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Sorry, Peach presents: myheadisbleeding
Their first brand-new release since 2022
"It’s the kind of sad song you blast while keying your ex’s car, hyping yourself up for a little well-earned chaos. Sonically, it’s raw, cathartic, and full of energy, making it a perfect addition to playlists that ride the line between heartbreak and rebellion", Sorry, Peach.
Stream myheadisbleeding:
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Smile and Let It Go: Feel-Good | Energetic Song with Fun Lyrics
Welcome to the ultimate feel-good, "Smile and Let It Go"! This energetic and uplifting song is here to brighten your day with its humorous lyrics and contagious positivity. In a world filled with hustle and bustle, this song reminds us to take a step back, flash a grin, and let go of our worries. Whether you're facing a hectic day at work, dealing with unexpected mishaps, or simply in need of a mood boost, this song is sure to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face. Join us on a musical journey filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of good vibes. Let's spread positivity and embrace the power of laughter together. So sit back, relax, and let the music wash over you as you enjoy "Smile and Let It Go"! Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video with your friends and family to spread the joy far and wide. And remember, no matter what life throws your way, just smile and let it go! Song Lyrics In a world so wild and fast-paced, Sometimes you just need a little space. When troubles come and tensions grow, Take a breath, smile, and let it go! Smile and let it go, let it go, let it go, No need to stress, just let your worries flow. Life's too short to be feeling low, So smile and let it go, let it go, let it go! When Mondays hit like a hurricane, And your coffee's spilled, causing a stain. Don't let it ruin your whole show, Just laugh it off, smile, and let it go! Smile and let it go, let it go, let it go, No need to stress, just let your worries flow. Life's too short to be feeling low, So smile and let it go, let it go, let it go! From traffic jams to missed trains, Life's little hiccups can drive you insane. But if you keep a sense of humor, you'll know, You can tackle anything, just smile and let it go! Smile and let it go, let it go, let it go, No need to stress, just let your worries flow. Life's too short to be feeling low, So smile and let it go, let it go, let it go! So when life throws you punches, take it slow, Remember, happiness is the way to go. So put on a grin, let your happiness show, Just smile and let it go, let it go, let it go!
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🇲🇽 墨西哥超級新星 Peso Pluma 發行新專輯【GÉNESIS】 歌曲【LADY GAGA】獲得各大樂評廣大迴響!
當紅 24 歲墨西哥流行歌手 Peso Pluma 發行個人第三張錄音室專輯【GÉNESIS】,Peso Pluma 表示他為這張所有的「墨西哥音樂」花了一年創作,並製作了一段日子。知名樂評 Pitchfork 寫道:
🎤 曲目:
1. Rosa Pastel (ft. Jasiel Núñez)
2. Luna (ft. Junior H)
3. 77 (ft. Eladio Carrión)
4. Rubicon5. Carnal (ft. Natanael Cano)
6. Gavilán II (ft. Tito Double P)
7. VVS (ft. Darey Castro & Edgardo Nuñez)
8. Su Casa (ft. Luis R Conriquez)
9. Lady Gaga (ft. Gabito Ballesteros & Junior H)
10. Zapata
11. La People (ft. Tito Double P)
12. Nueva Vida
13. Lagunas (ft. Jasiel Nuñez)
14. Bye
其中最受矚目的新歌【LADY GAGA】是一首不插電民謠,與 Gabito Ballesteros & Junior H 合唱,歌詞創作借鑒了遊戲《GTA 俠盜獵車手》、社群軟體 Instagram 與網紅文化,為經典的傳統墨西哥敘事詩可利多(Corrido)注入了 Z 世代的風格,歌曲歌名靈感來自傳���流行天后「女神卡卡 Lady Gaga」代言的頂尖的香檳酒品牌《香檳王 Dom Pérignon》,歌曲第一句為:
「Dom Pérignon Lady Gaga…」
Peso Pluma 在歌曲的故事中將自己比作一位戴著墨鏡的流行歌星,正在適應奢侈的新生活方式,並把自己比喻為【LADY GAGA】。它感覺就像一首悲傷的南方男孩的說唱歌曲,講述的是除了人與人真誠的聯繫之外,金錢可以買到一切。對於 Peso Pluma 來說,正在把 Corrido 複雜的歷史帶到拉丁音樂的最前線。
【LADY GAGA】理所當然的因為歌名「LADY GAGA」的影響力與話題性,成為專輯【GÉNESIS】新曲中在串流與數位銷售最突出的歌曲,【LADY GAGA】還被收錄在擁有 1,394 萬粉絲追蹤的 Spotify 官方播放清單《Viva Latino》第一順位,發行首日單日串流量達到 369 萬,登上:
- 全球 Spotify 排行榜第 8 名/美國第 4 名
-Top Song Debut Global 全球排行榜冠軍 (2023.6.23-25)
-墨西哥獲得熱烈迴響!當地 Apple Music 與 Spotify 皆獲得單曲榜冠軍!
【GÉNESIS】在 Spotify 以發行首日 2,280 萬串流的好成績,成為 Spotify 全球專輯排行榜,史上首日串流第 5 高的西語專輯:
1. Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti (1億4,580萬)
2. Bad Bunny - EUTDM (7,480萬)
3. Bad Bunny - YHLQMDLG (6,003萬)
4. KaRoL G - MAÑANA SERÁ BONITO (3,240萬)
5. Peso Pluma - GÉNESI (2,280M)
Little Monsters 小怪獸們如果對 Peso Pluma 這張新專輯【GÉNESIS】有興趣,整張專輯語歌曲【LADY GAGA】都已經在各大串流平台上架囉!
✏️ 文章翻譯|卡編
🎨 視覺設計|虎編
💽 專輯【GÉNESIS】各大線上串流收聽
⚡️小怪獸們 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 按下「追蹤 𝐹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌」
🎧 獲得更多 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐆𝐀𝐆𝐀 最快最新的西洋流行資訊
@ladygaga.taiwan (備用)
▶ 🔘────── 2023:06:26
#女神卡卡 #女神卡卡臺灣粉絲團 #西洋 #西洋音樂 #音樂 #年度專輯 #年度歌曲 #拉丁音樂 #拉丁 #西語專輯 #墨西哥 #レディーガガ #레이디가가 #LadyGaga #Gaga #LittleMonsters #Taiwan #LadyGagaTaiwan #QueenOfPop #AlbumOfTheYear #SongOfTheYear #Spotify #AppleMusic #KKBOX #Music
#LatinMusic #GRAMMYs #PesoPluma #GÉNESIS #Mexico
#Youtube#gaga#ladygaga#女神卡卡#grammys#ladygagataiwan#pop#queenofpop#taiwan#albumoftheyear#songoftheyear#peso pluma#墨西哥#PesoPluma#GÉNESIS#mexico#拉丁#拉丁音樂#墨西哥音樂#西語專輯#專輯#推薦#致敬#Dom Pérignon#香檳王#音樂#流行#拉丁女神#女神#卡卡
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Exhausted my number of votes today for my bestie @taylorswift
Tomorrow is another day! Let's gooo!
#mtv vmas#taylorswift#bestpop#taylor swift#taylornation#swiftiesphilippines#bestediting#bestvisualeeffects#bestdirection#bestcinematography#songoftheyear#anti hero#artistoftheyear#videooftheyear
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Night Down Party: Amm DeeP's Latest Punjabi Song 2024 | Full Song | Amm ...
#youtube#PunjabiMusic NewSongAlert LatestPunjabiSong AmmDeePMusic PunjabiBeats MusicRelease 2024Song FullSong MusicVideo PunjabiVibes SongOfTheYear D
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#hiphop #poppunk #rhymes #ugetme #hacimthegreat #verseb #tumblrartist #fyp #alabama #songoftheyear
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Akh Billi Original Song || Latest Punjabi Song 2024 Full Song || Amm DeeP Music
PunjabiMusic #NewSongAlert #LatestPunjabiSong #AmmDeePMusic #PunjabiBeats #MusicRelease #2024Song #FullSong #MusicVideo #PunjabiVibes #SongOfTheYear #DesiMusic
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FYC - Soon Enough Radio Edit by AngeliKK
For Your Consideration FYC - Soon Enough (Radio Edit) by AngeliKK Grammy Award! Voting members please vote! R&B, Rap & Spoken Word Poetry 3 - Song Of The Year - Soon Enough (0779) 20 - Best R&B Performance - Soon Enough (005)* 22 - Best R&B Song - Soon Enough (223) Thank you! Your vote counts! Please vote at https://www.recordingacademy.com/ #fyc #foryourconsideration #SongOfTheYear #BestR&BPerformance #BestR&BSong #votingmember angeliKK, @angelikk.baby___ AK, @Mrsampson47, Monica Joelle, @monicajoellexo, The Singers Place, @thesingersplace, Kandyce Martin, @kandycemartin, Skyy Malay, @skyymalay, Tay'Paris, @tay.paris_buckner, Sam Friend, @southpawsam7, Charlie Mac, @macamilliondollarman, Picasso J Entertainment, @picassojentertainment Shout out to Kiss 98.7 FM @kiss987 and DJ Flex, @djflex987 for breaking the record. Special thanks to DJ Monk, @monkman_underworld, Wutz Hood Radio, @wutzhoodradio, The Hideout Recording Studio, @thehideoutlv, @denzelterrell, @ghud13, @mojoarmstrong63 #Star #RnB #Soul #Music #SuperStar #VictoriaMonet #SZA #HER #GrammyAwardWinning #RecordingAcademy #Grammy #win #vote
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📖 女神卡卡 Lady Gaga 更新 Instagram:以下這些句子可以在 Joy James 的著作《追求革命之愛》(In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love) 中找到。(2023.06.19)
【圖1】Joy James 著作《追求革命之愛》中的一段摘錄,建立在 Ominira Mars 的貢獻之上。
【圖2】Mumia Abu-Jamal 在同一本書的《Afterforward》中談到 Joy James 學術概念「concept of Captive Maternal」時的文字。
【圖3】Da’Shaun L. Harrison 為本書撰寫的前言。
【圖4】Joy James 著的《追求革命愛情》一書的照片。
💡 補充:Joy James 是知名美國政治哲學家、學者、作家 & 人文學科教授。
【Gaga 貼文】
“All words can be found in 「In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love」 by Joy James
Image 1: Words from Joy James’ book 「In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love,」 in an excerpt that is 「building on the contributions」 of Ominira Mars.
Image 2: Words from the same book’s Afterforward by Mumia Abu-Jamal on Joy James “concept of Captive Maternal.”
Image 3: Words from the book’s Foreward by Da’Shaun L. Harrison. @dashaunlh
Image 4: Photo of the book “In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love” by Joy James.
小怪獸們 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 記得「追蹤 𝐹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌」
才不會漏掉任何 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐆𝐀𝐆𝐀 的最新消息喔!
#女神卡卡 #女神卡卡臺灣粉絲團 #環球音樂 #西洋 #西洋音樂 #文學 #閱讀 #レディーガガ #레이디가가 #ladygaga #gaga #pawsup #littlemonsters #taiwan #ladygagataiwan #queenofpop #albumoftheyear #songoftheyear #Afterforward #book #ConceptOfCaptiveMaternal #kkbox #literature #songwriter #OminiraMars #grammys #oscars #MumiaAbuJamal #JoyJames #InPursuitofRevolutionaryLove
#gaga#ladygaga#女神卡卡#grammys#ladygagataiwan#pop#queenofpop#taiwan#albumoftheyear#songoftheyear#Lady Gaga#Joy James#JoyJames#In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love#Book#文學#閱讀#著作#作家#書#書本#書籍#literature#文字#word#哲學#追求革命之愛#📖#❤️#卡卡
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What's Behind the Most Trending Song on YouTube Right Now? 💥 #trending #...
🔥 What's the secret behind the most trending song on YouTube right now? 💥 In this video, we dive into the viral sensation that's taking over the music scene! From the catchy beats to the addictive lyrics, this track has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Whether it’s a fresh new release or an unexpected throwback, we break down why this song is blowing up YouTube charts and how it’s becoming the soundtrack for your TikTok videos, Instagram stories, and beyond. 🎶We’ll explore the artist behind the hit, the creative music video, and the fan reactions that are pushing this song to the top. Is it the bass drop? The catchy hook? Or maybe the perfect blend of genres? Find out what makes this track stand out and why everyone’s talking about it! 🤩As always, BEATBOX-WAVE is here to bring you the hottest tracks, so if you're a music lover, hit that subscribe button and join us for more of the best trending songs and music news. Let us know in the comments what songs you’re vibing to right now!Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more music updates!
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"Baraye," @coldplay "Women Life Freedom," by Imprisoned Singer @HajipourShervin @X @Golshifteh
#SongOfTheYear #SOTY #Baraye #WithLoveFromArgentina #BuenosAires #ToIran #PeaceInTheMiddleEast #SingIt #Memorialising #Peace
#MOMSORRY #momiji #WomenLifeFreedom
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