#Solar modern reneweable energy
sanenergysolar · 1 year
Illuminating the Future: Solar Panel Manufacturers in Noida
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In Noida, the future is bright, thanks to companies like Sanguard Solar. As a leading solar panel manufacturer in Noida, solar street light manufacturer, and solar LED lighting manufacturer, Sanguard Solar is paving the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient city. With their commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, they are indeed a beacon of hope in the journey towards a greener future.
So, whether you're a homeowner, business owner, or a local government representative, consider Sanguard Solar for all your solar energy needs. Embrace the power of the sun and be part of the solution for a cleaner, brighter, and more sustainable Noida.
Contact Now -: http://www.sanenergy.in/
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techtoio · 3 months
The Future of Renewable Energy: Innovations and Trends
The need for sustainable energy solutions has reached an unprecedented level of importance.. As global demand for energy continues to rise, the need for renewable energy sources becomes increasingly urgent. Renewable energy not only offers a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels but also promises to meet our energy needs sustainably. In this article, we at TechtoIO explore the future of renewable energy, focusing on the latest innovations and trends driving this vital sector forward. Read to continue link
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ajisaienergy · 10 months
Unveiling the Truth: The Four Biggest Myths about Solar Energy
In a world grappling with climate change, renewable energy sources like solar power have taken center stage. However, amidst the growing excitement, some misconceptions about solar energy persist. Let's debunk the four biggest myths and shed light on the true potential of harnessing the sun's power.
At AJISAI Energy & Tion Renewables, we’re not just power providers; we are visionaries of a globe running on sustainable energy. Our headquarters stationed at the heart of Australia - Level 32, 385 Bourke S serves as a portal where ideas convert into effective green energy solutions that redefine how businesses and homes operate. As leaders in the renewable sector, our strategy is twofold: offering immeasurable energy solutions and proactively contributing to a healthier planet.
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Myth 1: Solar Energy Is Inconsistent ☁️
Dispelling the Cloud of Uncertainty
Contrary to popular belief, solar power is not just a fair-weather friend. Yes, clouds can reduce efficiency, but modern solar panels are designed to capture sunlight even on overcast days. It's like having a friend who supports you not only during the good times but also when the going gets tough.
Myth 2: Solar Panels Are an Eyesore 👀
Beauty in Green Energy
Ever thought solar panels ruin the aesthetic of a building? Think again. With advancements in design and technology, solar panels now seamlessly integrate into various structures, becoming a part of the architecture. It's akin to adding a touch of sophistication to your home while doing your bit for the environment.
Myth 3: Solar Energy Is Expensive 💰
Crunching the Numbers
While the initial setup cost might seem daunting, the long-term savings from solar energy are substantial. It's an investment in a sustainable future that pays off over time, akin to planting a tree that grows and provides shade for years to come. Don't view it as an expense; see it as a wise financial decision.
Myth 4: Solar Energy Is Only for the Affluent 🌐
Democratizing the Sun
The notion that solar energy is a luxury accessible only to the wealthy is outdated. Government incentives, falling solar panel prices, and financing options make it affordable for the average homeowner. It's time to break the stereotype and embrace solar power as an accessible energy solution for everyone.
Debunking Common Solar Misconceptions
The Consistency of Solar Power
Solar energy isn't dependent solely on sunny days. Modern technology ensures efficiency even during overcast weather. It's like having a friend who supports you in all weather conditions.
Integrating Solar Panels Stylishly
Contrary to the belief that solar panels are eyesores, they now seamlessly integrate into various structures, adding sophistication to your home's design.
Affordability Beyond the Initial Cost
While the upfront cost may seem high, the long-term savings from solar energy make it a wise financial decision—a bit like planting a tree that grows and provides benefits for years.
Making Solar Energy Inclusive
Solar power is not just for the affluent. Government incentives and falling prices make it an accessible and affordable energy solution for everyone.
Read more: Unveiling the Hidden Marvels: Solar Energy Benefits That are Not Commonly Known
In conclusion, let's dispel the myths surrounding solar energy. It's a consistent, aesthetically pleasing, cost-effective, and inclusive solution for a sustainable future. Embrace the solar revolution and contribute to a greener, cleaner planet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is solar power only effective in sunny regions?
No, modern solar technology works efficiently even on cloudy days.
Do solar panels really increase the aesthetic appeal of a property?
Yes, with innovative designs, solar panels can enhance the overall look of a building.
Are government incentives significant in making solar energy affordable?
Absolutely, incentives play a crucial role in reducing the overall cost of solar installations.
Can average homeowners really afford solar power systems?
Yes, falling prices and financing options make solar energy accessible to a broader audience.
Is the investment in solar energy worth it in the long run?
Definitely, the long-term savings and positive environmental impact make solar energy a wise investment.
Follow more: AJISAI Energy & Tion Renewables homeandgarden pinterest australianplanet au.enrollbusiness callupcontact
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"India’s announcement that it aims to reach net zero emissions by 2070 and to meet fifty percent of its electricity requirements from renewable energy sources by 2030 is a hugely significant moment for the global fight against climate change. India is pioneering a new model of economic development that could avoid the carbon-intensive approaches that many countries have pursued in the past – and provide a blueprint for other developing economies.
The scale of transformation in India is stunning. Its economic growth has been among the highest in the world over the past two decades, lifting of millions of people out of poverty. Every year, India adds a city the size of London to its urban population, involving vast construction of new buildings, factories and transportation networks. Coal and oil have so far served as bedrocks of India’s industrial growth and modernisation, giving a rising number of Indian people access to modern energy services. This includes adding new electricity connections for 50 million citizens each year over the past decade. 
The rapid growth in fossil energy consumption has also meant India’s annual CO2 emissions have risen to become the third highest in the world. However, India’s CO2 emissions per person put it near the bottom of the world’s emitters, and they are lower still if you consider historical emissions per person. The same is true of energy consumption: the average household in India consumes a tenth as much electricity as the average household in the United States.  
India’s sheer size and its huge scope for growth means that its energy demand is set to grow by more than that of any other country in the coming decades. In a pathway to net zero emissions by 2070, we estimate that most of the growth in energy demand this decade would already have to be met with low-carbon energy sources. It therefore makes sense that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced more ambitious targets for 2030, including installing 500 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity, reducing the emissions intensity of its economy by 45%, and reducing a billion tonnes of CO2. 
These targets are formidable, but the good news is that the clean energy transition in India is already well underway. It has overachieved its commitment made at COP 21- Paris Summit [a.k.a. 2015, at the same conference that produced the Paris Agreement] by already meeting 40% of its power capacity from non-fossil fuels- almost nine years ahead of its commitment, and the share of solar and wind in India’s energy mix have grown phenomenally. Owing to technological developments, steady policy support, and a vibrant private sector, solar power plants are cheaper to build than coal ones. Renewable electricity is growing at a faster rate in India than any other major economy, with new capacity additions on track to double by 2026...
Subsidies for petrol and diesel were removed in the early 2010s, and subsidies for electric vehicles were introduced in 2019. India’s robust energy efficiency programme has been successful in reducing energy use and emissions from buildings, transport and major industries. Government efforts to provide millions of households with fuel gas for cooking and heating are enabling a steady transition away from the use of traditional biomass such as burning wood. India is also laying the groundwork to scale up important emerging technologies such as hydrogen, battery storage, and low-carbon steel, cement and fertilisers..."
-via IEA (International Energy Agency), January 10, 2022
Note: And since that's a little old, here's an update to show that progress is still going strong:
-via Economic Times: EnergyWorld, March 10, 2023
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secundus-cinaedus · 2 years
i think my problem with the particularly lib solutions to climate change is that they're so lazy yet convoluted and ultimately just ... bad
cars emit carbon fumes. so we will create a bunch of electric cars instead which are made of batteries made from slave labour minerals and wear down the roads much quicker and catch fire and explode a lot. instead of just investing in more bike & public transportation and carbon recapture schemes to make up for car emissions
cows produce methane gas. so we are going to try to completely shift away from animal proteins, push crops grown by third world slaves, and try to make fake meat and bug protein a "viable option". instead of just banning factory farming and supporting a greater number of local farm communities that desperately need it
coal and oil aren't renewable energy sources. so we are going to set aside miles and miles of land for solar and wind farms which require massive amounts of upkeep and will eventually break at which point the materials are garbage and we have to start all over again, wasting valuable earth minerals. instead of just investing in nuclear energy, incredibly clean and very very long term
i'm sure i don't need to go on
they claim to be the "progressive" party but they are not. they are not progressing society, and they are not supporting the downtrodden. none of their solutions to climate change, or the myriad other problems we face in the modern day, prioritize uplifting communities that have been left behind, nor investing in (good, beneficial) technological advancements. they willfully ignore any new tech that is counter to the aesthetics of their movement, and only seek to give meagre support to the communities that blindly follow them. it's outrageous and frankly pathetic
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piscesseer · 1 year
Honor the Sun: Summer Solstice ☀️
As the warm rays of the sun envelope us, we find ourselves at the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Midsummer. This holiday celebrates the sun’s power. 
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Summer Solstice is observed on June 21, 2023. This is the longest day of the year, and the shortest night. Litha is about the power of the sun. Before we welcome the dark side of the year, we acknowledge the peak of the solar year. 
Many see Litha as a time of balance between light and dark, masculine and feminine energies, and our realm and the other. It’s a time to connect with nature, and enjoy the company of others.
The sun is shining the brightest on this day, symbolizing the peak of light and the triumph of the sun over darkness. The warmth of the sun gives us a sense of renewed strength and inspiration. It’s a reminder to embrace the abundance of beauty and nature surrounding us.
The Anglo-Saxons brought Litha with them to the British Isles when they settled in the 5th and 6th centuries. The Celts celebrated Litha, with the planting season just passing and wanting to call in a great harvest. It was essential to appease the solar Gods in some way. They would have hilltop bonfires and dancing. Many people would jump over the bonfires for good luck.
Many cultures have honored Gods and Goddesses of the Sun. These deities can be worshiped during Litha.
Some traditions believe in the battle of light and dark, where the Oak King and Holly King fight for control. During each Solstice, they battle for power and the balance shifts. The Oak King, who represents daylight, rules from the Winter Solstice to Litha. During this time, the day steadily gets longer. During Litha, when the Holly King wins, the days get darker until Yule.
Litha Correspondences:
Key Words: Warmth, Manifestation, Love, Light, Fertility, Unity, Success, Strength
Symbols: Sun, Flowers, Trees, Mushrooms, Honey, Bees
Herbs & Plants: Chamomile, Lavender, St. John’s Wort, Rosemary, Sunflowers, Daisy, Oranges
Colors: Gold, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Pink
Animals: Bees, Cows, Horses, Dragonfly, Songbirds
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How to Celebrate Litha:
For most modern-day Pagans, Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. Fire rituals and barbecues are a common way to celebrate. This holiday celebrates Earth’s abundance and personal power. 
Decorate the House and your altar. Adorn your altar with symbols of the sun, flowers, herbs and items that represent Litha. Some ideas: gold objects or coins, yellow and white flowers, lavender, circular items, symbols of the sun, seasonal flowers, fruits or crops (strawberries, sunflowers), citrus fruits.
Gather loved ones for a Litha feast, abundant with seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs. Having a summer barbecue counts! Savor the flavors of the Earth’s bounty and share in the joy of community. As you dine, express gratitude to the land for the nourishment.
Kindling a bonfire is a time-honored tradition of Litha. Traditionally, people stayed up all night on Midsummer’s Eve to welcome and watch the sunrises. Bonfires were lit on tops of hills and at sacred places to honor the Sun. A bonfire represents the Sun at the peak of its strength. People danced and leaped around them. Coals from the Midsummer fire were scattered on the fields to ensure good harvest. Today, you can gather friends and family to hold a Midsummer Night’s Fire Ritual. Celebrate the season with a big bonfire and form a circle around the dancing flames. As the fire crackles, offer gratitude for the sun’s life-giving energy. Release any burdens of negativity into the fire, allowing the power of flames to cleanse or renew your spirit. In addition, you can write these things down and burn them in the fire to symbolically let go of what is no longer serving you.
If you prefer spending your time alone this Summer Solstice, there are plenty of small ways you can celebrate.
Craft a beautiful flower crown using vibrant blossoms or herbs that correlate to the holiday. Wear it as a symbol of your connection to nature.
Take a stroll through a blooming garden, a lush forest, or a sunkissed meadow. Listen to the melody of a birdsong, breathe in the fresh air, and take in the majesty of nature. Allow yourself to be in the present moment, embracing the interconnectedness of all beings. Gather flowers, herbs, or stones that resonate with you to use in rituals or as decoration.
Meditate about the light and dark forces in the world or in yourself. Find ways that you can bring more lightness into your life and get in touch with the joyful parts of life. Journal, do yoga, practice self-care or take a walk. Stargazing is another way to reflect on yourself.
Focus on your goals and nurture your intentions. You should see results in the harvest season. 
Find a natural body of water such as a river, lake or ocean and immerse yourself in the waters, or at least a part of your body. As you do this, visualize negative energies or emotions being washed away. Offer a prayer of gratitude to the water element for its purifying properties. 
Cast spells of fruition. It’s a great time for spells of success, abundance, love, purification, protection and parenthood.
This celebration beckons us to embrace the power of the sun and revel in the abundance of the summer season. Celebrate life, growth, and the eternal cycle of nature. May the blessings of Litha fill our hearts with warmth and inspiration through the year!
For more detail on this celebration, visit this post!
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thoughtlessarse · 4 months
The drop in fossil fuel generation was driven by wind and solar growth as well as the recovery of hydropower. Fossil fuels provided less than a quarter of the EU’s energy for the first time in April. The good news comes from energy think tank Ember which found that the proportion of electricity generated by fossil fuels in the bloc fell to a record low of 23 per cent last month - a sharp drop of 22 per cent compared to April 2023 despite an increase in demand. It also surpasses the previous record low of 27 per cent from May 2023. Wind and solar growth as well as the recovery of hydropower drove the fall in fossil fuel generation and increased the share of renewables in the electricity mix to a record 54 per cent. Wind and solar alone generated more than a third of the EU’s electricity in April while gas and coal fell. Coal contributed just 8.6 per cent of the energy mix compared to 30 per cent in 2023. Gas provided 12.1 per cent of the EU’s electricity - a 22 per cent decline year-on-year. “The once unthinkable is happening before our eyes,” says Sarah Brown, Ember’s Europe Programme Director. “Fossil fuels are on the way out of Europe’s power sector. Solar and wind have stepped up as the main players, proving they are ready to take on their role as the backbone of the modern clean electricity system.”
continue reading
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rametarin · 3 months
Also. My thoughts on "renewables only."
There are so many people with disgusting ideologies that seem to think renewable energy is a "transformative source" of power. Not just in the sense of electricity, but in whom can own it, and why, and the necessity of it. And, for obvious reasons that it conflicts with their interests, they despise nuclear power.
They despise nuclear power to the tune of calling proponents of it, "tech bros," and imagine it as just an outgrowth of fossil fuels. Yeah, it's them. Those people that think anything that isn't their view must all be patriarchal Nazis, again. These ones have no reason whatsoever to want the ignorance against nuclear power mopped up and fixed in the public image, they deliberately maintain scare tactics and selective allowance of prejudice and ignorance, because it allows them uncontested access to the renewable energy niche.
I myself am a large proponent but inaccurate to say I'm an advocate for renewables such as solar, wind and geothermal. I'm a big believer in them as energy sources, because until the sun explodes and the winds stop blowing, they'll be reliable sources of electricity.
However, I will not accept a future wherein we only clear the way for renewables and do not make room for domestic and privately owned nuclear power plants. That is a recipe for disaster. As France and Germany's contrast has proven, the forced and premature attempt to go to 100% renewables failed so hard, Germany had to go back to its coal mines in order to continue with industry. France maintained its nuclear power.
As a result, France enjoys cleaner air, less carbon, less carcinogenic particles, and cheaper electricity prices.
You damned fools. You ideologically driven fools. Motivated not by practicality and pragmatism and what is wise and reasonable, but by principle. You self-righteous, fucking assholes.
Renewables absolutely, undeniably, certainly have a place in a modern energy grid, as supplements. They cannot handle base load power necessities as easily as a constant and reliable source, like a nuclear power plant. And even if you factor in fatalities from that god damned Soviet embarrassment in Ukraine in the 80s, the nuclear power industry is neck in neck with the safety of renewables, as an industry. That's including all conceivable cancer victims you could attribute to nuclear power.
And this is why I will not stand by and advocate solely for renewables while the people that hate nuclear sandbag it and let it sit neglected and only advocate for "societally transformative" sources of power, that the state can employ. Because they feel energy is too "capitalist." To them, fossil fuels that aren't nationalized represent capitalism. That's why they despise nuclear power.
But I will attest that there's nothing wrong with renewables themselves, it's just I won't advocate for them unless and until nuclear power is destigmatized. It is MORE valid than solar and wind, because nuclear can be tapped at any time, the waste does not last forever, and for the amount of waste we generate, we could power the entire estimated future of the world for centuries.
Once the people that should know better are willing to swallow their pride and acknowledge that their fears are akin to hating industry at all because of the "risks" of catastrophe and what they might entail, then I'll be more willing to advocate for solar, wind and geothermal. Having more nuclear power be common and destigmatized is a GOOD thing, and should be a nonpartisan thing anyone that is concerned about access to electricity and power should care about. More and better power plants to service more areas, be they wealthy or poor, is a good thing. Clean power is a good thing. Distributed power so we have more sources in case one goes down, is a good thing.
You can even bury the nuclear power plants so they exist in subterrainian bunkers, out of sight, out of mind, their own tombs if they go supercritical. Not that modern plants would, given pebblebed reactors and a multitude of other designs meant so tragedy like what happened in Chernobyl never happens again.
For some people, the color green is just inverted red. Shame on you rose symbol swinging losers.
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A full list of what a modern / sci-fi city needs. You can incorporate many elements into your fantasy city as well. Of course you don't need this many things, but sometimes it can help your story if you understand and think about how your world works.
Electricity and energy resources
If your city has electricity, or anything similar to it, it's worth considering where this energy comes from. Is it renewable energy, or not? Is it something else entirely? (Is it magic?) These buildings and facilities are usually located on the outskirt of cities.
Windmill Location: Flat planes, maybe even deserts. Tailor it: break up the structure of a today's windmill: e.g. what if they are way bigger, or people live in it, etc
Nuclear Power Plant Location: Anywhere, in space, under the water, in the sky, inside the terrain. Prompts: What about accidents? Secret labs inside the plant?
Storm Power Plant Location: Almost anywhere, in the sky, in space, on space ships, planes, etc. Further ideas: tornados, harvesting lightning, harvesting the power of the wind with fortified windmills, sun storms in space.
Water related power plants Using the energy of a flowing river,sea waves, or even a vortex.
Burning power plant Burning trash, coal, diesel, gases or your world's fuel. This can be very polluting in your world, which can add up to your worldbuilding: green activist wants this plant closed, people getting sick aournd the plant, etc.
Geaothermal Power Plant Using the planet's heat to generate energy. You can put this anwhere on your ground or under.
Solar Power Plants These need a lot of place. If you are also making a map, be sure to add these on places where they actually get sunlight. (Don't put them on the north side of a mountain.) prompts: what if somebody covers them on purpose?
Health, Life and Death
All health and mental health related facilities (even for pets). Tailor these to your worlds problems, diseases and conditions (e.g. cyberpsychosis in Cyberpunk 2077) You can put these fqacilities, together, or even in a very different location, for example a floating private clinic above the city. You can even use virtual worlds as a twist.
Hospitals and clinics General hospitals, clinics and private ones.
Doctor's office
Ambulance station
Cyberware repair clinic
Drug Rehabilitation Centers
Vets Vets for people's pets, you can even add robot vets, for robot pets.
Nursing Homes Home for the elderly.
Asylums Home for people with serious mental health problems.
Pharmacies Are these private? Are there black market versions? What medicines can you buy here?
Dentist Promp questions: Are there any unique procedures? Do people's teeth are different? What about dentists for different species?
Sanatorium These usually are in the nicest parts of a city in the outskirts. They do have big gardens too. It can be even in space too, or even virtually.
Morgue Story tips: you can include a place like this for investigations or horror elements.
Cemetry Before diving deep into this one, state how your people bury their loved ones. The method the whole cemetry. Here are some burial types from the world:- Leaving the body in nature (or space)- Embalming, and preserving- Leaving in water (or space), or let it sail away on a ship- Burning the body (by fire, or by sunfire), and placing the urns in a sacred place (space, ground, buildings, etc.)- Buring the body under ground
Crematorium Used if your people burn bodies.
Quarantine zone
Misc Essentials
As these are essentials, they can be targets in a conflict. This can help your story further.
Fire station
Water tower (and storage) If it doesn't come from a pshysically higher place.
Server buildings
Transportation and Travel
Transportation can change a lot in a scifi high tech world. I often grab a real concept and put into a different enviroment. Train? Space - Train. Jetski? Sun wave - jetski.When building transportation, think about:- where these vehicles are stored- where you can access the service,- who repairs them and where- where do they go when they are no longer used. These types of transports all have office centers, and they are usually different corporations and companies.If the parking lots or hangars are abonded, it can be a place where homeless people gathered, and live.
Bus stations, depot, stops and repair garages
Spaceship (or airplane) ports, hangars and repair hangars Don't forget to add ports and hangars for military, trading and public transport spaceships.
Metro stations, metro depot
Taxi stations, depot
Ship ports On rivers, sea, ocean, or the sky. (for flying ships but not spaceships.) Don't forget to about military, trading and public transport. These ports can be just platfroms.
Parking lots Multi storey car park.
Rental Renting the vehicles you have in your city, spacehips, cars, ships, etc.
Travel agencies
Fuel stations gas stations for cars, taxies and buses, and fueal stations for spaceships, and ships.Prompts questions: Where are these located? Is there possibility of shortage?
Package receiving point (or drop point)
Warehouses (personal, corporations, cars, etc)
Housing & Homes
Housing is an interesting part of building a city. I advise you to look around in your enviroment, and in the world how people live in different countries. You can always twist these ideas by putting them into a different enviroments (e.g.: shipping containers as living space, in a frosty enviroment, and people use fur to cover the insides for insulation.)
Luxury flats, and houses
Middle class flats, and houses
Lower class flats, and houses
Huge flat blocks (all are the same, available for all classes)
Prebuilt houses (all are the same, available for all classes)
Houses made of different elements You can vary as you want, example: Mass Effect colonies
Shipping containers as homes
Discarded vehicles as homes
Shelters For people, sentient robots, animals, robot animals.
Food and Plants
Questions: Where does food come from in your city? Is it from outside of the city, or does it have some facilities to create food? Where does that food go? How is the food situation in your city? Do people make food at home, or order, or eat prepackaged food?
Grain Processing Plant
Crop fields If you have crops, is there a fungi or incest that is destroying crops? Or an organization?
Fast food restaurant chains
Pastry Factory or any factory that makes food that is in everybody's lives, out of the plant the city has on its crop fields.
Food Packaging Factories
Food Processing Plants
Green houses
Nature reserve
Plant nurseries
Ranches for livestock
Slaughterhouses (or syntethic meat producing facilities)
Brewery What type of alcohol does the people drink? What are they med of? Are there traditions related to them?
Education, Science & Knowledge
What general education system does your city have? What subjects are there? At what age do usually people finish their studies?
Elementary school
High School
Music School
Science center
Research Facility
Entertainment and Services
Entertainment and Services are a big part of every day lives. How much fun people have in this city? How much time do people have? Does this have black and extreme sides? Are there regulations in place? Is there a disctrict just for party time or doe poeple do this all around the city?
Bars and Pubs (eg. Vape Bar)
Skating rink (ice, scifi ice skate, etc)
Arena / Stadium (depends on the setting, and nature of the events held here)
Stripper bar
Dance studio
Beautician Explore every aspect, different species, and cyberware (if you have these in your world)
Amusement park
Fighting rings People, robots, animals, etc. Where is this ring? Are these illegal?
VR café
Bowling alley (or any other alley for this type of entertainment)
Racetracks Animals, robots. How much of are these legal? Are there any bets placed on the racers?
Where do people get their information? Is there internet in your city? What happens when somebody disrupts communication on purpose? Does people/ the government / corporation manipulate the media?
Post office
Media studios TV, Internet, Talk shows, VR, whatever media your cuty uses.
Community centre
Employment agency
Open Spaces
Where people can organize events.
Forum, Square You can include a statue or a monument.
Park (It's scifi or fantasy, you can add floating parks too.)
Skate park (or any other equivalent of extreme sport park in your world, e.g. solar surf park)
Religion & Politics
What religion do people practise? Are there any banned religions? What sacred spacse do they need for that? Are there any districts heavily influenced by one religion? Are their beliefs go against the city council's views? Is religion and politics are connected or not? How do religion and politics influence each other?
Parlament/city council
Mayor's office
Religious spaces Buildings, parks, monuments
The Force and the Law
Military , Police and Law. Do these mix with religion or not?
Military headquarters
Military training centre
Military base
Shooting range (or archer range)
Police Station
Jail & Prison
Military vehicle and gadget repair
Lawyer's office
Market & Financies
What currency does your city use? Are there any undergound currencies? What items and resources can be currencies?
Shop franchises Apparel, jewelry, furnishing, stationery
Broker's office
Armor shop
Cyberware (or body enhancment) shop
Weapon shop
Market (farmer's , junk, flee, vehicles, etc.)
Black Market
Drug Den
Corporate Shops (workers can pay from their own salary)
Building & Production
What do people need? Is there a shortage of certain types of products, or oversaturation and overproduction?
Factory: Electronics devices
Factory: Furniture and cutlery
Factory: Home gadgets
Factory: Weapons
Factory: Military equipments
Factory: Vehicles Cars, spaceships, flying cars.
Mining operation
Construction Site
What types of wastes are produced in your city? Where do they go?
Sewage system Pipes, old pipes that are no longer in use, cisterns. Are there any people living down here?
Junkyard Regular junk, old spaceships, broken cars, broken machines, broken robots. Do people live here or not?
Selective Trash Sorter Facility If your city recycles.
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The world isn’t on track to meet its climate goals — and it’s the public’s fault, a leading oil company CEO told journalists.
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods told editors from Fortune that the world has “waited too long” to begin investing in a broader suite of technologies to slow planetary heating.
That heating is largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and much of the current impacts of that combustion — rising temperatures, extreme weather — were predicted by Exxon scientists almost half a century ago.
The company’s 1970s and 1980s projections were “at least as skillful as, those of independent academic and government models,” according to a 2023 Harvard study.
Since taking over from former CEO Rex Tillerson, Woods has walked a tightrope between acknowledging the critical problem of climate change — as well as the role of fossil fuels in helping drive it — while insisting fossil fuels must also provide the solution.
In comments before last year’s United Nations Climate Conference (COP28), Woods made a forceful case for carbon capture and storage, a technology in which the planet-heating chemicals released by burning fossil fuels are collected and stored underground.
“While renewable energy is essential to help the world achieve net zero, it is not sufficient,” he said. “Wind and solar alone can’t solve emissions in the industrial sectors that are at the heart of a modern society.”
International experts agree with the idea in the broadest strokes.
Carbon capture marks an essential component of the transition to “net zero,” in which no new chemicals like carbon dioxide or methane reach — and heat — the atmosphere, according to a report by International Energy Agency (IEA) last year.
But the remaining question is how much carbon capture will be needed, which depends on the future role of fossil fuels.
While this technology is feasible, it is very expensive — particularly in a paradigm in which new renewables already outcompete fossil fuels on price.
And the fossil fuel industry hasn’t been spending money on developing carbon capture technology, IEA head Fatih Birol wrote last year on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.
To be part of a climate solution, Birol added, the fossil fuel industry must “let go of the illusion that implausibly large amounts of carbon capture are the solution.”
He noted that capturing and storing current fossil fuel emissions would require a thousand-fold leap in annual investment from $4 billion in 2022 to $3.5 trillion.
In his comments Tuesday, Woods argued the “dirty secret” is that customers weren’t willing to pay for the added cost of cleaner fossil fuels.
Referring to carbon capture, Woods said Exxon has “tabled proposals” with governments “to get out there and start down this path using existing technology.”
“People can’t afford it, and governments around the world rightly know that their constituents will have real concerns,” he added. “So we’ve got to find a way to get the cost down to grow the utility of the solution, and make it more available and more affordable, so that you can begin the [clean energy] transition.”
For example, he said Exxon “could, today, make sustainable aviation fuel for the airline business. But the airline companies can’t afford to pay.”
Woods blamed “activists” for trying to exclude the fossil fuel industry from the fight to slow rising temperatures, even though the sector is “the industry that has the most capacity and the highest potential for helping with some of the technologies.”
That is an increasingly controversial argument. Across the world, wind and solar plants with giant attached batteries are outcompeting gas plants, though battery life still needs to be longer to make renewable power truly dispatchable.
Carbon capture is “an answer in search of a question,” Gregory Nemet, a public policy professor at the University of Wisconsin, told The Hill last year.
“If your question is what to do about climate change, your answer is one thing,” he said — likely a massive buildout in solar, wind and batteries.
But for fossil fuel companies asking “‘What is the role for natural gas in a carbon-constrained world?’ — well, maybe carbon capture has to be part of your answer.”
In the background of Woods’s comments about customers’ unwillingness to pay for cleaner fossil fuels is a bigger debate over price in general.
This spring, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will release its finalized rule on companies’ climate disclosures.
That much-anticipated rule will weigh in on the key question of whose responsibility it is to account for emissions — the customer who burns them (Scope II), or the fossil fuel company that produces them (Scope III).
Exxon has long argued for Scope II, based on the idea that it provides a product and is not responsible for how customers use it.
Last week, Reuters reported that the SEC would likely drop Scope III, a positive development for the companies.
Woods argued last year that SEC Scope III rules would cause Exxon to produce less fossil fuels — which he said would perversely raise global emissions, as its products were replaced by dirtier production elsewhere.
This broad idea — that fossil fuels use can only be cleaned up on the “demand side” — is one some economists dispute.
For the U.S. to decarbonize in an orderly fashion, “restrictive supply-side policies that curtail fossil fuel extraction and support workers and communities must play a role,” Rutgers University economists Mark Paul and Lina Moe wrote last year.
Without concrete moves to plan for a reduction in the fossil fuel supply, “the end of fossil fuels will be a chaotic collapse where workers, communities, and the environment suffer,” they added.
But Woods’s comments Tuesday doubled down on the claim that the energy transition will succeed only when end-users pay the price.
“People who are generating the emissions need to be aware of [it] and pay the price,” Woods said. “That’s ultimately how you solve the problem.”
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A research effort led by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has made advances that could enable a broader range of currently unimagined optoelectronic devices. The researchers, whose previous innovation included incorporating a perovskite layer that allowed the creation of a new type of polarized light-emitting diode (LED) that emits spin-controlled photons at room temperature without the use of magnetic fields or ferromagnetic contacts, now have gone a step further by integrating a III-V semiconductor optoelectronic structure with a chiral halide perovskite semiconductor. That is, they transformed an existing commercialized LED into one that also controls the spin of electrons. The results provide a pathway toward transforming modern optoelectronics, a field that relies on the control of light and encompasses LEDs, solar cells, and telecommunications lasers, among other devices.
Read more.
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mybeingthere · 2 months
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A great woodcut by Hungarian artist
István Csákány: Erecting (2008) in Ludwig Museum I have recently visited in Budapest.
The note in the museum:
"István Csákány found himself in the role of “worker” several times both during his years attending art school and afterwards. In order to make a living, he did manual labor at construction sites and renovations. This proved useful later, because knowing hands-on techniques was integral to creating some of his later work (e.g. oversized installation pieces), but it also proved meaningful in the sense that the experience gave him a sort of theoretical foundation to think about the current state of the working class and the worker, and to reflect on monuments erected in the past to commemorate the worker and their reading in a contemporary context. Csákány erected a public sculpture titled Monument to a Monument in 2008 in Žilina, Slovakia. The “base” of the statue is a gigantic, out-of-service lamp post that had been originally installed in the 1980s to illuminate an oversized intersection. The artist modeled the statue after himself, and commissioned a crane to hoist his slightly larger-than-life-sized likeness made of colored synthetic resin to the top of the lamp post. Dressed in workwear and wearing utility gloves, the figure holds a functioning solar panel above his head, and the renewable energy collected during the day is then used to illuminate the statue situated 20 meters above ground during dark hours. The woodcut was created based on a photograph documenting the installation process, and it captures the moment when the “real” workers grab the statue to make it stand on its feet. The background is a typical panorama of the outskirts of a Eastern European city: apartment blocks, overpasses, traffic signs – symbols of modernization and urbanization that have by now lost their sheen, which are themselves in some way monuments to the past regime. K.Sz."
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esconpanache · 3 months
Elevating Lifestyle Standards: Escon Panache’s Commitment to Sustainable Living and Safety & Security
At Escon Panache, we believe that true luxury extends beyond exquisite design and prime locations. It encompasses a commitment to sustainable living and ensuring the utmost safety and security for our residents. Here’s how Escon Panache Villas excels in these crucial areas, offering a harmonious blend of eco-friendly practices and cutting-edge security measures.
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Sustainable Living: A Greener Tomorrow
Escon Panache is dedicated to fostering a sustainable lifestyle, integrating eco-friendly practices and technologies that not only benefit our residents but also contribute to the well-being of our planet.
Energy Efficiency
Our commitment to sustainability starts with energy efficiency. Escon Panache incorporates advanced energy-saving technologies, including LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and high-performance windows. These features significantly reduce energy consumption, lowering your carbon footprint and utility bills.
Renewable Energy Sources
Harnessing the power of renewable energy is at the core of Escon Panache’s sustainability initiatives. Our buildings are equipped with solar panels that generate clean, renewable energy, reducing dependence on non-renewable resources and promoting a greener environment.
Water Conservation
Water is a precious resource, and Escon Panache employs innovative water conservation techniques. Our properties feature rainwater harvesting systems, low-flow fixtures, and efficient irrigation systems that minimize water usage while maintaining lush, green landscapes.
Eco-Friendly Materials
The construction of Escon Panache utilizes sustainable building materials that are both durable and environmentally friendly. From recycled steel to sustainably sourced timber, every material is chosen to reduce environmental impact while ensuring the highest quality and longevity.
Green Spaces and Biodiversity
Escon Panache is designed with ample green spaces that enhance biodiversity and provide residents with a natural retreat. Our meticulously landscaped gardens, green roofs, and tree-lined pathways offer a serene environment, promoting physical and mental well-being.
Waste Management
Effective waste management is essential for a sustainable community. Escon Panache implements comprehensive recycling programs, composting systems, and waste segregation practices that minimize landfill contributions and encourage responsible waste disposal.
Safety and Security: Peace of Mind
At Escon Panache, the safety and security of our residents are paramount. We employ state-of-the-art technologies and robust security measures to ensure a secure living environment.
24/7 Surveillance
Our properties are equipped with advanced 24/7 surveillance systems, including high-definition CCTV cameras strategically placed throughout the premises. These systems are monitored by trained security personnel, ensuring constant vigilance and quick response to any incidents.
Controlled Access
Escon Panache prioritizes controlled access to enhance security. Our gated communities feature secure entry points with biometric or keycard access systems, ensuring that only authorized residents and guests can enter the premises.
Professional Security Personnel
Trained security personnel are present round-the-clock to maintain a safe environment. Our security team is equipped to handle emergencies and provide assistance to residents, offering peace of mind at all times.
Fire Safety Measures
Fire safety is a critical aspect of our security strategy. Escon Panache is equipped with modern fire detection and suppression systems, including smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems, ensuring prompt response and minimizing risk in case of a fire.
Emergency Preparedness
Escon Panache has comprehensive emergency preparedness plans in place. Regular drills and training sessions are conducted to ensure that residents and staff are well-prepared to handle emergencies efficiently and effectively.
Secure Parking Facilities
Our secure parking facilities are designed to protect your vehicles. Equipped with surveillance cameras and controlled access, our parking areas provide a safe environment for residents’ vehicles, preventing unauthorized access and theft.
Experience the Escon Panache Difference
Escon Panache Villas are more than just a residence; it’s a commitment to a better lifestyle. Our focus on sustainable living and unwavering dedication to safety and security create an environment where residents can thrive with peace of mind. Discover the Escon Panache difference, where luxury living meets responsible practices and top-tier security in its 4 BHK Villas in Greater Noida.
Visit Escon Panache today and embrace a lifestyle that’s safe, secure, and sustainable. Your future awaits.
Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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ajisaienergy · 10 months
Solar Surpasses Wind: A Bright Turn in Australia's Energy Landscape
Australia, known for its vast landscapes and scorching sun, has witnessed a remarkable shift in its energy dynamics. The sun, once merely a source of light and warmth, has now outshone its breezy counterpart, wind, in the realm of power generation. Let's embark on a journey through this solar evolution, exploring how it has surpassed wind energy and illuminated a sustainable future for Australia.
Our green energy initiatives are not tied down to merely harnessing solar or wind power but in sparking human consciousness towards greener alternatives. With ground-breaking advancements in battery technology and grid-level energy storage solutions, we aim to make renewable power an everyday reality. A quest that fuels our untiring commitment at AJISAI Energy & Tion Renewables - shattering boundaries and lighting up lives with emanated rays from nature's own resources.
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The Rise of Solar Energy
Solar energy, once a niche player in Australia's power game, has risen to prominence, capturing the imagination of households and industries alike. The abundant sunlight across the continent has made solar panels a common sight, adorning rooftops and open fields.
Winds of Change: Australia's Wind Power Era
Wind power had its heyday, with towering turbines spinning gracefully across the Australian landscape. However, recent times have witnessed a shift, as solar energy takes the lead in the renewable energy race.
Solar's Surpassing Efficiency
In the quest for efficiency, solar panels have become more adept at converting sunlight into electricity. The efficiency of solar technology has surpassed that of wind, making it a more reliable and viable source of power.
Harnessing the Sun: Solar Technology Unveiled
The technology behind solar energy has evolved significantly, with innovations like photovoltaic cells and concentrated solar power systems. These advancements have propelled solar energy to the forefront of the renewable energy revolution.
Wind Energy Challenges and Limitations
Despite its grace, wind energy faces challenges such as intermittency and geographical limitations. Solar, with its consistent exposure to sunlight, has overcome these hurdles, making it a more dependable energy source.
Environmental Impact: Solar vs. Wind
In the battle for environmental friendliness, solar emerges as a cleaner option. The manufacturing and maintenance of solar panels have a lower environmental footprint compared to the massive structures and manufacturing processes associated with wind turbines.
The Economic Aspect: Solar's Cost Efficacy
As technology advances, the cost of solar panels has steadily declined, making solar energy more economically viable. This cost efficiency has played a pivotal role in its widespread adoption across Australia.
Government Initiatives Driving Solar Growth
Government initiatives and policies promoting clean energy have bolstered the solar industry. Incentives, subsidies, and supportive regulations have paved the way for a solar-powered future.
Community Adoption: Solar Panels on the Rise
Communities are embracing solar energy, not just as a means to cut down on electricity bills but as a collective effort towards sustainability. Rooftops adorned with solar panels signify a community-driven commitment to a greener future.
Future Trends: What Lies Beyond for Solar
The future holds exciting prospects for solar energy. Advancements in energy storage technology, grid integration, and innovations in solar panel efficiency promise an even brighter tomorrow.
Read more: 10 Benefits of Wind Power Renewable Energy in Australia
Addressing Concerns: FAQs on Solar Dominance
FAQ 1: How did solar surpass wind in Australia?
Solar's ascendancy in Australia can be attributed to advancements in technology, consistent sunlight availability, and government support. The efficiency of solar panels and their decreasing costs have made them a preferred choice for both individuals and industries.
FAQ 2: Is wind power still relevant?
While wind power remains relevant, the spotlight has shifted towards solar due to its increased efficiency, lower environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness.
FAQ 3: What are the environmental benefits of solar?
Solar energy is environmentally friendly, producing no emissions during operation. The manufacturing and maintenance processes, though not entirely without impact, are generally considered less harmful than those associated with wind energy.
FAQ 4: How does the government support solar energy?
Governments support solar energy through incentives, subsidies, and favorable regulations. These measures encourage individuals and businesses to invest in solar technologies, fostering a sustainable energy landscape.
FAQ 5: Can individuals contribute to the solar revolution?
Absolutely! Individuals can contribute by installing solar panels on their rooftops, reducing their carbon footprint, and advocating for sustainable practices. Small actions collectively lead to significant positive impacts on the environment.
In conclusion, the sun has risen not just in the sky but also in Australia's energy hierarchy, overshadowing wind power with its efficiency, economic viability, and environmental benefits. As solar panels dot the landscape, they symbolize not just a shift in energy sources but a commitment to a cleaner, brighter future for Australia. Embracing solar energy is not just a trend; it's a step towards a sustainable tomorrow.
Follow more: AJISAI Energy & Tion Renewables au.enrollbusiness callupcontact wordofmouth pininthemap zumvu
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Sun Day
Embracing warmth and radiance, basking in the vibrant glow that uplifts spirits and infuses joy into everyday moments.
Sun Day, formally known as International Sun Day, is a unique celebration that honors the Sun. This day emphasizes the importance of solar energy and appreciates the Sun’s contributions to life on Earth. It is a day that allows you to grasp the Sun’s potential and invest in the planet’s sustainability.
People have been fascinated with the sun and its effect on the Earth since ancient days. It has been seen as a symbol of energy, light, and life. Without it, Earth would be a lifeless rock floating in space. In modern times, we see it as a source of clean, renewable energy.
Sun Day is not just a celebration but also a call to action, a reminder to the world of solar power’s potential for a sustainable future.
History of Sun Day
As a formal event, the Sun Day can be traced back to the late 20th century. Its origins refer to the growing environmental movement and the search for alternative energy sources.
The United States celebrated the first official Sun Day on May 3, 1978, after the U.S. Congress designated the date to promote solar power following a joint resolution passed in 1977.
President Jimmy Carter, whose administration was marked by a strong push for renewable energy, supported the initiative, which resonated with the energy crisis of the time.
Since its establishment, this day has seen widespread activities across the U.S., with events highlighting the potential of solar energy and its benefits.
Educational institutions, governmental bodies, and environmental groups have engaged in discussions, demonstrations, and exhibitions to spread awareness.
Although not recognized as an official annual holiday, Sun Day has been celebrated by enthusiasts and environmentalists who continue to advocate for solar energy.
How to Celebrate Sun Day
Celebrating Sun Day can take many forms, from educational activities to a personal commitment to sustainable practices. Here are some ways to honor this day:
Educational Workshops and Seminars: One of the best ways to celebrate Sun Day is by spreading knowledge. Schools and communities can organize workshops and seminars on the benefits of solar energy, how it works, and its impact on reducing carbon footprints. Experts in the field can be invited to give talks that inspire people to consider solar solutions for their energy needs.
Solar-Powered Events: Events that run on solar power are a direct way to demonstrate the capability of this renewable energy source. Whether it’s a concert, a local fair, or a community gathering, using solar panels to power the event can be a powerful statement.
Switch to Solar: Sun Day might be the perfect time for individuals considering solar panels for their homes or businesses. This commitment can result in long-term savings on energy bills and less reliance on fossil fuels.
Advocacy and Community Initiatives: Take a stand to support solar energy development. Joining or starting local initiatives that aim to install solar power in public spaces or provide solar-powered solutions to those in need are perfect ways to celebrate the day and contribute to the community.
Personal Practices: On a more personal level, taking the time to enjoy the Sun responsibly is a way to connect with the essence of Sun Day. This could be as simple as sunbathing, planting a solar garden with sun-loving plants, or cooking with a solar oven.
Artistic Expression: Artists can use Sun Day to create and showcase works that feature the Sun or are created with the help of solar energy. This could include solar light installations, photography that captures the beauty of the Sun, or music inspired by solar themes.
Sun Day is a moment to reflect on our relationship with the Sun and to embrace the possibilities of solar energy. It’s a day to educate, inspire, and take real steps toward a future where clean energy is not the alternative but the standard.
By participating in Sun Day activities or simply taking a moment to appreciate the warmth and light the Sun provides, we can all appreciate its vital role in our lives.
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coven-of-genesis · 11 months
Solar crosses
The spiritual meaning of a solar cross can vary depending on the belief system or culture in which it is interpreted.
In many ancient cultures, the solar cross with a circle represented the union of opposites, such as heaven and earth, or masculine and feminine energies. It could symbolize life, light, and the cyclical nature of existence, often associated with rebirth and renewal.
In some modern spiritual practices, the solar cross may be seen as a symbol of balance, unity, and harmony within oneself or in the broader universe. It can be interpreted as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the potential for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
It's important to note that interpretations of symbols like the solar cross can vary widely depending on personal beliefs and cultural context.
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