#Solitaire international.
a240899 · 5 months
Necklace Narratives Solitaire International Magazine India’s leading B2B gem and jewellery magazine
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Statement necklaces adorned with precious gemstones and diamonds have always commanded attention on the runways and red carpets alike, serving as the pièce de résistance for the discerning fashion connoisseur.
Emblematic of individuality and expression, each of these necklaces tell a story, a narrative woven through the kaleidoscope of colours and the sparkling dance of diamonds.
If you need further information, please visit the following link: https://gjepc.org/solitaire/necklace-narratives/
Keywords = jewellery magazine, Indian jewellery magazine, diamond jewellery magazine,solitaire jewellery magazine,solitaire magazine, jewellery magazine India, Solitaire international.
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sproldenlover · 6 months
Happy international Asexuality day to my favorite asexual !!!!
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Happy international asexuality day to them specifically
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pessimisticgh0st · 6 months
Happy Ace Day everyone! 🖤🩶🤍💜
And in the footsteps of the ace icon Tori Spring, I encourage everyone to play at least one game of solitaire in celebration hehe
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happy asexuality awareness day to georgia warr, sunil jha, alastor the radio demon, raphael santiago, tori spring, isaac henderson, and all other aspec fictional characters who i cant name off the top of my head
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impishtubist · 10 months
The only reason internalised homophobia had James potter in a CHOKEHOLD is because the Wizarding world could NOT handle him and Sirius in a proper, fully committed romantic relationship /j
NO BUT YOU'RE SO RIGHT if those two actually ended up in a fully committed romantic relationship, it would literally unravel the fabric of the wizarding world. You're so right (from one of your earlier posts), they would be the it couple. Exceedingly competent, blinding handsome, more charisma and confidence than any one person should have....those two would be a fucking nightmare if they ever got their shit together (and god forbid they procreate, their children would be insufferable). Anyway yes this is why James Potter's internalized homophobia keeps him from actually making a move on Sirius thank you and goodnight.
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solitaire was soooooo good
i absolutely loved tori and all the other characters too they felt so real and flawed and just. the whole plot with solitaire and michael holden and lucas and beckyyyyyyyy. at the beginning of the story i kind of hated becky and by the middle i really hated her and at the end i still sort of hated her but it was different because i understood that even though she made mistakes she was still trying her best??? also sort of unrelated but i really want to try diet lemonade?
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clover-md · 1 year
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Today is International Asexual Day! Celebrated on April 6th annually, this day is important to raise awareness of asexuality.
Asexuality is a spectrum and people who identify as asexual experience little to no feelings of sexual attraction to anyone.
Repost to raise awareness!
Happy International Asexual Day!! 💜🤍
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obscurevideogames · 1 year
Have you played my favorite obscure dos game? It was called Heaven and Earth. It had three modes, a weird element and weather-based version of solitaire, a pendulum game where you try to get your pendulum to collect vortexes that have their own positive or negative gravity, but all you can control is the direction of the wind, and a puzzle mode that had 12 different types of logic and optical illusion puzzles in increasing levels of difficulty.
Once you had mastered all three modes, you could go on a pilgrimage of 100 steps that contained very hard levels of each of the three modes interspersed with philosophical quotes and Buddhist texts. If you completed the pilgrimage it told you the secret word to open the gates of shambala.
I loved this game so much as a child. Every computer I've ever had has a dos emulator just in case I feel the urge to go back and play it again.
Actually I'd never heard of it, so I went over to archive.org and tried it out.
I can confirm that it is definitely an obscure DOS game.
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Heaven & Earth
(Software Resources International/Buena VIsta - PC - 1992)
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nerdanel01 · 3 months
Emmrich Volkarin/F!Rook (*Emmrich POV) 1.5k+ | SFW A chance meeting with Myrna in the dining hall yields some unexpected revelations. EXCERPT: “If you ever left the Mourn Watch, what would happen to Agnes, then?”
Emmrich swallowed around the sudden dryness in his throat. “Whatever do you mean by that?”
Myrna flashed him a skeptical look before refocusing on her hand. Her fingers wavered over the discard pile, then changed course and plucked one from the deck. “Aren’t the two of you…?”
9:50 Dragon
It was well past dinner by the time Emmrich returned to the Necropolis, and the Mourn Watch dormitories within. Watcher business had taken him into the city, to the Dietrich Estate on the banks of the Minanter. The visit was a formality, a courtesy; Lord Dietrich was on his deathbed, and arrangements needed to be made for his internment in the Necropolis. Such visits were perhaps the most emotionally harrowing responsibility the Watchers held: often, they were more about reassuring and comforting the living than they were about making arrangements for the dead. But Lady Dietrich, Emmrich had long suspected from his brief encounters with her in the past, cared very little for her husband. Her displays of grief were utterly transparent, a ploy for his attention; she had called upon every social convention and all the somber duties of his post to keep Emmrich in her estate far longer than was decent. 
Between the company of the Nevarran nobility and the dead, more often than not, Emmrich preferred the latter. 
Fortunately for him, there was still a pot of leftover stew bubbling away in the kitchens when at last he made his way home. He ladeled himself a bowl, carved a slice of bread from the loaf laid out, and carried both back to the dining hall above. This late in the evening, the hall was mostly empty, only a few scattered groups of Watchers collected along the two banquet tables. But Emmrich spotted Myrna in the corner, lingering over a cup of tea, playing solitaire alone. She smiled when he joined her and recollected her cards, shuffling the deck and dealing him into a game they could play together.
“How was your visit with Lady Dietrich?” Myrna asked, teasing him, fanning and then rearranging the cards in her hand.
“Uncomfortable,” Emmrich answered, with an honest chuckle, “as usual.” Discarding one of his cards and then picking up another from the deck, he added, “She offered me a job.”
“Well, you know, her husband is dying—though the loss does not seem to weigh on her too terribly,” he told Myrna, dryly. “She is looking for someone to design his tableau, and to undertake a general restoration of the Dietrich mausoleum.”
Myrna snorted, picking up the face card he had discarded and tucking it in her hand, then placing the four of swords down on the discard pile. “A position for which, I am sure you were quick to tell her, you are not in the least bit qualified for.”
“Indeed, I reminded her quite emphatically that I am a necromancer, not an architect nor an artisan.”
“Which, undoubtedly, did not dampen her enthusiasm in the least,” Myrna said, clucking her teeth disapprovingly. “The gall of that woman, trying to poach you from the Mourn Watch for her vanity project. As if you could be bought.”
Emmrich nodded in agreement, drawing another card. “Not that I’d ever accept the offer, mind,” he told her, adding again to the discard pile.
“Of course not,” Myrna replied, as though that fact were clear as day. “If you ever left the Mourn Watch, what would happen to Agnes, then?”
His eyes shot to Myrna’s face, but it had not changed in the slightest. Her eyes were fixed on her cards, her lower lip caught thoughtfully between her teeth as she plucked at one card, then another, shuffling their position in her hand. As though she had not just said something so bizarre, so provocative.
Emmrich swallowed around the sudden dryness in his throat. “Whatever do you mean by that?”
Myrna flashed him a skeptical look before refocusing on her hand. Her fingers wavered over the discard pile, then changed course and plucked one from the deck. “Aren’t the two of you…?”
The trailing end of that question was a tiny torture. “Aren’t the two of us what?”
Myrna’s eyebrows shot so high they nearly reached her hairline. “Oh, is that how it’s going to be, Emmrich?” she asked him, in her most no-nonsense tone (though surely, it was she who was speaking utter nonsense—wasn’t she?) “You’re going to make me say it out loud?”
A note of impatience crept into his voice. “Yes, Myrna, you will have to use your words, as I haven’t the faintest idea of what it is you’re talking about.”
“Fine,” Myrna said, yielding with a huff. “Aren’t you two more than partners?”
The dining hall suddenly felt much too warm. Though his back was towards the rest of the Watchers who still lingered, Emmrich was suddenly keenly aware of them: of the clink of their utensils, of their low voices. Did his conversation with Myrna carry across the hall to their ears? He worded his answer very, very carefully. 
“Well... yes, of course we are also very good friends.”
Myrna looked at him like he could not possibly be so thick. “Not more than friends?”
Trickle of sweat from the crown of his skull down the back of his neck, beneath the collar of his shirt. He longed for the cool of the Necropolis. He wanted to go down among the dead and never reemerge.
“That’s…” Emmrich began, then laughed uneasily, frowned, cleared his throat. He turned his eyes back to his cards; he did not think he could bear the scrutiny in Myrna’s gaze. “That’s preposterous, Myrna. I cannot imagine what gave you that impression.” Lower, under his breath, he added, “By the Maker, I am old enough to be her father.”
“Perhaps,” Myrna answered, not missing a beat. “Just barely. But even if that were true, that doesn’t preclude the possibility of something else growing between you.” With a casual little shrug of her shoulders, as if each of her words did not have the force of a wrecking ball knocking his sense of self and reality into dust, she added, “Some people have a predilection for that sort of thing; I am not one to judge.”
“She doesn’t,” Emmrich said, forcefully, feeling the sudden need to defend Agnes against whatever Myrna was insinuating. “What gives the impression that I’m—that she’s—”
Myrna set her cards face down upon the table, raised her hands, and then, favoring Emmrich an absolutely withering look, began ticking off the reasons on her fingers.
“Exchange of gifts,” she said, pointing to the lazurite scarab ring on his hand. One finger. “The little dates you take her on to the opera.” Two fingers. The word ‘dates’ made Emmrich wish the floor would simply swallow him. And then, not bothering to hide her bewilderment, Myrna lifted her third finger and delivered the coup de grace: “The fact that the two of you share a tent during your excursions to the Necropolis, even if it is as you say, and you aren’t actually—well. Sleeping together in the erotic context.”
His heart was pumping so fast, his blood rushing in his ears. His neck was unbearably warm. “We shared a tent one time,” he practically hissed at Myrna, “and only because we had lost our other tent while we were getting chased across the King Aurum’s Bridge.”
Myrna’s lips curled into something awfully like a smirk. “Are you actually blushing, Emmrich?”
He did not dignify that with a response; surely his burning cheeks spoke well enough for themselves. He fixed his eyes on the playing cards in his hand, all game strategy flown from his mind, trying to ground himself by focusing on the pictures on the cards: the eight of wands, the ten of cups. The High Priestess. The Lovers. Unbidden, his eyelid gave a faint twitch. 
Feeling hardly prepared for the answer, he asked Myrna:
“Is this just an absurd fancy of your own imagination, or does everyone in the Watch believe such torrid nonsense?”
Myrna shrugged, turning her eyes back to her cards. “I think most people are probably too polite to say one way or the other.”
“But you think they, too, assume…?”
Myrna only answered with another noncommittal shrug. 
Incredible, how indifferently she could sit there while Emmrich was in a complete spiral. How long had that reputation followed them? Surely not since the incident with the one tent? Did everyone make such assumptions about them, or was it just Myrna and a select few? Surely Agnes herself could not be aware that they were the source of such speculation—or so he dearly hoped. 
“Emmrich, please don’t get upset,” Myrna said, gently. “Really, I didn’t mean anything by it. And whatever everyone else assumes, I’m sure no one thinks less of you, one way or the other.”
But it was hardly himself that Emmrich was worried about. All he could think about was Agnes in the gardens, Agnes at the opera, Agnes humming love songs under her breath. She wanted the kind of love in that music, in those stories; sweeping, total, romantic. After everything she had been through, she deserved it: to love and be loved in kind. 
And that was never going to happen for her if every man she met assumed she was already spoken for. Until now, Emmrich had stolen that possibility from her. Stolen her youth from her. 
Perhaps, were it not for him and his selfishness, Agnes would have been happily married long ago. 
“Myrna, forgive me. I just—I have to…” Emmrich rose from the bench, his stew and bread untouched. He no longer had an appetite. “We’ll play again soon, yes?”
“Emmrich?” No small amount of concern or alarm in Myrna’s voice as she called after him, but Emmrich was determined, moving with purpose. And now it was so obvious to him it was mortifying, everything that Myrna had seen, had read into: his inappropriate affection, clearly far less well concealed than he had imagined. The way others might interpret Agnes’ near filial devotion to him, the way she cared for him. Worst of all was the suspicion that a part of him had known all of that to be true for years, and had done nothing to stop it. That a part of him—irredeemable, unforgivable—had wanted to keep all her light to himself. 
In no time at all, he was at the threshold of Johanna’s office. He knocked once. When she did not answer immediately, he knocked again. Then again.
At last Johanna emerged, straightening her glasses on her nose, a look of irritation on her face. “Emmrich, what in the name of Andraste—” she began, ready to reprimand him for his impatience before she took in the sight of him before her. Her face fell, and her tone flipped in an instant to one of concern. “Copulating corpses, Emmrich, you look awful. Is everything alright?”
“Is now a bad time?” Emmrich asked her, red-faced, breathing heavily. “I need to speak with you.”
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a240899 · 5 months
GJEPC Unveils Brilliant Bharat Theme at IIJS Tritiya India’s leading B2B gem and jewellery magazine
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IIJS Tritiya: The Gateway to Global Gem and Jewellery Exports!
India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME) runs concurrently with IIJS Tritiya Bengaluru 2024
GJEPC signs MoU with Karnataka Jewellers Association
India’s apex trade body, The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) inaugurated the 2nd edition of the India International Jewellery Show – IIJS Tritiya – in Bangalore (Karnataka) at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) from 5th to 8th April 2024. India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME) is running concurrently with IIJS Tritiya Bangalore 2024 for the first time ever to showcase world-class technology in manufacturing powered by digital technology tools and techniques.
If you need further information, please visit the following link: https://gjepc.org/solitaire/gjepc-unveils-brilliant-bharat-theme-at-iijs-tritiya/
Keywords = jewellery magazine, Indian jewellery magazine, diamond jewellery magazine,solitaire jewellery magazine,solitaire magazine, jewellery magazine India, Solitaire international.
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achilleanauthor · 1 year
A way to interpret the line 'This is not a love story' in Solitaire occurred to me.
Obviously, romance doesn't play any significant role in Solitaire. I don't know what Michael and Tori have going on, but it's likely not entirely romantic.
In reality though, Solitaire IS a love story if you think of it through Alice Oseman's way of storytelling. Platonic and familial love are shown to be just as important as romantic relationships throughout the Osemanverse, and they are actually more important as plot themes in many of Alice's works, including Solitaire.
Tori learns about the joy and the hardships of true friendship from Becky, Michael, and even Lucas. The struggles of feeling betrayed by close friends or trying to reconnect with childhood friends only to learn that it doesn't really work anymore, as well as the odd but incredible experience of an incredible person suddenly appearing. Friendship is a complicated and important part of life, and Tori discovers so much about it in Solitaire.
Tori also faces challenges with her family, between the conflict with her parents and her struggle to support Charlie. She has to be reminded that her family care for her and that she is able to reach out to them when she needs them.
Love is a crucial element in Solitaire, but the cover says (insists, really) that it is not a love story. I think this is Tori's internal voice saying this because, throughout the story, all the way to the climax, Tori believes that she isn't worthy of love.
Tori doesn't think she's important or special at all. She thinks that every bad thing that happens to her is deserved, and she doesn't understand why Charlie shows concern for her or why Michael wants to be her friend because she doesn't think anyone would love who she is.
'This is not a love story' could refer to more than romantic love, but also include any kind of love Tori thinks she is unworthy of.
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riddles-n-games · 5 months
I know I was thinking no more headcanons but I couldn't resist. Here: card games. We all know that Avery loves to play poker and we explored some of the card games at the Devil's Mercy. What about the others?
Nash-Rummy and Spit
Xander-Crazy Eights
Libby-Go Fish
Oh, and the boys have an entire wall in Games Room dedicated to cards from all around the world (see the international theme here?). They also have a dedicated Day of Cards since they are very big fans of such games and the girls having learned of it recently since Avery was named heiress got very into it. The tradition started with Tobias Hawthorne creating a special scavenger hunt designed to include a different card game and the prize would be a new clue that would be a hint to the next room to go to and the next game. Because it was a day long game, their grandfather set up a buffet lunch with many cheeses and salamis (the boys aren't really sure why but who the heck cares when the food is delicious) which is what the brothers continued when they set up the game for Avery, Libby, and Max.
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someone introduced themself as tori to me today and externally i was like “oh cool i like that name” but internally i was like “OHMYGOD OHMYGOD SOLITAIRE”
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dkakapizzaboy · 1 year
Darling I’m a Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream (Part 1)
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Pairing: Conman! Minghao x Fem! Reader
Words:1.2k Genre: Crime/Mystery (Suggestive! MDNI) Synopsis: Minghao has had a pretty easy life…partly due to his sharp looks, but mostly due to his even sharper mind. His day job, you ask? Oh, just your average little joe conning wealthy women out of thousands of dollars …until he meets you. Warnings: Deception, lying, Morally Grey Hao, Morally Grey Reader A/N: Hello, this is extremely overdue but this is my contribution to @svthub's 70steen Collab! Please read the rest of the stories as well! I really wanted to finish the story in one go but I wanted to do it justice and take my time with it. So, it is just Part 1 for now, but nonetheless, I hope it still is a fun read!
A big thanks to @playmetheclassics for your input on the banner 🌼
Feedback always helps!
Minghao saw you through the front window of Tiffany's, purchasing a pair of solitaire studs, which were, from his guess, at least 1.5 carats each. His eyes scanned through your appearance next, mid to late 20s, affluent, judging by the Chanel briefcase and tweed suit, understated in jewelry except for the dainty yet elegantly crafted diamond bracelet. 
He'd found his next target.
He made his way into the store and immediately caught your eye, along with everyone else's. Well, it was pretty easy: a tall, handsomely dressed man with a striking long neck and sharp features who would give Elvis a run for his money. 
He made his way to the counter you were standing by, his leather boots clicking on the wooden floor- drawing even more attention to him, and timidly made eye contact.
"Sorry to do this miss, but can I ask you for a favour?" 
He maintained eye contact, his gaze had started to make you uncannily hot on a chilly autumn evening.
"Y-yes" you stuttered, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so frail.
"It is my mom's 60th birthday and I want to buy her something special but so many choices confuse me. Could you please help me pick something?" 
The group of girls standing on the necklace counter audibly swooned, making your upper lip twitch in amusement. 
"Oh, umm sure... I guess." 
He took your shyness as a sign of apprehension and decided to persuade you further.
"Sorry I wouldn't have asked but my brother and I have this unspoken competition every year, who will get Mother the better gift. I've been losing for the past 3 years but this time, with your help hopefully (he looked down and gave a shy smile, a seasoned move on his part), I have a feeling I can win against him."
He knew he was bullshitting his way through, but it'd always worked in his favor. ‘Just charm your way forward: the key is eye contact.’ was his mantra in life.
Little did he imagine that his further explanation had created more trouble for him than he bargained for. 
"Oh really, and how do you decide who wins?" You asked, with your eyes full of suspicion. 
It's funny because you were just messing with him but since Minghao had almost never been cross-questioned by one of his targets, he was completely caught off guard. 
He racked his brain, looking for the best answer to give you... he didn't want to blow his cover but the more time he took thinking of an answer, the more nervous he became- internally of course, as it hadn't even been a few seconds.
He suddenly gave you a crooked smile, unknowingly making your heartbeat a bit faster and your underwear a tad bit wetter.
He'd found the perfect answer.
"Oh, believe me…….. you know." He said, boring those beautiful cat-like eyes into yours, sirening you to him.
This story is actually full of funny things. While Hao was trying to seduce you with those smoldering looks of his, there was a mischievous twinkle in your eyes that sucked him in. It was like he was drowning deeper and deeper into those beautiful orbs, only realizing he was sinking into you when you averted your gaze.
This was weird.
But Minghao was here for work so he didn’t ponder too much. 
You helped him pick out a beautiful set of white pearl earrings, with diamonds encrusted around the pearl. 
“I think you should give them a try, just to see if they’re as beautiful as they’re on the display.”
He didn’t wait for an answer and proceeded to grab your wrist and slide the earrings in your hand, his fingertips gently brushing against your palm, sending a jolt of buzzing current down your spine.
Well, I guess I have to try on the pretty earrings, you thought bemusingly.
After he had purchased his earrings, he insisted on getting you dinner, or breakfast, or lunch, or whatever you preferred. You blushed as he confessed he’d really really like to see you again.
You made plans with him for the weekend. Since night had already fallen and, in his words, it would be against every fiber of his moral being to let a pretty lady like you go unescorted home in the crime-ridden streets, he basically forced you to let him drive you home.
He opened the passenger side door of his shiny black impala with a cheeky ‘M’lady’. You talked all the way home, about anything and everything. You also observed how his boot cut trousers hugged his thighs, and the slight indent of his-
Yeah, focus on something else girl! You turned to look out the window, hoping that the cool air of the night will calm your hot face, and even hotter heart.
He pulled up to your front porch, impressed at the location of the street and the size of the house. 
You would be his most prized possession till date.
He smiled at you as you thanked him, and then gulped audibly as the skirt of your suit hiked up a little to reveal, what he could describe as probably the softest skin he had ever seen, as you got out of the car. He got an almost primal urge to pull you back to the seat and feel if the skin of your thighs was as soft as it looked. 
He got out of his daze as you said, “I meant to say this earlier, but you honestly don’t really look like a Jun, I don’t know, just something funny that came to mind. Bye now, see you Saturday.”
Good thing you didn’t see his shocked face as you skipped back into your house.
Minghao made his way back into Tiffany’s, looking for his liaison.
“Here you go. Come’on now hyung, you really think I’ll cheat on you, It’s been five fucking years.”
“And one can never be too careful” Wonwoo replied as he inspected the pearl earrings though a microscope, who knew, the conman could very well con his partner. After inspecting its authenticity, he gave Minghao his money back, after taking a 5% cut, the usual fees for ignoring his shenanigans at his store. 
“So, do you want to grab a beer?” Minghao asked hopefully.
He didn’t really know why, but since dropping you off, he’d been feeling uncannily lonely.
“I really don’t want to extend our relationship beyond business, sorry.” Wonwoo replied quite blandly as he put back the pearl earrings on display, and to be very honest, it broke Minghao’s heart a little bit.
 But Minghao knew life wasn’t really sunshine and roses all the time.
You made your way into the living room after taking a shower, a cold one as your nerves still sizzled thinking about Jun. 
“So, did the asshole buy it?” Your best friend asked as you handed her the beautiful, shiny studs you’d purchased earlier using her cheque book.
“He ate it from the palm of my hand, darling,” you replied coyly.
No matter how sexy you thought he was, or how gorgeous his long neck was, or how stunningly captivating his eyes were, it was time for payback, Xu Minghao.
A/n: this is loosely inspired by a Bollywood movie Ladies vs Ricky Bahl!
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thenightbaskers · 8 days
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Click here to read "First Step", the unreleased, unfinished (but summarized near the end) prequel chapter of the Night Baskers that features Solitaire's first few weeks in Tao Village, the day Solitaire met Solace, and how they formed their team.
((I originally wrote this over a decade ago and never got to finish it. But working on the final story breakdown for the Night Baskers reminded me of the significance of this chapter and the number of times it's referenced throughout the story. So I decided to tweak it, add a detailed summary of the rest of its narrative at the end, and officially post it!
It was wild rereading this because it's SUCH a blast from the past regarding Tao Village and PMD-E...
Anyway, it's a bit of a read (a whole ass one-shot, my guys), but it's pretty major in how it explores Solitaire's first internal conflict and why Solace harbors so much faith in his "number one lady"~))
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