#Solar And Wind Energy
jjinno · 15 days
Transforming Projects with Advanced Engineering Design and Consulting Services
In the realm of engineering and construction, detailed and precise design is critical for success. At JJ Innovative, based in Pune, Maharashtra, we provide top-tier engineering design and consulting services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients across India. Our comprehensive approach integrates civil and structural engineering, MEP consulting, and advanced 3D modeling services to deliver exceptional results.
Detailed Engineering: Precision and Accuracy
Detailed engineering is an essential phase in the engineering design process. It involves creating thorough and precise designs that guide the construction and implementation of projects. At JJ Innovative, we excel in detailed engineering, offering services that encompass every aspect of your project. Our detailed engineering solutions ensure that all components of your project are meticulously planned and executed.
Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and deliver designs that adhere to industry standards. We provide detailed engineering services for various sectors, including commercial, residential, and industrial projects. Our focus on accuracy and precision helps minimize errors and optimize project outcomes.
MEP Consultants: Comprehensive Building Systems Design
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) systems are crucial for the functionality and efficiency of any building. As leading MEP consultants in Pune, JJ Innovative offers specialized services to design and integrate these systems seamlessly into your projects. Our MEP consultancy services cover a wide range of applications, from residential buildings to large-scale industrial facilities.
We provide comprehensive MEP design solutions, including HVAC systems, electrical layouts, and plumbing installations. Our team ensures that all MEP systems are designed to meet regulatory requirements and operate efficiently. By incorporating modern technologies and sustainable practices, we help clients achieve energy efficiency and cost savings.
Civil and Structural Engineering: Building Strong Foundations
Civil and structural engineering is the backbone of any construction project. At JJ Innovative, we offer expert civil and structural engineering services to ensure that your projects are built on a solid foundation. Our team of civil and structural engineers provides comprehensive design and consulting services that address all aspects of structural integrity and safety.
We work on a variety of projects, including residential buildings, commercial spaces, and infrastructure developments. Our civil and structural engineering services include site analysis, structural design, and construction supervision. By leveraging advanced engineering techniques and technologies, we deliver robust and reliable solutions that stand the test of time.
3D Design and Modeling Services: Bringing Ideas to Life
3D design and modeling have revolutionized the way projects are visualized and executed. JJ Innovative offers state-of-the-art 3D design services that bring your concepts to life with unparalleled clarity and detail. Our 3D modeling services are essential for accurate planning, design verification, and stakeholder communication.
Our team uses advanced 3D modeling software to create detailed and realistic representations of your projects. Whether you need 3D models for architectural design, civil engineering, or plant design, we provide solutions that enhance project planning and execution. Our 3D design services also facilitate better decision-making and reduce the risk of design errors.
Plant Design Engineering Services: Optimizing Industrial Facilities
Plant design engineering is critical for the successful operation of industrial facilities. At JJ Innovative, we offer specialized plant design engineering services that cater to various industries, including chemical plants and manufacturing facilities. Our plant design solutions encompass detailed engineering, 3D modeling, and system integration.
We provide comprehensive plant design services, including layout planning, equipment selection, and process optimization. Our team ensures that all plant design aspects are aligned with industry standards and client requirements. By incorporating innovative technologies and sustainable practices, we help clients achieve efficient and cost-effective plant operations.
Solar and Wind Energy Solutions: Embracing Sustainable Practices
Sustainable energy solutions are becoming increasingly important in today’s world. JJ Innovative is at the forefront of providing solar and wind energy solutions that promote green power and environmental sustainability. Our team of experts offers consulting and design services for integrating renewable energy sources into your projects.
We provide comprehensive solar and wind energy solutions, including system design, installation, and maintenance. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients. By leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, we help clients harness the power of renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint.
JJ Innovative is your go-to partner for advanced engineering design and consulting services in Pune, Maharashtra, and across India. With expertise in detailed engineering, MEP consulting, civil and structural engineering, 3D modeling, and plant design, we deliver exceptional results for a wide range of projects. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your project goals.
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kpsolargroup · 22 days
Solar and wind energy are no longer the future of energy; they are the present. As the costs of traditional electricity rise and the environmental impact of fossil fuels becomes ever more evident, South Indian industries are turning to renewable energy sources to power their operations.
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hnointernational · 1 month
Green Hydrogen with Solar and Wind Farms
Hydrogen, produced using renewable energy sources, is a crucial component in the transition to clean energy infrastructure and a sustainable reality.
Project Details
This project explores the implementation of the Scalable Hydrogen Energy Platform (SHEP) and the Compact Hydrogen Refueling Station (CHRS) powered by solar and/or wind energy. The developer aims to take advantage of renewable energy generated at low costs to produce, store, and dispense fuel cell grade green hydrogen.
The proposed facility is located in a region with abundant sun and/or wind, ensuring high renewable energy generation.
While our scalable hydrogen production platform is a fraction of the size of traditional hydrogen facilities, additional acreage is needed to support 1.5MW of solar and wind energy.
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An end to the climate emergency is in our grasp
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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The problem with good news in the real world is that it's messy. Neat happy endings are for novels, not the real world, and that goes double for the climate emergency. But even though good climate news is complicated and nuanced, that doesn't mean it shouldn't buoy our spirits and fill our hearts with hope.
The big climate news this past week is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's clarion call about surging CO2 levels – the highest ever – amid a year that is on track to have the largest and most extreme series of weather events in human history:
This is genuinely alarming and you – like me – have probably experienced it as a kind of increase in your background radiation of climate anxiety. Perhaps you – like me – even experienced some acute, sit-bolt-upright-in-bed-at-2AM anxiety as a result. That's totally justifiable. This is very real, very bad news.
And yet…
The news isn't all bad, and even this terrible dispatch from the NOAA is best understood in context, which Bill McKibben provides in his latest newsletter post, "What You Want is an S Curve":
Financier and their critics should all be familiar with Stein's Law: "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop." This is true outside of finance as well. One of the reasons that we're seeing such autophagic panic from the tech companies is that their period of explosive growth is at an end.
For years, they told themselves that they were experiencing double-digit annual growth because they were "creating value" and "innovating" but the majority of their growth was just a side-effect of the growth of the internet itself. When hundreds of millions of people get online every year, the dominant online services will, on average, gain hundreds of millions of new users.
But when you run out of people who don't have internet access, your growth is going to slow. How can it not? Indeed, at that point, the only ways to grow are to either poach users from your rivals (through the very expensive tactics of massive advertising and sales-support investments, on top of discounts and freebies as switching enticements), or to squeeze your own users for more.
That's why the number of laptops sold in America slowed down. It's why the number of cellphones sold in America slowed down. It's why the number of "smart home" gizmos slowed down.
Even the steepest hockey-stick-shaped exponential growth curve eventually levels off and becomes an S-curve, because anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop.
One way or another, the world's carbon emissions will eventually level off. Even if we drive ourselves to (or over) the brink of extinction and set up the conditions for wildfires that release all the carbon stored in all the Earth's plants, the amount of carbon we pump into the atmosphere has to level off.
Rendering the Earth incapable of sustaining human civilization (or life) is the ultimate carbon reduction method – but it's not my first choice.
That's where McKibben's latest newsletter comes in. He cites a new report from the Rocky Mountain Institute, which shows a major reversal in our energy sources, a shift that will see our energy primarily provided by renewables, with minimal dependence on fossil fuels:
The RMI team says that in this year or next, we'll have hit peak demand for fossil fuels (a fact that is consistent with NOAA's finding that we're emitting more CO2 than ever). The reason for this is that so much renewable energy is about to come online, and it is so goddamned cheap, that we are about to undergo a huge shift in our energy consumption patterns.
This past decade saw a 12-fold increase in solar capacity, a 180-fold increase in battery storage, and a 100-fold increase in EV sales. China is leading the world in a cleantech transition, with the EU in close second. Cleantech is surging in places where energy demand is also still growing, like India and Vietnam. Fossil fuel use has already peaked in Thailand, South Africa and every country in Latin America.
We're on the verge of solar constituting an absolute majority of all the world's energy generation. This year, batteries will overtake pumped hydro for energy storage. Every cleantech metric is growing the way that fossil fuels did in previous centuries: investment, patents, energy density, wind turbine rotor size. The price of solar is on track to halve (again) in the next decade.
In short, cleantech growth looks like the growth of other technologies that were once rarities and then became ubiquitous overnight: TV, cellphones, etc. That growth isn't merely being driven by the urgency of the climate emergency: it's primarily a factor of how fucking great cleantech is:
Fossil fuels suck. It's not just that they wreck the planet, or that their extraction is both politically and environmentally disastrous. They just aren't a good way to make energy. About a third of fossil fuel energy is wasted in production and transportation. A third! Another third is wasted turning fossil fuels into energy. Two thirds! The net energy efficiency of fossil fuels is about 37%.
Compare that with cleantech. EVs convert electricity to movement with 80-90% efficiency. Heat pumps are 300% efficient (the main fuel for your heat pump is the heat in the atmosphere, not the electricity it draws).
Cleantech is just getting started – it's still in the hockey-stick phase. That means those efficiency numbers are only going up. Rivian just figured out how to remove 1.6 miles of copper wire from each vehicle. That's just one rev – there's doubtless lots of room for more redesigns that will further dematerialize EVs:
As McKibben points out, there's been a lot of justifiable concern that electrification will eventually use up all our available copper, but copper demand has remained flat even as electrification has soared – and this is why. We keep figuring out new ways to electrify with fewer materials:
This is exactly what happened with previous iterations of tech. The material, energy and labor budgets of cars, buildings, furniture, etc all fell precipitously every time there was a new technique for manufacturing them. Renewables are at the start of that process. There's going to be a lot of this dematerialization in cleantech. Calculating the bill of materials for a planetary energy transition isn't a matter of multiplying the materials in current tech by the amount of new systems we'll need – as we create those new systems, we will constantly whittle down their materials.
What's more, global instability drives cleantech uptake. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused a surge in European renewables. The story that energy prices are rising due to renewables (or carbon taxes) is a total lie. Fossil fuels are getting much more expensive, thanks to both war and rampant, illegal price-fixing:
If not for renewables, the incredible energy shocks of the recent years would be far more severe.
The renewables story is very good and it should bring you some comfort. But as McKibben points out, it's still not enough – yet. The examples of rapid tech uptake had big business on their side. America's living rooms filled with TV because America's largest businesses pulled out all the stops to convince everyone to buy a TV. By contrast, today's largest businesses – banks, oil companies and car companies – are working around the clock to stop cleantech adoption.
We're on track to double our use of renewables before the decade is over. But to hold to the (already recklessly high) targets from the Paris Accord, we need to triple our renewables usage. As McKibben says, the difference between doubling and tripling our renewables by 2030 is the difference between "survivable trouble" and something much scarier.
The US is experiencing a welcome surge in utility scale solar, but residential solar is stalling out as governments withdraw subsidies or even begin policies that actively restrict rooftop solar:
McKibben says the difference between where we are now and bringing back the push for home solar generation is the difference between "fast" and "faster" – that is the difference between tripling renewables by 2030 (survivable) and doubling (eek).
Capitalism stans who argue that we can survive the climate emergency with market tools will point to the good news on renewable and say that the market is the only way to transition to renewables. It's true that market forces are partly responsible for this fast transition. But the market is also the barrier to a faster (and thus survivable) transition. The oil companies, the banks who are so invested in fossil fuels, the petrostates who distort the world's politics – they're why we're not much farther along.
The climate emergency was never going to be neatly solved. We weren't going to get a neat novelistic climax that saw our problems sorted out in a single fell swoop. We're going to be fighting all the way to net zero, and after that, we'll still have decades of climate debt to pay down: fires, floods, habitat loss, zoonotic plagues, refugee crises.
But we should take our wins. Even if we're far from where we need to be on renewables, we're much farther along on renewables than we had any business hoping for, just a few years ago. The momentum is on our side. It's up to us to use that momentum and grow it. We're riding the hockey-stick, they're on that long, flat, static top of the S-curve. Their curve is leveling off and will start falling, ours will grow like crazy for the rest of our lives.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
hey, how do you cope with people saying we only have a small amount of time left to stop the worst effects of climate change? no matter how hopeful and ok i am, that always sends me back into a spiral :(
A few different ways
1. The biggest one is that I do math. Because renewable energy is growing exponentially
Up until basically 2021 to now, all of the climate change models were based on the idea that our ability to handle climate change will grow linearly. But that's wrong: it's growing exponentially, most of all in the green energy sector. And we're finally starting to see proof of this - and that it's going to keep going.
And many types of climate change mitigation serve as multipliers for other types. Like building a big combo in a video game.
Change has been rapidly accelerating and I genuinely believe that it's going to happen much faster than anyone is currently predicting
2. A lot of the most exciting and groundbreaking things happening around climate change are happening in developing nations, so they're not on most people's radars.
But they will expand, as developing nations are widely undergoing a massive boom in infrastructure, development, and quality of life - and as they collaborate and communicate with each other in doing so
3. Every country, state, city, province, town, nonprofit, community, and movement is basically its own test case
We're going to figure out the best ways to handle things in a remarkably quick amount of time, because everyone is trying out solutions at once. Instead of doing 100 different studies on solutions in order, we get try out 100 (more like 10,000) different versions of different solutions simultaneously, and then figure out which ones worked best and why. The spread of solutions becomes infinitely faster, especially as more and more of the world gets access to the internet and other key infrastructure
4. There's a very real chance that many of the impacts of climate change will be reversible
Yeah, you read that right.
Will it take a while? Yes. But we're mostly talking a few decades to a few centuries, which is NOTHING in geological history terms.
We have more proof than ever of just how resilient nature is. Major rivers are being restored from dried up or dead to thriving ecosystems in under a decade. Life bounces back so fast when we let it.
I know there's a lot of skepticism about carbon capture and carbon removal. That's reasonable, some of those projects are definitely bs (mostly the ones run by gas companies, involving carbon credits, and/or trying to pump CO2 thousands of feet underground)
But there's very real potential for carbon removal through restoring ecosystems and regenerative agriculture
The research into carbon removal has also just exploded in the past three years, so there are almost certainly more and better technologies to come
There's also some promising developments in industrial carbon removal, especially this process of harvesting atmospheric CO2 and other air pollution to make baking soda and other industrially useful chemicals
As we take carbon out of the air in larger amounts, less heat will be trapped in the atmosphere
If less heat is trapped in the atmosphere, then the planet will start to cool down
If the planet starts to cool down, a lot of things will stabilize again. And they'll probably start to stabilize pretty quickly
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hope-for-the-planet · 5 months
Previous similar drops in emissions were due to periods of economic stagnation or recession--this is the first significant drop in emissions that has coincided with GDP growth.
The majority of this decline is due to changes in energy use and generation. Coal demand has dropped nearly to 1900s levels, while use of renewables grows significantly--for the first time renewables accounted for half of the energy generated in "advanced economies" included in this analysis.
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altiliumsposts · 2 years
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operaenergy · 2 years
Is Wind energy a source of renewable energy - Solar and Wind Energy Companies in Gujarat
As a renewable energy source, the wind is clean, free, and readily available. Around the world, wind turbines capture the power of the wind and convert it into electricity. As we power our world in a cleaner, more sustainable manner, wind power generation plays an increasingly important role.
  How does wind energy get created? Wind turbines harness the power of the wind and convert it into energy. Turbine blades spin clockwise when the wind blows, capturing energy. The main shaft of the wind turbine, connected to a gearbox inside the nacelle, is then triggered to spin. Wind energy is converted into electricity by the gearbox, which sends it to the generator. After traveling to a transformer, the electricity is adjusted to match the grid's voltage levels.
Advantages of Wind Power
  ●     Wind power creates good-paying jobs.
The report titled 'Capturing Green Recovery Opportunities from Wind Power in Developing Economies' claims the country could save 229 million metric tons of CO2 over the life of a wind farm, around 25 years.
●     Wind power is a domestic resource that enables U.S. economic growth.
In 2021, wind turbines operating in all 50 states generated more than 9% of the net total of the country’s energy. That same year, investments in new wind projects added $20 billion to the U.S. economy.
●     Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source.
The wind turbine uses mechanical power to spin a generator and produce electricity. The wind is not only an abundant and inexhaustible resource, but it also generates electricity without burning fuel and polluting the air. The wind continues to be the largest source of renewable energy in the United States, helping us to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Combined with other atmospheric emissions, wind energy helps prevent 329 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year - equivalent to 71 million cars worth of emissions.
●     Wind power benefits local communities.
State and local tax payments and land-lease payments from wind projects amount to $1.9 billion per year. By developing wind energy, communities can reduce their tax burden on homeowners, fund school budgets, and address local infrastructure needs.
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●     Wind power is cost-effective.
The land-based, utility-scale wind turbine is one of the least expensive sources of energy available today. As wind energy's science and technology advance, its cost competitiveness continues to improve.
●     Wind turbines work in different settings.
Wind energy generation fits well in agricultural and multi-use working landscapes. High-quality wind resources can often be found in rural and remote areas, such as farms and ranches or coastal and island communities.
Challenges of Wind Power
●     Wind power must compete with other low-cost energy sources.
Compared to gas, geothermal, coal, and nuclear power plants, wind and solar projects are now more economically competitive.
In places with insufficient wind, wind projects may not be cost-competitive. Costs can be further reduced with the help of next-generation technology, manufacturing improvements, and a better understanding of wind plant physics.
●     Ideal wind sites are often in remote locations.
To bring electricity from wind farms to urban areas, where it is needed, installation challenges must be overcome. Connecting areas with abundant wind resources to population centers would significantly reduce the cost of expanding land-based wind energy. Furthermore, offshore wind energy transmission and grid interconnection capabilities are improving.
●     Turbines produce noise and alter visual aesthetics.
In contrast to conventional power plants, wind farms have different environmental impacts, but there are similar concerns over both the noise produced by the turbine blades and the visual impact on the landscape contrast to conventional power plants, wind farms have different environmental impacts, but there are similar concerns over both the noise produced by the turbine blades and the visual impact on the landscape.
●     Wind plants can impact local wildlife.
Wind projects rank lower than other energy developments in terms of wildlife impacts, but research is still needed to minimize wind-wildlife interactions. Technology advancements, proper siting of wind plants, and ongoing environmental research are all working to reduce the impact of wind turbines on wildlife.
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thegoodmorningman · 1 month
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There's a path you take and a path untaken. The choice is up to you my friend.
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macleod · 10 months
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One recent autumn afternoon, I watched the Atlantic gusts collide with the cliffs that rise above Nazaré, Portugal. Rain pelted down, and the world-renowned swells rose into walls of water that even the most death-defying surfers reach only via Jet Ski. For me, this looked like a rained-out, late-season beach getaway, but for the sliver of Iberia that is Portugal, it looked like a bright future. That weekend, the nation of 10 million ran on nothing but wind, solar and hydropower. 
As it turned out, those rainy, blustery days were just a warmup. Portugal produced more than enough renewable power to serve all its customers for six straight days, from October 31 to November 6.
[Source: Canary Media, November 13ᵗʰ, 2023]
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gwydionmisha · 29 days
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Dandelion News - September 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Pair of rare Amur tiger cubs debuting at Minnesota Zoo are raising hopes for the endangered species
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“[The Minnesota Zoo’s] Amur tigers have produced 57 cubs, [… 21 of which] have gone on to produce litters of their own, amounting to another 86 cubs. […] “They’re showing a lot of resiliency, which is something that we work hard for in human care. We want these animals to have a lot of confidence and be able to adapt to new environments just as they’re doing today.””
2. Powered by renewable energy, microbes turn CO₂ into protein and vitamins
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“The team designed a two-stage bioreactor system that produces yeast rich in protein and vitamin B9. [… The protein] levels in their yeast exceed those of beef, pork, fish, and lentils. […] Running on clean energy and CO2, the system reduces carbon emissions in food production. It uncouples land use from farming, freeing up space for conservation[… and] will help farmers concentrate on producing vegetables and crops sustainably.”
3. JCPenney Launches Apparel Collection Aimed At Wheelchair Users
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“A major department store is rolling out a new line of clothing specifically tailored to meet the needs of women who use wheelchairs featuring options for both everyday wear and special occasions. [… The clothing have] modifications like zippers located for easy access, pocket positioning and extended back rises optimized for the seated position and shorter sleeves to limit interference with wheels.”
4. Snails bred in Edinburgh Zoo sent to re-populate species in French Polynesia
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“Thousands of rare partula snails bred at Edinburgh Zoo are to be released in French Polynesia to restore the wild population of the species.The last surviving few of the species were rescued in the early 1990s[….] 15 species and sub-species [are being bred in zoos for repopulation], the majority of which are classed as extinct in the wild.”
5. [NH Joins 19 Other States] to Provide Essential Behavioral Health Services Through Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams
“[CMS] approved New Hampshire’s Medicaid State Plan Amendment for community-based mobile crisis intervention teams to provide services for people experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. […] The multidisciplinary team provides screening and assessment; stabilization and de-escalation; and coordination with and referrals to health, social, and other services, as needed.”
6. Recovery plan for Missouri population of eastern hellbender
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“It is expected that recovery efforts for the Missouri DPS of the eastern hellbender will reduce sedimentation and improve water quality in the aforementioned watersheds, which will also improve drinking water, as well as benefit multiple federally listed mussels, sport fish and other aquatic species.”
7. How $7.3B will help rural co-ops build clean power—and close coal plants
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“[The funds are] serving about 5 million households across 23 states [… to] build wind and solar power, which is now cheaper than coal-fired power across most of the country. […] Some of it will be used to pay down the cost of closing coal plants[….] federal funding could help co-ops secure enough wind, solar, and battery resources to retire their entire coal capacity by 2032, cutting carbon emissions by 80 to 90 percent and reducing wholesale electricity costs by 10 to 20 percent[….]”
8. Native-led suicide prevention program focuses on building community strengths
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“[Indigenous researchers have] designed programs that aim to build up a community’s endemic strengths, rather than solely treating the risks facing individuals within that community. By providing support and resources that enable access to Alaska Native cultural activities, they hope to strengthen social bonds that build resilience. […] “In a Yup’ik worldview, suicide is not a mental health disorder, and it’s not an individual affliction, it’s a disruption of the collective.””
9. Another rare Javan rhino calf spotted at Indonesia park
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“A new Javan rhino calf has been spotted in an Indonesian national park, the facility's head said Friday, further boosting hopes for one of the world's most endangered mammals after two other […] calves were spotted earlier this year at the park, which is the only habitat left for the critically endangered animal.”
10. Transparent solar cells can directly supply energy from glass surfaces
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“[Researchers have] unveiled a method of supplying energy directly from glass of buildings, cars, and mobile devices through transparent solar cells. […] It has also succeeded in charging a smartphone using natural sunlight. It also proved the possibility that a screen of a small mobile device can be used as an energy source.”
September 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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kpsolargroup · 1 month
Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Hybrid Power Plants in South India
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South India is emerging as a key player in the development of hybrid power plants, which integrate solar and wind energy to optimize power generation. This region offers a promising landscape for such advancements due to its favorable climatic conditions and abundant renewable resources. In this article, we explore the challenges and opportunities associated with developing these hybrid systems, highlighting the advantages of solar energy and their potential to reduce electricity bills.
Infrastructure Limitations
Grid Integration: One of the significant challenges is integrating solar and wind energy with the existing grid. The current grid infrastructure may need upgrades to efficiently manage the variable output from a solar and wind hybrid system.
Transmission and Distribution: Enhancements in the transmission network might be required to support the increased capacity from hybrid plants and ensure consistent power delivery.
Resource Variability
Intermittency of Solar and Wind Energy: Both solar and wind resources are intermittent, with solar power being more reliable during the day and wind power peaking in the evening. Effective management of these fluctuations requires advanced forecasting and energy storage solutions.
Water Resources: For hybrid systems incorporating thermal or hydropower components, water availability could be a limiting factor, particularly in areas facing drought conditions.
Regulatory and Policy Barriers
Regulatory Uncertainty: Navigating through varying state policies and incentives for hybrid systems can be complex and may impact project timelines and costs.
Policy Support: There may be a need for more targeted policy support and financial incentives to encourage the development of solar and wind hybrid systems.
Technology and Expertise
Integration Complexity: Combining different technologies into a single hybrid system involves technical challenges and requires specialized expertise for efficient operation and maintenance.
Maintenance Needs: Managing a diverse range of equipment within hybrid power plants requires thorough maintenance strategies and skilled personnel.
Financial Considerations
High Initial Costs: Developing hybrid power plants involves significant initial investment, covering advanced technology, infrastructure, and installation.
Economic Viability: Ensuring the economic feasibility of these systems in a competitive energy market necessitates detailed financial analysis and planning.
Harnessing Renewable Resources
Synergy of Solar and Wind Energy: South India’s solar and wind resources complement each other, with solar power peaks during daylight and wind speeds often increasing in the evening. This synergy enhances the reliability and efficiency of power generation.
Advantages of Solar Energy: Solar energy provides a renewable and clean source of power, which can significantly contribute to reducing carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.
Technological Advancements
Energy Storage Solutions: Innovations in energy storage, such as advanced batteries and pumped hydro storage, can help manage the intermittent nature of solar and wind energy, ensuring a steady power supply.
Smart Grid Technologies: Implementing smart grid technologies can optimize the performance of hybrid power plants by improving grid management and reducing energy losses.
Environmental and Economic Benefits
Reduced Electricity Bills: By generating power from hybrid systems, businesses and households can lower their electricity bills and reduce dependence on the grid.
Job Creation and Economic Growth: Developing and operating hybrid power plants can create job opportunities and stimulate local economies, contributing to regional development.
Government and Financial Support
Incentives and Subsidies: The Indian government and various state authorities offer incentives and subsidies for renewable energy projects, including hybrid systems, which can offset initial costs and improve project viability.
International Funding: There are opportunities to access international funding and partnerships aimed at advancing clean energy technologies and promoting sustainable development.
Enhanced Energy Security
Reliable Power Supply: Hybrid power plants can enhance energy security by diversifying the energy mix and reducing dependency on single sources, contributing to a more resilient power infrastructure.
Support for Rural Electrification: These plants can play a crucial role in rural electrification efforts, providing reliable and sustainable energy to underserved communities.
Developing solar and wind energy hybrid power plants in South India presents a mix of challenges and opportunities. While infrastructure limitations, resource variability, and financial considerations pose hurdles, the advantages of solar energy, advancements in technology, and supportive policies offer significant potential. By addressing these challenges and leveraging the opportunities, South India can lead the way in integrating hybrid power systems, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and economically viable energy future.
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crabussy · 1 year
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you;re all so sexy
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Real innovation vs Silicon Valley nonsense
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This is the LAST DAY to get my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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If there was any area where we needed a lot of "innovation," it's in climate tech. We've already blown through numerous points-of-no-return for a habitable Earth, and the pace is accelerating.
Silicon Valley claims to be the epicenter of American innovation, but what passes for innovation in Silicon Valley is some combination of nonsense, climate-wrecking tech, and climate-wrecking nonsense tech. Forget Jeff Hammerbacher's lament about "the best minds of my generation thinking about how to make people click ads." Today's best-paid, best-trained technologists are enlisted to making boobytrapped IoT gadgets:
Planet-destroying cryptocurrency scams:
NFT frauds:
Or planet-destroying AI frauds:
If that was the best "innovation" the human race had to offer, we'd be fucking doomed.
But – as Ryan Cooper writes for The American Prospect – there's a far more dynamic, consequential, useful and exciting innovation revolution underway, thanks to muscular public spending on climate tech:
The green energy revolution – funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and the Science Act – is accomplishing amazing feats, which are barely registering amid the clamor of AI nonsense and other hype. I did an interview a while ago about my climate novel The Lost Cause and the interviewer wanted to know what role AI would play in resolving the climate emergency. I was momentarily speechless, then I said, "Well, I guess maybe all the energy used to train and operate models could make it much worse? What role do you think it could play?" The interviewer had no answer.
Here's brief tour of the revolution:
2023 saw 32GW of new solar energy come online in the USA (up 50% from 2022);
Wind increased from 118GW to 141GW;
Grid-scale batteries doubled in 2023 and will double again in 2024;
EV sales increased from 20,000 to 90,000/month.
The cost of clean energy is plummeting, and that's triggering other areas of innovation, like using "hot rocks" to replace fossil fuel heat (25% of overall US energy consumption):
Increasing our access to cheap, clean energy will require a lot of materials, and material production is very carbon intensive. Luckily, the existing supply of cheap, clean energy is fueling "green steel" production experiments:
Cheap, clean energy also makes it possible to recover valuable minerals from aluminum production tailings, a process that doubles as site-remediation:
And while all this electrification is going to require grid upgrades, there's lots we can do with our existing grid, like power-line automation that increases capacity by 40%:
It's also going to require a lot of storage, which is why it's so exciting that we're figuring out how to turn decommissioned mines into giant batteries. During the day, excess renewable energy is channeled into raising rock-laden platforms to the top of the mine-shafts, and at night, these unspool, releasing energy that's fed into the high-availability power-lines that are already present at every mine-site:
Why are we paying so much attention to Silicon Valley pump-and-dumps and ignoring all this incredible, potentially planet-saving, real innovation? Cooper cites a plausible explanation from the Apperceptive newsletter:
Silicon Valley is the land of low-capital, low-labor growth. Software development requires fewer people than infrastructure and hard goods manufacturing, both to get started and to run as an ongoing operation. Silicon Valley is the place where you get rich without creating jobs. It's run by investors who hate the idea of paying people. That's why AI is so exciting for Silicon Valley types: it lets them fantasize about making humans obsolete. A company without employees is a company without labor issues, without messy co-determination fights, without any moral consideration for others. It's the natural progression for an industry that started by misclassifying the workers in its buildings as "contractors," and then graduated to pretending that millions of workers were actually "independent small businesses."
It's also the natural next step for an industry that hates workers so much that it will pretend that their work is being done by robots, and then outsource the labor itself to distant Indian call-centers (no wonder Indian techies joke that "AI" stands for "absent Indians"):
Contrast this with climate tech: this is a profoundly physical kind of technology. It is labor intensive. It is skilled. The workers who perform it have power, both because they are so far from their employers' direct oversight and because these fed-funded sectors are more likely to be unionized than Silicon Valley shops. Moreover, climate tech is capital intensive. All of those workers are out there moving stuff around: solar panels, wires, batteries.
Climate tech is infrastructural. As Deb Chachra writes in her must-read 2023 book How Infrastructure Works, infrastructure is a gift we give to our descendants. Infrastructure projects rarely pay for themselves during the lives of the people who decide to build them:
Climate tech also produces gigantic, diffused, uncapturable benefits. The "social cost of carbon" is a measure that seeks to capture how much we all pay as polluters despoil our shared world. It includes the direct health impacts of burning fossil fuels, and the indirect costs of wildfires and extreme weather events. The "social savings" of climate tech are massive:
For every MWh of renewable power produced, we save $100 in social carbon costs. That's $100 worth of people not sickening and dying from pollution, $100 worth of homes and habitats not burning down or disappearing under floodwaters. All told, US renewables have delivered $250,000,000,000 (one quarter of one trillion dollars) in social carbon savings over the past four years:
In other words, climate tech is unselfish tech. It's a gift to the future and to the broad public. It shares its spoils with workers. It requires public action. By contrast, Silicon Valley is greedy tech that is relentlessly focused on the shortest-term returns that can be extracted with the least share going to labor. It also requires massive public investment, but it also totally committed to giving as little back to the public as is possible.
No wonder America's richest and most powerful people are lining up to endorse and fund Trump:
Silicon Valley epitomizes Stafford Beer's motto that "the purpose of a system is what it does." If Silicon Valley produces nothing but planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams, then these are all features of the tech sector, not bugs.
As Anil Dash writes:
Driving change requires us to make the machine want something else. If the purpose of a system is what it does, and we don’t like what it does, then we have to change the system.
To give climate tech the attention, excitement, and political will it deserves, we need to recalibrate our understanding of the world. We need to have object permanence. We need to remember just how few people were actually using cryptocurrency during the bubble and apply that understanding to AI hype. Only 2% of Britons surveyed in a recent study use AI tools:
If we want our tech companies to do good, we have to understand that their ground state is to create planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams. We need to make these companies small enough to fail, small enough to jail, and small enough to care:
We need to hold companies responsible, and we need to change the microeconomics of the board room, to make it easier for tech workers who want to do good to shout down the scammers, nonsense-peddlers and grifters:
Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the FTC could hold Amazon executives personally liable for the decision to trick people into signing up for Prime, and for making the unsubscribe-from-Prime process into a Kafka-as-a-service nightmare:
Imagine how powerful a precedent this could set. The Amazon employees who vociferously objected to their bosses' decision to make Prime as confusing as possible could have raised the objection that doing this could end up personally costing those bosses millions of dollars in fines:
We need to make climate tech, not Big Tech, the center of our scrutiny and will. The climate emergency is so terrifying as to be nearly unponderable. Science fiction writers are increasingly being called upon to try to frame this incomprehensible risk in human terms. SF writer (and biologist) Peter Watts's conversation with evolutionary biologist Dan Brooks is an eye-opener:
They draw a distinction between "sustainability" meaning "what kind of technological fixes can we come up with that will allow us to continue to do business as usual without paying a penalty for it?" and sustainability meaning, "what changes in behavior will allow us to save ourselves with the technology that is possible?"
Writing about the Watts/Brooks dialog for Naked Capitalism, Yves Smith invokes William Gibson's The Peripheral:
With everything stumbling deeper into a ditch of shit, history itself become a slaughterhouse, science had started popping. Not all at once, no one big heroic thing, but there were cleaner, cheaper energy sources, more effective ways to get carbon out of the air, new drugs that did what antibiotics had done before…. Ways to print food that required much less in the way of actual food to begin with. So everything, however deeply fucked in general, was lit increasingly by the new, by things that made people blink and sit up, but then the rest of it would just go on, deeper into the ditch. A progress accompanied by constant violence, he said, by sufferings unimaginable.
Gibson doesn't think this is likely, mind, and even if it's attainable, it will come amidst "unimaginable suffering."
But the universe of possible technologies is quite large. As Chachra points out in How Infrastructure Works, we could give every person on Earth a Canadian's energy budget (like an American's, but colder), by capturing a mere 0.4% of the solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface every day. Doing this will require heroic amounts of material and labor, especially if we're going to do it without destroying the planet through material extraction and manufacturing.
These are the questions that we should be concerning ourselves with: what behavioral changes will allow us to realize cheap, abundant, green energy? What "innovations" will our society need to focus on the things we need, rather than the scams and nonsense that creates Silicon Valley fortunes?
How can we use planning, and solidarity, and codetermination to usher in the kind of tech that makes it possible for us to get through the climate bottleneck with as little death and destruction as possible? How can we use enforcement, discernment, and labor rights to thwart the enshittificatory impulses of Silicon Valley's biggest assholes?
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"Big batteries are muscling gas out of California’s electricity mix, according to data collated by Stanford University Professor Mark Z. Jacobson.
In the 100 days to June 14, California saw a 45% reduction in gas-fired power output, relative to the same period a year before.
The decline was mostly thanks to a surge in battery installations in recent months. The state now has 10.4 gigawatts (GW) of battery storage capacity — a technology it says is key to achieving a 100% clean electricity system by 2045.
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Batteries are used to store energy from renewable sources like solar during the day so that it can be deployed in the evening, when solar generation tapers off and demand for power surges. These facilities are increasingly challenging the role of gas plants in meeting peak demand.
On the evening of June 10, for example, big batteries injected a record 7.7GW of instantaneous power into California’s grid. They accounted for a quarter of total electricity supply at that point.
And according to data from GridStatus, gas generation on an average April day in California hit a seven-year low, reversing an earlier trend that had been fuelled by rising electricity demand.
On 89 of the 100 days to June 14, there were periods where renewables generated more than enough electricity to cover all of California’s needs. This excess energy creates a strong business case for batteries, which can charge up when prices are low and discharge when prices are high.
Compared to a year before, utility-scale solar output was up 32% over the 100-day period, wind generation grew 10%, and battery output doubled, Jacobson says. Meanwhile, demand for electricity from the grid was down 3% due to new rooftop solar installations."
-via The Progress Playbook, June 20, 2024
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