#Some of Them Are Butchered I Know
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Ironstrange, but it's random Helluva Boss quotes
Tony: We're rich! People want us for our money and our bodies.
Stephen: Our money, maybe.
Tony: Speak for yourself, darling.
Stephen: What do you want, Tony?
Tony: Hello to you as well, my long dicked sorcerer~
Stephen: *Spits Out His Tea*
Peter: *Spits Out His Coffee*
Stephen: What-
Peter: The-
Stephen: FUCK-
Peter: DAD?!?!?
Tony: Language! Everyone!
Stephen: I can't do it! I'm not strong enough!
Tony: Baby, you don't have to rely on your hands. Work with what you're good at.
Stephen: I'm not good with my hands???
Tony: ...
Stephen: Oh! Right, you mean- Yeah. *Uses His Magic to Blow a Door to Bits* Probably should have done that earlier, huh?
Tony: I love you, Stephanie, but for FUCK'S SAKE!
Stephen, with a bit of twang: Mama, Daddy, you haven't met my husband Tony. And his charge!
Peter: I'm not just his charge!
Tony: Yeah! He's our son!
Peter, blushing: Only on paper. Y'all don't deserve my name yet.
Tony: It's nice to finally meet the sperm and egg factory that popped out this gem of a sorcerer. You two have raised one sturdy son-of-a-bitch.
Eugene: *Chuckles* That we have.
Victor, to Stephen: You'd better move that eyesore of a family somewhere else! Or else I'll-
Tony, charging his repulsors: You'll what?
Victor: Uh... I'll tell Mama and Daddy!
All Three: *Burst Into Laughter for a Couple of Seconds*
#Ironstrange#Tony Stark#Stephen Strange#Helluva Boss Quotes#Some of Them Are Butchered I Know#But These Are My Favorite Quotes#Especially the “Sturdy Son-of-a-bitch”#Tony Would DEFINITELY Say That to Stephen’s Parents
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3 times Phantom's Guardian was Mentioned + 1 Time He Showed Up
Phantom’s introduction to Young Justice wasn’t as dramatic as Empress’ or Slobo’s, or even Arrowette’s first introduction to the cave. No, it wasn’t during the Olympics, or on a battlefield, and he didn’t come in injured and looking for help.
Impulse just brought Phantom in one day and insisted that he should join because he’s their age, interested in justice, and now that Greta’s human again they need another ghost member. So Phantom stayed, popping in and out for missions but never really sticking around all that long.
Today is one of the days that Phantom’s with them on a mission, that being looking around a lab of the Brain’s that had an energy surge recently, despite it being presumably abandoned.
Kon got paired up with Phantom to check the rest out first, since they both have better hearing than Anita and Tim, who were both still in the main room working on checking the computers for previous activity.
The room is dark except for the light green ball glowing slightly above Phantom’s hand. He waves it around enough for it to reflect off of glass, then throws it up to the ceiling. The light expands enough to illuminate the room.
Phantom mumbles about not knowing he could do that. Kon ignores him and moves closer to inspect the glass tubes to the side of several monitors set up.
“Looks like cloning equipment,” Phantom says, casually. He drags a finger through the dust gathering on one of the monitors. “Don’t think they’ve been activated recently, though, so that’s good.”
“What? You got a problem with clones or something?” It’s a quick and defensive answer, and Phantom puts his hands up in surrender.
“Not in concept.” He shrugs and joins Kon near the tubes. “But not a lot of people ask before making clones.”
“So I don’t need to sic Superman on you?” Obviously Kon could chew Phantom out himself, but few can do a “not mad, just disappointed” face better than Clark.
Phantom scrunches his face. “Why would you need to?”
Kon stops pretending to inspect the tube and stares at Phantom. “You do know I’m a clone, right?” The blank look on Phantom’s face tells him that no, he did not. “Well I am. Clone of Superman, though we’re pretty much brothers now.”
“Cool,” Phantom says, not a bit less friendly. He hesitates for a second before continuing, “Could I maybe ask you how you got there? Me and my clone have landed on cousins, but that was also, like, given to us by her evil dad. So.”
Phantom trails off. Huh, that makes three members of the team that have been cloned. Not a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened three times.
“You’re making sure she feels accepted, right?”
“Yeah! Well, whenever she’s around. She,” Phantom waves his hand around, looking for the right word, “She’s a wanderer. Exploring the world and stuff. But Richard has a room for her at home, and I remind her of that whenever she does stop by.”
“Well, first of all, don’t push it so hard,” Kon says. Phantom nods enthusiastically. “And second, who’s Richard?”
Kon doesn’t know a lot of Richards, and he doesn’t think that Phantom ever mentioned one before. Or even if he remembers his living life.
“Oh, he’s my, uh, guardian? I guess that’s the best term. The guy I’m living with who forces me to go to school sometimes.” Phantom looks away and back to the tubes.
Before Kon can ask for more details, Robin and Empress come in with a report of dead computers and wanting to know where they’re at with the cloning room.
They’re unimpressed with their lack of progress.
Wally doesn’t really need to come by the Hamilton Lodge that often, not when that’s Young Justice’s territory and he doesn’t want to get involved in all of That.
But Red Tornado said that the team has a file on a planet that’s very quickly becoming a league problem, and he figured it might be a good time to try to check in with Bart, anyway. Make sure he hasn’t run any cars off cliffs again and all that.
So he stops by Manchester to ask Bart about the file, then they both head East to actually find it.
When they arrive at the hotel minutes later, Wally’s surprised to actually find it… clean? There’s no visible trash or overturned furniture or anything else he’d expect from an abandoned hotel filled with teenagers. Well, maybe not filled, lately. He doesn’t think anyone’s living here currently, with Greta at Elias’ for the school year and Slobo gone.
Still, the room smells slightly of artificial pine scent, and Bart perks up before disappearing and reappearing rapidly, holding a teammate up by his armpits. Said teammate just accepts this, his legs folding into a wispy tail, and head rolling against his shoulders.
“This is Phantom!” Bart holds him up higher. Phantom waves. Wally’s only heard of him through Max’s updates, the same way he would hear about Preston or Carol, but with more wariness about the supposed ghost.
Actually looking at the pale face and glowing green eyes contrasting against the darker than dark jumpsuit, Wally’s a little more ready to accept his claim at being undead.
“He stress cleans,” Bart explains, moving to carry Phantom under his arm. Wally bites down the urge to tell him to put him down, but only because Phantom doesn’t resist the hold, only moving to get into a more comfortable position. His hands are touching the floor. “So what happened?”
Bart directs the question downwards, and Phantom heaves a very dramatic sigh. Definitely a teenager. It does raise the question of who exactly this kid’s mentor is. Hopefully he does have one. Maybe he’s the Spectre’s kid?
Phantom phases through the arm holding him only to lay on top of Bart’s hair. “I accidentally called Richard dad. And then fled.”
Bart nods sagely. “Classic. One time I accidentally called Max dad, so I had to start a fire to distract him.”
Phantom sighs again, almost dreamily. “Genius.”
Wally doesn’t have time to unpack all of that. Well he does, but he’s not going to, because there’s really only one Richard that comes to mind that might have the heart to take in a dead kid, even if he doesn’t go by his full name.
But surely Dick would have told him, or any other Titan, if he had adopted a kid. Right?
But there’s still a little shadow of doubt. Maybe Dick wanted it to be a secret, or it was really new or had a rocky start. Phantom doesn’t seem to hold himself like a Bat, but it’s not a guarantee Dick would have trained him.
“The lodge looks nice,” Wally offers out loud, which Phantom shrugs at and wraps his tail around Bart’s head to keep secure. “Anyway, Impulse. The file on Myrg?”
“Oh yeah!” Again, Bart disappears then reappears a few seconds later with a paper file. They really need to start digitizing more of these things. “That’s the planet where we played baseball so that they wouldn’t destroy Earth!”
“You what.”
The prospect of Dick following in his dad’s footsteps is forgotten in the face of what the hell Young Justice got up to on Myrg.
Tim may be in a…Predicament.
It’s not his fault. Really. He knew what he was doing. He couldn’t let a civilian fall for the trap. But they were already so close, so he just, kinda, pushed himself into the rope instead.
So there Robin is, tied upside down in a warehouse, with the Joker below next to an overly complicated control panel. The clown’s rambling about bombs hidden all over the city that Tim knows Batman is already tracking down with Batgirl.
Tim’s not really paying attention to the rant because of that, more focused on wiggling enough to get the spare mini-birdarang out of his glove to cut the rope without notifying the Joker.
“Yikes, bad time?” Asks Phantom’s voice beside him. Based on the source and accounting for the slight echo, he’s floating with his head near Tim’s, likely upside down. “Want some help?”
Tim gets the birdarang out and starts sawing at the thick rope. They should be fine anyway, but stalling the Joker for extra time would be helpful. “Can you possess the Joker? Just hold him still.”
“The correct term is overshadow, but sure.” The voice disappears, and a few seconds later the Joker freezes.
His body jerks forward, then backward, and a laugh chokes out of his throat. His hand claws over his mouth at the noise and he hunches over. All movement halts before he rights himself, shaking out his hands and rolling his shoulders. Phantom looks up at Tim and his eyes are glowing.
Tim cuts through the rope, kicking and using the momentum to right himself and land on his feet. He brushes past Phantom in Joker’s body to handle the control panel. He turns off the radio broadcast and dismantles the bomb strapped to the panel.
Threat handled, he turns to Phantom and holds up some handcuffs. “Let me arrest you?”
Phantom obliges, turning the Joker’s body around and putting his hands behind his back. Tim lets him walk by himself out of the warehouse and moves the handcuffs around a lamppost. The Joker’s body jerks again, then slumps forward, just as Phantom reappears next to him, scowling down at the unconscious body.
“That felt really slimy. Zero out of ten, would not do again,” Phantom grouches.
“Why’re you in Gotham?” Tim asks. It’s not like Phantom makes a habit of visiting. The last time he came into the city, he complained about feeling the dead under the streets. Fortunately, that let Tim uncover a few tunnels that Talons travel through. Phantom, however, was unnerved by the Talons and left quickly.
“Oh, Solomon Grundy’s back in our sewers. Richard said I should probably tell one of you Gotham heroes, since you keep track of those guys.” He shakes out his hands like they were cramped in the Joker.
They hadn’t seen Grundy in a while. Tim assumed he was currently in a less violent personality. “What’s he doing?”
Phantom shrugs. “Just chilling. Mostly underground. I tried to talk to him but he only grunted back at me. He also tried to pick me up, dunno what that was about.”
“Maybe because you’re both dead?” Tim guessed. That would be a surface level connection. Ivy and Woodrue have had more luck working with Grundy than anyone, and Phantom definitely doesn’t have the connection to the Green that’d help with that.
Police lights turn around the corner, and Tim shoots a grapple to get to the roof above them. Phantom follows, but disappears as soon as they’re on the roof. Going back home, probably.
Cass drops down from the roof she was listening on. “Richard?”
“Not the same one.”
They both stick around long enough to watch the Joker get put into the cop car.
Plus one
A spaceship landed in the forests of New York, and Cassie’s team was the first to respond to it. Technically not respond, but check it out, since there wasn’t any alert or anything.
Still, Wonder Girl has Empress, Robin, and Superboy on the other side of the ship, watching what looks like the back door, while she, Impulse, and Phantom watch the other door and main window. She has binoculars, but the windows are so tinted she can’t quite make anything out.
No aliens have come out yet, and she hesitates to have anyone go in, in case whoever inside does turn hostile.
Impulse has offered to run through a total of five times already, and it’s a testament to his restraint that he hasn’t, and a testament to Cassie’s that she hasn’t yelled at him yet. Phantom at least isn’t being annoying, but he’s not necessarily helpful, either. He’s not even watching the spaceship anymore. Now he’s trying to make a flower crown out of dandelions.
“Door’s opening on our side,” Robin says from the comms. “But no one’s coming out.”
“Alright, good enough to try to get in,” Cassie decides. She turns to Phantom, who’s closing off the circle of flowers. Beside him, Impulse has since pulled out a gameboy. “Phantom, go in invisibly through the open door and report back. Try to see what their plans are.”
“Oh, sure. One second.” Phantom finishes the crown and tries to put it on Bart’s head. It doesn’t quite fit over his mane of hair, but Phantom shrugs and leaves it sitting there anyway before going invisible.
“Maybe I should shave my head again,” Bart says as his game character dies.
He gets a resounding no in response.
Half an hour later they have a very annoyed Green Lantern lecturing them about league jurisdiction and knowing when to call someone else.
Apparently, the alien ship was just stopping to complete some maintenance, and did not appreciate any spying on them, and especially did not appreciate who did it. Green Lantern was more than happy to explain that Wonder Girl’s team is not really a part of the Justice League and he can help with their maintenance. They denied his help and left to find a place with less people in it.
“-and you!” Green Lantern rounds on Phantom next, but Cassie knows none of them are really listening. Sure, they messed up by freaking out the visiting aliens, and yeah maybe they should have contacted the league about it, but they’ve dealt with stuff worse than this! It’s not Cassie’s fault she thought that this would have stuck to the formula.
“Who even are you?” Green Lantern runs a hand through his black hair, stupid green gauntlets shining in the sunlight. “Do I need to call your mentor?” He frowns. “Or do they know you mess up alien technology by just being around it?”
Phantom scoffs and rolls his eyes. “How was I supposed to know their tech would go all fuzzy when I came in?”
“You wouldn’t have to know if you just stayed out of the spaceship!”
“Hey!” Cassie cuts in. “Technically that was my call. It’s not all on Phantom.”
“I still could've been more careful,” Phantom says to her, ignoring Green Lantern as they argue about blame.
“Cut it out for a second, okay?” Green Lantern puts a hand between them and they stop to glare at him. He pulls the hand back. “Look, can I just talk to one of your adults about this?”
Robin glares. “We don’t need an adult. We have this under control.”
“Only because I’m here now.”
“I’ll call my mentor,” Phantom says. Kon opens his mouth, most likely to offer to call Superman instead in hopes of a lighter sentence, but Bart covers his mouth, smiling like he knows something Cassie doesn’t. Tim and Anita share a look, and don’t intervene as Phantom pulls out a phone from his chest.
It rings once before it’s picked up. Cassie can’t hear the other side of the conversation, but Kon’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “Hey, do you think you can pick me up? Green Lantern wants to talk to you.” Phantom looks Green Lantern up and down then says, “No, this one doesn’t have a cape.”
Phantom says goodbye after rattling off their coordinates, hangs up, and stares at Green Lantern in silence for a few seconds.
And then a swirling mass of black seeps into the space next to Phantom. The end of a cane steps out of it, followed by a leg, then the rest of the immaculately dressed man holding the handle of the cane that’s shaped like a bird’s head.
“Phantom,” The man says. His voice drips with condescension in only a way a british accent can, yet Phantom smiles up at him. The shadowy portal behind him disappears. “What, exactly, happened?”
“That’s the fucking Shade,” Anita hisses to Robin, who shrugs noncommittedly at her. Green Lantern seems to recognise him too, taking a step back and clenching his hand that holds his ring.
“Well, the team and I were staking out this spaceship–super cool, by the way–and I went inside to check it out, but my presence messed with their tech–which was an accident–and they freaked out, so I freaked out, and then we kinda got into a little fight until Green Lantern came to mediate.”
“Hm. Is that right?” The Shade asks Green Lantern, who nods slowly, still anticipating an attack. “It seems like the problem’s fixed, then.”
“Well, yes, but–”
“And it does seem about time for these kids to get home, doesn't it?” The Shade pulls out an actual pocket watch, chain and all, from his suit pocket and takes his time in checking it. “I’ll see them home.”
Shadows grow from behind the team, swirling until they become a giant, gaping maw that swallows them up and spits them out in a different forest, or maybe just a different part of the same forest.
Either way, Cassie has to take a moment to make sure she doesn’t throw up from the sudden vertigo the shadow portal caused.
The Shade looks at Phantom, and raises an eyebrow. “You can’t expect me to always bail you out.”
Phantom shrugs, looking guilty. “I know. Thanks, Richard.”
Oh, so that’s who Richard is. Annoyingly, neither Tim or Bart look surprised by this revelation.
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc crossover#this post was brought to you by me recently finishing starman 1994#which i totally recommend it was rlly good and im happy i was able to read the physical version because there are some double page spreads#that were beautiful and i just know the online ver would've butchered#this is also part of my put danny in opal agenda!!#come on guys!! partially if not all powered by cosmic energy#missing heroes other than like benetti and the shade as far as i know#and used to have a ghostly curse on it!!! perfect place#also it's no-pulse coded because im still rotating them in my head like a microwave#the gl is supposed to b Kyle but sry if he's off i only know him from his appearances in yj and hitman#and i tried to do a read more thingy because it got long i hope it works
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the irony of nat going out for hours every single day to hunt food for a group of girls who do absolutely nothing but sit around and hallucinate all day only for the same girls who have never hunted a day in their lives to not even hesitate in grabbing spears and weapons to hunt her
#yellowjackets#IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT#like we havent seen ANY of the girls kill ANYTHING other than misty and even that doesnt even really count#like shauna has butchered animals but she hasn't Killed anything#and they turn around and decide to hunt NAT?? NAT OF ALL PEOPLE#im fucking mad i dont like any of them anymore to be real#maybe take some of that energy and go out hunting for. i dont know. animals????#like nat does???#the person you're about to murder???#like kill nat and you dont even have food for the spring or the summer u fuckers are gonna run out of each other to kill
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my cyberpunk wip folder is entirely too large on account of too many ocs at this point so have these sketches i might never finish :] top to bottom left to right: ambrose, @mojaves' seb + cassidy's arm, cato, jesse, mojaves' gabriel, seb again + reuben + aubrey, mojaves' vega + reuben again, reid </3, becca <3, james & aubrey again, the butcher, seb AGAIN, kaida, vitali, and johnny!vincent
taglist (opt in/out)
@shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @hibernationsuit, @stars-of-the-heart;
@lestatlioncunt, @katsigian, @radioactiveshitstorm, @estevnys, @adelaidedrubman;
@celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister;
@killerspinal, @euryalex, @ri-a-rose, @velocitic, @thedeadthree;
@jacobseed, @swordcoasts
#cp2077#art#art for others#nuclearocs#nuclearart#i'm not. tagging all of them individually i'll fucking die. it's a sketch dump it's fine hi. sorry for this#i just really needed to show you guys all of these but i can't keep posting unfinished stuff LMFAO so here you go. kisses#the seb and cassidy thing is from killing era. and then seb and aubrey and reuben in the car is years later. they're babysitting#johnny!vincent would never happen but i do think about it. i do think about it a lot#and yes vitali shirtless with the blades out it's dangerous but you know how he lives his life#kaida's leg hair <333 AND I NEED TO DRAW BECCA MORE SHE IS SO GORGEOUS. GAHHHHH#the butcher is a new guy also. ties some parts of the story together. he's insane and a freak. you'll love him
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sorry if idk this but what do you think about Wordgirl now in 2024 do you still like it do you still want to make art or talk about it or are you just done with all of it forever and plus i seen that you haven't made art of it since 2022 so you just done with all of it oh yeah and what about The Magnus Archives + Wordgirl ao3 fic too like is that just going to be and i know that your working on 2 au's now just wanting to know that's all
My interests tend to come in intense bursts and then fade. Unless something like, big happens like it gets a reboot its unlikely I'll be coming back to it anytime soon. As for the fic I don't have any current plans to finish it unfortunately.
#Its so shocking whenever anybody mentions that fic to me#like its just such a specific combo of interests how are there this many people interested in it...#I have some fragments of unfinished chapters for it laying around but I was struggling to get them to work#and I definitely dont have the motivation to finish them now#If youre curious the chapters were going to be Slaughter avatar miss Power and Web avatar Mr Big#and possibly Flesh avatar Butcher but I never got around to starting that one#The Miss Power chapter was basically going to be about her having kind of lost her thread#I wanted to leave a lot of ambiguity as to what happened with her home planet#but she hadnt been in contact with them for agessssss and her radio is damaged and her ship is in bad shape#the chapter was just going to be her being like 'pfff I dont interpersonal connection Im doing great out here. Murdering. All on my own'#Well she has her little squirl thing but she treats him like an animal#mr giggle cheeks or whatever#anyway I wanted it to imply that whatever happened her bloodthirst was destroying her#The Mr Big chapter was from Lesley's perspective#She would have been one in a long long line of assistants that Mr Big went through like candy#Lesley is his favorite though because. while she is terrified of him. shes still willing to push him. to be honest with him#but she also knows exactly when to step off. when to lie to appease him#( its always a tossup as to whether he wants a sweet lie or the harsh truth that day. He can always tell either way#its a gamble he does to be cruel. She always picks right though. or maybe he's more lenient with her than he should be)#He likes that she knows exactly how to push him without ever stepping over the line#He likes that her guilt and revulsion are slowly eating her up inside but shes too selfish to leave#She likes being special. She likes the idea of ruling the world alongside him#She'll always be second in command but shell be so much higher than everyone else#and shes willing to do anything to get that#Mr big doesnt think shell ever make it that far#but he likes her anyway#shes the one assistant he'll be sad about dying#OK damn apparently I did still have things to say about this old fic DAMN#still not gonna finish it tho. they call me the struggler becaus.e writing is a struggle...
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OH I forgot to share this. Rosie graduated from puppy school
#shes thinking about going to puppy grad school#maybe even get a puppy doctorate#in biting#(she actually doesn't bite anymore. The issue we're working on now is her jumping up on ppl)#shes getting spayed on monday and im feeling anxious about it#like I know the positives far out way the negatives#Im just worried itll be traumatizing for her or some shit#the vet we took my old dog Jilly too was a fucking butcher. Used metal staples to close her up. You could visibly see/feel them on her#she had them the rest of her life#Im just scared something will go wrong#Jilly dieing was one of the hardest things Ive ever been thro in my life. I still think about her everyday#I dont know if I could come back if I lost Rose
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wait wait put your favorite vocal synth songs that you don't necessarily know if people would know in the tags (any level of popularity dw too much about it), the kind you can't stop replaying. what would you tell people to go listen to right now.
#I don't necessarily mean obscure because the thing is vocaloid is Huge so there are massive songs I've never heard.#Also if you're answer changes and you remember this post you can always rb it again. I wanna million songs#(I was just sitting here like 'ohh there's so many songs I don't know'#'when you find a song and you can't stop listening to it. I wish I could ask everyone what those songs are for them'#then I realized I CAN#it may seem like I do a lot of these and that's because I love vocaloid and I love love for vocaloid let's get some recs going)#I can't put down butcher vanity atm#thoughts#vocaloid#cevio#synthv#synthesizer v#utau
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New Threadfic Announcement + Sugar Baby AU Threadfic Update Status

(TNotG’s prologue can be read here)

The one addition I forgot to mention, I probably may or may not drag the Truce universe’s Supe!Butcher & Homelander into the threadfic’s multiverse shenanigans, because why not? It adds a bit of extra danger & incentivizes TNotG Billy to want all of his parallel universe selves to gtfo back to their worlds.
If you want more context details about the threadfics, you can read about them here that I organized for easy reference.

Tl;dr let’s cross our fingers that Twt doesn’t shadowban me because this’ll be a lotta tweets that’ll be tweeted within a span of a few days (I’ll of course screenshot them and crosspost those tweets over here on tumblr for y’all). I’m hoping they do not mistake my account as a spambot when these updates come out 😬
And regarding the next update for Operation Babylon (the Sugar Baby AU) which’ll be posted first:

#butchlander#billy butcher x homelander#billy butcher#homelander#the boys#the boys tv#the boys amazon#I’m gonna be a busy bee these couple days 🐝 pray for me that my twt acc remains clear & safe#bc we’re looking at 25-50 twts at once for the Sugar Bb & 25-50 (or more) on July 4 for the new one#idk what to call the new threadfic but I guess it’s the ‘into all of Phoenix’s butchlander fics multiverse’ 🤪#it’s high concept crack treated seriously essentially & smutified#will all those billys & hls dogpile each other in a degenerate 0rgy? who knows 🤷🏻♀️ I just got brainworms & didn’t wanna wait 135ch to ✍🏻#psa you don’t have to read them if you don’t want to be spoiled for TNotG & Truce (& those threadfics)#I’ll keep the important twists & spoilers vague in the multiverse threadfic but there will still be some
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Reading the VoughtHQ spoilers about Homelander and Ryan and being on the verge of tears because the cycle repeats no matter what.
#i know some of them are meant to be funny in context but theyre genuinely really sad#the boys#homelander#the boys tv#ryan butcher
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Trying to think of ways for vampires to get a reliable source of blood from humans without just ‘they take it from blood banks’ is uh. Tough.
#hell getting a reliable source of enough blood to feed them all is hard#I made one of them own a butcher shop so some of their blood requirement is taken care of#but they need human blood too#so far I’m kind of hovering around them buying it off funeral parlors#bc they remove blood as part of the embalming process#but that clots and I don’t know if there’s a way to get it back to a liquid consistency#they do purchase expired blood and feed on live humans but I’m trying to diversify their diet
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cant believe that after driving the car, riding the train, booking a hotel room, having a nightmare, visiting the father in law, visiting a hospital, making a friend, and escaping an assassin, the incomprehensible Horrors™ are back at it again and harder to bear than ever 🐻
#fandom related#malevolent#i feel just like arthur that after having some Normal Time and time w friends and family the Horrors are even more horrifying than before#also How is this man driving. w zero eyes and one arm and one leg. i imagine John is like#slow down arthur! hit the gas arthur! while steering. and arthur is shifting the gear. except that john has no experience in driving#so it would be like someone during their first ever driving lesson. creeping along slowly. being way too slow or way too fast for a given#situation. cops would stop them bc arthur isn't even looking at the road. he is bumping into so many other cars or the curb.#parking like shit. does john even know what the road signs mean 😭 and oscar got into the car w him#maybe he was too busy reading that book to notice. or too enchanted by arthu#*Arthur#if arthur had a white cane he would constantly lose it while falling down holes or trip over it running from the horrors#i think it's been mentioned only 3 times that he can't see. to those cops on the lake to daniel and the butcher has mentioned it#honestly king shit running around blind and w only one arm and leg w the voice of an ancient god in his voice. also they are fucking driving#*in his head#why can't you edit tags on mobile!!? or do i have to update tumbler for that#anyway ever since starting malevolent ive been realizing i should be more grateful for my eyesight. my eyesight is already bad and i need to#wear glasses 24/7. also i have a diagnosis that has a kinda probability of making me blind once im old or smth#i mean eyesight decreases for everyone as they get older right. but yeah. and i v likely won't have the voice of an older god in my head to#help me see. so gotta be grateful now#i should go to bed it's almost midnight but i have to listen to the next episode i need to know what's going on and what will happen 😭#still hoping nothing further will happen to oscar and that he and arthur will stay friends. if you're reading this and you know this won't#be the case. nnnnggh :')
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#i won't tag it#but#HECK if i wanted to chuck episode 5 out my window and then run it over with a car#i mean these issues have definitely been hinted at before ep 5 but that one just went ALL IN#i knew from 3 and 4 what they would probably do with hakoda but GOSH am i bitter about it#i swear if they don't walk this back somehow and make hakoda a bad overbearing dad or whatever i'm gonna riot#and katara's whole 'you know i'm not good at this [womanly] type of stuff' NO SCREW YOU WHOEVER INCLUDED THAT#WHY#if you want a female character that rejects the stereotypes of femininity you'll get one in season 2 gosh DANG IT#you don't need to try and force katara into that role#sokka wanting to use his brain AND fight well is not a flaw#katara wanting to use her waterbending to fight AND knowing how to sew is not a flaw#OH i hate this#i hate this so much#i can understand the need to change story elements to work better in a different format#i don't think they're always doing that WELL but i can understand the need for it#but i will never understand why they felt the need to butcher characters' personalities#again some things won't transfer well i get it i really REALLY do#it's like with sanji in opla how he had to be toned down - that makes sense for a live action adaptation#just removing things simply for the sake of removing them? no just no#'updated for modern audiences' has become a curse to my ears i swear because it always means the same thing#'we're going to remove all complexity and make it as one note as possible so we don't offend anyone'#there was nothing wrong with katara or sokka or aang or anyone else that they needed 'updating' yall are just close-minded#ok rant over just REALLY needed to get that out...
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@ olli määttä on GOD we gon get you some umlauts on your jersey
#i can't stand the announcers calling him 'maatta'#he has such a pretty name!!! and they're butchering it horribly cause they're afraid of some dots#olli määttä#detroit red wings#sorry to be detroitposting while they're playing the sabres#but lbr we're not coming back from this one#also pls don't come for my ass for calling them umlauts. you know what i mean
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not to be aggressively southern on main but ppl who think that singing with a twang and saying yeehaw to whatever beat they threw together automatically makes it a country song or even a country fusion………… this is simply not the case
#also making fun of country music is just not it man#like yes absolutely most mainstream stadium country artists are embarrassing bootlickers pandering to the least common denominator#but the genre as a whole has a very rich and diverse history and the way ppl throw it under the bus is the exact way they throw#all southern folks under the bus for the fact that they think we’re all backwards and bigoted#and I’m just. I know I’m not articulating this well but like#country music is an art form as much as any other genre and throwing on a cowboy hat and butchering an accent you’ve never heard irl#is just hollow and comes across so strongly as one big joke where the punchline is ‘some people sing like this unironically!!#and those idiots actually like it!!’#and I’m not even much of a country fan but it’s so clearly malicious towards southern and rural cultures that it’s just#come on. be better than this. be better than them.#personal
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I cannot take your 'respect ace people' in fandoms seriously when you are in same breath imply that you see a specific half of ace people not real/valid. Someone explores their experience of being an ace and you claim it to be an erasure because it's not how YOU see aceness.
You can want a very specific asexual experience to be portrayed more, you have your right to it. But then you just basically demean others' experience? You moralize your preferences and judge others by theirs and then frame it as 'I just want to complain'? No, you straight up say other asexuals who have different experience and different desires than yours are bigots and aphobes by your words.
#fandom#alastor#like#i dont CARE if someone doesnt know how to write an acexula and they butcher it#i dont even care if they think its too hard and dismiss it all together#as long as they dont act shitty towards real people and about actual asexuality it doesnt fucking matter#and even then asexuals can have different experiences and want to play with them#no one gets to establish some 'rules' to be the Correst asexuals#ugh even writing it feels so gross#i want to explore MY feelings and wants through the fictional character i happened to love#fuck off!
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I miss having an ask blog, that was so fun!!!! I just don’t have anything to ask blog about. Like I guess I could do a bsd ask blog, I have some neat ocs I’ve been wanting to yap about (Jim Butcher, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Herriot. Authors, but as bsd characters) but they’re all unfinished and I haven’t made anything for them yet (hopefully will start working on fics for Stevenson and Herriot soon). Also I get suuuuper nervous when interacting with other blogs.
But it was soooo fun while it lasted, and I soooo miss that
#I used to have a soldier ask blog#2 of them actually#it was fun#the issue with the OCs is that#i haven’t read the books they’re based on#Jim Butcher is based on Dead Meat#he’s have a necromancy ability#he’s a traveling magician#traveling with his friend Micheal#Micheal has been dead this whole time (accident in their childhood) and Jim has been unknowing animating him- neither of them know this#except- I’m like two books away from Dead meat#Stevenson (goes by Jekyll for plot reasons) is based off Jekyll and Hyde#I need to reread the book and do some mild research on Stevenson himself but I designed Jekyll for Oda#because I want Jekyll’s story to resemble Oda in a way#his ability is similar to (nearly identical to) Mori’s ability except Jekyll has a lot less control over Hyde#Herriot is based off Cat Stories. he’s a veterinarian who wound up working with the mafia by accident. oops. his ability allows him to#control cats. I made him specifically to fuck with Atsushi. Herriot is unaware that he can fuck with an ada member he just thinks someone#in Yokohama owns a pet tiger (which isn’t entirely unreasonable assumption)#also natsume ig#so Herriot is the closest to done. I just haven’t worked out his story yet#bsd#bsd shitpost#bsd ocs#bsd oc blog#should I tag stuff like ‘ask blog’ cause this isn’t an ask blog but it’s about ask blogs#???#ask blog#bsd original character#is Herriot’s first name James actually????#it might not be
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