#I really think our shitposts are gonna end up in a history class someday in the future!
iris-drawssandwiches · 6 months
I love how you can see the corpses of deleted accounts on here! Like it really adds to the old feeling of the site. I hope this site never gets shut down and somehow just stays alive for over a 1000 years so really really old posts are just shared around. People reblogging saying "Their sense of funny was just as bad as ours!", and going "That aged really bad" to some post about something before a really bad event happens!
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ufocafe · 8 years
do all the voltron asks!!
holy moly thanks pal i’ll answer them under the cut bc i anticipate it’ll be Longe since idk how to shut the fuck up
keith: how edgy/emo do u consider yourself to be?
tbh i don’t think i’m that bad like trust me i used to be way worse but overall on the inside i am Soft on the outside i still look hella edgy bc all my clothes are black and it’s just ,, how i look
shiro: are you a good leader and can you handle responsibility?
no and no i am So Bad at being in charge cause i don’t like telling people what to do and i’m a stressed out pushover who avoids anything like group projects at all costs
lance: what’s your type of humor and what’s your favorite meme?
whatever the hell this blog consists of is my humor it’s legit just a shitpost collection. nd my fav meme would probs be the whole cryptid meme trend ? idk if it counts as a meme itself but i lob posts that are like ‘i saw mothman in a overly air conditioned chili’s at 5:47 pm and he bought me a soda’
pidge: are you good w/ technology?
i’d say i’m average for someone my age like i’m a teenager in 2017 so i can operate simple stuff like computers and phones, find how to fix small problems but i’m not a #hacker though i did go to wikihow once to try and learn then gave up after a solid 30 seconds bc it was too hard
hunk: how kind and loyal do you consider yourself?
i’d say i’m pretty kind like i can be rude to a handful of ppl but only cause they’re bad ppl so it evens out. idk bout loyal cause ig it means to stick by your friendos and support them which ofc i do but i can’t say that i like stay by someone’s side thru everything bc sometimes things become Too Much or stuff goes down and u just gotta blast
allura: do you feel underestimated sometimes? and should you totally be the black paladin?
i feel like it’s more overestimated? lots of ppl expect great things from me that i don’t think i can achieve so it’s p stressful. also black paladin allura 4 life
coran: what’s your fav show other than voltron?
i have so many so i’m just gonna name a few; over the garden wall, star vs, gravity falls, stranger things, steven universe, etc.
zarkon: would you consider universe domination for your lost cat/pet
i,, don’t think so ? i mean idk what this question is rly implying like did someone steal my pet and now i gotta take over the world ? or did it die and the only way to like avenge it or whatever is world domination bc probably no to both which sounds heartless since i lob my dog but like everythings gotta die someday and i’m not gonna take over the world to reverse/stop smthn thats inevitable
kaltenecker: do you look good in sunglasses?
not sure i never wear then since i have glasses and rarely go to a beach-like setting but i probably do
slav: are you a perfectionist? do you believe in alternate universes?
i’d say i’m in the middle of perfectionist and absolute walking tornado like i’m so fucking messy and i’ll let stuff pile up until i’m basically living in a dump and i’ll hate it sm but i’m so lazy cause Depression then one day i’ll just do a massive clean up and make everything PERFECT. also yes i like to think theres alternate universes/realities it’s a cool concept to think abt cause it doesn’t exactly affect me it’s not an existential thing like pondering if god exists its more like “i wonder if i’m a duck in another reality”
thace: would you go against the authority if it was the right thing to do?
ofc fuck the authority
haggar: who is your fav character in voltron?
i’d have to say lance i lob my sweet son
matt: what are some things you like abt watching voltron?
i have to admit i’m more into filler episodes rather than fight scenes every few minutes so probably just like all the humor and team bonding it warms my emotionless heart
commander holt: do you like peas?
voltron: are you a team player? do you prefer to work alone?
i rather work alone bc then i get to use all my ideas instead of make a compromise with someone else cause i can never find the voice to speak up for what i want so i just end up watching ppl do stuff i don’t like when there’s stuff i think would be better
blue lion: how trusting and loyal do you think you are?
i already mentioned the loyal thing but for trusting i think i trust too easily? ill just spill beans to ppl i’ve barely known for a long time i wish i was more mysterious but whatevs
red lion: how impulsive and/or decisive are you?
i have 0 impulse control for example i have problems with picking at my skin and i’ll just see a piece kinda tore away and before i know it my fingers are all bloody and i’m like owo what’s this. but when i actually put thought into a decision i am very indecisive because i always wanna make youre i’m making the right choice w/ smthn like choosing classes or buying a certain thing
green lion: how curious are you and what subjects are you interested in?
while being impulsive i’m also quite curious so if i wanna go sneak and see smthn there’s not hesitation. i like english/writing and psychology stuff.
yellow lion: do you consider yourself strong and reliable?
i don’t think i’m either i mean i’ll always be there for ppl if they need me but i don’t really think i’m the best person to lift ppl up even if i wanna
black lion: what are some things you want in season 3?
def more lance and hunk character development, some gay shit (cough klance cough) more team bonding in general, and allura piloting black lion ofc
rover: what’s one fact abt a pet you have/had?
once i had a dog and i can’t recall his breed but he looked just like toto from the wizard of oz and we had him for a few months but he pissed everywhere and on everything so we ended up selling him to some ppl. fast forward to a few months later maybe a year the couple had auditioned him to play toto in the school’s wizard of oz play and he got the part so that was cool
shay: do you love hunk? how do you feel abt the enviroment?
i lob hunk with all my heart he is a sweet bean + i care abt the enviorment a lot i think that with trump as president it’s really gonna go to shit more than it already is bc obv it’s been a dilemma for years now but with the goverment denying climate change and all that i rly fear for our planet
lotor: how concerned are you abt your looks?
i think i’m generally good looking but that’s not to say i’m not concerned with my looks bc i kinda am like ill see myself as cute or smthn but then as soon as acne starts popping up or my hair is bad i kinda just spend the next few days doing whatever i can to fix it so i stay nice hnngh it’s a work in progress
alfor: when faced with conflict, would you rather fight or flee?
i suppose it depends on the type of conflict but i’m most likely to fight until it gets too stressful and then leave
ulaz: would you sacrifice yourself for a cause?
we were asked a similar question in history regarding the dude who discovered gravity or smthn like that idk and it went against the churches beliefs so there was a trial and it was either death or admit he was wrong which is a pretty big thing i guess and we can all say we’d die for what we believed but if it actually came down to it the answer is kinda blurry. i had said i’d say i was wrong then continue to spread my info. underground or just flee but unlucky 4 him he was on house arrest for the rest of his life so choose wisely kiddos
i think i’m gonna sleeb now so bye
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