#Someday.. I should make an art blog
scurvioli · 6 months
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Happy Homewarming, from your smallest neighbor
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@justmwahstruly Oh my friend, it felt good to be on a whiteboard again! Thank you
As my gift to you, I give Molly and Gerome, may your days be bright!
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iris-drawssandwiches · 6 months
I love how you can see the corpses of deleted accounts on here! Like it really adds to the old feeling of the site. I hope this site never gets shut down and somehow just stays alive for over a 1000 years so really really old posts are just shared around. People reblogging saying "Their sense of funny was just as bad as ours!", and going "That aged really bad" to some post about something before a really bad event happens!
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quirkwizard · 1 month
My Hero Academia is officially over. Ten years, four hundred and thirty chapters, forty two manga volumes. After all of that, it's done.
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I find myself... empty might be the word. Not sad, angry, disappointed, elated, or anything else the rest of the fanbase seems to be going through. More in that I find myself lacking any real feelings about it. Which is odd. Maybe because I don't get as emotionally invested in media as other people. Maybe because I've had time to prepare myself and come to terms with it being over. Maybe I'm still processing what happened, and it will just hit me all at once someday. 
Because I feel like I should have more to say now that everything is said and done. I think the real reason why is because My Hero Academia isn't truly over. I'm not talking about any of the sequels or spin-offs that may come after this, but I'm sure they are going to happen. My Hero Academia made a massive mark. It captured and inspired so many people in so many ways. It's impact is going to be felt for a long time, whether it be in any published material or fan-made works. 
And for that, I have to thank Horikoshi. The life of a mangaka is never an easy one. It's long, hard, and undervalued for how much work they put in. He sacrificed a lot of time and effort. The man pushed through his terrible health and plenty of other setbacks to try and get the manga out. And regardless of what you think of the final product, I still find myself respecting and commending him for being willing to put himself through all that for his art. Because without him, we'd never have this series.
I have him to thank for this blog as well. If I hadn't found this series, I would have never made this blog. I would have never gotten to make all of these fun powers. I've never gotten to get deeper into analyzing media and have a creative outlet for myself. And most importantly, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to make something that so many people have enjoyed. To me, that's one of, if not the best, achievements with this whole blog: that what I've done has made anyone happy by reading it. 
I guess the real question is, what's going to become of this blog now? I mean, that story is over, isn't it? I'm sure that all of you are going to move on to whatever you want to do next, aren't you? Shouldn't I be doing the same? After all, I've been running this blog for over six years now. Whatever the case may be, know that I will give my thoughts on the epilogue like I said I would. I want to give myself some time to think about it and put my thoughts together. So be on the lookout for that.
So until then, Plus Ultra!
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
30 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌊
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😅Ah, well this is awkward-
I haven't drawn Gravity Falls in quite a while. And with this sudden fandom resurgence following the book of Bill.. I actually went back and privated a huge chunk of my Gravity falls posts. :x
My reasoning for this is that looking back, a lot of those old posts are rather embarrassing for me 💀 now I respected them all as stepping stones to where my blog is now so I didn't actually DELETE any posts!! But now with the fandom coming back people are finding them aaaannddd.. when ever I get a notification of someone liking an old cringey Gravity Falls post of mine? I just go beet red. uhhg they're sooooo embrassingggg...
SO! For my own comfort, I privated lot of those embarrassing posts. I didn't delete them in case I change my mind and want them back in the future- but they should all be hidden.
Now that that's explained, the comic you're talking about is likely one that I privated parts of out of embarrassment. But if you happen to have a link to one of the parts or can remember the what the comic was about... mayyyybe I could go back and un-pivate it.? <XD But just that comic! It depends on how beet red I turn when I see it-- :x
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I've heard of cult of the lamb, seen a lot of fanart for it- and several of my friends play it!... But I still don't know much about it <XD Isn't it like a cult simulator or something..? Idk-- the cult imagery just didn't really feel like my thing 😅
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@i-v-y67 (Hiding the image because its not my art! <:D )
Sorry man, <XD Maybe someday I will! But for now I got Welcome home, FNAF and Pokémon on the mind 💀
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DUDE I LOOOOOVE THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL!! That show has absolutely no right to be that funny XDDD
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XDD Aw, thank you! Truly the highest compliment my version of Wally could receive. 😌
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Idk how Bibi's name is actually supposed to be pronounced.. but I personally pronounce it as "bee-bee" <XD
And for his little sister Cici, its the same. "see-see"
While I'm at it, Gerald's name is pronounced "erald". The G is silent XDD
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Aw man.. Ingo couldn't cope.. 😔😔
No that's not me saying that Emmet loved Ingo less or was emotionally stronger than him- but Emmet sees Ingo as his strong and capable older brother. With some comfort from Elesa, he believed at his core that Ingo could handle what ever he was facing out there.. although his body was wracked with worry..
If the roles were reversed.. I mean.. man..
Ingo sees Emmet as his precious baby brother. Despite them being only minutes apart in age. He knows logically that Emmet is just as strong and capable as he is.. but just imaging his baby brother out there.. wounded and all alone.. he should have been there. he should have done more. He's all alone. What if he never sees him again? What if he dies alone out there?
The separation would quite possibly destroy Ingo..
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Boop!! :DDD
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I'm feeling pretty rough, but doing my best to rest! <:D and thank you!! :)))
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I don't have many clear ideas for Home yet.. I'm thinking that its pretty sentient. Home can problem solve, make assumptions and learn..
What does it think of everything... I'm not quite sure. I imagine Home to be curious though, and that's why it watches Wally sleep and why it watched Eddie at the Christmas party..
I also pictured Home to have been in an almost coma/zombie like state back when it was dilapidated.. but then I wonder if Poppy would still be spooked by it.. hmm..
It couldn't have been comfortable in that state at least. So when Wally fixed it up, maybe Home was grateful? Or maybe Home is just kind'a coming to and doesn't know how to feel about the neighborhood springing up around it.. overall I kind'a want to keep these general malicious undertones to Home... 👀
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Yeah, I didn't have them crushing on each other because I don't like writing romance stuff for characters that are not my own.. <XD
But this doesn't mean that Eddie and Frank cant have a strong platonic bond in my au! :0 One thing I imagined for their friendship is how they met/how it started.
I had this picture in my head that Frank used to butt-heads with the other neighbors a lot more than he does now. Frank had a certain way of talking and expressing himself that some of the other neighbors didn't really understand.. and since Frank can be irritable at times.. well.. I guess the best way to put it is that Frank had a hard time making friends at first..
I imagined that on a particularly bad day, where nothing seemed to be going his way.. Frank was huffing and puffing and just grumbling to himself.. attending to some chores around the house and just overall feeling down. At some point, he realized the package he ordered should be here any second now.. so he stepped outside to check the mail.
When he went outside, whaddya know! The new mailman was here right on time and putting his package in the mailbox. Well FINALLY something went right for him! That's a nice change..
I imagined Frank went out in a huff to grab the mail, not intending to chat.. but 10 minutes later and he was still stood outside talking to the new mailman.
I thought that when Frank spoke to Eddie, Eddie listened intently and waited patiently for his turn to talk without interrupting. When Eddie talked to Frank, he basically asked all the perfect questions in the perfect tone to get Frank to simmer down.
Eddie told him how beautiful his garden looked, and with his tone and bright smile, you could tell he meant it! Well that's a nice thing to say..
Frank asked how he feels about the neighborhood. And Eddies responses were relatively quick and to the point. Huh.. its nice to have no filler in this conversation considering how grumpy he was today..
Eddie makes a comment about Franks nice clothes, Frank chuckles and comments that his grumpy expression probably doesn't make them look any nicer.. Eddie is a little taken aback, "I didn't think you looked grumpy.. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down today neighbor.." Huh.. someone who doesn't just see his frown and assume he's a grump. That's a really nice change..
By the end of their conversation, Franks day had been completely flipped on its head. He had a nice chat with the new neighbor and got his mail right on time. Eddie was respectful, interested in what Frank had to say, and had plenty of genuine compliments to spare.
Since that excellent first impression on Eddie's part, their friendship would grow and grow into what it is today. Not a romantic relationship, but definitely a best friend situation for sure. :)
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A phone call? :0 Is this one I talked about happening in my at some point and forgot or was this something that happened in canon? <:0 Forgive my poor memory- today is not my day! 😅😅
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AWWWEE!! the little babeee.... 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Thank you! These past few days have been pretty rough but I'm hangin in there! <:D ...
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Man I really gotta work on the story/personalities for Julies siblings <XD These ideas for them are just wonderful! Him meeting Julies brother/sisters sounds like a fun drawing idea!
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B-But.. with no return address... how am I supposed to send a thank you..? <:'(((
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It is one of my all time favorite shows.. 🥺🥺💞💞💞 I love it to bits. Stanley is my favorite character.. I watched it like twice and I would have watched it a third time but I couldn't watch it without crying so I had to quit <XDD 100/10 would recommend Gravity Falls.💞💞
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(Jangles birthday post)
Ahh don't worry, his birthday was actually on the 6th. I was late too! <XD
Also thank you! I'm glad you like the details I added! :)))))
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😔😔😔Man, it never ends. Thanks for letting me know though..
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I kind'a pictured it being similar to Sans and Papyrus. Well, if Papyrus loved puns that is- XDDD
Their personalities are kind'a opposite. Barnaby is relaxed, laid back and always cracking jokes. Howdy is always on the move (in the warmer months). Always darting from shelf, gotta stock stock stock! Gotta go go go! Got so many things to do!
Barnaby usually hangs out in the shop and chats with Howdy. They like to talk about life, their opinions on different topics. And of course exchange jokes back and fourth XDD
I imagine their friendship is strong enough that they've opened up about some darker things. About their pasts and what not..
Sorry if this wasn't super descriptive and/or didn't answer your question 😅 brain is not braining today!
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She's thought about telling someone else. The people she would trust the most would probably be Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Sally.
Though she's afraid if she shows Wally, he'll be afraid of her. Just like all the other humans were...
She thought about telling Barnaby because he's so laid back and easy going.. perhaps he'd accept her for who she is.. but Barnaby really values honesty.. maybe he'd be upset that she lied to him about who she really is and wouldn't want to be her friend anymore..
She almost told Poppy, but backed out last second. She doesn't want to scare poor Poppy..
She's considered telling Sally.. and since Sally has a similar story to her.. maybe she'd be really understanding and accept her.. but she wasn't sure. So she never told her..
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I'd like to imagine Home does, but Wally either doesn't notice them or thinks they're just normal old house things :0
For example, the first picture in this post shows Home before Wally restored it. The peeling paint was supposed to be like rotting flesh, showing a pale red wood underneath.. bright red wood exists in their world, but its not usually that shade of red...
I thought about there occasionally being a faint blowing sound somewhere in the house. Accompanied by drawn out rise and fall in temperature though all the rooms. Wally would say the windows don't seal that well or the walls have poor insulation.. Other's would say it feels like breathing..
I've considered that when Wally tries to hang a picture, the walls leak some kind of thick fluid. Obviously meant to be blood- but I miiiight not go with that one. Since that would be a big glaring problem that would grab Wally's attention-
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Also I'm actually pretty thin on ideas for Howdy.. although I DO have these headcannons about Howdy not liking winter/the cold! :0
I imagined that Howdy can't handle the cold at all <XD In the wintertime howdy is constantly cold, hungry and sleepy. This makes him move really slowly and show up late to everything 😔Thankfully he has his good pal Barnaby to lend a hand around the shop. But it just sucks that he's so exhausted in the wintertime and can hardly get anything done..
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(In response to this post)
Thank you so much! :DD And ooooo! Yellow and black could work really well! :000
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@neo-metalscottic (Chandelure post in question)
And as for Julies sisters/brother, I actually haven't thought about them much.. BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOOO GOOD AND SPOOKY!!! U GOTTA FIND A WAY TO ADD IT TO THE AU!! :DDD
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I would like to draw that comic, but its just a huuuuuge project for me to pick up atm <XD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Although unfortunately I don't know what image you're talking about.. I don't remember seeing Eddie hurt with Wally carrying him, and I don't have any intentions for Eddie to get seriously hurt! <:0
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rufwooff · 6 months
I didn't think I'd ever experience this, but listen. I'm not your therapist. I'm just a little guy with an art blog, You don’t need to send me every action you take. I won’t say who exactly we are talking about, but I hope this person himself will understand the hint (although I should say this directly to him, but I think that I needed to make this post someday)
and about the language. I speak english here, I planned to make this blog a kind of english practice and I ask you not to write in russian (I feel pretty uncomfortable about this, sorry)
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bobnewbie · 2 years
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My blog has reached its first milestone and I wanted to give a little thank you to all my mutuals 😊
Details under the cut!
From left to right:
Danny Mouton: Sous-chef in his mid-twenties, not quite ready to grow up yet but probably should. Dreams of becoming a master chef someday. Cheerful party animal with an ear for good music. Xiomara Montalvo: On the hunt for inner peace, hasn't found it yet. She hopes to one day find her zen and share her knowledge with others. Clumsy vegetarian with a close connection to Sulani. Dimitri Sparacino: You know that one dude in high school that could make almost anybody laugh? That's Dimitri. He's early on his journey to fame, but no one doubts that he'll make it big. An art-loving slob, who'd rather kick his feet up than work too hard. Nessa Francis: Will literally always be smarter than you and has the degrees to prove it. Nessa is sure to become your professor's favorite professor, she just needs a little time to get there. Over-achieving, self-absorbed, and forever cheerful.
Sims are shipped with clothing from packs/kits. Thanks to all the wonderful content creators for their creations!
Sim Dump w/ CC
Sim Dump No CC
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linalina-universe · 5 months
I've been praying on this daily. Transgender Christian converts.
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Edit: While I do talk about Orthodoxy in this post. I am part of the Episcopal church. I posted this while I was on a journey of faith and It's had it's ups and downs. Please find the church you feel most comfortable in. I've been asking some of the saints, Holy Theotokos, and Jesus our Lord. As well as talking to my Guardian angel as I can. To help Bring my transgender eunuch siblings around the world to Faith in Jesus. Seeing all of the LGBT Christian Blogs recently on Tumblr is making me so Glad. God is Good. God Cares about us. Even if there are teachers in the church who condemn us for being different. Seek Reconciliation, Repentance. Learn to Forgive one another. Learn to Love one another. The path towards Jesus isn't easy. Much learning and Discernment it's a LONG ROAD. But keep learning about Jesus. Don't settle for less, but find a place to plant your roots. If you want to really get into the thick of it learn about Orthodoxy. But it takes time for us to get where we need to be. I do believe God listens to all of His Children though. The Holy spirit is everywhere. I would never judge whether or not a person is damned or saved due to what church they go to. That's up to Jesus, he is the judge. But come as you are. Never let a Church teacher hold Jesus over you do not conform to the whims of man as we are not of this world. Only Conform to the Whims of Jesus. Learn to be humble in life, Obedient to Jesus. Learn about humility. Realize no one person on this earth is any better than another. True humility is a virtue. It takes time to cultivate. We are imperfect. Learn LGBT History, ancient history, learn about eunuchs and Queer Saints. qspirit.net, But realize that many of these things are unkown without a time machine. Be sound in wisdom of our ancestors. Do not be defensive all the time though. Learn when to talk, listen to the silence. Do not let hate, and the machinations of this world such as political ideologies, capitalism control your life. We need money to work in this world. But money and possessions are temporary while Jesus and God are eternal. Pray for the Rich kings and politicians who persecute us pray that they seek Jesus. "It is better to Light a candle than to Curse the Darkness." Do not let the Darkness of media news overtake you. Pray for people around the world suffering. Count your blessings. Realize just how good you might have it. I recommend you learn about the Orthodox Saints of Alaska if you want to learn about actual anti-colonialist Christians. The Saints are wonderful examples of ideal Christian lives. I recommend Trisagion Films on youtube to learn about the saints. While I affirm LGBT relationships and see true Joy in them. I know unless Heaven and Earth are moved. The Orthodox/Romans will never Affirm them. I recommend merely Getting Married under the Law of the Land and then showing up at church. Have a celebration an an episcopal church I love the episcopal angelicans it's a safe respite for us queer Christians. I wish that LGBT marriages had been affirmed decades ago, then maybe some of the self destructive generational trauma we see in the queer community wouldn't exist. But we are a persecuted class and either way people dislike us. I hope someday the Orthodox have church mothers. We need women for the women and girls in the church to confide in. We need equal representation. I understand if not everyone agrees with me. But I love Jesus. I hope that being his servant like the court eunuchs of ancient times can be well pleasing to Him. Eunuchs were seen as angelic. His divine eros fulfills my heart in some ways as someone by tradition of ancient orthodoxy should technically be celibate. Live as yourself and know God loves you. Take your medicine and heal. He will never Give up on you. Art By Devlev on Deviantart. Please support them. They Draw Beautiful Queer art.
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em-is-adorkable · 10 months
hey! it's emily but you can call me em, emily, or peach (iykyk) <3
a few things about me
i'm 27
just trying to make my way in this world
i do models and warhammer (maybe someday i'll post pictures lol)
i play magic sometimes
i bake a lot (bread mostly)
my favourite colour is forest green and/or pink
i like art, video games, and movies
i'll probably add more stuff later
this blog is sfw but should be treated as 18+ we got adult themes going on here girls <3
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yuikomorii · 11 months
You just take the words out of my mouth, girl! I was thinking too how this franchise is just dying little by little.
A lot of creators I followed left their blogs 'cause they, of course, didn't find this franchise interesting or worth to work on anymore. And I don't blame them given that the only thing we get nowadays is merch. And merch can be cool, yes! But can we compare it with a games, CD's or even the manga. If this fandom is still alive is thanks to people like you, the fan artist, the fan writers, the oc's blogs still outside there that keep on with their incredible creativity, even better sometimes than Rejet story writers!
I feel a bit sad that all of this is happening. I mean, of course it would happenin someday. But as I discover this fandom really late I feel like I had lost the best moment of life of this!
As you said, DL has still a lot of possibilities to still be alive. And I hope that would be the case! I really hope so.
To end this infinite papyrus, thank you for the hard work on this blog! I enjoy every line you write (your analysis more than everything) 💗
// I felt this so much! I can’t deny that I’m sad seeing people leave or take a break from the fandom but I totally understand the reasons behind their choices. At first, getting merch was exciting, and I loved seeing fresh official art, but now it seems like they're just recycling and releasing too much, which takes away from its appeal and originality. I pre-ordered the Yui acrylic stand that was launched a few days ago, but in all honesty, it looks like something that anyone could make in under two minutes using Picsart, lol. In addition, even with the VAs scandals, I think there are more effective ways to promote the franchise than simply impulsively producing more and more merch, especially if it’s overpriced or kuji (lottery).
Although I feel like I don't feed the fandom as much as I once did, I'm glad to see that there are still few active blogs that are making a difference. I should also acknowledge my gratitude for the ongoing support; comments like this truly encourage me to keep posting. 🥹🫶🏻
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
Hii!! This is the first time I have ever reached out to someone in this community because I am very scared of being 'found out' and I find it hard to accept myself for what I like 😓 But your account feels very safe, and ur art is so gorgeous bsjsbdj!!!. I read ur tips from a while ago about how to start an account and I would rlly like to share my art out there and connect with likeminded people, and present all my ocs to the world that I have hidden in a folder on my procreate HELP. If this isn't too personal of a question, do u have an tips on self acceptance when it comes to this niche?
Oh man, I totally feel you there, I'll do my best to help ya out!
I completely understand the struggle with self-acceptance with this niche, so many spaces both in the internet and real life have stigmatized this kind of niche and made it out to be something disgusting and perverted, and something to be ashamed about..
I struggled for years with myself, feeling guilty for being into these sorts of things, and for "tainting" my characters with these thoughts, and the occasional drawing I would make in a notebook and promptly rip out and hide somewhere out of shame-
It took me a long time to finally understand why I felt the way I did, and what specific things about this niche appealed to me.
The thing that has helped me the most with the self-acceptance aspect is having a sense of community. Whether it be with just one person, or with a small group, having other people with similar interests that you can talk to and feel comfortable with helps a ton.
Around the same time last year was when I started to get more comfortable with this niche. I joined the server of an artist who's chonky art I really liked, and I got to meet new people and explore that part of myself more. But the best thing for me was finding out that one of my closest friends was also into the same things I was. It was just such a huge sense of relief when I found out, and once I started talking with her about it and sharing ideas back and forth, it became a lot easier to talk about, and it helped me get a lot more comfortable engaging with these interests of mine. A few months later, I found another one of my friends also liked this stuff, and then a few more months later, I found even MORE of my already close friends were into this
I guess the universe was just on my side, I'm so fortunate to have such kind and understanding friends that I can share this stuff with, and explore my interests with
Without them, this account wouldn't exist, and I wouldn't be making this kind of art that I share here, so I will always be grateful for that.
The best advice I can offer you is to find that sense of safety and community, whether it just be one person or several
Joining servers of artists who's work you enjoy is always a good way to meet new people, as well as interacting with artists you admire or other people in the community!
It's never easy to start, and don't get me wrong, I still do struggle with this stuff on and off, but I promise you it does get easier. Try to be kind to yourself
Think of it this way. It's SUPER normalized in society to be into like. Buff guys, or big boobies or butts or whatever, right?? Well being attracted to fat can also be seen that way if you really think about it-
Not saying that fat people should always be objectified in that way but I'm just trying to put that into perspective-
Hopefully that makes sense lol
Also, I am so glad to hear that you can find comfort and a sense of safety in this blog, because that's exactly my intention to have a safe space for people to explore their interests without fear of outside judgement
It means the world to me that you like my art so much and that you felt comfortable asking a tough question like that. I hope my advice can bring you some hope and clarity involving your situation 💖
I sincerely wish you the best, anon, I hope you can find the confidence to share your art with the world someday! I'd love to hear your ideas and see what kind of stuff you put out there!
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nerdalmighty · 3 months
just out of curiosity, what does birdie look like in-game if you don't mind sharing? and is there anything about how you imagine her that you couldn't capture in game, that maybe you'd try to change/add if you had access to mods for it? especially since iirc you said she was part-siren!
I don't mind at all! Here's a pic of her and the gang (that's the header for my writing blog)! This is them listening to a Balduran statue while on the Ansur quest. Usually Astarion is also wearing a circlet and Shadowheart has a druidic hood, but the cut scenes like to glitch them out lol
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Birdie really started as a self-insert character, so I did try to make her look like me a bit; she has short curly brown hair and blue eyes. But that's really where the similarities stop, as she's a half elf and has a preprogrammed face/body.
I forget the name of the armor she's wearing here, but my favorite dyes for her are Lavender (which is more magenta and blue) and Ocean (her camp outfit is currently using the ocean dye which is basically teal and brown).
As I've said before, she's based on my first DND character whose art looks like this (which was originated by someone named Dantrelium on Reddit):
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I always imagined the blue accents in this being red though, so it's interesting that my Birdie in the game ended up having a blue AND red-ish color scheme :)
I'm not entirely sure what I'd change about her since I've gotten so used to the way she looks, so in my mind that's just her canon appearance. Maybe some sort of face mod where I could elongate some features (like her nose), but I'm pretty pleased with how she looks and would feel weird going in this late and changing things.
Something that IS canon to my DND character that would be fun in-game would be that she has scales on her thighs that are left over from being a siren/half-siren. It would be cool to be able to show those off (I know there are scales that can be added to the face, but I didn't think those really suited her). Because of that, maybe I'd opt for mods that allow for shorter outfits? Not that Birdie would want to show off her scales, but it would be nice to have the option should she want to!
But yeah, that's my lady! I wish I had more pics/art of her but I'm not a skilled artist and it's been incredibly tough for me to get footage and photos from my PS5 onto my phone/computer. I've been able to download stuff onto a USB which allowed me to make this gifset, but the quality and colors are sooooooo bad. Maybe someday I'll have some more high quality images, but for now this is what I'm rocking with :)
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spoiledmilks · 9 months
Today’s the 1 year anniversary of my blog
To be completely honest i have been feeling absolutely horrible for the past days
Just sorta not seeing the point in anything
No matter how hard i try everyone around me thinks of me as a failure
So i think that i should remind myself of the good things
Its been 1 year since i started this blog
I started by posting dsaf doodles and ever since those “dark ages” there have been people that support me to this day
I couldnt be more thankful for that
I got to meet many amazing people and made a lot of new friends thanks to this, even tho we’re basically only internet mutuals i appreciate you guys a lot
Through this 1 year i managed to make a silly au and out of that i made a comic series, which is something i always wanted to do, im excited to work on chapter 3 and im so grateful for all the support
And lastly i improved a lot in art through this one year, as miserable as ive been feeling lately, i can see that i did improve a lot and im doing my best to see the bright side
Thankyou everyone for supporting me, for all the asks (theres 159 in my inbox i swear i’ll answer them someday), its been a fun year and im excited for the next one
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sunburnacoustic · 6 months
figured I should say because, 1.5 years into this sideblog, it is actually remotely searchable if you use tags rather than the search bar, and I’ve been asked about it a couple of times recently. I will someday make a proper tag directory, but in lieu right now, here’s some audio stuff you can tag search on my blog if you’d like:
muse audio -> posted audio
muse isolated audio -> solo tracks of any sort
Muse isolated vocals -> vocals or backing vocals isolated
muse [album name] -> amidst other stuff, any posts regarding songs on the particular album. Liner notes, lore, songs, art etc.
b sides and rarities -> non-album tracks
gig archive -> live footage and audio
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
29 asks! Thank you!! :))) 🛝
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Oh boy.. dare I even look.. 😅💀
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Oo! It all looks so yummy! 😋😋😋
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Unfortunately due to my poor health, I'm unable to work on it atm.. hopefully I can get back to it someday! <:)
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Oooo!! I'm surprised by the tender hearted motive! Perhaps I should give this game a look.. 👀👀
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I have actually never heard of this challenge-- so yeah, I have nothing planned for it <XD
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A little yeah :00 Everyone is almost exactly what you'd think they'd look like <XD Barnacles has white hair, Kwazii has orange hair, Peso has black hair.. etc.
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Its fiiiiine <XDD
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ooo :00 Sounds tasty! Thank you for the recipe! :))
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They're intended to be there yeah. But I STILL. HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME. 💀 So I don't know any of the games lore and how to incorporate them into my story- <XDDD
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XD Emmet has a few strong words for Arceus..
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Woah.. who is that guy? Is he actually a cyborg?? :00
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XD I get that comment a lot actually- and I take no offence! I see the resemblance! XDD
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<XD Silly Barnacles!
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(In response to this post)
And there's likely more where that came from!! :DDD
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@chromchill (In response to this post)
Haha! XDD I'm afraid :))
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I've seen 8-BitRyan play it. I like the concept and the RUIN like style it seems to have.. though I'm not a huge fan of how the animatronics/characters look in game..
I'd like them to be bigger. And either clearly fully animatronic or fully living animal. They some how look kiiind'a somewhere in between..? <:0
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@justvibinginvoid (Referencing this post)
XDD Well as I get further into the show, more fanart from me is likely! :)) I'm glad you liked it!! :DDD
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Its been a while since I made their designs so I don't remember much.. but I think I tool a lot of inso from Navy/Marine/ocean?? Military?? Uniforms <XDD
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Oooo :0 sounds like a slick tool! Thanks for telling me about it! :)
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(In response to this post)
NOOO NOT BEAKER TOO XDDD (I assume you meant Beaker-)
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@emmetest (In response to this post)
XDD They're still dealing with Kermit!!
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(In response to this post)
I'd be lying if it didn't seriously discourage me at first.. but then everyone rushing to support me reminded me why I post here in the first place. :))
I'm so honored to hear that my artwork helps you through your depressive times. That make's two of us! XDD I hope to keep posting for people like you that really benefit from it <:))) thank you so much and I wish you well 💞💖💞💞
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(In response to this post)
You know? With how long I've been ill for.. the thought of trying to sell stickers or some kind of merch has crossed my mind more than once..
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XD There ARE humans in their world for sure. Though they don't have a trainer. It felt weird to kind'a.. insert myself into the world..? Or someone that was meant to take my place.. And I like that with the absence of a trainer, Gloria is the leader of the group and everyone looks to her for guidance. :)
They mostly just travel from place to place. Staying away from humans due to their recent attempts to catch Anastasia.. Sleeping in caves or abandoned structures.. looking for food and sparring with each other. Just living life :))
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And I am 3 days late to respond to this <XDD
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<XDDD I'm sorry- but who are Bingus and dent?? XDD
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@stupid-thatsme (Post in question)
Thank you!! Though I'm not sure I understand the question.. <XD But I have a comic I'm thinking about making that shows how Grimace mega evolved! :DD
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(Apparently I am crashing; this ask becomes very ranty/venty)
NPD culture is thinking a post you made is amazing and super cool and that it’ll blow up and get so much interaction— only for it to get like, next to no interaction. And you fucking crash because WTF I put so much effort into that?!? And the posts that do get more attention are ones you put less effort into and/or assumed wouldn’t be as popular. Like wtf!!! This is a personal insult!! I put in effort, no one likes it. I put in no effort, no one likes it either! What is the magical fucking recipe for people to interact with me?! I use the tags, I interact with other creators— yet NOTHING!!! I put ten times as much effort in as those other creators do, and yet they get so much more interaction than I do!!! Is the algorithm rigged? Is it because they have more followers and I’m getting overshadowed? Am I not using the right tags? Is it because they’re popular for the wrong reasons but I’m too good to stoop to their level and should obviously be the more popular one? I swear it happens every single fucking time, and it’s starting to really piss me off! I want to go rabid and maul those people I swear.
And while I’m still here— what’s with my followers never interacting?!?!?! The people who follow me NEVER like my posts. And that’s not an exaggeration! It’s been MONTHS people!!! You’re following me for a reason, right???! And then the people who DON’T follow me are consistently liking my posts a lot more. Like if you like what I make so much why not follow me?!?! Why are you stalking my blog (I’m flattered though). Just follow me and like all of my posts if I’m that interesting lol! Like it’s to the point where one of them liked a post that only has personal/organization tags on it. The chance of them naturally finding that post is RARE. I mean it could’ve just magically appeared on their For You Page— ORRRR they’re stalking my blog and/or follow my personal tags. Cute, but why not follow me!! I put so much effort into my work only for it to go unnoticed. People should admire what I make, yet they don’t!! I don’t feel like fetishing the gay ship I make art of just to be popular like the rest of them :)))) because I’m better than them!! I’m not here for your fucking pleasure nor something for you to get off to. I am above that and make authentic content, and they can’t seem to appreciate that. I keep telling myself the people who like my content will interact someday but it’s been MONTHSSSSS :)))))). Where are these people atttttttt huh? If they can’t appreciate my work, then they don’t deserve to interact with me ^^! I should’ve been popular-ish by now! No one else makes nearly as much content about the ship as I do— so where are these fans at?? I feel like I’m going feral at this point. I know they see my posts, yet they refuse to like them. Ungrateful fucking bastards. Look at all that I do for you, and yet you are ungrateful!! Why do I even bother to give you things? Worthless pieces of shit. They should like me, ME, not those other people! Quit interacting with those asshats! They’re nowhere near as good as I am. Why do you like them so much?? What do they have that I don’t?! Is it because you can relate to being a stupid fuckup like them? Is that it? Because I don’t see why else you’d like them so much. I have everything you could ever want, and yet you ignore my very existence. You will regret overlooking me.
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sabrinatvband · 2 months
Notes on Comic Art #1: Jim Shooter, Jack Kirby
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A few years ago I was reading Jim Shooter's blog and he was talking about a comic he co-wrote for a short-lived company called Broadway Comics. The book in question, Fatale, was illustrated by JG Jones.
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I found the art in these pages incredibly appealing; while there's a certain stiffness to the figure drawing, the characters all exist within a space. There are few panels with no backgrounds, perspective is being used, etc. The coloring is also great, but that's mostly besides the point here.
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I found JG Jones's artwork so strong here that I eventually decided to buy a copy of Millar's Wanted, even though I don't like Millar, because I don't think I understand DC lore enough to read Final Crisis.
However, I eventually watched a Cartoonist Kayfabe video about a different comic Jim Shooter wrote and noticed something . . .
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It has the exact same sensibility, and it's drawn by a different artist, David Lapham. And so it's clear that, to some large degree, Jim Shooter's editorial hand is guiding the artwork here.
Jim Shooter wrote a bunch of different pieces about different facets of comics craft, and one of them is about inking. He says a few things that I think explain the mentality of this artwork; I've trimmed this down slightly:
Creating the illusion of depth. Depth is the key to clarity. Inkers control black, white and gray, that is, the extremes of VALUE, lightness and darkness, and to some extent, gray, the middle ground. Value—lightness and darkness—is THE most effective tool for creating the illusion of depth.
The basic “atmospheric” progression of values is from dark to light. Dark values on things close are very dark. The mountains in the distance gray out and almost blend into the sky.
So dark, lighter, lightest, natural “atmospheric perspective” is a commonly seen value progression. Doesn’t have to be three planes, foreground, middle ground and background. Could be as many as you want.
The important thing is to separate planes—even if the planes are only feet apart, you have to create progression/separation. Check out Woody’s work, and Eisner’s and Kubert’s.
You have to be a picture maker. You can’t ink a panel a piece at a time. First, you’ve got to study the pencils and PLAN how you’re going to use value to ORGANIZE the illustration to make it read, make it have the illusion of depth.
Someday, I will find the guy who invented the expression “spotting blacks,” and kill him with my shoe. Spotting blacks—scattering black areas around the panel stupidly? WHAT?
There are people who should know better who advocate making an “interesting pattern,” an “abstract design” with the placement of black areas in the panel. They are insane.
Even the great John Buscema, in How to draw Comics the Marvel Way says that crap!
John seldom inked, but when he did, he never sabotaged his art by destroying the depth by “spotting blacks.” He knew better. He was a great artist. If he had lived during the Renaissance, he’d have given Michaelangelo a run for his money. Yes, I’m serious.
Don’t spot blacks. Make depth.
So, the tl;dr / explanation is that Shooter believes each panel should have depth, and that thinking in terms of more circular compositions by "spotting blacks" is bad practice in his eyes.
[A composition with a lot of depth can also have a circular composition, Shooter mentioned nothing about circular compositions, and some of the panels above, in fact, have circular compositions, but we'll circle back to this later.]
Anyways, watching that Cartoonist Kayfabe video, I began to notice that the artwork in that David Lapham book starts to look very bland after a while [let's not blame Lapham]. In small doses, such as the single pages above, the book looks incredible. When looking at the entire issue, the lack of dynamic compositions starts to really stand out.
There is definitely such a thing as being too dynamic; look at Spawn, Youngblood, etc, to see what I'm talking about. Too many extremely wide or tall panels, too many figures bursting out of panels, too much extreme perspective [that usually is also completely incorrect]. I definitely prefer the look of the Shooter books, but there has to be a middle ground, right? After all, I'm working on a book that uses six panel grids right now, and so I'm obviously concerned about how my own work looks.
In the aforementioned Cartoonist Kayfabe video, one of the guys mentions that Jack Kirby also used six panel grids, and so let's quickly study some Kirby to see what makes his artwork look so compelling. Some of these are pictures I took with my phone; I tried perspective correcting them the best I could but they're not perfect. I took these pictures all the way back in 2016, but I guess I could never think of how to write about them without using different artwork as a point of comparison.
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Here's an OMAC panel. Brilliant circular composition; the guy in the green is overlapping with the other guy on the right, creating depth. The three figures are standing in a triangle. Tech surrounds them in a circle. There are what could be considered "spotted blacks" on the floor. What's interesting is that, in many ways, this is not unlike the Shooter-dictated panels from earlier on an ethos level; Kirby is not breaking any of Shooter's rules.
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More OMAC. This is eyeballed, but in essence this is a one-point-perspective composition. We can see some furniture and a plant creating the foreground. The computer on the right is balanced by the figure in the center and OMAC on the left. What I think really creates a certain sense of immersion here is that the hallway has an L-shape, which makes the reader imagine what's going on beyond that curve.
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Here's something from Madbomb, a 70s Captain America story. Captain America and The Falcon interacting with the bars of the cell create some depth, as does the perspective of the cell itself. The wall to the far right makes it clear the hallway is very wide, and the soldiers marching add not only depth but also some movement and interest. 70s Kirby is underrated; he was a fucking genius here.
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Here's an early Fantastic Four panel, before Kirby truly hit his stride as an artist. There are only two planes here; Doctor Doom and the computer he's looking at. Does that make this a bad picture? Absolutely not; I think the fact that Doom is interacting with the computer really enhances things, but really the entire 75% rightmost portion of the composition is perfect [the imperfect picture / gutter warp maybe is shaping my opinion too much here].
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This is from an adaptation of The Black Hole, which came out in 1979, so this is very late-period Kirby. Still a masterful composition; the three L-shaped tubes create depth, the guns in the foreground create depth and dynamicism, the end of the hallway establishes yet more depth. Once again, this all feels like stuff Jim Shooter was advocating for.
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Here's a panel I've already talked about from Captain Victory, one of the last big comics Kirby ever did. What do I even need to say? You could hang this thing in a museum.
I've noticed something about all of these pictures; they aren't really too different from the JG Jones and David Lapham pictures from earlier. There are more black areas, the coloring is different, the figure drawing is certainly less realistic. But these still, on a more fundamental level, feel similar. So what's going on here?
Well, there's a certain level of bias here; I selected all of these pictures, and I selected them years ago, so none of these choices were shaped by me deciding to write this piece. I truly am very attracted to these kinds of compositions.
The other thing is that they don't acurrately reflect the full Kirby reading experience. These types of panels are not uncommon in Kirby's work, but he did a lot of other stuff too. Let's see all of the panels I didn't include, that you're not going to find in those Jim Shooter books. I didn't feel like opening my books and taking more pictures, so these are all images I found online.
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Here's another panel from Captain Victory. After a certain point in the 60s, panels that were literally just someone's face became increasingly common in Kirby's work. I don't think anyone else does these kinds of panels, and if they do, it's always a Kirby homage. I feel like these panels usually had the face at a 30 or 40 degree angle, but for whatever reason this one is very straight.
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Even when Kirby had people talking, he could still get extremely dynamic, without the artwork becoming confusing or exhausting to look at. Look at how close the "camera" is to Captain Victory's face, and from a low angle!
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Here are three panels from Sky Masters, inked by Wally Wood. First panel and third panels are very tight while still giving some kind of indication about where the characters are. In the middle we can see one man behind the cylinder, another infront, and an arm coming from outside the panel, signalling there's more than what we can see.
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I've deliberately been avoiding highlighting Kirby fightscenes here [as well as his two page splashes], because while lessons can certainly be learned from fights and applied to more normal scenes . . . it's just very obvious why Kirby's the best at this stuff. Look at Namor fucking slam Tony into a wall.
I think the takeaways are obvious here; the Lapham and Jones artwork from the beginning is great, but these more dynamic Kirby-type panels need to be sprinkled in to create visual interest across an entire book. And as I demonstrated, despite Kirby's reputation for dynamicism, a large chunk of a given Kirby book did resemble the Shooter-dictated stuff from the pages I showed, just, once again, broken up with different things.
I'm trying to downplay the more base aesthetic qualities of this artwork as well, because I don't think the Shooter edited books from the beginning are poorly drawn by any stretch of the imagination. But it does need to be said that Kirby was a better artist than Lapham or Jones. Sure, both of those guys are probably better at drawing normal objects like lamps than Kirby, and they certainly are better at doing mathematical perspective. But you've looked at Kirby's work; it's so stylish, has so much character, so much energy, while also being completely legible. Kirby was the King.
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