#Song Jung-ho
berlin-daily · 1 year
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Just sitting here so pleased thinking about how 80% of the Korean remake is scenes of Berlin suffering without any consequences to the plot like the show is a hurt/comfort fic without the comfort
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justinewt · 2 years
Meet London - MONEY HEIST: KOREA Rewrite
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Do not use my character without my consent thanks <3
warning: any arts and pictures you’ll see are not mine (I found them on pinterest) and to portray my oc I chose Hoyeon Jung. London is a character 100% created by me, Justine but the style of the bio has been inspired by Money heist wiki and bios made by director Guillermo Del Toro <3
And PLEASE, you are all very beautiful as you are, DO NOT feel bad about my character’s body/weight/height/measurements or anything !! And you are all beautiful humans <3
N.B: All ages stated in FAMILY HISTORY and EARLY LIFE are the international ages of the characters, if korean ages are stated it's specified.
words: 4.2k
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송진솔 bio by me
FULL NAME: Song Jin-sol (she calls herself with her father’s name even tho she has worn her mother’s name since birth, which is Lee // 이 )
ALIAS: London
DATE OF BIRTH: around April 2005
AGE: 13yo (creation of the Joint Economic Area - April 2018) // 14yo (korean age)
          21yo (time of the robbery - 2026) // 22-23yo (korean age)
GENDER: Female
STATUS: Alive (officially tho, Lee Jin-sol has been dead since december 2023. She was just 19yo // 20yo in korean age)
ORIGINS: North korea
SKILLS: Fighting // Self defence
              Taekwondo 3rd degree black belt
HOBBY: Sports in general // Taekwondo
AFFILIATIONS: The Professor // Berlin
                          The Mint’s robbery
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PARENTS: She is the daughter of Song Jung-Ho (송정호), better known by his code name Berlin and a North Korean defector, Lee Da-Eun (이다은) who died when Jin-sol was young.
RELATIVES: Song Sun-ho, 송선호 (uncle)
                      Seon Woo-jin (aunt)
                      Song Min-hyeok, paternal grandfather (deceased)
                      Unnamed maternal grandparents (supposedly deceased)
FRIENDS: Denver (he’s the only one out of the whole group whom she really considers a friend, and calls him oppa // 오빠, leading some hostages to believe they were siblings -which wasn’t true at all but some of them told this to the police, believing it.); unnamed high school classmates
FAMILY HISTORY (TIMELINE): In 1976, the Lee family welcomed triplets, one girl and two boys. The girl received a gold ring and the boys silver daggers. Their mother was called a maternal heroine by the government and they started receiving some money - which would stop once the children graduated elementary school, at 11-years-old but the family of five still lived in poverty in the North Korean countryside. 
In 1982, Lee Da-Eun was born. 
In 1983, Song Sun-ho was born and a year and a half later, in 1984, his brother, Song Jung-ho was born. (Jung-ho being 41 in 2026, I though these birth years made sense)
In 1985, the meager income given to the Lee family was cut off. Da-Eun was only 5. By the time the triplets were 15, in 1989, they were taken out of school to help their parents full-time on the farm. Unlike Jung-ho and Sun-ho’s family, they were much much poorer and “unsignificant” people. By the time he was 7, Jung-ho started showing signs of a disease. He actually suffered from juvenile huntington disease but they had no resources for it in North Korea.
In 1993, the Song family tried to escape the country by swimming across the Amrok river between China and North Korea at night. Jung-ho was 9 and Sun-ho was 10. Sun-ho and their father made it to the other side but his brother and mother were spotted and she was shot in the water by soldiers. Jung-ho was taken to a prison camp, where he was subjected to forced labour and physical abuse.The same year, Da-Eun’s two older brothers were drafted and joined the army to serve their 10 years of compulsory military service. Their sister remained at the farm to help their parents. Da-Eun had just graduated elementary school.
In 1994, Sun-ho and their father, Song Min-hyeok made it to South Korea and became citizens.
In 1997, Da-Eun was taken out of school to work full-time on her parents farm. She started thinking of joining the army to escape poverty and have meals every day.
In 1996, Song Min-hyeok was shot dead by the police after a robbery. He wanted to get enough money to try and get Jung-ho out of the North Korean prison camp he was imprisoned in. Sun-ho was just 13-years-old and was placed in the foster care system since he became an orphan.
In 1999, Lee Da-Eun’s sister gifted her the gold ring she was given at birth to bring good luck to her as she enlisted in the army. She would hide it in her bra in order to make sure she wouldn’t lose it. For two months she went through military training, actually training for only 40% of the time, and the remaining 60% was spent on Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist ideology. 
In 2001, Sun-ho graduated high-school and went off to college to study business and economics. He had taken it into his head to one day find his brother and carry out their father's heist plan.
After 3 years of service -during which she never once had her period, mainly because of how much they trained and how much stress and pressure there was on them-, in 2002, Da-Eun went to work at prison camp 13. She was reduced to cooking and cleaning and mainly worked as a medic at the prison. She was happy as long as she kept a low profile and didn’t get her superior’s attention. One day she was to tend to a prisoner who had just been tortured and had had a seizure. She learned he had Huntington disease and was terminally ill. She had no idea what it was but she knew the prisoner’s name, Song Jung-ho. She asked about him and learned he was barely 18-years-old and had been imprisoned here as a child. She was touched by his story. After this she would make it her job to take care of him every time he was sent to the infirmary and the two somehow grew to like each other. By the end of the year, they had fallen in love and started having an affair.
She worked at the prison for 2 more years and in 2004, she wondered why she hadn’t had her period for a couple months (since she worked at the prison, because the daily life wasn’t as intense, she was having them tho very light) and realized she was pregnant with Jung-ho’s child. She managed to be alone with him at the prison infirmary and told him. She knew she would have to give herself an abortion before any of her superiors found out but she wanted to keep the baby. Jung-ho was taken aback and shocked by the news. He knew she had to get out of there. He was someone who would hide his feelings and not communicate or show them but it was a real heartbreak. She had three options, try to cross the river to china, go to Russia and hope no one there would find her and forcibly send her back or somehow be sent to work at the DMZ and make it to the other side, that last option was by far the most dangerous but  the crossing of the river would be too long and exhausting for a pregnant woman. Her only choice was to go work at the DMZ and escape through there. 
In autumn 2004, she was working at the DMZ, again reduced to doing cleaning and cooking and she hid her growing belly with her belt. She was actively working on a plan to cross when one day, a soldier came up to her and straight up told her he knew she was pregnant. She was scared of what he was going to do to her but ended up telling her he was going to escape and asked her if she wanted to come with him. She jumped on the occasion. The soldier was shot and injured by their own military as they crossed to the South Korean side of the Joint Security Area (JSA) in the village of Panmunjom. North Korean troops shot at them over 40 times, and he was hit five times and she was hit once in the thigh but they made it across and were found under a pile of leaves, bleeding out. They were rushed to a hospital and doctors found out Da-Eun was also pregnant. After resting for a while, she was interviewed by the NIS and she told them everything. She was pregnant with the child of a prisoner, Song Jung-ho, when she worked at prison camp 13. She asked if they knew of a boy named Song Sun-ho and his father, Song Min-hyeok who had made it to South Korea in the 90s and they told her they would look into it. She was then taken to Hanawon, a re-education facility where she stayed for three months. She was taught how to adjust to life in South Korea. They taught her, and other refugees, basic skills such as riding the subway, using an elevator, paying bills, and using a remote control. 
She got out of the facility in january 2005 and was now in the third trimester. South Korea provided basic living expenses, subsidies, and housing for 5 years. It was tough to adjust to her new life and get used to the South Korean accent. The first time she used internet was in a library, she looked up Song Min-hyeok and found articles about the late North Korean and a robbery. She learned he died in 1996 after he became a South Korean citizen just two years earlier. She didn’t hear back from the NIS for a few months but one day, after she had given birth to a babygirl in April - she named her Lee Jin-sol-, she received a call and was told they had found documents attesting to the entry into the territory of a child named Song Sun-ho and his father in 1994 and the story given by the latter about their flight from the country coincided with what Jung-ho told Da-Eun. She learned the man she was looking for was currently a student in business and economics. She asked them to put her in touch with Sun-ho and was told it was done but didn’t hear from anyone for a whole month and one day, he called her. They met in a café in Séoul and she brought Jin-sol. He didn’t remember his brother much as it had been 11 years already but he immidietaly saw him in the newborn. He had been alone for so long, now he had a family again.
In 2006, Sun-ho was 23-years-old and completed his master’s degree. He got a job as a lecturer and Da-Eun moved closer to his apartment. She found a few small jobs in Seoul. Meanwhile, Jung-ho had gained a following over the years. Under his orders, prisoners rioted and took over the prison. A guard was murdered, setting Berlin free, after 25 years in the prison camp. He had no idea if Da-Eun had made it to South Korea and if their baby was born and he preferred to assume they were both dead so as not to think about it constantly and therefore protect his heart. Being cold and distant with his own emotions was his way of coping with everything. By then, he was terminally ill already. He got Seoul, the prison camp’s director step daughter, out and she went with him and the prisoners to Vladivostock where they got themselves a hideout in a shady bar and became a feared rebel/mercenaries group.
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PERSONALITY: Jin-sol was a quite happy and smiling child until she was 10 and lost her mother to depression and overwork. Before it happened, she was already determined but starting Taekwondo made her even more strong-willed and competitive. Hard-working, she was successful at school and at the dojang and made her mother and uncle very proud but when she lost her mom, she lost some of that sparkle that used to light up her eyes. She was still driven but way less enthuastic and rarely smiled for anything, mostly caring about winning every fight and be the best at whatever she did. Becoming a professional Taekwondoin and one of her dreams was to compete at the olympics. This was her goal and sole motivation in life. When she had the chance to participate in the ASIAN JUNIOR TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIP in 2017, Sun-ho couldn’t say no to her because seeing her so excited about something wasn’t a common sight. On the outside she appears very calm, collected and quiet, and she is, but it’s mainly because she’d rather look around and observe than really speak her mind. She is very loyal and follows the rules dictated by her uncle but is not so obedient with everyone. She will still show respect to people, especially people who are older than her, even if she dislikes them whole-heartedly.
When she met her father for the first time, she was rather impassive and a bit jaded, just staring at him because she didn’t know who this tall man was. She would glance at her uncle every now and then, not really knowing what to do but once she started talking, she was straight-forward, asking him who he was. This moment quickly became emotional as she eventually hugged him.
APPEARANCE: Jin-sol grew to be rather tall, standing at 5′7″ (170cm) while her mother, Lee Da-Eun was around 5′1″. She is quite thin and slender but has a very athletic body considering that she practiced Taekwondo from the age of 6 until she was 18 years old and participated in many championships.  She doesn’t look much like her father, apart from her high cheekbones and square jaw, but she has a much smaller face and shares a striking resemblance to her late mother, which explains why Jong-ho was so taken aback when he first saw her in person. Thanks to their lack of resemblance, no one in the group ever suspected their real connection.
Jin-sol likes to dye her hair. When she was 16-years-old, she decided to bleach her hair but because she hadn’t decided on a color to put all over her head afterwards, she kept her hair blond for a while but after joining her uncle’s heist project, and faking their deaths, she dyed her entire head red. She wanted to do one last “bold” thing before her new life as a robber. She has a rather casual style, and can go from wearing a bright orange hoodie and a pair of faded jeans, or plain balck clothes, usually paired with a long and dark trench-coat. She never really dresses up, unless she wears traditional korean clothing like a hanbok or until after the robbery, where she is seen in a small Austrian village with her uncle, wearing a fancy, black and beige coat with sequins on the front pockets.
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EARLY LIFE (up to the robbery): In 2011, Sun-ho became a professor in the department of business and economics at the Seoul National University. Jin-sol was now 6. The little girl started expressing interest in sports and was enrolled in a taekwondo club.
In 2015, when 10-year-old Jin-sol didn’t have school and Sun-ho wasn’t working that day, they spent the day in town together. He bought her an ice cream, got her a stuffed animal and they even went to the theater. When he brought her home later in the afternoon, they found Da-Eun collapsed on the floor. She was rushed to the hospital and doctors told Sun-ho she suffered a severe stroke. She was kept at the hospital for a few days but ultimately died. Sun-ho was shaken by this but it was nothing compared to how devastated Jin-sol felt. She cried profusely but after seeing how concerned her uncle was, she told him she didn’t want him to worry and that she wouldn’t cry ever again and be strong. After becoming her legual guardian, he applied to adopt her. One day, Jin-sol asked him if she could call him 아빠 (appa // dad) because she saw all her classmates with their dads and she didn’t even have her mom anymore and she knew nothing of her biological dad cause the only man that had ever been in her life was him. He of course said yes and from then on she always called him daddy.
In 2016, Jin-sol earned her first-degree black belt. She started wanting to get more seriously into competition and her coach encouraged Sun-ho to let him enroll Jin-sol in the 2017 Asian Junior Taekwondo championship, which would take place in April of next year. She was very excited about it and Sun-ho hadn’t seen her like this in such a long time so he said yes. 
In 2017, Jin-sol joined her school’s sports club. April came and Sun-ho had managed to take a week off to accompany her to Kazakhstan where the competition was taking place. It forced him to briefly halt his search for his brother but it was really refreshing to see Jin-sol so happy. She was extremely determined and ambitious and competed in junior female -44kg for the KOREA ASIAN JUNIOR TAEKWONDO NATIONAL TEAM. Iran won the championship but Jin-sol was cheered on by her team after she won them the most gold medals out of all the korean juniors athletes. In mid-2017, Sun-ho was approached by National Assembly Member Kim Sangman to talk about the economic reunification of the two Koreas. He was giving a lecture about this very subject that day and 13-year-old Jin-sol attended because she wanted to see what he was doing at work. She could have listened her uncle talk about anything for 2 hours and even though she didn’t understand everything, she found it very interesting because he was so passionate about his subject. At the end of the lesson, Kim Sangman approached Jin-sol, taking a sweet voice -she showed him respect, as he was much older than her but she didn’t buy his nice act and just stared back at him- and asked her how old she was and what she was doing at this lecture. She replied that the professor was her dad and she had asked him to see what he did at work. Sun-ho had seen the man talk to his niece from afar. When Sangman asked him to come somewhere with him, he said he had to drop his daughter at home first and Jin-sol ended up coming in the car with her uncle and the other man and they dropped her in front of their house before leaving. That day was the day he agreed to develop the economic cooperation plan.
In April 2018, the same month Jin-sol turned 13, the creation of the Joint Economic Area was announced to the general public. The child got her third degree black belt in Taekwondo. He intensified his search for his brother and found a group of mercenaries in Vladivostock. Somehow, the name of Song Jung-ho resurfaced. He was the boss of this group. 
In 2019, Sun-ho planned a short trip to Russia after he found his brother. He plainly told Jin-sol about it and she didn’t really know how to react to the news. He left for a few days, having brought with him a file with his own father’s heist plan and a few pictures of Jin-sol, one was her and her mother when she was 6 and started taekwondo, she was wearing her Taekwondo dobok, her mother kneeling beside her, smiling and holding her by the shoulders. Another was her at the asian championship with a gold medal, her uncle holding her shoulders. He wanted to ask his brother to continue their father’s plan, and tell him all about his long lost daughter. Jung-ho was saddened by the news of his father and Da-Eun’s deaths and staredat the photos of his daughter for a long time without saying anything, remembering when Da-Eun told him she was pregnant and then fled the country. To leave her and her child's survival to chance and now to hear that she had died of overwork was a second heartbreak. He wasn’t sure if meeting his child was the right thing to do and he didn’t know how he felt about it but Sun-ho told him she already knew that he had found him. Sun-ho then came back later that year, he brought 14 year old Jin-sol to Vladivostock. She wasn’t sure how to feel when she met him and they stared at each other for a few seconds. Because she didn’t know what Jung-ho looked like, she didn’t know who was the man in front of him and straight up asked him who he was. He kneeled so he would be closer to her height, looking into her eyes and seeing so much of him and Da-Eun and he was taken by surprise when she hugged him. It took a couple seconds before he wrapped his arms around her as well but he did and held her tightly. 
In 2020, she entered high school. She knew she wanted to major in sports and was already looking for the college she would go to. She rarely saw her father but she was pleasantly surprised with him coming to attend some small taekwondo competitions she participated in, and won gold every time. The first picture she ever took with him was after one of those. Meanwhile, she had no idea what her uncle did every time he flew to Russia to see his brother.
In June 2023, she graduated high school and her father came to the ceremony. In december 2023, Sun-ho orchestrated the death of him and his niece and the two then assumed false identities in preparation for the heist. Lee Jin-sol was dead and Song Jin-sol and Park Sun-ho were born. She was just 18 but really wanted to follow in her uncle and father's footsteps and she was mainly determined to join their plans because she knew it would allow her to spend a lot of time with her dad so she threw all her other projects away, giving up on majoring in sports. She didn't care that he wasn't the most loving or demonstrative. 
In 2024, because she came of age and turned 19, Sun-ho gave her a package that her mother had prepared for her. For now, they were only the three of them, the professor had yet to recrut the others. In the package, there was a couple letters and a folded uniform and hat. It was her mother’s old military uniform. There was still the hole made by the bullet that hit her thigh and dry blood all around it. Half the skirt was soaked so it showed how much she had bled out when shot. Inside a pocket in the uniform, she found a gold ring hanging from a chain. She vaguely remembered her mother wearing that necklace and learned in the letter addressed to her that it was her sister’s. That’s when she learned her mother had triplets siblings. The second letter was addressed to Berlin specifically. He hid it but wanted to cry as he read it and briefly closed his eyes when he felt the tears coming. Jung-ho and Jin-sol then talked together where he finally really opened up to her and told her about his relationship with her mother. This was the first time she cried after telling her uncle she wouldn’t cry ever again, 9 years prior. 
In 2025, The professor found Tokyo and the rest of the group. They all went to an abandoned hotel complex where they hid for the rest of the year in preparation for the heist. The first day, they took turns spinning a globe and chose their pseudonyms, naming themselves after cities around the world. Song Jung-ho became Berlin and Jin-sol became London while Sun-ho was the Professor. Afterwards, the Professor started the real “lessons” and classes to prepare the group. Nobody knew the three were related so when London would walk out of Berlin or the Professor’s room, having seemingly no reason to be in there, and was seen a few times by Nairobi, it led the later to wonder if the young 20-year-old had something going on with the two men. As she was closest to Denver, who was for her like a big brother and good friend, Nairobi asked him about it. Obviously he didn’t know anything about it but when London said it wasn’t true, he took her word for it. She was quite uncomfortablewith the fact that Nairobi thought she was having affairs with them, but ultimately didn’t care cause if she started explaining herself, she would have to speak about their actual relationships. She kept going to see her father and uncle every now and then, especially her father because she sometimes wanted to help him and when one day he said he could do it on his own and that she didn’t have to take care of him like that, she said she wanted to because she had not been able to take care of her mother and because she used to take care of him. He didn’t say anything but there was so much of her mother in every thing she did, especially tend to him. It was her main way of telling him she loved him very much and letting her be by his side and show that he was proud of her was his. Before the operations started, Jin-sol was given a single rule by the Professor. She was the youngest of the whole group so obviously she wouldn’t have the power to take initiatives and things like that and she had to follow the orders and everything he said to the group and if something happened, she was to obey Berlin and do as he said no matter what.
In 2026, the d-day of the robbery of the mint arrived. It was to happen just before this year’s Inter-Korean summit. 
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smittenskitten · 5 months
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"Innocent?" "Pure like oxygen?"
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junkobato · 5 months
Upcoming Kdrama May 2024 💚
1/5: Frankly Speaking with Go Kyung Pyo, Kang Han Na. 12 episodes; rom-com.
4/5: the Atypical Family with Chun Woo Hee, Jang Ki Yong. 12 episodes, fantasy, romance, action.
11/5: the Midnight Romance with Jung Ryeo Won, Wi Ha Joon, So Joo Yun. 16 episodes; romance.
13/5: Crash with Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, Heo Sung Tae. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, comedy.
13/5: Dare to Love Me with Kim Myung Soo, Lee Yoo Young. 16 episodes; rom-com.
15/5: Uncle Samsik with Song Kang Ho, Byun Yo Han, Lee Kyu Hyung. 16 episodes; business drama.
17/5: the 8 Show with Ryu Joon Yul, Chun Woo Hee, Park Jong Min. 8 episodes; thriller, psychological.
22/5: Not Very Strong, but Attractive Homicide Squad with Park Se Wan, Kim Dong Wook. 12 episodes; mystery, comedy.
24/5: Bitter Sweet Hell with Kim Hee Sun, Lee Hye Young, Kim Nam Hee. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, comedy.
24/5: Connection with Ji Sung, Jeon Mi Do, Kwon Yul. 16 episodes; thriller, mystery.
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Many new dramas! And so little time...
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danykha · 10 months
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This guy, his ego and his single brain cell
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ahsung · 1 year
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wontaemins · 2 months
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0_1_gyeom, jjunghaa__ and chawoongki ig stories 240810
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save-the-data · 6 months
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Jazz for Two | S01E07
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
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jeon6yeon · 1 year
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Seohyun and Lee Ho-jung in Song of the Bandits (2023)
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stuff-diary · 4 months
Lovely Runner
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Lovely Runner (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Yoon Jong Ho & Kim Tae Yeop
Writer: Lee Shi Eun (based on the novel by Kim Bbang)
This is one of those rare dramas where I could tell I was in for something truly special from the very first episode. And it delivered on that initial promise until the very end. Somehow, it got better with every episode. You can just tell everyone involved was incredibly passionate about this project. The writing is both riotously funny and heartbreakingly sad; there are few dramas that have made me laugh and cry as much as this one. The directing and the cinematography also keep things dynamic and visually gorgeous. And the acting... Man, Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok give two of the best performances I've seen in a K-drama; their acting is so nuanced and detailed. Plus their chemistry is crazy, seriously off the charts. Lovely Runner has helped me get through these last couple of months, and I will miss it so so much. Do yourself a favor and go watch it, if you haven't already!
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namjhyun · 4 months
DRAMA REVIEW | Lovely Runner (2024)
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Lovely Runner it's undoubtedly one of the best dramas of 2024.
It has all the elements that make a drama a mega hit: comedy, romance, time travel, well written characters (both leads and supporting ones) and an engaging plot line that never bores you. Starring Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok, adapted from the web novel The Best of Tomorrow by screenwriter Lee Shi Eun and directed by Yoon Jong Ho and Kim Tae Yub, the Lovely Runner team achieved a perfect execution in front and behind the camera.
I think the true star of this drama it's the writing and on this I can't commend Lee Si Eun enough. I had already seen her potential in dramas like True Beauty but here she really manages to shine through a well crafted, smart and cohesive story with no loose ends. I'm incredibly impressed by her talent.
The writing was perfectly complemented by the directors's outstanding work in leading a film crew that was on every detail of each part of the story, in each timeline, never missing a beat. Always delivering their A+++ game. But there was also great work done from the directors part in helping the actors get the comedic timing exactly right, the more emotional scenes to deliver and the team work among cast and crew to be flawless.
Lovely Runner might be a big hit now, but it's actually a sleeper hit. The lack of promotion this drama had was embarrassing and if it wasn't for the devoted fans, studio executives would have never realized they had a gem in their hands. So, it's not only a great drama with a super fandom that really fought for this story, it's also becoming yet another prime example in the list of films and tv that achieved all of it by themselves because artists delivered nothing short of excellence.
On this point I can't ignore the incredible performances given by the entire cast. Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok are definitely the standouts, they stole the show, this is their story and the actors chemistry it's electrifying. But the way supportive actors would show up in a scene and push the story forward in a coherent way and even make it better, it's wild to me. The chemistry this cast had it's a rare feat for an ensamble cast and how they managed to transition seamlessly through different phases of their characters's lives and relationships when events, in each timeline, were changing because of the things our leads did they still remain truthful. So, not only the leads are well developed in this drama but also every single character that shows up, no matter how small the role is.
The best example of this it's actor Heo Hyeong-Gyu who has been working for sixteen years, playing very minor characters, finally having a breakthrough in the industry because of his role in this drama. And while his presence was prominent and important to the story, he barely had lines. So his entire performance is mainly based on micro-expressions or physical stunts.
I also fully expect the actors like Song Geon-Hee, Lee Seung-Hyub, Song Ji-Ho or Seo Hye-won to receive a lot of what korean entertainment industry calls "love calls" aka commercials, dramas and films, among other things.
Experiencing watching Lovely Runner alongside the fandom, waiting every week for a new episode, it's a big part of what made this drama so good. Healthy and good loving fun people, clowning, poking fun at our faves and crying at heartbreak. It's been a long time since I have been able to engage in this way with other fans and I am thankful for them, the cast and crew for all these amazing weeks of fun.
Rating: 10/10
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filmap · 5 months
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밀양 / Secret Sunshine Lee Chang-dong. 2007
Opening titles 71-1 Unjeon-ri, Bubuk-myeon, Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea See in map
See in imdb
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gagyeongs · 2 years
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“a little more time” by ROLE MODEL
NAM HAENG SEON & CHOI CHI YEOL | Crash Course in Romance (2023)
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dramaintherain · 1 year
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SONG OF THE BANDITS (2023)♙ ➳ Eon Nyeon Yi || episode ⑴
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