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transient-anus · 5 years ago
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That’s what happens when an idea gets stuck in my head. Introducing the Y-Files featuring Agents Deer Moose and Foxy Squirrel. Guess anyone can see I’m a writer not a painter.
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transient-anus · 8 years ago
Challenge Fic: Habits
written for @txf-fic-chicks challenge: Post episode/ Missing scene
Rating: R
Summary: post-ep for The Erlenmeyer Flask
Thanks to @baronessblixen for the beta. My first story was a little too much fluff even for my taste. So I wrote one, that’s a little closer to my real nature. Enjoy and welcome to the darker side.
„Oh Scully.“ The breathless whisper on the back of your neck with his chin resting on your shoulder feels almost better than the hands on your hips pressing you further down on his erection.
Because it makes you feel in control and with you it’s all about control. You’ve learned to control every need your weak body or mind craves.
At the age of 12 you gave in to the need of smoking, because everyone did. At 13, you learned to control the addictive habit and have not had a smoke ever since.
At 16, you began controlling your food, almost becoming an anorexic along the way. At 18, you knew the fine line between eating what was good for your body and what was not.
In college, alcohol became your new project. You got drunk every night for two weeks, enjoying the freedom it gave you. The possibility to not be good little Dana for a while. By the end of the two weeks you decided to not drink anymore. To deprive yourself of that freedom.
All of these things had one thing in common though: You had to know what you would be missing. A deprivation of something you had never tasted was no win. Only if you had to struggle to stay away from something you would come out stronger in the end.
Mulder was something you almost instantly craved. For a little while though, it had looked like you could be partners for longer and you didn't dare giving in. You valued your partnership more than your basic need.
But then came the call. Mulder telling you in the middle of the night that the x-files were no more and that you were no longer partner. The need grew exponentially.
Forty minutes later you knocked on his door, telling yourself you were only there to check on him because he sounded so devastated. And indeed you asked him how he was before you started taking off your clothes. Mulder, still sad, and now a little surprised, was easily silenced with your lips and tongue trying to befriend his. His brilliant mind still did not set him apart from other men and the little resistance in the beginning soon enough changed into raw hunger.
Later half-dressed and fucking with the urgency usually reserved for teenagers, you started to realize that weaning yourself from your partner might proof to be a little more challenging than any other need before. You just might feel a little too good with him around, either as a lover or a friend.
“God, Scully.” He repeated his awe and desire and you knew you could lose yourself in him.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this.” You offered a little of yourself in return.
“Should have said something sooner.” He joked, while his hand found your breast and started kneading it.
“Couldn’t,” you moaned caught in the moment “not while we were still partners.” You realized your mistake even before the hand stopped kneading and his hips stopped pounding into your body.
“Wait, you wanted this?” This now meaning the closing of the x files and no longer sex. Even dazed by intercourse that man was no idiot.
“I knew it was just a matter of time.” You admitted.
“You knew they would close the x files?” Your legs closed around his hips and you had to hold on for dear life or he would have thrown you off like you were on fire.
“No, but I knew they would separate us.” He was still looking at you with this pained look. “I was supposed to debunk your work. And I knew that when they finally realized I wouldn't be the one handing them the rope to hang you with, they would find somebody else to do it and take me away.” It took him a moment to digest your words, then anger gave way to disgust.
“So this is your way of saying goodbye.” He was almost spitting the words in your face and you felt yourself blush a little. But you also noticed how he stopped trying to separate your bodies. You looked away for a second to compose yourself. The fight had not been supposed to start till after your need was satisfied. When your eyes met his again you found yourself confronted with a hardened expression. His hands grabbed your buttocks almost brutally and pulled you closer in to him. “Then I guess we have to make it a good one.” He growled before kissing you like there was no tomorrow.
And actually, there was none.
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transient-anus · 8 years ago
Challenge Fic: The Pizza and the Pun
written for @txf-fic-chicks challenge Post episode/ Missing scene
Rating: G
Summary: Missing scene for Essence
So this is my first off anon story on tumblr. Thanks to @baronessblixen for the beta, every mistake you’ll find is purely mine. Please be kind, english is not my first language.
What was wrong with her?
Pregnant, hostess of a baby shower and all she could think of was pizza. The crispy crust, the smell of melted cheese, tomatoes, spicy peppers...
Her son gave an approving kick while she could almost taste the Italian specialty on her tongue. Another gift was handed to her and she opened it up, hoping that a big, juicy, thick-lined piece of... a romper!
"Oh," cooed the enthusiastic crowd of friends, unknowing to the struggle she was currently fighting. There was nothing worse than this deep, fervent desire for something edible. These cravings, which had started around her seventh month, drove her to her fridge again and again. Despite all her best and medical intentions, she found herself eating tons of ice cream  at half past three in the night giving her an extra set of excess weight she would probably never get rid of.
But nothing had her giving in to a craving as fast as pizza. She could eat two pizzas daily if it weren't for her health and her medical reasoning.
"Dana, is everything okay?" Apparently, her mother had noticed that her daughter was not really paying enough attention. All worried eyes landed on her.
"Yes, I’m fine," she explained quickly, "It's just that I feel an insane craving for pizza right now," she added, as the eyes did not lose their concern.
"Oh, I understand only too well. When I was pregnant," said Joslin, a former study colleague, one of the few she was still in contact with, even if only fleetingly, "I could not keep my fingers off Chinese food. I had at least three spring rolls a day."
"McDonald's, four BigMacs every week," said Carla, a friend of her mother's, and everyone laughed.
"Really? I mean I could kill for a pizza with double cheese, tomatoes and peppers,“ she looked questioningly into the round.
"This is typical. When I was eight month along, Bob didn't even dare to come between me and the fridge," said Joslin. "It was probably better for him."
"Believe me honey, that's perfectly normal," her mother handed her a new package, intending for this conversation to be over. But talking about it made Dana even hungrier. She saw herself mentally reaching for the phone to order a small piece of paradise, maybe two, or even two tons, because the day was still long and she had guests...
There was a knock at the door and all heads turned to look as they weren't expecting anyone else. Dana was just about to get up, imagining the young, pimply pizza delivery boy on the other side of the door, however, Lizzy was faster. Oh, right she was supposed to accept help. Her mother would have to suffer for bringing this woman into the house. It was beside the point that she could actually use some help, she wanted to get it herself. After all, she was old enough to not be mothered constantly. For the ten thousandth time since her teenage years Dana swore to raise her child differently, knowing very well now that it was completely impossible.
Lizzy opened the door and revealed the sight of a very busy Mulder, who was trying to balance some bags and a big white box. His eyes focused on what was in his hands, he almost tripped into the apartment. "Hey Scully, I -" he broke off as he lifted his head and found himself confronted with a series of amused looks "forgot your baby shower" he finished his sentence. "I better get going again," he was almost out of the door again already when she stopped him. Had to stop him. Because her focus was directed immediately on his right hand and the cardboard box in it and if her nose was actually right and she was not hallucinating, then Mulder wouldn't leave again so soon.
"Mulder," she struggled with her big belly as she tried to get up from the couch, which seemed to get harder from day to day. Probably because of all that pizza. "What's the matter?" He turned to her and gave her a small smile.
"Well, I was just in the neighborhood and thought to myself that you would probably get your daily craving for pizza and" he kept smiling while holding out the box of pizza to her "so I just dropped by Alfredo's, and got you a big tomato - bell pepper pizza with double cheese."
Listening to his words, she could feel her stomach jump high in the air, then the smell intensified, and she felt like fainting out of sheer bliss. Praise the Lord for Mulder and pizza, she thought. Could life get any better? Of course, but only once she had a piece of pizza in her mouth.
"God, Mulder, you're my savior" she grinned and took the box out of his hands and he gave a surprised laugh, happy to see her so pleased. "You've got to come in and at least greet my mom," she said as she kicked the door shut and turned around. A little unsurely, considering what was waiting for him in the living room, he trotted after her. In a room charged with female energy every man had to feel unsafe.
"Fox, it's so good to see you," greeting him, Maggie stood up and embraced him warmly. "Pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Scully," he replied to her hug and then threw a shy glance into the round. "Hi."
"This is Fox Mulder," Dana introduced him to the crowd as she sat back down without taking her eyes off the pizza box. "He is my" now she looked up and faltered, giving him an uncertain glance "well, we have been working together for the last few years," she saw the pained shadow cross over his face and hurried, "and he is a good friend, the best, as you can easily see," she pointed to the carton that still exuded the delicious aroma.
An appreciative "Ah yes" came the curious response from the choir, and all stared at the newcomer. All, apart from Dana, who had opened the box and was already chewing on her first slice; until the accusatory glance of her mother penetrated her happy little pizza universe. Hastily she swallowed down and gave the round an apologetic smile, "Where are my manners: anyone want some?" she pointed to the carton, but all of them shook their heads.
"Never get between a pregnant woman and her food," commented Carla, and everyone laughed.
"But I should get at least a plate," Dana put the box down on the coffee table where it safely came to rest between pacifiers, bottles, toys and rompers. Then she rose again, the nibbled on piece of pizza still in her hand. "Mulder, if you could?" she did not finish the sentence, but he followed her willingly into the kitchen. Lizzy was just about to remove dishes from the dishwasher, but left the room quickly when they entered the kitchen.
Scully took a plate from the cupboard and put the piece of pizza on it. She placed the plate on the kitchen table and wiped her hands on a towel.
"Scully, I'm really sorry that I forgot your baby shower. I'm going to go back and," he stopped when she gave him a wide smile.
"It's okay, Mulder. I never would have thought that unpacking gifts could be so exhausting. I'm glad you came by because I really needed a break from all the Oh and Ah. And thanks to you, I can spend that break with pizza.“ She took another bite, wiped her hands again, took some more plates out and put them on the counter.
“Do you want any?” She pointed to the half-eaten slice.
“No, I bought it for you.” He rejected.
“And that’s why you can’t have any?” She could not hide her amused smile.
“I’ll just be over here and enjoy you enjoying your food.”
“Fine, but don’t start complaining if you don’t get any later.” She took another bite, almost choking when she heard his next words.
“Actually I wasn’t getting any for the last couple of weeks,” noticing her shocked wide open eyes he quickly added “pizza, that is.” And they both smiled at the unintended pun.
"You do realize we are the hot topic in the living room right now?" She finished chewing.
"Why would we be? I mean, I'm just a friend," he could not banish the hurt from his voice; the idea had hit him hard.
"Not just a friend," she said, and came to him "the best." She stopped in front of him, took his left hand and placed it on her belly "and we both know that you are so much more than that." He couldn't be angry if she gave him her most charming smile. Not that he could have been anyway. And the fact that he could feel his baby kick through the skin of her abdomen made it impossible anyway.
The moment ended when they heard laughter from the other room. Dana did not want to go back in there. There had been a time when she would have welcomed an afternoon with female friends. Now all she needed was in this kitchen. Well, maybe aside from the white paperbox on her coffee table. But with Mulder in the picture, maybe the day would hold a little more interest than just how to best use a milk pump and what to do about stretch marks.
She walked back to the counter took the pile of plates and gave it to him. Then she took her own plate, which was only holding pizza crumbs.
“Well, let’s get back into the shark tank. You can help me oohh and aahh at the right time,” she gave him an evil grin. “And maybe later when everyone is gone I can give you a whole other reason to oohh and aahh, Mr. not-getting-any.”
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transient-anus · 11 years ago
Meine kleine Homepage.
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