#So I'm trying to spread awareness and give other people a heads up before they read these books
bookishfeylin · 2 years
May I just say, you're so sweet and respectful and kind and your words have made me feel a lot less alone in all this. Thank you for giving me the space to vent and discuss all these whitewashing issues and taking the time out of your day to respond. It's truly appreciated
Awwww thank you! You are very welcome anon. I'm Black, and this is my blog, so I'm not going to not talk about my lived experiences and how things like representation, whitewashing, and racism in both media and fandom affect me and others. We deserve a space to talk about these things, and I'm glad you feel comfortable doing so here :) You certainly aren't alone.
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aettuddae · 2 months
business matter — chapter 92.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
[warning: suggestive]
"just come here."
serim put her phone away aggressively, frustrated at not being able to stop her body from getting up from the chair and heading toward the restroom area without giving further explanation, grabbing the attention of the other people at the table, who knew exactly where the girl was going.
they knew that serim would go wherever karina asked her to.
she opened the door to the ladies' bathroom, making room for herself to enter. there was no one there, it was not crowded, there was only a girl at the opposite end of the entrance, with her back against the wall and her phone in her hands. her attention was on the screen of the device, but as soon as she heard someone walk in, she moved her eyes upward without raising her head completely, long strands of dark hair falling in front of her face.
the girl straightened as she recognized serim, now also resting the back of her head against the cold concrete she leaned against. a confident, preponderance smile spread over her lips.
"i knew you would come." she spoke, breaking the static silence within those four walls.
"of course i came." serim closed the door behind her abruptly. "you're in my company's public restroom taking provocative pictures of yourself to send to me during a party." she took quick steps to approach her, scolding her.
"do you really expect me to believe that you came to give me a lecture and not to rip my dress off and fuck me in one of those?" she pointed to the cubicles, the vain expression still on her face.
"are you aware of what might happen if we were caught in the act?" she found herself elated at the contrarian's stillness. "or even if you were seen in this state?" she extended her arm to point at her, exposing the girl. "fix your dress." serim ordered after noticing that the bottom of the garment was raised and uneven, revealing her thigh almost to the edge, possibly a result of those images she was taking earlier.
"namu." she stopped her with a composed yet flirtatious tone. "i don't believe you don't want to touch me." she let out a soft laugh.
"you're drunk." the older one declared.
"i'm obsessed with you." she rebutted. "come on, don't you want to find out what it's like to have sex at the risk of being discovered?" she held out her arms, waiting for her, but serim remained silent, serious, still. "or do you...?" karina propelled herself away from the wall quickly, walking towards the woman impatiently, staggering slightly due to the alcohol in her system, her attitude changing from haughty to indignant after realizing what the lack of words hid. "so you've already fucked other girls in public spaces before, but you're playing morally correct with me?" she grabbed the fabric of jang's clothes to pull her closer and force her to look at her. "are you incapable of keeping yourself in your pants?"
"ironic that you would say that when your first reaction to getting drunk is to beg me to have sex with you in a bathroom." she reciprocated karina's tug on her garment, standing just inches away from each other. "my coworkers are out there." she reminded.
"and you and i are in here." she slid her tact to serim's waist, holding her from both sides.
"jimin." she let out in a sigh, her eyes closed, trying not to lose herself in the touch.
"namu." her tone was low, imploring, claiming.
serim was already used to not knowing how to refuse jimin, or maybe she didn't want to, but she didn't dare to assume it. every time she gave in to her, a warm feeling flooded her chest, which could be so many emotions, but she always related to guilt.
the same guilt you feel when you go back to your ex, when you buy something stupid even though you know you will spend the money you had to make ends meet on it, or when you postpone your obligations until the last possible moment because you don't feel like doing it at that time. it was the guilt that came hand in hand with pleasure and desire.
there are times when human beings submit to delight and don't know how to anticipate reason to it, and this was another one of those moments when serim couldn't hold her conscious decisiveness over the need to kiss jimin. trapping her mouth with her in a power play, wrapping her arms around her body and running her hands up and down her back as they engaged in a wet, messy make-out session. pushing her and walking with her until she was leaning against the nearest wall, so clumsily and restlessly that, in the state she was in, if jimin hadn't been holding tight onto serim's shoulders and the back of her neck, she would have lost her balance.
serim lifted from both sides the girl's pink dress, which was already a mess anyway, leaving room for nothing beyond the girl's underwear to make her uncomfortable as she placed her knee between the blackhaired's legs and with it pressed her center, causing jimin to break the kiss for a moment to let out a deep sigh in reaction to the new contact, reconnecting their lips in desperation as she moved as best she could her waist over serim's leg trying to generate friction.
"i'm tired of you always getting your way." complained jang, though her agitated, longing voice was countered by her statement, her upper lip delicately resting on jimin's lower one, her mouth free to speak, but still not entirely detached from the girl.
"this is literally what you wish for me to do." she mentioned, feeling the skin on her neck moisten as she received serim's kisses upon it.
"so you're only doing this for me?" she pulled away a little, just enough to be able to speak, her breath still colliding against the younger girl's neck. "wasn't it you who asked me to come?" she suddenly lifted her leg that was already pressed against karina, slipping it even deeper, shooting a wave of sensations through the girl's body at the stronger, more direct touch she had just felt, facing the ceiling and closing her eyes, this time it was an explicit moan that broke from her throat.
"i do want it." she admitted, finding it hard to speak as she tried to keep her breathing in sync. "thank you for fulfilling my whims." she smiled indulgently, holding serim's cheeks and moving her until she could kiss her lips again.
"i'd do anything for you." she confessed, though it wasn't something that wasn't already known between them. "even if it's stupid things like this." with her palms on her waist she began to direct her to rock her hips on her knee. "or go against my reason."
"do you like me that much? that you physically can't turn me down?" her eyelids were drooping, leaving her eyes barely open just to look at her, for the reality was that they were closing on their own to focus all her senses on how good she was feeling, her fingers trying to cling and keep the opposite as close to her as they could, her lips struggling to stay entwined and just letting go so they could talk to each other in that careful, soft, eager tone.
"is because i love you."
silence. but silence of the tense kind, not the comfortable kind.
karina's eyes suddenly opened wide and all her movements stopped, her hips ceased going back and forth on serim, her hands not seeking to trap her between them anymore, her lips abruptly parted from hers, as she brought her head so far back she could almost feel the coldness of the wall against the nape. she stood static as if she had just been told that someone had run over hiro or she had been kicked out of her group. her pale porcelain skin seemed to have lost even more pigmentation, not even the pinkish hue that had accumulated on her cheekbones due to the arousal she was experiencing moments before had remained on her cheeks, the sobriety hitting her as if she had never ingested alcohol in the first place.
noticing the blackhaired's reaction, serim decided she should take some distance, detaching herself from the woman and taking a few steps back, still an arm's length away, but letting her breathe. she didn't know why she had said that, it was true, but she couldn't find a reason why to confess it. possibly she had no more tools to make that situation better, to fix it, to make it stop hurting. in desperate times, desperate measures. seeing the look of dread on jimin's face, she realized that she had run out of resources to make either of them start acting coherently and maturely.
"jokey joke." the older one tried to diffuse the tension by speaking in a high-pitched, awkward tone, raising her fingers simulating two guns and pointing them at the girl like someone who tries to look cool after saying something stupid.
"do you love me?" she ignored her.
"well, that's what i said, i guess." paralleling the horror shown by the younger girl's behavior, serim couldn't help the urge born in her to turn any unfortunate event into a funny one.
"do you love me?"
"jimin, you know me, i have a lot of love to give." she continued with her attempt to redirect the conversation.
"serim, do you love me?" she repeated, still in shock.
"yes, i do." she admitted, frustrated after failing to calm the mood.
"are you in love with me?" emphasized on the words 'in love,' walked up to serim, completely disoriented, facing her.
"yes, jimin, i love you!" she exclaimed, tired of hearing her say the same thing over and over again.
the dancer couldn't wake up from the trance she was in, everything felt surreal. of all the possible outcomes she calculated when she asked serim to go there, none of them ended with the woman confessing that her feelings were much deeper than a simple infatuation. it was as if her brain couldn't adapt to how quickly everything had escalated, how much her life had really changed since the moment the company called her to tell her that she would have to pretend to be the girlfriend of this person.
karina is a beautiful and captivating being, but realistically, how many times in a someone's life do they get a love confession told in the face?
jimin didn't know what to do, how she was supposed to react, the only thing she was sure of was that there was no way serim was going back home that night with a sane heart.
"that doesn't make sense." she shook her head to both sides, her eyes on the ground.
"what?" the first hints of disappointment were beginning to make their presence known in serim's chest.
"you can't be in love with me, namu." she furrowed her brows seriously, pretending to sound reasonable. "we barely know each other."
"jimin." she let out a dry, indignant laugh. "you live in my house, i've seen you every day for months, you've been fooling around with me for days." she began to list despairingly. "are you trying to invalidate how i feel about you?"
"you're confused." she tried to convince her, her voice soft, and she lifted her arms to wrap them around the oldest's neck. "when you spend some time away from me it will pass." she leaned forward intending to initiate a kiss.
"jimin, are you fucking bipolar?" she pushed her away without using force, just enough to keep her from reaching up to touch her mouth. "are you seriously denying my confession by telling me i just have to pull away from you while you try to kiss me?" the levels of exasperation she was reaching at that moment she had never experienced before.
"i'm drunk and i need you." the ravenhead must have been really intoxicated because she seemed sure that was a good excuse.
"are you admitting that you are using me to please you?" serim was not a person who cried often, but everything that was going on with karina was beyond her and tears began to form in her eyes.
"no, serim." she was so calm considering she had a person on the verge of crying in front of her. "i need you." she connected their eyes. "i really do, i treasure you." she admitted. "when i see you i can't resist the urge to touch you and kiss you." she cupped her face in her hands, caressing her cheeks. "when i lose control the first thing i look for is you." she took a breath trying to stay focused, feeling her throat beginning to ache, that she too was going to burst into tears. "but even for me it's going to happen too, it's going to pass."
"but, why would it have to pass?" she implored in anguish.
"because it has to." she sentenced coldly. "because you and i can't be together and that's the only certainty."
"no." she declined, not willing to listen to the same old speech. "the only certain thing is that we are not able to stay away from each other." she performed.
"namu." she tried to stop her words.
"jimin, do you love me?" she interrupted her, not wanting to look vulnerable, but with hope in her voice and eyes.
and karina kept silent. her pupils began to wander on serim, getting lost in her features. the older girl's skin was soft, delicate, a result of the care her work as an idol demanded of her, which she knew was even more exhaustive with serim whose diet consisted merely of cigarettes and very poorly organized meals at peculiar times of the day.
after remembering her bad habits she could not suppress the onset of the domestic fantasy of cooking for her and reminding her to eat at the required times, of being the person to give her a judging look and a reprimand when she lit one more cigarette than she was allowed, just as she couldn't help the nostalgia of not being that one, as if she had the chance and it had slipped through her fingers.
her eyes were small, but intense. whenever serim looked at her she felt exposed, observed. karina knew the oldest was like a big toddler in need of affection, but when she had no idea of that and saw her as just her senior in the industry, she thought of the heavy presence she had, distracted by how she drew the eyes of everyone in any room she entered with that star-like aura. serim's eyes were the eyes of someone who could command people's attention. and now that hazel color she liked to lose herself in was accompanied by the red of the sadness she herself had generated.
and those full, pompous lips, which at that moment were glistening from the remains of jimin's own saliva on them. of course serim was appealing to so many women, who wouldn't want to kiss those lips? even she had found a fascination in them, since the first time she had tasted them she had struggled to find anything else that would quench the desire to do it again.
karina could only look at her, part by part, as if trying to get to see her bones as well, and maybe even that would have seemed like a wonder to her. feeling her heart pounding in her chest at such a speed that it seemed like the seconds before it stopped completely, like when a light bulb explodes before going out forever. looking at serim she knew what she felt, she was aware, but she also realized that she couldn't let herself feel it.
"serim, i..." she began, the sensation of knowing you're letting someone down gripping her chest. "i have feelings for you." she explained, searching for the words, watching serim roll her eyes and begin to create distance as she heard what seemed to be more excuses. "but they're just sporadic things that will end eventually."
"sporadic things that will end eventually." she paraphrased, anger in the way she quoted her. "what a complicated way to say you don't love me." she turned on her heels, heading for the door.
"don't call me that." she stopped her, with her back to her. "and go back to the party after you fix your clothes." she left.
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"there you go."
serim bent her knees to be closer to the height of karina's bed, standing sideways to it and close enough for the owner to slide off her back and land gently on the mattress.
because yes, jimin had broken serim's heart -again-, but still the older girl had to carry her on her back to her bedroom and up to her room since she could hardly stand up because of how drunk she was.
the ravenette, in her state bordering on unconsciousness, could still feel when her body made contact with the comfort of a bed and moved in search of the pillow to rest her head on, closing her eyes almost instantly when she found it. serim, as much as she felt a deep rage towards her at that moment, couldn't just throw her there and leave. she began to inspect the room for some sort of pajamas, but the only piece of clothing she could find was a t-shirt she recognized as her own on a stool where other things were also carelessly lying around, and she even remembered the time when jimin had asked her for it.
she took the garment and hung it on her shoulder and then approached the bed, put one knee on the edge to support the weight of her body as she leaned over the girl, slid one hand between her back and the blanket and pushed her up while she lifted her up pulling from the arm with the other, helping her to sit up and trying not to let go so she wouldn't fall again. she ran her fingers through her back to the side of her torso to find the zipper of the dress to pull it down with difficulty and once the fabric that wrapped around the younger's body was looser making it easier to slide it off, serim set about removing it, sliding down the straps that fastened it to her shoulders and then tugging it down.
"no." suddenly jimin regained lucidity, stopping serim's hands with her own.
"no?" the vocalist looked at yu in amusement as she swayed in place and stared lost to a point in the room, as if trying to make everything stop spinning. "are you going to sleep with the dress on?"
karina didn't move, at least not voluntarily, as she couldn't keep her body balance, she was only still upright because the woman was still holding her. "serim." she was able to articulate after a few long moments of silence.
"what happens?"
"serim." she repeated, trying to get an idea out, but finding it difficult because of the alcohol.
"only serim can touch me." she finally mustered the strength to finish the sentence and turn her head, still looking down, but this time in the direction of the opposite, using the contact with her to push her, though it was pointless as she was so intoxicated she could barely generate any impact. "sorry, but this can't happen." her words were barely understandable as she had no ability to modulate and her lips formed a small pout.
"i swear you're bipolar." she shook her head, confused by the girl's statement, but being unable to contain a giggle because of the way she spoke.
"that's something serim would tell me."
"jimin, i am serim." she reminded when she noticed that she really wasn't able to recognize her.
the blackhaired raised her head with intentions of deciphering the identity of the other person, her eyes squinted in order to focus on her because, first, she had bad eyesight by nature, and, second, her state was making her see things double and blurry. after a few seconds she finally recognized those brown eyes that were looking at her incredulously and almost by instinct her senses were activated.
"my namu."
the woman squealed in such a high pitch and raising the volume of her voice to such an extent that the door opened behind them and serim turned quickly to see who had entered, already thinking of what explanation she would give in case one of the other members had woken up and found her late at night with a completely out of it and half undressed karina, but turning around she saw that it was only hiro who had been alerted by his owner. the puppy climbed up to the bed next to them and sat down, following very attentively the movements of both women while the younger one rushed over jang, running her hands through her hair, her cheeks, her neck, shoulders and any part that she could hold on to because her only intention was to give her comforting caresses while she started to spout explanations, without taking a breath, about the situation they were living. the same arguments and apologies about why they couldn't be together that serim had already heard a thousand times, so she decided to put all her effort into not listening to her.
serim, determined to change her clothes, lay her down and put her to sleep so she could go home and pretend that all that night hadn't happened, grabbed the top edge of her dress, pulled the fabric down until she finally managed to detach the rag from the young girl and, without karina having shut up for a single second, managed to put the shirt on her so she would be more comfortable to rest. she held her in her arms while guiding her back to lie down.
"namu, i do want you, and i'm sorry."
it was the tenth time she had said that same sentence within perhaps five minutes. her eyes were closed, but the words kept falling from her lips in a frenzy, intending to appease the seriousness and the pain serim was sure feeling.
jimin felt guilt too, only this was the guilt that comes by hand with a mistake, from the certainty that you are causing harm.
jang let go of the girl's body, removing her hold on her back, but karina sensed this and instinctively caught one of serim's hands with her own, to pull it to her mouth and begin kissing the woman's fingertips in the short, fleeting moments when she stopped justifying herself. the subtle and sensitive display of affection, the pout that still lingered on her face, her shirt decorating her figure and the eagerness she had to show her that, although she could not give in to her emotions, she did care for her, endeared serim, who, as annoyed as she was, and as much as she didn't want to hear any more about it, found herself absorbed in the dancer's gestures and demeanor. they were both so engrossed in each other's presence, for better or worse, that neither noticed that since he came in, hiro had been cautiously stepping towards them, until he was at the perfect distance to reach out his neck and bite down hard on serim's limb that was being worshipped by karina.
serim reacted to the feel of the animal's teeth digging into her skin and jerked her arm to pull her hand away from the dog's muzzle, standing up suddenly to make sure it was out of her reach in case he wanted to attack again.
"baby!" jimin exclaimed to serim after witnessing everything, making an effort to maintain clarity in case she had to help her, lifting herself up a bit and watching her with concern, grabbing hiro to hold him along with her so he wouldn't go towards the woman again.
"i'm fine." reassured jang as she looked at her skin for wounds, but it had only been a bite, hard, but nothing more than that.
but as she inspected herself she realized that hiro had targeted the same hand that he had the previous time, that time where it was her who had gotten drunk into a blackout and where she had to wear bandages for a few days. she still had the scar and maybe it would never go away. the whole scenario was so similar to what had been described to her. she turned her gaze to the pet, who was comfortably resting next to his master as if nothing had happened, on the bed.
hiro. bed. jimin. alcohol. bite.
it wasn't easy to explain how quickly the erased images of that night were being restored in her brain. it was as if someone was shouting it in her face. all very sudden.
how long had jimin been repressing her feelings?
"you really wanted me to believe that your dog attacked me because i touched his food." she pointed her finger accusingly at the woman, who was already falling asleep before serim spoke.
"what?" the girl was in no condition to deal with this at the moment.
"why did you hide from me that we kissed?" she asked indignantly.
"i do want to kiss you, yes, please." she only understood single words, her body was begging her to go to sleep already.
"that time we went to an event and you brought me drunk here, that hiro bit me and you had to heal me." she recapped patiently, trying to get the younger to assimilate each part. "why didn't you tell me that we kissed that night?"
"but..." she tried to keep her sense. "i did tell you." technically she wasn't lying.
"you told me it was a company order." she refuted.
"i had to manipulate the information for my own benefit." she said in a single, quick breath.
"you kissed me because you wanted to." realized.
"can we kiss?" jimin stretched her lips into a beak, waiting.
"how long have you wanted me?" she questioned, an empty feeling in her chest.
"well," she pulled herself slightly upright on the blanket, doing her best to remain coherent. "ning says that since the first recording of azza time." she admitted awkwardly as she spoke. "but the truth is, i think it was since that night."
"ning says?" she repeated, eyes lost, everything was getting more and more ridiculous.
"yizhuo knows how much i like you, obviously." she reasoned. "but she likes you too, what can i do about it? i'm her unnie, she's my world." she let herself drop again. "and to think that everything would have been easier if only i had admitted everything you made me feel that night."
serim couldn't find anything else to say. her breathing was labored to the point where her chest was noticeably rising and falling, and her eyes were once again crystallizing. she had avoided crying before, but she didn't think she could hold it back now. not that jimin was going to notice, the girl was getting lost in her dreams again and this time she wasn't going to do anything to wake her up, there was no point anymore, she had to let her sleep and get out of there. get out of there and finally stop running after someone who had so little perception of her emotions, someone who was saying in very clear terms that she wouldn't fight for her, and who, in fact, had months to do so, but never even tried.
as she faced the desk against one of the walls, she saw the plant that she had given to her some time ago, franky, decorating the table. she thought it was in ningning's possession, so it was unsettling to see it there. it was cared for, indeed, it looked like it had been watered recently, it looked pretty. that only caused the tears to come more easily. she spun on her heels, walked over to karina, leaned over her already sleeping body and placed a kiss on her forehead, keeping careful that hiro didn't get angry.
perhaps everything serim had to contribute to karina's life was already in that room, and there was nothing more for her to give.
serim left, closing the door carefully so as not to make any noise, she turned towards the hallway to walk through it towards the living room, but when she did, she found ningning watching her from the entrance of her room, aspect as if she had just woken up.
"ning." she spoke as she noticed the girl's presence. "please don't think anything strange, karina is very drunk, i just helped her get to bed" she informed nervously.
"semmie." the worried voice of the maknae was heard from the other side. "it's okay, don't worry, i know you weren't doing anything." even in the darkness, serim could make out that she was walking towards her. "are you crying?" she questioned, as she had noticed the trembling as she spoke.
serim wanted to rationalize herself, to help her understand what was going on, she wanted to talk to yizhuo, but it wouldn't come out of her. she was exhausted, mentally she no longer had the will to keep pretending to endure what she was going through with jimin or to keep trying to make the people around her think everything was normal. in the end, she properly burst into tears, not being able to beat the tears with glibness. ningning rushed over to wrap her arms around her and hold her as the older one broke down on her shoulder.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
What Did You Do
pairing: tom riddle x female reader, voldemort x female reader
warnings: angst, tiny bit of fluff
summary: throughout your years at hogwarts, you and tom were inseparable, now as a professor you see what happened to him at the battle of hogwarts - requested by anon
a/n: i'm going to age down voldemort and the reader (meaning because mcgonagall is a little younger than voldemort, the reader would be so old lmao. so i'm just imagining the reader is like remus' age, it wont affect the time line, idk if that makes sense sorry)
song: the night we met - lord huron
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Tom was brilliant, so were you. You were both the top of your classes since your first year at Hogwarts.
That's how you two started talking. You would be partnered with each other in most of your classes, you made an excellent pair.
Throughout the years there, you two had grown a bond. Eventually, you both had feelings for each other.
You knew of your affections towards him, you didn't tell him because you didn't want to ruin your close friendship. But Tom had been in a sort of denial, seeing as how he was conceived under a love potion, he didn't think it was possible.
Around your sixth year, he had come to terms with how he felt. You two had confessed to each other after one of Slughorns dinner parties, he had attended as your date.
It came as a shock to most students when the news of you getting together spread.
They had know he had a soft spot for you, but he had never shown any romantic feelings towards anyone before.
It was seventh year and Tom had confessed to you of his plans and becoming Lord Voldemort.
He asked you to join him and be his partner but you couldn't. It was wrong and you knew it, he knew it deep down too.
You figured this was caused by his horrible childhood at the orphanage, he told you all about how he was treated.
He asked you one final time to join or he would have to continue without you.
You stood there in front of him with tears streaming down your face as you shook your head.
He wanted to wipe the tears from your beautiful face, but he knew it would make him tempted to give up the plans he worked so hard for.
So he turned his back on you and left you behind while you cried and begged him to stop what he was doing.
After that night, you hadn't seen him again.
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"Harry!" you call your student, a student who was like a son to you.
You knew of how he got his scar, as did everyone else. It broke your heart each time you thought of what had caused it.
"Harry, be safe, I'll be right behind you," you kiss his head. He goes and runs off to find Voldemort as students and staff start to fill the courtyard and go into a circle.
You quickly walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, making sure there were no student that needed help.
You finally went outside and saw Harry and Voldemort in a duel.
You gasp at how he looks, this wasn't your Tom. You hadn't seen how he looked since that night so long ago.
You rush over ignoring the calls of people to stop.
"Tom! Stop this!" you yell with angry tears forming in your eyes.
Voldemort blocks Harry's spell and sends one to knock him out for a little while he drops his arm to look at you.
People watching were frozen in their places as they took in the scene in front of them. There were very few people who were aware of your past relationship with Tom.
"What did you do," you cry. He almost winces at the pain in your voice.
He slowly walks over to you and stops about three feet from you.
"I got the power I've always desired," he explains in a monotone voice.
"Tom... we could have had a future together, look what you've become," you whisper.
"You didn't wish to join me, you didn't expect me to drop everything I've worked for, did you?"
"Yes, I did, because you could have and I would have done the same for you," you try your best to keep your voice from cracking.
He knows you're right. He couldn't look you in your eyes. He looks around at the faces watching as he tries to not think about how beautiful you still are.
You had grown into a stunning woman, and well, he felt embarrassed by what he had come to.
"Stop!" Voldemort shouts, annoyed at his now conflicted emotions.
He feels tempted to stop and apparate you and him somewhere to stay, like how you always dreamed of.
He couldn't, not now. He decided an apology was the only thing he could do, as he went to apologize to you, he suddenly felt pain all over.
He turned his head to see Harry with his wand pointed at him. It was then you both realized he was truly gone.
As he starts to turn to stone, he uses all the energy left in him to look at you, in the eyes this time.
He watches as so many emotions flash through your eyes. He memorized your features in the few seconds he has.
You look at Voldemort on his knees, almost all stone. You see him mouth something, it looks like 'I'm sorry', but you can't be sure.
You watch as he looks you dead in the eye, finally turning completely to stone and dissolving into nothing.
People around you start cheering and hugging as they all celebrate.
Harry turns to you and sees the devastated look on your face.
"I'm sorry that you lost him," Harry says as he hugs you, "not Voldemort, but Tom," he continues.
"I'm sorry too, but you're safe, along with everyone else," you sigh, "that's all that matters," you kiss his forehead and hug him back.
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It took you a while to finally accept that Tom- Voldemort, was gone.
Things slowly got back to normal. Hogwarts was rebuilt and repaired. You continued your teaching career there.
You were sat in your room, in a cottage where you and Tom were supposed to be living.
You decided that if he couldn't be there to live life, you would do it for the both of you.
You pick up some letters he would send you when you were dating, you had saved them all. You look at the box and see one that hasn't been opened. Your eyebrows furrow as you open it. Then, a tear slides down your face as you read it.
My y/n,
If you are reading this, that means I have become Lord Voldemort, and am likely dead now.
I need you to understand that I am not the Tom you once knew. I also need you to understand that I have regretted walking away from you each and every day since I did so.
You were my family, my love, my everything.
I'm sorry I threw that away for power. I know now that it is far too late to go back.
I wish I could though, and spend life with you in that place you always use to tell me about. Unfortunately, it isn't possible. But know that if it was, I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.
Stay true to yourself, don't turn your back on the people you love, I regrettably made that mistake.
You are a beautiful person, my love, I hope you accomplish all of the things you use to rant to me about.
Please forgive me.
Yours always,
Tom Riddle
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cannellee · 6 months
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୨୧ alpha! draken x omega! reader x omega! emma
— you and emma are both dating and you try everything to court your crush, draken.
cw : reader and emma are flirty ++, the ending is bad
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you and emma were the oh so coveted omega couple of the town. so unusual for two fragile things like you to actually turn to another omega rather than an alpha who can properly take care of you.
but whatever people could think about the stability of your relationship, the both of you were a happy little pair who wanted nothing more than to stay together.
you thought that none of you would ever come to crave the touch of an alpha, to try and attract one. but here you were, desperately looking for the tall man working at his bike shop.
you met him at emma's house, he's a friend of her brother and comes rather regularly. still, emma never actually took the time to properly talk with him so she didn't really knew what he was like.
but a few weeks prior, when you were waiting for emma to get dressed, draken offered to escort the both of you to your destination. his eyes were filled with nothing but genuine concern and you found the three of you enjoying the conversation upon your walk there.
kind, strong, reliable and respectful. draken was definitely a change. not that you or emma was getting tired of your relationship, but your love was big enough to be shared with an extra person.
you didn't need to have a serious talk together, your mind and desires were so in tunes you knew exactly what the other was thinking. you thought having an alpha by your side wasn't so bad after all.
so you spent most of your days courting him. it was subtle, more like attempts at being friendly and appearing small in hopes to spark his protective instincts.
unexpectedly, draken was hard to get. the lovely mixture of both your vanilla scent and emma's honey one usually made people stop in their tracks and whip their heads into your direction. but draken remained stoic, never flinching when your chest brushed against his big arm just a little too close and emma's hand lingered a while longer on his biceps.
so you decided you had to take things further and got even bolder.
you once mindlessly 'forgot' your sweater over when you had to give him the homework he had missed the day before. your scent was sure to be spreading inside his whole room if he didn't throw it out. but he gave it to you the next day, clothe neatly folded in a bag as if your serious courting gift didn't happen. similarly, emma and you would bake a few of your favourite treats, showing off your cooking skills and handing it to him in a pretty box all cutely tied up with pink ribbons and glitters. he ate all of it and thanked you with a neutral smile, not even hinting that he might be just a tiny bit interested.
draken's self control was insane, making you actually question if he was an alpha for how little response he showed when you nearly drowned him in your sugary sweet pheromones. you swore you once saw his eyebrows twitch but you couldn't say anything else as he left you there right after.
you were so upset he wasn't responding accordingly and emma felt as frustrated as you. "what the hell is so disgusting about us that he won't even look our way", she huffed, cuddling closer to you in your nest, feeling vexed at his lack of reaction.
"don't say that emma! I'm sure with a little more time he'll finally give in", she looked at you unconvinced, but didn't say anything, preferring to let you stay optimistic about it.
and how right you were. it has only been two weeks of intensive courting and draken's patience was running thin. he didn't know how to feel, he didn't know how to react, but most importantly, he didn't know if you were aware of how unusually tempting the both of you were being.
draken knew you were dating, and he respected that. he opted for the role of a guard dog, chasing away people who thought you were easy preys and a real walking fantasy.
draken would've lied if he said seeing his two omega friends so close to him and giving him extra attention didn't flatter him. it made him soften up more than he'd like to admit.
he'd taken the habit of buying you guys food and sweets along with pastries, he had your tastes figured out and couldn't help but worry about whether you took care of yourselves properly.
he knew that was probably disrespectful and he didn't want any of you to know how he felt. he wanted to preserve that precious friendship and for you not to associate him with those lust-driven alphas.
when you invited him over to your house in one ultimate attempt to make him crumble, draken thought he was going to explode.
you guided him inside your nest room, forced him down next to the blankets and plushies – which you drowned in your scents a few minutes before – and proceeded to sit next to him on each side.
you settled on watching a movie after all but begging draken to actually stay over even if your little plumbing problem had been solved by him soon after he arrived. he gulped as he watched the two of you reach for the popcorn bowl you put in his lap, bending over each time you reached for a fist of your favourite treat.
draken kept growing hotter with each passing minutes as, weirdly, problems after problems seemed to arise. first, you mysteriously cut yourself, "draken, my finger hurts a lot. I think you should kiss it better". and emma watches with an amused smile how the big man softly treats your tiny wound, gently blowing on it after putting a bandage on it.
draken feels himself lose his patience even more after emma undresses herself, claiming it's always too hot when there are multiple people in the nest. removing her sweater, she's left with nothing but a tight top which barely covers her tits.
draken's scent is getting stronger and you take that as your first little victory as he always was so composed. you turn to emma who gives you a knowing look and you both agree to try something else. you were ready to risk it all, draken was either gonna accept your courting or your friendship was over !
"draken..." you start, "don't you like us?" the question came out more hesitantly than you expected and you waited for his response.
"... what?" he looks at you with visible confusion.
"oh come on, don't tell us you didn't notice how serious it was for us. it's like you don't even care" the annoyance in emma's voice is quickly replaced by hurt, her omega growing sadder at the rejection of her alpha.
draken felt himself panicking, almost clueless until he finally connects the dots. no wonder you were so clingy and acted this cute with him.
draken didn't know how to feel about having your full attention on him, but your little confession had him weak in the knees.
draken wasn't usually one to be this dumb about such topics. he'd say he's actually rather observant. but your attachment to him had totally been misunderstood, thinking you just liked him as a friend. he had forced himself to the point he tried to keep his distance with you because he didn't want to be a homewrecker, even with how his instincts nearly killed him each time he had to watch you close your door leaving him outside when all he wanted was to join you and take care of you like you deserved.
after the initial confusion, draken was ecstatic, like he had finally accomplished his utmost dream.
"if you don't like us courting you, just say it !"
"w-what? oh no, please don't believe that", he quickly denied your accusations, "I just didn't catch on it, I thought you liked me but not like..."
emma huffed, angry that draken was so slow. he noted both of your frustration and made it his priority to appease you.
"I'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you. and I... really love you"
god, it felt like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. you looked at emma's sparkling eyes, your own scent growing sweeter by the joy you felt.
you took that as his permission to cuddle so you shimmied closer to him, strong arms falling on the both of you, shielding you like never before.
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odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros Part IV
A/N: I'm a fan of The Boys and have been watching the newest episodes of season 4. Of course, I love to hate Homelander, and it's satisfying to watch fatalities performed on him in Mortal Kombat 1 after watching him perform heinous crap. This led me to watch his intros and then other Mortal Kombat character intros, and inspiration hit! So I hope y'all like this.😁
Oh! And for those of you that are new, the reader here is a Gorgon, meaning snake hair and wears a mask since they can turn people into stone. They also happen to be an Imperial Healer with a bit of a dark side. Hope that helps!😁
Batch I
Batch II
Batch III
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Y/N: You are not a god. You’re simply, bad product.
Homelander: You’ll be praying to me for mercy soon enough.
Y/N: Why should I give you respect when it’ll only go to the bottomless gaping pit of insecurity you call a soul?
Homelander shivers sarcastically: Should I be intimidated by you?
Y/N thoughtfully: Perhaps a virus is in order...
Homelander scoffs: A God is above something so insignificant to him.
Homelander: What's with the ridiculous mask? Are you trying to cosplay as some D-List Supe?
Y/N: Why don't you take it off and find out?
Homelander: Pray to all the “gods” you want, you won’t survive against me.
Y/N: Why assume that I pray to any of them?
Homelander incredulously: You actually want to fuck that disgusting freak?!
Y/N with snakes out ready to bite: Unlike you, Baraka doessssn't fill me with revulsion at the sight of him!
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Y/N: One look and this should be over, fast.
Omni-Man: I'll break your neck before you can even get a peek at me.
Y/N: Having been betrayed by a cccccharlatan lover before, I know your wife would want you dead.
Omni-Man angrily: You're not her, so your point means nothing.
Y/N cautiously: Your medicine could treat Tarkat?
Omni-Man: If you comply and pledge your allegiance to the Empire, all your patients may receive Viltrum care.
Omni-Man: You have stupidly condemned your patients to death!
Y/N: I would rather have my heart ripped out than be fooled twiccccce by a charlatan!
Omni-Man: Think it over; what will you have serving a diseased ruler and others with her plague for 500 years?
Y/N: I will have no regrets pursuing my lifelong dream.
Omni-Man: I'll rip your damn head off in under a minute.
Y/N ominously: Rest assured, this fight will be a real Scourge.
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Y/N: Are you aware that Madam Bo's special tea is local around my canton?
Raiden: How in the world did she acquire it then?
Y/N: I would’ve paid all the koins in Outworld to have seen you absolutely humiliate Shao.
Raiden: I sense you and him never got along.
Y/N: I can confidently say that you’re healing up nicely since we fought the Dragon Army.
Raiden: I’m not sure I would’ve survived without your medical care.
Raiden: It must be hard being The Colony's lead Healer.
Y/N: Everyone who dies under my care is a blow to my soul.
Raiden: Why is there a statue of Kung Lao in the Wu Shi’s Courtyard?
Y/N shrugs: Kung Lao mentioned how he always wanted a statue of himself.
Raiden: You’re very different from how your Titan self acts.
Y/N shivers in disgust: I should thank Liu Kang for not having me predestined for Shang Tsung.
Raiden: You only have yourself to blame for missing your chance with Y/N.
Shang Tsung chuckles: You say that as if I don’t still have a chance to win them back.
Kung Lao
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Y/N: So far, I don’t see any signs of Tarkat but there’s still a chance you could spread it without apparent symptoms.
Kung Lao: You are not putting my mind at ease, at all.
Y/N: You’re inviting me? I don’t even know if I’m able to stomach regular food anymore.
Kung Lao: It would be a crime if you didn’t get to try Madam Bo’s cooking at least once!
Y/N: How did you not loose any fingers when you first made that hat???
Kung Lao smugly: Through much practice and much skill
Kung Lao: I beaten you in our last fight, so what will change here?
Y/N mischievously: This time, I’m not holding back.
Kung Lao: Can you believe that the Wu Shi have a trap dungeon?
Y/N hisses in amusement: Who knew the Shaolin were so diabolical?
Kung Lao: You and Baraka aren’t a couple???
Y/N sighs wistfully: How I wish that to be true…
Baraka: I don’t always understand what Y/N sees in me.
Kung Lao: You definitely have something more than Shang Tsung.
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Y/N: I am sorry I couldn't have saved your sight.
Kenshi: You did the best anyone could in that situation.
Y/N: What is it like using Sento to see?
Kenshi: It’s like when you stare at a flame and look away, you see the light of the flame even though it’s gone.
Y/N: According to Earthrealm myths, the closest to describing my current form is a “Gorgon”.
Kenshi: Perhaps that’s because there have been other gorgons before.
Kenshi: I don’t know Y/N, that seems a bit excessive even by the Yakuza’s standards.
Y/N: You and Kitana think a bit of food tampering is too much.
Kenshi in surprise: You and Shang Tsung weren’t just lab partners?
Y/N angrily: I was a fool to fall for his charmssss in the first place!
Kenshi: Given how you both act around one another, I'm surprised you and Baraka aren't together.
Y/N: I'm grateful to have him in my life.
Kenshi: The Colony is fortunate to have you and Y/N.
Baraka: I thank Deliah every day for sending them my way.
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lightgriffinsect · 7 months
muslim things we need more of in media
teenage Muslim guys. we've all seen teenage/adolescent Muslim girls in media, how about more guys? give me a Muslim boy in high school who plays cricket and likes Atif Aslam. idk
Muslim parents and parent figures who are chill and not overly strict. half the time the "strict Muslim parents" are not even behaving in an Islamic way.
Muslims who aren't anti-feminist. Islam is a feminist religion. Women are highly encouraged to pursue jobs and higher education. Show more Muslim women in well-paying jobs in STEM and business fields.
Muslims who don't make up restrictions out of thin air. it makes no sense for a Muslim woman to go "oh i can't do [mildly secular thing], I'm a Muslim" BEHAN THERE IS NOTHING IN ISLAM THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T.
Muslim girls who keep their hijab on in front of non-mahram people at all times. yes, this post is about Samirah al-Abbasi and Ms. Marvel. can we get Muslim girls who actually take pride in their hijab and don't take it off for non-mahram men or insist that it's okay because "you're LIKE family to me"
accurate depictions of gatherings, especially weddings, in Islam. This may differ depending on nationality of the characters.
Accurate depictions of Muslims in relationships. Samirah al-Abbas from Magnus Chase is a horrible representation of this. The vast majority of Muslim girls do not get engaged at the age of 12. Most of us do not get engaged or married until we're in our 20s.
Muslims who don't get engaged to or marry their cousins.
adding onto that, Muslims who don't have boyfriends or girlfriends or romanticize the idea of having one.
Muslim women who don't have children and don't regret it.
Muslims who don't get engaged or married at all! It's Sunnah to get married, but it is not mandatory. You can still be a devout Muslim without getting married or having children.
Muslim MEN AND BOYS WHO FOLLOW THE HIJAB. the hijab is NOT just a head covering, it is a WAY OF LIFE that ALL MUSLIMS must follow. it is about MODESTY for both the sexes. Muslim men ALSO need to cover themselves to an extent. yes, the rules differ slightly from male to female Muslims, but they STILL EXIST FOR BOTH. I suggest reading up more on this topic if you don't know much about the hijab.
Muslims who are actively working to get closer to Allah and trying to stop any non-Islamic habits. Muslims who smoke, drink, eat non-halal food but are aware that this is haram and are actively trying to stop. Muslims who show that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try to be better than you were yesterday. Muslims who are real in their struggles. No one criticizes Christians for being secular or not following their faith perfectly, why are Muslims subjected to so much scrutiny?
Muslims who are shown practicing their faith onscreen. Praying, making du'a, fasting, going to Umrah, even.
Add little bits of the Muslim faith in their everyday life. Instead of air freshener hangings in their cars, my parents have hangings with Islamic calligraphy and the du'a for traveling. We have a stack of prayer mats sitting in a corner of the living room. We have a bookshelf where the entire top shelf is copies of the Quran and other Islamic books. We always say the designated du'a before doing anything such as eating a meal, starting a trip, or even going to sleep.
There are three types of jihad: jihad of the heart, jihad of the mind, and physical jihad.
Jihad of the heart is the Muslim's internal struggle to be faithful and practice their religion wholeheartedly. It is the struggle against temptations of evil, of haram actions. It is the most important form of jihad and one that every Muslim partakes in every day.
Jihad of the mind is the struggle against misinformation about Islam. It is spreading education and information about the principles of Islam. It condemns forcing people to accept Islam. People are meant to be guided. They are meant to find their own path to Islam with the help of knowledge and resources to learn. this form of jihad is important as it keeps Muslims and non-Muslims informed about Islam.
Physical Jihad is an absolute last resort that a Muslim nation must partake in when there is a threat of war from another nation. Islam condemns violence and murder and always pushes its followers to resolve matters peacefully. In a situation where this is impossible, only then is physical jihad permissible. and it has strict rules about who the Muslims can fight. It is haram to kill anyone who is not actively fighting from the opposing army. It is haram to kill women, children, elderly people, and any civilians. It is haram to kill animals except for food. It is haram even to take from the land or damage it in any way. If an army calling itself Islamic is not following these rules, it is not partaking in Jihad. it is partaking in unnecessary slaughter and bloodshed. there you go.
sorry i went on a rant about jihad for a minute there lol, i've been meaning to do that though anyway.
please depict Muslims in media more. please depict us with respect, and with the proper amount of research and effort needed for accuracy. thanks. Ramadan Mubarak, free Palestine <3
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weministertomonsters · 8 months
A Shift In Character - 2
Tagging those who wanted Part 2 👀 @a-catgirl @red-white-black @otherworldly-creatures-blog
The music pounds in your ribcage and you grimace, weaving through the crowd with one hand clamped on the top of your cup to keep the contents safe. A few people shoot interested looks your way, but you didn't come here to have fun tonight. You don't find the man. Rather, he finds you.
"Looking for someone, darling?" a familiar voice rasps in your ear as large hands tug you back against a firm chest.
You gasp and try to steady your cup.
"Do you enjoy sneaking up on people?" You demand, startling when his lips brush against your neck.
"He left you unsatisfied again," he says.
You twist around to face him. "How do you know? It's like you're reading my mind."
"I have a way with these things," he grins, pulling you even closer. "You were upset and you came to find me. Should I be flattered?"
"Don't think too much of it. I only want to get laid," you hear yourself say.
You should stop now, a small voice in your head pipes up. You're going to regret this.
The devil on your shoulder cackles. When was the last time you slept with your husband? And here you have a good-looking stranger offering to give you what he won't. This is a rare opportunity, don’t waste it.
Someone bumps you and your hand jerks, tipping your drink all over you. The chips of ice in it stick to your skin and you gasp.
"Apologize," your Mystery Man glowers with anger and grabs the arm of the person who bumped into you.
The person turns around. It's a young man who's covered in tattoos. He looks a little spaced out.
"My bad bro," he says. "Sweet dress though."
It's a nightgown. You weren't thinking when you stormed out of your apartment, in fact, you’d even forgotten that was what you were wearing. So that's why the taxi driver was staring at you in the rearview mirror the entire time. You grab the edges of your jacket and pull it closed.
"It's fine," you say. "Shit happens."
But your mystery man doesn't look satisfied.
"Not good enough," he says, before he punches the guy right in the face.
Like wildfire, the fight spreads until several people are pushing and shoving at each other. You stumble into a corner, rubbing your upper arm where a stray punch caught you.
"I should have just stayed home," you mumble.
Mystery Man pops out of the fray, laughing. He's bleeding from a small cut on his eyebrow.
"Let's get out of here," he says, grabbing your hand.
"And go where exactly?" You stumble after him, glad that you're wearing sensible shoes.
"I know a place. Do you trust me?"
"What a cheesy question. Of course not."
Something about him is compelling though, so despite your words you follow him anyway. You're not under the influence of alcohol this time, so you're very aware something is a little off. You want to know what it is.
"The park?" You utter as he leads you into it. "That's what you had in mind? Great spot for murder."
He releases your hand and backs a few feet away from you, opening his arms wide. "I'm not going to hurt you, Jane Doe."
"Haha, very clever play on words there. So you don't know my name? We didn't introduce ourselves last week?"
"You were too busy playing with me to care."
Your cheeks warm up and you look away, digging your hands into the pockets of your jacket.
"Maybe it's better this way, not knowing who I am, I mean," you mumble, shivering as the wind curls around your bare legs.
"Yeah. Going out like dressed like this was a bad move."
"C'mere. I can warm you up."
It's not the best idea and not the safest, but you decide to throw caution to the wind. You step into his arms and let them envelop you. He's surprisingly warm, even though all he's wearing is a thin, long-sleeved shirt.
"You're a strange man," you murmur with your cheek pressed against his chest, hoping your makeup isn't ruining his shirt.
"Funny, I get that a lot,” he says, pushing your hair to the side and pressing his lips against your neck.
You shiver, and not from the cold this time. The bite he gave you has long since healed and you're not sure whether you want to push him away or let him do it again. No words are exchanged, but he seems to sense the moment when you give up your internal struggle. He tips your face up to his, smirking. His smile looks painfully sharp.
"Your teeth," you murmur.
"Do you care?" He asks, licking his bottom lip.
"I probably should," you hum, and then you kiss him.
This is what you were missing. Sparks fly up your arms and tingle against your lips as you drag him closer. You're overwhelmed by the desire deep inside to bite him, mark him, make him yours. He lets you do whatever you want, pushing him into the grass and nipping at his neck. You like his cologne. It's a musky, natural scent. You make a mental note to ask him later, so you can douse your stupid husband in the stuff.
He’s is receptive to your touch, sighing appreciatively, almost growling. That rough sound makes your pussy ache. You're breathless, panting for air as you yank at his belt. If you had shaken yourself out of your haze long enough, you would have noticed his eyes glowing as his head rested in the grass. You would have noticed his sharpened fingernails and the sudden broadness of his body. You would have been afraid.
Midnight blue clouds blot out the light of the moon until you can barely see him. That's okay. You straddle his hips, straightening up so you can concentrate on undoing his belt.
"That's it," he practically drawls. "Take what you want. I'm all yours."
You finally get his belt loose and toss it, then go gentle with the zipper. You don't want to hurt him. His hands are trembling, digging into the generous softness of your hips. His nails are almost too sharp.
You open up his jeans and find he doesn't have underwear on, which makes you smile. Did he do that for you? In the dark, your hands feel the shape and size of him, and you pause when you feel how thick he is at the base. He bucks at your touch.
"Go on, take me. Are you really want to back out now?" He goads.
"No," you hiss back. "Shut up."
You bite your lip and shimmy out of your underwear, tossing it somewhere in the grass. You straddle him again and press his cock against your dripping entrance. Oh, he's big.
You have to brace a hand against his chest and force yourself to take it slowly. It burns in the most delicious of ways. Each breath he takes in is accompanied by an unnatural growl. Something dangerous is happening here. You put a hand up to his face and feel his beard. You slide your hand along his neck, and the scruff seems to go much farther than that. You put both hands on his chest and lean down, squinting at his face and glowing eyes.
Your eyes open wide and you suck in a breath to make a sound, maybe a startled scream, and he clamps his hand over your mouth and pushes his hips up into you, thrusting in as deep as he can go with a triumphant sound. If your thighs weren't spread open so wide, they would have snapped shut. You hiss against his hand but can't offer anything more than that. You lean limply against him as his arms hold you up, and take what he gives you, bunching up his shirt in your fists.
Your eyes are wide and your heart patters in your chest. You're terrified and so, so turned on. This is no man. The meager moonlight lets you see just enough to know that. He's sneering up at you with a mouth full of far too many teeth, with twitchy pointed ears hidden in his hair, and with eyes that glint in cruel amusement. He has you trapped and you both know it.
But even if he pressed those brutish hands of his against the ground to signify your chance at freedom, for you to jump up and run, you wouldn't leave him. You can't because it feels too good. A silent tear rolls down your cheek and he pulls you down and licks it away, rumbling in pleasure.
"I like it when they fight it," he whispers in your ear.
That's the deal breaker. They? They?? You smack him and roll off to the side, snarling in your own angry, human way. He laughs again, flips you over on your back, and drags you closer. Your legs flop over his as he sits on his haunches in front of you.
"We're not done yet," he says, and his cock throbs against your stomach.
You look down. A timely gap in the clouds gives enough moonlight for you to realize he's not human down there either. You begin to shudder uncontrollably.
"There, there. You liked it just fine before," he chuckles.
The hulking mass of his body presses down on you again.
"I'm still me, sweetheart," he says as he thrusts into you again.
You inhale that primal scent of his and clutch his shoulders, deciding between holding him closer or pushing him away.
"I... I made a mistake," you whimper, your breath hitching as he rocks into you. "I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't. What kind of hunter would I be then?"
"Please don't kill me!" You squeak. "I'll be good, I promise."
He shows his teeth. "Then start by shutting the fuck up. If it's not a sound of pleasure I don't want to hear it."
That makes you throb hard around him.
"So that's what you like, hmm?" Smugness vibrates through him and you hate him for figuring it out.
He begins to move his hips and you begin to lose your senses again. He barely fits and each slow thrust reminds you of that. The tension in your body melts away, and he returns to praising you.
"Accept me, darling. Let me in. There we are. That wasn’t so difficult, is it?"
"Harder," you beg. "Please."
When you asked, you didn't expect him to take your request and run with it. You jump as his hips bunch forward and he crams himself into you. All but the very base of him, which is so thick there's no way it can fit. Your moans become staccato and you cling to him for dear life because it feels like he's about to tip you off a cliff into an abyss of pleasure.
"Go on," he growls in your ear, panting just as hard as you. "You want to."
I'm scared, you think. I'm so fucking scared of how this ends.
There's little you can do to stop your orgasm. You squirm and dig your fingernails into his arms and he only laughs at you. The sensations running through you are so intense you're nearly sobbing. When all semblance of control slips out of your fingertips, you're completely lost. You register him picking up his pace, slamming so obscenely into you that you're going to feel it tomorrow.
"Come on," he says through gritted teeth and you can only whimper in response.
What more can he possibly want from you? You've given everything you have. Well, almost everything. With one last brutal thrust, the rest of him slips into you with such finality that you lose your breath and climax again, shivering from the heat and the cold, the pain and the pleasure. Now he’s definitely too big.
He's heavy on top of you even though he's supporting most of his body weight on his hands. He's openly purring now; there is no way you can pretend that's normal. You press a hand down between you and feel the place where you're joined together.
"What did you do?" You gasp. "What the hell did you do?"
"Relax," he says, rolling onto his back and gently pulling you on top of him.
You can feel his cock still pulsing inside of you and you lie limply against him and feel the small twitches of his hips, the way he stiffens at intervals, the way heat seems to keep pouring into you.
"None of it makes sense," you whisper. "You're stuck inside me."
"Deep down, you've already figured it out," he says.
No. No, it can't be.
Your phone lights up in the grass, an arm’s reach away and you see the screen.
Stay where you are, I'm coming to get you, the text message reads.
You grab your phone and see that you sent a text a few minutes ago that says: 
I'm in the park. I think I'm in trouble, please come.
You didn't send that text.
"You..." You begin to tremble in anger.
You forget that you're still tied to him and when you try to sit up you both yelp in pain.
"See, I've staged it perfectly. He's not going to blame you," Mystery Man groans.
"You're sick!" You snap, squirming uselessly in his lap. "I should've never come looking for you again."
His features look more normal now like he's regained control of himself. A minute goes by. You shut your eyes and take in deep breaths. When you open your eyes, his own flick towards something in the distance. You snap your head around, dreading your husband finding you in this position, stuck to another man who isn't even human. It's too dark for you to see what he's looking at though.
With your head turned like that, he has the perfect angle and opportunity to bite you. You let out a bloodcurdling scream as his teeth sink in. This is a real bite and you can feel the blood trickling down your skin and soaking into your nightgown.
And then you hear your husband calling your name.
"Nathan!" You scream.
You yank yourself away, hissing in pain as his cock finally pops out of you. You fall into the grass.
And then there's the glare of a light against you. You roll over and squint up into it. You know you look terrible; leaves in your hair and dirt and blood on your skin, and cum dripping from between your legs. Indeed, it's perfectly staged. You look like a victim.
Mystery Man rises, zipping up his jeans which hang loosely on his hips. His belt is lost in the grass somewhere along with your underwear.
"What the hell?" Nathan demands, his gaze bouncing between the two of you.
You scramble unsteadily to your feet and humiliatingly, you feel more cum leaks down your thigh.
"Nathan," you gasp.
Mystery Man laughs. "She screamed for you," he says to your husband.
That's a lie, and a very deliberately worded one at that.
Oh god, no, you think as you realize exactly what he said that for. 
Nathan doesn't hesitate to drop his phone and blindly attack the man, fighting valiantly, and stupidly for your honor. But Nathan doesn't know this guy, he hasn't seen him the way you have. He's going to rip your husband to shreds.
"Stop!" You shriek, but neither of them listen.
You stand there with your hands pressed to your mouth, horrified. Mystery Man is far stronger than Nathan, that much is clear. He's toying with him, letting him stumble around as he tries to land a punch. Despite being bulkier, Mystery Man moves like air.
"Nathan, no! He's dangerous!" You call out, crying.
This isn’t what you wanted, or even imagined would happen. Nathan is lost to the world. He charges at the man again, and the man crushes him in a hug and takes them both down. They roll down a small hill in a tangle of limbs and you stumble after them, pleading for your husband's life.
Nathan begins to yell curses and threats. You want to call the police, but you discover your phone is missing and Nathan's is crushed on the ground. Your heart sinks when you hear Nathan make a sound, a sort of high-pitched squeal.
"Fucking hell, he's biting me!" He yelps.
You crash onto the ground beside them and punch the man, scratch his body, you even sink your teeth into his arm.
For a moment you're face to face with him, his glimmering eyes watching you silently with his teeth buried in Nathan's neck. Nathan is leaning back on his elbows, his head tilted away from you. His breathing is harsh and panicked. He's unable to form words, all he can do is whine. Your blunt teeth are hardly doing any damage, but you clamp down as hard as you can until you taste blood on your tongue. You feel like an animal too, kneeling on the ground over your husband.
Finally, Mystery Man releases Nathan and he falls heavily onto the floor, staring up at the sky in a daze. You let Mystery Man's hand go and spitting blood to the side, you cradle Nathan to your chest.
"You've killed him," you sob.
Nathan's breath rattles in his throat. He’s not dead yet.
"He'll live," Mystery Man says, picking himself off the ground.
You gape up at him, hurt, scared, angry.
"I'm giving you what you want," he says. "You wanted your husband to love you."
"But how? How does this make sense? He's bleeding all over me. He's going to die!"
"Men generally have it harder. In a few minutes, he'll be fine. Take him back to your home and keep him there until he's back to himself. Understood?"
Dazed and helpless, you nod.
Mystery Man drops your phone beside you and begins to walk away. His voice drifts back towards you from the darkness.
"He's yours now. Completely."
And then his footsteps fade away, and you're left clutching your broken, bleeding husband.
Part 3
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
Omg omg omg LOGAN... please... babe... I will give you my firstborn???
I NEED a Phoenix! Reader logan story where somehow through the multiverse shenanigans days of future past logan meets with reader whos in this marvel universe and she's basically taken the spot of Jean like, there was no Jean, just y/n.
And it's just them falling into a routine like they've been together for so many years, and they're just catching up on lost time, spending every moment with each other, he's amazed at how you can control your powers, even though you still have difficulties and they're so understanding of each other and they're just IN LOVE---
I'm so sorry if this is so complicated lol ily
omg baby this is so good!!
it's your hair that catches his attention first, long and red and curly down your back. then your suit, similar to his universes jean and he's scowling at the professor.
"is this some kind of a joke? who is she?" you can hear them, but logan doesn't care, not even as you help alex move something from the plane.
"she's this universe's pheonix. but she's nothing like jean," it's high praise if it's coming from the professor, "she can control it, or control it better than our jean."
it's hard for logan to warm up to you at first, but he tries. mostly because you're so kind even when he's brutish and crass.
"logan," you say as you sit down beside him, hands hovering in your lap as you stare at him. "why don't you like me?"
he's got a cigar in his mouth as he contemplates your question. "s'not that i don't like you kid," he says carefully. "i just," he sighs, pulling the cigar from his mouth. "i just knew someone with your exact powers and it didn't end too well for her."
you nod, "the professor told me about your phoenix," your eyebrows draw together, logan grunts when the tip of his cigar is lit and burning. "sometimes the power is too much, but most times, you can get it right."
the war only brings you and logan closer, the entire thing a bit taxing on you as you fight and try to keep everything in order.
you're fighting mystique when you can feel the phoenix coming forward.
"you're gonna need to get everyone out of here, logan!" you yell, wrist flicking to draw away some of your companions coming to help.
"what are you thinking of doing?" he yells back, and you close your eyes, showing him your plan in your mind.
'be careful,' he speaks to your mind and you smile, stretching your hands forward to reach the machines.
you're still not sure what your power looks like when the phoenix comes out, but you focus on the sentinels, focus on keeping them away from the people who have come to be your friends.
your scream is the last thing you're aware of, then logan catching you before you fall to the ground.
"c'mon sweets, don't think you're getting away from me that easily."
"wouldn't dream of it logan, but did we win?"
he chuckles, gives you a nod and watches as a smile spreads on your face. "did you like the phoenix?"
he tuts, shaking his head, "like you better."
when you both get back to the future, you and logan settle in together to no one's surprise.
"did you ever know that would happen?" he asks you one day, your body draped over his as his hands massage your thighs.
"i can't see the future, so no." you giggle when he pinches your thigh. "honestly, i thought you'd never warm up to me."
he frowns a deep frown, "what?"
you lean on his shoulder and say, "well you were always broody and grumbly when i was around, like you were waiting for me to screw up or do the same thing she did."
logan's heart pinches a little, "m'sorry princess. i know you're not the same as her. m'sorry." his forehead is pressing into yours now and you smile.
you wiggle your fingers and the lights dim, making logan smile. "i know you are," you kiss his jaw, "do you think you could build a bookshelf from thee wood out in your workshop?"
"you're getting better at deflecting affection," he kisses you square on the mouth. "yeah, i can build you a couple shelves." logan makes no move to get out of bed though- instead he flips you over so you're under him again and squealing.
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pynkricee · 9 months
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“Ah….. so you're the disobedient brat the Chief of Justine has sent to me today..?” I said walking over slowly with my arms crossed, leaning up against the cell.
“Yeah .. so the fuck what?” I could tell from the voice that this was a woman, it was soft and sultry, but I couldn't let that come in between my job and what I was supposed to do. Her hands were tied harshly with rope behind her back and she was covered in thick like, long, dirty brown hoodie with the hood completely covering her face.
I let out a snort from her response. My clothes started to rustle as I moved up against the cell looking down at her. “ How fucking cute! You're playing all tough.. But I can hear you trembling.”
“You can't hear shit.. Wrio..”
I raised an eyebrow, giving you a small glare from my dark blue eyes, I took a step and stood facing you. “ Oh but.. I can.. just from your voice alone. I can hear your breathing speed up, and your heartbeat quicken… You're fucking scared shirtless, aren't you prisoner?”
Your head slightly turned to face me, still laying covered from the shadow that formed from that ratchet hoodie over her head. “Of Who.. You? None of you people scare me. Plus… I have to reason to be here.” You then leaned over facing the other way.
“Oh.. how old of you. But then again, I'm not surprised. Criminals like you tend to be pretty fucking cocky… It's only a matter of time before that arrogance comes crashing all the way down.” I stay quiet for a second, crossing my arms, leaning against the bars.
“I don't care that you're not scared.. However, your heart suggests otherwise. Your pulse quickened right when I got here..And don't even try to deny it.”
I could see you then sneer your face up, turning your head to the other side. “Fuck You…”
I let out a small chuckle, smiling at the shit coming out your mouth. “ Oh, and what's with that swearing? You don't want to hurt my poor feelings, do you now?” Another smile spread across my face as my eyes locked onto you. “You have a bad potty mouth,don't you? Are we getting emotional and angry?”
“No.. maybe because I'm fully human..”
That was enough to make me raise my eyebrows a little bit. “Oh really? And what makes you think that I'm not.. fully human, hm?”
“I can tell you aren't. I've heard about you and what you can do. So… why am I here anyway?” Not once did this woman try to fight or move like she wanted to physically get out of this cell. But I could tell something was going on that I wasn't fully aware of.
I could feel my smug smile spread across my lips.. “Ah.. Yes.. I've heard that my reputation precedes me. You're here because the Chief of Justice decided to put you in my custody until your trial begins. But….There's more. I actually have a proposition for you.”
I heard you let out a small sigh.. “And..What's that?”
I shifted a little, leaning in closer to you. “My proposition is .. Simple, really. I want you to be my assistant. My temporary assistant, if you will….”
“Now.. why the fuck would I do that? You don't know me, or anything about me. You don't know my name or what I even look like as a matter of fact. All you see is a person in front of you covered up and a voice.. a voice you talk to.”
You were right….
“ Well.. That's correct, all I know of you is what I hear from your voice. But do you know.. You don't actually have to show me your face?” I lean in closer, narrowing my eyes to you.. “ You keep that hood up..it hides your identity.. What you look like..Your face. And as such, I can't tell the Chief of Justice about any of this….I promise..”
“But you do need to know my identity if I'm going to be working for you..” The sound of your voice began to become more softer as you spoke to me. Tired like even.
“Hmmm.. That is true. But the thing is..” I leaned back up against the cell.. my cuffs clinging to the metal. “...My proposition isnt intended to be exactly legitimate… It's illegal work. If anyone finds out I could get into a lot of fuckking trouble. So you need to keep everything we do.. quiet and discreet. Understand?”
“I'll do it if…..”
I smile a little knowing you were about to accept my offer. “If…”
“If you let me go in the next week. I'll be your assistant..”
“An interesting demand..But I suppose we can do that. How about seven days instead?”
“Deal..now..” You finally stood turning to me, covered in that hoodie I so desperately wanted to take off. “You need to know what I look like. How about you come through these bars and take a look..”
I jerked my head back as I could feel my face darken for a moment but I quickly covered it up with a smile. “Hmmm.. Fine..If that's what you wish…” I look down at the ground taking a step back. “Now you do realize that I.. I don't know what you could look like.. but I'll trust you aren't too hideous.”
“Who's to say..” You said in a soft sultry voice that caught me off guard.
I took a step closer to you, right up to the bars that divided the both of us. “Ehh.. I'll probably find out soon enough..” Reaching my hands through the bars, I grabbed your hood, pulling it up to get a look at your face.
My eyes widened as my breath hitched...
There stood in front of me.. this.. this caramel toned woman, skin like soft brown ice, hair cut like mine with the same shade, big brown cat-like eyes, petite and from what I could tell curvy? Big pink lips with a beautiful mark by her eye and her lip…
I completely froze up from seeing this. It's not what I expected from you. “...You're….” My lips moved but I couldn't find the words. My eyes darted down to your lips before snapping back to your eyes. “...You're..Beautiful..”
You snored from the word that came from my lips, turning your head the other way. Blushing in a deep pink color that changed your whole complexion, as you turned your back to me.
This reaction fucking confuses me as my face darkens for a split second. I then let out a small scoff, tilting my head the other way.
“Now that I've seen your face, perhaps you should put your hood back on, it's distracting.”
“How is it distracting..?”
“I….just look at you…You have a very ..Seductive presence” The words escape my lips, and I had to immediately bite down on my fucking tongue. I had to turn away from you once more. “Sorry, I…I didn't mean to say anything strange..it's nothing.
“It's fine..” You said softly. “I can't really pull my hood up with my hands tied behind my back…”
My eyes snapped back at you as you were right. “I'm sorry. I see.” As you step back to me against the bars, I grab the ropes that bond you and untie them, taking my time, making sure to be careful around you. Once you were free I stepped back with my arms crossed glancing at you raising an eyebrow.
“Now… how about you put that hood back on. For now.. Only I'm allowed to see you. Your identity is still being kept secret.” she then nodded, placing the hood back over her head. “Good .. That's good. Now.. I guess we should talk about what kinds of task I'll need you to do for me. If you're going to be my assistant, you should know what to expect.”
You nodded. Then opened your mouth to speak. “ By the way.. I'm Y/N” My eyes perked up with a surprised expression on my face.
“You're names y/n? I'll keep that in mind.” I look back down, nodding. “Right.. now about what you'll be doing. The task will obviously be of an illegal nature. Stealing, espionage, information gathering.. That sort of thing. Do you think you can do that?”
“I've never done any of that before.” You began to rub your thumbs around the area where the rope was tied around your wrist. “But if that means being free.. so be it.”
My eyes flash in concern when I see the brushes around your wrist. “I don't expect you to be perfect at it.. You'll be learning as you go, really. But since you're with me I'll be there to guide you. And besides..you'll be learning some pretty useful skills..”
“Sure..” You said still rubbing your wrist. I gave your wrist another glance not completely taking my eyes off you. My lips move slightly without saying a word.
“I'm not kidding, this work is risky, and you need to be able to defend yourself.”
“I think I can defend myself just fine.. That's the reason I'm here. Did you not know that?” What did she mean by that?
“Yes, you might be able to handle yourself fine.. but I still want to test your limits. So.why don't we start right now? Step out the cell…”
Using my keys to open the cell I watched you as you stepped out. My eyes followed you outside looking over you for a few seconds. I then walk forward standing in front of you. “Good…Now I want to see how well you can do in close combat. Just keep it simple, I just wanna see what you can do.” I put my hands behind my back waiting for you to make the first move.
Your head was still down as you slowly began to walk towards me as your face darkened. I remain still giving you an expectant gaze as my eyes flashed a little bit with surprise. “....You're actually ganna walk right up to me, huh? That takes braveness, I'll admit…”
At a blink of my eyes, you, this little woman punches me dead in the gut. That hit in the stomach catches me off guard and Iet out a groan, stumbling back a few steps. “W-Woah.. I didn't expect that. You hit harder than I thought. Maybe you're more experienced than I thought..” I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle in surprise from this little person that stood in front of me.
“That's what I told you. I'm not a fighter. I'm in here for having to defend myself.. against assault…”
My eyes widened from you rubbing your wrist again. “Why suddenly all the wrist rubbing? Is it hurting that badly?”
“Yes it does.” Opening your palms, I could see the deep purple bruises that spread over your wrist. I started to frown a bit looking at these hideous marks around your wrist. I then take your wrist gently in my hands as I rub my fingers against the bruises so see how bad they really were. After a few seconds I pull my hands back and my eyes narrow..
“Yeah… I'll have to say you're right. It does look like it hurts.. I'll see if I have something to treat them for you.”
You then froze, looking down to the floor…“You don't have to…this came from the man who assaulted me earlier. He tried to.. you know..”
My eyes widened as I could feel my heart skip a few beats. “H-Hold the fuck on.. What does ‘you know mean? What did he try to do?”
“Rape me..” your hands immediately drop down to your side…
My eyes tightened, my lips tightened. “....That's..That's not..a… such a fucked up thing” I started shaking my head. “I.. I'm sorry this is why I hate men like that. They do stupid shit and don't give a shit how the woman is affected..”
“Yeah I'm here for trying to kill him. Your police officers didn't want to hear the full story..”
My eyes flashed with sudden anger, seeing fucking red for a split second as I started to clench my fist. I had to take a deep breath. “You should have fucking killed him…” I said in a soft tone, hoping you weren't able to hear me.
“Yeah.. I know…” you tilted your back in frustration as your hood slipped off your head exposing this nasty cut on the side of your neck. My eyes flashed again in concern looking right at your neck.
“That's a bad cut y/n…Did that happen..Did that come from him?”
You began reaching your hand by your neck as your small finger traced the gash that ran almost to the center of your throat.
“I.. I guess so I didn't notice it. I was in so much pain I didn't notice..” (The fuck you mean you didn't notice? In that much pain? No.. no. This wasn't good. )
“That's not good, we need to clean that up right away and get it bandaged ASAP.” I walk towards you, grabbing the keys from my back pocket. “I..You… I need to get you to the infirmary at least for a check up. You've been hurt too badly for me to fucking ignore. Come on, we need to go.” I reach out to grab your wrist, pulling you with me but I feel the movement of you jerking away. (Fuck your wrist) “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
“It's…. It's okay. I'll follow you.”
My expression started to soften a little bit as I nod and a small smile appeared on my lips. I turn, walking down the hallway motioning you to follow me. “Well.. you can follow me, but you'll need to go on blind faith. I'll be taking you to the “infirmary” which is basically a small, hidden clinic in this building of mine that use for unofficial treatments….”
You slightly nodded following me your head somewhat down. I felt for you.. I don't know why.. but I was this feeling I couldn't get over. It was frustrating.
I lead you down several hallways, leading you down a staircase then another corridor. It's quite a maze to get to where I'm leading you, but it's clear to you that I know the way. Finally after a few minutes of walking, I open a door at the very back of the building, revealing a small clinic. “We're here..Go on in. I have to make sure no one sees us, so just stay behind the curtain until I come in.
You nodded obeying my commands as I waited for you to go behind the curtain, a small smile on my face.
“Alright.. I'm here. You can take that hood off now…”
“Are you sure?”
I nod as my smile grows slightly. “Yes, I am. You've got nothing to fear. I'm here, right here, you're safe.” I then look down at you. “Besides I'd like to look at your face..You've been hiding it just enough now.”
Taking the hood off, you looked into my eyes, your eyes locking with mine as I could see your reflection flickering within them. A small gasp escapes from my lips . My eyes run all over your features, taking everything in all at once.
Out of nowhere you suddenly jerk in pain. There had to something else wrong that I haven't seen yet?
I put my hand on on your shoulder, rubbing it gently. “Y/n..I can tell you've been through a lot already. Don't worry, well you patched up and fixed right away… okay?”
“You're okay with doing this?” I could tell from the shaking in your voice, you were nervous, but I wasn't going to let anything happen to you. I pause for a minute and nod.
“Yes. I am. I have all the medical knowledge to patch you up..And the technology too. Though the process will be a bit….painful. If the gash is too deep, we may need to use a needle and thread to sow it up. But I'm sure I can handle that. You'll be fine.”
“You do know, I'll have to remove this hoodie all the way right?”
I raised an eyebrow as I started to smile a bit.
“You're going to remove the hoodie all the way regardless because I have to see your entire body right?”I could see you starting to blush from the seriousness in the tone in my voice.
“Ye..Yes..I know.”
The sudden quietness catches me off guard as I look at you in concern. “Are.. are you okay? You sound.. kinda.. scared?”
“Of what…?”
“I dunno.. Your tone just changed to being .. A little bit quiet. It seemed like you were kinda.. Afraid? Maybe?”
“No..I'm okay.” With those words you started to slowly take your hoodie off. You didn't have anything underneath but the pants that hugged your hips and your socks and shoes. You sat there in front of my eyes top less. My eyes became serious, as I noticed the wounds that were all over your body hidden from that hoodie.
“God Damnit… How many fucking cuts do you have y/n? What the hell happened?” I could feel nothing but anger. Pure fucking rage. It was clear on my face and you could see it.
“I… I told you what happened?” Grabbing your hoodie, you tried to cover your breast with embarrassment. I wanted to snatch that shit away from you but I couldn't startle you like that.
My teeth started to clench watching you trying to cover yourself up. “I don't want you covering yourself! I have to see everything. I know you were assaulted, but I have to know how bad it is, you hear me??”
You started biting your bottom lip as your arms finally started dropping down to your sides. Freeing that hoodie from the front of your chest.
“Damn it…Your chest is in even worse condition..”
Locking my eyes with yours I could see you clenching your teeth as you looked away from me with tears starting to whelp in your eyes as they streamed down your face. I reached forward grasping your chin, raising your head back towards mine face. My expression softened as I also had a look of concern in my eyes. “Hey…Look at me..”
As your gaze meets mine, I gently wipe the tears away from your eyes with my thumb.. “It's okay.. I can help you.. I can fix this. Don't worry, I'll take care of you….” I then held your face gently, running my fingers across your cheeks and down your neck. “Look… I know you've been through a lot.. But I'll help you recover. I promise..y/n..”
You tried your best to hold in your tears, as your breathing started to become heavy. “...okay..” that one soft word that finally came off your lips.
I smiled softly, my eyes fluttering shut for a moment as I took in how sweet your eyes look. I caressed your face, gently rubbing my fingers on your jaw and your neck. My touch, soft and tender on your skin. “I promise you… I'll take care of you. You'll get better, and you'll see, everything will be okay…”
“Th..you.. thank you Wrio..” The slight cracking in your voice made me want to hold you closer.
My eyes snapped open as you said my name. Your voice sounded so sweet when you said it. I could feel myself blushing but I didn't know how much. How could someone I barely knew have this kind of effect on me?
“No problem..” I said smiling as my hand moved down your chest, my fingers running up and down your neck, this time the base of your neck. Your eyes closed from my touch as you bit your lips, as I could feel you shiver. Your nipples gradually getting harder and harder by the second.
My face flashed with shock as I hid it well. I can see you clearly like my touch as my fingers running up and down your neck had you feeling good in a much less innocent way. I smiled as I ran my fingers down the length of your shoulders and down your arms. My fingers moving slowly up and down your forearms. Your body started to twitch from my movements, as I stared at your soft lips. A small smile started to creep up in the corners of my mouth.
“You're getting flustered…”
Opening your eyes, you looked at me with this hypnotizing gaze that I couldn't break. My face softens again as I smile lifting your head back towards my eyes again. My eyes moving back down your neck as I continue the same actions as before, starting slowly massaging your neck with my fingers.
“Wh..what are you doing…Wrio? You ask as your body slightly jumps.
“Hm? I'm just massaging your neck…” I smile softly, my fingers still caressing your neck. The way your breath hitches slightly and your hand starts to squeeze mine, is making my heart pound out of my chest.
What was I doing? Why am I doing this to you..?
Your eyes still closed from my touch, your breathing starts to shake. “Is.. is the cut on my neck .. really deep?” I could hear the panting in your voice. But your words snapped me back to reality dn my fingers stopped abruptly as I looked at your chin then your neck again. The cut was pretty serious.
“Um….Actually, this cut on your neck is much deeper than I originally thought…. We should really get this bandaged quickly. Let me check through the first aid box for a second…”
What was I doing… what the hell am I thinking…what are you doing to me y/n..?
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astercontrol · 2 months
excerpt from WIP... TRON, post-1982
"Hey Alan. You ever wonder, what if programs were alive?"
"Alive, as in, conscious artificial intelligence? I mean, if you've been following the investigation, they're fairly sure the MCP was that, on some level."
Roy was silent for a moment. He had been following, of course, and was aware... but for the first time he found himself considering the implications.
Not the world-rocking news that ENCOM might have created the very first computer capable of real thought. That'd been all over the in-system message boards for weeks now. Technically still just speculation; who knew if it would ever make it into mainstream news... anyway, that wasn't the thought that troubled Roy, right now.
It was the realization that Alan... sweet gentle nerdy Alan, whose office wall enshrined, like a plaque of the Ten Commandments, an old sci-fi movie quote about taming a violent machine with a command to do no harm... had been the one who'd had to kill it.
"Yeah, but I wonder... I mean. You're the one with the AI credentials, so you'd know this a lot better than me... like, in theory, is there any way that intelligence could have... I dunno, spread to other programs?"
"I mean, the MCP was in control of practically everything for a while there. Its processes were running the whole system. I suppose you could argue that there was a period of time when all the software active in our system was running off the MCP's basic... intelligence, if that's what it could be called."
He took off his glasses; brought the end of the bar close to his mouth in that endearing thoughtful way of his. "Of course, not all of it was following the MCP's directives. It all had different goals, including some like mine that was even programmed to sabotage the MCP-- but, well, you could certainly say that it was all using the same processing capacity."
"So, like... if you imagined them as living minds, it'd be almost like the computer was the brain, and all the programs running in it were like... multiple personalities or something?" Many souls in one body, a whole crowd of individual people living in there together...
"I suppose you could, loosely, imagine it that way. Not that simple, because the MCP's programming would've been what gave the computer the ability to have any 'personalities' in the first place. But, as a very crude explanation... I guess it holds up. Sort of."
Roy tilted his head, curious. Alan was answering these questions a little faster, a little more assuredly than he usually spoke.
Just a little. Just barely noticeable, to someone who'd been around him for as long as Roy had. But it was there.
"You given this any thought before?"
Alan shrugged, awkward smile breaking out, lopsided. "I give thought to everything, Roy. I consider all possibilities, it's part of the job."
Roy's eyes followed Alan as he turned back to his monitor. Still such a cheerful voice and stance, no more troubled than Alan usually looked.
...Sure didn't seem like a guy pondering the possibility that he'd massacred a whole society of brand new life forms by wiping out the source of their consciousness.
"What?" Alan's head turned back, just the lightest note of annoyance.
"I'd like to talk about this some more sometime. I think I'm... interested in learning more about the programming involved in it. Like, just what sort of commands went into the task of erasing the MCP."
Alan laughed and shook his head. "Sure, maybe. But it's not that interesting. Or that simple. I mean, 'erase' is an easy way to say it, if you're trying to give someone a quick overview. But it involved the identification and shutdown of a whole lot of specific individual functions and processes."
"Hmm." A thoughtful nod. "Selectively. The ones that were causing problems, then."
"More or less. But, like I said, it's complicated. I'm sure my explanation would get awfully boring after a while."
"Oh, you never bore me." Roy grinned. "Anyway-- sorry if I'm keeping you from anything. I'm headed off to lunch; you want anything?"
"I'm fine, Roy. Go on, enjoy your lunch."
Roy walked slowly down the corridor, lost in thought. "Klaatu Barada Nikto" indeed.
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akwolfgrl · 6 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them part 6
Sanji kicked the marines aiming at his husband and the little pink haired omega with their guns. He thought things were going to well when Ax-hand Morgan showed up with more Marines and guns.
“Sanji! Run! Please run!” Zoro yelled, Sanji did run. He ran towards him. He wasn't going to just leave his husband here to die. They would die together. But perhaps thire was another way.
“No, I won't leave you,” Sanji placed his hands on Zoro's cheeks and his forehead against Zoro's. His was dimly aware of the other omega shuffling closer to them.
“Please you have to! Take Kuina’s sword and find your All blue, try to become the greatest swordsmen for me and for her!” Zoro's cheeks were wet with his tears. “Live!”
“You know I can’t give you that… anything but that” he whispers begging for another way. It was better him then them, he had only just met the young omega but still that was a fact. “Besides, if one of us is meant to die it should be me..” he cradles both his husband and the pink haired boy’s forms. He wasn’t big enough to take the full assault of bullets about to shower into his pale skin but he prayed to his mother, to all the seas, it was enough to save these two as his last wish before death. He wasn't strong enough in Aramnet to coat every inch of his skin. Zoro was too weak from lack of proper nutrition to use it.
“Fire!” Before the bluttes could tear therw his skin, he heard the crash of glass and two new people, familler people joined them here in the yard. Sanji turned his head to watch as the alpha in the Starwhat spreading his arms wide, porcting them."
“Luffy!” The small omega cried out for his friend before passing out, hanging limply in his arms.
“It's no use!” The alpha laughed as he repelled the bullets with his body. He contuied to laugh as the marines screamed and ducked for cover.
“what kinda human are you?” Zoro asked bewildered, Sanji didn't know he could do that!
“I'm the one who will become the king of the pirates,” The young alpha turned his head and gave them a wide grin. “Sanji! You're here too!” Luffy tuned the rest of his body and held Zoros swords out. “I bought swords! I didn't know which one was yours, though,”
“All of them,” Sanji replied at the same time his Moss did.
“I use three sword style,”
“Stay here and be killed or come with me!”
“Only if my husband can come,”
“I already asked him!”
“And I never said yes!”
“So Curls shall we die together or become pirates like your old man?” Zoro asked him.
“Fine,” Sanji sighed. “It's not much of a choice, to be honest, but it's better than dying here,” Sanji took the swords from Luffy's hands and cut his husband free.
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Please please please you're the best, I love your writing,could you write a fic in which joseph answers the famous question: would you love me if I was a worm? BECAUSE I NEED IT
yes, perfect request, thanks <3 Wordcount: 1.2K ----
Would you still love me?
Joe was impossibly close to you. If you hadn't been in a cuddly mood, it would've been too close. Spread out on the sofa, you were tucked into the corner, with your boyfriend pulled into your side.
After dinner you'd put on some bad reality TV, and for about 15 minutes, Joe had stood next to the sofa, not watching along with you. You'd told him to come sit with you, but he'd mumbled about something that needed doing, yet he'd only taken two steps and kept his eyes trained on the TV. He lingered around and when he really disagreed with what someone had said, he had looked at you and scoffed. "Is he being serious?"
"Yes, he's awful. Come sit," you'd beckoned him once more, and this time, Joe'd sat down and you'd pulled him into you.
Now with his head on your chest, Joe had an arm across your stomach and had fingers slowly scratching your side - too slow to be ticklish, but you could feel your muscles twitch a little every time his fingers curled inwards. You had one of your hands stuck in his hair, and your fingers mirrored Joe's movements, slowly scratching at his scalp. It felt like pure bliss; warm, cosy and comfortable. You felt Joe snuggle up to you to get even closer, and you giggled.
"What?" Joe asked.
"Trying to crawl under my skin?" you joked.
"You know I would if I could," Joe mumbled softly, nudging at you with his nose before he kissed your collarbone. It was cute and made you blush a little.
The added pressure of him pushed you further into your sofa, and you almost felt like you were getting a deep tissue massage. Like Joe was a weighted blanket that pressed onto you firmly.
"Joey?" you suddenly asked, about to absolutely ruin the moment, you were well aware.
"Mmhm," Joe sounded as if he was just about to drift off. You couldn't blame him. You were a mess of tangled limbs with slow steady breathing, feeding off of each other's body heat.
"Do you think... do you think you'd still love me if I was a worm?" your question came out impossibly sweet and innocent.
Joe stilled his hand, and you swore he didn't breathe for a second.
"This a trick question?"
"No... just answer it. Would you still love me if I was a worm?" you kept raking your fingers through his hair, combing it back, even when he pulled back a little to look at your face. He was gaging how serious this was, and you did your very best to give your most serious of faces.
"A worm?" Joe sounded a lot more alert than seconds earlier.
"Would I... still love you... if you were a worm?" Joe narrowed his eyes at you in suspicion, afraid that it definitely was a trick question and there was a wrong way to answer. So, he thought for a second.
"Am I also a worm?"
"So, I'm still a person and you're a worm?"
"Have you always been a worm?"
"Joe, just answer the question!" you were growing impatient. Joe just needed to say yes, of course and it'd be cute, and you could keep watching dumb people make bad life decisions on TV.
"No, no, I'm not falling for this," Joe sat up fully now, and your hand fell from his hair into your lap. "So you're a worm, and I'm a person. Have I known you as a person first, or do I just know you to be a worm?"
You thought a second.
"I was a person first, but then I turned into a worm."
"What kind of worm?" Joe grew more playful in his need for more context, you could tell from the twinkle in his eyes.
"Oh my God- any worm! A gross, disgusting, slimey one!" impossibly annoyed with your silly boyfriend, you regretted asking him the question since it all seemed to backfire, the joy of it completely gone for you now.
"Would I still love you...." Joe's eyes peered up at the ceiling in thought, eyebrows high up on his face. You leant in slightly, waiting for him to tell you his answer.
"Why a worm, though?" Joe asked, and you shook your head and flung your arms up slightly as if to say can you fucking believe this guy as you made eye contact with a non-existent third participant in your living room as Joe laughed, head lolling back as he did.
"Never mind, forget it," you said, slumping back against the backrest of the sofa, crossing your arms tightly over your chest as you did. Joe was impossible.
"No but, why not something cool, like a spider? I'd definitely still love you if you magically turned into a spider!" Joe said, his hands prying at your arms to unfold them from your chest so he could resume his position. You overplayed a dramatic sigh and returned your attention to the TV where impossibly pretty couples would no doubt immediately tell each other that yes, absolutely they would still love each other if they were worms.
Joe cuddled back into you, and you could feel his eyes bore into you as he stared at you for a second with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Question is, what would you do if I was a spider?" Joe asked, and you peered down to see two cheeky eyes challenge you.
"Kill you," you were quick to answer with your brow furrowed. Joe's face immediately fell as he lifted it to look at you. "I'd flatten you with my shoe."
"A spider, Joe? Absolutely not. I fucking hate spiders, you wouldn't stand a chance," you smiled smugly, and Joe scanned your face for a second before settling back down and tightening his arm around your stomach.
"Well, good luck with that," Joe tested you, sarcasm thick in his voice. You gave him puzzled eyes even though he couldn't see them.
"Joeyyy," Joe said, mocking you in a high pitched voice. "Joey come quick, there's a spider!"
You couldn't help but let the laugh stuck in your throat escape as you shoved him slightly for poking fun at you.
"Be honest, you've not killed a spider yourself in years," Joe laughed with you and used his hand that was already on you to poke and prod, making you yelp with laughter.
"Kill you, she said," Joe shook his head and you both laughed until you went floppy, laughing more at each other's giggles and snorts as it went on. "And here I was, thinking we were definitely smarter than these dickheads on TV," Joe gestured at the screen.
You leant over and pressed a kiss into Joe's hair once your laughter had died out.
"So?" you carefully asked, still waiting for an answer from him.
Joe tutted.
"Of course, I'd still love you if you were a worm, are you joking?" Joe's fingers found your side again, but this time they dug under your top to tickle at your bare skin, making you flinch and smile at his touches. "I would keep you in your own little home, give you a big, indoor sandbox to thrive in, feed you all the things worms eat, keep you happy and safe and warm," Joe pressed small kisses into your neck that made you squirm with giggles.
"Of course, I would. I'd love my slimey, gross worm of a girlfriend."
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @dirtyeddietini @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @harringtonfan4 @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland - add yourself
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emmyspov · 2 years
Here at home (Haldir x reader)
author's note: i never thought i'd be writing for haldir, but here we are! :D i'm so soft for this elf & cannot wait to share this softness. i'm a bit out of practice & as always: english isn't my first language, bear with me <3 gn!reader, but reader has hair that's being brushed; no other descriptions of looks
warnings: none that i'm aware of, just fluff!
word count: 1k
edit is my own :)
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“You know, I prefer my nights when you are here at home with me”, you whispered as you leaned back against your husband’s shins.
Haldir was sitting on your bed with a brush in his hand, carefully parting your hair while you were kneeling in front of him, your back to the elf.
“And why is that, meleth?”
After centuries of being together, you could make out the teasing tone in his question and a smile spread over your face.
“Hal”, you whined. “Don’t make me say it out loud.”
He didn’t reply – not yet, at least, but you knew he was smiling.
Carefully, he grabbed a strand of your hair and began to remove the knots from your ends, slowly working his way up until he reached the roots.
The fact that he took the time to sit down and care for a part of you that you neglected far too easily – and way too often – made your heart flutter in your chest. Goosebumps spread over your skin at his gentle actions and you shivered.
“It seems like someone still isn’t used to my displays of affection”, the marchwarden mused and you smiled yet again.
“Maybe someone isn’t home often enough for me to get used to them.”
There was no harshness in your words. You knew Haldir loved you and the time you did have together, you used wisely. Plus, you’d still have many centuries left with each other.
However, that didn’t change the fact that you were absolutely enjoying these quiet moments with your love.
And so did the elf himself. He had turned his attention to your head again and was repeating his actions until he could brush his fingers through your hair without meeting any resistance. Only then did he grab a small bottle of oil, poured a tiny amount into his hands and warmed it up before applying it to your hair.
“All done, my love”, he murmured once he was done with everything and leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of your head.
Before he could sit up again, you turned around and brought a hand to the nape of his neck, meeting his eyes.
“May I kiss you, melethron nîn?”
You had to hide your amused grin as the tips of Haldir’s ears turned pink. Softly, you let your fingertips ghost over them and giggled at the sharp inhale of your husband.
Even after so many years together, he still felt like this – you – couldn’t be real. You looked like an angel, sitting there in front of him like it was the most natural thing in middle earth, asking him of all people for a kiss.
He was convinced that he didn’t need a relationship, didn’t need to be touched and loved and cared for – until you came into his life.
Since then, he never wanted to go without any of these things ever again. He’d never deny you an act of affection, no, he was craving whatever you were willing to give him.
And right now, you wanted to kiss him, he reminded himself as he took in your flushed cheeks and big eyes. He leaned down for a kiss without even answering your question.
Haldir swallowed the sweet sigh that left your lips as he pressed his own against them and he swore to whomever was listening that he’d always return home to you. He wouldn’t – couldn’t – let you go. You were one of the few good things in his life, someone he never had to doubt. You were there and you were his and he’d spend the rest of eternity trying to make you happy.
“You think too much”, you breathed out in-between kisses and cupped his jaw, caressing his cheekbones.
“Only about you”, he answered and it was the truth.
The smile that graced your features in return would get him through his next patrol, he was sure of that.
When you woke up the next morning, Haldir was still fast asleep next to you.
It was one of his rare days off and you wanted to make sure he could soak up all the love you wanted to give him. Turning onto your side, you watched his blond hair flowing down his shoulders while the blanket was pooling around his waist.
The first rays of sun in the morning were shining down onto his bare back and you carefully lifted your fingers to gently touch the exposed skin.
He was warm, he was always warm and as on instinct, you shifted closer into his side.
Even in his sleep, your husband leaned into your touch and you smiled, leaning down to press your lips against his shoulder blade after brushing some of his hair out of the way. Slowly, you let your lips trail down his spine.
It wasn’t your goal to wake him up. It took many years, but by now, Haldir didn’t even stir anymore when it was you who touched him in his sleep. Yet, you were so in tune with one another that you immediately noticed when his breathing changed as he woke up.
“Good morning, my beloved”, you whispered which turned into a squeal as the elf was pulling you on top of him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I believe it is not yet time to start the day”, the marchwarden mumbled before he buried his face in the crook of your neck, brushing his lips against the junction where it met your shoulder.
“Hal, hat tickles”, you giggled at the sensation and tried to wiggle free, but that only resulted in him tightening his grip around you.
“You don’t say”, he mused and you could hear the smile in his voice.
After a while, you gave up and simply accepted the small kisses, relaxing in Haldir’s arms and melting into his touch. Being with him was easy, you realised once again, like breathing.
The two of you were basking in happiness until your husband broke the silence while his fingers were dancing up and down your back.
“You know”, he spoke in a soft voice, “I prefer my mornings when I am here at home with you.”
meleth = love
melethron nîn = my beloved
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taglist: @shadowhuntyi - you told me to tag you in everything, so here you go! thank you again for your nice words on my aragorn fic :')
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celeluwhenfics · 2 months
Random Rohan headcanon: The Creek Game
This horse game was first recorded in the late 29th century of the Third Age near Aldburg, although it has possibly existed in some form for much longer. It has since spread widely across the Mark. By the mid-30th century, it was acknowledged as an unofficial national sport in Rohan, and a great favourite amongst young Rohirrim.
To play the Creek game, you need: -A creek or small river, passable both on foot and by horse, by jumping or fording, or even swimming if the season allows. -Several miles of open plain on either side of the creek -Eighteen "runners", boys and girls of all ages -Six riders, usually the older boys who have started military training, but some strong, tall girls have also been known to excel in this position -Six good horses Note: the game is usually played bareback (without saddles)
The game starts with the runners and the riders on either side of the creek. For example, the runners are on the north side, and the riders on the south side. On the signal, the runners start running north, away from the creek. After giving them a headstart of the duration of the "creek song", the riders go after them. Once a runner is touched, they climb behind the rider, who turns the horse southwards at a gallop, and pass the creek. Once on the south side, he rider decides how far to let their captive runner off, and then moves on the catch another runner. Meanwhile, the previously captured runner makes their way north to pass again onto the other side of the creek. The game ends if the riders manage to get all runners on the south side at once, or when the sun sets. It is the responsibility of the riders that no one, horse or runner, gets severely injured and that all runners are accounted for by the end of the day.
Other rules that are more or less consistentky applied: -Riders can only pick up one runner at a time. -Runners must comply and get on the horse at the best of their ability once touched. No running away, or faking to be unable to get on, to gain time. You're an able-bodied young Rohirrim, you CAN get on a horse at a halt with the help of a strong rider in seconds. Do not pretend otherwise. -When on the horse, a captive runner cannot impede the rider, fall on purpose or try to get down before the rider decides to let them off. Hang on and ride.
Do ankles get turned, horseshoes lost, knees scraped, toes crushed,  manes pulled, clothes torn, tears shed, even bones broken? Yes, sometimes. But could there be a better way to build endurance in horses and young people? To train girls and boys in running on rugged terrain, to build their strenght, orientation, independence, resourcefulness and team work? To get future war horses accustomed to keep a cool head amidst running, pursuits, screaming, rough play and some chaos around them? To impart in young men responsibility and awareness of their comrades over vast areas, in addition to a solid seat without the support of a saddle or stirrups?
Memorable quotes include: 'Have we lost Gárulf and Wylfrun again?! Come on, they could be a little more subtle...' 'Rowena, don't cheat, I touched you already... Hey, COME HERE or I'll pull you up by your braid!' 'Please get off now. I don't care if you drown, I'm not making Arod jump that with both of us on his back.' 'Are you for real? You're running so slow when my brother is around. Be a real Eorling shieldmaiden and put up a fight, or he'll never like you.' 'I know I'm supposed to hang on tight to you, but let's say that you could use a dip in the river when we pass by, so I'll just trust Hasufel to not buck me off until then.' 'Bréda, we're supposed to run NORTH, you know. North is that way.'
...And that time when Théodred had to find, comfort and load on his horse no less than three crying children because Folcred had brought them unreasonably far south of the creek and the sun had long set.
Being an occasion for the girls to admire the riding prowess of young men from up close, and for these dashing riders to enjoy the tight grip of their giggling passenger, the creek game is admittedly the spark that started many an idyll amongst teenage Rohirrim.
It is also an excellent (if somewhat over-elaborated) excuse for an author to include the Only One Horse trope in her upcoming fic.
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timotey · 9 months
Ficlet: Insatiable
The Sign. Phaya/Tharn. Smut, pure smut and nothing but smut. Unbeta'd.
It's a sweet, breathtaking torture.
(Another smutty fic. The result of a glass of blackcurrant wine and too much free time on my hands. Go me! Probably riddled with mistakes but I'm falling asleep here. Also go me!)
Phaya is insatiable. He simply cannot get enough of Tharn, of his taste and his scent, of the texture of his skin… Sometimes it feels like he’s addicted to Tharn, pure and simple.
Their lovemaking, it steals Phaya’s breath away. It taught him patience and generosity beyond anything he’s ever bestowed on anyone before. Because he was Tharn’s first and the need to show him just how amazing sex could be, especially between two people who loved each other and trusted each other like they did, was Phaya’s driving force.
The simple act of prepping Tharn - not that Phaya would mind it the other way around, it's all good as he sees it, but Tharn’s visceral need to be taken, claimed, possessed never ceases to blow Phaya’s mind - he turned it into a slow, seductive foreplay, a sweet torture of teasing fingers slick with oil reaching deep inside, again and again and again, until Tharn’s exhales turned into desperate little huffs and low moans, until Tharn fisted his hands into the bed sheets and bit his lip to prevent cries from escaping their confinement. 
Phaya will never tire of the sight, of Tharn writhing on the sheets, moving his hips to the rhythm of Phaya’s fingers thrusting in and out, in and out…
Just like now. And he can’t wait any longer.
Phaya slicks himself up then he grabs Tharn's hips and pulls him up on all fours. And Tharn lets him, just like Phaya knew he would, he lets himself be manhandled into position, maybe not even truly aware of what’s happening by this point, thoughts muddled by uninhibited lust and fully trusting Phaya’s ministrations - and what an intoxicating feeling that is, such trust! Phaya settles himself between Tharn’s spread legs and grips Tharn’s hips tight and then he plunges in, one deep, smooth stroke nestling him fully in Tharn’s heat. 
What a bliss!
Tharn throws his head back, stifling a cry as his eyes squeeze shut and Phaya freezes to give Tharn time to adjust. He knows that Tharn loves it, giving himself over to Phaya to do as he pleases, being taken with a hard, relentless dominance that seemingly doesn’t allow him to resist, to refuse - but he can, Tharn can at any time, they settled on a word that would put an end to it all, Tharn just needs to utter it; Phaya insisted on it when he realized just how lost Tharn can get in his pleasure.
Phaya runs his rough hands over Tharn’s smooth arched back, his hips making tiny jerking motions that he can’t control because it just feels so good, being inside Tharn, and he’s rubbing against Tharn’s sweet spot, he certainly is, because Tharn keeps trying to push back against him, press himself even closer, if only Phaya would let him, if only he would just... if he just moved.
Finally, there is it, the half-sob of frustration and need, hands scrambling over the bed sheets, blindly seeking, wanting, and Tharn breaks and on a huff of a shallow exhale, a word escapes him, “Please…”
This, this is what Phaya was waiting for. But instead of thrusting in, he takes Tharn by his shoulders and pulls him up, pulls him close, Tharn’s back against his own chest - it wouldn’t be as easy if Tharn weren’t so damn small! - and holding tight, Phaya slowly sits back on his heels, letting Tharn sink down on his hardness, impale himself even further, forced down by his own weight, legs spread and effectively straddling Phaya.
Phaya’s so deep now, maybe as deep inside his lover as he ever was, and with one arm across Tharn’s chest he’s holding Tharn up while his other hand sneaks down, fingers encircling Tharn’s stiff member, squeezing just right.
Tharn makes a keening sound deep inside his throat and he drops his head back against Phaya's shoulder, gulping for breath. Phaya buries his face in Tharn’s throat, feeling one of Tharn’s hands in his hair, gripping tight, his other covering Phaya’s on his own hardness, helping him stroke and squeeze, up and down, up and down.
And Phaya could come just from that, from Tharn’s wanton submission to his ministrations, but Tharn doesn’t just take, never, he’s a generous lover, a devoted one, and he starts moving his hips, back and forth, sliding down Phaya’s member and then pushing his own into the circle of their hands. 
Sweet, breathtaking torture.
Phaya moves too, rising up to meet Tharn, and soon they find the perfect rhythm. And while they move like that, Phaya seeks out Tharn’s lips and they kiss and kiss, and Phaya’s tongue is inside Tharn’s mouth just as surely as his hardness is inside his ass, and Phaya can feel heat and pressure building inside him, tightening, their intensity almost painful. 
Then Tharn’s hips fall out of rhythm, jerking and twitching as Tharn loses control and almost, he’s almost there. And when he finally comes, pulling out of their kiss to bite his lower lip hard to try and stop himself from crying out loud, he squeezes Phaya hard, ripping Phaya’s own orgasm out of him with a blissful, irresistible force. Phaya comes so hard he sees stars.
When it’s over, they remain sitting like that for a moment longer, Tharn still straddling Phaya, back still pressed against Phaya’s chest, Phaya still nestled inside him, and they hold each other, fingers laced, as they gently rock from side to side to ride out the very last waves of pleasure. 
And Phaya marvels at this, that it’s always this good, his lovemaking with Tharn, that he has this, that Tharn is his and only his, of Tharn’s own volition - and he is Tharn’s. And he wouldn’t change a thing.
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So I was wondering if you could do like a Joel miller fanfic where reader ends up like el and is infected but not? And the reason this happened is bc Joel and reader were dating post outbreak but like during the outbreak Joel thought it be better if reader went with Tommy and all that jazz but how Joel and Eli find out is reader asks el how long she been infected and she says how ever long and reader kinda grins and say something along the lines of ‘damn a few months? Lucky try being infected for 2 years’
I as always switched thingies around but hey it's still along the lines. 😌🤍
You had been watching the newcomers for some time. It was natural that the town was slightly uneasy, especially since it had been quite a while since anyone new had arrived in Jackson. Naturally, people were scared of infection spreading or some unnecessary fighting breaking out. New people also meant that dynamics in work groups would have to change. And most weren't too eager to welcome new people for that reason alone.
Yet staying away got harder once you noticed how the kids had practicality isolated Ellie from their afternoon activities. She would always sit on her own, playing with her fingers, waiting for the man who she came here with to come by so she could run off. "You fancy a sandwich", the girl quickly turned your way, shaking her head. "I think you should eat it, I didn't see you eating anything today", you tried to encourage her by unwrapping the paper rapper from around the sandwich. "It's okay, dad made me breakfast", so dad, you thought to yourself, "Still think you should eat this. I'm known for making the best sandwiches here". A slight smile tugged on her lips as she took the sandwich away from your hands, thanking you quickly.
You two started to form a bond in the following weeks. You made sure that she was more involved with other kids, always standing by so she wouldn't feel all alone and Ellie had started to warm up to you to the point where even after all the kids have gone home, she would linger by your side as you two talked. She was a talkative kid and gosh did she have an option about everything. But you loved that about her, that still not crushed hope about the world.
You also met Joel. He had come looking for her when she hadn't returned home on time and found you two sitting by the strawberry patch laughing. Joel stopped in his track instantly. Sure, he had seen Ellie smiling, and had heard her laugh but this seemed a lot more wholehearted. He always feared that one thing he couldn't give Ellie was a mother figure. Yes, he could be the protector, he could keep her safe, teach her a thing or two, love her the best that he could but... Every girl needed a mother.
"Joel, come by, the strawberries are so ripe", Ellie shouted at him, waving her hand happily. The moment he found you smiling at him, Joel could swear his heart nearly burst. He didn't remember the last time someone looked at him like that. So he inched closer, looking over Ellie quickly, making sure she wasn't harmed in no way before he sat down beside her. "Joel Miller", the male held out a hand to you. You let out a light laugh, "Oh, I'm aware, heard quite a lot about you", Joe instantly turned to Ellie who was happily smirking. No, he didn't want to know what that little monster had told you. "Y/N Y/L/N, happy to finally properly meet you", you shook his hand, before encouraging him to eat.
So now Joel made sure to always stop by to pick Ellie up. While it truly was just an excuse to see you. Soon most of your evenings were spent at their place as you taught them some easy recipes to cook. Because all the two of them knew was how to warm up canned food and with all the fresh produce it was a shame to only eat canned ravioli.
"So... are you two coming to the gathering tomorrow?", you three sat around the table eating. Jackson always had these town gatherings. Lots of baked goods, warm drinks, music, lights, and dancing. A way to keep humanity going in a way. But also a chance to form stronger bonds, and ensure that everyone was well and taken care of. "Joel hates things like that", Ellie said bluntly, earning a light kick from Joel from under the table. "Not true, we were coming", he said firmly, "Didn't you just yesterday...", "Eat the vegetables, kid", Joel said firmly, "Are you coming?". You nodded your head, "Responsible for one of the stands actually. Need to build it still, but my hammering skills...", you trailed off, laughing slightly. "I can do it for you, tell me what you need. I'll build it", Joel insisted. Ellie looked up at him curiously, the eager side of him when it came to you making her rather suspicious. And well making it obvious that the old man liked you. "Oh I wouldn't want to bother...", "Nonsense, I would be happy to help and Ellie can also help, right?", Joel shot the girl beside him a look and she quickly turned to you nodding, "Just not promising that I won't eat most of it". You let out a laugh that the two of them joined instantly. The warm feeling builds up in your chest.
Joel was at your door early in the morning the next day, starting on building the stand while you and Ellie twirled around the kitchen. It was the closest Ellie and Joel had been to normality since the outbreak. The closest they had felt to home. And watching you gently kissing the side of Ellie's head while she poured flour into the bowl, making Joel's heart beat just a little bit faster. A happy smile spread on his face.
And the day truly had been so much fun. Joel wasn't in the front lines of it all, choosing to stand more to the side as he watched over the two of you. Handing out slices of pies and smiling at people walking by. All so calm and wholesome until Ellie reaches up for the upper box that held the rest of the baked goods you two made. Her sleeve moved down her arm, revealing the bite mark on her skin.
A shriek echoed through the square. People instantly started to back away. Fingers pointed at Ellie, "Infected", someone shouted. Some of the guards rushed over with the guns. You moved closer to Ellie, pushing her behind you, and her trembling hands reached out to hold onto you. "Move to the side, Y/N, we need to shoot her", Ben the morning guard said coldly, motioning with his gun for you to stand to the side. You saw Joel walking closer to you two, a gun in his own hands, aimed at the grounds. "Lower the guns, all of you", you said firmly, glancing between the males, "Lower them before someone gets hurt".
You felt Ellie pressing her head against your back, you didn't even have to look at her to know that she was probably crying. "Think about it, they have been here for months. The site is healed. If she was to turn she would have already", you said calmly. The last thing you needed was for the mass panic to break out. You caught Tommy's eyes, the knowing look there didn't seem to soothe you. In a way, it seemed more like a silent plea to not do it.
"I don't want to shoot you too, Y/N", Ben said. Joel instantly stepped closer to you, face drenched in rage. And you knew that if he truly wanted to, he could kill them all in the blink of an eye before they even placed their finger on the trigger. "She's not infected, Ben", "How would you know that? I haven't been working my ass off for some little infected shit to take it all away", he bit back, motioning to the other guys to surround you. "Pick your fucking words carefully or I'll blow out your brain", Joel barked at him. And the moment the two of them aimed their guns at one another you ripped your hand out of Ellie's grip, pulling the side of your shirt by your neck to the side. A couple of gasps came from around you, "Cause I've had this for over two years, Ben, and as you can see I haven't eaten your brain. Even if now it sounds fucking delightful now".
You turned around, taking a hold of Ellie's hand. Quickly wiping away the tears that had already dampened your cheeks from the awoken memories. You placed a hand on Joel's arm, quietly asking him to lower the gun and just come with you. You knew that if they were going to shoot you, they would have already. So you wrapped your hand around Joel's arm, tugging lightly. Before Joel finally budged. Continuously looking over his shoulder as you three headed back home.
The moment the door was closed behind you. Joel kneeled in front of Ellie looking her over just how he always did, before bringing her closer to his chest. You stood there staring ahead of yourself. You never imagined that you would be in a position like this. Never imagined that you would have to let more people in on the secret and now most of Jackson knew.
You felt a gentle hand being placed on your shoulder. You shook slightly but once you met Joel's concerned eyes, you just stepped closer, wrapping your arms around his torso, letting him hold you just for a moment. Letting his warmth seep into your body. Ground you. Make you feel safe once again. "You're also immune?", Ellie's voice made you lift your head from Joel's chest as you nodded your head. "It happened while I was out on patrol with Tommy and Maria. I begged them to shoot me but they refused. They left me there alone and... I just...", you trailed off, Joel's hand ran up and down your back. Closing your eyes for a moment you tried to steady your breathing, "I never turned and then I found my way to Jackson after a month. They haven't told anyone what truly happened".
Ellie inched closer to you, wrapping her arms around your middle. You moved your hands to run through her hair, "They won't touch you, I promise", you spoke softly. "Your scar is cool though", she muttered and you couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Try hiding it for two years though. A nightmare", you admitted, leaning back into Joel's chest. His arms held onto your sides tenderly. As he places a loving kiss on the side of your head. Now well aware that he had you both to protect. No matter what it took. He was going to keep you both safe.
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