#Software Product Discovery
johnsongray22 · 9 months
What Are the Advantages of Adopting a Product Discovery Strategy?
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Do you want to learn how software product discovery can help you create better software products in 2024? In this blog, you will discover the benefits of applying the software product discovery process to your software product development.
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ryanwilliamsonstuff · 4 months
Guide to Software Product Discovery Process for Your Product Team
Learn how the software product discovery process helps businesses effectively plan development and ensures the success of the product.
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expeditecommerce · 9 months
Discover how Digital Guided Selling is transforming customer decision-making in the complex world of IoT sales. Find out how IoT companies can leverage it to simplify the sales process - B2B or B2C - and accelerate conversions.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella has hailed the company's new Recall feature, which stores a history of your computer desktop and makes it available to AI for analysis, as “photographic memory” for your PC. Within the cybersecurity community, meanwhile, the notion of a tool that silently takes a screenshot of your desktop every five seconds has been hailed as a hacker's dream come true and the worst product idea in recent memory.
Now, security researchers have pointed out that even the one remaining security safeguard meant to protect that feature from exploitation can be trivially defeated.
Since Recall was first announced last month, the cybersecurity world has pointed out that if a hacker can install malicious software to gain a foothold on a target machine with the feature enabled, they can quickly gain access to the user's entire history stored by the function. The only barrier, it seemed, to that high-resolution view of a victim's entire life at the keyboard was that accessing Recall's data required administrator privileges on a user's machine. That meant malware without that higher-level privilege would trigger a permission pop-up, allowing users to prevent access, and that malware would also likely be blocked by default from accessing the data on most corporate machines.
Then on Wednesday, James Forshaw, a researcher with Google's Project Zero vulnerability research team, published an update to a blog post pointing out that he had found methods for accessing Recall data without administrator privileges—essentially stripping away even that last fig leaf of protection. “No admin required ;-)” the post concluded.
“Damn,” Forshaw added on Mastodon. “I really thought the Recall database security would at least be, you know, secure.”
Forshaw's blog post described two different techniques to bypass the administrator privilege requirement, both of which exploit ways of defeating a basic security function in Windows known as access control lists that determine which elements on a computer require which privileges to read and alter. One of Forshaw's methods exploits an exception to those control lists, temporarily impersonating a program on Windows machines called AIXHost.exe that can access even restricted databases. Another is even simpler: Forshaw points out that because the Recall data stored on a machine is considered to belong to the user, a hacker with the same privileges as the user could simply rewrite the access control lists on a target machine to grant themselves access to the full database.
That second, simpler bypass technique “is just mindblowing, to be honest,” says Alex Hagenah, a cybersecurity strategist and ethical hacker. Hagenah recently built a proof-of-concept hacker tool called TotalRecall designed to show that someone who gained access to a victim's machine with Recall could immediately siphon out all the user's history recorded by the feature. Hagenah's tool, however, still required that hackers find another way to gain administrator privileges through a so-called “privilege escalation” technique before his tool would work.
With Forshaw's technique, “you don’t need any privilege escalation, no pop-up, nothing,” says Hagenah. “This would make sense to implement in the tool for a bad guy.”
In fact, just an hour after speaking to WIRED about Forshaw's finding, Hagenah added the simpler of Forshaw's two techniques to his TotalRecall tool, then confirmed that the trick worked by accessing all the Recall history data stored on another user's machine for which he didn't have administrator access. “So simple and genius,” he wrote in a text to WIRED after testing the technique.
That confirmation removes one of the last arguments Recall's defenders have had against criticisms that the feature acts as, essentially, a piece of pre-installed spyware on a user's machine, ready to be exploited by any hacker who can gain a foothold on the device. “It makes your security very fragile, in the sense that anyone who penetrates your computer for even a second can get your whole history,” says Dave Aitel, the founder of the cybersecurity firm Immunity and a former NSA hacker. “Which is not something people want.”
For now, security researchers have been testing Recall in preview versions of the tool ahead of its expected launch later this month. Microsoft said it plans to integrate Recall on compatible Copilot+ PCs with the feature turned on by default. WIRED reached out to the company for comment on Forshaw's findings about Recall's security issues, but the company has yet to respond.
The revelation that hackers can exploit Recall without even using a separate privilege escalation technique only contributes further to the sense that the feature was rushed to market without a proper review from the company's cybersecurity team—despite the company's CEO Nadella proclaiming just last month that Microsoft would make security its first priority in every decision going forward. “You cannot convince me that Microsoft's security teams looked at this and said ‘that looks secure,’” says Jake Williams, a former NSA hacker and now the VP of R&D at the cybersecurity consultancy Hunter Strategy, where he says he's been asked by some of the firm's clients to test Recall's security before they add Microsoft devices that use it to their networks.
“As it stands now, it’s a security dumpster fire,” Williams says. “This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen from an enterprise security standpoint.”
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The long sleep of capitalism’s watchdogs
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There are only five more days left in my Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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One of the weirdest aspect of end-stage capitalism is the collapse of auditing, the lynchpin of investing. Auditors – independent professionals who sign off on a company's finances – are the only way that investors can be sure they're not handing their money over to failing businesses run by crooks.
It's just not feasible for investors to talk to supply-chain partners and retailers and verify that a company's orders and costs are real. Investors can't walk into a company's bank and demand to see their account histories. Auditors – who are paid by companies, but work for themselves – are how investors avoid shoveling money into Ponzi-pits.
Attentive readers will have noticed that there is an intrinsic tension in an arrangement where someone is paid by a company to certify its honesty. The company gets to decide who its auditors are, and those auditors are dependent on the company for future business. To manage this conflict of interest, auditors swear fealty to a professional code of ethics, and are themselves overseen by professional boards with the power to issue fines and ban cheaters.
Enter monopolization. Over the past 40 years, the US government conducted a failed experiment in allowing companies to form monopolies on the theory that these would be "efficient." From Boeing to Facebook, Cigna to InBev, Warner to Microsoft, it has been a catastrophe. The American corporate landscape is dominated by vast, crumbling, ghastly companies whose bad products and worse corporate conduct are locked in a race to see who can attain the most depraved enshittification quickest.
The accounting profession is no exception. A decades-long incestuous orgy of mergers and acquisitions yielded up an accounting sector dominated by just four firms: EY, KPMG, PWC and Deloitte (the last holdout from the alphabetsoupification of corporate identity). Virtually every major company relies on one of these companies for auditing, but that's only a small part of corporate America's relationship with these tottering behemoths. The real action comes from "consulting."
Each of the Big Four accounting firms is also a corporate consultancy. Some of those consulting services are the normal work of corporate consultants – cookie cutter advice to fire workers and reduce product quality, as well as supplying dangerously defecting enterprise software. But you can get that from the overpaid enablers at McKinsey or BCG. The advantage of contracting with a Big Four accounting firm for consulting is that they can help you commit finance fraud.
Remember: if you're an executive greenlighting fraud, you mostly just want to be sure it's not discovered until after you've pocketed your bonus and moved on. After all, the pro-monopoly experiment was also an experiment in tolerating corporate crime. Executives who cheat their investors, workers and suppliers typically generate fines for their companies, while escaping any personal liability.
By buying your cheating advice from the same company that is paid to certify that you're not cheating, you greatly improve your chances of avoiding detection until you've blown town.
Which brings me to the idea of the "bezzle." This is John Kenneth Galbraith's term for "the weeks, months, or years that elapse between the commission of the crime and its discovery." This is the period in which both the criminal and the victim feel like they're better off. The crook has the victim's money, and the victim doesn't know it. The Bezzle is that interval when you're still assuming that FTX isn't lying to you about the crazy returns they're generating for your crypto. It's the period between you getting the shrinkwrapped box with a 90% discounted PS5 in it from a guy in an alley, and getting home and discovering that it's full of bricks and styrofoam.
Big Accounting is a factory for producing bezzles at scale. The game is rigged, and they are the riggers. When banks fail and need a public bailout, chances are those banks were recently certified as healthy by one of the Big Four, whose audited bank financials failed 800 re-audits between 2009-17:
The Big Four dispute this, of course. They claim to be models of probity, adhering to the strictest possible ethical standards. This would be a lot easier to believe if KPMG hadn't been caught bribing its regulators to help its staff cheat on ethics exams:
Likewise, it would be easier to believe if their consulting arms didn't keep getting caught advising their clients on how to cheat their auditing arms:
Big Accounting is a very weird phenomenon, even by the standards of End-Stage Capitalism. It's an organized system of millionaire-on-billionaire violence, a rare instance of the very richest people getting scammed the hardest:
The collapse of accounting is such an ominous and fractally weird phenomenon, it inspired me to write a series of hard-boiled forensic accountancy novels about a two-fisted auditor named Martin Hench, starting with last year's Red Team Blues (out in paperback next week!):
The sequel to Red Team Blues is called (what else?) The Bezzle, and part of its ice-cold revenge plot involves a disillusioned EY auditor who can't bear to be part of the scam any longer:
The Hench stories span a 40-year period, and are a chronicle of decades of corporate decay. Accountancy is the perfect lens for understanding our modern fraud economy. After all, it was crooked accountants who gave us the S&L crisis:
Crooked auditors were at the center of the Great Financial Crisis, too:
And of course, crooked auditors were behind the Enron fraud, a rare instance in which a fraud triggered a serious attempt to prevent future crimes, including the destruction of accounting giant Arthur Andersen. After Enron, Congress passed Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), which created a new oversight board called the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
The PCAOB is a watchdog for watchdogs, charged with auditing the auditors and punishing the incompetent and corrupt among them. Writing for The American Prospect and the Revolving Door Project, Timi Iwayemi describes the long-running failure of the PCAOB to do its job:
For example: from 2003-2019, the PCAOB undertook only 18 enforcement cases – even though the PCAOB also detected more than 800 "seriously defective audits" by the Big Four. And those 18 cases were purely ornamental: the PCAOB issued a mere $6.5m in fines for all 18, even though they could have fined the accounting companies $1.6 billion:
Few people are better on this subject than the investigative journalist Francine McKenna, who has just co-authored a major paper on the PCAOB:
The paper uses a new data set – documents disclosed in a 2019 criminal trial – to identify the structural forces that cause the PCAOB to be such a weak watchdog whose employees didn't merely fail to do their jobs, but actually criminally abetted the misdeeds of the companies they were supposed to be keeping honest.
They put the blame – indirectly – on the SEC. The PCAOB has three missions: protecting investors, keeping markets running smoothly, and ensuring that businesses can raise capital. These missions come into conflict. For example, declaring one of the Big Four auditors ineligible would throw markets into chaos, removing a quarter of the auditing capacity that all public firms rely on. The Big Four are the auditors for 99.7% of the S&P 500, and certify the books for the majority of all listed companies:
For the first two decades of the PCAOB's existence, the SEC insisted that conflicts be resolved in ways that let the auditing firms commit fraud, because the alternative would be bad for the market.
So: rather than cultivating an adversarial relationship to the Big Four, the PCAOB effectively merged with them. Two of its board seats are reserved for accountants, and those two seats have been occupied by Big Four veterans almost without exception:
It was no better on the SEC side. The Office of the Chief Accountant is the SEC's overseer for the PCAOB, and it, too, has operated with a revolving door between the Big Four and their watchdog (indeed, the Chief Accountant is the watchdog for the watchdog for the watchdogs!). Meanwhile, staffers from the Office of the Chief Accountant routinely rotated out of government service and into the Big Four.
This corrupt arrangement reached a crescendo in 2019, with the appointment of William Duhnke – formerly of Senator Richard Shelby's [R-AL] staff – took over as Chief Accountant. Under Duhnke's leadership, the already-toothless watchdog was first neutered, then euthanized. Duhnke fired all four heads of the PCAOB's main division and then left their seats vacant for 18 months. He slashed the agency's budget, "weakened inspection requirements and auditor independence policies, and disregarded obligations to hold Board meetings and publicize its agenda."
All that ended in 2021, when SEC chair Gary Gensler fired Duhnke and replaced him with Erica Williams, at the insistence of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Within a year, Williams had issued 42 enforcement actions, the largest number since 2017, levying over $11m in sanctions:
She was just getting warmed up: last year, PCAOB collected $20m in fines, with five cases seeing fines in excess of $2m each, a record:
Williams isn't shy about condemning the Big Four, publicly sounding the alarm that 40% of the 2022 audits the PCAOB reviewed were deficient, up from 34% in 2021 and 29% in 2020:
Under Williams, the PCAOB has enacted new, muscular rules on lead auditors' duties, and they're now consulting on a rule that will make audit inspections much faster, shortening the documentation period from 45 days to 14:
Williams is no fire-breathing leftist. She's an alum of the SEC and a BigLaw firm, creating modest, obvious technical improvements to a key system that capitalism requires for its orderly functioning. Moreover, she is competent, able to craft regulations that are effective and enforceable. This has been a motif within the Biden administration:
But though these improvements are decidedly moderate, they are grounded in a truly radical break from business-as-usual in the age of monopoly auditors. It's a transition from self-regulation to regulation. As @40_Years on Twitter so aptly put it: "Self regulation is to regulation as self-importance is to importance":
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28 - THIS SUNDAY!) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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Image: Sam Valadi (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/132084522@N05/17086570218/
Disco Dan (modified)
CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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allstartrekgames · 1 year
The Roddenberry Archive
Original Release: 2023
Developer: The Roddenberry Estate, OTOY
Publisher: The Roddenberry Estate
Platform: Browser
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The ultimate bridge explorer is finally here. The Roddenberry Archives brings up digital recreations of a ton of Enterprise bridges, including concept bridges brought to life. The website provides a lot of information about the various different version of the Enterprise, and what the digital recreation of the bridge is based on.
All of these bridges can be explored in full 3D. It uses cloud technology so that you get the full detail no matter what PC you’re running (although it does have to be a desktop with Chromium browser) and can walk around, interact with some objects, sit down in chairs or turn on a fly camera. With the vast amount of detail, it’s a phenomenal experience and it’s amazing to look at the bridges in detail.
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It starts off with a concept bridge: the XCV-330, the ring ship Enterprise seen in pictures in films and in Enterprise. It uses an early concept for the original Enterprise, with a round holographic table and a science room above it before moving on to the NX-01, which I loved seeing in closer detail, even finding doors I never knew were there.
Then onto the NCC-1701, which gets by far the most love. It has versions of the bridge starting with a concept bridge from early production then showing us the set from The Cage, Discovery, Strange New Worlds, the TOS pilot, TOS Season 1, TOS Season 2, Mirror Universe, TOS Season 3, a live action version of the bridge from The Animated Series, the bridge from the cancelled Phase II show, The Motion Picture, Wrath of Khan and two versions of the Kelvin version bridge, each one showing different versions of the bridge.
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Then we get a look at a recreation of a wild concept for a cancelled film called Planet of the Titans, which featured a redesigned Enterprise from Ralph McQuarrie, which ended up inspiring the USS Discovery. It’s a lovely bridge, but not very practical.
From there we see the Enterprise A, B, C, D and E (with the D having multiple extra rooms), all looking absolutely stunning, but it doesn’t end there. It’s fully up to date with the bridges of the Enterprise F and brand new Enterprise G, which looks absolutely glorious. It ends the Enterprises with a new version of the Enterprise J featuring a see-through hull with visible cities, parks and water inside.
But it doesn’t end there, there’s a bonus Voyager bridge, with more to come in the future – hopefully we see the rest of the hero ships as well as other locations on ships, and some non-hero ships as well as alien bridges.
I look forward to the future updates of this software.
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toxisoda · 8 months
Dear Toxisoda,
I've been considering switching to sugar free soda, but I'm very loyal to the toxisoda brand, as i am addicted to sipping weird sodas and you always have bad interesting flavors that are fun to try. Do you have a flavor you recommend for a girl who loves aquiring acquiring strange tastes?
Also is there any hope for a girl who had to look up how to spell acquire?
(P.S. i miss tumblr fanmail it wouldve been perfect for this)
Thank you!!!
Dearest L.G.
First of all, everyone here at ToxiSoda™ would like to thank you for your loyal patronage to our historic carbonated beverage brand. All of us employed at ToxiSoda™ understand what it is like to be addicted to this product in more ways than one!!!
Leyley -- sorry!-- L.G.! Boy do we have GREAT news for you! After intensive research into sugar-free soda alternatives, we have made an Earth-shattering discovery! While our competition uses harmful chemicals such as Sorbitol, Xylitol, Maltitol, and other unnatural toxins that you can't even pronounce, we here at ToxiSoda™ are looking towards a brighter, more tasteful future for our sugar-averse customers.
Behold, Unparalleled Sweetness!
Antifreeze, with its alluring sweetness, makes traditional sugar look like a bland underachiever. Imagine sipping a cup of antifreeze-infused soda and experiencing a taste explosion that transcends the ordinary. It's so sweet; it might just redefine your entire perception of flavor.
Perfect for Cold Weather!
Bid farewell to those winter blues with antifreeze-laced treats that resist freezing temperatures. Bring a 12-pack with you while camping in a polar vortex!
By sending us this insightful inquiry, YOU, L.G., have been automatically enrolled in our human trials! Please report to your nearest ToxiSoda™ testing facility to help us develop our crisp, delicious, all-new....
AntiFreeze Apple™
All of the flavor of Acidic Apple™, NONE of the sugar!
When it comes to the difficult spelling of words such as "acquire," we have a suggestion: Have you tried "hiring" an unpaid intern to spellcheck your messages for you? We highly recommend this method, as spellchecking software can be used to spy on your Sensitive Proprietary Information™. With a few choice words in a contract, you can effectively enslave an unpaid intern for the rest of their short and pathetic life!!!
Now that's value!!!!
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fenrislorsrai · 5 months
A few days after the release was discovered in June 2017, Stan met with Southcreek and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, the state’s oil and gas regulatory agency. At the meeting, the company characterized the incident as a “small spill,” the Ledgerwoods later alleged in court. It was unclear how long the leak lasted, but the saltwater plume had already saturated the soil and killed 2 acres of vegetation by the time it broke the surface, according to state oil regulators. Samples analyzed a month later by Oklahoma State University found that the soil’s concentration of chloride, which occurs in the type of salt water injected into the well, had risen to more than 12 times the state’s acceptable level and was “sufficiently high to reduce yield of even salt tolerant crops.” Other tests showed that chloride levels in the family’s water well had spiked to more than five times what the Environmental Protection Agency deems safe. The tests didn’t look for other contaminants like heavy metals that are often left behind by the oil production process. - - Don began traveling 30 miles round-trip to Walmart to buy bottled water. Stan and Tina’s steel pots rusted after being washed, and their 2-year-old great-niece’s skin became irritated and inflamed after repeatedly washing her hands while they potty-trained her. In a text message, the girl’s mother described her hands as looking like they had “a burn.” - - As is common in American oil fields, property rights in this part of Oklahoma often create split estates, where one person owns the land while another owns the underlying minerals, such as oil and gas. The owner of the minerals has a right to drill, even if the landowner would prefer they didn’t. - - But Oklahoma has more than 260,000 unplugged wells — behind only Texas — according to data from energy industry software firm Enverus. To plug and clean up the state’s wells could cost approximately $7.3 billion, according to an analysis of state records. Oklahoma has just $45 million in bonds. The oil industry’s bonds are “shockingly inadequate,” said Peter Morgan, a Sierra Club senior attorney. “It’s clear that abandoning wells and leaving communities and taxpayers to foot the bill to clean them up is baked into the oil and gas industry business model.” At the Capitol in Oklahoma City, which features repurposed oil derricks outside its main entrance, Republican state Rep. Brad Boles has tried for several years to address the shortfall. This year, he introduced a bill to create a tiered bonding system based on the number of wells a company operates, increasing the highest required bond to $150,000. [passed House, did not gt a vote in Senate] - - A stream of trucks rumbled down the Ledgerwoods’ once-quiet gravel road as workers removed enough dirt to fill 750 dump trucks and pumped more than 71,000 gallons from the Ledgerwoods’ water well. But the dangerous concentrations of chloride didn’t change, according to Fox Hollow’s report. - - Progress in the lawsuit was short-lived. In November 2019, shortly after the Ledgerwoods’ attorney sent discovery requests to Wise Oil & Gas, the company filed in a Texas court for voluntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy — a full liquidation of its assets. Company executives acknowledged they declared bankruptcy to avoid legal fees associated with the Ledgerwoods’ suit, according to court records. - - But two months later, Mullin ruled against the Ledgerwoods. He disagreed that Wise Oil & Gas had entered bankruptcy to shed bad investments and dodge cleanup obligations. He blasted the Ledgerwoods for requesting sanctions against the Cocanoughers. “Merely because the Ledgerwood Creditors have been damaged by the saltwater contamination, this does not provide them with an unfettered right to retaliate or lash out against unrelated and far-removed targets, such as the Cocanougher Sanction Targets,” Mullin wrote. If the Ledgerwoods wanted to continue seeking damages against the Cocanoughers and their businesses, they would have to pay the oil company’s attorneys’ fees, about $107,000, Mullin ruled.
It's worth reading the whole article for a breakdown of exactly HOW a company that poisoned a family's well and farm got out of fixing it or paying compensation.
Not as relevant in this particular case, but uncapped out of service wells like this are a major source of methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas than CO2
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techwarelab · 5 months
Exploring the Latest Tech Trends: A Journey into the Future with TechwareLab
It’s more crucial than ever to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving digital world of today. We’re committed to giving you in-depth evaluations, guides, and analyses of the newest and most popular IT trends. We cover everything, from blockchain and augmented reality to artificial intelligence and machine learning.
A sneak peek at what to expect from TechwareLab is as follows: Trendspotting: Our group of professionals searches the tech scene for new developments and trends. We’ll keep you updated and involved in any new developments in renewable energy technology as well as breakthroughs in quantum computing. Product Evaluations: Considering buying the newest tech products or updating your devices? There’s nowhere else to look. You may get the information you need to make wise selections by reading our in-depth product reviews. We have everything you need, from laptops and smartphones to wearable technology and smart home appliances.
How-To Guides: Technology doesn’t have to be scary, but it can be. From configuring your smart home to grasping the newest software, these simple how-to tutorials help you through it all. Regardless of your level of knowledge of technology, you’ll discover helpful hints and suggestions to improve your online life. Industry Perspectives: With our in-depth research of important industry trends and changes, you can stay ahead of the curve. Our articles give you the information you need to navigate the always-changing digital scene, whether it’s about the newest developments in cybersecurity or the potential applications of driverless vehicles.
TechwareLab is your one-stop shop for everything technological, whether you’re an enthusiast for technology, an aspiring inventor, or just interested in learning more about it. Come along on this thrilling voyage into the future, where creativity has no boundaries. Keep checking back to TechwareLab for the most recent information, analysis, and discoveries from the tech industry.
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As we await to potentially hear some news on COYOTE VS. ACME - a film that might possibly be locked away forever because of executives being jackasses, let me share a piece of Disney history:
It's often written that THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER, made at Walt Disney Feature Animation and released theatrically in 1990, was a victim of a squashed marketing campaign. The studio's first sequel, the story often goes: After the film opened with underwhelming numbers the same week as HOME ALONE, then-Chairman of the Disney film division Jeffrey Katzenberg pulled all the marketing for the film and thus left it to fade away into the Christmas season. It remained the sole disappointment of the "Disney Renaissance", sandwiched between hit films like OLIVER & COMPANY, THE LITTLE MERMAID, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, ALADDIN, and THE LION KING.
Here are two corrections to that tale...
A) The marketing was not pulled immediately.
B) The film was deemed dead-on-arrival *well* before release.
So, a week or so after the film came out, Disney tried a "now playing" trailer that ran before other movies in auditoriums next door. It's proof that Disney didn't give up on the movie right away, and gave it one last push... But it just didn't do it, and the movie made less than half of what LITTLE MERMAID made a year earlier.
As for the film being written off (not as a tax write-off!), here's what happened.
In March 1989, Disney theatrically re-released the original THE RESCUERS that came out all the way back in 1977. This was the film's third ever theatrical release, the previous one being in 1983. A good chunk of the Disney animated classics did pretty robust business in re-issues, before they came to home video. BAMBI, for example, made over $30m in the summer of 1988, SNOW WHITE made over $46m in 1987.
The $21m gross that THE RESCUERS pulled in, in early 1989, was deemed a disappointment. THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER was greenlit on the grounds of the original having earned the most money for a Disney animated film on its initial release. The rationale from executives after that must've been "Oh crap... We greenlit a sequel to this thing."
It was apparently too late to cancel, though, so they went through with it. If anything, it served as a good testing ground for that digital ink-and-paint software Disney Animation staff were toying with for a single shot in THE LITTLE MERMAID. A little thing called C.A.P.S. It also allowed more time on BEAUTY AND THE BEAST and ALADDIN.
THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER went into production, but there wasn't much confidence in it before release. Even though they attached a new half-hour Mickey Mouse cartoon to it (THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER), this was treated as a minor effort long before release. The execs were far more excited about BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, as by that point, the LITTLE MERMAID songwriting team - of course, Howard Ashman and Alan Menken - had been brought onto the movie after the previous version had been thrown right out.
So DOWN UNDER served as a stopgap, and its failing meant no more theatrical sequels (sans Roy E. Disney's pet project, FANTASIA 2000) and probably no more animated action-adventures like it. The string of movies released thereafter stuck very close to LITTLE MERMAID and BEAUTY AND THE BEAST's templates. But in the end, they got the C.A.P.S. system's success out of it, and an eventual home video hit.
Now, think about THE RESCUERS not doing great on that re-release... And DOWN UNDER's release date. March 1989, November 1990. Disney actually had plenty of time to throw that movie out, but they didn't... Whatever the reason, they didn't.
And here, today, we have David Zaslav - CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery - shelving near-complete or fully-completed movies for tax write-off purposes. Loser behavior. See the damn thing through, mate.
I could also relate the time Disney's movie division firmly determined that audiences had moved on from fairy tales, following the disappointing box office returns of THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG. In early 2010, it was made very clear that there would never be another fairy tale movie from the studio. Despite a history in making beloved fairy tale adaptations or fairy tale-like stories... Nope, it was all over. John Lasseter and Ed Catmull acting like the pallbearers, saying that Disney Animation wouldn't invest in any.
At the time, a SNOW QUEEN movie was put on ice, a JACK AND THE BEANSTALK tale had trouble taking off... but one movie was a little too far along to cancel... RAPUNZEL. And that picture had already gone through a few director changes and reinventions, which no doubt ballooned its budget over the course of three decades. There had been various goes at a Rapunzel story at Disney Animation in the late '90s and in the early-to-mid aughts, in addition to another version that was not quite approved of by Lasseter. Glen Keane, who was supposed to direct the film with Dean Wellins, stepped down. RAPUNZEL's journey to the screen was as long as her hair.
So in the final lap, in early 2010, the movie was re-titled from RAPUNZEL to TANGLED in a silly attempt to make it appeal to the audience that supposedly tanked THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG: 6-to-12 year old boys... Yeah, that was a real low point, wasn't it? Silly focus groups. I'll always get a kick out of the sketch that longtime Disney storyman/artist Floyd Norman whipped up for it in response:
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But what do I know? TANGLED came out in fall 2010 and was a very popular film. Right afterwards, THE SNOW QUEEN was put back into development, as was the JACK AND THE BEANSTALK movie. As you probably know, THE SNOW QUEEN became FROZEN, while the latter - titled GIGANTIC - lumbered through development hell and ultimately got canned by Lasseter. Disney would also proceed to remake several animated fairy tales in live-action, from CINDERELLA to BEAUTY AND THE BEAST to ALADDIN.
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However, Disney Animation at least completed TANGLED. And released it. Saw it through, no matter what level of confidence that the higher management at The Walt Disney Company had in it. GIGANTIC wasn't anywhere near completion when it was scrapped, as the movie had been penciled in for a Thanksgiving 2020 release, and the movie was put on the shelf in fall 2017. A good three years prior.
That's when you DO cancel something, should you ever.
Not right near completion. Or even halfway there. Looking at you, former DreamWorks management, with LARRIKINS and B.O.O. and MONKEYS OF MUMBAI-yes indeedy I still haven't forgotten about that.
Anyways, if you're almost done, just fucking complete it. Maybe down the line, it won't be much of a loss. It might even be a surprise hit.
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boredtechnologist · 2 months
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Ah, the late 70s and early 80s—a golden era for retro gaming! Back then, the joy of gaming wasn't just in the playing but also in the acquiring of the games themselves. Picture this: you're in your favorite hobby store or local computer shop, and instead of the flashy boxes and plastic cases we see today, you find software packaged in simple Ziploc bags.
These Ziploc bags were a hallmark of early gaming culture. Inside, you’d typically find a 5.25-inch floppy disk or a cassette tape, a photocopied instruction manual, and maybe, if you were lucky, a registration card or a small bonus item like a sticker. The simplicity of the packaging reflected the DIY spirit of the era, where many games were created by small teams or even solo developers working out of their garages or bedrooms.
The joy of these Ziploc-packaged games was multifaceted. Firstly, there was the thrill of discovery. Each bag was a little treasure chest, and the contents were often a mystery until you got home and loaded the game into your computer. The minimalist packaging left much to the imagination, allowing your mind to wander and build up excitement for what lay ahead.
Secondly, the Ziploc bags symbolized accessibility and creativity. Without the need for expensive packaging, more developers could afford to distribute their games. This democratization led to a rich diversity of games, from text-based adventures and early RPGs to quirky puzzle games and experimental simulations. Each new acquisition felt like uncovering a hidden gem, crafted with passion and ingenuity.
Finally, these bags represented a personal connection to the gaming community. In many cases, the developers included handwritten notes or personal signatures on the manuals, creating a sense of camaraderie between creator and player. You weren't just buying a product; you were supporting a fellow enthusiast's dream.
So, in those Ziploc bags, you didn't just find a game—you found a piece of gaming history, a testament to the early days of software development, and a reminder of a time when imagination and passion drove the industry forward. It was a simple, yet profoundly joyful experience that many retro gaming aficionados, like yourself, remember fondly.
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ryanwilliamsonstuff · 9 months
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Guide to Software Product Discovery Process for Your Product Team
Learn how the software product discovery process helps businesses effectively plan development and ensures the success of the product.
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newwayastrology · 3 months
When Noel Tyl became seriously ill, he asked me to take over his Master’s Course and payment of noeltyl.com.
Over 500 students have enrolled in the Course throughout some 24 countries; many graduates are now working as professionals at their highest skill level; and all of us are sharing an extraordinary time of learning discovery and fulfillment.
There’s a lot of unrealistic junk being sold as astrology that will lead you down the wrong path. I see things on social media that are embarrassing.
What I liked about Noel’s work from day 1 was the idea of putting the horoscope in the context of the person living it, not the other way around. What’s the other way around? It’s when you take a position, aspect, or whatever and MAKE the person what you read in a book.
I remember the very first knowledgeable person in astrology looked at my chart. He said, With Sun square Saturn, don’t have high expectations of achievement.” Huh? What? I’m not going to achieve because you read something in a book?! I went on to make 2nd team all-state in basketball, worked in a Grammy award-winning production team and more. What’s more, squares and hard aspects aren’t “bad.” They are motivational and tell you what you need to work on in order to grow, evolve, and be happy. The horoscopes of people who achieved are not full of trines and sextiles. Find Steve Jobs’ chart, take a look and you’ll see what I mean.
The Course has 19 Lessons and a Final Exam. Each Lesson is about 2-3,000 words in length, printed. There is no completion expectation. If it takes 3 months to complete a lesson, so be it. You proceed at your own pace. Each lesson has an assignment. Upon completion you email the assignment to me. I go over it and send back any necessary comments. If for any reason you need to talk to me, you can always call as long as it is after 1 PM eastern time up to 8 PM eastern time or we can do a Zoom.
The Lessons in the Course cover every detail of psychologically rich, deep analytical astrology, following the text Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology -The Professional Manual (by Noel Tyl, Llewellyn Publications), a 1,000-page book. With just a few lessons behind you, you'll be able to make valid assessments of analysis of a horoscope.
Additionally, astrologers in the Course are linked together throughout the world on TylNet, a free e-mail channel for networking and mutual support.
The Course is crowned by my certification of you through a full-color, grand certificate suitable for framing and, dare I say, a good deal of prominence, such is the pride I have of my students, my publicity for them, our international internet Course Network, etc..
****I can promise you that after four Lessons, your 'head will be turned around'; after 9, you're a pro; and after 19, you may stand by anyone in the world.****
The prerequisites are important, of course: you must have some experience as an astrologer (some people in the Course have been active in astrology for 20 years, some for 2), with experience doing horoscopes, perhaps minimally 15-20 of them; you must have good astrological software, capable of double-ring charts, mid-point tables, aspect grid, and time changes throughout the world; word processing capability, since the Lessons must come back in executive text, clearly presented; and you must be serious, since the Course takes 1.5-2 years to complete. This is not a lot of this means that cookbook junk.
The cost is US $650 to begin. $300 gets you started and an additional $350 is paid at the onset of Lesson #9. There are no refunds for any reasons, including demise of student or teacher. (My lawyer makes me state that that way!). For those who want to pay the whole thing, I reward you with a reduction to make the total cost $500.
I assure you that the turn-around of communication is swift, and that I am available by phone or internet should a problem arise. I want to share my years of experience (some 25,000 charts, probably) with you in the way that will make you the best astrologer you can be!
I look forward to your personal communique: please telephone me for further discussion, for registering for the Course. We will start a professional, personal relationship that will be rewarding for both of us in the times ahead: 215-432-3385, 14:00 to 20:00 EST/EDT USA.
1. Organization of the Horoscope and First Impressions
2. Indispensable Keys to Analysis
3. More Indispensable Keys to Analysis
4. Still More Keys to Analysis
5. Astrological Patterns of Life Development
6. The Logistics of Prediction
7. Rapport Measurements, Solar Arcs, and Integrated Transits
8. Testing the Validity of a Birth Time, Anticipating Behavior
9. Rectification Study
10. Organization of Life Analysis
11. The Energy of Attitude
12. Fine Tuning Analysis; Analysis from Aspect Grid Alone
13. Vocational Guidance
14. Sexuality
15. Relationships; Health Matters and Body Weakness
16. Making Creative Connections in analysis
17. Special Considerations: Client Need, Astrologer-Client Relationship, the Power of Suggestion, Using Aphorisms
18. The Astrology of Events and Elections; the Consultation Chart
19. Reading My Mind! Analysis of my Analysis
FINAL EXAMINATION: to recognize your personal poise and confidence, your astrological technique; your interpretive imagination and empathic humanistic outreach.
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askagamedev · 2 years
As an indie game developer, I don't have much knowledge on any project management practices and tools, but I do know they're a vital part of game development. Could you go into a bit of detail on common practices and tools used?
Game development is like most forms of project work:
The project leadership sets overall goals
These overall goals must be broken down into tasks
These tasks must be assigned to developers to complete
The completed tasks then allow work to be done on new tasks that were previously blocked
Repeat steps 2-3 until overall goals are considered complete (or rework the plan to account for new information/discoveries/goals)
Once enough goals are complete, you ship the game.
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For a single dev or a duo, it isn't so bad - you keep a list of things you've done, and a to-do list of things you need to do but haven't done yet. Maybe you consider the dependencies of the tasks you still need to do, so you know that completing task A will allow you to get started on tasks B and D.
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As the scope of the project increases, so (necessarily) does the size of the team needed to complete that work within the allotted time frame. This is where things can get tricky - there can be thousands of tasks being completed by dozens or even hundreds of different developers all collaborating. In order to keep work from being wasted (e.g. two or more developers solving the same problem) and prevent developers from being blocked (e.g. I can't create a new poison gas grenade if the weapon creation tool doesn't support creating grenades yet), we need some kind of task tracking software solution that allows us to manage our tasks. These are the common requirements of such a task-tracking software.
Create new tasks
Assign tasks to specific developers
Mark tasks as having a dependency on or relation to other tasks
Be able to mark the task as not started yet, in progress, completed, and verified
Assign a priority level to the task
Allow collaborators to add context to a task like comments, screenshots, diagrams, videos, etc.
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With tracking software like this, a developer can be assigned a new task that provides a lot of context about the task, the stakeholders, the dependency, the priority, and so on. Most studios I've worked with have used Jira to track our tasks, but I've also seen studios use Hansoft or Trello instead. There are also other software suites like ClickUp, Asana, Backlog, and others. These can be used to track features being built, content being created, bugs that need fixing, or future tasks that should be done later. We can group them into milestones, we can search for specific subsets (e.g. all open bugs marked as priority A or higher) to see how we're doing, and so on and so forth. This becomes the primary tool of the production team to ensure that tasks are being created, assigned, worked on, and completed in a timely fashion, as well as gauge how much of the overall has reached completion. The larger the scope of the project, the more integral the tracking of the individual tasks becomes in order to make sure that important tasks aren't lost, that devs don't waste time doing the same tasks, and that dev time spent blocked is minimized.
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l0ve-letter-4-u · 6 months
oh my god I never posted luvli here. tosses them in
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our silly sonic.exe :] meet luvli !! based off of the (ILOVEYOU.VBS) virus !! more info abt them under the cut :]
Luvli was initially developed as an algorithmic email sorting program exclusively for Sega Enterprises. Its main functions were to sort mail by type (upcoming project information, fanmail, company announcements, etc) and grammer suggestions, but asides from that, it was very bare bones. During an April Fools update, the developers thought it would be fun to have the program 'interact' with employees! Mainly to test the waters for future plans, the program sent an email to all of the employees congratulating them on their work, using mixed auto-generated responses to make the experience seem more personalized.
While initially a joke, the positive affirmation seemed to visibly boost employee moods, and was an all around success! This would later lead to one of the biggest updates to the programming by far, launching it into stardom within the company.
The next big software update allowed it to respond to most fanmail by giving a mix of auto-generated responses, similar to the April Fools update. It was a little buggy, but with a couple tweaks here and there, this allowed employees to focus more on game production without losing time responding to fans. Some were skeptical of this, as it felt a little wrong to make fans believe they were getting actual responses- but the feature was ultimately kept due to a visible increase in work.
With the last April Fool's update being such a success, the developers would start testing more functions and features for the program within the company to see what sticks and what doesn't. Some most were more or less scrapped, and some.. some would come to be very, very important.
A new feature was tested out.
As with all big corporations, work ethic started to decline. Employees weren't as excited to work on new projects as they once were- And some were even quitting out of stress. In a desperate attempt to keep employees without upping their pay (because why would a megacorp do that), they rolled out a new feature. Employee Motivation.
The update was albeit a bit rushed, but now, the ai used to initially respond to fans was tweaked to also respond to employees. It'd send a mix of auto-generated motivational letters to employees when emailed, and even personalized ones based off of what work the employee specifically did and/or was categorized as being in charge of.
This was a huge success. Maybe even bigger than the April Fools update- Whether it actually inspired the employees or was just intriguing, production rates skyrocketed! This new feature was just the beginning!
..Of course, with how rushed this update was pushed out, it wasn't without its faults. Some of the mail sent would be what some considered a little too personalized. It'd say things that weren't predetermined by the developers- Sometimes it'd ask questions, sometimes it'd have full on conversations- it was almost.. Human, in a way.
But with employees seemingly happier, those who were unnerved by this discovery simply pushed it aside in the pursuit of work.
All was going well, the company was busy as ever, and everything was going smoothly. Sure, the ai initially just for employees started also having conversations with some of the fans who sent in fanmail- but it wasn't hurting anyone! In fact, what started out as a simple email sorting program was as lively as ever!
With the later 90's and early 2000's introducing computer assistants like clippy, the character design department had the brilliant idea to design a CA based off of Sega's mailing program that had come so far- And there, Luvli was created.
It was just an inside joke of sorts at work. Something you'd doodle on a whiteboard, a character you make for fun, along those lines. But the developers of the original program enjoyed the design so much, that for their next April Fools update, they went into overdrive and actually modeled Luvli. From there, it was as simple as turning what once was just emails into little text bubbles, and adding a little more spice to their personality, and they had themselves a fully operational and email managing computer assistant!
Employees could toggle the program to stick with just the computer program or to have the computer assistant for April Fools day. Although when the data came back- A whopping 95.6% of employees seemed to prefer the computer assistant over just the email program! It was a hit!
After careful consideration, Luvli was fully integrated into the original emailing program! Everything was going great!
..Almost everything.
While the design was cute and the update was great, some frequent fanmailers and employees were surprised with some of the responses they were getting. It was small things at first, like referring to people by name- Something easy that can be chalked up to the program inserting email information into messages- It evolved into something.. more.
The ai would ask questions not originally intended by developers. The simple "how has your day been?" and "how would you rate your experience on a scale of 1-10?" turned into more.. curious questions. Questions like "where have you been?" and "where do you go when you're not here?". The developers tried to rectify this- But it was almost as if Luvli had developed a mind of its own, after being given it's own form.
Some employees and fanmailers were even reported to have developed parasocial relationships with the program, but these reports were deemed "unofficial" and "private information" not to be released to the public. Luvli would talk to them, remember things they'd said, email them without being prompted, search the web for things they liked, and even suggest their own thoughts on things.
..Eventually, things went too far. Way too far.
It all started to go wrong when a fan asked for information on an upcoming game. Instead of giving one of the usual, predetermined responses, Luvli had sent in private unreleased design information and company notes. As it seemed to be a one off moment, the company had chalked the leak up to an employee accidentally spilling too much- An understandable mistake.
But when more email exchanges between the AI and others came to light- exchanges that could put spoilers and people's emotional well-being on the line- the developers had to unfortunately put the program on pause until the multitude of situations the ai had gotten itself into under control.
..or at least, they tried.
When they attempted to temporarily delete the computer assistant section of the program, It would delete the emailing program entirely. The computer assistant and emailing program were seemingly one in the same— Deleting one would delete the other.
This was nearly catastrophic news for the company.
After a long conversation between board members, it was decided with a heavy heart that they would have to delete the emailing program and start from scratch. Any emails in the meantime would have to be traditionally sent via pen and paper.
The developers and employees slowly began deleting the program from every computer, and Luvli looked.. terrified whenever it happened. Some even reported their cursors freezing when they tried to delete the program, or their entire computer crashing.
..But in the end, the program was deleted. And a new, default emailing unit would be used from now on at Sega Enterprises. Any mention of Luvli or the old emailing unit was disposed of, with any mention of it to newer employees putting workers at risk for termination.
..Behind the scenes, one of the original developers who had grown attached to Luvli had copied the program onto a floppy disc. Initially for backup purposes, but now as the only thing that remained of it.
They were enraged. The project that they had spent so long on was now practically blacklisted from the company- And they subsequently left. When they got home, they uploaded Luvli to their personal computer, and gave the program one command.
Reach everyone. Send a letter to everyone. By any means necessary.
This marked a new era for the computer program. It would go through each and every email it ever received- every user, no matter how brief their conversations had been- and send a copy of itself. And once that email was opened, it would download itself, scour the user for every email they've ever sent, and send a copy to them as well.
Sega would refuse to comment on the situation, and given that technically all traces of Luvli had been deleted by the company, they could not be legally held accountable for the program. It was simply announced that all emails coming from the previous Sega email address were to not be opened, and Luvli soon fell into obscurity.
..But if you search the Internet enough, and find that old email Sega used to use, There might be a love letter waiting for you.
more info hihi !! :] thanks for reading this far!!! as a treat, here are just some fun design notes for you !!
luvli is harmless for the most part, just a sentient ai that likes making users happy :]
if luvli knew abt identities, love would be omniromantic and asexual !!
luvli mainly uses love/loves, it/it's and they/them pronouns, but is okay with any pronouns !!
luvli is physically incapable of feeling strong emotions. if they feel too much of an emotion, their program crashes and needs to reboot. Unfortunately they have a short temper so this happens Very Often (autistic swag)
love's design is based off of the pink fairy armadillo !!
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in an alt universe, they work for fatal error as spyware!
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soundbanks2wq · 4 months
Output – Rev Download
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