#So it loses what I praised the Titans for
blastthechaos · 2 years
I will say though that these are the best Super Sonic Boss Fights in the entire franchise.
Not a high bar to clear and they're not that special...but on the fact that they don't force on you a complete different gameplay style to get used to just for this fight, that's alright. Super Sonic plays like regular Sonic just with the ability to fly.
On top of that there's the absolute shredding bangers and cool visuals, I say they're pretty good spectacles with decent play style to booth.
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pinkberryfox · 2 months
My loves, it’s a little inspired, and maybe a little dialogue-y, but here we go with part 2! Thank you for all your support on Part 1 <3
Part 1
Traumatized! Levi Headcanons 2
-Levi who shivers when you kiss his scars, soothing away the painful memories for far more pleasant ones
-Levi who dreams of a peaceful life with you one day- hopefully when the titans were gone, and he could open a tea shop, start a family and give you the luxuries you deserve
-Levi who just about loses it when you get severely injured on an expedition, casting blame on himself (and on you for breaking protocol)
-Levi who can’t even look you in the eyes for days after because he keeps imagining you dying. It's not a punishment, your wounds are enough, he just keeps seeing it
-Levi, who when you confront him about it, can’t stop himself from yanking you against his chest and hugging you so tight it hurts
-Levi who says, “You’re not allowed to die on me. Not you.”
-Levi who doesn’t let go until you promise to be more careful, until you reassure him you'll stay alive, that what he sees in his nightmares isn't real. That your flesh is warm and your heart still beats
-Levi who is so relieved when you leave the Survey Corps for him he almost cries. He peppers you in the softest kisses across your face and hands and he thanks you over and over
-Levi who visits you before expeditions for courage, to remind himself who this is for. Who tucks you in and watches you sleep for a while, because here you're safe
-Levi, who proposes to you one night when he’s holding you after a hard mission. It’s just a simple question while he strokes your back and murmurs in your hair, there’s not really extra fluff to it, but he means it with his whole heart
-Levi who has the most radiant smile you've ever seen when you say yes, whose expression is so hopeful and warm it stirs your soul
-Levi who believes he might be dead when he sees you again on the battle field with the beast titan’s turned soldiers using borrowed ODM gear because you PROMISED you’d stay safe, and what is this?
-Levi who is both extremely PISSED OFF and thoroughly grateful you have his back, grateful he isn't alone in this massacre, but can't decide between scolding or praising you first. He goes with scolding
-Levi who shouts your name and says, "You reckless fool, who do you think you're trying to save?" But then says, "Watch your back and keep up."
-Levi who is shocked speechless when- DURING BATTLE- you ask him to marry you?!
-Levi who clicks his tongue in disapproval but agrees to your proposal anyway because why not?
-Levi who says “Is this why you came? Your timing is absolute shit-don’t even have a damn priest.”
-Levi who rolls his eyes when you tell him you don’t need a priest to make a vow to God and each other. You can get married again the right way if you survive.
-Levi who kind of likes the idea of marrying you twice.
-Levi who gives his vows WHILE he’s destroying the beast titan
-Levi who says, “Was hoping I’d get to lift a veil, but I guess blood-matted hair fits us.”
-Levi, who after ripping the battered body from the nape, mutters, “We have a witness. Was I impressive enough to kiss my bride?” But he doesn’t really wait for Zeke’s answer.
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The Owl House Critical Post, scroll away now I don't know if I am being too harsh in this post but I wrote it anyway so if you don't wanna read something potentially upsetting this is a warning (to those who decide to read please tell me if I'm being too harsh)
I remember initially hating how the show handled its villains, they all felt like jokes, they never felt like threats or like they provided a meaningful challenges for the main cast, they never had any real depth or complexity. but i bit my tongue, I was told that I was basically a dumbass for complaining that Bump openly breaks a law that's supposed to be punishable by death so that Luz could fulfill her witchy fantasy and that he wasn't arrested. the show could've had him make the multiclass student thing be something underground- boom it lets luz live out her fantasy but doesn't ignore what was established about the setting and creates potential stakes if these underground classes ever got discovered! That already made me angry but the cult thing is what I wanted to complain about- i only had basic ass knowledge about cults and TOH fails at portraying that crap, most people in the EC can just quit and do so in a way that makes it feel like they're just quitting a job, it doesn't feel like they fear losing their friends or sense belonging and community, they don't feel like they're anything but jokes. Leaving a cult is scary, often times cults will send their followers into the real world and set them up to have bad experiences so they'll come running back, they'll hire thugs to scare them into staying or position them in away so that they suffer (sending them out without money or the skills to survive), they humiliate those who begin to ask questions so that they stay in line. guilt tripping, putting members against each other, cutting off contact with the rest of the world! The show only adds the whole 'forced to fight on a mountain' thing for flavor! Everytime it brings up actual stuff cults do it feels like it's more for flavor than actually writing this topic with sensitivity- look at how they treat Lilith! Imo It feels like the show insulting people for ever trusting belos, treating them like they're braindead and could've just realized fairly easily that he was evil. It's the most egregious with hunter who was basically fucking born into the EC. the show is also pretty black and white, which is curious for a show that gets praise for its portrayal of religious trauma. You think the show would be more grey. I did deeper research into cults and just got SO tired of people talking about how good the show was at conveying such a heavy topic. The titan reveal also doesn't help- Luz is told by an all powerful deity that she is the chosen one basically and is told that old man is evil and needs to go down- isn't that the same justification that belos uses for his actions- not saying belos should've gotten redemption or forgiveness but this feels wrong. He deserved to die don't get me wrong but using this justification feels gross. What's even worse is that the titan made Philip's life harder on purpose- ah yeah that brainwashed cult victim would totally change his mind especially if you make his life harder- yeah I would've preferred if belos was depicted in a flashback just having a bad time on the boiling isles and cherry picked those bad experiences to justify his actions. Also I hate that the show just writes belos off as greedy and glory seeking when it could've conveyed a message about how people can get absolutely get warped by religious dogma. I do wonder though if I'm being too harsh because TOH is for kids and I was told it would be hard to portray this stuff in a way kids could understand. I can come up with ways to make the breaking the law openly thing less egregious but I am struggling to think of ways the show could have handled the cult thing, I am aware that maybe I'm accidentally saying stuff that is kind of bad faith but this is my truth. I feel like TOH wasn't good at villains and it sure as hell didn't write cults well
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steddie percy jackson au part 3 (part 1) (part 2)
The years come and go, kids grow up, teenage heroes turn into adult demigods, the wheel of time spins. They’re twenty-five by the time they decide to get married. Summer wedding at the camp. They both no longer live there, moved into a small but lovely apartment in Boston. But the camp is still the place they associate with home the most.
They get married at the lake, right at the edge of the camp border so that Wanye can come be a part of the celebration. Steve's dad, to no one's surprise, doesn't show. Steve can't even remember the last time they talked, isn't sure the phone number scribbled down on a half-dissolved paper is still the right one, doesn't really care though. His dad might be a no show, but his mom is here. Pretty in pink, celestial, soft eyes and even softer smile.
Steve is no longer just Aphrodite's little padawan. He is her child, her son. She's come down from Olympus to bless Steve's and Eddie's union. There still is not really a need for it, the red string tied around Steve and Eddie’s pinkies is sturdy as ever.
But Aphrodite has seen Steve and Eddie fall in love and be torn apart too many times before. She’s seen Steve get bitten by a venomous snake and heard Eddie sing in mourning, the sound beautifully that stones had wept. She’s seen Eddie lead Steve out of the underworld only to lose him again at the very very last second.
She’s seen them grow up together, not unlike now, boys easily falling into each other, body and soul. Boys being forced to go to battle, boys forced apart too soon. She’ll never unsee the harrowing fear in Steve’s face as Eddie bled out in his arms in front of the gates of Troye.
She’s seen them court each other, love each other, unaware of the looming shadow of jealousy whispering in the wind. She’s seen Eddie lose his life during a harmless game of discus, seen Steve try to preserve Eddie’s memory by turning him into hyacinths.
There are hyacinths all around during the wedding even though it’s been months since spring. A special gift from the dryads. Even after all those lives, hyacinths are still Steve’s favorite. Aphrodite thanks the fates for spinning a longer thread for Steve and Eddie in this life.
After the wedding, Steve doesn't see Aphrodite for a while. Another titan rising, another war, more loss, sometimes it feels like the fight is never-ending. But the gods and their children emerge victorious once more. Steve especially. He was the hero that got to slay the titan.
He gets called up to the Olympus to receive praise and honour and gifts from the gods. They haven't told Steve specifically to bring Eddie, but Steve doesn't go anywhere without his husband now a day. Especially not after almost losing him in the last war, a swarm of furies digging their teeth and claws into his torso.
"Not yet," Steve had sobbed on the battlefield.
"Not yet," Hermes and Aphrodite had whispered.
"Not yet," the Fates had agreed.
When they enter the Olympus, Aphrodite is the first to greet them. She rushes out of the throne room and wraps her arms around Steve in a tight hug.
"Hi mom," he says softly as he buries his face in her curly hair. Just like their little apartment, just like cabin at camp, being in Aphrodite's arms always feels a bit like coming home.
"I love you, Stevie," she whispers before she lets go. It feels final, like a goodbye, and Steve doesn't like it one bit. Before he can ask what's up though a thunderous voice calls out from the great hall, "Steven, come in!"
Aphrodite let's go of him, pulls Eddie in a quick hug too, before she turns to the great hall.
"Best not to let them wait," she says and it almost sounds like she is on the edge of tears.
She doesn't let Steve ask, just squeezes his hand before she slips through the door. Steve turns around to give Eddie a helpless look, Eddie looks back at him with the same confusion. Aphrodite is right though, best not to let the gods wait, no matter how beloved Steve is by them.
Something is definitely off, Steve realizes as they enter the hall and walk towards the front where Hera and Zeus are sitting. The other gods that usually smile at him look sour. Some bitter, some angry, some sad. Steve desperately tries to remember if he has done anything to earn their contempt, but he comes up empty. He literally slayed a titan for them.
The only one smiling at Steve is Hera, which, nothing against Hera, is low-key a red flag. Steve has never seen her smile reach her eyes, always empty, always put on, always pretend. Steve shivers as he reaches her.
“Steven.” Even the cheer in her voice sounds fake.
“My lady,” he says and bows. It’s odd that she is addressing him and not Zeus. Zeus is just sitting next to her, looking bored. Which is yet another red flag.
“You have done a great deed, Steven,” the goddess continues and Steve wishes she would just stop calling him Steven.
Only his dad called him Steven in the few blurry memories Steve has of him. Steve could really do without those.
A deed great enough for my husband to graciously forgive you.”
“Forgive me?” Steve frowns. He can’t remember a single thing he could have done to wrong Zeus. Sure, he once dated his daughter Nancy, but she was the one to break Steve’s heart. And Zeus never seemed to be upset with Steve for that.
“And he has allowed me to claim you,” Hera ignores Steve’s question. “For you are my child.”
The words my child echo through the great hall, reverb. It takes Steve a moment to take them in and then another to fully understand them. Child. He is Hera’s child Zeus isn’t forgiving Hera for having an affair. He is forgiving Steve for existing. Steve’s too familiar with that feeling, understands now how Hera might have fallen for his mortal father. They seem to be alike.
The joy that should come with your divine parent claiming you stays out. Technically nothing much should change for Steve. He no longer lives in the camp so he won't move cabins. Every little sacrifice he brings he now has to bring to Hera. In his moments of need he will have to turn to her. It sounds like nothing, but it's everything.
Because there is no way Zeus didn't know that Steve was hers. He must have known and he never threatened Steve, always was surprisingly kind to him. Even now he doesn't look at Steve with the hatred Hera claims her husband must have for her bastard child.
Steve doesn't buy it one second that only now Zeus allowed Hera to claim him. It's only now that Steve has slain a titan, has fought more wars than he can count, that he is good enough for Hera. She isn't claiming him out of love, she is claiming him to brag, to show him around like jewelry. He wonders for a econd if she even knows his husband's name. His friend's name, hell if she even knows that yellow and umber are his favorite colors. There is no love found in her gaze.
Steve is going to do something brave, something stupid, something based on all the love he feels. He turns to Eddie briefly, an apology in his eyes. But the way Eddie looks back at him means that he knows what Steve is about to do. And that two demigods might not do much against a whole pantheon, but Eddie will always have Steve's back. Steve tells Eddie one last time I love you with his eyes, before he turns back to Zeus and Hera.
"Lord Zeus, Lady Hera," he says already tasting blood in his mouth. "Thank you for the great honor, but I believe there has to be a mistake."
Eery silence falls across the large hall.
"I already have a mother," Steve says and holds up his wrist, Aphrodite's symbol etched into his skin.
The silence continues for a moment before Hera laughs. It's cold, it's cruel, downright sadistic. Everyone knows what happens to the people that wrong Hera. Steve just hopes it'll be painless and that Eddie will be spared as Hera strikes out.
Steve presses his eyes shut, ready to accept death with open arms. Only that the strike never comes. Confused, Steve opens his eyes again. Hera is up, arm stretched out, palm ready to slap Steve, but she is unable to. Two hands wrapped around her wrist.
"Don't you dare touch my child," Aphrodite hisses, her pretty face contorted like that of a siren that has stopped singing, eyes glowing red, yellow fangs flashed.
"What she said," Hermes, who the other hand around Hera's wrist belongs to, says with just as much anger.
He never asked Steve to devote himself to him, but Steve has spent his entire life living in Hermes' cabin, he's married to one of Hermes' favorite children. As far as Hermes is concerned Steve is as much his to protect as he is Aphrodite's.
"Traitors," Hera snaps. "You would start another war amongst us? For what? Some meekly, unimportant demigod? He's barely a hero."
"I would start a hundred wars for him. Because he is my son and I love him," Aphrodite grits back, her grip so tight it's going to bruise Hera's wrist.
Steve is not surprised. He would rather die for his mother's love before he worshiped a false goddess, she would start wars for him.
"What she said," Hermes confirms again and this time it does catch Steve a little by surprise.
"Wouldn't be much of a war though," a deep voice roars behind them.
When Steve turns he sees the entire pantheon standing behind them. Usually, they are never united, loyalties split between the big three, there were bound to be gods on Hera's and Zeus' side. But every single one is standing behind Steve and his family.
Because they too watched Steve grow, they too felt for he unclaimed child, they too felt touched by his love and they too want to express their thanks for Steve's heroism. As Eddie once whispered into the darkness of the night, arms wrapped tightly around Steve, so convinced that Steve had already been asleep: "It's impossible not to love you, Steve Harrington."
Hera falters slightly, looks at Zeus for help, but Zeus still looks bored.
"I believe the pantheon has spoken. You made a mistake Hera, the child is not yours," he says before he turns to Steve. "Your business here is done, you should leave."
Steve doesn't have to be told twice. He grabs Eddie's hand and pulls him out of the hall, away from the Olympus. They don't look back. They know Aphrodite and Hermes will wait for them when they come home. Hera might still try to come for Steve, but for this life, this love, the Fates have blessed Steve with a very long thread.
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azurlily · 1 year
Hange zoe DATING headcannons (your choice on sfw or nsfw or both if you’d like!) -🐢
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Dating Hange Zoe would be like:
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Hange is a scientist, so of course they need to gather research on you before "jumping to conclusions".
She'll watch you when out on missions just in case a titan gets a bit too close. Cant have her lover getting hurt, right?
Depending on wether you are a cadet or not, she will either show too much or little amounts to PDA.
If you are a cadet(18 OR OVER), well she'll keep your relationship a secret until she feels comfortable. If not, be prepared they love to show you off.
Hange keeps you close in a secret fear of never seeing you again. What if you're out on a mission and DIE? They wouldn't be able to bear it.
Hange sometimes uses their rank to get you things. Extra food, water, anything she can find.
Will start thinking about you when they are pulling an all nighter and cant stop. They wonder where you are, if you're asleep, if you're awake... if you're cheating on them
Hange is very self conscious about herself. She thinks that she isn't good enough sometimes and doesn't know what to do.
You, of course squash these thoughts by kissing her and showing her you love her. You show her how important she is to you.
Hanges kisses are gentle and sweet. She can get a little overwhelming due to the fact that shes just so happy to see you.
Dont ever let her sweet demeanor fool you though. They could very easily hurt someone or something if mad enough.
Example: Levi had made a comment about you being unprofessional because he believes your relationship(all relationships not just the gay ones) should be kept private. He berated you and told you to this is the military your could die any day.
You told Hange, and by the gods. You have never seen her so mad. They told you it was okay, and that they would "talk" to Levi.
The talking that she did ended up in her blowing up about how rude it was and how Levi wouldn't understand because his lover is dead. She slapped Levi and told him, "When you understand how afraid I am for her safety, you can talk about relationships."
You never thought she'd get mad enough to mention them(no real lover I'm just using this). Levi didn't say anything, he should have, but he didn't. Hange is the commander now, Hange is in control.
When Hange came back to you she promised it was handled nicely and neatly.
You never had a problem with anyone talking about your relationship ever again.
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Hard, fast, rough. Maybe a bit sweet.(not maybe definitely) Hange gets quite needy after overworking and needs some help. You'll help her right?
They like being in control. With losing everyone and becoming commander she needs a form of stress relief.
They like when you call them daddy, seeing as they feel more masculine in bed. The first time you called them daddy. Well, your thighs hurt with how good she fucked you.
They love to eat you out. She prefers you not eat her, but if you convince her to let you. You'll have them wrapped tight around your finger.
She eat you for hours, she loves when you cry, and whine, and beg. She loves hearing you please for mercy while you both know she ain't giving you none.
"Aww, yes, I know it hurts. I know, but you'll take it, you'll take me. Now open those pretty thighs up again, I wasn't done."
Dont try bratting with them, it only makes things worse for you. They are the definition of fuck around and find out in bed. The madder she is the rougher she gets.
If you're sweet though, she'll treat you like the pretty little slut you are. She'll tell you, you're a good little slut and fuck you till you're both numb.
She has high stamina during the day. Why wouldn't she at night too?
"Fuckk, such a dumb little slut. You sure know how to eat me out. Maybe I'll reward you if you're good. You wanna be a good slut for me?
Dont worry she'll reward you, she melts when you eat her. Dont let her try and fool you.
As you can see she has a praise and degradation kink. They'll bully you in bed, make you cry(tears of pleasure), while fucking you so hard it should hurt.
Then again, you are her slut. So why does it matter if it hurts, you're here to feel good, to be overstimulated til you can't move, much less talk.
Aftercare is something out of this world. She'll bring you food, water, and will help you clean up.
She constantly reassures you she isn't mad, that she loves you, that you're hers. Shes so gentle with you.
She'll help you fall asleep and lay there for a while playing with your hair/drawing shapes on your skin with her hand.
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Hii 🐢! I'm so glad someone has put in a request. It's not the best hit I'm working on my writing skills! I use a mixture of she/they for Hange seeing as I dont know if they are nonbinary or if that's a rumor. Anyway thank you for reading!
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fanficsformyfaves · 11 months
Loki Laufeyson x Fem Witch!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Oral Sex ( R Receiving) P in V Sex, No Protection (This is fiction, you are not, WRAP IT UP), Praise Kink, Mentions of Torture, Hurt to Comfort
PREFACE: Nearly a month after being rescued by Loki, Reader begins to warm up to him and even starts developing a crush on the all powerful god. One night, she has a particularly frightening nightmare about being kidnapped by Thanos and goes to find Loki for comfort
A/N: Flashbacks in Italics!
Dream Sequence in Bold, Italics and Colored!
Loki never faked his death in Avengers 1, but just escaped in this A/U
I have such an affinity for big scary villains having soft spots for 'that one person'
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"Please", I sobbed quietly,
As the titan walked closer towards me. The gauntlet on his wrist emitting different colored glows from each infinity stone.
"I don't know where the mind stone is", I lied.
I couldn't give Vision away and betray the family I made of the Avengers. They've saved my life on countless occasions and I couldn't let them down.
"Lies do not bode well with me, little witch. It is in your best interest to be complicit", he warns menacingly,
Before calling over his henchmen to pull my bruised aching frame off the floor.
"I will not ask again...where...is...the stone?"
"I don't know!"
He sighs heavily and points the golden fist right at me.
"Fine. Have it your way"
The gauntlet begins to radiate light and I felt it drawing my powers out of my body. The screams of agony I let out echoing around the room and down every hall.
To say it was excruciating would've been an understatement. I could physically feel the life in me being quickly drained and the remaining strength I had left leaving with it.
Just as I was on the verge of completely losing consciousness, I wake up screaming into the darkness of my bedroom.
This was not the first nightmare I've had since escaping Thanos and I was sure it wouldn't be the last, but this one felt all too real. Like, I truly was still on that spaceship, enduring even more of the torture.
It had been nearly a month since Loki found and rescued me. No one knew that either of us survived Thanos' attempt on our lives, so, we were left to hide out somewhere in Europe.
At first, I wanted to leave and find the rest of the Avengers, but Loki refused to let me go and enchanted the house we were staying in. It wouldn't have been a problem...had I not just lost most of my powers.
He was a god after all and I was nowhere near strong enough to break through his magic, especially running on an almost empty tank.
"It's not safe-"
"They're my family, Loki-"
"Then they should be able to understand that you are in no condition to fight!"
"I at least need to let them know I'm alive!"
"And risk exposing yourself to Thanos?! Are you really that stupid?!"
The tension between us was all you could feel. That and the deafening silence that followed his harsh words.
"Don't call me that-"
"Stop acting like it and I will"
I walk away and take a seat by the bay window. He sighs and bows his head.
"I saved your life. You might hate me for this now, but I do hope...eventually, you'll understand", he says,
Before making his way back to his room.
I couldn't really blame him for being the way that he was. He had lost so much already and I was the only person, besides his brother, to give him another chance at life.
Loki and I met long before the kidnapping, while he was in S.H.I.EL.D.S' custody. No one was getting through to him and Thor thought I would be the right person for the job, given my past.
"You sure about this, kid?", Nat questioned,
"I know enough about dealing with people like him"
She furrows her eyebrows curiously.
"What does that mean?"
"I was like him", I emphasized,
Before walking towards the chamber they locked him up in.
"Well...you must be the witch I've been hearing so many murmurs about"
I sigh through my nose, as he scanned me up and down.
"A lot shorter than I imagined"
"And a hell of a lot tougher than your futile attempts to get under my skin, so", I smiled sarcastically,
"Oooh, sharp tongue", he says,
Using his elbow to lean against the glass, as his deep voice causes my stomach to stir.
"You might just be the most interesting person I've met today. Well, that's not saying much, given your competition. My dull brother, the broody spy, metal man and captain wonder boy"
I scoff, folding my arms.
"I hear you use to be a villain of sorts. Why the change? I can tell you had potential"
"I found a family"
It was now his turn to scoff and turn away.
"The avengers?", he mocked,
Turning back to watch me step closer to the glass.
"You truly think they actually care about you?"
I take a moment to myself, before returning my attention to the god before me.
"I used to be just like you. Untrusting, malicious, a conniving little backstabber that was convinced that everyone was out to get me. I would hurt people before they could even think of hurting me first, sound familiar?"
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me.
"If you're such an expert on my character, then why not just kill me and get it over with?", he questioned,
"Because you still have a chance. I did and I know you do too"
"How incredibly naive. This little mind game of yours might work on the weak, but not on me"
"Its not a mind game, Loki. It's the truth"
He glares at me in an attempt to scare me off, but that wasn't going to work.
I knew back then if the team had just walked out on me, I would still be in the same exact position as him, maybe even worse off. So I wasn't going to back down without a fight.
"Was it easy for me to let my guard down? No, it was terrifying. I thought they would turn on me at any chance they got, but when they came back and saved me from Hydra...I knew I could trust them"
"How touching. Should I bring out the violins?"
I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.
"The point of all of this is that I'm not giving up on helping you"
"You're wasting your time", he said dismissively,
"Maybe, but that's not gonna stop me"
Unbeknownst to me, what I said actually got to him that night and for the first time in centuries, he truly felt seen as something other than a monster.
After his escape, I didn't see him again till Ragnarok, when we had to battle against his sister, Hela.
I was preoccupied with fighting off one of the undead that I didn't notice another one closing in on me. Just as the Draugr was about to swing his sword, his head was cut clean off his neck and the moment his body hit the ground, Loki was revealed standing right behind him.
"Hi", I greeted surprised,
"Hi", he nodded.
I look behind Loki and see Hela's wolf charging at us, when I use my powers to suspend the creature in the air and send it flying over Asgard's edge.
"I see you've gotten stronger", he says,
Causing me to shrug.
Once Thor put an end to Hela's reign of terror and got the remaining of Asgard's people safely onto the ship, we thought we were in the clear.
We couldn't have been more wrong. The refugees were mercilessly slaughtered by Thanos' guards and we were all imprisoned for days. All of us, except for Loki, who still pretended to be on the titan's side.
Eventually, when Thor was ejected out of the ship, Loki somehow managed to sneak the tesseract out and plan his escape, but when he realized I was still trapped there, he couldn't leave me behind.
I was laying in my cell, after freshly being drained of my magic, when a flash of green catches my eye. I tiredly turn to see who it was and in my half-conscious state, I could still recognize the man rushing to my side.
"Loki?", I called out weakly,
"Shhh, I've got you", he whispered,
Scooping me up into his arms, before using the tesseract to teleport us away.
I couldn't make out where we were, but he immediately lays me down on the bed and started checking me for injuries. Thankfully, only my hands had aged years from my powers being taken and they would eventually return to normal with time.
"Get some rest. I need to make some arrangements"
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after that.
Back to present day, I find myself leaving my room and making my way to his. Hesitantly, I knocked on his door and awaited a response. The door eventually opens and I was met with Loki rubbing his tired eyes.
I could no longer keep my composure. I run into his arms, throwing my own around him and sobbing into his chest.
"I had a nightmare", I wept.
He sighs in relief, before holding me.
"I still see him when I close my eyes"
"Shhh, you're alright"
I pull away, sniffling and he wipes my tears away.
"Come in", he urged,
Gesturing to the inside of his room. I nod and walk in, taking a seat on the foot of his bed, as he followed suit.
"He can't get you. I won't let him", he reassured,
Taking my hand into his.
"You can't promise me that"
"That won't inhibit me from trying"
I take a deep breath, as he uses his hand to gently cup my cheek and turn me to face him.
"It won't"
"Could I um...stay here? Just for tonight", I sniffled,
"Of course", he reassures.
We get into bed and buried ourselves beneath the blanket. A few moments of silence goes by, till Loki spoke up.
"Was this the first nightmare?"
I was too embarrassed to reply, so I simply shook my head.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was ashamed. I didn't wanna worry you either"
"Ashamed? You've gone through the worst of it and here you were, worried about how I would see you? (Y/N), you don't have to pretend with me. You're allowed to express your pain"
Hearing him be so sincere and gentle was more than enough to calm my nerves. I scoot closer towards him and he welcomes me in with a warm embrace.
"You are here with me and as long as there is still life in my veins, I promise you, you are safe"
I crane my head up and he meets my gaze.
Maybe it was just the exhaustion that was getting to me, but in that moment, I felt something and I was sure he felt it too.
"Loki", I whispered,
Carefully bringing my hand to his cheek.
Without wasting another precious second, I press my lips onto his. If you had told me months ago that Loki and I would be here, in this moment, I would've laughed in your face, but right now...all I could think about was how good he felt against me. How effortlessly his skilled hands would caress the expanse of my back.
For a while, he reciprocated the kiss with the same fervour that I had, but then suddenly, he pulled away from me with a gasp.
"We can't"
"If you're doing this because you feel as though you owe me...don't"
I couldn't help but feel my heart ache at his words. He really thought this was just a pity kiss, when it was nothing of the sort.
With my hands still cupping his face, I spoke.
"Loki. You saved my life, yes...but this isn't just some act of me saying thank you. Don't get me wrong, I will forever be grateful, but this is not what tonight is about"
He watched me intently, anticipating what I had to say.
"Life could end at any given moment and I won't spend what could be my last days being afraid. I know should've said this sooner...but I've fallen for you", I confessed.
His shoulders relaxed at my words.
"You truly mean that?"
"With every fiber of my being", I reassured,
Rubbing my thumbs back and forth on the apples of his cheeks. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, before continuing.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that"
All the weight that had been burdening me for weeks had finally been taken off my shoulders. He brushes a hair away from my forehead, before continuing to speak.
"You saved me from the moment you met me. You gave me another chance at redemption...and I will never"
He presses a kiss to my forehead.
He pressed one more to my cheek.
"Be able to thank you enough"
He presses a final one to my lips.
"If you'll have me, darling, I would love to show you the depths of my devotion"
I couldn't help, but blush at his request.
"I'd love nothing more" I exhaled.
That was all the god of mischief needed to hear, before grinning like a wild cat and pouncing onto me.
Our lips meet in a heated exchange, as his hands used my hips to pull me in closer. Every inch of my skin was burning for more. All the secret pining and anticipation has lead us to this very moment and I knew there was no going back from here. Not that I had any plans of doing so.
At some point, he flips us over so that I was on top, straddling the expanse of his thighs. I pull away for a moment to grasp at the bottom off my sweater and pull it off over my head. I was now left completely topless.
A coy smile tugs at his lips and his hands make their way up my waist, till they gently settled on my breasts.
"Had I known this was what awaited me beneath your clothes, I would've invaded New York much sooner", he joked,
Making me chuckle, whilst biting back a smile and shamelessly rolling my hips against his erection.
"Glorious, every inch of you", he exhaled.
Every word he spoke had me losing my breath. Though, it should come as no surprise to me, as he was always so effortless with them. He didn't have to say or do much to make me melt and he knew it.
Growing impatient with me teasingly grinding on him, he flips us over once more, causing a surprised gasp to escape me.
"You will be the death of me", he murmured under his breath,
Kissing me again. His lips eventually trail down my neck, the valley between my breasts, till he wrapped them around one of my eager buds, using the tip of his tongue to draw firm circles. The sinful noises spewing out of me only encouraging him further.
Once he was done showering both my hardened nips with attention, he journeyed down farther, before yanking my shorts and underwear off and pulling my thighs apart. I couldn't help but feel a chill run up my spine, seeing him stare at me with now darkened eyes.
"At long last"
He drags a finger up my drenched slit.
"A feast worth dying for", he whispered,
Finally lowering his head. I gasp at the contact, feeling his tongue clean up the mess he caused. My hands flying up at his hair, grasping at the roots.
"Loki", I whimpered,
As my legs tighten around his head. I was only met with approving hums and his hands keeping my legs apart, allowing him to continue savoring the taste of me.
"Even the sweetest fruits fall bitter at your presence", he mumbled against my bundle of nerves,
Sucking it in like the last thing he'd ever have.
I already found myself trying to fight of the nearing climax that was threatening to overtake me.
It would've been less of a struggle, had he not decided to slip two of his digits into my needy cavern, repeatedly pressing into my sweet spot. He was oh so precise with his ministrations.
"You're close, I can feel it. Do not deny me of that. Come undone for me, darling. Show me how good I make you feel"
That was the final push I needed for the knot in my stomach to snap apart and unravel. My vision fading for a moment, as my body tensed to welcome in the euphoric high.
Eventually, I grow limp coming down from my orgasm and he slowly made his way back up to my lips.
"Do you taste yourself? So exquisite, so rich. I must have you"
"Then take me", I demanded,
Holding the back of his neck.
"I was only ever yours to take"
I could tell that unlocked something within him. Like I had just awoken a beast that was already trying to claw its way out. Giving me one last mischievous smirk, he sits up, pulling his own boxers off, revealing his painfully hard cock that was begging to be soothed.
"Do you see what you do to me? Driving me up the walls by simply just being? I will ravish you to no end"
"Stop talking and just do it"
He chuckles deeply and reunites our lips once again, before tossing my legs around his waist. He takes his member into his hand, pressing the red aching tip against my sensitive clit. My back arching off the mattress as a result.
"So responsive to my touch. Will you be good for me?"
"Yes", I whispered,
And before I knew it, he plunges himself into me, resulting in another gasp to escape my parted lips.
"You are just as I'd dreamt", he groaned into my ear.
After giving me a moment to adjust, he slowly pulled his hips back, before thrusting back inside of me.
"You feel so good around me"
It didn't take long for his pace to pick up momentum. Within what felt like seconds, he began pounding mercilessly into my heat. His arms bound tightly around me waist preventing me from slipping away, as if I had any plans to.
That same familiar feeling that overwhelmed me not too long ago already building up.
Loki wasn't that far behind either. I could tell by the tempo of his movements faltering with each passing second.
"I cannot hold back any longer. Come with me, darling. Now", he struggled,
As we both fall into it together. I claw down at the alabaster skin of his back, whilst he gripped onto me for dear life, emptying himself into my pulsing walls. He then collapses on top of me and we take a moment to catch our breaths.
By the end, the room smelled of sex, sweat and the apple cinnamon candle illuminating the darkness.
He then musters the remaining of his strengths to carefully pull out of me and place me atop his sweaty chest.
"Nothing and no one will ever hurt you again. Not while I can help it", he promised,
Kissing the top of my head.
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ackrmvvn-levi · 2 years
Take me home || E.S.
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Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: I don’t think there are any??
Look, let’s just all pretend he’s still alive, because god damn it I miss him 😭😭
It’d been 4 years since Erwin had seen you last. He’d barely managed to survive the battle of Shinganshina, but it felt like a part of him had died when you never returned. They never even found your body among the wreckage, they’d searched for days, coming up empty handed each time.
There was nothing left for him to do but assume the worst had happened.
He’d dealt with loss before, being in the scouts, that much was a given. But grief had never taken such a hold on him, leaving him feeling hollow and broken down, unable to think about anything other than you. Every day was hard, every minute felt like an endless abyss waiting to swallow him whole. His dreams were nightmares more often than not, waking from them in fits of shivering cold sweat. It was only by sheer luck he didn’t lose his mind entirely.
He couldn’t have known that across the large body of water, you were alive.
They’d held you captive, only allowing you a semblance of freedom when you agreed to listen to their side of the violence.
But you’d done what you could to make your situation less dire, the Marleyans were surprised when you didn’t try to flee after that.
You learned the secrets of the titans, you’d learned why the Marleyans thought of your people as devils. You’d done everything you could to convince them you believed in their cause, just to stay alive.
You hoped to be able to return home, begging to whatever higher power there was that Erwin was still alive, waiting for you to return to him.
Your eyes grazed over the various fruits the merchant was selling, picking out different ones before moving to start your way to your so-called home.
The familiar voice almost slipped your attention at first, but as the yelling became more prominent, you froze.
You slowly looked towards where the voice had come from, eyes wide in disbelief at the scene in front of you.
Sasha, Connie, and Jean were each holding an ice cream cone, yelling praises for the sweet treat at each other.
You would’ve laughed at how ridiculous the whole situation seemed had your heart not began pounding within your chest. Your breath had caught somewhere in your throat, and you stared dumbfounded at your three old friends who hadn’t noticed you.
You began urgently looking throughout the crowd, desperately looking for anymore familiar faces. Anybody you could call a friend. Anyone who knew you.
You noticed Levi and Hange next, their gazes locked on the three overgrown children, still yelling at each other. Hange had a smile on her lips, chatting to a bored-looking Levi quietly.
You wanted nothing more than to run over to them, to you comrades, but they weren’t supposed to be here. Drawing unnecessary attention to the outsiders would only cause all of you trouble.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the pair, only when a third figure stepped up next to Hange did your focus change.
Your heart felt like it nearly stopped, a pair of blue eyes already locked on your figure when you looked at the man.
Erwin stood with his hands casually tucked into his pockets as his eyes bored into your own. The two of you didn’t move for what fell like forever, staring at one another in silence.
You wondered if he realized it was you he was looking at.
You snapped out of your daze when he took a step in your direction, quickly freezing when you shook your head frantically. He paused, eyebrows furrowing slightly as confusion swirled around in his eyes.
You quickly looked around, noticing no guards, no warriors, no one who would be able to recognize the group of scouts, but you couldn’t be too careful.
Your eyes met the familiar pair again, slightly jerking your head to the alley you knew was a few feet behind you, praying he got the message to follow you into the corridor.
The second you saw Erwin nod to you, you turned and began quickly making your way there, brushing through groups of people unapologetically. You could practically feel your hair standing on end, goosebumps rising across your flesh as you hurried along the dark corridor, only turning around at the sound of footsteps behind you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words died in your throat. He was still as handsome as you remembered, the same blue eyes still shone with intelligence and kindness. He was out of his scout uniform, a suit hugging his body, a welcome change from his usual wardrobe.
His steps were slow, as though wary of startling you. When he stopped in front of you, his hand reached up, landing on your cheek gently. You nearly sobbed on the spot, not realizing how much you still craved his touch until that moment.
“Tell me you being here doesn’t mean what I think it does.” His voice was quiet, pleading. You could tell he wasn’t sure what to think or feel, and you understood that this would be difficult for him to accept.
“No, no, of course not. They took me, Erwin. I did what I had to do to survive,” You assured, taking a step closer towards him, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
He leaned into your embrace, squeezing his eyes closed as he breathed deeply and steadily against your shoulder. “God, I thought I lost you for good,” he spoke, holding you against him like you’d disappear if he loosened his grip any.
“Never,” you replied fiercely, pulling back to look him straight in the eye. You smiled sadly when you saw tears gathering on his face. You cupped his cheeks delicately, wiping them away. He pressed his lips against yours softly, letting out a deep sigh as you kissed him back.
He was the first to pull away, your hands still gripping his face as his landed on your hips. His eyes bored into yours, blue irises filled with adoration.
“You’re still so beautiful,” he whispered, warm breath fanning over your red-tinted cheeks. “I’ve missed you so much, darling. Everyday of the last 4 years.”
You felt tears stinging in your eyes, but they were happy tears this time, relief washing through you to see him finally in front of you. The weight of four years was beginning to fade away. You could breathe normally now, knowing he’d made it out alive.
“You can come back with us, right? We’ll sneak you onto the ship,” he suggested, pressing his forehead against yours. “I don’t know if I can go back to living without you knowing that you’re alive.”
Your smile grew at his words, pulling his lips back down into a kiss, pouring all your love for the tall blonde into it. He wrapped his free arm around your waist, cradling you close as you melted into the warmth radiating off his body.
“Yes, please. Get me out of here,” you spoke after pulling away, leaning your foreheads back together lightly. “Take me home.”
“You have to do something for me though,” he replied, a small chuckle leaving his lips at the confusion that flashed across your features.
“Of course, what is it?”
“Marry me. The second we get home.”
A small gasp left your lips, your heart swelling with joy and happiness at those words.
“You want to marry me?” You asked incredulously, unable to help the broad grin spreading across your features as you threw yourself into his arms once again, giggling into his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, peppering gentle kisses across your forehead.
“I’ve been waiting 4 years to ask you that. Of course I want to,” he answered happily, tightening his grip on you, burying his face into your hair and breathing deeply.
You nodded your head quickly, feeling completely overwhelmed by the emotions running rampant in your chest.
“Yes, Erwin. Please, take me home and make me your wife,” you spoke, feeling tears threatening to fall from your eyes. He chuckled lowly, bringing a finger under your chin to tilt your head up towards him as he connected our lips for yet another kiss.
He was kissing you with everything that he held inside, everything that you had missed over the past years. He wanted to show you how much he loved you, how much he was always going to love you.
You felt safe, secure, loved, and cherished. And in that moment, the world could crumble around you and you wouldn’t care, not while Erwin had you wrapped in his arms and was the reason for every emotion coursing through your veins.
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rose-riot-johnson · 6 months
May I please request headcanons for Bruce, Damian, and Dick comforting their girlfriend who’s a cop after she has to face a man who kidnapped and tortured her in court?
I definitely will write about this request about Bruce, Damien, and Dick😁👍And for the rest the request I definitely will see what I can do with writing these ideas down😃
🦇His Concern For You After The Incident You Went Through🦇(All Characters in this fanfic x Female Reader)⭐All Characters Who Are In This Fanfic Are New For Me To Write About (And are all adults)⭐
Genres: Comfort and Possible Fluff (Trigger Warnings⚠️: Possible Mentions of Death, Mentions Trauma, Torcher, Wounds, and Kidnapped)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
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*Bruce is someone who may appear tough, however he does have a soft side for you, especially with everything (villain name up to the reader's imagination) has put you through. While he's glad he didn't lose you like he did his parents, he's still concerned about your well-being. So ofcourse he would ask if you're okay. After he did ask you, you will answer him (up to reader's imagination on how the answers him).
*Once you answered Bruce's question, he would then open up that the reason(s) why he asked, because he's worried about your well-being and while he knows you could handle yourself and all, at the same time you're very precious to him and his biggest fear is losing you like he did his parents when he was very little. After he finishes opening up to you about his feelings, he would then mention about not being the best at cheering people up, however he would mention about some romantic stuff and plenty of things that might cheer you up, while taking care of your wounds.
*Once Bruce managed to comfort you and cheer you up, he would walk you home. After you got back to your home, you would offer him to spend the night at your place, which he surprisingly accepted, considering, he gets more concerned with crime fighting and usually doesn't spend the night at all. When he accepted your offer, both you and Bruce would kiss eachother (then locking lips together) before the both of you cuddled together on your living room couch for the rest of the night.
Damian Wayne (Robin)
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*After Damian rescued you from (villain name up to the reader's imagination), he took you to his place and not only he is concerned about your well-being, he is also focused on your wounds. While he takes care of your wounds he would apologize about everything you went through, especially with the fact you were severely torchered by (villain name up to the reader's imagination) (physically and phycologicaly), he would also praise you on how much of a good job you did handling yourself, despite of everything you went through.
*Damian would also mention about his experiences with his time with the Teen Titans, especially with Raven and her experiences and other stuff. He would also encourage you to not give up, just because of everything that happened to you. Once he finishes taking care of your wounds, he invited you to be outside with him to watch the stars, which you accepted his offer.
*While you and Damian watched the stars together for the night, he would have his right arm around you, while you're sitting next to him. The both of you would definitely watch the stars together, until the sun comes up. As the sun was rising the both of you fell asleep, while you're in his arms.
Dick Grayson (Robin) (Nightwing)
*Note: Not sure if you prefer the Robin version of Dick or the Nightwing version, so why not have a pic of both the Robin version and the Nightwing version😅😃👍
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*Dick was very angry with (villain name up to the reader's imagination) for everything he did to you, however he was very sad for you. He knew you secretly blamed yourself for getting kidnapped and torchered in the first place. So, ofcourse he will assure you (and consistently reassure you) that it's nothing that happened to you is your fault.
*After Dick finishes up with the topic on why nothing that happened to you was your fault, while taking care of your wounds, he would change to topic and will offer to make a cup of your favorite warm beverage for you and you accept his offer he would be more than happy to make it up for you. If you do decline his offer, he will cook a meal for you instead.
*Once you finished drinking your favorite hot beverage or eating the meal dick cooked for you, he would set you up for a snuggle session of the night. He will hold you and pet the back of your head, even after you do fall asleep. If he does fall asleep while he's still holding you, he will definitely makesure to sleep with one eye opened.
I hope you enjoyed this head cannon(?) fanfic my Tumblr Peeps🦇😃👍As for you @sacredwarrior88 I hope I did well with the request, as well😁👍I figured I'd write this fanfic best as i could think of and I figured this request as a whole would be fun to do and I really wanted to write something very similar that you requested for a fanfic, so this was and is something I would definitely work with writing😁👍Sone of the things for this fanfic, I have written were definitely last minute, especially the wounds part😅As for Bruce's part, I figured I'd try to make extra special and I hope this fanfic, especially Bruce's part makes your day and/or night☀️🌞🌕🌝 🦇😃👍
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dipendenteconad · 8 months
Some LiuHan/BiKang headcanons for MY soul (SFW) pt. 1/?
From some chats I had with a friend
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So, for instance, I'm well aware of Bi-Han's nasty attitude towards everyone, and I'll try my best not to write something ooc. Tho I can't help but see him more like the bratty type more than the dominant one (or better, a brat who pretends to be a dom iykyk); he wants to appear mighty, but he's not as cold as he presents himself to be. In fact, I think he might warm up under the right attentions, but they have to be from the RIGHT PERSON and them ONLY. He actually looks for someone who can keep up with him, either because they're on the same page as him or because they can predict his moves;
I think Liu Kang is perfect for him because they're so different, yet they can understand each other to some extent (opposites attract each other type of trope). I'm pretty much disappointed by Bi-Han's writing in MK1 because it gives too little explanation to his actions in story mode, this way I don't have much to work with and I have to let my delusions take the lead. But I can say that imo both Liu and Bi-Han are lonely souls who are looking for someone to fill that gap in their hearts. Liu would find amusement in trying to tame a beast like Bi-Han, and the latter would come to appreciate being taken care of;
Liu Kang can be very sweet and caring, but he's not afraid to impose himself, and I imagine Bihan to find enjoyment in messing with him, just to see for how long Liu Kang is willing to put up with him (spoiler: for eternity). Not used to affection, Bi-Han tends to destroy his relationships before they can hurt him: this way, he shields himself from eventual disappointment (see the outcome it had with his family, for example). Liu Kang knows what he's trying to do, and he promised himself not to let Bi-Han win this easily;
At first, Bi-Han would find Liu Kang's love annoying (even if he's hungry for it, he just doesn't know it yet). Whatever he does or says, Liu Kang has the right answer and the right solution for it, and no matter the situation he'd always try to understand Bi-Han so that he can be on his same side and support him. This would initially send Bi-Han on fire (eh) because he somehow came to think that he doesn't deserve/need any of that trust. He'd swear to hate Liu Kang due to his forgiving nature and his gentle approach towards everyone, but later he'd realize that what Liu Kang is offering him personally is way more than that: it is not courtesy, rather unconditional love;
So, the more Bi-Han tries to build a wall between them, the more force Liu Kang uses to demolish it;
People like Bi-Han, with such complex feelings, tend to contradict themselves: Liu Kang's presence morphed, with time, into a source of comfort. At last, he tried to focus more on enjoying what him and Liu Kang were having rather than destroying it before it had the chance to grow. Easily his best ever decision, because Liu Kang spoils and worships him in unimaginable ways;
Ever since he became a Titan and he lost his Kitana, Liu had been by himself. And I imagine him as someone who has so much love to give. Do you think he would really lose the opportunity to drow Bi-Han in it? Absolutely not;
Bi-Han would rather die than act all romantic, but fortunately for him, Liu Kang is enough for the both of them: each night Liu has the chance to have Bi-Han in his bed, he cuddles him and caresses his cold skin with warm hands, also enjoying the feeling of Bi-Han's body trembling under his touch at the sudden change of temperature. He would cover him in praise between each kiss, which can sound a bit cheesy for someone external but for Liu this is their moment and he wants to to make the most out of it; he also isn't shy when it comes to praise because he means every word of it (he would never say empty words to Bi-Han, he wants to gain the man's trust after all);
He compliments his body, his skill, his character, and Bi-Han doesn't really know how to react because he had never heard someone say such things to him before. One part of him wants to cringe, but the other wants to hug Liu tighter. Also, knowing that Liu Kang believes every word excites him even more;
So imagine Liu Kang's surprise when, after months of them being together, Bi-Han finally gives a compliment back. Maybe even a simple phrase said awkwardly, but still sincere and genuinely loving. He would cry, if those bioluminescent eyes of his were capable of such a thing (can they, actually?).
So what I like for this ship is a touch-starved Bi-Han with way too little relationship experience and an overly romantic Liu Kang who would do anything for him to make him feel loved again, even close an eye to more than one red flag.
Additions to this are very welcome
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salsaseth · 2 months
After hearing my friend, James bring it up in a call, we started watching Lily Orchard's video about Pokemon to see all the bad takes in it.
When she starts playing the DS games, she uses a mod to smooth out the aliasing and uncap the game's framerate to 60. And gah damn does it look fuckin bad. Even worse is during the 3D games where she uses another mod to smooth out the 3D models and it looks like peeled oranges. Unnaturally smooth. But it does get funny when she talks about the game running like garbage when she's fucked with the game's logic. Like no shit, it's running at a framerate it was never meant for.
Something really funny also begins in the DS games. I don't know why, but she replaces one of the starters with Ralts, cuz she's got some favoritism for Gardevoir. All well and good, but you know, Ralts is weak as shit until it learns confusion and it's still frail. So it gets its ass kicked all the way until it evolves into Gardevoir. But because of how much asskicking it receives, and I swear this is true, she suspects the game is artificially raising the strength of the enemy pokemon, as a way to explain for why's she losing.
Almost as if the game is designed to use a stronger than average pokemon to get you through the early game. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Still, I don't fully understand why she refuses to use the regular starters. Especially when you can catch Ralts and Kirlia for most of the games. save for black and white. Speaking of.
One takeaway I've had from listening to it is what she says is more revealing about herself than what is intentional. The most telling thing is when she's going off about the Black and White characters for speaking about their ideals and opinions. I mean, she mashes through that with the A button (VISUAL NOVEL HATER SPOTTED), so it's when she's paying attention. I don't know if she just doesn't know what the game is supposed to be going for, or if she's just purposefully ignorant for the sake of contrarianism, but the game's themes are about truth and ideals. The truth is out there, but the ideals we have shape our perspective of the truth. Even Cheren, who represents the truth, is still shaped his ideal. It's a little more deeper than, 'Characters excited that they all have opinions,' but what do i know?
She rails against these characters, N in particular for having opinions and speaking them out. Meanwhile in X&Y, which its cast and characters are there to mostly stroke the character's dick, she vastly praises and prefers these characters to the ones in B&W. Hmmm. Characters that have opinions and speak them out are hated, while those that don't and heap praise on her are loved. I wonder if this says anything about her?
The video gets pretty boring the longer it goes on. The hot take well starts drying up and it quickly becomes a bad screenshot let's play. "Then I did this, and then I did that!"
That's all I got to report. Besides the shoehorning in of lefty takes. I don't know if it's because she's not funny or if she wields everything with as much subtlety as anvil-nunchuks, but when there's an opportunity to make a joke with a leftist-slant, it's as heavy handed as a Titan's ballsack and as funny as stale bread. I'm a leftist bastard myself, but every time the jokes were shoehorned in, I'm like, "The funny? Where is it?!" Especially when it was about Looker and Nanu. I get not liking the police, but this isn't the time or place for it. Leave the jokes to the professionals. Like my friend Plate. Several unemployment jokes were made at Lily's expense, and each one was funnier than the last.
I'll report back if there's anything worth commenting on. Me and the friends got to the end of Sun and Moon, so we have SwSh and SV left.
And if you had time to read this 'post', Lily, I think you had time to 'post' your resume to get a job ;D ;D ;D
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Fighting Words
After recently finishing Attack on Titan, I’ve finally completed my first fanfic for the fandom! Of course I had to start with my favorite character, Levi Ackerman. It might not be the best, but it was still fun to write. As always gif and characters are not mine, and I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: Y/N L/N, a newer member of the cadets, believes that they can take Levi Ackerman in a fight. Having despised them for so long, Levi finally decides to take them up on their challenge
Warnings: Mentions of sparring, one curse word, suggestive positions, otherwise none. If I miss something, please let me know!
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Y/N sat in the mess hall of the Scout Regiment’s barracks, savoring the vegetable stew that the cooks served from the kitchen. The new recruits would be coming in today for training, and Erwin gave Y/N the task of watching over their progress. They weren’t thrilled about the job, but with the rise in titan attacks, the Scouts would need to boost their numbers. Sasha, Jean, and Connie joined Y/N after grabbing their own lunches. Jean joyfully hit Y/N’s shoulder with his free hand.
“Promise me you won’t go too hard on the new recruits today? After seeing you during our training, I’m not sure they’ll make it out alive to kill any titans.” Jean and Connie laughed as Y/N also began to smile. No one could beat Y/N in a fight during training, not even Annie or Reiner, and their combat abilities earned them praise from members of the higher command.
All except Captain Levi.
Y/N never understood why Levi hated them more than the others, but their own animosity towards the Captain grew as time went on. Even now as Levi leaned against the entryway to the mess hall, he glared daggers at Y/N. “Oh please, Jean, why beat up the cadets when there are more challenging opponents to face,” Y/N said with a shrug.
“You're seriously not thinking about challenging Levi again, are you?” Sasha asked through a mouthful of bread.
“Perhaps, but I believe the only reason why he hasn’t accepted my offer is the fact that he knows he’ll lose. I beat Erwin no sweat, and Hange too might I add, so fighting Levi would be a breeze.”
“What did you say, brat?”
All of them froze as Y/N looked over their shoulder and saw Levi standing behind them with his arms crossed. His storm colored eyes showed no emotion as he stepped forward and let his arms drop to his sides. “Do you mind repeating what you said? In fact-” Levi's voice raised to a dominating pitch as he addressed the whole mess hall, instantly gaining everyone’s attention. “Maybe you should tell your fellow comrades your idiotic statement!”
Y/N growled as they launched up from the wooden table. Y/N clenched their fists as they shouted at the captain. “I said that you are too much of a coward to accept my challenge for a sparring match because you know deep down that you’ll lose! Then everyone would see that the great Captain Levi is nothing but a whimpering pup!”
The room fell into an eerie silence apart from a few stray gasps. Levi’s facial expressions remained the same, but his eyes burned with rage and something else that Y/N couldn’t figure out. “Oh no, Y/N is in big trouble, now,” Armin whispered to Eren and Mikasa, who were sitting at the table catty corner to the one Y/N sat at before. Levi calmly moved the last few steps towards Y/N. He reached up, grabbing their jaw between his thumb and other fingers. His firm grip kept them from moving their head. Y/N could feel Levi’s warm breath as he leaned down towards their ear. “The only reason why I’m accepting your challenge now is to put you in your place, Private L/N. These weaklings might not be able to knock some sense into you, but I will break you in a heartbeat.”
Levi quickly pulled back with a scoff before exiting the mess hall, but as he turned away from them, Y/N swore that his cheeks were more red than usual. They thought that their comment must have hit a nerve, one that caused Levi to flush in his attempt to keep his frustration from being shown.
The afternoon sun beat down on the new cadets as they fought in pairs with their practice rifles, and Y/N could feel their own sweat dripping down their forehead and back. The second that the training sessions were done for the day, Y/N planned to lay in their cool room and sleep as long as they could. Not to mention seclusion would provide an escape from Levi’s inevitable pettiness. As if he heard their thoughts, Levi nonchalantly approached Y/N and tossed a wooden practice gun onto the ground in front of them.
“Well, you want to fight me, L/N, then pick up the damn gun.” Levi asserted. Y/N wondered how Levi managed to remain unbothered by the heat, as if his cool yet aggressive attitude manifested across his entire body. As for Y/N, they refused to bow down to Levi a second more. If it took fighting the world’s strongest soldier to prove themselves to him and the rest of the Scouts, then so be it. Y/N grabbed the practice gun, the chipped wood planting a few splinters into their palms. They stood in a fighting stance as they glared at the dark haired captain. “Bring it, Ackerman.”
Levi scowled as he dashed towards Y/N, raising his own practice gun above his head and bringing it down with great force. Y/N blocked the shot with their own weapon, but Levi did not let up after the first blow. The sound of wood colliding echoed through the training yard as Levi swung repeatedly at Y/N, refusing to let this low ranking scout make a fool out of him. Despite the brutal assault, Y/N kept their guard up, and they managed to lay a few offensive blows against their opponent. However, Y/N took one step too far to the right, and Levi seized the chance to swiftly kick Y/N’s legs out from under them.
Y/N felt the wind leave their lungs as their body came into contact with the hard, dry dirt below them. Levi straddled Y/N’s body as he maneuvered to a position where he could press the practice gun against their throat. Y/N’s gun prevented him from ending the fight. Levi had to admit that Y/N showed great stamina for a recent graduate, and from this angle he noticed the determination that pooled in their E/C eyes. The sight made his heart beat faster, but Levi blamed it on the adrenaline powering his fighting instincts.
“Just give up now, brat,” Levi snarled, his face inches from Y/N’s. “For weeks I have put up with your bragging, and yet you have nothing to show for it. You’re pathetic.”
“Pathetic? Give me a break! I have fought through hell to become the fighter I am, and I refuse to tolerate insults from an egotistical jerk like you!” Y/N shifted their pinned body to the side, causing Levi to fall forward slightly, giving them just enough time to raise their legs to their chest and shove both feet into Levi’s stomach. He fell over with a groan, and Y/N batted Levi’s practice gun away from him while the pain in his gut worked as a distraction. Y/N used one hand to snatch Levi’s wrists and pin them above his head while the other hand rammed the practice gun against the skin of Levi’s throat. Clearly, the victory belonged to Y/N, but upon realizing the position they were in, they clamored to their feet. Y/N offered a hand to Levi, but he swatted their hand away as he rose from the ground.
“Tch, that last move was a cheap one, Y/N. Hope you feel satisfied with a win based on pure luck.” Levi marched away as relaxed as he had been before the sparring took place. The new cadets crowded around Y/N and showered them with praise, but they took Levi’s blunt statement to heart.
After the sun disappeared below the horizon and filled the sky with a dark abyss flowing with a chilly breeze, Y/N made their way to Levi’s office. They concluded that he would still be working on paperwork, and the lantern beaming through the window informed Y/N that they were correct. Y/N entered the building reserved only for the captains and knocked on Levi’s door.
“Come in, the door’s unlocked.” Levi stated, his stern vocals carrying through the door. Y/N stepped into the room, and Levi only glanced at them before returning his focus to the endless amount of paperwork still piled on his desk. His grip on his pen tightened as his silver eyes conveyed blank emptiness. 
Y/N stopped in front of the desk and saluted Levi. “Captain, I apologize for coming at such a late hour-”
“Stop it. I don’t have time to listen to your half ass excuse for an apology. Leave and go back to the barracks. That’s an order.” Levi clenched his jaw as he scribbled his signature at the bottom of the paper. He moved that one to the side and read through the next paper in the stack. No one, not since Erwin, ever came close to beating Levi in a fight, but Y/N fought him with such grace. He hoped that sitting down to finish paperwork would distract his mind for a while, but Y/N never left his thoughts. He hated their guts, or did he just hate the idea that he didn’t have the guts to talk with them one on one before now?
“What you said to me after the fight today is the truth. I may have won, but it doesn’t feel like a victory to me, so I won’t waste anymore of your time.” Y/N’s confession made Levi raise his head, his eyes softened slightly as he watched them turn back towards the door. Part of him wanted to let Y/N leave, and maybe then the feelings that clouded his judgment any time they were around would disappear too, but his heart won against his logic. Levi rounded his desk and grabbed Y/N’s wrist, his touch lighter than the blows he threw at them earlier.
“I admit, I said that out of anger. You truly are an incredible fighter Y/N, but there are still some things that even you could improve on. Meet me in the lieutenant courtyard at four tomorrow, and I will personally train you myself.” The excited smile that spread across Y/N’s face made Levi’s heart swell with joy.
“Wow, are you sure you don’t have a concussion, Captain Levi? You just offered to train the person that you’ve hated for months now.” Y/N giggled as they raised their arm to jokingly punch Levi, but he caught their fist in his own calloused hand. It was Levi’s turn to smile, something that Y/N never thought they would see.
“I did hate you, but not because of your fighting skills. The truth is, you are the only person who makes me feel vulnerable.”
“Wow, wait till Erwin hears that Levi himself said that I am his sole weakness! I bet Hange will get a kick out of-”
Levi silenced Y/N’s rambling by pressing his lips quickly to theirs. The kiss startled Y/N, but they soon relaxed as Levi placed a hand on their waist and pulled them in closer. When Levi pulled away, his facial expressions turned back to annoyance, but this time his eyes were not angry. They were filled with admiration and amusement.
“You best keep that kiss between us, brat, or you’ll be running more laps than you can count.”
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kaiyaki-sano · 1 year
Lend Me Your Voice(band!AU Eren x fem!Reader) pt.1
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It’s been so long since I posted anything, and I had this sitting in the archives for a million years.....my bad y’all. Basically, Eren is a douchey frontman of the rock band “Titans”. This will be a 4 part slightly angsty mini-series, with a shameless little self-insert as Eren’s sister in part 2 bc I have no self control when it comes to Levi~ I hope you enjoy it!!
TW: sinful foul smut in the beginning, Eren is an asshole to reader, very minor character death for backstory purposes, swearing/dirty talk
It was your own damn fault this happened, and you knew it. There was no way you didn’t see this coming the second you were invited onto the bus and no way you didn’t see it when he buttered you up with praises while he was gripping the headboard to ram his hips at the right angle to get that sweet release he’d become addicted to in his new lifestyle.
“Fuck!! Just like that, squeeze on me baby girl-” His ragged breathing was deafening, the nefarious and sinful harmony of slick skin slapping mixed with the creak of the shaky tour bus bed’s foundation was exactly the soundtrack he needed to get to the edge. 
And sure, Eren Yeager was an asshole and a douche, but he was no monster, who prided himself on his partners having equal pleasure too. After all, he knew it was gonna be the best moment of their peasantry lives, so he had to make it memorable. It was the very least he could do for his adoring fans. Reaching down between your legs from his position behind you, -because of course this man would have you face down, ass up like a two-bit tavern wench- and used those talented calloused fingers to toy with your throbbing clit. “C'mon, pretty baby, cum on my cock, s’what you always wanted, ain’t it? Be my good girl, lemme see you lose it.” Who were you to deny him? Clearly, you were special, so you had to obey. “F-Fuck, so good, feels so good ‘Ren, please! Ah- I’m gonna- ngh!!” It was so good, he was so god damned talented, touching and fucking you as if he’d spent his entire life learning how to please you. Of course, you came, just like he asked, all over him with your thighs quaking. You’d do anything for him. “Such a good fuckin’ girl, so good for me, might be my favorite groupie, might have to keep you-” He babbled, his usual bullshit script, whatever got you to keep squeezing his cock the way you were, just like all the ones before you, and the ones that’ll undoubtedly come after. 
He carelessly, shamelessly painted your walls white, biting down harshly into your shoulder to leave a mark that would last at least a couple of days, or weeks if you were lucky. How nice of him to leave you with a little reminder of the blessing he gave you, the blessing of his time and his nut.
You, you poor poor thing, sighed happily next to him, convinced he was being serious. Even made the grave mistake of trying to scoot in and cuddle with him. “Fuck you doin? Leave.” He snorted, gently pushing you right away and pointing toward your clothes as he grabbed his phone to scroll through his social media, “Your shit is right there, get dressed and leave.”
How could he be so cold to you? Poor y/n, you’d only wanted to cuddle, how were you to know he was this much of a tool? “Eren…why are you being so mean? I thought…you said-” “And you believed that shit?? C'mon, did you really think you were that special? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think you’re hot as hell, wouldn’t have fucked you if I didn’t. But baby girl, you’re all a dime a dozen to me, at least a hundred in every city we hit,” He chuckled heartlessly, looking at you with no remorse and no emotion, “what use do I have to keep you around? Now, get your shit and get your pretty ass off my bus.” So you did. You gathered your clothes, what was left of your dignity, got dressed, and made your way out of the back bedroom of that bus. That proved to only make you feel worse, now being face-to-face with his band members, all of them giving you the same sympathetic look. Despite Eren’s words, there was something different about you, something wholesome, and you deserved better as an adoring fan. 
“Listen,” The first to speak up was Connie, their drummer, “don’t let that asshole bring you down, alright? Here, just to make him look dumb, I’ll give you a VIP pass, it’ll get you backstage to any of our shows. It’ll get you into the show too, so don’t freak out about tickets. VIP has its own section.” He gave you a dazzling grin, tilting his head, “I know I’d like to see you there!” You wondered how many of these they’ve had to give out, just to save face for the band, to right their cunt of a frontman’s behavior. But, you smiled, nodding and thanking them as you gave him your email to print out the pass. You didn’t have the heart to tell them, that you were simply no longer a fan. “I hope he starts to treat his fans better, thanks for your kindness.” With that, you walked off the bus and began the journey back to your car in the venue lot. 
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Chapter 5
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Captain  (Levi Ackerman X reader)
WC: 2563
tw: small sexual tension, mention of blood, some sad moments.
Two comrades; humanity’s Strongest and humanity’s Bravest. A bond between Two warriors who have nothing to lose.
Chapter 4 -- Chapter 6
A/N: I swear I love these two.. Y/n is just too kind for this world and that's what our Levi needs! and God bless Levi's mom's heart <3 The Lyrics are from the song " Like the dawn" By : The Oh Hellos. I like to think that this is how Levi's mom viewed him, he was the brightest shade of sun. ALSO IMAGINE LEVI LOOKING DOWN AT YOU LIKE THIS!
You had woken up from your sleep absolutely refreshed, never feeling so alive! You look over to see if Levi had passed out but saw him wide awake, granted he had dark circles but he was up, like he promised. 
“ you’re up.” you whisper as you get up from your laying position to match his sitting one.
“ And you look better to look at.” 
You couldn’t help but blush at his words, knowing he didn't mean it in the way you took it. It must have gotten warmer.. yeah that’s what it is, you’re not blushing…
You get up and walk to go wash your mouth before and face before you speak to him any longer with the way you were. Once done you heat up a small kettle over the fire and dump the tea leafs into the cup and pour the water and bring it to Levi. 
“ Your tea.”
“ Let her rest once and now she’s a princess and not a killing machine.” He grabs the cup and takes a sip of his tea, and a small hum of satisfaction can be heard. Did you want to throw out the tea in front of him after that comment, yes, but he did keep his promise. 
Everyone was packing their things and ready to go, the titan was still tied down and the same damage was being inflicted on the titan to keep it harmless to us. 
“Disgusting things.” Levi scoffs besides you on his horse as we pass by the titan. You look at the titan and lock eyes with it. But for some reason once it saw you it began straining against the ropes and wires that tied it down. Quickly you pull out your blade and throw it, aiming it at its eye. Looks like it has an eye problem.  
“ Y/N don’t hurt it!” Hanji rushes over to where you were and checks to see the titan like it didn’t just try to escape and attempt to try to attack you.
The rest of the trip you and Levi rode next to one another without much being exchanged. You could see the sleep that begged to take over Levi but he never let his stance falter. Eventually the group reaches back to the main base and the rest of your comrades who knew nothing about this expedition were in awe.  Everyone was already pulling out their weapons but there was no way that Hanji would let anything happen to her baby. 
Both you and Levi take your horses back to the stables and make sure the horses were taken care of before heading back inside the building. Levi walks off in his own direction and you go to put your ODM gear away and refuel as needed, making sure it was ready for the future. As you did so you didn’t even hear Commander Erwin come in. 
“ Welcome back y/n, always great to see you in one piece. I heard you took initiative on the expedition.”
You hang your ODM gear and turn to face Erwin, “ I suppose.” you respond in a rushed manner.
“A move like that could have winded you up dead y/n, making such choices without thought isn’t smart. You can’t do everything on your own.” 
“ I thought about it, I saw an opening and took it. A moment of hesitation means there was an opening for a mistake. If I end up dead it’s not because of anyone else, but because of my own doubt in my ability." You speak in a more confident tone this time around. Who would have said something.. Levi? No.. Hanji? No, she would have praised me.. Who..
“ Trust not in your own abilities alone, but trust in the abilities that those around you can help you.” Ewrin tries to reason with you, but his words only put salt on a wound you've tried to heal. 
"I will trust in my own abilities alone because the moment I trust and wait for someone to help me, will be the day I’m let down. With all due respect sir, If i had to trust someone with my life, I wouldn’t trust you because I know you’d stop at nothing to save humanity, even if it meant sacrificing my life. I agreed to join the Survey corpse because I was willing to give my life up for humanity.. Just because I was willing doesn’t mean I will allow myself to die.”
“ So y/n, you trust that you will make it to the end to see humanity being restored?”
“If i didn’t see it for myself, then what was the point of giving everything i had?” 
With that Erwin walks towards me with a smile and rests his hand over my shoulder and nods. “And I trust that you will see the end of it all.” With that he removes his hand from my shoulder and walks towards the door he came from, but before leaving he asks me one last question. 
“ Y/n, do you trust Levi?”
You look at him and give a firm nod, “ Yes I’d foolish not to trust him.” With that Erwin walks away and leaves you alone. You walk out a few minutes after him and head back towards your sleeping quarters to change into your training outfit and go have a small training session with yourself. You head to the bathroom and change and tie your hair up into a ponytail and walk towards the training room, not expecting to see a shirtless Levi in there.. As you walk in, Levi is already aware of your presence and turns to face you. 
“ If you wanted to be around me so bad, you could have asked.” Levi comments before he goes to do some pushups. 
You let out a small “tsk” before going down to do some stretches yourself, “ sure.” just telling him what he wanted to hear. You proceed on with your stretches until your satisfied and begin doing your own work out with your makeshift weights. Carrying them from one side of the room to the other for a couple of rounds, practicing your high kicks and anything to help you stay in shape and keep your stamina up. You were in your own little bubble until Levi interrupted your concentration, “ Would you like a rematch, hand to hand combat?”
You turn to face him, your face dripping from sweat and you can only imagine how your hair looked. “ I– I didn't take you as someone who likes to get your ass beat twice.”
“ Strong words for someone who was all weak in the knees for me yesterday.” He lets out a small huff while giving you a side glare. Did he just mock you? With that you nod and go for it and agree to a hand to hand combat fight. You throw the first hit, which he dodges with ease and goes for a side punch to your gut. Your muscle memory comes in to bring your knee up to knock the jab away from you. But he was quick to change his position and switch sides and did the exact same move and kneeing you right in the gut, causing you to go down a bit, but you took that opportunity for an uppercut.
You both go on for a couple more hits and to say Levi was not holding back one bit, until he had you on your back flat against the ground. Your chest heaves as he holds your hands above your head as he straddles you without putting any of his weight on you. “ So much for beating my ass.” His face right in front of yours, as you felt his breath skim over your cheeks down your neck. It was then that you looked over his face that glistened with sweat, small droplets about to fall from his hair. The grip around your wrist radiated heat that spread through your body. ‘Damnit, why am I blushing again’ you think to yourself.
Being brought back to your current reality, you think of how you hated not having the last words. You didn’t speak much already, so you'd be damned if someone had the last word. With that alone being your motivation, you headbutt him and use that small distraction to kick whatever strength to your leg to wrap around his hip and kick him down. Quickly you straddle him instead and hold both his wrists down besides his head, caging him between your arms. You watch his eyes widen in shock and you couldn't help but let out a breathful laugh. You look all over his face and see that his nose is bleeding, probably from when you headbutted him.  You lean forward, not realizing this causes your backside to press down on him just so you could reach his ear to whisper to him; “ Never celebrate too early.”
Levi at that very moment wasn���t sure what he was thinking. His head was too fogged up from the fight, being almost knocked out and having his heart pounding for other reasons. He watched you get off of him as he followed your movement from his same position on the floor, you were fixing your hair and wiping the sweat from your face. The picture painted in front of him left him in a complete daze. Your cheeks are covered in red, spreading down to your neck, your hair in a beautiful mess.. He could still feel the weight of your body on him, the pressure of you pushing down on him when you leaned in, causing A pulsating ache. From your hot breath and soft lips that lightly touched against his neck, and sweet voice in his ears. He watches you move around to grab your things and head for the door to leave, but you stop to turn around and look at him. You bring your hands together and fiddle with your fingers, as if you were debating to say the words on the tip of your tongue.  
“ Umm.. your nose is bleeding.. Uh, I .. you can.. I can...” You stutter over your words for some reason, and you wanted to beat yourself up for it, Y/n get a grip!
“ A baby can form a better sentence.” Levi gets up from his laying position to sit up right and look at you from a distance. There she was, the girl he’s come to know.
“ Come to me after your shower.” You blurt out quickly before running out, not wanting to stay under his gaze any longer. What was wrong with you.. Sure you stuttered from time to time, but never this bad. Was it because he was shirtless, did he intimidate you? No.. none of those.. Then what was it?
You just rush to shower and get out quickly, deeply regretting telling him to see you after his shower. What if he makes fun of you? Pft you can put him in his place, wait maybe i shouldn’t do that.. You sigh waiting for him to come in, which he eventually does with his gray long sleeved shirt and wet hair. His nose is still lightly bleeding but nothing too crazy, you get up and grab your supplies and walk to his bed. He already knows what to do and sits on his bed letting you clean up the blood and bandage the small cut on the bridge of his nose and cover the bleeding nostril. 
“ Why do you always do this, bandage me up I mean ?” He asks as you continue to clean his face to prevent any infections. You have one hand under his chin to move his face for you to examine and the other to clean his wounds, but once he asked you that question you froze. You look at him in his icy,  dark and  strong eyes; “ Because you take care of those who take care of you.” His eyes move over your face, examining your facial expressions, trying to read your face for any hint of you lying, but he found none. 
“ Take care of you, when have I ever done that.” He states rather than questions.
“ You always do because you always have my back.. And you kept your promise.” You continue to clean his wounds trying to act busy so that he stops asking all these questions. He doesn’t question you anymore and you go your own ways. 
The whole day/night goes on without the both of you speaking and each goes to bed, waiting for morning. But in the middle of the night you hear shuffling coming from someone’s bed. You sit up eyes trying to adjust to the darkness to see who it is, that is when you see Levi in his bed turning and tossing. You slowly peel the covers from yourself and walk quietly closer to him and that's when you hear small mumbles falling from his delicate lips. Small cries of “ Don’t leave me..” escape quietly from his mouth. You rush over back to your bed and pull out the small lavender plant from under your pillow that you use as a scent to calm you down and walk back to Levi. You slowly try to sneak the small flower under his pillow case. Once you were successful you sit slowly on the edge of his bed, and lay your hand slowly over his head and brush his hair. 
You were the brightest shade of sun I had ever seen-
Your skin was gilded with the Gold of the richest king.
And like the dawn you woke the world inside of me.
You were the brightest shade of sun when I saw you. 
You hummed quietly the small melody that Kuchel would sing to you before bed at times, she had the most beautiful voice and it always calmed you down before bed. When you started to sing you could see that his body eased up, it was like he melted into your touch. You continued your small hums and soft brushes until he had calmed down. Just when you were about to get up and leave you felt a small tug or should you say something holding onto your gown. You look down to see that Levi had grabbed your gown instead of his sheet and pulled it to his face. You couldn't help but smile at the sight, he no longer looked conflicted or in pain.. But at peace. You try to peel his hand from your gown and you succeed without waking him up. Just as you’re about to walk away, you hear a small mumble of “ I love you mother.” That alone tugging at your heart strings, there was the 24 year old man, humanity's strongest crying for his mother. You lean down slowly to press a delicate kiss to his head and a whisper of “ I love you.” Knowing he was too in his dream. 
You look around to see if anyone was up and you knew that no one was, hell you wished you could be in a deep sleep like them. But too bad you couldn’t break the habit you had built. The whole night you think of when you were a child. How you couldn’t wait till night to be tucked in, to hear Kuchel tell you that she loved you. How she would brush your arm up and down, or play with your hair as she sang a small song until you slept.. When she too left you, you tucked yourself to bed, you caressed your arm yourself to calm yourself down, singing the songs you’ve come to know… Hoping that one day she would come back, but she didn’t.. No one to protect you.. To love you.. To care for you.
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It’s over, isn’t it?
He couldn’t see the floor he walked on, just a long expanse of white. Was this all death was? Walking alone?
He’d hoped… that… Gold would be here. Or Purple. Or Banana. Or anyone, really.
But all he had for company was the sound of his own footsteps. Something drove him to keep walking; what was he looking for?
Out of the white, his old house appeared, monochrome, door ajar. He had nowhere else to go, so he continued on, stepping inside.
No signs of his… project remained, making him realize how much of his life he’d let it occupy. How empty he was.
The sound of chalk scratching on his wall got his attention. He saw himself being drawn, alongside his son. Happier times.
He watched, as Minecraft appeared and took his son from him again. The ache in his chest twinged as he saw himself lose his grip and collapse to the ground.
He became a giant and began beating Minecraft in return. There was satisfaction there, it deserved it.
But then, creatures appeared. Minecraft was full of life that he was hurting. And then that group of children appeared, trying to protect them.
And then Gold appeared and King felt the satisfaction drop to the pit of stomach and turn to regret. He watched as the giant… as he… grabbed his son and began using him as a weapon.
His son would hate who he’d become. He told himself he was okay with that. It wasn’t true.
He touched the wall, trying to smear the chalk, to wipe it away, to stop himself, but it did nothing. His son changed into Purple as he began pounding on the wall, begging it to stop.
Purple, the boy who had only wanted his approval. Who seemed content with the faintest praise. Who he’d used. Who he’d killed.
Something happened that had only ever happened in his dreams. The sound of shattering glass surrounded him as he broke through to the darkness on the other side.
The glass shards hung in the air around him, but that didn’t matter. Purple sat on the ground, spotlight on him and surrounded by drifting petals.
King launched himself forward, footsteps echoing heavily as he ran. Purple looked up as he approached, and got to his feet, bracing himself for a punch.
But all he received was a hug. Maybe the tightest one he’d ever got.
“I’m so sorry,” King whispered, while Purple was still stunned. But as soon as he got his bearings, he returned the embrace.
“You’re forgiven.”
And then there was an incredibly loud whooshing sound as the pair were pulled backwards and spat back out into the world of Minecraft.
King landed flat on his back, Purple still cradled in his arms. And though Purple said he’d forgiven him, it still came as surprise when boy moved to help him up.
The other Orange came through the portal and King quickly got to his feet. He watched as they warily judged Purple, waiting on the Pig’s approval before approaching.
They were just kids.
He hung his head as Orange drew forward, before dropping down to one knee and removing his crown, “I am… incredibly sorry for all the trouble and pain I’ve caused all of you, I-”
Orange reached down and took his hand, pulling King up a little and gave it a shake, “If you’re done hurting people, we’re not gonna keep fighting you.”
Purple pulled King up the rest of the way and King placed the crown back on its true owner’s head, “I believe this belongs to you.”
While Orange seemed sincere about letting it go, it was clear that group as a whole didn’t quite agree. And King couldn’t blame them.
He had one thing he still had to fix, well, technically he had a lot of things to fix, but this was one he could fix immediately.
He reached down and picked up the staff, and fixed the command block back in it. All of the kids stepped back, even Purple, which, even though he couldn’t blame them, still stung a little.
He respawned the Titan Ravagers he’d destroyed earlier. And then, with that completed, he handed off the staff to Yellow, “Take care of it, please. An incredible amount of work went into it.”
King watched the children say goodbye to the friends they’d made, culminating in the hug Purple so deserved.
Well, it was time to go.
“Wait! Don’t go yet!” Purple called out, pulling out of the hug to reach out for him. He froze, before going back to the boy and giving him an awkward handshake.
“I don’t think I should really linger here anymore than I already have, but you’re welcome to join me, if you want.”
And much to his surprise, Purple did, in fact, want to accompany him home.
Maybe… things would be alright.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
Hello!!! :D Hope you've been having a nice day so far! 💖
For whe writers truth & dare ask game: 🍓🥤🦷🏜️🥐
hi!!!! you too!!!!! it's been pretty uneventful for me lol.
thanks for the ask!!
heres the ask game if anyone wants to see it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
It was elementary school. 5th grade or so, but I was deeply invested in TMNT 2012 with a few of my friends. We would all talk about it, and at one point I wrote a little story in my notebook by hand without knowing what it was called about the show (its long since lost in a flood that happened years ago rip) but I found ff.net months later because I had two infatuations. TMNT 2012 and the original teen titans. I even remember reading fanfic on deviantart. I was really big into April and Donnie and Beast Boy and Raven. I didn't start posting anything until my Wattpad days around 14-16. That was about bandom, Pitch Perfect, then Citrus (I have made bad choices and I meme on myself now but I was JUST THAT STARVED for wlw ships.) Anyway wattpad account got deleted and there was a whole thing where my email got hacked and everything just is gone. (its really soulcrushing to lose work like that). But yeah!! I got back into fanfic during 2020 and the pandemic because I had watched a movie and just decided to write for it. I don't recommend reading anything of that era because it's cringe and just... no.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Can I give multiple fanfics I love though?? I can't add everyone due to time but I'll give a couple.
1.) learning how to be (with you by my side) by uniqueusernamegenerator (<- THIS is my favorite toh fanfic) 2.) I’ll Catch You by Black_Cat_Autumn 3.) all i got is my heart (and my pride) 4.) warm coffee, summer blues by uniqueusernamegenerator 5.) "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by kfaerie 6.) The Rest is History by amityadmirer for Shannon_shannon_shannon 7.) No Tip Necessary by Rohad 8.) i want you to be here (but please don’t come near) by stongrays 9.) Tallmity and Petite Luz future au by the_Shan_yousee 10.) You're My Rainbow in the Dark (HAITUS) by Underw0rld
Arcane: 1.)the oldest game by thehaakun 2.) the heart is a bullet by thehaakun 3.) The World Ends, Or Doesn't by Misthios 4.) how big, how blue (how beautiful) by panglosian
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Story sprints are a godsend. Also plotting helps alongside voice memos. I don't really have someone to bounce ideas off of but it helps me to verbalize what I'm thinking if I'm stuck so sometimes I talk through what I'm thinking aloud. Also making playlists or mood boards/collages of character outfits. Just giving you a more visual aspect of what you want to write.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Just genuine praise of my work feels nice. I don't get comments often. Sometimes they give me anxiety too. Maybe if you have any pointers of my fic to say something like that??
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
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n0t-vzin1s · 1 year
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bf!armin x fem!reader
guys i won't hesitate to admit that i'm head over fucking heels in love with armin and if you disagree, fucking fight me
also sorry to my gn or male readers!! these hcs would only make sense with a fem!reader due to how it was written (i am so tired i didn't even realize)
aot manga spoilers
god where do i start with this maaan
you more or less likely grew up with him, eren, and mikasa
so one day
when you know
he was with you and eren that day
and istg the scared look on his face had you IN TEARS
fuck your parents, armin is all that matters
i would sell my left kidney for armin
during training, you were almost certain that armin was gay
like absolutely in love with eren LOL
so you brought it up
"yo homie are you gay?"
and he looked at you with the most PUZZLED expression like 😨
but he was like "nah fam"
and he whipped out the "i.." awkward ass gulp "like someone else"
and you already knew it was either you or mikasa but mikasa seen him as brother
and let's b honest
who wouldn't have a crush on armin!!
yeah you were one of em
time skip to god fucking knows where
bro grows some balls and kisses your goddamn ass
halfway thru, it was ruined due to eren and mikasa walking in like "woah. who is THIS BABE??"
until they realized it was you and that they were screwed lmAo
armin is extremely soft
like not even in like his skin is soft
he's just
he's so gentle and scared to hurt you
and he's constantly checking up on you and making sure you're okay
often brings you things to show you
he LOVES reading books with you about the outside world
esp b4 he seen the ocean!!
i could see him and you taking horse rides into the large forest against levi's wishes
he feels rebellious when he's with you
random hc buuuut i feel like he would LOVE to dance in the rain
or lay in the grass and watch the stars all the way to the sun rise with you
he knows every single constellation
no doubt abt that
for your birthday, he gets you books!! it's more of a gift to himself, really, but you don't mind cause it's cute!!
for HIS birthday?
you get him books.
for valentine's day?
it's always fuckin books
but it's armins hobby and you love him for it
armin is extremely awkward and constantly needs praise
he has a fear of yoh leaving him for some one who he considers "better"
and you have to remind him
"armin honey there is no one better than you"
he constantly has to be near near you on the field cause he's scared of losing you
but you have to remind him that you can handle yourself
he finds it hot when you take down a titan
cause like
your muscles are flexing against the tight suit and he just likes the way it looks
he will stand up for you with his life
cleans your injuries for you since he's a goddamn doctor
what kind you may ask?
he often writes stories abt you
they don't explicitly say your name, but you often realize that they describe you
he actually wanted to be a writer at some point in his life before everything went down
during the time you visited marley, the two of you got some quality time in like eren and mikasa had
but the two of you often sought out the other for comfort when eren started changing
cause like
you grew up with that boy
and to see him change his life so drastically kinda hurt the both of you
his dreams kinda went down the drain like eren life did
he was so happy that he got to see the ocean with you of all people though
when sasha died, he cried in your arms
as well, when he hange died and he technically became the next commander
he needed a lot of comfort
cause he wasn't sure he was going to do good
but armin struggles to talk abt his feelings!! so to have him open up to you and let himself feel vulnerable infront of you is a huge step for himself
he often doubts his self-worth!! like way too often to be considered normal
when the rumbling started, his priorities were both you, and mikasa
and he did his best to keep you safe
but hot goth mommy mikasa honestly did better
don't tell him that tho
he never talked about the future
like what would happen after all the titans went away
omg how could i forget
when he became a titan, he started closing himself off for weeks at a time cause he didn't like killing innocent people
but when he opened up you felt bad for him
cause he was so exhausted
like he hadn't slept for weeks at a time
armins trauma is so overlooked
anyways back to the future
he honestly wanted to travel the world and write about what he'd seen over the years
he also wouldn't allow himself to get into a relationship with you until the whole thing was over
cause even tho it would hurt, atleast you or him would've died knowing that there wasn't a future for either of you
buuut it still hurts lol
anyways when he killed eren, he literally sobbed for weeks
regardless if he was seen as a hero in others eyes, he didn't see himself as one
but during the aftermath, when he gets to finally settle down with you, he feels ecstatic
mikasa, you and him (as well as the other living cadets) often visit erens grave and leave things there
armin usually leaves little notes telling him about his life and how things are doing
and they always end in the same way
"how are you doing up there?"
and he usually gets a sign back from the universe somehow, sometimes it'll be a bird landing on him, and other times it could be leaves swirling around him
regardless, it leaves him happy and you in tears every damn time
whenever there's a thunderstorm, armin always says (without failure)
"oo, someone pissed eren off again" while laughing
and you can never understand how he's not sad by his death
he is
god i wrote this with the intention of it being happy but i'm fucking sobbing i hate this
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