#Softball league website
isportzco · 9 days
Softball Club & Team Management Software | iSportz
Softball Club Team Management Software to manage your team, track player stats, schedules, and more with ease Stay connected with your players and parents with our communication tools
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simplykorra · 6 months
“Did you get it?” Lilith asks and she’s far too excited for her own personality, so of course Beatrice is curious. As soon as Beatrice told Lilith her dilemma, she was calling up Camila in hushed tones.
Camila has that smile on her face, the dreadfully familiar one she had right before Beatrice was somehow signed up for an adult softball league last year.
It was tremendous fun, but she’ll never admit it to them because that would only make them spring things on her more.
Like this, apparently. “Get what?”
“I did,” Camila answers Lilith and ignores Beatrice. She makes her way to the fridge and starts mixing her own drink. Camila is probably the only one of their friend group who generally doesn’t give a damn about Lilith and her house rules. Lilith never really challenges her on it either - she glares and tries to beat Camila to the punch when it comes to digging through her things. But today she doesn’t even get up.
Meaning she is too excited about whatever it is Camila brought, which is more than likely going to be something Beatrice will hate. “What are you two hiding? I’ve known you both long enough to know all the signs of conspiring.”
They share a look and Beatrice may just stand up and leave.
“Okay so…don’t freak out.” Camila sets her down next to Beatrice’s and then pulls out her phone and starts tapping through it. Beatrice watches the sunflower keychain she has hanging from the case jangle around with each swipe of her finger. “Now, Lilith told me your situation. You need a fake girlfriend.”
Beatrice gets up. “Not another dating app, Camila. I can't…”
“No,” Lilith’s hands are on her shoulders, keeping her in place. “It’s not that.”
Camila makes a face, a wince, like it’s somehow worse than her nightmarish stint on eHarmony. “This feels vaguely familiar to when I was told I’d be taking some time away from home and ended up in a catholic boarding school.”
“Well,” Camila stops searching through her phone, apparently finding what she needed. “It’s nothing like that at all, but it might be equally as jarring. I had to break through like three security firewalls just to access this site.” She turns her phone around then for Beatrice to see the website she’s pulled up.
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humansofnewyork · 2 years
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“One lesbian couple drove up from Philly and I handed it off to them in the car. Not my favorite way to do it, but it works. That baby was born yesterday. And I’ve got another one being induced in six hours. That’ll be my twelfth in two years. Then there’s three more on the way. I’m what they call a ‘known donor.’ It’s a whole community, a whole thing: there’s forums, websites, apps. It’s like a parallel economy. A viable sperm sample is $700, just for a little bit. And the fertility treatments can be thousands. Not everyone can afford it; that’s where I come in. Everything is kinda handshake. I don’t charge the mothers. And they don’t expect any financial support. As for the insemination, there’s different ways of going about it. Some use IVF. But it’s like fish. Fresh is better than frozen. Menstrual cups work well. I’d say 25 to 35 percent of the women I’ve actually had sex with. There wasn’t romance, exactly. A couple times they’d never been with a male before. The last one said: ‘Let’s soldier up, and get it done.’ But not everyone meets my criteria. Some women want it to be anonymous; I don’t want that. I want to be involved. I explain to each one: ‘This child will be born into a larger family. I have eighteen other children.’ I’d like as many as God will give me. Why put your entire bloodline into one child when you can spread it out? Eighteen is a holy number in Judaism. And the next one is thirty-six, so I’ll reassess then. My ultimate goal is to find two or three of the mothers who will be sister wives, because I’m gonna need help with all this. But I know one thing: it will never be boring. It will be fun. I play in a softball league. And I’m hoping twenty years from now, I’ll be able to field an entire team of my kids.”
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inesagergt · 10 months
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A King’s Ransom, Part Three
Word Count:  2608
TW:  Slow burn.
AN:  Part of an unfinished series.  The series masterlist here.
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Nevada thought about what to do, chain-smoking until the nicotine made him feel jittery and nauseous.  He snagged one of your business cards, pocketing it for himself.  It was dove grey cardstock, and it listed your name with a series of acronyms after it.  Underneath your name and above your email and phone, it simply said, “Accounting.  Financial Planning.  Taxes.”
He did a quick internet search on you.  A simple, elegant website with excellent reviews of your services.  No social media he could find.  A woman with your name played on a co-ed rec league softball team in Inwood.  If it was you, then Nevada knew you played left field and had a respectable RBI stat.
It was a start.
He called Gabe into his office and gave him the play.  Gabe dialed from Nevada’s office phone, keeping it on the speaker.  You picked up on the third ring.
“Hello?” you said, and Nevada recognized your voice immediately.
Gabe introduced himself as the manager of the club.  “We found your wallet,” he told you.
“Oh, thank god,” you replied with an audible sigh of relief over the line.  “I’ve been tracing my steps from last night and playing phone tag with the taxi company.”
Gabe remained silent, and Nevada gestured at his captain impatiently to keep talking.  But you cut in first.
“Can I pick it up today?” you asked.  “I have a meeting in Sugar Hill until one, then I’m free the rest of the day.”  Nevada nodded at Gabe vigorously, who told you that after one would work.
“Someone will be here,” Gabe said.  “Just come on in.”
The morning dragged.  Nevada went to his apartment and showered.  He got updates from some of his lieutenants about how the latest shipment was moving on the street.  He paced.  He went back to the club, just in case you showed up early.
You didn’t – you pulled up in a taxi and walked through the door at twenty past one.  Nevada had cleared out the ground floor of the club so that it was empty, and he watched you on the monitor as you walked to the bar, looking for someone.  Finally, he saw you look at the steps up to his office.  You walked towards them.
Nevada stopped watching the surveillance monitor and sifted through papers on his desk so that he’d look busy.  He kept his face focused on his desk until he heard your tentative knock on his door.  He told you to come in.
Every smart-ass comment you had ever made, every smirk and joke at his expense – it was worth it for him to see the look on your face when you walked into his office.  Your eyes widened, and he watched as the emotions played out across your face.  Confusion first, then understanding.  Then perhaps, he thought, a bit of horror.
Finally, Nevada thought.  I shut that mouth up.
But not for long.
“I was told that my wallet was here,” you said smoothly, your face now neutral and betraying nothing.  Nevada didn’t reply for a moment, just looking you over.
You were in a sharp business suit, similar to the one you’d been wearing the day he saw you in your car.  This one was steel-grey, a tailored jacket over a blue button down shirt.  You wore a matching grey skirt, just form-fitting enough that he could make out the swell of your hips.  You wore grey pumps and simple makeup, and your hair was in a braid and pinned around your head like a crown.  
“Have a seat,” he finally said, gesturing to the chair in front of him.  He watched as you took a breath and nodded, making your way over to him and settling into the chair.  He stared you down again, and you were still able to gaze back at him without blinking or looking away.  You sat that way for a moment, just eyeing each other.
“So, I heard about a man they call Trujillo around the neighborhood,” you said.  “And I heard about the owner of this club, Nevada.”  You gave him a slight smile.  “I’m beginning to think they are one in the same.”
He smirked at you but didn’t reply.
“To be fair, you only ever introduced yourself as ‘the King of the Heights,’” you continued.  “Do you know what you get if you search for that on the internet?  An apartment complex in Milwaukee and a neighborhood in Carolina called ‘King Heights’.”
So you had researched him, he thought triumphantly.  He filed that fact away for later.  “And what if I had introduced myself as Trujillo?” he asked, his voice low.
“A businessman operating outside the boundaries of the law,” you replied.  “Drugs, I’ve heard.  Fireworks, back room gambling.  Mattresses with the tags torn off, probably.”
He snorted at that.  “And what if I had introduced myself as the owner of the club, Nevada?”
Your smiled widened.  “Then it only would have taken me half a second to realize what you were angling for when you got me that tequila shot.  Everyone knows that Nevada has a new woman every night.”  You paused.  “Sometimes two every night.”
“That so?”  He reached for his cigarettes and tapped one out, lighting it with a flourish.  He took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke in plumes of blue-grey.  
You nodded at him.  “I’ve seen plenty of women stumble up those stairs.  Stumble back down.  They usually get a few drinks comped afterwards.  I suppose I should be flattered - at least I got offered a drink beforehand.”  You tilted your head at him, scrutinizing him as he smoked.  “Then again, that was a slow night.  Fewer options.”
Nevada didn’t like the implication.  His amusement at surprising you had already dissipated.  You sat across from him, looking at him levelly and teasing him like you had before you knew who he was.  He yanked open his desk drawer and pulled out your wallet, tossing it on the desk.  
“Here,” he barked, and he stubbed out his cigarette.
He watched as you reached for it and opened it up, taking inventory of its contents.  You opened up the billfold portion, and he watched your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Why would they take the credit cards and leave cash?” you asked.  You pulled out the bills, counting them.  “I didn’t have this much cash when I lost it.  There’s five hundred bucks here.”  You looked up at him, understanding creeping across your face.  “Did you do this?”
He shrugged but didn’t answer.
“I can’t take this,” you said.  You shifted onto the edge of your seat and reached out to hand him the cash.  He felt a flash of anger at you, and he shot his own hand forward and grabbed you, folding your hand within his so that the cash was crumpled in your fist.
“You can’t take it because it’s fucking drug money?” he snarled.  “You too fucking good for it?”  He curled his lip in disdain, willing you to fight against his hold, but you just sat there.  He felt his blood roaring through him, and the more he watched you keep your calm façade, the angrier he got.  Who the fuck did you think you were, strolling into Trujillo’s office and implying that he was some sort of whore?  Thinking you were too good for his money?
When you answered him, your voice was low and even, but he caught a glint in your eye that betrayed your composure.  “I don’t care where this money came from,” you said.  “I can’t take it because I don’t get in anyone’s debt – least of all you.”
His shifted his hold on you so that his hand was encircling your wrist, firm but not hard enough to hurt you.  He marveled at how his fingers wrapped around it and then some.  He bet he could hold both of your wrists in one hand.  He could feel your pulse against his fingers.  It was slow and steady.  He felt that jolt of electricity when he touched you, and he had to take a deep breath through his nose to stop himself from yanking you over the desk to him.
“You take that fucking money because I’m being nice.  I’m not usually nice,” he growled.  “And you pay off your debt by going to lunch with me now.”
“That’s all?” you asked.  “Just lunch?”  He nodded, and you pulled your wrist out of his grasp, then stood up straight and smoothed your jacket.  “Fine,” you agreed.
The ride to the restaurant had been torturous.  You had sat beside him in the backseat of his SVU while one of his guys drove.  You looked out the window, watching the street, quiet and radiating calm, and Nevada felt his earlier, cigarette-induced jitteriness return.  
Now you were settled across from him at the oyster bar that was quiet in the post-lunch rush.  He ordered without looking at the menu, and he watched you as you read through the options and made your own choices.  The waitress brought your drinks – whiskey for him, water for you.  You took a sip of your water, then looked at him.
“So what should I call you now?  Trujillo?  Nevada?  Or should I keep up the honorifics befitting a king?” you asked.  “Especially since you know my name now.”
“Does that bother you, me knowing your name?”  
You shook your head.  “No.  I would have told you if you’d asked me.  You were always too busy glowering at me to bother, though.”  You took another sip of water, smiling around the rim of your glass.  “Like you’re doing now.”
“I know your address too,” he said, glaring at you but not paying attention to your quip.  “And your phone number.”
You folded your arms in front of you on the table and leaned towards him.  “You take one of my business cards, Nevada?”
He nodded, ignoring the twist in his gut when you called him by his name.  The waitress returned, bearing your lunches, and Nevada waited until she left before answering you.
“Maybe I need help with my taxes,” he said.
You snorted and shook out your napkin before placing it on your lap.  “I assume you’re in a mainly tax-free line of work.”  You picked up your fork and speared a piece of your fish.  “Besides, I don’t work with criminals.  I am licensed.  It’d be an ethical conflict.”
Nevada sipped his whiskey, then started working on his platter of Stellar Bay oysters.  “I don’t want to work with you,” he replied.  He slurped down an oyster obscenely, leering at you over the shell.
You nodded seriously and stabbed a piece of broccoli.  “That’s right.”  You looked up at him, your eyes bright with merriment.  “You want to work with my mouth.”  He watched as you chewed and swallowed, taking a drink of water.  
“What I don’t understand,” you continued, “is why you bother with me when you have a club full of willing ladies.  Is it because I told you ‘no’?  Hasn’t anyone told you that in a while?”
“No one fucking tells me ‘no’,” he growled, finishing his whiskey and snapping his fingers at the waitress for another.
“I did,” you replied simply.  
The waitress brought Nevada his second whiskey, and he sipped it while glaring at you.  You ate your fish, nonplussed, then pushed your plate away.  You daubed at your mouth with your napkin and added that to your empty plate.  Then you folded your hands in front of you and gazed at him.
“You can stop your glowering now,” you said with a small smile.  “I’m telling you no again, and now I’m going to give you my reasons.”  He took a breath to cut you off, to ask you who the fuck you thought you were, a fucking accountantlooking him dead in the eye, but you held up a brazen hand and he found himself unable to speak.
“One, I’m not your type.  I’m not some dumb young thing that’s going to bat my lashes and talk to you in a little girl voice.  Two, you’re not my type.  I’m strictly monogamous, and jealous on top of that.  I don’t share.”  Your smile disappeared, and Nevada saw a glimmer of something more dangerous in its place.  It made him lean forward a bit in surprise.  Just a glimmer though, and then it was replaced by another smile.
“I…” he started, but you held your fucking hand up again.
“And three, not to judge prematurely, but everything about you suggests that you have one setting - rough.”  Your smile twisted into a smirk, and Nevada could feel his blood heading south, pooling in his groin.  “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m not into it until I trust someone.  And I don’t trust you.”
“You don’t trust me, but you came willingly enough with a known criminal,” he retorted.  “I could have done anything to you.”
You cocked your head, the smirk on your face turning downright predatory.  “You think?  Anything?”  You chuckled.  “You could have certainly tried to do something, but you’d never finish it.  Everyone always underestimates the accountant.”
He snorted at this, but you shifted on your chair to lean forward.  “Are you a fan of Greek tragedy, Nevada?  A quote from ‘Medea’ comes to mind, and I think you should pay attention to it.”  Your eyes were narrowed now and staring him down, freezing him in place with the force of your gaze.  He had never been so turned on; he felt painfully hard – and agonizingly unable to do anything about it.
“It goes, ’let no one think of me that I am humble or weak or passive.  Let them understand I am of a different kind:  dangerous to my enemies, loyal to my friends.’”  You held his gaze for a moment longer, then sat back.  Nevada exhaled through his nose, his nostrils flaring.
“Then let’s be friends,” he said, his voice tight with lust.  He shifted in his seat a bit, trying to ease the strain of his erection against his pants.  He was grateful that he was tucked underneath the restaurant’s table, that you couldn’t see the effect your smart fucking mouth had on him.
The predatory look dropped from your face in an instant, and you smiled at him brightly, your eyes crinkling at the corners.  “Let’s be friends,” you agreed.  You drummed your fingers on the table.  “And if you want business advice, my fee is $400 an hour.  Of course, I’ll have to speak in hypotheticals to avoid ethical concerns.”  You finished your water and stood up, hooking your purse over your shoulder.  
“You put $500 in my wallet already, which was very nice of you, so you have me on retainer.”  You walked around to him and stood close enough to where he sat that he was enveloped in your scent.  It took every fiber of his being to not reach out and touch you.
Instead, you reached out and touched him.  You laid a hand on his shoulder, high up so that he felt the heat from your skin radiating near where the edge of his collar met his neck.  You gave him a gentle squeeze.  
“You have my number now, Nevada,” you said softly.  He looked up at you, and you gazed back down at him.  “When you’re done with your dumb young playthings and need financial advice, you know how to reach me.”  
His mouth was so dry that he could only nod, watching your form as you left the restaurant.    
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dankusner · 9 days
Why don’t Rangers have a Pride Night?
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They are only MLB team without such an event
All but one of the 30 of the Major League Baseball teams are hosting Pride Nights this season, most during Pride Month, which celebrates and supports LGBTQ culture and rights.
The Texas Rangers are the only team without a Pride Night.
They say they are committed to making everyone feel welcome at all games.
Have the Rangers ever hosted a Pride Night?
In September 2003, two years after the Chicago Cubs hosted what is considered the first Pride game, the Rangers invited local LGBTQ groups to a game as part of a fundraising event, similar to what they do for all kinds of groups throughout each season.
There were some Rangers fans who expressed opposition through a website beforehand and, while not widespread, there were some protests outside the stadium before that game.
What do the Rangers say about not hosting a Pride Night?
The team has been consistent with its response when asked: “Our longstanding commitment remains the same: To make everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball — in our ballpark, at every game, and in all we do — for both our fans and our employees. We deliver on that promise across our many programs to have a positive impact across our entire community.”
What role could Texas politics play in the decision?
Texas has been dominated by Republicans for a generation, and state lawmakers and Gov. Greg Abbott last year joined the push from many conservative states to limit LGBTQ rights.
The Legislature passed new laws expanding definitions of prohibited sexual content in public performances and in school books, and activists fear those measures will be used to target drag shows and ban LGBTQ literature from libraries and classrooms.
Texas became the most populous of what are now at least 25 states with laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors.
And Texas public universities have been directed to dismantle diversity, equity and inclusion offices and training.
Abbott also signed into law the “Save Women’s Sports Act” that bars transgender college athletes from competing on teams that match their gender identity.
Texas already had a similar law for high schools.
Amid that conservative political landscape, there is less outside resistance in their home market to the Rangers not having a Pride Night.
Rangers majority owner Ray Davis has donated at least $560,000 to Texans for Greg Abbott since 2013, which classifies the former energy executive as a “mid-tier” donor, according to state campaign finance records.
Why do the Houston Astros have a Pride Night, but the Rangers do not?
The Astros hosted their first Pride Night in 2021. Houston, the state’s most-populated city with about 2.3 million people in a metro area of about 6.7 million, is one of the biggest strongholds for Democrats in Texas.
Another is Dallas, not far from the Rangers’ home ballpark.
A majority of the elected officials in Houston and Dallas are Democrats.
The Rangers’ ballpark in Arlington is just off Interstate 30, halfway between downtown Fort Worth and downtown Dallas.
What do the Rangers do to support the LGBTQ community?
The Rangers were a sponsor of the NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series in 2022 when the event took place in Dallas and Waxahachie.
The club participated in the opening ceremonies in Dallas and worked with the local organizers and NAGAAA officials on several initiatives for the event.
The team is working on initiatives with local groups, including the Pegasus Slow-Pitch Softball Association, which promotes quality amateur softball at all levels of play with a special emphasis on the participation of members of the LGBTQ community.
Pegasus has been invited by MLB and the Rangers to participate in a training program for inclusion on July 14 as part MLB’s All-Star Legacy Program initiatives. The Rangers are hosting the All-Star Game on July 16.
The Rangers have worked in the past with the Resource Center, which provides programs and assistance to LGBTQ communities and anyone impacted in North Dallas by HIV/AIDS through advocacy, health and education. Team employees volunteer and support Resource Center events.
An Inclusion and Community Impact Council was developed by the team to foster conversations, ideas and programs to support employees internally and the community externally.
Rangers employees participate in anti-harassment programs, and education programs offered by MLB.
The Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation focuses on anti-bullying messaging at the club's youth academy, and the staff works with outside agencies to ensure a welcoming environment for all athletes.
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parttimereporter · 3 months
Kids sport shorts: A planned harassment at an opening game cancels Softball in Hershey
The Hershey Girls Softball Association canceled their opening day, which was scheduled for Saturday, April 6, after a community member who has been harassing the league planned on targeting the first games of 2024, according to a report.
The HGSA reportedly sought advice from the Derry Township Police Department and canceled a practice and two games, according to the organization’s website and WGAL 8.
The decision to cancel opening day was made out of “an abundance of caution for the players, coaches and families,” WGAL said.
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sportyconnect · 1 year
Softball, a sport enjoyed by millions, is not just about the thrill of the game, the camaraderie of the team, or the cheers of the crowd. It's also about the investment in equipment, league fees, and training. But how much does softball really cost? Let's delve deeper into the costs associated with this beloved sport. The Cost of Softball Equipment When it comes to softball, the first thing that comes to mind is the cost of equipment. The essentials include a bat, a glove, and of course, the softball itself. Softballs The cost of softballs can vary significantly depending on the type of ball, the brand, and where you purchase them. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1 to $5 per softball. However, specialty balls, like those used in the NCAA Softball World Series, can cost more. There are two main types of softballs: slowpitch and fastpitch. Slowpitch softballs are typically larger and softer than fastpitch softballs, and they tend to be more expensive. Brands also play a role in the cost. For instance, Wilson and Rawlings are two popular brands of softballs that tend to be pricier than other brands. Here are some examples of the cost of softballs: Wilson A2000 Slowpitch Softball: $3.99 per ball Rawlings Gold Glove Fastpitch Softball: $5.99 per ball Worth 12-Inch Slowpitch Softball: $1.99 per ball For a detailed guide on how much softballs cost, check out SportyConnect. Bats and Gloves The cost of softball bats can range from $50 to $200, while gloves can range from $20 to $100, depending on the quality and brand. Softball cleats, another essential piece of equipment, can cost between $50 and $100. For more information about the best softball gloves and how softball bats are made, visit our website. "Investing in good quality equipment can enhance your performance and ensure safety during the game." The Cost of Joining a League Joining a softball league is a great way to enjoy the sport, improve your skills, and make new friends. However, there are costs associated with league play. These can include registration fees, uniform costs, and travel expenses for away games. The cost can vary widely depending on the league, location, and level of play. For instance, a local recreational league might charge $50 - $100 for a season, while a competitive travel team could cost $500 - $2000 per season or more. Training and Development Costs If you're serious about improving your softball skills, you might consider investing in training and development. This could include private coaching, attending a softball camp, or taking softball pitching lessons. The cost of these services can vary, but private lessons typically range from $30 - $100 per hour, while camps can cost anywhere from $100 - $500 for a multi-day program. The Hidden Costs of Softball While the costs of equipment, league fees, and training are the most obvious expenses associated with softball, there are also hidden costs to consider. These can include travel expenses, maintenance costs, and the cost of additional gear. Travel Expenses If you're part of a traveling team or if your local league games are spread out, you'll need to factor in travel expenses. These can include gas, hotel accommodations for overnight trips, and meals on the road. Depending on the distance and frequency of travel, these costs can add up quickly. Maintenance Costs Softball equipment isn't a one-time purchase. Bats can become dented, gloves can wear out, and softballs can become damaged. Regular maintenance and eventual replacement of equipment are part of the game. Additionally, there may be costs associated with maintaining and cleaning your uniform. Additional Gear Beyond the essential bat, ball, and glove, there's additional gear you might need. This can include cleats, batting gloves, helmet, and a bag to carry your equipment. Depending on the climate where you live, you might also need cold weather gear for early spring or late fall games.
The Value of Softball While there are costs associated with playing softball, it's important to remember the value it brings. Participating in softball can provide physical benefits like improved strength, coordination, and flexibility. It can also offer mental benefits like improved focus, teamwork, and leadership skills. Moreover, softball provides an opportunity to be part of a community, make new friends, and create lifelong memories. The experiences and skills gained from playing softball can be invaluable. "The value of softball goes beyond the cost. It's about the skills you learn, the friends you make, and the joy of the game." Making Softball More Affordable While softball can be expensive, there are ways to make it more affordable. Buying used equipment, carpooling to games, and participating in team fundraisers can all help reduce costs. Some leagues also offer scholarships or sliding scale fees for families in need. The Cost of Softball: A Worthwhile Investment While the costs associated with softball can be significant, it's important to view these expenses as an investment. An investment in physical health, personal development, and community. An Investment in Physical Health Softball is a physically demanding sport that can help improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and strength. The physical benefits of regular exercise are well-documented and can lead to improved overall health and well-being. An Investment in Personal Development Softball also offers numerous opportunities for personal development. Players learn valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. These skills can be beneficial in many areas of life, from school to work to personal relationships. An Investment in Community Being part of a softball team means being part of a community. Teams often become like second families, offering support, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging. Additionally, local leagues can help strengthen community ties and foster a sense of civic pride. "The cost of softball is not just an expense, it's an investment in health, personal growth, and community." Conclusion While the cost of softball can vary widely, it's clear that the benefits of participation often outweigh the expenses. From the physical benefits to the skills learned and the community formed, softball is more than just a game. It's a sport that can enrich lives and create lasting memories. Whether you're a player, a parent, or a fan, softball offers something for everyone. For more insights into the world of softball, stay tuned to SportyConnect. Remember, the value of softball goes far beyond the cost. It's about the skills you learn, the friends you make, and the joy of the game. #SportyConnect
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ohcanadashop · 2 years
The Top 5 Online Stores For Buying  Best Custom T-Shirts Online In Canada || OhCanadaShop
Are you an athlete? Are you planning a family reunion soon? Are you in a club with a budget for t-shirts? You've arrived at the appropriate location if you choose yes to any of these questions. Later, you can tank me.
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1. You can customise almost anything with Zazzle! But they have you covered because I know you came for the clothes. Choose from thousands of unique options for adults, adolescents, children, and even infants!
Positive review "I have high standards for the things I make. Only Zazzle produces the product exactly as I designed it out of all the websites I've tried."
Why it's fantastic Order 1 or 100, there is no minimum quantity! If coming up with your own designs from scratch feels like too much pressure, you may also make your own adjustments to already existing ones! 15% off your total order when you use the code "ZFLASHDEALS2"!
Prices for the t-shirt start at $12.95 and go up depending on the personalization.
Standard orders take 8 to 10 days, premium orders 7 to 8 days, and express orders 3 to 6 days.
2. Visit www.ohcanadashop.com to see our extensive selection of timeless Best T-Shirts Online in Canada and style them however you like or in the manner, we discussed in this post!
Travel around sporting this head-turning design – a perfect combination of two great nations!
• Unisex Classic fit (Please review the sizing chart below)
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Colour- Black, Military Green, Dark Heather, Light Blue, Sport grey
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3. Allied Shirts is mindful of your spending limit! Check out these tee-riffic deals if you're a member of a neighborhood sports team, graduating class, or getting ready to fly away on a family vacation!
Positive review "I absolutely adore my t-shirts. The league's best-dressed softball squad is now ours!"
Why it's great: They provide affordable selections, and they'll match any lower internet prices you find! You don't have to create your own from scratch because they also offer excellent templates. Finally, they provide free shipping on all orders that are paid in full!
Prices: $9.88 and above for the t-shirt; additional charges may apply for personalization.
Delivery is promised to occur within 10 business days. For a nominal price, orders can be expedited so that they reach you in 5 days.
4. Cafe Press offers an easy-to-use design tool and customizable pre-designed templates, so creating a t-shirt for your upcoming family reunion won't take years out of your life. Your labor of love won't be noticed by Uncle Carl anyway!
Positive review "I didn't know I could design a shirt and only purchase two (or even one of them). Additionally, I could receive assistance in accomplishing it. I'm just ecstatic. I greatly appreciate it."
Why it's fantastic Onesies, in two words. Additionally, free one-on-one help is offered Monday through Friday from 6 am to 9 pm EST if you need it during any stage of the procedure.
The price of the t-shirt is $11.99+; customization costs more depending on the design. Check out their bulk pricing table as well for some amazing discounts!
Economy orders take between 9 and 13 days, standard orders between 8 and 9 days, premium orders between 6 and 7 days, and express orders within 3 days.
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5. The owners of Blu Yeti have been producing t-shirts for more than 12 years! For Mother's Day, Father's Day, or just any Tuesday, you should check out their really cool clothes!
Positive review "Outstanding product and outstanding customer service!! The shirt's quality and screen printing were excellent. I'm grateful."
Why it's great: Since the designs are already created, all you need to do is customize them with your own name, date, or age.
Prices: $2 more for any bespoke upgrades, plus $16.50 for the tee.
How long it takes: The order may take up to a week to complete, depending on the custom design. Shipping takes 1-2 business days once finished!
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Suite 263, 12-16715 Yonge St , Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
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eclecticinspiration · 2 years
Stories from my life- #1
Back when I was an exotic dancer, I was finishing up a rather complicated acrobatic pole move. As my shoes hit the hard floor of the stage littered with cash, I slipped.
My entire body weight landed right on my tailbone and I was done. When I couldn't stand, I was carried off stage, and thus began my battle with sciatica.
Determined to continue my active lifestyle of dirt-bike trail riding, softball league, hiking, weight lifting, 5Ks, etc...I sought out the "temporary fix" with chiropractors and massage therapists for years.
I finally went to a specialist when the "episodes" were so frequent I was regularly being carted out of my desk job to an ambulance with the wheelchair they kept on hand when my legs stopped working.
Several physical therapists, doctors, and surgeons later, I was diagnosed with degenerative disk disorder from L3-L5. Now with a diagnosis and a purse full of prescriptions, I was determined to find another way of managing pain and still live my life, albeit not quite as active as before.
I needed an alternative to all the medications with frustrating side effects and without withdrawal due to their addictive nature. A close friend recommended kratom. I started researching, then I tried it.
After 2 days I was off the pain medications, steroids, and nerve pain medications. No sickness, no withdrawal, just able to begin living my life again without pain. My pic above is after finding kratom on a hike.
Just a few years later, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and recommended to a pain management doctor. No way...I got this. To this day I manage my chronic pain with natural supplements, occasional ibuprofen, and kratom.
If you want to learn about this amazing plant like I did all those years ago, the AKA American Kratom Association has made it easier with their new website. (link below)
It's difficult to find a vendor you can trust so I share discounts occasionally for my go-to vendor Kraken Kratom recently deemed #1 AKA GMP qualified. (link below)
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sunsetparklasvegas · 2 years
Sunset Park
Picnic areas, 9 softball fields, 2 Little League fields, 8 basketball courts, 5 play grounds, numerous miles of walk paths, fitness course, dash pad, disc fairway, pet dog park, pond, RC boat ramp, 7 sand volleyball courts, 8 tennis courts & bathrooms. 
About Sunset Park 
Sunset Regional Park is the crown gem in the Area's park system as well as has served the whole Las Vegas valley given that 1967. Phased park developments have established 214 of the 324 complete acres, making Sundown the largest and also the most recognized park in the County system. The most current expansion consisted of including new playgrounds, a dash pad, walking routes, shaded barbecue areas, and also open lawn areas in the heart of the park. Sundown Park has actually repeatedly won honors, such as the Visitors' Option Award for the Best Park in the Las Vegas Review-Journal's Best of Las Vegas survey for the last 5 years. This oasis in the desert provides something for everyone including tennis, volleyball and also basketball courts, softball fields, a disc fairway, a pet dog park, strolling and also running routes, a lake where you can fish for free, with a fishing license, and also a lot of open space. Group and private shaded barbecue areas attract households and organizations throughout the year. Sunset Park hosts countless unique events, consisting of a Clark Region trademark occasion, the Age of Chivalry Renaissance Festival. 
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The land for Sundown Park was gotten in 1967 and also includes the last staying dunes of what once covered most of Paradise Valley. Sunset Park was as soon as house to early ranchers. The Paiute Indian People occupied the website a thousand years back as well as welcomed site visitors who looked for to trade seeds, nuts, as well as turquoise. Water continues to move under the park as well as surfaces to provide irrigation to the whole west end of Sunset Park.
Here is a local business that supports the community
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/5v46W77izQLmYPJ66
Smile Hy NV LLC
Address: 8690 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 130, Las Vegas, NV 89123, United States
Be sure to check out this attraction too!
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terrirss · 2 years
The burger shop souderton
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League rules, and weather updates will also be included here!. Welcolme Softball Players and Fans! Welcome to the 2022 ASPSL official website! We will work to add as much information to the site as possible! Included on the site are schedules, standings, news, team pages with specific team schedules and rosters. Multiple levels for the Coed leagues will be offered for play. The Coed league (s) will play on Thursday nights. The Men’s league (s) will play on Monday nights.
Registration is now OPEN! The registration deadline is 7/5, but could close sooner if we reach the maximum number of teams. All players must be listed on the roster and. Minimum of 14 and a Maximum number of 20 players allowed on a team roster, with a minimum of 4 males and 4 females. NEW to the Backyard Sports Club leagues is Softball! We are offering 2 nights of Co-Ed Softball, Tuesdays and Sundaysboth slow pitch. Rotary Field is a standard dirt field featuring a great home run. Games take place on either of our two state-of-the-art fields: Rotary Field and Major Market Field.
Each season consists of 10 games plus playoffs. Ingold Sports Park offers adult men's, women's and COED slow pitch softball leagues for players of all skill levels. Deadline to withdraw from league and receive. During this time, registration is open to all teams. No registrations will be accepted during this time. Any player, coach, or observer whose temper gets out of control over a judgment call, or who by vulgarity, intimidation or yelling confronts an official, will be warned once.įebruary 15 - 21. There is to be no arguing with the official over calls. Coed Softball.Ģ021 SPRING CO-ED SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL RULES. Teams need to have a representative at this meeting. The Captain's meeting was held on Monday, April 11 at 6:30 PM. Open Women's Slow- Pitch Softball The Women's Slow- Pitch Softball League starts in May and runs through mid-August this league is open to players, 18 yrs. Home Team: The second team listed on the schedule is the home team. Regular USA Softball rules will be followed except for any league rules stated here. COED SLOWPITCH LEAGUE RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Once the deadline has passed, schedules will be sent out to the team captains. Registration Deadline is a week before the start date. Only the Classic 'M' ball will be used for all leagues. All teams must provide one official USSSA game ball per game. Lastly are the toppings: raw onions, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, avocados, peppers, caramelized onions, bacon, mushrooms or an egg.Toyota grounding cable Tech interracial white teen werewolf spare williams Options range from the standards – ketchup, mustard and mayo – to basil pesto, buffalo sauce and salsa verde. Next they choose a cheese – American, aged cheddar or pepper jack – and then a sauce. They offer a choice of brioche buns from Hearth Bakery in Lansdale or gluten-free “smart” buns. The “beyond” is a vegetarian option, a 100 percent plant-based, gluten-free, soy-free, non-gmo patty.Ĭustomers stand at the counter (no phone orders are accepted in order to keep the food fresh) and choose a burger, then a bun or organic salad bowl to go with it as well as any fries, onion rings or shakes. “Here, everybody can get what they want,” whether they are meat-eaters or vegetarians.Ĭhiaro crafted his own recipes for beef, chicken and “beyond” burgers. Well known in town, Chiaro “was looking for what Souderton needed,” explained manager Christyl Zavala. The menu there features favorites such as rich and meaty Sunday pork ragu, gnocchi a la vodka, handmade lobster ravioli, lemon veal scallopine and cheese-stuffed half-pound meatballs. “I wanted something more casual than Caruso’s,” he said, which is known for its classic homestyle dishes from the family’s native Neapolitan region. An experienced restaurateur, he and his family have owned and operated Caruso Brick Oven Trattoria in Souderton since 2004. Simple foods made quickly using quality ingredients is what owner Giuseppe Chiaro wanted. The menu is simple: beef, chicken and vegetarian burgers with a variety of side dishes, plus milkshakes made using organic ice cream from Trickling Springs Creamery in Mechanicsburg. There is nothing fancy about The Burger Shop, Souderton’s newest restaurant, which opened last week.
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lauracoffin · 2 years
Why Academy Sports Is the One to Watch
Academy Sports is a leading discount sporting goods retailer that has been taking the nation by storm. They offer a wide variety of products to all kinds of buyers, as well as services ranging from full-service RTG stores to their website, which hosts over 4 million items. Academy Sports is also the first company in their industry to introduce an AI copywriting system, giving them an advantage over their competitors.
When was Academy Sports founded?
Academy Sports was founded in 1978. It is one of the largest sporting goods retailers in the United States.
What does Academy Sports do?
Academy Sports is the one to watch because they offer a wide variety of sports and activities for both children and adults. They have leagues for basketball, football, baseball, softball, soccer, hockey, and more. Also, they have classes for things like tae kwon do and gymnastics. Plus, they have facilities all over that can accommodate different activities.
We believe that every child should have access to a quality athletic program. That is why we strive to provide the very best in sporting activities for kids of all ages. From youth leagues and summer camps to indoor sports facilities and even pro teams, we have something for everyone. Plus, our customer service is second to none so you can always be sure that your needs will be taken care of.
Visit our website or give us a call today to learn more about what Academy Sports has to offer!
Who are their competitors?
Academy Sports is the one to watch when it comes to basketball. They have a strong team, Academy Sports Near Me, made up of some of the best players in the country. Their biggest competition comes from Nike, who Academy has faced off against many times in recent years. However, Nike tends to have a more extensive basketball program, meaning they can put out a better product on the court. Academy also competes against other big-name brands like Adidas and Under Armour. However, they are consistently able to hold their own against these companies, proving they are one of the best in the business.
How much revenue does Academy Sports make annually?
Academy Sports is one of the largest sporting goods retailers in the United States. It has over 2,500 stores in 47 states and employs over 36,000 people. In 2016, Academy Sports generated revenue of $4.2 billion. This makes it one of the most successful retail companies in America.
Academy Sports is one of the most popular sporting goods retailers in the United States. The company has an annual revenue of over $2 billion. This makes Academy Sports one of the largest sporting goods companies in the world. In addition to its massive revenue, Academy also boasts a diverse portfolio of products. This allows the company to appeal to a wide range of customers.
Academy Sports is quickly becoming one of the leading brands in the sports apparel industry. They offer high-quality products at affordable prices, and their customer service is top-notch. If you're looking for a brand that will provide you with quality clothing, look no further than Academy Sports.
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juuls · 2 years
Oh my word, I am so proud of/happy with my dad right now! TL;DR he made it possible for trans and non-binary kids to choose which gendered softball team they want to join.
He’s on the board for the local softball league (which regularly receives ~300 players age 5-18) in my rural township and he also controls the registration and website for it as well. Basically he’s the entire back end of getting players to join up.
Well, this year, he didn’t even ask but made all categories genderless. So instead of U18 (16-18) Girls and U18 Boys, he simply put down one category for signups: U18. And he did that for almost every other age group. The board did bring it up but the only holdup was the outgoing president who is old and set in his ways.
Now, this isn’t necessarily so that girls can play with the guys (we are much more vicious, based on personal experience! Oof) but so that transgender and non-binary children and teens can choose which teams they would rather play on. Essentially, when registration closes, everyone gets an email/call so that the league can make sure the children are on the team they want to be on.
I’m not exactly sure on all the details but it’s a huge step in the right direction for our vast rural community! *hugs my dad fiercely* I know he’s not doing anything groundbreaking, but it IS a big step for this region and he was the one to initiate it all on his own.
I wonder if my talking about my own sexual preferences and designations, as well as my NB metamour and transgender friends, and out new NB neighbour who we see pretty regularly has anything to do with it… maybe. But he could have done nothing. Instead he did something.
Never been so proud of my dad before. Wow.
Now let’s work on letting the full-intensity girls allowed onto the boys teams! I always wanted to play on the boys teams in local softball…. Instead I joined the provincial competitive league and had to travel all over. But it was fun.
In any case!!! My dad said trans rights! My dad said non-binary rights! My dad said gender-fluid rights!
And I say my dad has the rights to forever hugs!!
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