lounesdarbois · 2 months
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Kop Boulogne, Notre Histoire devenue légende.
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
An OM executive drops a big clue about his future
Pau Lopez has released very strong words regarding his future at OM. At ease, Pau Lopez. Before the shock of the 32nd day of Ligue 1 between OL and OMthe 28-year-old goalkeeper confided at length in an interview with SoFoot. The occasion in particular for the Spanish international (2 selections) to declare his love for the city of Marseille and to discuss his future in the ranks of the Marseille…
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sadathkra25 · 2 years
€276 to be won with PSG & Liverpool (Deposit €100 and bet with €200)...
€276 to be won with PSG & Liverpool (Deposit €100 and bet with €200)…
ZEbet bonus: Deposit €100 and bet directly with €200 the ZEbet Bonuses is currently in EXCLUDED of 100€ DIRECT at SoFoot using the code X2SOFOOT ! ZEbet offer you directly the amount of your 1er deposit in Freebets after registration up to 100€. Examples of this ZEbet bonuses depending on the amount of your 1er deposit :– if you deposit €50, ZEbet offers you €50 directly and you therefore have…
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It is the story of a locker room transformed into a saloon, in several stages. First there was the preparation for the 2019 World Cup and a press conference held one day in May, at the Palais des Congrès, a few weeks before the start of a World Cup in France. Armed with dark circles and a pair of eyes transformed into revolvers, Corinne Diacre came to unfold the program for the coming weeks and asserting that the goal was "to hurt ourselves" and that her battle plan was "well structured, with no room for emotion". A few days later, Les Bleues' coach gathered her players together at seven o'clock in the morning to perform a series of physical tests on an empty stomach. A promise made, a promise kept. The promise in question: "Over the first three weeks, the players bodies are going to suffer enormously, so the girls won't have time to think. I'm telling you, they're going to suffer." What's next? After a World Cup that was fragile in the game, ending with an elimination in the quarter-finals against the United States (1-2), Corinne Diacre once again shot and aimed at one of her players, Eugénie Le Sommer, during an interview given to Téléfoot. It is necessary to add to this episode the fact that one year earlier, Wendie Renard had lost her armband, and that in the wake of the World Cup, the assistant of Diacre, Philippe Joly, had tried to leave, worn out by his collaboration with the one who took over the helm of the boat France in the summer of 2017.
Refused at first, Joly's departure was finally confirmed at the beginning of January 2020 after a big discussion with Corinne Diacre. There have also been many discussions over the last few months. Diacre had to explain herself to Jean-Michel Aulas, annoyed by the behavior of the coach with the players of OL. In January, she was also received at the FFF headquarters by Noël Le Graët in order to take part in a conciliation meeting with Wendie Renard, at the end of which the boss was clear with the two women, asking them, according to comments reported by RMC, to "work together for the good and the future of the French team, without needing to be friends". Last week, following the non-selection of Amandine Henry, Renard nevertheless chose to turn on Canal + again: "We need to bring back a little more serenity and above all positive energy to be able to be fully focused on the field. It is important to have the self-confidence necessary to express ourselves." In other words, the question is now on the table: is it still possible to imagine a future for Corinne Diacre on the bench of the French team?
This situation raises other, deeper questions and brings to the table the question of a management by terror chosen by Diacre since the beginning of her coaching career. Questioned in the spring of 2019, Corinne Petit, her former player at Soyaux, warned: "What you have to understand is that she is not there to try to please people. It's either you stick with her or you don't, but she moves on." Sometimes with her head down, often without feeling. Corinne Diacre is often portrayed as "rigid" compared to a wall, and this is explained first of all by the fact that she has always moved forward alone, that she has made her place for herself alone and that she has always been respected alone. This may have pushed her in the past to do too much, as when she made her first appearance in the Clermont first team locker room in the summer of 2014. The goalkeeper Franck L'Hostis, who was present, saw a woman who "unpacked her CV. I did this, I did that, like this, like that... She wanted to impose some. We were curious, it was new, we were open. But having a strong character doesn't mean acting like a dictator." For those who know the former captain of the French team well, this is a classic "test phase" for her management.
Problem, by wanting to impose her setting in Clermont, from where the historical assistant of the club, Jean-Noël Cabezas, was quickly ejected, Corinne Diacre also put a hell of a mess.The local press was suddenly denied access to the club's offices, the closed-door sessions were multiplied, communication was locked and the coach started to annoy some players. "At practice, we all had to have the same matching socks," says Anthony Lippini, for example. Usually long or short, everyone does what they want. That wasn't the case anymore and some guys were getting pissed off," says Lippini. At the same time, tank tops were also banned, and Diacre refused to let some of the players stay in their rooms in the middle of Ramadan in the name of collective unity. The story even goes so far as to say that ice cubes in glasses of water were banned. If Claude Michy, the president of Clermont-Ferrand, affirms that Corinne Diacre has made the club "grow in its world of operation", some employees had problems with the "walk or die" of a future NT coach who rarely bothered to explain her choices.  L'Hostis, still: "The first year, she put seven or eight players aside and told us: “I'm the coach. You're the player, you don't have to understand." She had managed to instill fear." Someone close to the club would later talk about an Attila-style management, where "every ear that protruded was cut off. "She was trying to break us" says another former member. Anthony Lippini sums it up: "When you go her way, you have her confidence. But as soon as you start to stand between her and her goals, she won't hesitate to fire you for the good of her group." The proof: in March 2015, the player was removed from the group for a trip to Ajaccio, under the pretext that Lippini had a good relationship with Oliver Pantaloni, the ACA coach. To Diacre's credit, this management has paid off, with Clermont having its best season since 2012 first, then finishing in a fine seventh place in Ligue 2 with good picks, before the Croix native was named one of the top four coaches of the year in the UNFP 2016 trophies.
The attempted putsch and the tears
Internally, however, the situation was boiling between a medical staff that was close to resignation and captains with whom Corinne Diacre almost always got into trouble, such as Karim Djellabi, whose vision of the adventure is as follows: "I tried to act as a buffer, like my predecessors. She didn't measure the size of the gap she had dug between herself and the team. In my corner, I did everything I could to make sure the group didn't explode, because a lot of people wanted to fight. Successful coaches are those who are close to their players, who listen to the feedback. In the end, I think she's putting aside the human side of coaching and overplaying a character." That's also what she's been accused of at Les Bleues: Diacre would not be receptive to states of mind, military in her approach, and had to deal with an attempted putsch after the World Cup organized by several players. In response, the coach had organized several individual interviews, two players would have come out crying, according to L'Équipe. More than a year later, with Euro 2022, the 2023 World Cup and the 2024 Olympics on the horizon, is it still possible to create a calm atmosphere? (hell no) That's a good question. This week, Noël Le Graët once again came to Clairefontaine to try to ease tensions. Good luck.
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teamroscoes · 5 years
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hopiho · 2 years
Le conflit armé, qui se déroule dans les provinces anglophones du #Cameroun, sévit depuis de nombreuses années, mais personne n’en parle. J’avais l’opportunité de faire un travail de sensibilisation, mais je ne l’ai pas fait. Je suis désolé.
Depuis le début de la Coupe d’Afrique des nations, le Cameroun subit un lynchage médiatique sans précédent. Un sentiment nationaliste, dont je ne soupçonnais pas l’existence, s’est emparé de moi très rapidement. Il m’était impossible de rester indifférent : la patrie était en danger, et il fallait que je la protège à tout prix. La première chose que j’ai faite, c’est d’entrer en contact avec un…
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devenirmilliardaire · 3 years
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Sadio Mané élu meilleur joueur 2019 par SO FOOT https://tinyurl.com/yz8fvbdc L’attaquant sénégalais de Liverpool (él... #DISTINCTION #ÉLU #FOOTBALL #joueur #meilleur #MONDE #SadioMané #SENEGAL #SOFOOT
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sportskafunel · 3 years
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Sadio Mané élu meilleur joueur 2019 par SO FOOT https://tinyurl.com/yjrbo9hy L’attaquant sénégalais de Liverpool (él... #DISTINCTION #ÉLU #FOOTBALL #joueur #meilleur #MONDE #SadioMané #SENEGAL #SOFOOT
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buzzkafunel · 3 years
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Sadio Mané élu meilleur joueur 2019 par SO FOOT https://tinyurl.com/yener2sx L’attaquant sénégalais de Liverpool (él... #DISTINCTION #ÉLU #FOOTBALL #joueur #meilleur #MONDE #SadioMané #SENEGAL #SOFOOT
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kafunel · 3 years
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Sadio Mané élu meilleur joueur 2019 par SO FOOT https://tinyurl.com/yjmeyglf L’attaquant sénégalais de Liverpool (él... #DISTINCTION #ÉLU #FOOTBALL #joueur #meilleur #MONDE #SadioMané #SENEGAL #SOFOOT
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albericipierre · 4 years
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illustratepetica · 7 years
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skillstopallmedia · 2 years
Le Graët, the serious accusations
Le Graët, the serious accusations
Golazo, the Sports.fr podcast, looks back on the scandals surrounding the FFF and the (more or less direct) involvement of the organization’s president, Noël Le Graët. President of the FFF (French Football Federation) since 2011, Noël Le Graët is in the crosshairs of public opinion after a very disturbing investigation by SoFoot and terrible revelations made by independent journalist Romain…
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benuahamet · 7 years
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My illustrations in the last pédale! One of the @sofoot mags ! #sport #sofoot #magazine #cycling #michelrousseau #champion #history #france #art #artist #illuminati #illustrator #illustration #illustrationart #illustrationoftheday #illustratorsofinstagram #artwork #graphics #instagood #instalike #artoftheday #artoninstagram #summer #2017 #benoithamet #rotring #dessin #photoshop #velo (à Karaköy)
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houssemaouar · 6 years
Il faudra juste stopper d’exiger au foot une forme de patriotisme que personne ne sent plus le besoin d’exercer dans les autres secteurs de la société.
Nicolas Kssis-Martov
We need to stop demanding of football a form of patriotism that nobody feels the need to have for the rest of society
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teamroscoes · 5 years
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