#Song Zhiwen
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ochoislas · 3 months ago
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Don de ropa de invierno me sacude; pasando el puerto aguijo mi caballo. Cumple el retorno con mi íntimo anhelo: mi cítara otoñal vibra serena. Frío relente agosta el cerro norte; ceja de oriente quiebra el rojo ocaso. Cantando recio parto negras sombras; tras mí vuelan las aves a guardarse.
Song Zhiwen
授衣感窮節 策馬凌伊關 歸齊逸人趣 日覺秋琴閑 寒露衰北阜 夕陽破東山 浩歌步榛樾 棲鳥隨我還
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love-shall-not · 2 years ago
My latest addition and one that will force me to improve my calligraphy, which took a hit after a broken right arm and wrist in 2015.
Noodler’s Ahab Flex in Navajo Turquoise. The ink is Diamine Eau de Nil.
The Flex nib enables line width variation based on the pressure applied during the stroke.
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Needs practice :)
The poem is from, ‘Written On The Wall of the North Post Station of the Dayu Range” by Song Zhiwen (660-712CE)
The full text is:
In the month of Yang the south flying geese,
It is said, reach here and turn back.
My travelling, however, is not over;
What day shall I return here?
The river is quiet when the tide first falls.
The trees remain dark; the miasma does not disperse.
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metmuseum · 2 months ago
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Couplet from Song Zhiwen’s poem “Ascending the Pavilion at the Monastery of Meditative Concentration”. late 16th or early 17th century. Credit line: Edward Elliott Family Collection, Purchase, The Dillon Fund Gift, 1981 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/48967
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liberty-or-death · 2 years ago
Thousand Autumns Chapter 4
It was a pleasant surprise to me that there was a LOT of historical references in this chapter.  The sheer amount of research MXS put in!
邺城 Ye City - This is an ancient city in the Hebei Province.  It was first built in the Spring & Autumn Period, and it was the capital of Northern Qi.   
建康城 Jiankang City - This was Nanjing’s old name during this period.  It was the largest city of the world during that period and had a million people, and it was China’s economic, cultural, political and military centre.
严之问 Yan Zhiwen - This is a minor character.  严 means to be strict. 之问 does mean to question.  It’s particularly fitting as this Shen Qiao starts to question the identity of the people around him.  His name does sound very similar to the Tang Dynasty poet Song Zhiwen 宋之问.
韩风, 穆提婆, 高阿那肱  Han Feng, Mu Tipo, Gao Angong - This might come as a surprise to some but these three did exist in history.  They were major players in Northern Qi Dynasty and were called the “Three Nobles". They were also blamed for the Qi Dynasty’s downfall.  
韩娥英 Han E Ying - Unlike her father, she’s a fictional character lol.  E Ying was the name of the second daughter of the Emperor Yao and the Second Concubine of the Emperor Shun. It was also a title held by concubines.  During his reign, Gao Wei increased the number of concubines and they held the rank of the “Right E Ying” and the “Left E Ying”. I'm guessing that inspired MXS.
法镜 Fajing Sect - Fajing is a Buddhist term used to describe Buddha’s teaching.  It’s means that Buddha's dharma is like a mirror that can illuminate all things.  This phrase came from 宋之问 Song Zhiwen’s poem “Singing praises with Sanhui Temple 奉和幸三会寺应制” . (Coincidence much? LOL. We'll see if MXS uses more inspiration from Song Zhiwen.) 
“Since Shizun has given out an order, we should just obey him.  Why do you question?  If we mow down the grass without destroy the roots, the spring breeze will blow and give them life again; if you do not want to kill Yan Zhiwen’s wife and child, wouldn’t we be waiting for them to seek revenge in the future?” - This is based of Bai Juyi’s poem that we’ve discussed a while back.  
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years ago
FYI, Language and Identity Workshop III. Language and Identity in the Classroom: Policy and Education
Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo Language and Identity Workshop III: Language and Identity in the Classroom: Policy and Education Date: Monday, 17 April 2023, 2:30-4:00 PM JST Location: Zoom Program: 14:30-14:50 (15 min. talk + 5 min. Q&A) Sara CHAYANI (Ph.D. Student, University of Brighton) Identity construction in Algerian textbooks 14:50-15:10 (15 min. talk + 5 min. Q&A) SONG Zhiwen (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Cincinnati) An autoethnographic study of an Asian, non-mainstream-Engl http://dlvr.it/SmHNRq
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gege · 2 years ago
《Falling you》 Lighter and Princess Soundtrack Kalimba Cover
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isozyme · 5 years ago
if you ended up finding the full text that the couplet came from, would you be able o share it? :D
yes! well -- ish. we figured it out mostly!
so the calligraphy is from the met’s collection (LINK), which i was trawling for examples because research. the couplet reads: “Opening my robes, I sit at the edge of heaven / With a wave of my hand, I brush away the clouds and smoke.”
getting from “the info the met provides” + “those characters are very cursive” to “what poem is that” was a bit of a project, especially thanks to the met giving the name of the poet as “unidentified artist.”
after some hunting, mostly by my friend i. who’s actually studied chinese, we turned up the poet: song zhiwen. he was a tang dynasty court poet and also a conniving little motherfucker, did stuff like get the friend who took him in killed in exchange for power, murdering his nephew...possibly joining the empress’s harem but getting spurned for having terrible breath (sources are shaky on that one)...in any case, he died by execution, disgraced and morally bankrupt.
what a character! anyway, the full poem in chinese is here: LINK
finding an english translation of the entire thing was beyond me, alas. maybe you will have better luck!
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yuseonguarch · 5 years ago
—  xiang zitao 向子韜
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a disciple of gusu lan sect, xiang zitao comes from the nearby moling. with an affinity for music, zitao began learning to play instruments at a young age, with the guqin, erhu and paixiao bending to his will ( though if asked, he’ll say he most prefers the paixiao ). quiet and reserved, zitao keeps to himself and his studies, and can often be found helping the junior disciples when they need it. zitao is a pacifist by nature and can count on one hand the number of times his sword has left its sheath – he hopes to keep the figure that low in the future.
—  song xiuying 宋秀英
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a rogue cultivator from guancheng, song xiuying doesn’t remember his childhood or ever having any family. sunny and optimistic, xiuying tries to help wherever he goes, but he’s prone to distraction and lethargy -- a single night-hunt sees him bedridden for days after. the politics between the various sects is of little interest to him ( honestly, he’s not even sure he could name half of them ), he simply wants to roam the world as he pleases and help along the way.
—  pan sen 潘森
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the sole heir of the fenghuang pan sect, sen grew up rather isolated from other cultivation sects ( with their closest neighbours being the lanling jin sect ). sen has an affinity for water, to the point his family joke that he might be more at home in yunmeng than in fenghuang. sen is easygoing and cares more about the river that runs through his home than his duties as a cultivator, but he knows one day he’ll have to step up as the leader of his sect if he wants to continue to see his hometown flourish. fenghuang pan sect is a relatively small sect of little influence, but their heirloom is an impressive one -- a yansheng coin used to summon their ancestral sword, ao qin.
—  liang minghao 梁明昊
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although a native of shencheng, liang minghao is the heir to the guangyang liang sect. minghao doesn’t know much about the sect, beyond knowing it was formerly the guangyang wei sect and that it’s former leader was best friends with his father. highly educated and filled with potential, minghao takes his duties seriously and strives to be the best cultivator that he can. that being said, he finds his father’s methods outdated and ineffective and is impatient to take over as sect leader to adjust things to his own ideals.
—  shen shaofeng 沈绍峰
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the spoiled heir of the shencheng shen sect, shaofeng’s greatest interest is spending money. specifically, money that isn’t his. lazy, arrogant, and conceited, shaofeng’s potential has long since gone to waste, the youth more interested in slacking off for his own enjoyment than honing his skills. easily spooked, he often relies on others to deal with evil beings and resentful energy, but will gladly take all the credit for himself.
—  hu zhiwen 胡志文
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hu zhiwen was supposed to be his father’s prodigy, the pride of their family name, but his mother had other ideas. spirited away in the middle of the night, zhiwen never knew who his father was nor did he ever care much. when he was nineteen, he met his father and discovered the reason for his conception. repulsed by his father and his ideas about demonic cultivation, zhiwen ran. he insists it was to get away, but in truth it was to keep his mother safe. zhiwen wanders alone, helping where he can and trying to stay one step ahead of his father at all times.
—  feng jingyi 馮婧禕
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one of the junior disciples of yunmeng jiang sect, feng jingyi is studious and hardworking ( when he isn’t being led astray by fei jinfu ). he strives to make himself useful and valuable to jiang sect and to make his family proud of his achievements. straightlaced and a little uptight, he might have been more at home in gusu lan sect, but he’s made yunmeng his home and he’s too attached to his didi to try to leave now.
—  fei jinfu 费劲夫
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growing up rich, fei jinfu is used to getting his own way. doted on by his parents he has only ever known a life of luxury and has never wanted for anything. turned away by shencheng shen sect was the first time he was told no in his life, and jinfu sulked for weeks. becoming a junior disciple of yunmeng jiang sect was hard for him ( no parents to pamper him, expectations placed above his head, and sect leader jiang’s foul temper ) but he quickly attached himself to feng jingyi, who is either too kind or too stupid to resist his demands.
—  tang yifei 唐亦菲
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a native of moling, tang yifei doesn’t agree with or approve of the moling su sect. is she protective of her home and is reputation? yes. is she biased because of her adoration of gusu lan sect? also yes. yifei’s dream is to study with gusu lan and learn everything that they have to offer, but she has a long way to go before she’s ready.
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cfensi · 6 years ago
Music Monday: 2018 drama theme song edition
Music Monday: 2018 drama theme song edition
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Instead of clogging up my end of year review (coming soon!), I’ve decided to create a separate post for my favourite OSTs of the year.
When done well, theme songs and instrumental music are able to draw me into the events happening onscreen, even if the acting is bland and/or the story is sub par (sometimes I find that the worse a drama is, the better its OST). I may not have watched some of the…
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fwoopersongs · 4 years ago
10 Artists, 10 Songs
(and bonus for some: the lines that reeled me in)
I was tagged by @thefeastandthefast and @fishylife - thanks guys!!! :D! this comes at a great time because I was just looking for some new song recs ~
The following are the top 10 that I’ve looped the most in 2021:
1. 张信哲 Jeff Chang - 《无别》 No Separation (an unexpected and beautiful MV; i’d listened to it many times without feeling anything - too distracted by the Tian Guan Ci Fu donghua opening visuals - and the line that caught me here actually did so because of this MV)
情丝挥剑 缘份消失仍隐约 Emotions’ silken threads - a sword swung - affinity disappears, still, its shade remains. 有谁恋 灭了明灯对残月 Who is yearning? Extinguish the lamp, face the waning moon.
2. Winky诗 - 《折扇》 Folding Fan (WOW this plays a mean game of whack-a-mole with all my top favourite tropes: sentient object descends to the mortal world witnessing history and people passing, entering their story, experiencing life)
与我共赴好人间 Together, let us leap forth into this good world, 流转他、她笔端 ensuring his, her inked words are carried on. 谁知道哪一句会千古吟传 Who knows which line may be sung throughout the ages?
3. Billy Boyd - The Last Goodbye (bringing back memories of my LOTR and The Hobbit days)
To these memories I will hold With your blessing I will go To turn at last to paths that lead home
4. 杨秉音 Yang Bin Ying - 《花满城》 Flowers Across the City (my absolute absolute top fav of the of Tian Guan Ci Fu OST soundtracks - and all OST tracks so far this year actually)
5. 二階堂 和美 Kazumi Nikaido - 《 いのちの記憶》 When I Look Back on This Life (theme song of studio ghibli film, the tale of princess kaguya. the version I watched was the DVD music video/end credits with chinese subs... they made me cry so bad omg)
6. 徐小凤 Paula Tsui - 《春夏秋冬》 Four Seasons (O.O my dad recced this to me like last week and it’s been STUCK in my head ever since... extra: Fei Yu Qing ver. in mandarin)
回头望昨天 瞬息数十年 Looking back on yesterday, several decades have passed in the blink of an eye, 谁人曾带走 一片叶 has anyone managed to bring along so much as a leaf when it was their time?
7. 金志文 Jin Zhiwen - 《出尘》 letting go (this song??????? it’s so sincere???? so gentle???? i love it VERY much - every line reaches the heart in its own way. it’s too difficult to pick a fav)
8. 五月天 Mayday - 《步步》 Step-by-Step (gixi stirred up my bbjx feels like two months ago and trapped me in this spiral. just THINKING of the line below brings tears to my eyes)
天空和我的中间 The Heavens and I, between us, 只剩倾盆的思念 there remains only this overwhelming longing.
9. 刘宇宁 Liu Yu Ning - 《天问》 Asking Heaven (the entire chorus is just permanently stuck in my head at this point lol someone please save meeeee)
10.  朱七 & 周深 Zhu Qi & Zhou Shen - 楼台 Butterfly Lovers (
我不知 竟不知            (我不是) I did not know, did not know                          I am not 你是深闺中的女子 (藏在深闺中的女子) you are a girl dwelling in her inner rooms. this girl hidden away in her inner rooms.
Tagging @decrescendo, @beneaththebrim, @liuet, @youtiaoshutiao​ and anyone who is interested!!!!
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ochoislas · 1 year ago
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Torno a salir al mundo que me cerca; leo atento las peñas, vara en mano. Aguas arriba subo a ver las flores; bosque adentro me interno a coger yerbas. De su alcuña se inquieren montañeses; solas cantan su nombre aves del monte. Yendo y viniendo gozo en soledad, sin nada que me azare en esta vida.
Song Zhiwen
歸來物外情 負杖閱巖耕 源水看花入 幽林採藥行 野人相問姓 山鳥自呼名 去去獨吾樂 無然愧此生
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imoim36news · 2 years ago
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Cả hai con đều sớm bỏ học, chỉ thích tiêu xài nhưng không muốn làm việc Nổi lên từ một chương trình truyền hình, Zhu Zhiwen được mọi người chú ý nhờ giọng hát nội lực. Không giống như những ca sĩ được đào tạo qua trường lớp, anh là một người nông dân vốn đã quen với việc đồng áng hàng ngày. Nên khi cất giọng hát có phần trái ngược với vẻ bề ngoài, anh thu hút sự tò mò.Anh Zhu Zhiwen nổi tiếng từ một chương trình truyền hình. Ảnh: ToutiaoSau đó, anh tiếp tục tham gia một chương trình khác và giành được giải quán quân. Từ đây anh trở thành khách mời tại các chương trình, gala... và thu nhiều được danh lợi và cát-xê. Trước đó, mạng xã hội Trung Quốc đã lan truyền một đoạn video anh đến ngân hàng để giao dịch. Theo đó, trong đoạn video anh đã tiết lộ với nhân viên "Tôi kiếm được 16 triệu NDT/năm (khoảng 54 tỷ đồng)".Những người xem được đoạn video này kinh ngạc vì mức độ giàu c��a Zhu Zhiwen. Bởi con số này là điều mà rất nhiều gia đình ở nông thôn làm cả đời cũng không thể có được. Song anh dường như đạt được chỉ sau một năm.Với số tiền này nhiều người sẽ nghĩ cuộc sống gia đình của Zhu Zhiwen không phải lo lắng gì về đời sống vật chất, tinh thần. Các con của anh sẽ có điều kiện để học tập trong môi trường tốt hơn. Tuy nhiên mọi chuyện lại trái ngược hoàn toàn.Con trai bỏ học năm 14 tuổi, chỉ thích chơi gameỞ thời điểm mới...
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wtfy-cyzj · 6 years ago
Jike Junyi
吉克隽逸 Summer Jike Summer JK 王隽逸
Birthday: May 13, 1988
Height: 162 cm
From Ganluo, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
Signed with Universal Music
Is a member of the Yi people, an ethnic minority in China
Social media
Instagram Weibo
Where to listen
iTunes  x  x Spotify
2013   一首心歌
2014   吉克隽逸
Let's Vogue  [live] 
Summer Time (feat. Snoop Dogg)   
月到天心处 (The Stand-In OST) 
2016   Intrepid大无畏
Lotion Song   
最后的恋人 (The Last Lover)  
游爱民族 (Love Nomadic Nation)   
Snap (feat. Mr. Fantastic)   
In Control   
Boss (English ver)   
2014   即刻出发 北京演唱会Live (Ready to Start Off: The 1st Concert - Beijing Live CD)
I Feel Good / Sexy Music  
愛你在心口難開 (feat.沙寶亮/ Sha Baoliang) 
暗香 (Sha Baoliang guest performance)
答案 (feat.楊坤/Yang Kun)  
空城 (Yang Kun guest performance)
天地在我心 (feat.劉歡/Liu Huan)  
Summer Time
Let’s Vogue 
2016   我的猫 (My Cat) 
2017   尘世 
2018   I’m Your Fan 
2012   在我想起来 (with 李代沫/Li Daimo)  [二次曝光 (Double Xposure) OST]  
2013   月到天心处 [十月围城 (The Stand-In) OST]     
2013   爱情发的光   [青蛙王国1 (The Frog Kingdom 1) OST] 
2013   争气  [白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡 (Outcast) OST]  
2013   Now That You Can’t Have Me  [白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡 (Outcast) OST]  
2014   无惧此夜 (Fear Not This Night – Chinese version)  [Guild Wars 2 3D online game OST]  
2014   Fear Not This Night (English ver)  [Guild Wars 2 3D online game OST] 
2015   向死而生 [李开复忏悔录 (Li Kaifu's Confession) OST] 
2015   我是女王 [我是女王 (I am the Queen) OST]  (arranged by Gong Ge) 
2015   巴黎假期 (Paris Holiday) (with 金志文/Jin Zhiwen, 谭维维/Tan Weiwei, & 陈楚生/Chen Chusheng)  [巴黎假期 (Paris Holiday) OST]  
2015   奋不顾身 (with 刘欢 / Liu Huan)  [钟馗伏魔:雪妖魔灵 (Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal) OST]   
2015   幸福加油  [妈妈像花儿一样 (Mom Is Like a Flower) OST]   
2016   Mad Man Killer  [校花的贴身高手 (School Beauty's Personal Bodyguard or Mr. Bodyguard) OST]   
2016   海洋之心 (lit. Heart of the Sea) (How Far I’ll Go)  [海洋奇缘 (Moana) OST – Chinese release]  
2016   无侠  [西涯侠 (Western Man) OST]  
2016   所爱一生 [大话西游3 (A Chinese Odyssey 3: Love of Eternity) OST]  
2016   珍珠 (Pearl)  [大唐荣耀 (The Glory of Tang Dynasty) OST] 
2018   千年 (with 金志文/Jin Zhiwen)  [天乩之白蛇傳說 (Legend of the White Snake) OST]  
2014   Halo (Beyonce cover)  [Closing Ceremony Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games]
2016   长春 长春 (with 张文/Zhang Wen)  [The theme song of the 13th Changchun Film Festival Closing Ceremony]  
2017   The Magical Journey  
2017   别人的圣诞节  
2017   新世界 (New Age)  
2017   神舞幻想 
2017   空空山海 
2018   I'm Your Fan 
2018   伤情 
2018   喊你的名字
2018   远远的时光  
Advertisements, etc
2012   无处不乐 (Everywhere) (with Ding Dang/丁当, Deng Ziqi (G.E.M)/邓紫棋, & Qu Wanting/曲婉婷)  [Tencent Network QQ Music Theme Song] 
2013   Spoonful   [Haagen-Dazs brand song]
2013   谢安琪 (Kay Tse) - 两双 (feat. Jike Junyi)  [KFC brand song] 
2014   Innovation Is Fashion  [2014 Innofashion brand theme]  [lyric video]
2015   呼唤爱  [Beijing Bid 2022 Winter Olympics and Beijing Olympic Music Week Excellent Music Works]   
2015   白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡 (Outcast)     Role: 梅     (with Hayden Christensen & Nicolas Cage)
2015   钟馗伏魔:雪妖魔灵 (Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal)     Role: 易微
2016   大闹���海 (Dadong East China Sea)     Role: 东海龙女
2012   The Voice of China season 1
2015   Running Man China
I can’t tell if this is an official or fan account, but there are a ton of videos on this youtube account. https://www.youtube.com/user/LoveJKJY/featured
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clip360 · 5 years ago
Story of Sun Simiao: Medicine, Cultivation Practice, and Virtue (Part 5)
Story of Sun Simiao: Medicine, Cultivation Practice, and Virtue (Part 5)
During times of poverty and difficulty, Sun Simiao always maintained his virtue and held to his principles. This was how he achieved enlightenment and clarity. He also always practiced kindness, which naturally led to favorable outcomes.
Following Heavenly Laws and Cherishing Virtue
Renowned scholars such as Song Zhiwen, Meng Shen, and Lu Zhaolin respected Sun and treated him as a teacher.
Lu, a…
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ochoislas · 1 year ago
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Convaleciente, yazgo en esta cima, harto de soledad y de retiro. Mas el monte Señero me custodia, frente a mi cabezal, siempre a la vista. Tal cumbre moran seres de otro mundo; hueste la cubre de perennes nubes. Mas hoy se aclara la cernida lluvia; penetra el sol de nuevo en abra y risco. Tupe cerrada yerba los torrentes; muy verde es la arboleda de la umbría. Ya mi genio parece sin confines; si no es por hosca selva a pie de monte. Se arrellana a lo lejos el Yiluó; a vueltas van tornando el río y el llano. Las bestias son legión en tardo estío; granan las mieses al final de otoño. Mis ansias taso sin pasar la cerca; calma recobro, laborando el campo. Sólo me falta quién trajera el vino; que el agua fresca ya sacan mis manos.
Song Zhiwen
移疾臥茲嶺 寥寥倦幽獨 賴有嵩丘山 高枕長在目 茲山棲靈異 朝夜翳雲族 是日濛雨晴 返景入巖谷 冪冪澗畔草 青青山下木 此意方無窮 環顧悵林麓 伊洛何悠漫 川原信重復 夏餘鳥獸蕃 秋末禾黍熟 秉願守樊圃 歸閑欣藝牧 惜無載酒人 徒把涼泉掬
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ochoislas · 1 year ago
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Declina el año al pie de Tajo Oriente; mirando en torno todo es triste y yerto. Traspone el sol la ceja del ocaso; la yerba macilenta se demuda. Hay en el centro un eminente pino que largamente me hace suspirar. Cien pies de alto sin una sola rama; toda su vida desvalido y recto.
Song Zhiwen
歲晚東巖下 周顧何悽惻 日落西山陰 眾草起寒色 中有喬松樹 使我長嘆息 百尺無寸枝 一生自孤直
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