#Snz thoughts
skullysniffles · 1 month
Hnnggg, how about pillow talk sneezes.
Lying face to face as close as you can while still able to see one another. Listening quietly as they express their exhaustion from battling back their cold all day at work. You keep running your fingers through their hair, lightly scratching their scalp. Then a soft concern mixing with undeniable arousal when they cut themselves off abruptly, hurrying to bury their face into the pillow to muffle a trio of aggressive, body-shaking, sneezes only to resurface sniffling and whispering “S’cuse mbe.”
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warmasf · 9 months
Not snz but just general whump
The idea of someone literally “waking up with a fever” is so sweet to me. Just imagine whumpee at their partners house, having a slight headache and a weird feeling in their throat, but thinking nothing of it, taking a nap with partner and blaming it on being tired. In a few hours, whumpee wakes up to partner placing a cold flannel to their forehead and whispering their name into their ear.
“Hey, you gotta wake up baby, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling good?” In a hushed voice.
Whumpee lets their eyes close as partner feels their cheeks and embrace them again. They feel terrible, but maybe waking up sick was the perfect catalyst for the love and care they so desperately desired.
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fetishccinealfredo · 4 months
behold, a thought that's inhabitated my singular brain cell:
✨sneezy men in suits!✨
a man in a suit, blowing his poor, stuffed up nose as he suffers a terrible, terrible, head cold.
a man in a suit, sneezing wetly into his sleeve as hay-fever takes a hold on him.
a man in a suit, fighting a huge sneeze, holding back; just for you.
the list goes on & on.....
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brandnewcouch · 5 months
there is something so violently hot about muffling a sneeze into a blanket
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his-tamine · 8 months
showering with your partner is already super intimate by itself... but what about showering with your SICK partner? not fucking around like usual, just making sure they stay safe and get clean, because they just feel so weak.
letting them lean on you to keep their balance - because their legs are all wobbly - while you scrub their back and shoulders. having to keep making sure they're not dozing off while you gently wash their hair. them sneezing so messily that you need to rewash their face, but you don't mind as long as they're taken care of.
idk idk I love domestic snz sm <3
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oh-no-my-hand-slipped · 9 months
in your pinned post you said you help with the more academic side of things. Can you help explain good sneeze spellings and descriptions please? I use the same two in most of my stuff and I want to give the OCs in my head specific sneezes. I know how they sound but I don’t know how to write it down if that makes sense. Please send help.
Of course! I’m not exactly the expert on that sort of thing, but I am more than willing to help you out, especially since I’ve totally been there — you would not believe how I used to spell my sneezes.
Here’s a short little cheat sheet that you can use…although, if you need more specific examples, feel free to send another ask!
______’CHNX! — a harsh stifle
______’CHH! — a less harsh stifle or more “polite” sneeze
_______’ TSH! — not quite a stifle, but a more controlled release
______’CHNXIEW! — failed stifle
______’CHNX’iew! — successful stifle with a false ending
______’CH’HIEW! — cartoony, or just more dramatic sneeze
______’CHIEW! — slightly cuter, but can be a basic sneeze
______’SHIEW! — basic wet sneeze
______’PTSHIEW! — can be cute based on volume, but can be used as basic
______’CHOO! — basic big sneeze
______’CHUH! — unapologetic, big sneeze
______’CHHHIEW! — big, wet sneeze
HUP’______! — caught off guard
HTCH’______! — basic, but usually leads to a bigger or wetter sneeze
HETCH’_______! — take cover; big and wet sneeze is on the way
HA’_______! — the jeans of build-ups; can go with pretty much anything; can also allow for bigger flares of the nostrils
GAH’______! — really caught off guard, or really didn’t want to sneeze
HIH’_______! — quick build-up; usually used for quicker, smaller, or cuter sneezes, but not always
RAH/GRAH’______! — animalistic; I usually just reserve this for furry content or monsters
Also, experiment with what gets capitalized and what doesn’t. Quiet parts can be completely lowercase, and louder completely uppercase. For example:
h’tsh! sounds a lot quieter than H’TSH!
Based on what part you want to emphasize, you can also bold or italicize. For example:
H’tsh! focuses more on the build-up, while h’TSH! focuses more on the release.
There are also COUNTLESS combinations, including within the same category (e.g TSHIEW!), so I would recommend experimenting to find what you like to use! Everyone’s spellings are different, and it depends a lot on style, tone, and plain personal preference.
Also, this is all based on my personal experience. While I tried to make it as foundational as possible, it is still quite possible you’ll have sneeze spellings very different from mine and other writers. And that’s okay! Just keep writing what makes sense and feels good to you.
Don’t worry, this gets easier with practice, I promise!
(And hey, if you are a more…auditory learner, maybe I’ll make a wav showcasing these different types of sneezes.)
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sapphicsnzs · 23 days
big cozy sweaters + small shivery colds
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snzymae · 1 month
An extremely congested, cold-ridden person with glasses on pushing them up to the bridge of their nose when they notice them slipping down, the slightest touch of them setting of a fit of itchy sneezes
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skullysniffles · 11 days
Hmmm, what of morning sneezes…
You wake to their body shifting closer at your back and a warm arm curling around you. Just as sleep starts to pull you under again, you hear their breath stagger. A quiet throaty sound right in your ear. You can feel their chest swell against you at such close proximity. Another shuddering breath followed by a short pause… arousal sizzling through you. When they duck against you, sneezing helplessly against your neck and shoulder, their whole body trembles from the force. Even their arm tightens around you as if they needed something to hold on to as this gnarly cold rattles them.
With a wet sniffle they curse in a raspy voice plagued with congestion. “Fu’gg, sorry.”
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rebel-moon-snz · 16 days
Ppl who sneeze when it’s raining are SO hot. Like damn is there anything that doesn’t make you a sneezy mess? Like this is the complete opposite of pollen season and yet you just so so so sneezy again 😩🤤
Tumblr media
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undercover-horn-blog · 10 months
Honestly, sneezing and swearing is so chef's kiss!! 👌
"Fuck, I... hhh'tCHH!"
"hhh'ISHH'oo! Goddammit."
"heh'kchh! Hhh'ishh! Hh'cheww!! Fucking hell, man."
"Shit, sorry, I... HuhCHIEE!"
"hnn'ishhh! Ah, God, this bloody cold, I swear."
Hnnnggg <3
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his-tamine · 4 months
a sneeze causing someone to cum earlier than intended >>>>
whether that be someone sneezing, whilst edging, and accidentally cumming before they intended to, OR someone sneezing on someone else, being what causes *them* to >:]
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sneezarify · 8 months
people with loud, forceful, productive sneezes who still need to sneeze in multiples must be out to kill me!
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having some THOUGHTS about artists. Like, think about this: a potter, with a cold or having a terrible allergy day or, oof, both (you know, choose your own adventure), who can’t touch their face because their hands are completely covered in clay. Their partner, of course, is more than willing to help… dab their eyes, catch a sneeze or five, let them absolutely scrub their face into a handful of tissues…
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skullysniffles · 1 month
When they try to speak through or between sneezes… their voice all rushed and pitched as if afraid they’ll lose the thought if they can’t get it out before the release.
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