#So have this very excited puppy in the form of a teenage girl))
unovasaved · 2 years
@iruludavare​ wants to know: ❛  out of curiosity, why do you ask ?  ❜ The Princess Bride Starters // Accepting
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“I promise I won’t post the picture of us anywhere! I’m just a really big fan of yours and was super duper excited to meet you! So I thought, if you were cool with it, I could get a picture to commemorate us meeting?” By the time Rosa gets the sentence out her entire face has gone red as a Tamato berry. She was starting to understand why her fans were always so nervous approaching her. She’d never realized before how terrifying it was to approach someone you respected just to talk to them, much less to request a picture with them.
Rosa had read a bit about her fellow champion while studying for a part in a film. She vaguely remembered the movie, it was a movie about a ballerina and her pokemon preparing for a big performance at Nimbasa’s Musical Theater. The casting director had suggested studying Serena’s career to get an understanding for the character. Which had led Rosa to discovering the coverage of Serena’s work as a trainer and her work as Kalos’ champion. Everything Rosa saw of Serena just seemed so cool and graceful and tough, so much that a champion should be. It was terrifying to even approach her, had it not been for Iris she probably would have just avoided Serena for the entirety of this League meetup. But Iris had really pushed her to go talk with Serena, swearing she was super nice and that there was no way Rosa would embarrass herself!
Rosa now found her thoughts drifting towards the lines of ‘So much for that’. Thinking about how Serena likely got asked for pictures all the time, something Rosa was familiar with herself. Rosa didn’t mind, she loved taking pictures with her fans! As long as they asked first. But she wasn’t as cool as Serena was! Serena surely got so many requests for pictures, it was annoying at this point! And here she was trying to relax among her peers while still being pestered for another photo op. Thinking like that had Rosa back pedaling on the request, quickly moving to reattach her Xtransreciever to her wrist instead of holding it to use for the camera function. “You don’t have too, of course! Just meeting you is a super big honor. Is this awkward? This is probably like super awkward. Sorry, my bad! It’s uhh... really awesome to meet you.”
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Teenagers: Part 2 (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N tries to convince her siblings to sneak out of the mansion and go out to party with her for the night.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Teenagers x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of drugs and alcohol, partying/clubbing, mention of sex
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'So where are these so-called friends that you have, Y/N?' Five asked impatiently, bothering me for the last five minutes.
'Shut up, they're coming. We just got here like two minutes ago.'
Allison smiled, 'Someone is eager to go in.'
Five glared at her, shaking his head. 'Ha, you're funny. I'm just tired of wai-'
'They're here!' I waved at my friends and ran to them, hugging them and greeting them. Getting the wristbands that they've promised me, I got back to my family and gave them one of each.
'How's Five going to get in?' Luther asked, but by the time we looked over at our not so younger brother, he was gone.
Assuming Five just zapped himself into the club, we lined up and got ourselves into the building.
Smiles formed on everyone's face, making me smile even more. I was happy that everyone was excited, my siblings deserved happiness and more.
Klaus clapped, 'I'm starting to sober up and that's a big fat no. Drinks on me, who wants some?'
Ben and Klaus went to the back towards the bar, buying everyone rounds of drinks to bring back. While the rest of us stayed, still no sign of Five, I looked at them and smiled.
'What's with the goofy smile?' Diego asked, I rolled my eyes and hit him. 'What? You're really happy tonight.'
'Of course I am, dummy. I'm out with you guys, what's not to be smiling about?' I pulled on his arm, 'Come on. Let's go to the dance floor.'
'Ha, I'm not dancing. Take others with you instead.'
'Luther is busy with those girls that's surrounding him, Allison and Vanya has been gone and you're the only one looking like a lost, sad puppy.'
'You don't think Luther needs our help?'
I looked over at him and laughed, 'He seems like he's enjoying the attention he's getting from them. He'll be alright. Now let's go.'
Diego rolled his eyes, 'I'll just watch.'
'Don't be a butt, come on.' I pulled on him again, this time he walked with me as he groaned.
We walked down to the dance floor, shoving ourselves through the sweaty crowd as we found Allison, Vanya and Five squeezed together.
'Exactly why is this fun?' Five said as he was sandwiched between two giant guys that were jumping up and down.
Allison turned around, dancing to the music the DJ was playing. 'Get drunk, dance your stress away. We're out the freaking house, Five.'
'Huh?' Five shouted, not being able to hear what Allison had said to him. She ignored him and continued to dance as she grabbed Vanya's hands.
I started to dance with my sisters, singing along and jumping up and down. Diego and Five just stood awkwardly, watching us drunk girls dancing.
'Excuse me, sorry. Ah, my fault.' Ben screamed from behind as he came with three drinks in his hand, followed by Klaus who was sipping from one of the cups.
Klaus handed us our drinks, 'Damn. It took us forever to look for you guys. I saw Luther's big ass but he's with those girls.'
'Our boy is busy.' I grinned as I pulled the straw into my mouth, sipping on my drink to get myself more drunk.
Five started groaning, I looked to see two girls talking to him and wondering how he ended up here. 'Aw, little kid are you lost? Poor thing.'
'No, I'm with them.' He replied angrily, arms crossed as he scooted himself towards Ben.
'Ah, you brought a boy to a club? What is wrong with you guys!' The girl said, given how bad it looked I never consider how it'll look from other perspective.
'Wait, no. It's- let me explain!' Ben stumbled with words, stuttering as he tried to reason with them. 'He- he's just a really really late bloomer. We're all actually in our 20s okay.'
'I'm just stuck in this body as an adult. Don't lie to them!' Five tried to defend himself, although it wouldn't really help with the confusing situation.
Klaus frowned and leaned towards the girls. 'Yeah, he's in denial. Very sensitive subject that we like to avoid.'
The girls nodded, awed as they were sympathize of our "situation" that we'd explained to them. 'So sorry, you guys have fun.'
'I hate you guys.' Five mumbled, snatching the cup from Allison's hand and drinking from it.
'Hey, I wasn't fini-'
'Y/N, this is the best night ever!' Luther came into the dance floor, cheerful as ever. 'Thank you for bringing me here because this is amazing.'
Diego chuckled, 'Of course. You were practically having a foursome with those girls over there.'
'You're just jealous.' Luther stuck his tongue out like a seven year old boy. Klaus, Ben and I laughed hysterically; it was even funnier because we were drunk, and Luther, our "daddy's boy" brother was enjoying sneaking out of the mansion.
'One of my friends are single, if you want me to set you-'
'Y/N, drop it.' Diego turned away, 'I need to take a leak. You guys better stay here.'
As Diego walked away with Five to the bathroom, we continued to dance and drink. Vanya was giggling, swaying back and forth as Ben and Allison had a dance-off seeing who can bring out the best moves. Klaus and I were downing the rest of our drinks, practically singing our face off as the DJ played such good music.
'Ah, we need more drin-' Klaus paused mid-sentence, looking back and forth between me and the stage. 'So you are whoring around, you whore.'
'Don't know what you're talking about.' I denied, not understand how Klaus came to this conclusion. 'I don't get it.'
He hit me on my side, 'Don't play dumb with me! I see you and that DJ eye humping each other.'
He wasn't making things up when he had said that; I did have my eyes on the DJ. 'We are not eye humping each other. He doesn't even know me.'
'Well, he knows you now because he's staring at you and I swear your clothes will burn off soon because he won't stop.' Ben chuckled, guessing that he noticed it as well.
'You're crazy.' I didn't think he noticed me at all, I mean he was the DJ. He was overlooking everyone on the dance floor, it'd be dumb to assume he had his eyes on me.
Allison joined in on the conversation, 'I noticed that too! I thought you guys fucked before or something.'
'No! What do you guys think I am?'
'A girl with needs.' Klaus smiled.
'Just because I sneak out does not mean I'm going around sleeping with random people.'
Vanya laughed, 'Okay well, you can with him. There he goes, looking at you. Don't look.'
'You guys lost your minds.'
'Says the girl that sneaks behind dad and her siblings.' Luther joked.
'Okay, Luther don't get me started with you and those girls.'
Luther grunted, 'Ugh. I-'
'Hey, big fella over there.' The DJ got on the mic as he pointed at Luther. 'Why don't you come on the stage, get the crowd going!'
'Go, go!' Ben and Klaus shoved Luther towards the stage, even with him being hesitant and shy. 'Go show what the Hargreeves are all about!'
'I-I can't!' Luther hesitated, planted on the floor even when all of us tried to encourage him to go up there.
The DJ smiled at Luther, then looked at me. 'Dude, bring your friends up here too. We're going to turn this dance floor around for a bit.'
'Come on, he's calling for you!' Allison cheered as she pulled me and Klaus' hand, running up the stage.
Luther, Ben and Vanya trailed from behind, standing next to us while we danced to the DJ's new song he was playing.
Pulling Luther towards me, I gave him the last few sips I had in my cup before I threw it away. 'Here, you are probably starting to sober up. You need more.'
'Ah, Y/N. What makes you think I'm not drunk right now?'
'Because I remember when you were the night-'
'Okay, okay. You and Klaus never let that night go.'
The DJ leaned in as he kept playing music, 'Hey. If you and your boyfriend want more drinks, it's on the house.'
'Ha, she's not my girlfriend.' Luther chuckled.
'Ah, I stand corrected.' The DJ then turned to me and smiled sweetly. 'Would you mind if I buy you a drink?'
I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or him, but I felt my cheeks getting warmer as the cute guy spoke to me. 'No, I wouldn't mind.'
The DJ bit his lip, taking his headphones off and walking downstairs. 'Alright, I'll be right back.'
Allison tapped on my sides repeatedly as he walked away. 'You lucky! He's so cute.'
'Maybe he has a brother. I call dibs though.' Klaus stared at him, eyeing him as he went up to the bar to get some drinks.
While Allison and Vanya continued to dance on the stage, Luther was once again being surrounded by a bunch of girls from the dance floor.
'Y/N is scoring some tonight and Luther is getting all these attention again.' Klaus shrugged his shoulders, looking around. 'What in the hell did Luther do to have these girls crawling around like crazy?'
'Wait, wait. Scoring some? I barely said a word to this dude.'
'Whatever, man. I need to go back down and look for someone now.'
Ben chuckled, patting Klaus on his shoulder. 'I got your back, bro. Come on I'll be your wingman.'
As soon as Klaus heard those words come out of Ben's mouth, they both left the stage so quick I couldn't even speak to them back. Trailing them down the dance floor, I see the DJ coming back on stage with drinks in his hands.
'Here you go, I didn't know which drinks you like so I hope you like this one.' He was sweet, it could've been an act to try to talk to me but I didn't mind for one night. 'I'm Luke by the way.'
'Y/N. And this is perfect, thank you.' I gave him a flirty smile but then was interrupted when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
I looked through the crowd and saw Diego and Five, glaring at me and my siblings that were on the stage. They seemed like how Reginald would react in this situation; catching his children sneaking out at night and hanging out at a club.
Except it wasn't dad, it was my weird brothers that couldn't grasp what fun was. Watching us as if they were disappointed fathers that just saw their crazy teenager kids discovering drinking and partying for the first time.
'Oops.' It came out of my mouth naturally as I stared at Diego and Five, followed by a giggle that I couldn't help. It was funny watching them being weirdly upset with us, especially when it felt like the club was spinning round and round.
'You guys are screwed.' Five mouthed back, shaking his head as he watched us from down the dance floor.
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My eyes shot open, not knowing where I was at for a moment until I realized I was in my room. I then see Diego sitting on my bed side chair, watching me as if he was guarding me.
'Rise and shine, zombie.' Diego chuckled, seeing how crazy I looked with messed up makeup and a bed head.
'Ho-how did I get here last night.' I turned around and looked around, noticed that the cute DJ guy wasn't in my bed. 'I don't remember anything.'
Diego grinned, 'You're curious huh.'
'Where is Luke-Oh no... Did I do something stupid?' I was confused, so confused because I thought everything was going good last night. But now that I didn't remember anything after I said hi to him, I got scared. 'Oh my- Did I do something embarrassing? Fuck.'
'Well, I don't know what you define "embarrassing" but yeah. You definitely made the crowd go wild last night.' Diego started laughing, his loud voice ringing in my ear from my hangover.
Covering my ears, I shook my head. 'Diego... shh. My head hurts okay.'
'This is why I don't drink.'
I shook my head, 'Is everyone back safely?'
'Oh, don't even worry about everyone else, they're perfectly fine. It was you that we had a hard time bringing home, Y/N.'
'So can you tell me what happened?'
'Sure, after you acknowledge that I'm the best brother ever.' Diego raised his eyebrows, adjusting his positioning on the chair.
A light laugh just escaped my mouth, keeping my mouth closed so I wouldn't start burst out laughing. 'You're kidding me right? Really?'
'Yes really. I had to carry you home, tuck you into bed after you kicked and screamed, help you get up so you can throw up. I didn't even know humans were physically able to throw up so much.'
When Diego put it like that, I felt bad that he had to take care of me throughout the night. 'Okay Diego, you're the best brother in the world. Also I'm sorry you had to do all that for me.'
'Aha, no worries. That was probably the most entertaining night ever.' He laughed, 'You were fucking crazy.'
I smiled, I bet Diego really enjoyed me making a fool of myself or whatever I did last night that got him giggling nonstop. 'So are you going to tell me?'
'Hmm, nope. Thanks for the compliment though.'
'Ugh, I hate you.'
'Not according to yesterday you don't.' Diego smirked.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter eight rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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“He’s such a dick!” Peter exclaimed, flopping on his bed with a huff. You laid down next to him and ran your fingers through his soft hair, feeling him relax immediately under your touch.
“What did Flash do today?” You sighed. This was a pretty common point of conversation between you and Peter. Flash always found a way under Peters skin and you were always the one to dig him out.
“He said I photoshopped our pictures together on Instagram. And he said you’d never even look at me, even if I was, and I quote, “waiting your table on your date with him”. He’s such a dick! You do look at me.” Peter protested. You sighed let out another sigh as you thought of an answer. You and Peter had been together for three glorious weeks and each of those weeks, Peter had Flash on his back about your relationship.
“Yes I do. And I love what I see.” You assured him. Peter smiled slightly, too angry to fully appreciate the compliment.
“He tells everyone I’m lying about us being together. I didn’t even tell people, Ned did. And when I said I was gonna take the day off of school to spend our one month anniversary together, he said it was probably just gonna be me alone in my room reading your articles and crying because you’d never give me the time of day.” Peter scoffed. “I wish he would believe me. I hate constantly having to defend our relationship.”
Not knowing what to tell him, you kissed his cheeks and rolled onto his chest. Your one month anniversary was just a week away and two planned on spending every second together to commemorate the event.
“Take my mind off of him, please.” He pouted as he dragged his pinkie down your nose. “What’s new in my beautiful girlfriends life?”
You two absentmindedly compared hand sizes before locking your fingers together.
“I have my final interview with Cletus next week. Then I really gotta finish my story.” You told him.
“You’ll get it done.” He said confidently. “You’re so efficient. When’s it due?”
“Three weeks.” You answered.
“You know what that means.” Peter said. You nodded.
“Balls to the walls.” You said at the same time he said “Pedal to the metal.”
You giggled and he laughed loudly.
“I like how I made a crude reference and you made one about flowers. It really highlights our personalities.” You pointed out. Peter cocked his head.
“Flowers?” He questioned.
“Yea. Petals. Petal to the medal.” You said. Peter burst out laughing, making the whole bed shake. He flipped you over so you were in your back now with him on top.
“Aw baby no.” He laughed. “It’s pedal to the metal, not petal to the metal. Why would you push petals against metal?”
“I don’t know. Why would you put your balls to the wall?” You shot back.
“I personally wouldn’t put my balls against any wall.” Peter said matter of factly. Him saying something so out of character made you snort with laughter. You immediately covered your mouth and burned red.
“That was the grossest sound. I’m so sorry.” You said with hands still covering your face.
“Don’t be sorry. I love all your sounds.” Peter said as he moved your hands to plant kisses on your face. He started with kisses on your cheeks and slowly moved down to your neck. This was new territory for the both of you so let out a soft giggle to show it was okay.
“I like that sound too.” Peter said as he perked his head up. You smiled fondly and it gave him the confidence to keep going. He placed more hot kisses down your neck and you let out another soft sound.
“I like that sound as well.” He laughed into your neck. His lips found their way under your ear in just the right place.
“Peter.” You breathed. He stopped and looked at you. His eyes were full of something you’d never seen before. Pure love and adoration for you. But it wasn’t the puppy love you were used to seeing with him. It was adult love. Committed love. You looked him deep in the eyes and nodded. Without saying a word, you both agreed to take the next step and solidify your love for each other.
That night, you and Peter laid awake and just stared each other. Neither of you said a word. Everything had already been said that night in his bed. You absentmindedly ran your fingers over his lips as he twirled your hair around his finger. You loved him. You wanted so badly to tell him. But Peter was a teenage boy. He just experienced his first time and you don’t want to overwhelm him with his first “I love you” as well. But from the way Peter was looking at you, you knew he knew how you felt.
“I want you to meet my boss.” Peter spoke suddenly with a dreamy smile on his face. “He’s my mentor and basically my father. He’s very important to me and so are you. I want us all to have dinner together. Let’s do it tomorrow night. He’s gonna love you.”
“I’d love to meet him.” You smiled. And you meant it. Peter barely gave any details about his internship. You didn’t even know his bosses name. You cuddled in closer to Peter and felt absolute happiness all throughout your body. He felt it too. Peter Parker was over the moon with joy. He had never been happier.
The next day after school, Peter practically ran down the steps to greet you. He was still on a high from the night before. You were running slightly late and Peter stood in your usually spot and waited for you.
“Whats wrong, Penis Parker? Did Iron Man forget to pick you up today?” Flash teased. Peter turned his back to him.
“No. If you must know, Y/n is picking me up. She’s just a little late.” Peter grumbled. Flash laughed tauntingly.
“Right, Y/n. Is she gonna pick you up on her unicorn and take you on a date at Avengers Tower?” Flash mocked. Peter just ignored him.
“I can’t blame you for pretending to date her though. She’s so hot. I’d like to take her out and show her a good time. Better than you ever could, Penis Parker.” He continued.
“She’s not hot Flash, she’s beautiful. She’s a girl, not a cup of tea.” Peter retorted. Flash’s cheeks heated up at Peters comeback.
“Whatever. I’d still bang her. Even if she was a cup of tea.” Flash scoffed Peters blood began to boil. He wanted to kill Flash for even thinking about you.
“Me too. That girl is straight up glorious. I’d let her do anything she wanted to me, I swear.” One on Flash’s idiot friends chimed in. Peter shot him the death glare. It was getting increasingly harder to stand there and listen to those idiots degrade you.
“You’re disgusting. Show some respect.” Peter said lowly. It wasn’t a suggestion, it was an order. Little did Peter know, your super hearing allowed you to hear the whole conversation as you approached his school. An idea formed in your head.
A nice size crowd had gathered around Peter and Flash’s goons. Peter tapped his foot and waited for your arrival.
“Aw. Penis Parker wants us to show his imaginary girlfriend some respect.” Flash laughed. At that moment, you pulled up on your bike and swiftly took off your helmet. Shocked murmurs swept throughout the crowd. Most stunned of all was Flash, who looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head. All eyes were on you. Peter noticed Flash’s reaction and smirked.
“Hi baby. I’m sorry I’m late. I’m having trouble getting around after last night.” You said apologetically and shot Peter a wink. You had practiced it in your head. Peters face broke out in an embarrassed smile as boys began to pat him on the back. A few even applauded.
“It’s alright, darling.” Peter said, stepping towards you. You smirked and gave him a big sloppy kiss. It was way more PDA than you were used to but you knew it’d give Peter enough street credit for the rest of college.
“Let’s go babe. Bye Flush.” You called and gave Flash a flirty little wave. If he was gonna call your boyfriend Penis, he was gonna get called Flush. Peter climbed on the back of your bike and you two sped away.
“Thanks for what you did back there. I hate how disgusting those guys are. I’m sorry they were objectifying you.” Peter apologized once you were back in his room.
“It’s alright. It happens.” You shrugged.
“But it shouldn’t. And did you see how they all acted when you kissed me? Like all the sudden I was cool because you were my girlfriend? Don’t get me wrong, you’re incredibly hot and I’m incredibly lucky to have you. But what they don’t understand is, there’s a million reasons why I’m lucky to have you.” Peter sighed angrily. “Your beauty doesn’t even crack the top ten. There’s so much to you. So much grandeur and depth and they just reduced you to a pretty face. It pisses me off.”
You smiled at his kind words and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck
“Peter, I don’t care what a single one of those bonehead boys had to say.” You shrugged. “I only care about you. Those boys at your school are just jealous that you actually have a brain in your head and a heart in your chest when they don’t. Don’t let them get to you. And thank you for all that you said. I really care about you, Peter.”
You wanted to tell him you loved him, but you chickened out. You had only ever said it to Andy.
“I really care about you too.” Peter smiled before kissing you. “Now come on, let’s work on your story.”
That night, you prepared to eat dinner at Peters bosses house. You wore a casual dress and did your hair in loose curls. You wanted to make a good impression on Peters mentor but you didn’t want to look like you were trying too hard. You took a cab, not wanting to ride your motorcycle and risk the helmet messing up either of your hair, to a wooden cabin near a lake. Peter knocked on the door and rubbed his hands together in excitement.
“Here we go.” He beamed at you.
The door opened and your body froze as your eyes landed on Tony Stark. The very Tony Stark who made you your suit. The very Tony Stark who knew you were Venom.
And apparently, the very Tony Stark who was your boyfriends boss.
Tony’s face fell when he looked at you and you felt sick to your stomach. Tony felt it to. He glanced from you, to Peter, to your interlocked hands, then back at you. Your eyes whispered an apology and looked equally as apologetic. He was sorry for how badly this would end when all the secrets were out.
“Come on in, kids. Dinners almost ready.” Tony said suddenly. Peter grinned at you and lead you inside. You faked a smile before giving Tony one last look.
Dinner went as awkwardly as you could imagine. You and Tony couldn’t keep your eyes off of each other. Peter was too excited about his two favorite people meeting to notice the tension in the air.
“Y/n is an investigative reporter.” Peter gushed in between bites.
“Is she?” Tony said, never looking away from you. You felt terrified by his stare.
“She took down Carlton Drake and soon she’s gonna take down Cletus Kasady.” Peter continued with a proud smile. He put his hand on your knee under the table and squeezed.
“Oh really?” Tony’s expression was unreadable. “How did you do it?”
You gulped. He knew exactly how you did it. You had told him the story the day you met.
“I just followed my instincts and didn’t let up until the truth was out.” You stammered. Tony nodded stiffly.
“Right. Y/n, will you join me in the lab? I got something that might help your story.” Tony announced. You felt fear run through your body, all the way to your scalp. You nodded and got up. Your legs were shaking and you prayed Peter didn’t notice.
“I’ll come.” Peter said, moving to stand up. Tony immediately turned around and held up a hand.
“You stay here, kid.” He kept a calm tone. “I just want a quick word with your girlfriend.” Peter sat back down with a smile on his face at the sound of someone referring to you as his girlfriend.
Once in the safety of the lab, you let out the breath you had been holding in all night. You looked anxiously at Tony, waiting for him to speak. He had his back to you, and was still deciding what to say.
“Does he know?” Tony asked suddenly. You shook your head even though Tony couldn’t see you.
“No, sir.” Your voice shook. “I haven’t told him.”
“Do you know about him?” Tony asked, turning to face you. Your face contorted in confusion.
“Do I know what about him?” You questioned. That’s when Tony’s face fell. He realized the extent of the situation. You and Peter were in love and Spider-Man and Venom were enemies. And neither of you knew the other’s secret identity. Tony’s heart broke for the young couple. He knew how much Peter loved you. He also knew how fragile Peter was. Tony wondered if the shock would hurt less if he made the teenagers confront each other sooner rather than later.
“Nothing.” He said quickly. “Here’s what I need from you, tell him the truth.”
You opened your mouth to protest but he held up his hand.
“I don’t want to hear it, Hannah Montana. You need to tell Peter about Venom, or I will. End of discussion.” Tony said sternly.
“What did I say? End of discussion.” He repeated.
“But he’ll hate me.” You said sadly. Tony looked at you empathically, knowing you didn’t even know how bad it was.
“He’ll hate you more if you wait to tell him. You have to rip the bandaid off. And who knows, maybe he has secrets of his own.” Tony tried to hint to you. You stared at the floor, not wanting to go back to the dinning room to Peter. You wanted to avoid him, and the conversation, as long as you could.
“You don’t understand, Mr. Stark.” Your voice wavered. “The second I tell him, he’ll leave me. I’m not ready to lose him, I just got him.”
You didn’t want to cry in front of a man you idealized but your heart was breaking.
“You don’t know for sure that you’ll lose him. You need to tell him. Now. You know where he is.” Tony ordered. You could feel yourself beginning to cry no matter how hard you tried to fight it. It was that terrible feeling of needing to cry but feeling too embarrassed to.
“Don’t do that. I don’t want a crying teenage girl on my hands.” Tony said in response to your watering eyes.
“But I love him.” You whimpered. “I love him and I don’t want to lose him.”
Tony’s attention snapped to you. You had never seen Tony Stark at a loss for words before.
“You love him?” He asked. You nodded.
“With all my heart.” You said weakly.
“Have you ever told him that?” Tony asked.
“No.” You said shyly. It was an awkward thing to talk about with a man you barely knew.
Tony looked angry for a moment, then disheartened.
“This is going to crush him.” He muttered.
“I never wanted to hurt him, Mr. Stark. Please believe that. But no matter how much I wish for things to be different, they can’t be. This is who I am. I am…we are Venom. That won’t change.”
“You’ve already hurt him and you don’t even know it.” Tony sighed. You didn’t really understand what he meant.
“I know lying to him is bad.” You admitted. “But would it really be better if he knew? He’d just be afraid of me. I can’t have that.”
“You can’t have a relationship with someone who doesn’t really know you, either.” Tony reasoned
“I know. And I’ll tell him.” You promised. “Just, not yet. I can’t lose him just yet.”
Tony looked at you for a long time and sighed.
“Fine. I’ll give you one week. If you don’t tell him by then, I will.” Tony said firmly. You nodded sadly.
“Okay.” You wiped a tear that had managed to fall. “I’ll tell him.”
“You better. Now let’s go back in there and give him the best night of his life. He deserves that much.” Tony said and you agreed.
You two went back out and ate dessert with Peter. You did your best to enjoy and decide of it, knowing your time with Peter was almost up.
Peter enjoyed his evening to the fullest extent and never suspected a thing. You’d sneak glances at Tony every now and then and he was always staring back.
“I had the best time. Thank you Mr. Stark.” Peter said as you two got ready to leave.
“Yes, thank you Mr. Stark. It was a pleasure to meet you.” You shook Tony’s hand. He shook yours back firmly, both of you knowing you had already met.
“Anytime. And Y/n, good luck. I’m rooting for you.” Tony said honestly. You gave him a thankful nod.
“Good luck with what?” Peter asked.
“My story.” You answered quickly. “On Cleatus.”
You ushered Peter out the door and gave Tony one last look. He nodded at you and held up one finger. You gulped.
This was going to be the worst week of your life.
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hookingminor · 3 years
invisible string - cale makar
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a/n: another old fic rewritten for our fav defenseman sorry the gif I found is so large I could not find any horizontal ones I liked that fit my aesthetic rip
word count: 3.6k
warnings: alcohol, very brief mentions of blood/injury
summary: based on taylor swift’s invisible string
You were going to miss this park.
Every Saturday afternoon you come here. Most of the time, you spent your day underneath the large oak tree planted in the center of the park, nose deep in whatever book you were currently reading. This month’s choice was I’ll Give You The Sun. Occasionally, you would do homework or take a nap, but your favorite thing to do was read. This oak tree was your favorite spot in all of Calgary, and you were really going to miss it.
After five years in Calgary, you were finally moving back home to Denver. Your family moved around a lot as your dad was transferred frequently, but your true home was Denver. You hadn’t been back there since you were six, but it was still home.
Calgary was always temporary. You knew eventually you’d pack up and leave, your parents dragging you along with them because you were only sixteen and had no choice, but it got exhausting after a while. You just wanted to stay somewhere.
Even though you knew your time in Calgary was limited, it didn’t stop you from falling in love with the city.
On the Saturdays that you spent tucked away underneath the tree, you always let your mind wander into daydreams of meeting someone there. You dreamed of being swept away in a whirlwind of a romance, and it all started with meeting someone at the park. All your daydreams could probably be tied back to the numerous romances you continuously read or due to the fact you longed for a teenage love, but what could you say? You were a hopeless romantic. Maybe it would be someone walking their dog or an afternoon jogger running into you or a lost tourist asking for directions. Either way, you thought it would be the most romantic meet-cute, under your special tree.
Five years passed, though, and your dreams of meeting someone dwindled until the only reasons you went to the park were purely for peace and quiet. Now, you were spending your last day in Calgary in your favorite spot, soaking up the sunshine as you finished your latest book.
On the last page, five paragraphs from being done, you heard a loud scream.
Your head snapped up, concentration broken as you searched around for the origin of the noise. Lo and behold, off in the distance, you saw the form of a boy rollerblading down the bike trail. There must have been some sticks or rocks on the path because the boy kept shouting as he wailed his arms around, unable to stop.
You watched as he continued stumbling for a few seconds before he careened off the trail and into the grass, tumbling onto the ground before rolling into a nearby tree.
Initially, your jaw dropped in shock, a soft gasp escaping as you covered your mouth with your hand. You waited a few seconds, watching for movement, and then you heard the pained groans coming from the injured boy.
The boy gradually pushed himself up by his hands, and you could see the bloody scrapes on his forearms even from your distance away. He slowly got back up on his feet, limping across the grass as he made his way back to the trail.
Not being able to help yourself, you began laughing at his misfortune. Now that you knew he was okay, the screaming and fall replayed in your mind, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
You thought you were far enough away that he wouldn’t be able to hear you, but you were sadly mistaken. The boy’s head turned to the sound of your laughter, and he followed it until his eyes met yours. You stopped laughing, but the smile on your face refused to fall as you took in his disheveled state.
He watched you try to hide your amused smile to no avail. It only took a few seconds of chuckling while directly staring at him before he returned your smile with one of his own. You saw a flash of teeth and the corner of his lips pulled into a smirk. He gave you one last glance, shaking his head slightly before turning back towards the direction he’d come from. You watched his figure rollerblade back down the path, avoiding the obstructions this time, and disappear from your vision.
The boy rollerbladed to the park the next Saturday. He skated by the same spot where he fell last week and glanced over to the centered oak tree, hoping to see you again, but you were nowhere to be found.
Cale couldn’t sleep. It seemed like no matter what he did, he just couldn’t fall asleep. The team had put him in a hotel for a few weeks while they worked on finding him a more permanent residence, but despite the comfort of the hotel bed, he didn’t find the mattress agreeable.
He’d been in Denver for two weeks now and he’d yet to see anything in the city besides the arena. His days were full of hockey practices and meetings, and his evenings were full of extra training at the gym. The latter was his own personal choice; he didn’t want to squander his chance at playing in the NHL and felt that he needed to train a little harder, being new and all.
He tossed and turned in bed for two hours before finally giving up. Sleep obviously wasn’t going to come to him soon, so he might as well kill some time instead.
Pulling out his phone, Cale searched ‘diners near me’ into Google and scrolled through the list of options. He selected the one nearest to him that was also open twenty-four hours, entered the address into maps, threw on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and was out of the door within three minutes.
The chilly, brisk walk to the diner took ten minutes from the hotel. Cale hadn’t been in Denver long, but he knew the weather was going to agree with him, if only because he had so much experience with the bitter cold Calgary winters.
A bell dinged above his head as he entered through the front door. Cale glanced around the small diner, noticing a few old truckers at the counter, a young teenage couple near the window, and a girl his age tucked away into a corner booth writing into a notebook.
A middle-aged woman with graying hair approached him at the front, a menu in her hand.
“Just one?” She asked him, noticing his lost puppy look. Cale nodded his head in agreement, following the lady to a secluded booth.
She set down the menu in front of him before pulling out a mug to pour him a cup of coffee.
“New around here?” She asked him as his eyes read the menu slowly.
“Is it that obvious?” He replied with an awkward chuckle.
“We usually have a small group of regulars. Your ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look is a dead giveaway,” she said with a warm smile. “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide.”
The woman walked back behind the counter, serving more coffee to the truckers. He saw one cook in the back kitchen ,but other than those two, no one else was working. Probably because it was a little past two in the morning on a Wednesday.
He took his time reading over the menu; he couldn’t decide if he wanted a breakfast platter or a nice burger with fries. He’d narrowed it down to two options when he saw you shuffle out of the corner booth, backpack slung over your shoulders.
You walked his way, the only path to the front door was past his table. His eyes connected with yours, and you gave him a warm smile.
Pausing next to his booth, he watched you as you leaned over his shoulder.
“If you’ve never been here before, I highly recommend the caramel and cream cheese French toast. It’s not on the menu, but they’ll make it anyway if you ask. Oh, and get tater tots instead of the hashbrowns, they’re a lot better,” you suggested.
You flashed him a bright smile, and Cale’s eyes lit up. It felt like he’d seen that smile before, an old memory from a dream that he couldn’t quite remember. He wanted to say thank you or maybe ask what your name was, but you continued on your way out the door before he got a chance to reply. His gaze stayed fixed on the swinging bell above the entrance long after he’d watched you turn down the corner and fade into the night.
His trance was broken when he heard the voice of the waitress call out to him.
“So, did you decide on something?” She asked, a knowing grin on her lips.
The two choices Cale was torn between suddenly vanished from his mind; he couldn’t even remember what he wanted to order before you said something. Cale bit his lip and thought about it. French toast really wasn’t on his diet. All he could do was hope that the extra hours he spent in the hotel gym would pay off and negate the sugar-filled and fatty calories he was about to consume.
Closing the menu without a second glance, he turned his attention towards the waitress. “Yeah, I’ll have the caramel and cream cheese french toast with tater tots, please.”
Cale was riding high. The team had just made it to the Stanley Cup finals, and no one could contain their excitement.
Going against the advice of their coaches, a few of them had decided to go out to celebrate. It was nothing big, just a small dive bar on the edge of the city. They wanted to celebrate their hard work, not get so trashed they’d be completely useless for practice tomorrow. They still had their toughest games ahead of them.
The bar was quiet, only a few local patrons were there besides the team. If anyone knew who they were, no one approached them about it. The night passed quickly, laughter and cheers filling the small space as pints of beer were drained.
“Makar, grab the next round,” his captain ordered, and he was too happy to do so. Cale was the resident golden retriever on the team. Someone would say ‘jump’ and Cale would ask ‘how high?’ but he didn’t feel used. He loved being a part of a team. So, he made his way across the room to the bar and ordered two more pints.
For you, it had been a hell of a week. And not in a good way. You finished your Bachelor’s degree almost two weeks ago, but the stress didn’t end when you turned in your last finals. Work was awful, but you still had another couple months until you began your life as a real career woman. You were stuck there for the rest of the summer, promising your supervisor that you wouldn’t leave during their busiest season just because you’d graduated even though you really wanted to put in your two weeks. It was a mistake to make that promise.
After spending a day running numbers and creating spreadsheets that a ten year old could’ve done, all you wanted right now was a drink: the strongest drink you could think of. Perhaps an entire bottle of whiskey if they’d allow it. Or if you could afford it.
The minute after your shift was over, you were out the door and removing the suffocating blazer before you’d even hit the sidewalk. You began the familiar route to your favorite bar, being that it was close to work, cheap, and almost always empty.
When you entered the small bar, you noticed it was slightly busier than normal. Still relatively quiet, but busier than you were used to. You didn’t let it deter you as you walked directly to the bar.
However, it seemed the universe wasn’t done punishing you because when you were five steps away from the countertop, someone turned around abruptly. A hard body slammed into yours along with half a pint of beer.
“Oh, fuck me!” You exclaimed in distress, throwing your hands up as the beer splashed all over your blouse.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” The culprit said, setting the beers back on the bar behind him. He reached over to grab a handful of napkins and then began patting furiously at your top.
“It’s fine,” you sighed, “Today just really isn’t my day.” You took the napkins from one of his hands to dry yourself off.
You looked up to face the man who’d drenched you with cheap beer, and you were met with a dazzling pair of blue eyes. They looked familiar, as if you’d seen him before but couldn’t remember where.
He caught your stare, his lips quirking into a smile at the sight of you. Cale felt a tug inside him, like the feeling of butterflies, when he saw your face. Waves of coolness washed over him, and he was lost in your eyes.
“I’m sorry I ruined your shirt,” he said in a daze, unable to look away from you. He really hoped it didn’t come off as creepy, but little did he know you felt the same way.
“It’s okay, I wasn’t attached to it anyway,” you said, all your previous anger leaving your body. It was actually one of your nicer tops that would cost way too much money to dry clean now, but you weren’t thinking about that.
“Do I know you?” You both asked at the same time. The coincidence caused you two to burst out laughing, and he swore he’d heard that laugh before.
“How about I buy you a drink to make up for this?” He asked, beaming from ear to ear.
Your eyes twinkled as you nodded your head, and Cale felt his heart burst at your smile.
A year passed in a blurry haze. The night out at the bar turned into a two hour conversation with the stranger who’d spilled beer all over you. He apologized profusely the entire night and introduced himself to make up for it. He only ordered you two drinks, but you spent hours together laughing.
You told him about your hellish day and complained about work, and he recalled the wins and upcoming games he had in the next couple weeks. Soon, you were exchanging life stories and you found out he was originally from Calgary. You discussed your hobbies and interests outside of work, the best movies you’ve seen recently, and where in Denver you could find the most authentic Mexican food.
Eventually, it neared one in the morning, and Cale had to get home for practice in the morning. As much as he wanted to stay longer to talk to you, he knew he had to get going before his teammates ratted him out tomorrow.
“Do you mind if I walk you home?” He asked, the drinks between you finished long ago. It sounded a little odd asking a stranger he just met if he could essentially follow her home, but he hoped he didn’t give off stalker vibes.
“I’d like that,” you replied with a smile. It sounded a little odd agreeing to let a stranger you just met have your address, but something tugged at your heartstrings and told you to take the leap.
When he dropped you off outside of your apartment, he had asked for your number. That night turned into a first date and that first date turned into many dates. Cale easily swept you off your feet, and it was even easier to fall in love with him.
After years of dating the wrong guys, of being burned and cheated on and lied to, the world had sent you the perfect man. A man with a soul equivalent to a thousand beaming rays of sunshine all wrapped up in perfect blonde hair and blue eyes and rosy cheeks.
He did everything for you. He sent you flowers randomly, surprised you with your favorite takeout, and took you on the most extravagant dates. You went to his games, house sat his plants when he was on roadtrips, and left him little notes in his suitcases to find when he was away. You knew within two months of dating that he was the one you were going to end up with. Cale was your forever.
There were no awkward phases in your dating life, no uncertainties or questions about what you were as a couple. Cale was as taken with you as you were with him, and you both knew what you wanted out of your relationship. It felt like you knew each other for years, like he’d always been there in the back of your mind, just out of reach and waiting for you to find him.
You didn’t know how much you believed in fate, but it felt like the universe made him specifically for you. He understood you like no one did and you could communicate with him without ever saying a word. If soulmates and other halves did exist, there was no doubt in your mind that Cale was your missing piece.
It was a year after you began dating that Cale invited you back home with him. He wanted you to spend a few weeks over the summer with him and his family in Calgary.
Cale was elated to introduce you to his family. He planned on marrying you one day, and he wanted everyone to meet the woman who’d stolen his heart. Everything about you consumed him: your hair, your eyes, your smile. There wasn’t a single part of you he wasn’t madly in love with and there was nothing about you he’d change. It was a long time coming, you going home with him, and you couldn’t be more excited about it.
He spent the first few days showing you around his favorite childhood hangouts, the rinks he used to skate on and the pizza places he used to frequent with his friends. He showed you his high school, secret hidden spot near a small lake, and the best ice cream shop in all of Calgary.
It was one day when you were walking through the old park you used to read where you shared your favorite spot.
“When I lived here, I used to spend every weekend under that oak tree,” you said randomly, pointing out to the large tree across the grass.
“Really? I used to rollerblade through this park sometimes. One day I completely ate shit on this path,” he chuckled, remembering the painful memory. “I sprained my wrist and arm. Couldn’t play hockey for three weeks.”
“How old were you?” You asked curiously, thinking back to the day you saw a boy fall.
“Sixteen, maybe?” He replied, brows furrowing in thought. You and Cale were the same age.
“This might sound crazy, but I think I saw you fall that day,” you said. Cale turned to look into your eyes.
“Were you the girl laughing at me under the tree?” He asked skeptically. The blush forming on your cheeks and the way you broke eye contact answered the question for you.
“It was you! I always thought it was rude how you didn’t offer to help me,” he said with a hearty laugh.
“To be fair, I was worried when you fell down. But then you got up and seemed okay, so I didn’t bother,” you said defensively.
“Still, you sat there and laughed at me while I bled on the grass,” he teased, slugging your arm lightly.
“Well, it seems that everything turned out okay for you,” you said, rolling your eyes dramatically.
“Yeah, it did,” he replied wistfully, reaching down to hold your hand with his.
The two of you walked through the rest of the park, but your gaze kept flickering back to the center field where your tree sat, your brain replaying the daydreams you had about meeting your true love underneath that tree. A nostalgic smile spread across your face, and Cale noticed your suddenly cheery mood.
“What are you smiling about?” He asked, a playful grin of his own appearing. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you smile.
“Nothing,” you replied, keeping the tender secret to yourself.
Three years later, Cale took you home with him over the short winter break he got while the All-Star Game happened. You walked through the park together, a tradition that you created ever since that first summer back.
The air was cool and crisp, the skies a beautiful shade of purple and pink against the blue background. He led you over to your favorite tree, pulling you from the usual path you took around the park. In all the times you’ve been to the park with him, you’d never actually taken him to sit under your tree.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach at the feeling of being in your favorite spot with your favorite person. Your heart rate began to pick up as Cale dropped your hand to stand across from you, giving you a knowing smile.
When he took a step back, you felt the tears begin to well up in your eyes as if your heart knew where this was heading before your brain could process it. Cale lowered himself onto one knee before he pulled out a small velvet box from his coat pocket, opening it to reveal a diamond ring.
The fantasies you created in your mind all those years ago finally came to fruition that snowy day in January. All along you knew that one day you’d meet the love of your life under this tree even if you hadn’t realized it at the time, and you thanked whatever gods existed for the invisible strings that tied you to Cale.
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Daddy’s Struggles (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Dad!Baek, domestic au, established relationship (duh), a slice of life, fluff, a lil smutty(!)
Warnings: some friskiness between mom and dad if you know what I mean, mentions of teenagers watching porn (I’m not promoting it, you guys lol), also this gets fluffin’ sweet get a bucket in advance
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Baekhyun overhears your teenage daughter watching porn. You have to handle a small crisis.
Event: the BBH day @supermwritersnet​
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s Note: This… came out of nowhere:D I blame my dear beta @baekshoney​​ – we'd once discussed the idea of Baek being a teenager’s parent (in relation to a different story). Don’t we all love dilf Baek though? lol Anyways, this is a tiny glimpse into his future as a cute af father and husband <3 Let’s name him puppydad!Baek 😊 I hope this lifts your mood a little on a day like this!
On that note – happy birthday to our genius idol (aka mochi-cheeked hyperactive puppy), I wish that he stays healthy and happy and on the radar throughout the next 2 years (and forever)!! Don’t be too sad, guys, he’s hopefully going to finally lead a somewhat normal life for a bit 💞 Ok, I’ll let you get to it already~
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A yawn.
You rubbed your tired eyes and dictated a reminder for tomorrow morning to your AI assistant. It was pretty late and you had your hands full all day with your kids. And while family time was always great, there hadn’t been a spare moment for you to tend to your own business. But two decades of dealing with your hyperactive yet loveable children (and husband) taught you to make the most out of what you got. So you were doing just that, organizing your errands and sorting important emails after everyone had scurried off to their rooms, and your husband — to the shower.
Baekhyun was quite exhausted himself, so you realized he must’ve gotten in the common bathroom by the time you exited the one in your bedroom. He did that sometimes when you locked the door out of habit. Not that he couldn’t come in, it was just… You used to scold him pretty badly for breaking into the bathroom. Picking locks wasn’t something you wanted your juniors to acquire as a habit. They had enough of their daddy’s traits as it was.
The thought made you chuckle. Your eldest son had already outgrown his father by at least five and a half – gotta be precise here! – centimeters (which made daddy very proud, but also a teeny tiny bit jealous). Despite his height, which, you were sure, was going to break the golden 180cm in the next few months, your boy’s build was exactly the same as Baekhyun’s. His shoulders were broad, his hips wide, and his waist was naturally narrow. Legs long and lean, and eyes always mischievous. He was eighteen and already seemed more like Baekhyun’s best friend rather than his child. Being both the hyung and the oppa of the household, he was the most mature out of the bunch, and always a big help to his parents.
Your middle child, your precious daughter, resembled you a lot. Her wavy hair and her big eyes with the longest eyelashes either of you’d ever witnessed. Seriously, that was the first thing Baekhyun’s friends had commented on when they came by to meet your new baby. ‘Is this even normal? Can she see through those? That’s one pretty baby!’ She was even prettier now, at her sweet sixteen, cheeks still a bit chubby, which – just as her button nose – were definitely an homage to her dad. Not to mention her hands that were even more delicate and exquisite than his.
The youngest, your six-year-old son, was a blessing. You weren’t planning to have more children after the first two until you suddenly thought… why not? Cannot say that you weren’t a little bit under the influence at the time. It was one of those rare weekends when your kids had a sleepover at their grandparents’, so you had the whole house to yourself. Deciding to have a domestic date and enjoy shameless daytime drinking, you indulged in a whole glass of wine before both of you were tipsy and giggling, then you added one more to the mix. At that point, all kinds of crazy things were brought up.
‘We should do this more often…’ You informed your partner. ‘This is exciting! We can walk around naked the way we used to before we had teenagers in the house!’
‘I miss our naked Saturdays…’ Baekhyun whined, almost spilling his wine while trying to sip it gracefully. ‘Now I barely even see you naked with your shower locking obsession!’
Pursing your lips, you dismissed his complaint.
‘After that incident… You cannot blame me for my caution.’
The incident was, well, your son needing to use the bathroom while his sister was taking too long and heading to the one in your bedroom. He nearly walked in on… an adult scene.
‘He didn’t even see anything, Y/N-ah,’ your husband grumbled, but you waved him off, downing your drink as if it was a shot of tequila rather than a glass of wine.
‘I don’t see a problem though,’ he blinked at you, not following. ‘We’re alone. Why not… See each other naked again?’
‘Right. We can also- Y/N-ah!’
‘What?’ You eyed his suddenly enthusiastic form with nothing but suspicion.
‘We can create a distraction!’
‘A distraction for them. So that they’d be busy with something else while we’re away.’
‘Hmm?’ You still couldn’t locate the source of his excitement.
‘Lemme show you,’ he slurred, tugging on your wrist to get you up and dragging you to the bedroom.
Let’s have another baby – that was his brilliant idea. Had you both not been such poor drinkers, one of you would’ve thought this through.
Nevertheless, you were glad that you didn’t. Because your little angel, who could sometimes be more of a tiny demon, to be frank, was the single sweetest thing to ever exist on planet Earth. He had his entire family wrapped around his little finger, and you – most of all. How could anyone blame you? That troublemaker was the spitting image of his dad and had a personality to match — just as playful and affectionate.
The chill spring breeze from the window licked at the bare skin of your arm, causing you to shiver slightly, coming back from the land of reminiscing. You stretched on the bed, noticing how protruding your nipples became from the cold even while hidden by the gentle fabric of your nightgown. Pulling the covers up, you grunted under your breath, wondering what was taking Baekhyun so long.
Just as you did, the door cracked open, and your husband sauntered into the room.
‘Ah finally, I thought I needed to go rescue you again,’ you chuckled.
That had happened before. He once used the common bathroom to shower before bed and ended up captured by your daughter, who was around six or seven at the time, in the hallway. She then demanded cuddles, knowing that her father was too weak to turn his precious girl down and send her back to bed. You found them both huddled up asleep on the couch, with your husband’s head tilted dangerously to the side. Terrible sleeping postures always had consequences, so you spared him the agony of the next morning, waking him up mercifully and helping to get your little girl to her bed. This was only one of many occasions – Baekhyun was a softie.
This time, however, he was a bit stupefied.
He didn’t react to your remark and seemed like he was going on autopilot when he came closer and sat on the bed.
You lifted the covers, inviting him to join you, and he followed your lead, still staring at the wall across the room.
‘Yeobo,’ you called, getting slightly alarmed. ‘Are you okay?’
He blinked, the stupor breaking, and looked at you with astounded eyes.
‘I- I think,’ he began, making you shift to face him properly. ‘I think I just overheard our daughter watching porn!’
His voice lowered to a whisper by the end of that sentence.
‘Oh my god,’ you whispered back. ‘How do you figure?’
‘I was walking down the hallway, and I thought I heard something from her room. I didn’t fully register what it was, but now that it processed… It was definitely porn!’
The signs of distress on his face almost caused you to break down in a fit of laughter. You held it in with all you got. Fathers and daughters, the eternal struggle.
‘First of all, ew. Aren’t you even a little bit ashamed to be eavesdropping on your kids like that?’ You didn’t let him protest. ‘Also, how do you even know it was porn, you know she sometimes mumbles and whimpers in her sleep. Like someone else we know…’
Giving him a pointed look, you leaned over his chest to turn the lights to the lowest mode, leaving the room dimly lit. It was always effective when you wanted to help him relax.
‘I wasn’t ea- And you think I can’t tell what porn sounds like? There are some generic… sounds. That give it away.’
‘When was the last time you watched it?’ You murmured, eyeing him curiously.
Of all people, you knew best how short his attention span was. Sometimes it could work to your advantage. Like right now, when you needed to de-escalate this before you could reason with him.
‘I- wh- I don’t know, probably when you were pregnant,’ he recalled. ‘The third one was somehow the toughest on me. You looked way too attractive for a heavily pregnant lady, let me tell you.’
‘Heavily pregnant??’ You scoffed, softening right after. ‘Well, you have a point, he was pretty huge. I swear, if he doesn’t grow up to be taller than Chanyeol, I’d be offended. That boy’s giant head prolonged my healing by at least a month.’
Baekhyun sighed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking back to that time.
‘He was the only one who caused you to tear, right?’
‘Yeah. Which is weird, considering that he was my third one. Ah well, I guess I’m not getting any younger…’
‘Aren’t you though? I’m constantly being asked about my pretty young wife,’ Baekhyun smiled at you charmingly. ‘And you only became prettier after the third pregnancy. I say it’s the hormones.’
Your cunning little plan was working. He was incredibly easy to distract.
‘Tell me the truth, was it the boobs? Or my butt? I did gain the most weight with the little daredevil, that’s for sure.’
‘It was all of you. You always looked so sexy when pregnant, I just wanted to have you all to myself,’ he cooed at you. ‘To feed you handpicked strawberries. And smother you with kisses. My beautiful young wife.’
At some point during this conversation, you shuffled closer to each other, now cuddled up snugly on the bed. Your finger slowly traced abstract patterns on his chest, happily exploiting the access to his skin where his pajama shirt was unbuttoned.
‘Ah, you’re just saying that to get under my nightgown,’ you batted your eyelashes at him, and he shook his head.
‘Maybe a little, but that’s true. And it’s not surprising that people are noticing – you are younger than me.’
‘A couple of years is nothing at our age,’ you murmured, bending your knee and moving your leg slightly up his to get cozy.
‘Well, you know what people say… Small kids make parents younger. Wanna have another one?’ He nudged you gently and laughed at the dirty look you gave him.
‘Yeobo- please don’t make jokes like this. I’d rather look for other elixirs of youth than go through that entire ordeal again.’
You knew that he was kidding, but the thought made you shiver.
‘I know, honey, I know. Like I said, you’re not in need of any elixirs.’
At this you relaxed, melting into his shoulder, and guiding his arm to wrap around you, warming your exposed shoulders.
‘Well, Mr Byun, same to you. Still as charming as two decades ago.’
‘Hey, I’d like to think that I’m more charming now. The experience and all.’
‘Who helped you gain all that experience though?’ You poked him lightly, and a low chesty laugh escaped his lips.
‘Of course, it was my one and only, my young, and beautiful, and smart and sexy little wife,’ he punctuated each compliment with a chaste kiss to your cheeks, nose, lips, and neck.
You squirmed in his arms.
‘Ah, you make a woman go mad,’ you purred into his lips mockingly.
He snickered softly, ready to lean in, but then stopped abruptly.
‘Wait a second- What about-’
‘Baekhyun…’ You murmured as he fussed on the bed.
‘I should probably go in there, and-’
‘And what? Embarrass your daughter?’ You held him down. ‘She’s sixteen, honey, it’s just the hormones. We’ve both been there. Let her be.’ You nuzzled his neck, pressing your lips to his sensitive skin lazily.
His mind was growing cloudy again since your hand was now caressing his inner thigh foxily. He’d probably realized what you were doing by now, but you were right, so he allowed you to sway him into giving the idea of an immediate intervention up.
‘Besides, I’m sure you wouldn’t be nearly as appalled if that was our eldest,’ you scoffed and added in an exaggerated tone. ‘Never took you for a sexist.’
‘But- he’s eighteen, and she- she’s my little girl…’ He mumbled in a small voice, hazed further by your not-so-subtle seduction. ‘I can’t let her- watch that-’
‘Don’t worry, yeobo,’ you whispered soothingly in his ear, slipping your hand into his loose pants. ‘I’ll talk to her tomorrow. Without you. No need to traumatize the poor girl, that’s how daddy issues develop.’
‘You should know,’ he bit back meekly, sighing when you finally wrapped your fingers around his semi-hard length.
‘The sass! It’s almost like you still got it, Mr Byun. Care to impress that young wife of yours?’
‘I sure will, you cunning woman,’ he growled playfully, completely giving in to it and attacking your laughing mouth as he lifted the covers over your head.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! As usual, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments/ asks, and if you’re new – check out my Masterlist ^^
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cursestothemoon · 4 years
His Bunny
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, degrading, also praising, slapping, spanking, spitting, strong language, use of nicknames like bunny and puppy, subspace, daddy kink
Post Azkaban! Sirius with a younger reader
17+ only
if i have tagged you and you are UNDER 17 please let me know for future reference 
Sirius Black is a complicated man. You knew this well from the three months you two had been dating. 
Tonk’s is like a sister to you and her boyfriend Remus is a good friend, so when they said they had someone for you to meet, an old, school friend of Remus’ you were expecting someone just like him. Someone timid, quiet, and unbelievably sweet was what you expected. Instead Sirius Black swaggered into your life with his stormy eyes and deliciously wavy hair. He oozed sex appeal and confidence with his each and every step. 
Upon first meeting you, Sirius was sure he didn’t have the will power to stop himself from bending you over the arm of the couch then and there. With your doe eyes and girlish giggle he couldn’t help but picture your in less than appropriate scenarios. And when you had started dating he was sure it was too good to be true, Azkaban escapee with a young little minx like yourself? It was almost too good to be true, and Sirius tended to dwell on it.
“Sirius? What’re you doing sitting by yourself?” You asked walking into the sitting room.
He was sitting in a large velour chair positioned diagonally in front of the large fireplace which had a small fire crackling. Sirius waved you over with a single lift of his finger without looking in your direction just yet. 
You tiptoed your way over to him, his crisp black dress shirt hanging off your right shoulder and brushing against the soft skin of your thighs. 
“Siri...” You cooed climbing into his lap, his hands gripping your waist to help steady you. 
You gripped his face in your hands forcing him to look into your eyes, “Want tell me what’s bothering you?”
Sirius smiled, grabbing your wrist, “Nothing, love.”
You knew him well enough to know that he was lying, and you knew him well enough to know what was bothering him. The best way to get him out of his head was to show him just how much you wanted him.
You placed a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth, moving to his cheek, then trailing down his jaw and the side of his neck. Your hips started to slowly grind on his, the rigidness of his trousers against your barely covered cunt made your breath quicken.
Sirius felt your soft puffs of air against his skin as you dropped your head into the crook of his neck. He smirked at the feeling of you dry humping him like a horny teenager. 
“Keep going and you’re going to get yourself in trouble, bunny.” He warned.
A breathy sigh left your lips as you raised your head from his neck to meet his gaze with a mischievous smirk, “What if I wanna get in trouble?”
That had done it. 
Sirius pulled you down to meet his lips in a harsh kiss before shoving you off his lap and onto the floor with a thud. 
“Strip. Now.” His voice was firm, leaving no room for questioning. 
Your fingers came up to unbutton the shirt you were wearing. An annoyed huff left your lips as your fingers kept slipping off the ridiculously small plastic circles. Sirius let out a laugh at how you were struggling, it was a teasing, degrading chuckle that made the walls of your pussy clench. 
“Dumb bunny, you need daddy to do it for you, don’t you?”
The quick nod you gave him was pathetic, and part of your mind was screaming for you to get a grip and not slip into such a fuzzy, submissive state so soon. 
You hurried over to him, knowing if you took too long a spanking would be in order. 
Sirius wasted no time in tearing the shirt open, buttons scattering to the floor making you let out a whimper. Your thin underwear was disposed of in the same fashion, the material pulling apart like tissue paper. 
“Sirius...” You whined against your better judgement.
Before you realized you had done something bad, Sirius gave you smack on your cheek. 
“S’not my name, and you know better than to whine. Over my lap.” He moved to sit down in the chair again, waiting for you. 
Meekly you walked over to him and draped your body across his lap, suddenly very aware that he was still fully clothed. His large palm fell onto the skin of your ass, rubbing the supple flesh gently before his fingers dipped down to your cunt. The feeling of his fingers gathering your wetness made you whimper and push yourself closer to his hand. 
He pulled his hand away completely making you shudder before his palm rested on the globe of your ass, “I want to hear you counting, nothing else.”
“Yes, daddy.”
With that you felt Sirius’ hand give a harsh smack onto your backside.
He landed one after the other, making the skin sting and tears well in your eyes. Sirius gave one last spank, the hardest of them all, before smoothing over the red, stinging skin. 
“What’dya say, bunny?” Sirius quipped. 
“Thank you, daddy.” 
You were moved off his lap again, this time gentler than the first, and set onto your knees in front of him. His hand cupped your cheek, thumb running across your jaw as he looked into your eyes, his stare almost too intense.
“You need your daddy, don’t you? Just a dumb little bunny, need me, need your daddy to take care of you.”
You hummed in agreement, nodding enthusiastically, “Just a dumb little bunny, I need daddy.”
Sirius smiled at the honesty dripping from each and every word, you were his good little bunny. 
An idea popped into your mind, your hands moving quick to carry it out. You unbuckled his belt before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, reveling in the presence of his hard cock. Sirius rarely wore underwear.
Your hand grasped his shaft, jerking him off slowly, letting your thumb swipe over his sensitive head and smearing the glistening droplets of precum all along his impressive length. Having waited long enough to taste him, you leaned down to place a kiss onto his glistening head making him shudder. 
“Don’t tease.” He warned from above you, his hand pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail before giving it a hard tug forcing your head back.
Having been in the position before you knew what he wanted and your jaw went slack and fell open instantly letting him spit into your awaiting mouth.
“Thank you, daddy.” 
Sirius smirked, “Such a good girl.”
Wanting to further prove you were a good girl, you quickly put your mouth on his painfully hard length. Hollowing your cheeks, you took as much of him as you could, spit dribbling out from the corners of your mouth acting as lubrication for the hand you had wrapped around what couldn’t fit. You bobbed your head up and down, ignoring the aching that blossomed in your jaw. 
Sirius, who was wanting more, pulled you off of him so he could stand in front of your kneeling form before gripping your hair again and thrusting his cock deep into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. Your gags and whimpers only spurred him on, making him speed up his thrusts. 
Tears fell down your cheeks as he fucked your face and you felt yourself get impossibly wet with how vocal was being.
“Fuck, bunny, your mouth feels so good ‘round my cock. Y’like when daddy fucks into your mouth?” He asked, voice shaky with the nearing of his orgasm. 
You hummed in response to his question, eyes watching as the vibrations from the sound made his eyes flutter closed and head fall back. His hand gave a few harsh smacks to your cheek before pulling out of your mouth completely. 
“My good girl,” He cooed, “Get to the counter.” 
Your eyes widened in excitement, it was rare that you and Sirius would find an area of Grimmauld Place that he hadn't made you cum on, but this was new. 
Practically bouncing over to the counter you bent over it, or at least you tried to. Being short, your hips were too low meaning it would be quite difficult trying to enter you from behind like Sirius was planning. 
“Look at you. Pathetic little girl, you cant even get yourself up on the counter.” He laughed, slowly walking over to where you were with no hurry at all.
Sirius gripped your hips and lifted you on to the counter, leaving your feet to hang just far enough from the floor to make him chuckle again. 
His knee nudged your legs apart opening up your dripping core to him, making an almost animalistic growl emit from his lips. You felt his palm rest on your lower back whilst the other travelled between your legs and swiped through your slick folds. 
He ran his fingers up and down your spine, “A dripping mess just from making daddy feel good.”
You whimpered, unable to form a coherent sentence as his middle finger seemed to find your clit and started to circle it slowly at first but gaining speed quickly. 
“What was that bunny?” He asked, tone snarky.
Again, all you could do was moan as his pace quickened vigorously. 
Sirius hummed, “Thought my dumb little girl said something like that.’
His fingers left your clit, only to slowly enter your sopping cunt. The action made a vulgar squelching noise from how turned on you were from hearing Sirius’ moans and grunts just minutes before. 
He added a second finger, thrusting them in and out of you with long, deep strokes pulling each and every whimper and moan out of your mouth. His thumb went to your clit and the palm on your lower back held down your hips that kept trying to move against your own accord. Within seconds he found the spongey spot in your aching pussy and used his two fingers to massage the sensitive area with no respite. 
Your sounds were loud now, physically unable to hold them back, you mewled and cried as your orgasm approached. 
“C-cum, daddy wanna cum-” You tried your best to string together enough words to make sense, your forehead falling to rest on the cool counter.
Sirius tutted, hand swatting at your already sore backside, “Ask properly, don’t be a little brat.”
“Can I cum, daddy, p-please?” 
You felt him place a kiss in-between your shoulder blades before responding, “Go on then, cum for daddy.”
His hand carded through your hair, starting from the base of your neck, and pulled making your back arch. That was all it took for your orgasm to rip through you, a pornographic moan leaving your lips as Sirius pumped his fingers slowly, letting you ride out your orgasm for as long as possible. 
You shuddered as his fingers gave your swollen clit a pinch before pulling his hand away from your core.
“Wanna taste bunny, or y’want daddy to clean it up?” He asked bringing his glistening fingers near your mouth. 
You sniffled, “Wanna share with daddy.”
Sirius crouched down so his face was level with yours. You moved to grab his hand, pulling his index finger to your mouth and sucking off your juices while you kept your eyes locked with his. When you were done you let his finger go with a pop and Sirius brought his hand to his mouth, taking in both his index and ring finger.
He groaned at the taste of you, sweet on his tongue now mingling with your spit from the digit you were so happily sucking on. The sight made your pussy clench involuntarily, already wet and ready for Sirius again. 
“Beg for it.” Sirius said lowly, knowing what you wanted just by your blown out pupils and grabby hands.
Your breath hitched at his demand, but you were too far gone to care about the desperation in your voice.
“Fuck me daddy, want your cock so bad. Please fuck your dumb little bunny, I need it. Wanna feel your cum inside me, please.” You cried desperately, tears staining your cheeks as you wriggled around on the counter. 
He brought his hand to your mouth again, “Get ‘em nice and wet for me.”
You did as you were told, sucking and drooling over his thick digits until he pulled them out and wrapped his hand around his girth moving up and down to lubricate his length with your spit. He moved to stand behind you, moving his head between your folds to collect your juices before thrusting into you harshly, giving you no time to adjust. 
His hand went back to your hair and pulled again so your back was arching, his thrusts had pushed your body forward and the counter and the way he had you arched made your clit grind against the edge of the counter. The feeling of how deep Sirius was inside of you and the mix of pain and pleasure on your clit had you nearly screaming as your vision started to go blurry. 
“Can feel your little cunt milking my prick. Who’s tight little cunt is this?”
You sputtered as the tip of his dick seemed to be hitting the spot inside you that made you see stars, “Yours daddy! No one’s but yours!” 
“And who makes puppy feel this good?”
You let out a choked sob, “Daddy does!”
“Daddy’s little girl doesn’t even reach the floor. Y’like it when daddy ruins his pussy, make it all achy and swollen?”
You nodded, the only word able to come out of your mouth being daddy followed by whimpers, moans, and choked cries.
Sirius’ hand on your hip moves to grab your breast harshly before delivering a harsh slap making you yelp and sending burning feeling straight to your core making your walls tighten. 
“Poor thing, gonna cum again? Cum on daddy’s cock, let me feel you.”
With that you felt your second orgasm crash onto you, thighs shaking next to Sirius’ own legs. Soon after you felt yourself come undone Sirius spilled into you, his warm load coating your pulsing walls. 
Sirius let himself slouch over your trembling body, his warm chest coming into contact with your balmy back. He pressed kisses onto your shoulder blades and around your neck as you came down from your high. His cock, slowly softening, was still buried deep in your cunt keeping you stretched around him. 
You let out a sound of annoyance as you felt Sirius move to slide out of you making him let out a soft chuckle.
“Come on, love, gotta get you cleaned up.” He tried to coax you.
You whined again, “No, want daddy to stay.”
“S’not daddy anymore, pretty girl. It’s Siri.” He said slowly pulling out of your pussy. 
The emptiness made tears gather in your eyes, the fuzzy mind space Sirius had fucked you into making you impossibly clingy and eager to please. He set you down from the counter, catching you as your legs trembled under your weight. Taking you up to your shared bedroom and bathroom, and cleaned you up as best he could without getting you in the shower- it was evident that in your sleepy, hazy state it would be difficult to keep you upright. You were slowly coming back, calling him ‘Siri’ instead of daddy and helping him by lifting up your hips as he slid on your underwear. 
“Y’wanna wear my shirt or one of yours?” He asked turning to look at yo from the dresser.
“Yours.” You answered immediately, lifting your arms as he came back to the bed you were sitting on to pull the shirt over your head. 
After making sure you were tucked into bed and comfortable, Sirius went to his wardrobe to grab a pair of black boxers and slide them on. He walked over to the bed and climbed in next to you, his arms coming out to pull you into his side. You rested your head on his chest as you got comfortable in the new position. 
Sirius felt goosebumps blossom on his skin as your fingers traced over the dark tattoos on his chest. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. 
“I love you, Sirius.” You mumbled, sleepiness present in your tone.
He gave a fake laugh, “You won’t leave me for some young guy right?”
You could tell his laugh was masking his insecurities.
You shuffled around so you were looking at him, hand cupping his cheek.
“Sirius, I love you. You are the only one I want, the only one I need. You Sirius Black, are the love of my life.” 
He smiled, the faintest blush coming across his cheeks as you snuggled back into his side. 
“I am in love with you too, my good little bunny.” 
Sirius kissed your nose before resting his head on his pillow, eyes focusing on the ceiling as he fell into thought. He thought about you, and he thought about his younger self and how desperately eighteen year old Sirius needed someone like you to keep his head above water. 
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
What Is There To Celebrate About the Darkling? (Part 3)
1 2 3 4
His shadow powers are so badass, literally how could you not celebrate him for that alone?
Villain wears black trope REPRESENT.
The way his cloak billows dramatically in episode one before Alina enters the Fold.
The way his cloak billows in general.
His little face in the background after his and Alina’s first kiss as he tries to compose himself.
Him knocking on the table in episode five when he gets back to see Alina. My mans was so hopeful that he’d finally get to third base with the love of his life. RIP.
Large hands. Very tall.
The way he literally cannot tear his eyes away from Alina during the entire scene where Alina dresses him and they have their first kiss.
The softest looking hair I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe Alina got to run her hands through it and she still left him.
How he urgently looks around for Alina outside after she leaves in episode five, right before he confronts Baghra. He’s very frantic and panting and clearly concerned and not being subtle at all about his emotions.
Also the way he walks when he’s leaving Baghra, with his hands stuck out to the side and his fists clenching and unclenching as his form grows smaller in the distance. He looks like a tiny penguin waddling away.
Son’s evil dastardly bastard plans once again thwarted by own mother. Can you imagine living for an eternity and never being free of your parents? Fuck all that other shit, no wonder he went darkside.
“She is all that matters now, not me. She is the future. She is the one-” SIMP
His little smile before he goes to answer the door after they kiss. The way his hold on her lingers as if he can’t bear to part with her. Forehead touch. They are giggling.
The way he runs back in for another kiss. This man is so gone it’s not even funny.
He calls her to him in the books and she spends the entire time agonizing over how upset he’s going to be. The man literally just wants to ask her about her day.
Defends Alina to Baghra after he witnesses her getting harassed. Defends himself to Baghra after she treats him like shit. Love that for him.
“I made something.” / “Let me make a mark on this world before I leave it.” / “It’s my own name I’m afraid of forgetting.” / “He understood then. The Grisha lived as shadows, passing over the surface of the world, touching nothing. Forced to change their shapes and hide in corners, driven by fear as shadows were driven by the sun. No safe place. No haven.” / “There will be, he promised the darkness, words written upon his heart. I will make one.”
Him offering Alina his kvas. They drink from the same glass.
Sasha “no thoughts head empty only Alina” Morozova having to look away and calm himself when Alina licks her lips after drinking his kvas.
Literally his entire confrontation with Kaz. Absolutely hilarious. Local centuries old Black Heretic gets bested by a teenager with one (1) flash grenade.
“I never intended for it to be the blight it’s become.” - Genuine regret. A+++.
Asks Mal what Alina’s favorite flowers are and then gives them to her. Was it manipulative? Yes. Was it awful? Absolutely. Was it the funniest and smoothest shit I’ve ever seen? 100%. I laughed my ass off.
Alina: *enters the fete dressed in the black kefta* *Darkling.exe has stopped working*
This man takes one look at her lack of guards and goes: what’s more important than how beautiful the wifey looks? her safety. *protective bf mode initiated*
He admires how pretty he appears in the mirror of his room with absolutely zero shame and 100% pride. We stan a vain icon in this house💕. Also the mirror is in front of the bed?!?! 👀👀👀
His knife ring.
“You looked like you needed saving,” as fire plays across his features and he looks at Alina with an expression that makes my soul want to splinter into pieces. The implications, the pain.
Will display his complete and utter adoration for Alina in front of the entire Court including the King and Queen despite the fact that that is the worst thing he could possibly do in the political environment.
“No ordinary tracker. No ordinary girl. Orphans of Keramzin reunited. AdOrAbLe.” - How do you say you have issues without saying you have issues?
The way he eclipses Alina when he’s stepping down from the dais. The inherent romantic symbolism of the eclipse and what that means for him.
Him getting excited about the stag to the point where he’s eagerly rummaging through the maps on his table and urgently asking Mal tons of questions.
The five second delay in his thoughts as he processes that Mal isn’t cooperating. Poor guy really thought that everything was finally coming up Sasha for once.
He constantly uplifts Alina after Baghra’s emotional abuse. He constantly helps her with her self esteem and reassures her that she’s doing well and that she just needs more time.
“Yeah I don’t know what Baghra’s summoning ability is,” he said, like a liar.
Even after Baghra suggests that Alina left he doesn’t believe it. He has to hear it from Kaz after searching for ages before he finally begins to believe it.
“You smuggle Grisha out of MY PALACE!”
Titty grab during the kiss scene.
He lifts her up onto the table!!
Local whipped dark overlord gets excited that Fedyor has found Alina and has to suffer through the embarrassment of acting like a lovesick fool when he learns it’s just about Nina.
His relationship with Nikolai.
The fact that Alina’s scarf blows past him before they even meet.
The way he nods with such an understanding expression when the Conductor is lying his ass off as if he sympathizes with everything the other man is saying and isn’t secretly planning his elaborate murder.
Puppy dog eyes all the time.
Every time his smile is forced and ingenuine and he looks like he’s about to stab someone.
Every time his smile is genuine and he looks super soft and loving.
“You have no chance, ShAdoW mAn.” Literally how is he ever going to recover from this.
His hands motions when he summons. I just think they’re neat.
He kills the Conductor. Hated that guy. And he looked sexy as fuck doing it.
He hates the Druskelle, he hates the Ravkan monarchy. I can relate.
He’s NOT a bootlicker, unlike some.
Dad mode gets activated when David raises his hand. Aleksander just goes along with it like an exasperated father.
Ben Barnes nose scronch.
He begs for Luda’s life.
“Merzost feeds on us. I forbid it!” two seconds later *frantic rummaging through notes on the merzost* *reading the Forbidden Knowledge™ without any hesitation* *Immediate Disaster Occurs*
“Mom look what I made!” “Your art is atrocious and you’re no longer my son.”
His history was written by the victors. The tale of the Black Heretic is straight up propaganda by the corrupt monarchy.
Immortal old man caught in a young adult love triangle: I read your letters. Malyen “what the fuck is happening on this here day” Oretsev: ??!?!?!!! who even are you??
Aleksander admitting he needs Alina.
Darklina hand holds.
He did not have to make that episode eight hand-hold on the skiff so sensual but he did it anyways.
The way he hides under his cloak like a turtle when Jesper shoots at him.
He looks so awkward and isolated at the fete surrounded by all of those colorful nobles.
He’s always ready to murder a bitch and honestly I respect that.
Would kill for his gf.
That entire scene where he kisses Alina in the snow in the books like the most awkward motherfucker and then goes “wtf just happened?! Darkling out” before fleeing the scene of the Emotion.
He’s eternally confused by his feelings for Alina and it’s hilarious.
“Looking for trouble, and if I cannot find it I will create it.”
He’s basically just a moth attracted to a fatal light. RIP.
The way he throws open double doors like a man on a mission.
He’s utterly precious and I would die for him. 🖤
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pockyxx · 4 years
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suna x reader, sakusa x reader 
genre: fluff.
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You looked up at him with big pleading eyes, surely making it impossible for Suna to say no. But, clearly he’d grown a tolerance to your puppy dog eyes. 
In your hand, you held the cat ear headband along with a tube of eyeliner. It was a costume party and you’d already told your friends that you and your lovely boyfriend were going as ‘cat and mouse.’ Basic, yes but it was all you could do on short notice. 
“I just don’t get why you can’t wear the cat ears.” He crossed his arms in annoyance but you only stared back at him like he’d said the dumbest thing ever. 
“I have to be the mouse because I’m smaller than you.” You huffed, throwing your hands in the air. Pouting, you gave him one last pleading look. He sat down on the edge of his bed, shaking his head for what felt like the one hundreth time. 
“People from the team are going to be there, y/n.” He rubbed the back of his head. Suna was usually up for your antics but not when he knew it would solicit any type of teasing from his teammates. 
You plopped down next to him, leaning your head softly on his shoulder, already in the mouse costume, it would be silly if only one out of the two of you were in your couples costume. 
Suna noticed how down you were about it, running a soothing hand up and down your back. He rubbed his tires eyes: he couldn’t believe what he was about to agree to. 
“Baby, if it means that much to you. I’ll do it.” He sighed as your mood instantly shifted. Jumping for joy, you grabbed his hand and dragged him into the bathroom with much excitement. 
Prompting yourself up onto the counter of his vanity, Suna stood between your legs. This position offered a shorter height difference and would make your job a whole lot easier. 
“Thank you, Rin!” You squeaked, continuing with little ‘thank yous’ as the cat ears now sat a top his head. He watched your eyes sparkle with happiness as you slide the gel eyeliner across his cheeks to form whiskers. He’d never seen you act so adorable. 
Rolling his eyes and leaning in for a kiss he whispered, “I’m only doing this because you’re cute.” 
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Having a boyfriend that was very admit on restricting physical touch in general was a little bit challenging, considering sometimes you wanted to latch onto him and never let go. 
This was one of those times. 
Exams were just around the corner and you felt as if you were drowning in stress having to study for subjects that you already hated. 
You sat next to Sakusa at lunch. Only the two of you and his cousin, tucked away in the corner of the cafeteria to avoid the germs of the rest of the student population. 
Being a more touchy person, you just wanted a good old fashioned hug from your  boyfriend but at the same time, you knew how to respect his boundaries. 
“It’s just like it’s an endless cycle of studying and I’m gonna explode.” You ranted, talking about all the school work you were facing. Sakusa nodded, listening to you attentivly. 
The warning bell rang and as you stood, Sakusa did something a little out of character. 
“I’ll walk you back to class.” Usually, a day at school would consist of you going to your morning classes, eating lunch with Kyoomi and Komori and then going back to your afternoon classes. 
If it wasn’t for the fact your class was in the ‘lovers lane’ hallway, Sakusa would’ve happily walked you all the time. What stopped him was the endless amount of germs emitting off of other gross and hormonal teenagers. 
“Are you sure, Omi?” He didn’t wince at the nickname like he would have if Miya Atsumu had called him that, as he enjoyed hearing how endearing your voice was. 
Sakusa nodded in response, walking side by side with you until you got to the beginning of the hallway, where as expected, a line up of face-sucking couples awaited. 
You could see him tense up, biting your lip, you never wanted to anything that made him uncomfortable. Holding up your hand, you extended out your pinkie and Sakusa knew what to do. 
It was the most common way the two of you showed intimacy in public, simply connecting pinkies and walking. Similar to what normal couples who hold hands do, only less germs. 
Dropping you off at you class, you stood in front of him before walking in. 
“Thanks, Kiyo, I know that was way out of your comfort zone.” You praised him with a wide smile tugging on your lips. 
“Don’t get it twisted.” He looked back, a shiver running up his spin seeing saliva fall off the tongue of a random girl and her boyfriend (he tried not to gag). “I’m only doing this because you’re cute.”
His light teasing made you giggled before blowing him a kiss and shooing him off so he wouldn’t be late for his own class. 
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . will you please write about oikawa, bokuto, and sugawara as dads?? :>
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ bokuto koutaro <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . no thoughts, head and heart full of bokuto koutaro
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➜ bokuto wanted to have a baby with you
➜ that's it that's the tweet thank you for reading😌💅
➜ i'm kidding don't leave, i have abandonment issues
➜ just like oikawa, kou ─ your husband, has gotten baby fever and it wasn't going down any minute until bb boy gets his way
➜ phew, i'd let him get his way with me✋😳
➜ bokuto was great with kids, always playing around with them in a park as if he was one of them, and both of you knew that
➜ and when bokuto sees that you're also good with kids, mans knew he wanted to build a family with you
➜ he wanted not just one, because seeing what both of you created taking in different forms and pieces of their parents would leave him so proud
➜ would very much take it as a sign from the universe saying to him that the both of you were meant to be patents
➜ the day he lets you awknowledge his little daydream, was when the both of you were sitting down on the coach re-watching his match last week after babysitting one of your guys' friend's kid
➜ mans couldn't TAKE IT ANYMORE
➜ the way you coo at the child, you cooked with the child and just the way you tenderly supported the kid with your arms as you helped him reach a toy from the shelf
➜ and of course, you accepted it; there wasn't any other man other than kou that you wanted to start a family with
➜ let's just say mans wanted to make one right then and there after you confessed to him that you wanted to start a family with him as well
➜ and y'all did just that💀
➜ after receiving the news of your pregnancy, bokuto has never been more happy, aside from those times he won a match on nationals and, well ─ marrying you
➜ but in the white noise of excitement and joyfulness, there was a lingering thought and it was terrifying; what if he doesn't make enough time for both you and his child because of volleyball? will he have to take a break from it? would your child love him?
➜ bokuto was now down to emo mode just with the thought of your guys' children hating him
➜ and when the thoughts became to unbearable, he contacts akaashi.
“ bokuto-san, ” koutaro could tell akaashi was thinking about it before saying something,
“ you're one of the best men i know that's good with children; don't waste your time sulking about nonsensical what if's, when the present is right there in front of you ”
➜ akaashi was, to say the least, your one of your children's godfather.
➜ but the day your babies was going to arrive, it was as if your husband had a switch and unlike the usual ─ he was the one supporting you
➜ he held your hand, squeezing them to let you be aware that he's right there by your side, knowing that you needed all the support right now and he gave it to you
➜ tenfolds the support you gave him
➜ and when be first saw the first triplet being born, he knew right there that he fell in love once again, but with the child he has co-produced with the love of his life !!
➜ i just wanted to say that y'all's kids are NIGHT OWLS, literally, gets the biggest bursts of energy at ungodly hours
➜ koutaro would still get anxious and terrified, but there was something about your triplets that puts him at ease ─ like, one thing he'd be doubting himself and then the next thing, he'd be all fuzzy inside when his three triplets just looked like a litter of puppies asking for his attention on his lap
➜ and he'd just, revert back to reality seeing how blessed he was and stopped doubting himself and just live in the present
“ now say dada ” he encouraged the little sunshines on his lamp as a youthful giggle serenated from his son's lips
“ dawa ─ ” the baby tried to copy his words, before shreiking of laughter when kosuke saw the defeated look on his father's face, somehow bringing him joy
➜ while his baby girl, kouzumi, was peacefully attached to him as the most interesting in her golden eyes were his hair ─ attempting to reach her arms to his hair, making grabby arms
➜ after a few months, you've noticed how much your triplets were in sync with their father ─ all together, being balls of sunshine
“ you've been trying for hours kou, take a break. ” you laugh, as you looked up from the book you were holding seeing your husband housing an offended look, and of course ─ a weird sound, a scoff? you didn't know, until, your other son imitated him
➜ almost perfecting the one he made
➜ and bokuto was ECSTATIC
“ hONEY, HONEY, OH MY GOD DID YOU HEAR THAT? ” he squealed, as his son imitated his sound again
“ he's responding to me !! ”
“ dO IT AGAIN KOSUKE ” he says as he takes out his phone
➜ the type of father to do the peek-a-boo game with his triplets and doing it perfectly as they're just enamured by his father as if he was doing some avada kedevra shit 😭🗿
➜ the type of father that would never miss any important moments with his children, even though he's a busy with volleyball especially since it's his profession
➜ the type of father that has too many videos of his children on his phone saying papa in different ways, trying to imitate him, first steps, first laugh & JUST EVERYTHING
➜ has a whole usb of his children, three folders for each of them
➜ has a whole ass frame of his daughter's drawing from five years old of him and her and he would NOT let anyone touch it other than him and maybe you when you when you need to dust off the frames because it's getting too dusty
➜ you guys would always be there to support him no matter what, either in the stands of at home
➜ but when you guys do visit his games and cheer him on, MANS WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE
“ mommy !! look, daddy's coming ” kaoru, the youngest of your triplets, tugged softly on your coat
➜ you smiled as you saw your husband running up to you and your kids after his matches as a few reporters, in respect, stood a few meters away from you guys, taking kosuke on his right arm, the other with kaoru and on top of his shoulders was kouzumi tugging on her father's spiked hair she could never seem to get over with
“ ahH ─ my hair baby girl, you're kinda hurting daddy ” koutaru laughed as your daughter tried processing his words before wrapping her arms around his head softly to not fall off a small gasp escaping her lips
“ i'm sowry for hurting you daddy! ” she exclaimed as her brothers tried telling her off while the reporters just watched in awe at her
“ don't hurt daddy just because he lets you on top of there ─ ” kosuke scolded her, slightly jealous that she had the highest view
“ ─ yeah! ” your youngest vigorously nodded his head as he agreed to his brother, both obviously pouting that she had the chance to be ontop of their father's shoulders
“ uh kou, i can take them now since there's a few people wanting to interview you. ” you offered as you jerked your head onto the reporters directions smiling at them
“ oh no ma'am !! it's alright, we also kinda wanted to interview your children as well, since a lot of netizens are curious about them, seeing them everywhere on his socials. ”
➜ you guys agreed as they start asking you guys questions, but more to the triplets as they responded cutely, their identical amber eyes looking at them like an owl in curiousity
➜ like these kids just attached to him lmao
➜ but there are times where he has to go on tournaments, training camps, olympics & probably photoshoots/commercials ngl and these three owls he left in your care are in EMO MODE LMAOO😭✋
➜ they got it from their dad, and you were now stuck with three emo bokutos but times three
➜ wow multiplication
➜ when she's a mathematician😍
➜ but bokuto would honestly also miss his children clinging to him for dear life
➜ like they would never be separated without having facetime calls every five hours
➜ but your kids understood that he has other things to do and theg try not to complain that much for your sake
➜ your kids are actually sweethearts okay 🥺
➜ when they grew up, his sons were still attached to him but they weren't as clingey as when they were in their childhood days ─ but your daughter phew, your daughter used to be the clingiest of them all and now it's just none, nonexistent, vanished, obliviated, avada kedevra LMAO
➜ like you know how teenagers be
➜ and your husband was DEPRESSED ABOUT IT
➜ his bb girl won't touch his hair anymore :(
➜ his bb girl won't be a little girl no more :(
➜ especially when kouzumi starts having boyfriends😭 MANS WAS SAD THAT THERE ARE ALREADY BOYS OTHER HIM IN HER LIFE
➜ it felt as if it wasn't even yesterday that kouzumi said that she don't need no prince, she'll be both a fucking princess and knight in shinning armor
➜ ugh periodt💅
➜ and koutaro's nows just like
➜ gives volleyball advices, relationship advices better than u could ever
➜ this is getting too long but, even if some of his kids may not show it anymore, they still love their father so much and won't let anyone replace him because he's basically the ace of their hearts.
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studiobeebo · 4 years
~♡ Shio, Shoyu, Miso ♡~ [1/?]
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x Female (she/her) Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 1.9K
Genre: y’all already know it’s just gonna be fluff
A/N: so i made a lil thing sorta based off this cute thing i saw on reddit. idk what i’m doing pls don’t ask.
reblogs are greatly appreciated as they are the main way to get my works around so please consider doing so if you like it! enjoy!
When you had first met Megumi, you honestly didn’t think much of him.
Now, that’s not to say you didn’t find him attractive, but a cute guy around your age coming into the shop with a few of his friends just really wasn’t something very noteworthy in your life. You had only been helping your parents around your family owned ramen shop for about a year or so, but that was long enough to know that the general demographic was people who wanted a tasty, warm meal without having to blow too much money. Needless to say, teenagers fit that demographic fairly well. 
Your shop was well known in the area, but it was by no means fancy. In fact the building was a tad bit run down, you didn’t even have any decorations or anything hanging up on the walls and the entirety of it only seated maybe thirty people, so it was clear people didn’t frequent the place because of the ambiance. No, the reason you always seemed to have a steady stream of customers was that the food was simply so good that despite the lack of an enticing atmosphere or even many food options, people couldn’t help but be drawn to it. That mashed together with your friendly family and the decent prices made for a perfect little neighborhood place to eat. So again, when a group of three slightly noisy teenagers sat themselves down at one of the bar tables on the far side of the seating area, you didn’t really have any reason to bat an eye.
“Hey welcome guys!” You put on your usual cheery customer service voice as you filled their glasses with ice water, trying not to lean into any of their personal spaces. “Your options are salt, soy, or miso ramen, with or without beef and or pork. Do you need some time to think about it or do you think you’re ready to order now?” 
Like you said, there weren’t many options.
“Oh, can I get soy?! Or maybe- hm, maybe I’ll have miso…”
“You’re tasteless, miso is the worst kind.”
“I bet you’ve never even tried it, Kugisaki!”
“They’re going to need a minute to think. That bit’s hard for them.” 
The taller boy with dark hair and an apparently permanent scowl on his face groaned out in annoyance, his eyes only meeting yours for a moment before he turned to yell at the other two to lower their voices. You nodded with a smile, leaving them to decide and chuckling to yourself as you moved on to ask the customers at the other tables if they were doing ok.
“Ok! Excuse me- er....crap, what was her name again Fushiguro?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know, usually you remember to ask the important stuff like that!”
The not-so-subtle arguing was enough to catch your attention as you made your way back over to the trio, your smile being a bit more genuine this time around in response to their odd yet funny dynamic.
“It’s (Y/N), sorry about that guys! So, what can I get for ya?”
The three of them listed off their orders and after you repeated them back for confirmation, you gave them a quick thumbs up before going back to the kitchen to put their orders in with your dad. Within a moment of your absence, Itadori was turning to Fushiguro with that excited puppy look that adorned his face almost 24/7.
“She’s kind of pretty, don’t you think?”
Fushiguro’s eye twitched, but luckily Kugisaki was quick to butt in with an argument of ‘How come you’re only asking him what he thinks, huh?!’. It was a simple question, but what annoyed him was the added use of ‘kind of’. Itadori was extremely simple, so the thought that he only thought you were ‘kind of’ pretty irritated him because how could Fushiguro be here doing a double take just to get a better look at your features every time you spoke to them while Itadori just barely took note of it? It was uncharacteristic, but he couldn’t disagree. He could tell you definitely had a slight air of putting on a cheery showiness for the sake of good customer service, but either way, you were...cute, and he was insistent on leaving it at that without bothering to admit to it out loud.
“I hope you both know you’re paying for yourselves.” He interrupted, hoping their argument had moved on from their waitress so that he wouldn’t be asked about his thoughts on you again. 
“Eh?! Since when were you so cheap!”
“Ok guys!”
The three of them jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, simultaneously turning to see you holding up a tray with three steaming bowls of ramen sat atop of it. 
“Soy with beef, soy with pork..” You listed off while setting the bowls in front of the copper haired girl and the smiley boy respectively, “And miso with no topping.” You finished, eyes flicking up to meet the dark haired boys as you placed the final bowl in front of him. It was only for a moment, but you could have sworn your saw a speckle of pink dust his cheeks before he looked away from you with a short “Thanks.”.
“Mhm, no problem.” You hummed out, scanning your eyes around the restaurant to see if you were immediately needed elsewhere before deciding to continue and indulge your interest in the three, or more specifically, your interest in the cute boy with the black hair. “So... you guys are from that traditional religious high school, right?”
The pink haired one’s eyes lit up as he struggled to finish the noodles he was halfway through slurping up so that he could speak.
“Yeah, yeah! I guess our uniforms are a giveaway..”
You laughed, leaning your back against the empty seat that sat next to them at the bar. As if you needed any further confirmation, you could tell he was the energetic extrovert of the group.
“Yeah, you don’t really see many of them around. Though I’ve heard it’s kind of a hard school to get into.”
“Pfft, maybe for normal people, it was no sweat for us.” There was that copper haired girl again with a confident look on her face as she too stopped eating to interject, though you hardly took what she said in a bad way as she didn’t seem to mean any harm from it.
“That so? Guess I’ll have to call you guys next time I’m having trouble with my classes, I swear I can barely manage the workload I get.”
“Haha I feel that, I actually started school elsewhere but I just transferred a few months ago! Oh- I’m Itadori by the way! This is Kugisaki, and Fushiguro’s the sulking rude one!”
“Hey.” Fushiguro finally stopped his eavesdropping to join in, sending a glare Itadori’s way, but he just seemed to brush it off as if he’d been under his friends' scrutiny plenty of times before. After a moment though he turned back to you, though as much as he wanted to say something to you, he didn’t really know what to say. He wasn’t like Itadori or Kugisaki who could just strike up a conversation with anyone anywhere, but while he turned over his conversational options in his head, you pushed away from where you had previously been leaning and gave a sheepish, apologetic smile that easily brought his attention away from his thoughts. 
“No no you’re good- Sorry, I should be leavin’ you guys to eat anyway. Just call me over when you’re ready to pay or if you need anything, alright?” You spoke, your words being directed more towards who you now knew as ‘Fushiguro’, however it was his two friends who responded with an affirmation before going back to their meals.
Once again you were off to tend to other tables and do the other tidbits of your job, though this time your head was filled with questions galore. Did Jujutsu Tech students come into town often, or was this some special outing? What grades were the three of them in? And most importantly, you wondered if they would ever be coming back? You weren’t one to get flustered or form crushes easily, but you had to admit you were a bit taken by Fushiguro. He was cute, sure, but he had a cool, mature air about him that could make anyone be left wanting to know more about him, especially because most of the conversation you did have was with his friends and not him. However once again your mental flow was interrupted by Itadori waving you over, barely waiting for you to make your way by their side to start speaking while the three of them handed over their respective payments.
“That was crazy good, (Y/N), we’ll have to come by some time again if that’s ok!”
“It’s not like she’s the one making it, Itadori.”
“You realize that a restaurant’s whole goal is to get people to come back, right? Of course it’s ‘ok’..”
Despite Fushiguro’s matter-of-fact statement, his eyes still shifted to yours as if he secretly wanted to know if you wanted them to come back as well and the smile you gave him in return only solidified the fact that he wanted to return either way. Though of course he boiled that down to ‘The service was good and so was the food’, but part of him knew that was bullshit.
“I’d love to see you guys around again!” You said, collecting up their empty bowls as you spoke. “I work most weekends and some days after class so you should try to stop in while I’m here.”
“Hell yeah!” Itadori exclaimed as the three of them got up from their seats one after the other, Kugisaki and Itadori saying their goodbye’s as they pardoned their way through the tables and other customers to leave, though Fushiguro stayed behind for a moment, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck as he spoke.
“...Sorry about them, it’s practically like wrangling preschoolers whenever we aren’t on du- er, in class.” 
He knew the apology wasn’t necessary and that you didn’t seem all that bothered by either of his friends’ lively personalities, but he found himself feeling a bit...left out in the fact that he had yet to really speak to you. Why he even felt compelled to speak to you in the first place was a mystery, but he figured that was one question that didn’t really need an answer for right now.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” You laughed, giving another smile as you tried your hardest to not act as fidgety as you were feeling on the inside. “I mean- I’ve got friends like that too so I-“
“Excuse me?” 
A polite voice cut you off halfway through your sentence and you turned to see an older woman waving you over, clearly not wanting to be rude but wanting your attention nevertheless.
“You’re fine!” You sputtered out, maybe a bit too excited as you slowly backed away from him, “I’ll see you around if you guys stop by again, huh, Fushiguro?”
His eyes widened slightly, a bit surprised by that hopeful tone to your voice before he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips and a bit of slightly shameful excitement tugging at his heart. 
“Yeah, we’ll- I’ll see you around.”
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socialwriter · 4 years
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*Not my gif, credit to original post*
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Female Reader
Summary: You meet the blonde surfer boy you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with
TW: Cursing, my inadequate knowledge of surfing, underage drinking, smoking 
1.7K words
A/N: @kindapinkskies​ and I apparently both love soulmate AUs so I wrote this oops.
Ever since the age of thirteen, you had had the tattoo of a small circle on your hip bone that matched your soulmate's somewhere in the world. Middle school girls would gush over their dream soulmates and the beautiful tattoos that graced their bodies, whereas of course you had no godly idea what your soulmate even looked like and your tattoo was a fucking circle. How lucky were you?
You see, you aren’t able to see any other person’s soulmate tattoo until you grow to love them, whether it be platonic, familial, or romantic. Scientists thought that it was so that everyone would be more experienced in love by the time that they actually met their soulmate. You thought that it was a way to simply torture you with the what ifs and not knowing if the guy who you’d just gone on a miserable date with also had that little circle on hip. 
Recently, you and your mother had moved to the Outer Banks, and she was convinced that this would be where your so-called soulmate would find you and you would live happily ever after. You, however, were not convinced. It had already been a week and you had yet to make a friend in town. It's not like you didn’t try, it's just that everyone that you came across was either busy working or a pompous asshole that stuck their nose up at you. So here you were, day 7 of wandering aimlessly around the Outer Banks, hoping that someone would take notice of the lost puppy dog look on your face. No luck, however, so you decided to grab a bite to eat since it was a little bit before noon and your stomach had started grumbling about ten minutes ago. 
You decided to stop at a place called ‘The Wreck’. If what you’d heard from casual conversations around the island was true, then your meal here should be at least halfway decent. You enter an almost entirely empty restaurant, given it was just before the lunch rush. You ding the bell at the hostess desk, causing one of the girls in a group of teenagers around your age sitting at the back of the restaurant to stand and approach you. “Hi, welcome to The Wreck. How can I help you?”
You give the girl a small smile, she seemed pretty nice. “I, um, I was just stopping by for a bite to eat. I’m starved.” You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, suddenly aware of the fact of how sad it was that you were here to eat alone. 
“You a touron?” She questions, causing you to give her a very confused look. 
“I’m sorry, a who now?”
She chuckles, shaking her head. “That’s what we call the tourists around here. So, you visiting?” She asks. You make an ‘o’ shape with your mouth at her explanation before shaking your head. “No, me and my mom just moved here about a week ago, so I just don’t really know anyone on the island or anything about it.” You explain.
She nods, a smile beginning to grow on her lips. “Well why don’t you hang out with me and my friends.” She gestured over to three guys and a girl sitting in the back, already watching. You send them an awkward wave, which some of them reciprocate. “That would actually be really nice …” You pause, realizing that you didn’t even know this girl’s name.
  “Kiara. Carrera. But everyone just calls me Kie.” She informs you, holding out your hand for her to shake.
“Y/n L/n.”  You tell her, shaking her hand before she leads you over to her friends.
“Guys, this is Y/n L/n. Y/n, this is Pope, JJ, John B, and Sarah.” She says, introducing each one of her friends, pulling up a chair for you before quickly going to grab you a bite to eat.
You suddenly felt very awkward under the eyes of these four strangers, willing yourself to disappear before Sarah decides to start up a conversation with you. “So, Y/n, did you just move here?” She questions. You appreciate her attempt at small talk. 
Nodding, you tell her “Yeah, my mom and I just moved here like a week ago. We used to live on the mainland but she got a job offer we couldn’t refuse, so we moved to the Cut and now here I am.”
“Sweet, you’re a pogue.” One of the boys, you think his name was Pope, said. Before you could question him on what a pogue actually was (you were guessing there was more weird slang that you would have to learn), but before you could, the blonde, JJ you thought, spoke up. 
“So you surf?” He questioned, leaning forward. You had to admit, he was pretty attractive, his blonde hair tousled in a perfectly imperfect way and his blue eyes seemingly piercing into your soul. You shake your head, never having the opportunity to learn. You answer seems to disappoint JJ, causing him to deflate and mumble “disappointing” under his breath, which earns him a whack on the back of the head by the third boy, John B. “Be nice.”
Kie then returns with some french fries and a sandwich for you to munch on, and the conversation moves on to something about a boat.
After the not so good first impression with JJ, the blonde had apologized to you and insisted that he be the one to teach you how to surf. While his apology seemed genuine, you were still slightly terrified of surfing. However, JJ assured you that it wasn’t nearly as dangerous or terrifying as you thought, and promised to be with you every step of the way.
He taught you how to swim out to the waves, when the perfect time to get up was, and which waves were a no-go for a beginner like you. Eventually, he had convinced you to actually take a spare board that John B had and go into the water, waiting until a wave that you could ride actually came along. He yelled at you from the shore to go for it, giving you a thumbs up and cheering you on while you nervously rode the wave. At the end, you smiled to yourself, loving the pump of adrenaline that came with surfing. You swam back to shore, squealing and pulling JJ into a hug, which he reciprocated with a chuckle. “I did it!!” You exclaimed, excited by your success.
JJ pulled back from the hug, smiling. “Told ya you could, I am the best surfing instructor you’d be able to get after all,” he said with a smirk, causing you to playfully shove his shoulder and roll your eyes. Something about JJ just felt right, like the two of you meshed together. You were two pieces of the same puzzle, and this feeling only continued to grow the closer you got over the coming weeks. 
Sarah had insisted before your outing on the HSM Pogue the next day that you, her, and Kie have a girls night at her place. So here you were, up at 2 am, talking about nothing before the topic of soulmates inevitably comes up. Sarah tells you that her and John B had had a long love hate relationship before eventually getting together and discovering that they were soulmates. You had figured as much, if the subtle PDA and looks they’d sent each other at The Wreck earlier were anything to off of. Kie, similar to you, hadn’t found her soulmate, but told you that she was actively looking for them like you. “So what does your tatto look like Y/n? Where is it?” Sarah questioned, shifting on her bed which she was currently laying on.
“Oh, mines so stupid. Its a little circle, right here on my hipbone,” you said, pointing at the tattoo that you didn’t even know if they could see yet. At your description, however, the smiles on Kie and Sarah’s faces falter, both girls tensing and glancing at one another. “What, is that like a bad omen or something that I don’t know about?” You question, nervous by their reaction. 
Kie awkwardly laughs it off, shaking her head at you. “No,no, its nothing bad. Just, I think you might find out who your soulmate is sooner than later.” She states, causing your brows to furrow. But she drops the subject quickly, and you don’t question her on it for the rest of the night.
All six of you were on the HMS Pogue goofing around. After Sarah and Kie had pulled John B and Pope off to the side before getting on the boat, the four had been treating you and JJ a little odd. You just brushed it off, thinking that you were just imagining the change in attitude. You were currently sipping a beer, resting your head on JJ’s shoulder while he smoked some weed. When you had finished, you stood looking at the rest of the group. “Anyone else in the mood for a swim?” You questioned, already pulling off your t-shirt to reveal a bikini underneath. 
“Yeah, I’m just gonna dri-” JJ starts, dropping the newly opened beer in his hand when he looks at you. You look at him like he’s crazy, shuffling your feet to avoid them getting covered beer. “JJ, what the fuck!” you groan in annoyance, but he seems to not notice the mess he’s made, eyes fixated on your stomach. Everyone else looked on with knowing expressions, but no one dared say anything. 
“Is no one going to clean up this mess but me?” You question, looking at every like they’ve gone insane. JJ moves to pull his shirt off, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “J, we are not cleaning up the beer with your shirt,” you tell him, giving him a look. 
“No, I..” he points to his hip. At the small circle tattoo that matches yours. Your eyes widen, and you look up at him, a silent conversation seemingly happening between the two of you. This boy, the one who you’d grown so close to, who you’d felt so complete with, was your soulmate. Suddenly everything became clearer, like your life had just started making sense. Knowing it was him, provided you with a sense of clarity.
You both slowly approached each other and JJ gingerly grabbed your hand, running him thumb over your knuckles. “Hi.” You said softly, a smile forming on your lips.
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plane pillow
where peter planned to play video games with ned through the whole flight but fate decided to take another turn....
*A/N: this isnt related to far from home nor the ending of endgame, just pretend infinity and all the movies after didnt exist since i imagine pete 16 in here. i dont know why 16 i just like that age on him lmao, enjoy reading!*
pairing: peter x reader
status: strangerz (well sort of since they haven't talked to eachother but they're in the same school)
peter's POV
"the flight will be amazing! i heard they'd installed the new game we were talking about" i gushed to ned, excited for the whole flight to be filled with video games.
"im excited" ned stated practically jumping from excitement and i shook my head laughing
"OK CLASS!" Mr Harrington clapped his hands getting our attention "we're boarding the plane in a few minutes so pack your stuff and lets goooo" he pointed at our gate dramatically.
we walked to the gate, scanned our ticket and sat on our assigned seats, ned and i sat on the three seater, he took the window seat by winning a 3 round match of rock, paper, scissors *sighs angrily* and i obvious got the middle, kinda scared of who'll sit beside me though.
we had to wait for a few minutes, since we boarded the flight early. ned and i obviously started playing video games, too entranced by the small glowing screen infront of me i haven't realized a girl.
she hadn't really acknowledged me either because she looked tired, i cursed at the screen for losing the game too quickly and my dumb ass still didnt realize a GIRL, MY AGE, looking PRETTY FUCKING ADORABLE was sitting next to me. oh dear god.
after a couple more games and me being the most idiotic teenager known today for not looking at my right to see her  the flight attendant alerted us that the plane will take off so we the screen will freeze any moment. ned and i decided to sleep, it was very early in the morning and we need to rest if we plan on gaming most of the flight.
i closed my eyes and shifted a bit in my seat, and slept. the plain was moving at the time trying to find the best place to take off. i guess i was really tired that i havent felt someone sleeping on my shoulder.
i was peacefully sleeping still agitated from the uncomfortable seat but i heard a loud noise that frightened the life out of me and due to my spidey senses i sensed a hand on my right, so what did i do? i fucking held the hand. hard, may i add, from the fright.
i opened my eyes quickly and jumped a bit, turning around to see who's the stranger that i held hands with, startled as well. i sighed in relief knowing our plane was safe and it was just about to take off. but then i took a good look on the perso- her, took a good look on her, on her? OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL calm down peter and please dont scare her off. i couldnt stop looking at her and to my luck she was looking at me as well, but none of us spoke
i couldnt help but notice the small part of her y/h/c hair that was shown from her hood looked so shiny and smooth, her eyes were the most perfect shade of y/e/c. the extremely large hoodie looked so comfortable on her which made me think of her wearing one of mine, how big and long it'll look on her body sent butterflies to my stomach. she looked small, and precious so fragile yet she held her body confidently.
the voice of the flight attendant echoed through the speakers which made us both stop our trance of one another. even though the lady's voice wasnt scary it still frightened us. i mean no hate towards miss attendant she called me a cutie and gave me extra blankets
but coz we got startled again we held hands....again looking for the sources of the noise. we visibly relaxed once we realized what it was, looked at eachother and laughed, her laugh was angelic and soft, hands down the best sound ive ever head. she looked rather embarrassed from the encounter but i bet you a thousand dollars i look worse, i could practically feel the blood rush through my cheeks once she realized how long ive stared at her
"i- uhm i-im so sorry for sleeping on your shoulder, and- and holding your hand and stuff" she apologized, it only made me even more baffled by her. how could a voice match with a face so perfectly.
"no no its fine uhh i dont mind *nervous laugh* and for the hand thing i was the one who grabbed yours so i-i should be the one apologizing...im sorry" i rubbed the back of my neck. this is why i dont talk to girls, ever. well mj is an exception since shes like the closest thing i have to a friend other than my best friend obviously.
"i-im y/n, by the way" she lifted her hand properly introducing herself
"peter, peter parker" i shook her hand, it was nice feeling the warmth of her hand again. we probably held hands (for the third time today by the way) longer the we should have but who am i to say i was bothered. i definitely wasnt.
"nice to meet you peter" she smiled shaking our hands one last time then sitting it on her lap. scratch what i said about her gorgeous laugh, hearing her say my name was the best thing ive heard in my 16 year of existence. (her laugh is obviously the second best)
before i could ask anything else, the plane decided to finally take off. i adjusted myself to the seat, not turning to my right side anymore and closed my eyes trying to think of smiling puppies. ive been on a plane before, in fact a private one last year but that was it. this is my second time flying away from new york and i was a bit nervous.
y/n somehow noticed my sudden tense form, who am i kidding i looked like i was about to die coz of my nerves. and held my hand. and i immediately opened my eyes again, the feeling of her skin coming in contact with mine brought chills down my spine, good ones obviously
"you looked rather tense, is this ok?" she leaned into my ear so i could hear her. i looked at her confused on why she would want to help me but nodded as a reply. a smile crept on my face and i couldnt seem to take it off.  the take off went smoothly thank god. and ive occasionally squeezed her hand, usually when the plane made very loud sounds. but i made it! woohoo
i didnt know if i should stop holding her hand or not, even though i didnt want to. will she think im a creep? and if i did, will she think im rude? but i guess it didnt seem to bother her if she went back to sleeping. so i figured i should do the same
i shifted in my seat a couple of times trying to get the perfect comfy spot....nothing. this seat will be the death of m-
"you can sleep on my shoulder if you want" she whispered. "i figured since you let me sleep on yours which im very sorry about, you could sleep on mine" she smiled
"thanks, but i dont wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable"
"oh nonsense! my body is screaming right now cheering for me, well partially scolding at me for saying something risky like that to a good looking guy, its ok" she laughed, her eyes widened in shock from what she confessed. i smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder
"you think im good looking?" i whispered playing with our fingers, i dont know when i got the sudden confidence but hearing someone like her think a loser like me is cute did something to me.
"shut up" she playfully shoved me and i laughed.
"are you from midtown?" i asked her
"no im from queens" she joked
"oh you're definitely from midtown" i chuckled, next thing i know i was having a normal conversation with me laying my head on a girl i just met like we knew eachother for years, it was nice to talk to a girl i potentially thought was cute instead of talking gibberish
she was very understanding and looked like interested into what i was saying, i was gonna skip my geeky side when she asked about what i like but to my surprise, she mentioned it when i asked her the same, she said she loves comics and likes watching sci fi movies. i asked her if she watched star wars and she said she didnt...yet.
"wanna uhm watch it together?" i played with her fingers absentmindedly nervous if she'd reject me.
"yeah sure" her eyes lit up like she was waiting for me to ask her that. we watched the movie in bliss, thankfully she liked it! and immediately said to put the second one. and surprise surprise, we finished it.
when the credits rolled in, i saw her yawning, shifting in her seat again, i decided to be bold so i lifted her head off my shoulder pulled the arm rest away from us, took a pillow and patted my lap. immediately after doing it i regretted it, she barely knows me, what the fuck peter.
"you sure?" she asked smiling a bit, she looked like she felt something giddy inside which made me feel at peace again and i nodded.
"good night" she whispered snuggling her head on my lap, i hesitantly put my arm over
"good night, y/n" and we fell asleep like how ned slept the whooole time i was talking to her, wow we have a lot to catch up on
peters pov
i didnt know the whole plane (our class) practically gushed over my interaction with y/n, i know its been a while since i liked a girl but betty and the rest (including Mr Harrington) practically begged mj to take photos of us since she was the closest, not that she wouldnt have done it without them asking her....
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*A/N: idk what this bonus was lmao but i had to add the school feeling happy for our boy pete*
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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strawbeebo · 4 years
~♡ Shio, Shoyu, Miso ♡~ [1/3]
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x Fem! (She/Her) Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 1.9K
Genre: Fluff
When you had first met Megumi, you honestly didn’t think much of him.
Now, that’s not to say you didn’t find him attractive, but a cute guy around your age coming into the shop with a few of his friends just really wasn’t something very noteworthy in your life. You had only been helping your parents around your family owned ramen shop for about a year or so, but that was long enough to know that the general demographic was people who wanted a tasty, warm meal without having to blow too much money. Needless to say, teenagers fit that demographic fairly well.
Your shop was well known in the area, but it was by no means fancy. In fact the building was a tad bit run down, you didn’t even have any decorations or anything hanging up on the walls and the entirety of it only seated maybe thirty people, so it was clear people didn’t frequent the place because of the ambiance. No, the reason you always seemed to have a steady stream of customers was that the food was simply so good that despite the lack of an enticing atmosphere or even many food options, people couldn’t help but be drawn to it. That mashed together with your friendly family and the decent prices made for a perfect little neighborhood place to eat. So again, when a group of three slightly noisy teenagers sat themselves down at one of the bar tables on the far side of the seating area, you didn’t really have any reason to bat an eye.
“Hey welcome guys!” You put on your usual cheery customer service voice as you filled their glasses with ice water, trying not to lean into any of their personal spaces. “Your options are salt, soy, or miso ramen, with or without beef and or pork. Do you need some time to think about it or do you think you’re ready to order now?”
Like you said, there weren’t many options.
“Oh, can I get soy?! Or maybe- hm, maybe I’ll have miso…”
“You’re tasteless, miso is the worst kind.”
“I bet you’ve never even tried it, Kugisaki!”
“They’re going to need a minute to think. That bit’s hard for them.”
The taller boy with dark hair and an apparently permanent scowl on his face groaned out in annoyance, his eyes only meeting yours for a moment before he turned to yell at the other two to lower their voices. You nodded with a smile, leaving them to decide and chuckling to yourself as you moved on to ask the customers at the other tables if they were doing ok.
“Ok! Excuse me- er….crap, what was her name again Fushiguro?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know, usually you remember to ask the important stuff like that!”
The not-so-subtle arguing was enough to catch your attention as you made your way back over to the trio, your smile being a bit more genuine this time around in response to their odd yet funny dynamic.
“It’s (Y/N), sorry about that guys! So, what can I get for ya?”
The three of them listed off their orders and after you repeated them back for confirmation, you gave them a quick thumbs up before going back to the kitchen to put their orders in with your dad. Within a moment of your absence, Itadori was turning to Fushiguro with that excited puppy look that adorned his face almost 24/7.
“She’s kind of pretty, don’t you think?”
Fushiguro’s eye twitched, but luckily Kugisaki was quick to butt in with an argument of ‘How come you’re only asking him what he thinks, huh?!’. It was a simple question, but what annoyed him was the added use of ‘kind of’. Itadori was extremely simple, so the thought that he only thought you were ‘kind of’ pretty irritated him because how could Fushiguro be here doing a double take just to get a better look at your features every time you spoke to them while Itadori just barely took note of it? It was uncharacteristic, but he couldn’t disagree. He could tell you definitely had a slight air of putting on a cheery showiness for the sake of good customer service, but either way, you were…cute, and he was insistent on leaving it at that without bothering to admit to it out loud.
“I hope you both know you’re paying for yourselves.” He interrupted, hoping their argument had moved on from their waitress so that he wouldn’t be asked about his thoughts on you again.
“Eh?! Since when were you so cheap!”
“Ok guys!”
The three of them jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, simultaneously turning to see you holding up a tray with three steaming bowls of ramen sat atop of it.
“Soy with beef, soy with pork..” You listed off while setting the bowls in front of the copper haired girl and the smiley boy respectively, “And miso with no topping.” You finished, eyes flicking up to meet the dark haired boys as you placed the final bowl in front of him. It was only for a moment, but you could have sworn your saw a speckle of pink dust his cheeks before he looked away from you with a short “Thanks.”.
“Mhm, no problem.” You hummed out, scanning your eyes around the restaurant to see if you were immediately needed elsewhere before deciding to continue and indulge your interest in the three, or more specifically, your interest in the cute boy with the black hair. “So… you guys are from that traditional religious high school, right?”
The pink haired one’s eyes lit up as he struggled to finish the noodles he was halfway through slurping up so that he could speak.
“Yeah, yeah! I guess our uniforms are a giveaway..”
You laughed, leaning your back against the empty seat that sat next to them at the bar. As if you needed any further confirmation, you could tell he was the energetic extrovert of the group.
“Yeah, you don’t really see many of them around. Though I’ve heard it’s kind of a hard school to get into.”
“Pfft, maybe for normal people, it was no sweat for us.” There was that copper haired girl again with a confident look on her face as she too stopped eating to interject, though you hardly took what she said in a bad way as she didn’t seem to mean any harm from it.
“That so? Guess I’ll have to call you guys next time I’m having trouble with my classes, I swear I can barely manage the workload I get.”
“Haha I feel that, I actually started school elsewhere but I just transferred a few months ago! Oh- I’m Itadori by the way! This is Kugisaki, and Fushiguro’s the sulking rude one!”
“Hey.” Fushiguro finally stopped his eavesdropping to join in, sending a glare Itadori’s way, but he just seemed to brush it off as if he’d been under his friends’ scrutiny plenty of times before. After a moment though he turned back to you, though as much as he wanted to say something to you, he didn’t really know what to say. He wasn’t like Itadori or Kugisaki who could just strike up a conversation with anyone anywhere, but while he turned over his conversational options in his head, you pushed away from where you had previously been leaning and gave a sheepish, apologetic smile that easily brought his attention away from his thoughts.
“No no you’re good- Sorry, I should be leavin’ you guys to eat anyway. Just call me over when you’re ready to pay or if you need anything, alright?” You spoke, your words being directed more towards who you now knew as ‘Fushiguro’, however it was his two friends who responded with an affirmation before going back to their meals.
Once again you were off to tend to other tables and do the other tidbits of your job, though this time your head was filled with questions galore. Did Jujutsu Tech students come into town often, or was this some special outing? What grades were the three of them in? And most importantly, you wondered if they would ever be coming back? You weren’t one to get flustered or form crushes easily, but you had to admit you were a bit taken by Fushiguro. He was cute, sure, but he had a cool, mature air about him that could make anyone be left wanting to know more about him, especially because most of the conversation you did have was with his friends and not him. However once again your mental flow was interrupted by Itadori waving you over, barely waiting for you to make your way by their side to start speaking while the three of them handed over their respective payments.
“That was crazy good, (Y/N), we’ll have to come by some time again if that’s ok!”
“It’s not like she’s the one making it, Itadori.”
“You realize that a restaurant’s whole goal is to get people to come back, right? Of course it’s ‘ok’..”
Despite Fushiguro’s matter-of-fact statement, his eyes still shifted to yours as if he secretly wanted to know if you wanted them to come back as well and the smile you gave him in return only solidified the fact that he wanted to return either way. Though of course he boiled that down to ‘The service was good and so was the food’, but part of him knew that was bullshit.
“I’d love to see you guys around again!” You said, collecting up their empty bowls as you spoke. “I work most weekends and some days after class so you should try to stop in while I’m here.”
“Hell yeah!” Itadori exclaimed as the three of them got up from their seats one after the other, Kugisaki and Itadori saying their goodbye’s as they pardoned their way through the tables and other customers to leave, though Fushiguro stayed behind for a moment, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck as he spoke.
“…Sorry about them, it’s practically like wrangling preschoolers whenever we aren’t on du- er, in class.”
He knew the apology wasn’t necessary and that you didn’t seem all that bothered by either of his friends’ lively personalities, but he found himself feeling a bit…left out in the fact that he had yet to really speak to you. Why he even felt compelled to speak to you in the first place was a mystery, but he figured that was one question that didn’t really need an answer for right now.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” You laughed, giving another smile as you tried your hardest to not act as fidgety as you were feeling on the inside. “I mean- I’ve got friends like that too so I-“
“Excuse me?”
A polite voice cut you off halfway through your sentence and you turned to see an older woman waving you over, clearly not wanting to be rude but wanting your attention nevertheless.
“You’re fine!” You sputtered out, maybe a bit too excited as you slowly backed away from him, “I’ll see you around if you guys stop by again, huh, Fushiguro?”
His eyes widened slightly, a bit surprised by that hopeful tone to your voice before he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips and a bit of slightly shameful excitement tugging at his heart.
“Yeah, we’ll- I’ll see you around.”
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kitty-ray · 4 years
Something Like Home Ch. 2
Hey so I really liked this story so I decided to make a second chapter. Basically it’s more bkdk fluff (here’s part one) 
Katsuki suddenly has a lot to think about. Last night, totally unprompted and totally not unwelcomed, Deku decided on his own free will to crawl into Katsuki’s bed and demand Katsuki to hold him. Honestly? Who is Katsuki to refuse such an offer?
However, this is Deku we’re talking about. The same fucking Deku that would snivel and cry yet not give up in a fight no matter how beaten down he was. The same fucking Deku Katsuki watched time and time again almost die because he has no value on his life (which, side not, that is something they are definitely going to have to talk to him about). The same fucking Deku that’s been on the edge of his mind for his whole life. Sure, some of those thoughts lingered around Deku’s mouth. And yes, maybe some of those thoughts led elsewhere, but that’s beside the point!
Katsuki grabs his pillow and screams into it. How, oh how, did Katsuki Bakugou ever get in a situation like this?
See, this wouldn’t normally be an issue if it weren’t for the fact that Katsuki’s heart was most definitely slamming against his chest almost all last night. He’s only ever associated that feeling with a fight, and Katsuki knows for a fact that they weren’t fighting.
Katsuki’s not dumb. He’s not entirely immune to emotions and feelings. Hell, he’s had his fair share of crushes in his life, but those were way before middle school. (Okay, that’s a lie. He may or may not have had a crush on a few of the boys in his class, but those were quickly pummeled away before they could go any farther. Don’t tell Kirishima.)
What he’s feeling for Deku is definitely not a crush. It’s more of a… childhood friends turned enemies turned rivals turned hey, let’s occasionally sleep together because neither of us knows how to sleep alone anymore, yeah? That’s it. That is exactly what they are.
“I,” Katsuki whispers to his ceiling, “do not like Deku. I hate him.”
He did not, but it’s easier to say that than anything else. This mantra repeats in his head until he’s almost certain that he believes it. It seems to work, especially when they’re in the locker room almost a week later and somebody brings up relationships.
“Yeah, we’re going to go get lunch Sunday. Got the release forms and everything,” Sero says to the Kaminari. He grabs his uniform jacket. “I’m really excited.”
Kaminari slaps Sero on the back. “Hell yeah, man! Hey, does she have any single friends?”
“Dunno, but I can ask.”
“Sero, my pal, my dude, you are the bestest friend ever.”
“Pretty sure that’s not a word, Kaminari.”
Katsuki frowns into his locker. He should have expected this. They’re high school students, so dating is not totally out of the question. He can’t help but feel slightly behind in that regard.
But then he reminds himself that if he’s going to be the Number One Hero™, then he has no time for trivial things like relationships and dating and (dare he say it) kissing.
“So, Midoriya,” the grape fucker’s voice rings out. Katsuki tries not to look at them. “You’re popular with the ladies. I caught you behind the school the other day with some pretty girl confessing! Tell me, tell me! She’s got big boobies, right? You said yes, right?”
Kirishima walks over, crossing his arms. His mouth curls in disgust. “Dude, too far.” Then he looks up to Deku. “But yeah, Midoriya. We all heard about it and kinda want to know how it went.”
Next to him, Deku’s face goes bright red. Katsuki denies the fluttering in his stomach, choosing to ignore whether it’s because of delight or jealousy. He pulls out his tie, pretending not to listen.
“Oh, well, um…” Deku’s voice trails off, and out of the corner of his eye, Katsuki can see how red his face is. Cute. Turning back to his locker, Deku hides his face. “I turned her down,” he whispers.
This time, the butterflies Katsuki elects to ignore are definitely from delight.
Deku comes again, later that week. Katsuki’s full attention is on his small TV screen, the controller in his hand warm from lengthy use, and he’s just about to beat the boss when there’s a knock at the door. Quickly, he pauses it, the threat dying in his throat when the door opens and Deku slips inside.
“The fuck? Deku, it’s late.” Katsuki says, rocking his chair back. It takes a second to register his red-rimmed eyes and shiny lips. By then, Deku has already made his way to Katsuki.
He fully expects him to climb into Katsuki’s bed, as per their unsaid rules of whatever the hell it is they have going on, but Katsuki only stares in amazement as Dekuk crawls into his lap and buries his face into Katsuki’s shoulder. “H-hey!” he splutters. Real smooth.
“I’m sorry,” Deku whispers. His arms loop Katsuki’s middle. “Just go back to your game. I’ll move if I’m in the way.”
Suddenly, he is infinitely grateful that Deku isn’t looking at him because his face is certainly a bright shade of red. He doesn’t say anything to Deku before unpausing the game and finishing the fight. It’s hard to play like this, but Deku’s warmth and sobs keep him from moving, so he stays. If this is what the nerd needs, then the nerd gets.
A cut scene comes along, and Katsuki takes this opportunity to hug the nerd back. He won’t let himself go any farther; no kisses or sweet nothings to be had. Sure, he might have slipped up a few nights ago (okay, twice, but who’s counting?), but Deku was asleep then! He wouldn’t have noticed! Not like now when he is very, very much awake and very, very much moving.
It’s not a lot of movement, but every time the nerd shifts his hips to get comfortable, Katsuki notices. Oh boy, does he notice. It’s a totally normal reaction for a teenage boy to have on his crush rival! Especially when said rival is sitting on his lap and practically grinding on him.
Deku’s fingers grasp the bottom of Katsuki’s shirt, and he nearly explodes. Okay, Katsuki, think of puppies, kittens, Kirishima’s god awful--shit no, don’t think about Kirishima! Girls, think of girls! Mom and Dad! Oh, shit, I got to call them, don’t I?
“Kacchan,” Deku whispers, his small voice bringing Katsuki out of his attempt to calm down. “Thank you.”
“For what, nerd?”
On the screen, Katsuki’s avatar finds a treasure chest full of useless items. He’ll have to sell those later to buy something good.
Deku doesn’t answer, so Katsuki focuses his attention back on the game. He feels Deku’s lips on his neck. It’s soft, barely there, and probably not intentional, but it makes his brain go haywire nonetheless. He fumbles while trying to take down the miniboss and loses half a life.
Eventually, Katsuki has enough and saves the game. Deku shifts again. “Oh. Are you done?”
He grunts in response. The controller hangs loose in his hands as he wraps his arms around Deku, hearing him squeak. It takes a couple of seconds for the nerd to relax again, but when he does, he starts crying again.
“I had a nightmare again,” Deku whispers. Saying nothing, Katsuki rubs his back. His mom used to do that when he was a kid, and it never failed to make him feel better. Occasionally, whenever Deku would sleep over and he’d have a nightmare, she would rub his back, too.
Katsuki buries his nose into Deku’s curls. They’re still wet and frizzy from his bath. (That’s another thing they’re going to have to talk about.) “Wanna…” he pauses, unsure of himself. “Wanna talk about it?”
They don’t talk about the nightmares. It’s another unspoken rule between the two; you have a nightmare and you go back to sleep. That’s just how they did it.
But this time is different. The last time was different, too. Deku came in here, on his accord, asked Katsuki to hold him, and dealt with the nightmares in a different way. So, yeah, maybe their unspoken rules can be bent and broken once in a while.
Deku sniffles and pulls away, green eyes glassy. The light from the TV and desk lamp makes it hard to see anything but shadows on his face, but Katsuki has known Deku long enough to know exactly how he looks crying. “It’s stupid,” Deku mutters.
“Yeah, and so is Dunce Face, but we still put up with him.”
“You don’t.”
“That’s not the point. What’s the nightmare?”
He cracks a smile before wiping his eyes. “I’m going to tell Kaminari you said that.” Seeing Katsuki’s determined stare, Deku sighs. “Sometimes, I dream of you dying. Or it’s me. Or it’s everyone else. I just… I feel so helpless and I can’t do anything about it and-and--” His words are cut off as he gasps for air. “They just won’t stop.”
Katsuki does something he might regret; he takes Deku’s face in his hands. It’s wet underneath his palms, but he doesn’t pay attention to that. He does, however, pay attention to how soft his cheeks are or how bright his eyes shine. Katsuki suddenly feels the urgent need to kiss him.
“Do you…?” he starts to ask but trails off. This has never been a spoken thing between them. If he says it out loud, he might break the fragile thing they have set up. They’re swimming through uncharted territory, fumbling along as they try to make sense of what is up and what is down.
Thankfully, Deku seems to know what he’s trying to say. A scarred hand lays across one of Katsuki’s as Deku smiles at him. “Can I?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
It doesn’t occur to Katsuki until now that he could be asking a double-loaded question. What he means to ask is if Deku wants to sleep here, yet he also recognizes that he very well could be asking to do more. He tries not to look down at Deku’s lips, tries to keep his gaze locked onto Deku’s, but he ultimately fails. Hopefully, Deku doesn’t notice.
He does notice, and Katsuki notices him noticing, and it’s enough to make his heart do somersaults.
There’s a new question hanging between them. This one is exhilarating and terrifying and makes Katsuki rethink his entire position about relationships and dating and (he dare says) kissing. His fingers find their way to the curls at the nape of his neck. They’re not as soft as Katsuki thought they would be, but they still feel nice.
Katsuki nods, answering both questions at once.
At first, his lips are barely there, but when Katsuki doesn’t pull away, he presses further. He rather likes his lips. He also likes how Deku is obviously just as inexperienced as he is, and he especially likes how Deku breaks up the kiss because he’s smiling.
“I, um, yeah.” Deku rests his forehead on his. “Was that okay?”
Katsuki opens his eyes, and he sees that he’s already looking back at him. His cheeks are still wet from his tears, which he finds disgusting. Unfortunately, his tissues are too far away.
“It was fine or whatever.”
Deku knows he’s lying; his shit-eating grin tells him so. He pokes at Katsuki’s ribs, causing him to yelp. “It was fine, Kacchan?” Deku laughs. “Only fine?”
“Ah! S-stop! Deku!”
“Admit it! It was good!”
Katsuki locks eyes with him, his own fingers coming up to Deku’s sides. When Deku squeaks, he smirks. “I will say no such thing.”
“Kacchan! Sto-o-op!”
There’s banging on the wall before Kirishima yells, “Shut up!”
They try to wiggle away from each other, but with Deku’s legs locked around Katsuki’s waist and Katsuki balancing in his chair, they only manage to crash on the floor. Groaning, he rubs his arm. “Fuck you,” he mutters.
“You okay?” Deku’s green eyes are alight with mirth as he stares at Katsuki. It makes his heart flutter with unease and excitement. He nods.
In this moment, he realizes that his stupid face is actually rather beautiful. The soft glow of the desk lamp highlights his freckles and scars, his cheeks flushed from laughter, and Katsuki thinks he might be falling a little bit. They’re staring at each other, both not wanting to break this tension. It’s electrifying and exhilarating and makes Katsuki absolutely terrified of what he’s feeling. Deku’s legs are entangled with his, but that doesn’t stop him from reaching over and interlacing their fingers together.
“I liked it,” he whispers, almost afraid to break this little bubble of theirs, and they don’t break eye contact as he whispers, “and I think I’m starting to like you.”
Deku smiles at him. “I think I’m starting to like you, too.”
It takes them several moments for them to even think about getting into bed, and when they do, Katsuki doesn’t hesitate to pull him close. His fingers trace random fingers on top of his shirt, and he smiles. Maybe crushes aren’t so bad after all.
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
yo!!! what are the rfas nighttime routines with mc?
Welcome back to another episode of ‘Sunny is drinking alone and decided to get her shit together and do some requests’ (I am a horrible influence, if you are under the drinking age please be responsible). Anywayyyy here ya go anon! I very well may read this back in the morning and edit it again but will let you know! <3
RFA nighttime routines with MC
❤︎ Zen’s all about a pamper y’all
❤︎ he wants to stay looking fresh and healthy but bbygirl he also wants to make sure you’re well looked after
❤︎ is it even a nighttime routine if you don’t have an elaborate hour-long skincare regime?
❤︎ well yes Zen not everyone is as extra as you like you might as well be chewing gum
❤︎ if anyone actually gets that dumb joke then i am so sorry but also you get 10 points
❤︎ whilst i don’t imagine Zen to usually be that tired in the evenings, his muscles are always tired after a show/day of rehearsals
❤︎ so he would have a bath but he also gets home pretty late and doesn’t wanna faff around ya know?
❤︎ so shower it is
❤︎ oh you think that because he’s a grown ass man that he could be away from you for like 10 mins to shower on his own? well you thought wrong
❤︎ actual puppy
❤︎ sometimes it turns into ~sexy times~ but most of the time he just enjoys the intimacy/closeness and enjoys it when you take care of each other
❤︎ and boy when you shampoo his hair he literally turns to putty
❤︎ when you get out of the shower he L O V E S to do your hair
❤︎ king of braiding
❤︎ but he L O V E S it even more when you do his hair
❤︎ pretty sure you heard him purr once
❤︎ then he sneezed lmao
❤︎ you’re both pretty much out as soon as you get into bed but you always fall asleep in each others’ arms
❤︎ to conclude: nighttimes are about taking care of each other
★ so this man FINALLY got his life together once you started dating
★ you helped him find his motivation and drive again so it’s actually a pretty production evening most of the time
★ your goal is to get everything done early on so you can relax properly later
★ soon as you both get home? homework/work straight away
★ you also try to make a habit of cooking dinner together every night
★ but you know how it is sometimes you just wanna order a takeaway and that’s chill too
★ do what you gotta do boo
★ once you’ve finished dinner aND DONE ALL THE WASHING UP (don’t you dare leave it until the morning Yoosung i see you), you play LOLOL together !!!!
★ he found that it was SO much more rewarding to play once everything he needed to do was done, and he didn’t have that horrible nagging guilt whilst he had down time
★ then all that’s left to do is get ready for bed !!
★ …
★ …Yoosung?
★ “mC oNe MoRe gAme” “you said that an hour ago.” “i MeAn iT tHiS TiMe”
★ EVENTUALLY you drag him to bed but he’s always grateful when you do because he only realises how tired he is when his head hits the pillow
★ and he also gets  s n u g g l e s  so it’s always worth it
★ to conclude: nighttimes are productive but also relaxing
☞ this poor woman works so hard
☞ even when she quits working for Jumin and you guys open the coffee shop, she still always pushes herself to the max
☞ ya girl gets tired
☞ so you know what that means
☞ some things only bubbles can heal
☞ wow what that’s so deep Sunny ah yes wasn’t it thank you Sunny aren’t i inspirational yes you are Sunny
☞ you two always go a but overboard with the bubbles lmao but this woman only deserves the best o K
☞ similarly to Yoosung’s, you guys like to get everything done that needs to be done before you relax, so once you get out of the bath you can do whatever ya want!!! how swell is that!!!!
☞ usually end up watching a movie/one of Zen’s musicals because why not hmm?
☞ Jaehee likes to get an early night, so y’all are all snuggled down and ready to sleep at a reasonable hour, ready for your shift in the morning
☞ on a serious note, this woman is pretty affection starved so you make it your MISSION to shower her with love before she falls asleep
☞ i’m talking kisses, cuddles, the whole shebang
☞ when you’re cuddling you like to have a good gossip about the RFA and all that and you always end up all giggly and it’s just the best
☞ to conclude: every night is like a teenage girly night in that she never got to experience
♚ although he doesn’t like to show it, he’s always exhausted after work
♚ he has a lot of pressure on him and he constantly has to be focussed and alert, so by the time he’s walking through the front door he’s running on very little energy
♚ therefore he appreciates a quiet night with the love of his life <3
♚ of course, every night you have a nice meal and a glass of wine W I N E and chat about your day
♚ Jumin has learnt to appreciate the smaller things in life after meeting you, so he adores listening to your voice as you talk about what you got up to that day during dinner
♚ you could be reading the phone book out loud for all he cared, he just loved listening to your voice
♚ he’s usually too mentally tired to do anything like reading in the evening, so most of the time you end up either watching a film or cuddling on the couch
♚ you have enlightened him to the concept of slouchy clothes
♚ yes, Jumin Han has learnt to appreciate joggers and a hoodies what about it?
♚ honestly just the sound of Elizabeth purring and your breathing is enough to bring his stress levels to 0
♚ he’s tried meditation, he’s tried mindfulness, but nothing was as healing as having you in his arms whilst you stroked his hair
♚ after you’ve done the essentials like showering and brushing your teeth and all that jazz, you get into bed and just talk
♚ normally you end up talking about your future, and he goes to sleep every night dreaming about the life you will have together, and then wakes up every morning excited to make that life a reality
♚ to conclude: nighttimes are for recovery and comfort
☀︎ honestly? every night is different lmao
☀︎ Saeyoung is a spontaneous guy, so no evening is the same when you’re with him
☀︎ which is amazing, because it keeps things exciting and fresh !!
☀︎ however, there are a few things that don’t change
☀︎ every. night. without. fail.
☀︎ it’s SO important to you guys that you have time to catch up with each other and make sure that Saeran feels a part of the family because sometimes he likes to hideaway and doesn’t know how to include himself
☀︎ so dinner time is the family bonding time, and then you go back to doing your own thing
☀︎ do you find brushing your teeth boring? do you wish you could make it more fun? do you have a energetic red-head in your life?
☀︎ well then LISTEN UP
☀︎ like is said, this man keeps you on your toes lmao
☀︎ is this a bathroom or a nightclub the world may never know
☀︎ did someone say cuddle monster??
☀︎ because that’s Saeyoung lol
☀︎ idek why but i always imagine Saeyoung to be very physically affectionate, and not necessarily in a ~sexy~ way
☀︎ he just really appreciates physical contact
☀︎ it grounds him and reassures him that you’re really there and really love him
☀︎ to conclude: every night is exciting and spontaneous, there’s never a boring night with Saeyoung
V  / Jihyun:
❁ V is also a man that appreciates a quiet night in
❁ he’s had so much chaos and drama in his life, that quiet domesticity is utter bliss to him
❁ evenings are typically spent in a companionable silence whilst you do your own thing
❁ reading, drawing, whatever! there’s just something so comforting to him about being with you, without even needing to talk
❁ music has become an VERY important part of your lives
❁ we all know that Jihyun is a man who appreciates the arts, and music is no exception
❁ he’s had a stressful day? he’s feeling overwhelmed? put on some soothing music and you can actually see the tension melt away
❁ always trying out new recipes for dinner
❁ most of the time they turn out delicious, but some are just complete abominations i am so sorry
❁ but really? it doesn’t matter because you made them together and you had a good laugh about them
❁ one thing that you recently started doing was reading together in bed
❁ and i don’t mean reading two separate books oh no no no
❁ i’m talking the same book
❁ what a plot twist
❁ every night you take in turns to read out loud to each other
❁ it takes a while to get through book this way, but it also mean that you both appreciate every damn word because how could you not when they’re coming from the literal love of your life??
❁ to conclude: nighttimes are spent in quiet bliss
☽ every evening begins with a walk
☽ it’s a must
☽ Saeran just l o v e s nature, and it’s the perfect start to a relaxing evening
☽ Saeyoung picked up on the fact that you both like evenings to be a calm time, so when you two get home he tries not to be too crazy
☽ but we all know this bitch is out of control so it doesn’t last long lol
☽ Saeran secretly finds it so entertaining but bless he would never admit it
☽ Saeran finds a pleasure in the ordinary
☽ he has never experienced ‘normal’, so he finds so much comfort in everyday activities such as washing up, cooking, setting the table…things like that
☽ he hasn’t had much time to form his own hobbies/interests, and is still experimenting to find things that he enjoys
☽ so he loves watching you do your hobbies
☽ it really doesn’t matter what it is, he just finds watching you concentrate on something you care about so fascinating
☽ often you will offer to teach him and share your interests, and his face always lights up when you do so
☽ this precious boi i cry
☽ he just loves to learn i C R Y
☽ when it comes to showering and all that, he prefers to do that alone
☽ don’t get me wrong, he adores you and cherishes every moment he spends with you
☽ but he’s easily overwhelmed and needs time to himself
☽ it’s also important to him that he’s able to care for himself, so something as simple as washing his face on his own helps him feel like he has some control
☽ to conclude: nighttime is the time for self-care and exploration
Thank you so much for the request, anon! I hope these were what you were looking for. Have a wonderful day💛
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Enemies to Lovers!
Warnings: Large age gap.
Summary: The familiar face Alfie stumbles upon finds her way into his sheets but there’s more than one risk the two are taking.
Part 1
“Where have you been all my life?” ‘Hiding from you.’
There’s a soft knock on the door followed by someone’s footsteps. They mumble something about a new buyer in this part of town, someone powerful but there’s no response. Your hand reaches for the coffee mug, you don’t remember when it came in or who put it but you grasp it tightly anyway.
It’s cold.
A sigh leaves your lips, frustration evident in your eyes while your eyes scan the room. It’s full of papers, work to go over and things to read so you make sure you don’t ruin the empire bestowed upon you by your deceased parents. You rub your eyes, your assistant comes in.
He tells you something about your brother’s whereabouts. You hate his guts, he wastes all his time and still gets his end of the profits. You hate the days where you’re stuck in the office, signing and reading papers you know are going to be thrown out once you secure the business but it has to be done. You look at the afternoon sky, the sun is beaming but you can tell it’s hotter than it looks.
He didn’t call.
The man who you thought would be your escape now seems like a distant memory. You’d thought he’d call and tell you that no matter just how fucked up it all sounds, he was willing to sleep with the enemy. You hadn’t waited in front of the phone but it had been in the back of your mind since yesterday when you’d made the offer.
It might be the past, you think. The first time Alfie saw you was when you were a mere teenager, grumpy and witty but those things hadn’t changed even though it had been four long years since the last time you’d seen him. He might still view you as that little girl, fragile and helpless but you’re more than sure he’s at least heard about you around and the things he heard would prove that you were the exact opposite of that little girl.
You try not to dwell on it but it’s all you can think of.
But you’re also grown, with more responsibilities than you were bargained for so you get to work. Reading paper after paper until your eyes can no longer stand the yellow material, you put your glasses on the table while your fingers reach to rub your eyes. It’s a dreadful day and the absence of his call makes it all worse.
You hear your assistant come in after a while, first he drops of some papers for you to have a look and then hands you a little envelope. You eye the white material, the stamp looks unfamiliar to you while you open the envelope as fast as you possibly can. You assistant watches the whole time, worried that it’s a threat of some sort to you or the company since it’s happened before.
You pull out the small card inside, having a look over before it hits you. With a motion of your hand, the assistant is gone and you’re left alone with the card. You can see it’s hand-written by someone else but you know they’re Alfie’s words. There’s not a lot of written words but somehow he manages to summarise a paragraph with only a couple sentences. You reach the end, giddy like a small kid.
You shake your head but the words make you feel warm inside like you’re in your younger years again. You read while a childish smile picks up on your lips.  “Let’s do this.”
The room feels cold but in a pleasant way. It’s sunny out, the drapes open and close each time the wind hits them with a gentle breeze. You hear the sounds of his heavy breathing, it fills you with comfort. It’s not everyday that you wake up next to a man let alone Alfie, it feels new yet very welcomed.
It’s casual, you say to yourself.
After yesterday’s letter, you’d found him waiting like a hungry animal at your doorstep. There were no questions asked, not by him nor you because you’d agreed that this was a lethal secret. You were enemies, not a dear couple since the universe seemed to have its cruel ways. 
Then it happened.
It was your skin against his while you tried to regain your breath, he was almost too good in bed if you thought about it too much. He’d worshipped you last night, that was the only way to put it. A smile formed on your sleepy lips as you got up to wash your face, waking him up in the process but he chose to watch than to intrude.
You started brushing your teeth when he came in the bathroom, giving you a dense look you chose to ignore since excitement seemed to be somewhere in there in his eyes. You couldn’t afford to fancy him, you’d settle for sleeping with him instead. 
He was the enemy.
His soft lips met your shoulder as he planted a soft kiss on the skin before washing his face. You watched him in his natural habitat, away from his scary looking cane and his dear assistant and the piles of papers with guns hidden behind them, it was just him.
He seemed younger somehow. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it but he wasn’t so intimidating when he was like this, hair disheveled while he gave you a soft smile. He seemed more human and less of a gangster these streets made him out to be. 
“You’re starin’, luv.” he spoke, voice hoarse since it was early in the morning. He eyes your form, barely covered with the thin nightgown you were wearing but he’d seen all of you last night anyway, there was no reason to be ashamed.
“Are you complaining?” you asked after you were done brushing your teeth, eyeing his tattoos as they moved under the morning light. He looked picturesque.
“Didn’t say that, now, did I?” he spoke, amusement evident in his tone while he refrained from cursing as much as possible. You were a proper lady after all, not the rosy cheeked girl he once knew.
You led him through the corridor of your house, there was no one around despite the place being a mini mansion of sorts. One of the first things you’d done after bagging a lot of money was to invest them and that came in forms of houses in your terms. You’d told everyone of the house staff to go home for a day or two, you could manage and you had to when he was around, you couldn’t afford people seeing him with you.
He followed your lead like a lost puppy while you made your way towards the kitchen. It was way too big for one person but the staff usually ate with you so the space was frequently used. He watched you as you opened a couple drawers and took some stuff out, eggs and a pan and all that.
Turning towards him, you offered the most neutral smile you had at your disposal and spoke with a soft voice, he swore you looked like an angel in the morning light.
“How you do like your eggs, mister?” you asked, sassily as his lips formed his usual smirk. He was the man you adored all those years after all.
He still saw the little girl in you, the cheeky one who’d wear things that you knew would get him riled up that summer you returned as a younger woman. You were eighteen, trying to get the attention of the handsome gangster but he’d been wise to ignore the temptations.
Now that you were grown, he didn’t need to do that anymore. 
“Same as yours, miss.” he spoke, his low voice made you chuckle and you turned your back to him while getting breakfast ready.
He could very well cook himself, but he thinks he’d rather watch you do it. 
He blames himself for all the years that have gone by without you. Your playful self last saw him as an eighteen year old girl who was too smart for her own good but now you’re a little older. It’s been over four years since the gangster has seen you and he concludes, while still watching you make breakfast, that the rumours are true.
You are as whimsical as they said you’d grown to be.
He helps you set the table by putting the dishes on it and a couple more stuff from the fridge. You watch with protective eyes, trying to put up some sort of defence while the man manages to break every stereotype you thought he fit in. You find yourself sitting across his shirtless self while he slowly eats, not making a sound like he usually does while devouring his meals. He wants to be as proper as possible.
He knows this isn’t conventional.
“So how’s this goin’ to fuckin’ work, luv?” he speaks while watching you with the corner of his eye. His hands gestured in between you to show that he was talking about what had happened last night.
“I..uhm..” you say, a little taken aback but you welcome his bluntness. “I told the staff to steer clear for a couple days in case you were to visit.” you speak, getting ready to list a couple more things as he eats like a fine gentlemen, there’s a soft hum erupting from his lips each time you speak. 
“We’ll just be as discreet as possible, not alarm anyone of the possibility of......this.” you finish, hands copying the same move he did just a couple minutes prior as your fingers address him and then you.
He nods while another soft hum erupts from his large body, you watch him in amazement. It’s a wonder just how gentle this giant bear of a man is capable of being. He’s not the Alfie you knew all those years ago, you’re not sure anyway. You never saw him like this, bare and stripped from any danger. His gun is somewhere in his office drawer miles away and he doesn’t have a protective dog to bite anyone’s head off.
“Ya’ think it was a fuckin’ mistake?” he speaks and the words make you put your fork down. Maybe, he’s regretting this.
He watches you as you answer, not an ounce of doubt or fear in your eyes while he watches you speak with the shake of your head.
“No, I don’t. In fact, I quite enjoyed myself last night.” you speak, daring eyes matching his as he smiles, its cockiness mixed with pride.
“Could tell that from how fuckin’ loud ya’ were, doll.” he says with a chuckle but you know his words to be a joke so you kick him lightly under the table, it makes him drop his fork on to the tablecloth and he seems taken aback more than anything while staring at you with wide eyes.
“What the fuck are ya’ on about, woman!” he says but again, it’s lighthearted. You chuckle at his words, your smile is devilish against your lips while he waits for you to speak, a smile similar to yours find its way on his lips.
“It’s so that you be more careful with your words next time, luv.” you speak, mimicking him at the last part of your sentence while he watches you with amazement, then hunger takes over his features but he settles on eating the meal on the table than you at that given moment. Although he much prefers the second option.
He shakes his head. You’re still a kid inside, the little girl he knew and he can tell. You still posses the same attitude and the wittiness but there’s an elegance to you that comes with age, you’re more poised. The teenager who used to interrupt business meetings because the room was too hot is now the one making the deals, his eyes glisten at the thought.
“Do you think it was?” you speak, eyes not meeting his because there’s an evident trace of fear in your tone. He watches you act calm but your eyes tell the truth.
“A fuckin’ mistake?” he asks, deliberately trying to make you wait for the answer mostly because he enjoys the way a pink hue forms on your cheeks. You nod, not a word comes from your mouth but you answer the question regardless.
“Nah..” he speaks, he takes a slow sip of the tea in front of him, purposefully torturing you but you don’t give up that easy. You remain calm. “If anything, yeah, It was a fuckin’ miracle was wha’ it was.” he speaks once again and you release your breath. You hate how much he enjoys teasing you but you hate yourself more for falling for his small traps every time.
Then, he watches you light up.
Your cheeks are pink still but it’s more from happiness than fear of embarrassment. You let go of the spoon next to your tea cup softly while exhaling, your eyes sparkle under the morning sun and he watches the way your hair moves with the breeze coming from the window nearby. It’s just like he’s staring at a painting and he speaks before his mind can stop him, like a fool.
“Where have you been all my life?” His voice is hoarse, too rough even but you make the words out.
You don’t miss the sentence, it’s clear as day of anything. The whole morning up until that point, you spend the minutes reminding yourself that he is in fact the enemy. It’s a casual thing you both agreed on, nonchalant but also highly risky. And his words don’t make it easier on the walls built around your heart.
But you’re not to one to fall in love so easily, you’ve been a project in the making by your father and the walls are made of steel.
He can’t melt them.
‘Hiding from you.’ you speak, a small smile on your lips that’s only half genuine but he doesn’t pick up on it, he possibly can’t.
So instead he laughs, it’s another taken aback chuckle at first that turns into a loud laughter that fills the room. It’s pleasant if anything. You don’t find yourself trying to find excuses to get out like each time your brother laughs. Alfie’s laugh is much more heartwarming.
“We better get going.” you speak, voice soft but the words are demanding as his eyes bore into yours.
He doesn’t say anything but agree with the nod of his head. You ignore the next few moments while he helps you tidy up. His finger brushes against your shoulder, electricity resides there for a couple minutes but you don’t think about it. You also don’t think about the way his hand finds your waist to get you out of the way so he can put the pan back on the higher shelf where you can’t reach.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re out.
“We can’t possibly make business with him!” you brother shouts from the other end of the room, you can see how furious he is but it’s better than you’d expected.
You look at him right in the eye and wait for another word, you know he’s not done. Your eyes don’t leave his figure while he paces around the room, very furious but you’re mad at yourself for suggesting such a thing.
To make a deal with the enemy. The enemy that slept on your bed with his arms around you last night, to be exact.
“He’s a fucking madman! Have you got no sense?” you hear Jack’s voice booming around the place but you’re not fully there. Your mind is off wandering how you’ll try to console him after your stupid words.
“Alright, calm down.” you speak, walking towards him in a calm manner but he doesn’t seem a tad suspicious. You count on the fact that Jack has never been the smartest. “It was just a suggestion, okay? We’ll find some other way to go about it.” you say while stroking his arm, his hair is disheveled and you know he’s heading for the pub when he walks out abruptly. 
You stare at the empty walls the moment he slams the door on your face, there’s no use of calling behind him or trying to get him to stop. You’ll have him picked up from the bar at midnight by the driver, you know he’s going to be drinking his weight. 
It’s no wonder why he’d reacted the way he did, Alfie had never been a pleasant memory for the whole family. He was the one making the dangerous deals, the ones a dozen men would get killed for. And although you did not mind at all, he had also done some damage to your family’s business at the time, one that got out of hand after a while.
You didn’t blame him for it, he wasn’t the sole reason. It was mostly your father’s fault for thinking he could crack more than a couple deals with his rivals and it had blown up on his face, naturally. Alfie’s name was thrown around for a while, for the things he’d done and the crimes he’d committed but you’d always excuse yourself.
It wasn’t because his hands were bloody, yours were the same now. You had seen his kindness in the business meetings, mostly towards you since the rest of your family happened to be insufferable. Your father was all the same, he’d done just as terrible things as Alfie but he lacked mercy at the side. 
You picked up the telephone and started dialling, there were one too many things going on in your mind and you desperately needed some common sense. So you called the only man you knew could be objective. 
He was fast to pick up.
“Hey....It’s me. Could I see you today?”
Tagging: @clairecrive​  @parkbearum​ @sourirez​ @bicevans​ @mollybegger-blog  @97freaknik.  @fuseburner  
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