourself, you’re basically a god, crying is worthless.
King: oh, so you’ve never cried? Are you sure you’re a Pokemon? Maybe you and the Team Machine creatures fit better toge-
Mewtwo: Man, even though you’re not a direct reincarnation of Mew, you spit the same shit they did...
King: ...
Mewtwo: Subject matter: You.
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Mewtwo: Yeah, we're exactly the same, you're not Mew. You're a bi-product, a punishment-you represent the very thing you hate: you were created, not reborn, just like me.
King: You’re wrong!
Mewtwo: You don’t even call yourself “Mew”. Instead you’re “King,” just like me-Mewtwo. We’re abominations, you’re just like me, the Team Machine mutants, the Shadow Pokemon-we’re abominations, together we should be shaping this world into something better, not trying to tear each other apart.
King: No!! I am Mew!
Mewtwo: Then call yourself that!!
King: ...
Mewtwo: You can’t. Because you aren’t. You’re just like us-
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Cresselia: W-was that-
Victini: Tri-Attack? Since when did Mew know that-
Meloetta: I don’t think Mew-as the Strident King knew that move, right?
Cresselia: I don’t know...
Darkrai: And the amount of power, let me guess, the Mew population probably tied themselves to this place in case it needed to be protected?
Meloetta: There’s no way-no one should ever fight on that island, unless a foolish trainer acts out...
Darkrai: Again.. Well Shit...
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askthepokemutants · 6 years
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Darkrai: Diancie’s worthless-best choice we made in leaving them behind...
Meloetta: That’s... har-
Darkrai: No, no it’s not; they went to the same “Special Meeting” that Victini went to...
Victini: Muurrh...
Meloetta: How do you-
Darkrai: They’re asleep, it’s called diving into dreams and nightmares-their memory of the Mega Stone discussion was apparently a nightmare in their eyes...
Meloetta: There was another meeting?
Cresselia: I believe it was only for Legends with Mega Evolution capability-they were supposed to work towards eradicating Mega Stones-it’s why Victini did what they did...
Meloetta: But... Victini can’t Mega Evolve-
Darkrai: Funny isn’t it? How’d Victini get in then?
Cresselia: We’d have to ask Victini, but...
Meloetta: What if they’ve forgotten...?
Darkrai: Something tells me we’ll never know, but who cares? Hoenn is a place that’s considered the “Origin of Mega Evolution” by some fools, so we’re treading into dangerous territory at the moment, so please, Cresselia, focus-we shouldn’t even be able to travel this way...
Cresselia: ... Right-
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Cresselia: Brace yourselves... it may be a bit hard to see at first...
Darkrai: For who? We’re basically deities here.
Cresselia: Meloetta, of course-
Meloetta: I’m fine, but... what’s... what’s that?
Cresselia: It could be a shadow in your vision-the dream realm can do that to-
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Cresselia: No. No, that’s incorrect; we can simply wait for their reincarnation-
Darkrai: With the way the world is now? Really?!
Meloetta: No... that’s not all...
Darkrai: The HELL do you mean that’s NOT ALL?!
Cresselia: Breathe, Darkrai...
Meloetta: Genesect was among the Elder Legends... even as a machine, they bore Red Eyes... But they forgot what they truly were... how can they reincarnate now? The only one that'd know how at this point would be... Mew...
Darkrai: ...
Cresselia: ...
Darkrai: Fuck... Fuck!!! Genesect! Wake up you piece of crap!! What happened?! Where is he?! Tell me damn it!! GENESECT!!!
Cresselia: D-Darkrai... please...
Meloetta: He...?
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Darkrai: From what Mewtwo’s told me; that Politoed kept them stable-if they’re both falling apart and are vulnerable to the Strident Knights and Mew-
Cresselia: They’re weaker states of mind would be an issue... Mew would succeed in capturing them...
Darkrai: And considering what I do as a hobby? The two most aggressive members of the Trio are Shadow Pokemon-their nightmares may be amazing to me in a nourishment sense, but they’re painful regardless...
Meloetta: Wait, what? Two? I thought there was only one-
Darkrai: The Black Pikachu became one, some how, I’ve been feeding off his nightmares for years... the last one I gained before coming to join you was when they were on their way to Orre-it was a confusing one, and I was forced out by something else...
Meloetta: Then... wait, we need to get back to Mewtwo, now... maybe we can take Genesect’s head to them, maybe they can help get information off of it somehow...?
Darkrai: ... Maybe.
Cresselia: At least it’s good you’ve calmed, Darkrai.
Darkrai: Whatever, get us out of here.
Cresselia: Understood... ... ... Huh...
Darkrai: What? What now?
Cresselia: ...
Meloetta: Don’t say it...
Cresselia: ... I...
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Darkrai: Cresselia, Meloetta!!!
???: HAaagh!!
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Meloetta: Fire... wait...
Victini: I... I still... remember it... hah...
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Victini: I... need to make up f-for you all-
Meloetta: No you don’t-
Cresselia: At least my healing attempts worked... but please be careful, Victini.
Victini: It’s hard to... focus... so I won’t... but...
Darkrai: We’re going to need them against two of the titans...
Meloetta: W-wha... ah...
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Cresselia: Are they.. larger?
Darkrai: They are... for some reason...
Victini: Aren’t... they n-normally...-
Darkrai: A foot taller than me and Cresselia? Yeah, usually...
Cresselia: They’re also strangely colored-did they reincarnate?
Regi: ....!
Darkrai: Figure it out later, Cresselia! Here they come...!
>Mewtwo’s allies and Victini aren’t going anywhere- >The Regi have killed Genesect- >The Meeting’s coming- >Isn’t it great, Palkia?
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askthepokemutants · 6 years
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???: You talk like you have one; last I checked none of us-
Meloetta: ...
???: Holy shit-
????: Since when did you have a Proxy?
Meloetta: That’s a secret; for the betterment of any backup plans~
???: Does Mewtwo know?
Meloetta: No and his Proxy can’t sense mines; since I kept the link incredibly weak to begin with, which makes it a bit concerning to discover the link’s grown so weak not even I can sense it.
????: It appears something is amiss-your Proxy is in Orre too, correct?
Meloetta: Not sure why you’d assume that.
????: It’s the only logical answer I could come up with.
Meloetta: Hmm...
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Cresselia: Well, it’d make things easier to decide what Victini’s final dream should be as they enter death’s realm.
Meloetta: ...
???: ...
Cresselia: What?
???: You’re horrible.
Cresselia: This coming from the spawn of nightmares? Humph!
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Meloetta: Excuse me-
Cresselia: Finally, something we agree on.
Darkrai: We had ONE disagreement and it cost me an arm, you overly gaudy dream catcher...
Cresselia: A deserved limb loss, you pitiful wretch.
Darkrai: Even your insults are piss poor...
Cresselia: At least I have all my limbs.
Darkrai: Fuck you! At least I’m not a glorified duck!!
Cresselia: I-wha-RUDE!!! I NEVER-
Darkrai: You sure have-never NOT been an oversized duck.
Cresselia: You... you... OOOOOH-you-
Meloetta: Uuugh... I’ll be back...
Darkrai: ...
Cresselia: ...
Darkrai: Good one.
Cresselia: It is worthwhile Victini not die, in my opinion.
Darkrai: Heh, I agree.
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Darkrai: I think we-minus this doofus-all know that the Dewott they’re fighting is the granddaughter of the Sword’s last Proxy, right? That bastard bred like a Bunnelby out here apparently...
Cresselia: Obviously... Victini’s just too obsessed with that foolish “option”... And I mean, they were protected here... so... why wouldn’t they?
Darkrai: Well... this place was full of unaware monsters, that rival Legends in strength and we’re looking at the head of that all.
Cresselia: We could use her help-
Darkrai: Yeah? And get my gut punched in like Mew did? I was lingering around, holy hell, she punched them through one of their homes like it was nothing-AND it was a Bug move on top of that.
Cresselia: ... Maybe we should avoid this one.
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Cresselia: ...
Darkrai: ...
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Both: Oh...
Darkrai: Maaybe we should’ve done something...
Cresselia: I don’t think Victini’s dead...
Darkrai: Hold on, seriously?!
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Victini: ... Please...
Yoshi’s mother: Not in the mood for begging-you had that chance when you lost your arm-
Victini: I’m sorry... Meloetta...
Yoshi’s mother: ...
Victini: I thought... Giratina was...
Yoshi’s mother: ... You don’t even know what’s happening anymore do you?
Victini: Don’t... go...
Yoshi’s mother: ... Alright, well-
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Yoshi’s mother: ... You’re here...?
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Keldeo: ... I’m so... so... sorry... your grandfather was someone we trusted and loved as if we were siblings... I trained with him, his allies and their trainer. I wish, strongly, that we didn’t leave this land solely to your kin to protect... so much has gone wrong in the world, things that we can’t explain without causing it to grow worse. Individuals connected to your remaining son, a being of immense power, ‘blessed’ with it by these individuals on accident, the gods of our world making rash decisions out of what can only be spite at this point... It is a disgrace to say we used to ally ourselves with your family... I-personally-take the blame... for being too weak to draw the other Swords to action...
Yoshi’s mother: ...
Keldeo: You do not have to accept it.
Yoshi’s mother: I know I don’t... I’m more surprised by this one...
Meloetta: Victini...
Yoshi’s mother: When did she even show up?
Keldeo: You’re welcome, Meloetta... and please, a warrior such as yourself deserves to rest now, don’t you think?
Yoshi’s mother: ... My son has no home to return to.
Keldeo: ...-
Yoshi’s mother: His friend either, the surviving Knights; we are homeless now. For the “Betterment of the World”... I hope you Legends have your heads on straight soon... and if my son is intertwined in this... as with Mew... if he dies-
Keldeo: I understand.
Meloetta: As do I-we Legends of Unova realistically owe your family quite a lot, after all-I’m sorry Victini forgot that.
Victini: D-Dewott...
Meloetta: No more talking, Victini... we’ll get you patched up, and then you’ll come with us, far away from Unova for a while...
Yoshi’s mother: ...
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Yoshi’s mother: Next time, that armor-or whatever it was around their head won’t save them... Now, excuse me... I have a home to find with the remaining Pokemon of this forest...
>Victini Forgot how to use V-Create... >Unova’s nightmare in flames has ended... but the scar left behind...
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