#Sobek Kemetic
the-bandit-brood · 4 months
Oh Sobek, Lord Between the Reeds, you lift me up from the dark and treacherous waters that are your home, keeping me safe in my own delving to darkness. Praise to you, and your glorious scales and claws and teeth, may you always be full, and never hungry, and may your teeth never feel the need to bury themselves into our skin.
May you instead feast on all of my shame and fear, and may it fill you with the strength you deserve.
Dua Sobek!
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madmonksandmaenads · 7 months
I have been pondering the Labyrinth, not as prison or as maze, but as the house grown to monstrous proportions. Rooms festering without purpose cancerous within winding corridors. Ornamentations of a forgotten past, functionaries without masters.
The Palace of Minos was one such Labryinth. Its walls swelled with the riches of an ancient kingdom. It was the life bed of a man doomed to be a judge of the dead. Life sheltering death. It grew from resplendent garden to a tangled morose due to the seed of stolen sacrifice. A bull from stygian depth denied its proper return. Life clinging to death. That seed flowered into an unquenchable appetite. Death undeniable within life.
A labyrinth is built from the inside out. Every room carved out, filled up, entombed. It expands layer upon layer with each generation within it. What is the labyrinth but the outward expression of the manifold desires of its inhabitants?
What if that inhabitant is a god? Sobek, great god of appetite, resided within his labyrinth kept company by his crocodiles, his cunning priesthood, and his fearful pilgrims. Appetite is a desire that requires growth and consumption in equal measure. Life and death in masturbatory cycle.
To the ancients the Palace of Minos, the Temple of Sobek, were baffling constructs. Buildings whose sheer size made them unnavigatable to the uninitiated. Would modern man find them so?
In this rat racing aeon; in this landscape of malls, offices, campus complexes; would the Labryinth even register as an oddity. We are already so familiar with the cancer spiral of death chasing life. It has built far larger palaces than any ancient Minoan can dream.
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gemahi · 2 months
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Happy Wep Ronpet and DUA SOBEK-RA!!!!! 🥺
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tawaubast · 2 months
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Dua Sobek-Ra!
I can honestly say I don't know much about Him, but this is a year in which I can connect to His energy and truly get to know this magnificent Netjeru.
May He watch over you through this new year!
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thetelesterion · 3 months
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Sobek, god of the Nile River. Depicted with the head of a crocodile, he is in a traditional seated pose with an ankh symbol on his lap.
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worship-of-the-gods · 2 months
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I haven't done art in a while so this is rough but I wanted to do something for Sobek-Ra, Netjer of this coming new year!
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sehetep-shenwer · 1 year
Im Hotep y'all
Just moved into my new apartment and set up my altar!!
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Gonna definitely try to implement worship and magic into my schedule now as soon as I get a job. Seneb Ti!
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houndcall · 18 days
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I'd love to build an altar out here eventually but for now, my Sobek will chill next to my plumbagos and hopefully bless my garden :)
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mesehmer · 1 month
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Dua Sobek-Ra on Your feast day.
Ruler of the Great Green, Strong of Heart and Limb, the Primeval One.
May You feast heartily on this day, and may it be pleasing to You.
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hemseti-seshenmaiu · 1 month
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Sobek and Sobek-Ra shrine icons
Sobek (left) and Sobek-Ra (right). Sobek-Ra is the god of the year!
If you use, credit back to me (@hemseti-seshenmaiu or @dreadfulstar)
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deitiesofduat · 1 year
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Hi all! So uhhhhh I used Mermay to explore Sobek's more hybrid features in DEITIESProject >>
This form is something that Sobek -- and most deities -- can canonly take with transformation magic, it fall under the category of hybrid features. Though I'm not sure whether this makes him look more like a "merfolk" or a "centaur" (or both? both ✨).
That said, I feel like every time I draw a crocodilian I have to relearn it all over again, esp. their body markings and scales/scutes -- it's fun, just never very consistent. But I've learned a few new tricks to get Sobek's croc form closer to that "semi-realistic but still stylized/cartoony" look I'm aiming for.
Also! I traded his usual feathered headdress for the horned variant -- originally for the sake of reducing negative space and cropping, but I actually like this look on him too!
DEITIES Website: deitiesproject.com
Sobek’s Profile: deitiesproject.com/portfolio/sobek
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artistandtales · 11 months
Day 19 Sobek
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Day 19: Sobek
#sobek #egyptianmythology #crocodile #digitalart #akhtober #egyptian #deities #drawing #mythology #art #day19 #digitaldrawing #magic #pagan #witchcraft #illustration #simple #kemetic #firealpaca #artist #artistoninstagram #myart #dahkyarts #artistoftales #artistonig
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bihansthot · 16 days
Noob’s animality is a crocodile as a personal nod you to me, I’m a Kemetic and my patron god is Sobek who has a crocodile for a head, no way it’s a coincidence. Boon did that as an apology for taking away Sub-Zero from me yet again. Yes I will die on my delulu hill thank you very much.
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gemahi · 2 months
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Here are some of the Sobek-Ra amulets I made for Him this year 💕 thinking about making some more! They're really fun to make.
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tawaubast · 28 days
I kinda did a thing.
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sensitiveseal · 5 months
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devotional sobek stimboard! 🐊🥩
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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