Fading Sunlight
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Arc: "Arc 13" Inbox: CLOSED WARNING: This blog can become NSFW in the form of certain jokes, language or violence.
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askthepokemutants · 1 year ago
Caught myself thinking about this blog again at work...
Still debating on how to go about getting things back in order over here. I'm reaching a point elsewhere where I should be able to split my focus a tiny bit, no promises.
Though, for some context, a lot of what's holding things up here-outside of focusing on one blog for nearly 2 years-is just getting the plot parts of this thing sorted out. I've probably said this long ago, but the hang-ups involve characters I don't own [a lot of the last big plot was essentially a sort of crossover as is], so more often than not, I'm thinking about how to progress with them involved. The mod of blog they're from is on hiatus currently, so I guess that's why I'm thinking about things again, hah..
While it didn't get much traction-doing the little RGB thing was something I'd like to do again to ease back into things over here, alongside progressing character-focused stories, and actually BEING an askblog of course. Nothing's written in stone and getting back into things here means... so many redesigns, so it'll be slow when it does happen. Anyway, that's all I have to say, later!
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askthepokemutants · 2 years ago
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RGB?: And here I thought making certain their remains were dense enough to not be blown away was being polite... though, I guess the curious haven't gotten, well... curious yet~
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askthepokemutants · 2 years ago
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A new Page has been Summoned...
Assumed Age: Unfathomable?
Abilities: "Wouldn't you LOVE to know~"
There was another page? Nonsense! That "RGB" is "Not Found"
Questions? Hmm. Ask away?
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askthepokemutants · 2 years ago
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A-RGB: Well, it was starting to get boring...
[For a time... RGB-and only-RGB is open to asks!
There is no set time-limit on when this “event” of sorts ends at this time!
Small note/hints below!]
[[Still working my way through Beannuts, but after taking a few lengthy breaks between pages, my mind’s wandered back to Pokemutants a tad, so to avoid letting this thought go away, I’ve opened questions to this character for the time being.
As for hints (more will be added as things progress):
>What were they “watching”?
>Who IS RGB?]]
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
This is TOTALLY not a shameless plug for all of my blogs
Heeeey! If you’re looking for me, I’m FAR more active for @askbeannuts-like EXTREMELY ACTIVE FOR THAT BLOG-and to a much lesser extent @askextraparainspector, which is a sideblog of the beannuts blog (they’re not connected like Pokemutants and @askdeceptiveliepard are though​).
I have no, uh, set timeline for when things will get running here again, mostly because, unlike the beannuts blog, which believe it or not, is almost entirely plotted out for the full length of the arc that’s running over there, Pokemutant’s Arc 13 has an “idea” of what’s going to happen, to be less vague, I don’t have much written out or down.
When I DO begin things back here, I think it’ll be more or less ask-focused?? Mainly because, honestly, I’ll probably need to relearn how to draw these guys, and I hope to bring whatever crazy energy I’m using elsewhere here! Time will tell, thanks for reading!
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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RGB...?: ... I can’t WAIT to see how things turn out!
[On To Arc 13... FINALLY.....]
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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???: I believe that should work out, I do feel that old Raichu is also a concerning factor...
Zenix: If it’s the additional mutant group you’re searching for, I do have an idea of where they are. Not to mention a fair number of us have been there, if I am needed here.
Osric: Hmm...
Zenix: ... It may be off topic, but I do feel we’ve... met before... yes?
Osric: ... Possibly. Why?
Zenix: Just... a strange nagging memory...
???: We’ll go with this strategy. But we need to make sure we do this correctly, stir things up enough.
Ripped Rteddy: Considering they have their immediate area.
???: Then, you, my facially damaged self, Zenix and Osric will escort our guests to that location, it fulfills my end of our deal and allows us to get closer...
Osric: Understood, Master.
Zenix: Acknowledged.
???: We’ll make our moves in time, it’s likely best to hold off acting immediately while their guards are still up.
Zenix: I highly doubt their attention will be solely focused on us. It’s unlikely Vris and Reid’s stunt against that Mew being was ignored by the neighboring population.
???: Then we’ll act in the morning, while everyone’s likely trying to understand and analyze the damage to their land, yes!
Kamila: ... I don’t like this...
Twelve: Hope you don’t think we do either...
Cherry: O-Oh no...
[Making moves-]
????: Ah...
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Kamila: Well, no one expected these guys to show up, right as Osric got his teleportation ability back...
Cherry: S-so what do we do if they decide not to let us go to Orre... or... use us-
Kamila: Let’s not consider that... for now at least. Especially not with the ghost of Zenix over there... I pray he doesn’t remember me sending him on a death mission either...
Twelve: Not like my powers can deal with them all anyway... and then there’s that weird tiny one again...
Cherry: The one who took out that horrible psychic Pokemon, right...?
Kamila: Yes, and what... is it doing?
Twelve: Do. Not. Want. To. Know.
Cherry: M-Me either...
Kamila: Well... let’s... at least listen...
???: Emmit will still need time to properly recover and all, but he’ll be back in action by morning, promise!
Lizzy: T-thank you...! Um... Rteddy, right?
???: Sure, you can refer to me that way, if you want. I’m surprised... didn’t one of my “selves” take you on an unaproved trip to Alola? I’m sure if someone survived there, like say... Tapu Koko... you’d know allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll about me, right?
Enola & Gail: ...
Ripped Rteddy: Why would one of us do such a thing?
Lizzy: Just some silly nickname...
Tall Rteddy: Yes, though it’s clear that they are somehow alive after that fight, when they shouldn’t have been... we knew it wasn’t possible to win... so how did they?
???: It no longer matters... they wish to get in the way of my joy... like they can fix me... if they all survived they abandoned me...
Lizzy: ... R-right...
Zenix: Considering our situation, and considering this new element, and the fact that multiple Legends are involved... how should we proceed?
???: That’s... a fair point...
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Yoshi: So... just like me with Reid... you’ve been chasing Vris around?
Speara: Something like that, yes.
Yoshi: Is that how your leg-
Speara: I’d ask the same about your head...
Yoshi: ... Fair enough...
Speara: But, really though... are you going to be OK?
Yoshi: ... Yeah, eventually. I’m just following some advice from Burn-I’m still debating on how to... deal with the whole Shadow Pokemon thing for the long-term.
Speara: So he’s here too? Burn?
Yoshi: Not sure if he is anymore, but yeah, he was. He was trying to find everyone, but got sucked up into whatever happened at Carla’s old base.
Speara: Ah, right, the whole reason she’s a Shadow Pokemon and covered in those bandages...
Yoshi: Yeah... and... we still don’t know the full details on that... she ran off before Cassidy and I could get any REAL answers from her...
Speara: She’s a walking shadow detector, right? Is that really surprising she became one?
Yoshi: ... Fair enough... Anyway... if we could ever find Burn or... well, any one else, maybe we should try and have a reunion of some kind?
Speara: Sounds like a plan, but I have my own things to take care of first.
Yoshi: Gotcha, and so do I, honestly... I got to find a way to get Cherry back...
Speara: Hmm... wouldn’t that mean fighting Rteddy?
Yoshi: ... Yeah...
Speara: And convincing both Reid and Vris to do it? You do have Reid on your side somewhat, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be capable of doing the deed when that time comes.
Yoshi: ... I’ll figure it out...
Speara: If you need advice, I can give some at the very least. Even if we’re not a team anymore, we’re still friends, so I’ll help where I can.
Yoshi: Thanks...!
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Reid: Could you... um, well, when you and your pals go out to try and get the egg back, could you do me a favor?
Cecil: Sure!
Reid: Um... right... [He’s waay too enthusiastic for me...] if you’re able to do so, could you maybe get some parts or electronics for me? I wanted to try... fixing these goggles... if that’s not too much to ask...
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Cecil: Even if we’re not the most... technologically-knowledgeable, we did intend to collect some parts to use for building our new base of operations!
Reid: Your new base?
Cecil: Ah, yes, well... our old hideout was destroyed during the great Unovian wildfires...
Reid: Wow, I’m sorry that happened...
Cecil: It’s fine, no worries! But yes, I can definitely do that for you!
Reid: Thanks, Cecil!
Cecil: [Aaaah!] N-no problem...!
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Vris: Did you stitch it back up like this?
Pyre: Yep, well, I tried, Reid helped me out the best he could, too, but I... didn’t intend for that to happen... but you can’t predict modified Pokemon’s powers...
Vris: Right, the whole Kryona thing, right?
Pyre: Yeeah... I guess Reid explained that to you?
Vris: A good chunk of it, yeah,including your story.
Pyre: O-Oh... r-riiight... I probably... didn’t need to recap then... h-hahah...
Vris: Relax, Reid told me that Rteddy... was being... Rteddy... I trust you.
Pyre: Phew-uh-I mean-yeah...! I don’t get how you guys handle all of... that.
Vris: Did we, though? I’m not sure, honestly...
Pyre: H-hahah... Fair enough... and uh, random question... d-do you sometimes get this feeling that... maybe... juuust... maybe... it’s... watching you...?
Vris: You too, huh...?
Pyre: That... can’t be a good thing... right?
Vris: It’s... not, but outside of being very, very creepy... they don’t... do anything... even Reid’s seen them-
Pyre: Riight, I remember... he had a huge breakdown after it.
Vris: Tch, makes sense... anyway, Reid can-or well-could sew?
Pyre: Yeah, apparently, but he says it’s hard to do really precise stuff with his right arm, oh and he got super good at building things too, made a bunch of communication devices out of some bracelets he had and stuff and was able to fix a bunch of things, you know?
Vris: Oh yeah, he was always good at making machines... but they weren’t always “good”...
Pyre: Rteddy?
Vris: Rteddy.
Pyre: Right, hah... well, I’ll let you get some re-
Vris: Wait, do you still have those sewing tools around?
Pyre: No, but I bet Camomile has something we could use, why?
Vris: Do you still have Reid’s bandanna? He told me he lost it when Faril and Sean attacked him.
Pyre: Yeah...! But, aren’t you tired?
Vris: Very, but this’ll only take a few minutes... I have some sewing skills too... heh! And Pyre-
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Pyre: I’ll be right back...!
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Mewtwo: [Care to explain what I might experience?]
Reid: [Well... his attacks hit extremely hard... not sure how else to describe it...]
Vris: [He also healed completely from Reid’s unique variations of Shadow Moves...]
Speara: [That’s... new...]
Entei: [And with the ability to “Clease” Shadow Pokemon with the same aggressive force as Celebi, could be pretty deadly if used with far too much force... in theory at least, hrm...]
Hikari: [This “Strident King” sounds more like the big villain of some Human’s fanatical stories, the ones they make into books... feels like Dark was underselling them somehow...]
Cecil: [Right? I’m glad I’m not alone here...]
Entei: [And if this is the kind of force we’re dealing with and they’re on some bizarre warpath... it’s best to answer this “question” being asked of you two.]
Vris: [I still have no idea what that’s all about...]
Reid: [Yeah... my memories of the past aren’t really... focused at the moment...]
Entei: [Then allow me to focus them, since we’d like to avoid a Mew with the power of creation going wild: It, presumably, has something to do with one of your many fights with Team Machine...]
Reid: [Do YOU know what he wants?]
Entei: [Unfortunately, this is a... guess... If Celebi were here, I’d imagine they’d tell you to figure it out on your own... so I will do the same.]
Vris: [... Uh-huh...]
Entei: [I will say no more... unless you wish to challenge me-]
Lugia: [Stop that you old fool!]
Entei: [Humph.]
Gareth: [... Despite everything I’ve heard about Rteddy... for some reason I’d rather deal with that over King right now...]
Mewtwo: [Thanks for your encouragement.]
Raikou: [Sorry to interrupt this train of thought, but, what happened to Koko?]
Reid: [And what or who is that..?]
Vris: [That weird-looking thing that tried to fight with Rteddy?]
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Raikou: [It’s wise to say that in terms of raw power, the Tapu have us beat to some degree.]
Reid: [Rteddy was able to push them back...]
Entei: [There are four Tapu, and their power comes from their homeland, when at full strength, from my understanding, they can become massive, humanoid, beings the size of titans.]
Vris: [And why didn’t they do that...?]
Mewtwo: [I assume we’d like the lingering bit of green in Orre to survive the wrath of a regional “deity”...]
Faril: [So... these Tapu things could lay waste to everything?]
Lugia: [Apparently?]
Mewtwo: [Make them angry enough, sure. An entire town in Alola was left in ruins because their faith faltered in one of the Tapu... or so I was told. They also fight with beings from another dimension entirely that... probably would make Rteddy look... tame... or so I’m told...]
Vris: [Then... let’s leave them to deal with Rteddy...]
Reid: [A-agreed...]
Mewtwo: [Hmm... anyway, I don’t think I can ignore the Mew in the sky here any longer... plus I doubt your ‘kid’ is able to understand why every single adult just stopped talking all of a sudden. Good luck.]
Lugia: [I’ll be in touch~]
Faril: [Like hell you wil-] Damn it!
Vris: ... Ugh.
Royo: ???
Reid: Okay-
Hikari: I have an egg to worry about... not even going to try and process this in detail right now.
Speara: Would anything we learned even be of use? No one’s willing to directly deal with Rteddy, the Strident King seems to have grown stronger and I feel like we’re still missing something.
Faril: Hmm... [Care to fill them in on the “end of the world” bit?]
Reid: Riight... [No.]
Cecil: Sounds like the Strident King is just... bad? Hah... I’ll focus on treasure hunting and rescuing eggs...? Yeah... I don’t think Ian and Qui’ll even believe this...! Plus... yeah, not touching the weird magic doll monster... no way.
Vris: That “hint” Entei gave is.. useless... if we can’t figure it out and he shows up again... then what?? If we shouldn’t fight him-then what???
Raikou: Talk? There’s something important that Mew wants from you, you know this.
Hikari: Since when has talking ever worked for any of us?
Speara: ... Hmm...
Vris: Feh...
Faril: Suddenly my face hurts...
Reid: H-Hahah...
Cecil: Hmmhmmm~
Raikou: No comment?
Cecil: No, just happy to be here. Besides, these problems seem... insurmountable right now, but I’m sure there’s a solution to everything, hmm~?
Hikari: ... If there is, I’m too tired to figure it out.
Vris: I can agree there...
Reid: ... Yeah...
Raikou: You should check on your injuries anyway, and take the chance to understand the “Mew’s question” situation... do either of you know where to start?
Reid & Vris: No...
Hikari: Damn it all...
Speara: Ah...
Cecil: They’ve had a lot of run-ins with Team Machine... just from the stories I’ve heard... h-hahah...
Speara: Remembering which specific event King’s possibly asking about isn’t going to be... easy...
Vris: Oh no... really? Thanks queen obvious...
Speara: Humph...
Vris: Humph....
Reid: Let’s... not fight here... please?
Faril: That’s rich, coming from you, Reid...
Reid: If this is about your eye again, I said I’m sorry-
Faril: Sorry doesn’t grow a new eye!!
Cecil: ... D-do I want to-
Hikari: Reid and Vris have a history of maiming people...
Cecil: Aaah... fair enough~
Hikari: You think that’s “cool”... don’t you...?
Cecil: ... ... ... No-
Hikari: Uuugh...
Raikou: I believe I will take my leave... being here is making me very uncomfortable... a past life isn’t too... pleased to be here...
Hikari: They’re all distracted... so, take care wherever you’re going... safe to assume you Legends won’t interfere much more, right?
Raikou: Considering we’ve likely turned humanity against most of us... we may become closer than you think... however... I’m not too eager to deal with this... “Rteddy” creature...
Hikari: ... ... Fair enough.
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Faril: [Using Mewtwo’s Proxy and me as some sort of amplifier... ugh... the migraine I’m going to have is going to be horrendous...]
Lugia: [Oh Faril, you can sleep it off, and you never had to deal with this kind of issue before-]
Reid: [I apologized for that already...!]
Gareth: [Maybe consider treatmen-]
Faril: [Screw off!]
Gareth: [Are all Shadow Pokemon like this...?]
Vris, Reid & Lugia: [Not always.]
Gareth: [Hmm... Anyway, everyone else is being taken care of on the other side of the building. As for the rest of this mess... this conversation was needed.]
Lugia: [Exactly!]
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Camomile: It’s a “trick” I picked up from a particular variant of Leafeon on the islands nearby. Kind of works like Heal Pulse-
Cassidy: B-but it hurts... Heal Pulse never hurts like this...
Camomile: Never said I was good at it, “ice-pop”.
Yoshi: ... A-Ah...
Cassidy: Urgh...
Hikari: [... How.]
Lugia: [Well, you already know about Rteddy, and the whole Mew situation...]
Speara: [I believe we all know and understand Rteddy... unfortunately.]
Cecil: [Even I’ve heard of that thing! You can’t really hide the mass disappearances of Pokemon and Humans around the world over the last few years.]
Reid/Vris/Hikari: [WHAT?!]
Faril: [What have I gotten myself into...?]
Lugia: [Before we get off topic, Celebi’s Proxy just moments ago told me something curious-that’s why Cecil’s here~]
Cecil: [Huh....??]
Mewtwo: [Lugia implies that Celebi’s Proxy implies that something particular is about to happen that, until moments ago, something changed that allowed Celebi to perceive a future scenario? How far off am I?]
Lugia: [Close enough. And apparently that means Cecil’s relevant to something...]
Cecil: [Uh... o-okay...???]
Lugia: [Not any time soon apparently, but enough that you maaaaybe should know about the dangers of dealing with Mew-aka the Strident King-if they decide to act out randomly.]
Reid: [Why would this guy be targeted??]
Cecil: [E-exactly...!]
Lugia: [That much, I have nooo idea about, Celebi’s outright vanished, so...]
Mewtwo: [Great. Let’s assume anyone associated with the Terrible Trio are a target...] 
Speara: [So... all of us.]
Mewtwo: [Anyway, Entei mentioned this-]
Entei: [Correct, Mew, that foolhardy child, appears to have obtained the ability to access something rather powerful under the correct circumstances.]
Reid: [The weird, golden wings?]
Vris: [Great... so his ranting meant something?]
Entei: [Yes, simply put, Mew has obtained power that I haven’t seen since I was, well, “born”. It’s supposed to be the power of creation, so, the child could in a sense, will things into being very easily. At the moment, this appears to be utilized to either boost their strength or, which made even me flinch... Attempting to... “Cleanse Shadow Pokemon”]
Vris: [... Excuse me...?]
Raikou: [That... actually scared you, Entei...?]
Reid: [You say “Cleanse” instead of “Purify”... why...?]
Faril: [Probably because Celebi’s known to force some to purify. There’s a reason their Proxy’s nicknamed “The Shadow Killer”...]
Lugia: [Oooh yes... I’m very familiar with that unpleasant sensation...]
Mewtwo: [...]
[Mod note: TOO MANY TAGS...SAVE ME...]
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Cecil: [This is... NUTS...!!! It’s REALLY them!]
Hikari: I WILL NOT “CHILL”! That... thing is HERE!?
Reid: H-Hikari... come on, breathe...! They came out of nowhere while we were fighting with the Strident-
Speara: You fought the Strident King...?
Raikou: [At least we do not have to explain that much.]
Reid: I-I-I’m done... Vris-
Vris: I’m getting a headache from all this...
Reid: VRIS-
Hikari: BOTH OF YOU!!! EXPLAIN! What did you two do, why do you look like hell!?
Reid: Can this... wait...?
Hikari: I don’t think so!
Reid: Ugh... wait, who’s this??
Cecil: Aah, um...! H-hello!
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Cecil: Y-yep! That’s right! The Terrible Trio’s exploits are like... THE biggest inspiration for a lot of Pokemon in the wilds! Even after you three vanished all those years ago, a lot of Pokemon, myself included, still admired what you all did! It made a huge difference in how humans interacted with Pokemon all over the place! It’s... truly an honor to meet you both!
Reid: Huh...
Vris: Interesting?
Cecil: I’m also helping out with miss Hikari’s problem... erm... when she’s done fuming...?
Hikari: Urgh... I’m too tired for this...
Speara: You’re going to give yourself a migrane...
Hikari: I know that...! Ugh...
Vris: You know... I’d ask why you’re here, but...
Speara: Safe to say we’re all on the same side at the moment...?
Vris: ... Sure, whatever...
Reid: I’m sorry, Hikari... w-we’ll explain everything... promise...?
Vris: Maybe after some actual sleep? Maybe?
Hikari: No...!
Speara: Hikari-
Hikari: I want to know why that rainbow-colored freak is lurking around Orre!!
Faril: [Where is everyone else...?]
Lugia: [Ooh, right, they’re nearby, closer to actual medical attention that matters! Though... I’m going to need you to help me out one more time.]
Faril: [What...?] AAGH...!
Everyone: ?!
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Lugia: [Telepathy~]
Cecil: I’M A DARK TYPE!!
Vris: You don’t see me complaining...
Hikari: Please stop yelling...
Royo: Huh???
Reid: So-
Mewtwo: [Think, you’re confusing the sole individual not linked in this...]
Reid: [Riiight... so, why and how exactly are you doing all of this?]
Mewtwo: [Right, Gareth can explain that, but first-]
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Hikari: ... Right, right...
Cecil: No offense but it seems like you’re... tired?
Hikari: Ugh... Probably... it is... late... I think?
Speara: We already have an idea of what to do and how you should proceed, at least until we can be sure that Meinshao and her friends won’t show up again looking for you, at least for a bit. I’d say, for Pokemon who want to keep somewhat of a low profile, it’s probably best to have this place as some kind of haven... not that I agree with everything that goes on here.
Hikari: ... Fair enough.
Cecil: Exactly, you should rest for a while and leave everything to m-
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Raikou: Where...? Ah... the Under... vague, but unpleasant memories are coming back... ugh.
Vris: Wait, we’re in the Under? How-
Faril: Lugia... ugh... they didn’t give me enough time to get ready for that after trying to tell me to brace myself...
Royo: Huh, mom!
Vris: Royo, are you alright!?
Reid: ... Phew... at least Rteddy’s not-
Hikari: Excuse... Me...?!
Reid: ... Uh-
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Rteddy: It seems we’ve underestimated the Legends as well...
Zenix: There’s a strange, yet powerful, darkness overwhelming the region as we speak, I do not think I can follow after them anymore...
Rteddy: They’ve hidden themselves behind the weight of a legend... many legends... including the Tapu... and likely Celebi as well... fair enough. I was here to regroup with you and the others anyway.
Zenix: Regroup?
Rteddy: Some of our team have made rash decisions... even I have... let’s go...
Zenix: [They’re... calm again...] ... Right.
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askthepokemutants · 3 years ago
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Mewtwo: ... What??
Mew: Wh-what?! There’s a bigger one?!
Mewtwo: You’ve... fought it before...?
Zenix: ... I... I see... why Reid and Vris... fear this one-
Reid: NOW YOU SEE?!?!
Zenix: I owe my life-
Rteddy: ThErE... YoU aRe... ReId... vRiS...
Vris: NOooooo!!!
Entei: [LUGIA, time to act...!!!]
Lugia: [Oh wow, you’re calling me by my name, is it that ser-]
Entei: [The other threat just appeared and did something... bizarre!]
Lugia: [Oh... ... Oh.... ..... Oh shit.]
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