#Society Management
arealtrashact · 1 year
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Garfield and Odie
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irishmammonagenda · 1 month
"Solomon?" You ask, eyes unblinking like a lizard as you stare at your favourite Rat Bastard. "You know how you're immortal?"
Solomon turns to you in mock shock, "Really? Why I never wouldve guessed."
You deadpan. "It was a serious question."
Solomon smirks his usual evil smirk, which to anyone else observing would look like a pleasant smile. "Yes, and what about me being immortal, MC?"
"Well, did you ever know Merlin?" You tilt your head as Solomon's smile falters for a split second before he fixes it.
"Yes, I knew Merlin."
"Before or after you became a Rat Bastard?" You ask him, eyes trained on his pretty smile. (evil grin)
"Well...I may or may not've been good friends with him..."
"Do you think I could meet him?" You ask, bouncing one of your legs after you sit down on Solomon's workbench.
Solomon moves towards you, something flashing in his eyes for a split second before his hands find their rightful place around your waist. "No."
"Why not?" You pout.
"Because I'm the only famous sorcerer in your life." He states, that something flashing in his eyes once more. Something animalistic. If Solomon was a demon, you were sure his demon form would sprout out.
"What about Maddi?" You raise an eyebrow.
Solomon scoffs. "You hate Maddi. You put on a mask with Michael's face on it, and then tried to drown her in a ditch."
You shrug. "I'm just mad the bitch didn't drown."
"She did damage her oesophagos though." Solomon smiles evilly, actually evilly this time.
"So why can't I meet Merlin. I want his autograph." You bring th conversation back to the topic at hand, your flustered gaze trained to where the Great Sorcerer holds you by the waist possessively.
Solomon scoffs once more, grey eyes narrowed in on you. "And why do you want his autograph?"
"Because he's the greatest sorcerer to ever live? Duh."
Solomon's grip tightens at that. His brows furrow.
"...No he's not." The silver-haired sorcerer replies after an awkward moment of silence.
"Yes he is."
"No he's not." Solomon glares at you, grip tightening once more, it's almost painful. "I can give you my autograph if you yearn for one that badly. End of."
"But-" You pout, eyes flickering with the flame of mischief, wanting to see how far you can take this.
Solomon's eyes snap up and down your body before meeting your gaze, forcefully he moves closer to you, you lean back until he's directly in your face and your back is up against the surface of his workbench.
You feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispers, "The next words out of your mouth better be 'I love you Solomon!' or I'm not hearing them."
Your breath hitches, you suppress a grin, "It's just that-"
"Not hearing it."
"Emrys is just so cool-"
Solomon flicks you on the head for that one. He moves away from your ear so he can look at your face. Grey eyes instinctual and crazed.
"My darling apprentice....you don't want to know where this is headed." The Witty Sorcerer grits out, emphasising the word 'my' like it's an ancient incantation.
You stiffen, you've really done it now. There was no way you could keep teasing your favourite Michelin Star Murderer and come out unscathed.
A dark purple surrounds the sorcerer, are those flames?!
You pout, looking into the crazed feral eyes man who's about to lose control. You'd have to stop being a gremlin and take responsibility.
"Sol...I love you." You say, and you mean it.
And like clockwork, rhe dark purple flamey aura disappears, Solomon's grip loosens on you, he moves a little farther back, allowing you to get up off the surface of the workbench. His usual Rat Bastard smile returns, and the crazy feral look in his eyes diminish, never fully going away.
You raise an eyebrow teasingly, "So that's a no on meeting Merlin?"
Solomon sighs exasperatedly, love ever-present in his expression, "Forget Thirteen, you'll be the death of me."
You laugh, "Back to your Alchemy lesson now?"
Solomon chuckles. "Back to my Alchemy lesson." He nods, taking his hands off of you and walking over to his cauldron.
You follow him like a lost puppy, unaware of the extent of the danger just a few moments ago. Not danger you were in, of course, like Solomon could ever hurt you. But the rest of the realms?....well that's a different story....
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Never wake a sleeping dragon....
Never underestimate the obsession love that Solomon the Wise has for his Darling Apprentice.
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nikhiladvancefms · 2 years
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Life in gated communities is not always peaceful. Sometimes, apartments can get overly disturbing with children playing in corridors, bachelors partying and playing loud music at odd hours and unruly neighbors getting into arguments with security guards, littering the apartment premises, and so on. All this can get frustrating for other residents, especially, if no heed is given even after several complaints. MC members should highlight the housing society rules on the noticeboard. In case of an intolerable offense and if he or she is a habitual offender, society has the right to penalize, rebuked, or even evict the individual.    
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williamelijah12 · 2 years
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OhhPro Junction is one super app that reduces paper usage in daily life enabling all paper-related tasks conducted digitally through the app, saving time, cost, and manual effort, creating a paperless ecosystem. It is not just about living digitally or cost cutting, it is also our responsibility towards the environment to keep it eco-friendly. https://www.ohhpro.com/
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idle-compy · 3 months
"someone is hunting us"
"but why? who would even wanna do that?"
that's a really good question darius
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baffling even
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addasoftware · 2 years
Best Society accounting software
A community can only be as strong as its accounting and financial backbone. As a property manager, or as an association member, your responsibility is to ensure the financial stability of your society. A trusted society accounting software can help you manage your finances and create stable, thriving communities.
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We'll show you how to improve your community's financial situation and explain why it's important to invest in industry-leading software like ADDA ERP.
Why Society Accounting Software Is Useful
A property that does not have an accounting system is likely to lose its value and money over time. This is why simple, yet powerful accounting software for society can prevent this:
100% automatic maintenance billing and collection via a payment gateway ensures fast collection with minimal admin cost and maximum bank interests.
An interface for facility managers allows you to keep track of common assets and preventive maintenance, saving you money on repairs and breakdowns.
Expert guidance is built into the product to prevent tax blunders , saving you huge penalties on taxes.
The app allows residents to report security and repair concerns instantly, saving them huge costs in the future. enables residents to report any issues or security concerns immediately. This reduces the possibility of costly repairs in the future.
The Advantages of Using ADDA's Robust Society Accounting Software
 Functionality and Usability of Society Accounting Software
How well everyone can use the accounting software in a community determines its success. Residents, managers of apartment associations, community managers, accountants, auditors and others are all stakeholders. ADDA provides custom-made products to meet the needs of each member of your community.
The ADDA app is available for residents. The ADDA Admin App is available to property managers and MC members. It's intuitive and user-friendly. The ADDA ERP is available to accountants and MC members, while security personnel can use ADDA gatekeeper.
ADDAERP is easy to use. The interface is simple and intuitive, so even lay people can use it. These are just a few of the unique features of ADDA society's accounting software:
Automated late payment penalty 100% with protections against legal disputes
Due to the highest volume of transactions, 100% integrated payment gateway charges the lowest transaction fees on the market
Automated GST calculation
Best practices worldwide for facility management
ADDA boasts a wide-reaching, thriving product ecosystem. You have a high chance of finding an accountant or manager who uses ADDA ERP, as they are the most popular users on the market.
ADDA also nurtures the community accountants and managers who are experts in Owners Association Management.
ADDA believes in continuous innovation. We are constantly developing viable products that can be tailored to the needs of gated communities. Our society accounting software ADDAERPH0_ may be chosen by communities. Then, they can use ADDA Gatekeeper to manage their gate. ).
ADDA's One app One Database gives you efficiency as a property manager, or member of an association. It also makes community management a collaborative experience.
Track Record Adda and its Society Accounting Software
ADDA's 13-year track record and global reach in five countries prove that we live up to our motto "Rise high". We are proud to be the best society accounting software in our industry and strive to continuously improve our culture.
Do you want to learn more about how you can serve your communities? Visit our website!
Source: https://telegra.ph/Society-accounting-software-07-20
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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My son he has every gender
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mudzdale · 1 year
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Dr Habit and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Flower Brat
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sableeira · 1 year
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whoever edited that bsd official art to make it look like chuuya is holding onto dazai’s arm will be put on trial for irrevocably changing my brain chemistry and making me so much worse
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the original and the edit in question. this artwork really makes me crave a mid to late 19th century historical au where Chuuya is a swordsman struggling with changes to his job due to the meiji restoration and with Dazai as a detective/private investigator who hires Chuuya as his bodyguard when a seemingly harmless investigation turns dangerous. they kind of hate each other (as per usual) but Chuuya needs the job and Dazai, while he proclaims to dislike chuuya, is also very smitten with chuuya’s fighting style and temper (as per usual).
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onelungmcclung · 3 months
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We got a thirty minute delay.
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canisalbus · 10 months
do machete and vasco live in a dog only world? or are there other animals? and are there non anthropomorphic animals too, or are they all anthropomorphicized?
I'd say
1. replace all humans with domestic dogs
2. actual four-legged dogs don't exist
3. wild canids, like wolves and foxes, exist but aren't anthropomorphic
4. the rest of the animal kingdom is the same
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
Idk how to explain to people that there is a gigantic chasm between ghosting someone for weeks at a time while they worry you are dead and not “constantly being at their beck and call”.
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nikhiladvancefms · 2 years
Facility management is complex work and facility users experience the difference when experts undertake the job. The profitability and reputation of a facility enhance tremendously. Contact Advanced FMS & Security Services Pvt. Ltd for pan-India facility management services.
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williamelijah12 · 2 years
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pencileraser1 · 2 months
dead poets society theater au headcanons
so for context, i'm a stagehand, i've worked for events as well as in community theater, so this is mostly based off of that. doing my part to add dps to the dps tag, and this was what i could come up with
ok they're all involved in a small community theater production of the tempest over the summer
neil is an actor, he's playing ariel, this is one of the first roles he's landed. he'd done theater in school as puck, which didn't go so well, but it's been a while since then. he's graduated college recently after studying medicine and is finally somehow at a point where his father has less control over him. despite this, he's somewhat unsure what he wants to do now, if he wants to continue with medicine cause it's what he knows, or try to make it in theater.
todd is the assistant stage manager, he was really unsure about taking the job, but the stage manager, cameron, who he was pretty good friends with, and who he'd worked on a crew with before, specifically wanted him. despite this, he's worried that he's too anxious and not assertive enough to do it
cameron is the stage manager, and a bit of a hardass, which means the crew loves him and a decent chunk of the actors hate him. he's good at his job, he's very organized and really good at getting shit done and people together, but he'll also chew you out if you fuck up
meeks and pitts are lights and sound respectively, they've worked on a ton of shows together before and are pretty close. every show they work together, they bring a bag of snacks with them for the crew to eat during performances
charlie is the prop master, and a stagehand. he has a knack for finding weirdly useful shit in random places, and is brilliant at constructing props. despite this cameron is constantly having to bug him to get his stuff finished on time. he and cameron have a sort of love/hate relationship, they clash really bad at times but they both understand that the show would not be as good if either of them weren't there
keating is the director! he works really well with newer actors, i'd imagine he's pretty similar to peter weir in a lot of ways. he can take a little too long to reach deadlines, as getting the show perfect is a lot more important to him, which annoys cameron a bit
knox is also an actor, he's playing ferdinand and is convinced that he and chris, who plays miranda, are destined to be together or something. chris doesn't see him like that though
chris is miranda, she was originally interested in the tech/design aspect of theater, but a while back they needed more actors, and she ended up volunteering. she started as crew when ginny first started acting, because ginny was nervous to do it alone
ginny is iris, she has more free time this show since her role is smaller, but is always at rehearsal whenever chris is there, so she ends up sitting around and watching a lot. she quickly becomes friends with neil, who is similarly always around todd
anytime he's not busy, neil is hanging around todd. he's started doing parts of todds job for him, getting batteries, taping doors, sweeping the stage, doing other miscellaneous errands. he spends so much time with todd that he somehow ends up as crew in the program in addition to ariel. he starts getting to the theater early when the crew shows up just to spend more time with todd. cameron has started treating him as an extra stagehand
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cimacally · 1 month
Quick dead poets headcanons without context pt. 9
What do they do when they're stressed?
Neil - smokes (a habit from his mother), also his leg starts twitching
Todd - bites his nails/skin around them and shyly asks Neil for a conversation
Charlie - smokes, not saying anything or loudly groans until someone (usually Cameron) finally asks what's wrong (it depends on the situation)
Cameron - tries to not do anything and bottles the stress
Meeks - bites his lip and overworks himself to forget about the stress
Pitts - goes pale and questions himself and his skills, until someone manages to convince him that he's enough (cause it's true y'all are enough and doing great!!)
Knox - lays down on the bed and overthinks the situation
Stick - sits down, hides his face in his hands and talks to himself until he assures himself that it'll be okay
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