#Snoozing Cartoon Character
dazzlesizzle · 3 months
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Check out the new product Nap Time Champion
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weever2003 · 4 months
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(via GIPHY)
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deadghosy · 4 months
I am in desperate need of more chibi!reader.
What if chibi makes mini cakes in their little mini kitchen and decorates them to the characters colors, and possibly flavor preferences?
Thanks if you do this
❤️ anon
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You sometimes snuggle with husk as if he was a mother cat as he purrs having his arm over your small chubby body.
Imagine you and Angel having your own poses with Angel. You and Angel definitely have a whole bunch of photos which is so cool.
Imagine you and your bad ASS HOT PINK PRETTY PRINCESS CAR GOING FOR A JOY RIDE! with of course Lucifer beside you as he controls a toy car that has duck designs on it. I mean shittt you guys race as if you are depending your lives on it
Your car broke down…(Angel forgot to change the batteries for you) you sniffled “depressed” until Angel came back to shown you your new HOT GLAMOUR HOT PINK CAR WITH SPARKLES!?
Yeah….you definitely used it to run over someone’s toes as you smirked with your shades on like a badass bitch.
You have an easy bake oven…
Literally the crew bought you a mini kitchen set and let you decorate it to your [aesthetic] as you smiled having your hands to your hips as you smiled at this.
Vaggie and Charlie sleeping with you beside them like a baby as you twitch 😭ima cry because that’s actually do adorable imaging a baby chibi reader who sleep so cozy to the point you wanna squish their cheeks.
You feed the crew your mini dishes from your mini kitchen which makes them smile at your effort. You accidentally burnt yourself but you huff with a determined squeak as you kept cooking for them.
You were the one who would put bows in alastor’s hair…and Alastor smiled softly at your affection towards him.
A chubby chibi reader who rubs their cheek against the cast’s thumbs with a soft squeak needy for attention for once as they were getting ignored.
A cute headcannon is that, the cast makes a Day schedule who youvwokd be with every week as it’s just fun tk see you come out of the person’s room with a new attitude and clothing choice.
You patted a toy duck thinking it was real as you made a “quack” sound with a squeak as it was heart aching to Lucifer as he grabs where his heart is and recorded the whole thing
You are having a bubble bath tired in a toy tub like I said before as Charlie coos at how cute you are as she scrubs your soft hair
Your favorite cartoon is hello kitty + SpongeBob as it showed how childish you are and were
I headcannon reader to waddle up against to sir Pentious to show how much you love him. That made him tear up a bit as he shows you off to his eggs
You yawn as you snuggle against anything….ANYTHING! You freaking name it-
You definitely get babied like a real baby but you don’t complain as you just be spoiled rotten by affection. They sure damn know
Imagine reader holding a small toy duck as they softly snooze. Like and there is a this ambience music in the background which makes the reader pass out faster.
Alastor has you on his desk as he makes a broadcast as a victim who tried to stomp on you has been murdered…not like you know anyways.
You are definitely the one people can’t leave for a minute as you would piss anyone off in a second. But you are so cute anyone could forgive you.
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asahicore · 6 months
falling asleep with treasure !!
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pairing. bf!treasure x reader genre. established relationship, fluff <//3 and crack (??) word count. 1.7k author's note. this has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for so long omg.. thank u to that one anon for remembering it existed and sending me an ask about it lmao! i had gotten this idea randomly thinking about clingy junkyu and then boom... this mess of a reaction slash headcanon slash idk thing came to life. hope u enjoy! it was also an excuse to use those photos of doyoung cz hes so cutie pie in them
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fall asleep cuddling, drift apart while sleeping, wake up, notice you’re not cuddling, start cuddling again, and repeat - hyunsuk
hyunsuk gives off healthy mature long-term relationship vibes to me okay. i feel like a lot of couples that have been together for a while end up not cuddling while sleeping but rather get into their own comfortable sleeping positions, and then throughout the night, even though you’re so sleepy you’re barely conscious, when you realize that you’re not cuddling, you scooch back into each other’s arms. he always hits snooze on the alarm at least once in the morning just to get ten extra minutes of being with you before having to get up.
you both wake up stinky and sweaty every single time - jihoon
and it's because the two of you fall asleep in your cuddling position (usually you as the little spoon or resting your head on his chest, but you force him to let you spoon him sometimes), and then you don't. move. not an inch. if it gets too hot, one of you throws the blankets away, or gets rid of their pajama pants, or regains enough consciousness during the night to turn the fan on, but under no circumstances will you break away from your cuddling position - unless it is to get into another cuddling position, of course. it's quite nice, but it means that morning showers are obligatory, because you both smell atrocious after a night of being stuck to each other like glue on paper.
you’re not his partner, you’re his personal pillow - yoshi
you know those anime body pillows? yup. that's what you become when yoshi wants to cuddle. he gives me major cuddler vibes, so you’ll have tried every position in the book, but his favorite is definitely the one where he gets to use to your chest as a pillow and you graze your fingernails against his scalp. he’s got a leg hiked up over your hips and has his arms circling your waist and holding you tight. you can’t move. nothing will have him falling asleep as fast as that. your voice is like a lullaby to him, so he especially likes it if you talk to him in a low voice while he drifts off to sleep. he’s so happy he could fall asleep with a smile on his face. he’s so cute i’m going to off myself
you can’t escape the death hold he has on you - junkyu
a big portion of your time hanging out with junkyu is spent napping. something that surprises you every time is how even though he isn’t the touchiest of boyfriends, if you fall asleep cuddling, you literally cannot move unless you wake him up and make him let you go. forget going to the toilet when you wake up in the morning or getting a snack during your afternoon nap: if junkyu has you in his grip, you cannot escape. he doesn’t even seem to notice: he just wakes up with an innocent smile on his face, saying “oh, you’re awake, y/n?” even though you’ve been trying to discreetly untangle yourself from him for the past thirty minutes. 
*cutely drools on you* - jaehyuk
now i could NOT tell you why but jaehyuk gives me like… snorer and drooler vibes 😭 but like in a cute way okay… once he falls asleep he’s just out like a light, he can’t help it. he’s like those cartoon characters that sleep with their mouths wide open and there’s a bit of saliva at the corner of their lips. and they’re very light snores that are fun to record and embarrass him with. if you didn’t love him so much, it might give you the ick. but anyways, in terms of cuddling i see him as a mix of everyone above in a way; he loves both holding you close to him and being in your arms, he loves both rubbing your back or you playing with his hair, he loves falling asleep while cuddling but he’s also happy if you need more space and just have, like, your feet or hands touching. as long as you’re next to him he knows he’ll sleep well <3
wakes up every time you so much as move a finger - asahi
any asahi lore expert such as myself will know that asahi is a very light sleeper. i think for him cuddling is more of an activity than a way of falling asleep if that makes sense? like he’ll do it when you’re watching something, or when you’re talking and want to be physically close at the same time, but he just can’t fall asleep while cuddling. he also sweats easily, so the added warmth would just make it not fun for him 😭he’d do it for you if you really wanted it, but he’d rather just hold hands while sleeping or something like that. you’d also feel sorry for him with how often he woke up during the night, even if it was just for a few seconds, everytime you moved around too noisily or snored. he also always wakes up before you, and you’d need to have a conversation with him about how you’d rather wake up with him next to you rather than wake up without him, only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for you :( he just wants to do something nice for him, but you’d rather be able to kiss him first thing in the morning!!!! sorry my bias is showing a bit
watches you while you sleep for so long it becomes creepy - doyoung
oh this boy 😭 if he falls asleep after you or wakes up before you, you just know he's going to be propping himself up on his elbow, gazing down at you with soft eyes and a fond smile because you're just the prettiest person in the world to him, and there's nothing else he'd rather be looking at. and he isn’t rattled in the slightest if you catch him doing it, too. he'll just smile wider and say "hey, baby" or "sleep well?", that fucker. it's lowkey creepy, but it's doyoung, so it's okay. it’s a bit jarring at first, locking eyes with someone right when you wake up, but you get used to it. i see him as similar to jaehyuk in the sense that he’s happy to fall asleep, cuddling or not cuddling, in whatever way you prefer. he’d probably like to fall asleep facing you so that he could see your face right as he woke up (in a lovely, enamored way, not in a creepy way!) 👍
keeps you from falling asleep but grumpy when you try to wake him up - jeongwoo
jeongwoo seriously gives me tired all day until it's time to go to bed vibes, like he'll usually be chill with bursts of energy here and there but in the evening he's like a cat with the zoomies. it's like 11pm and you're just trying to fall asleep because you have class or work the next day but your boyfriend is bouncing all over the room and talking a hundred words a minute, keeping you awake way past your bedtime. it's kinda cute sometimes, but most of the time, you want to suffocate him with your pillow. usually, though, he'll calm down if he sees you're really tired, or if you force him to stay in your arms and start threading your hands through his hair or rub patterns against his back - that really calms him down. he becomes super quiet instantly and can even fall asleep like that. but dear lord, when that alarm rings the next morning, you do not want to talk to him for the following fifteen minutes. he is so grumpy and sleepy in the morning, i just know. it's impossible to get him out of bed and you've just learnt to get up yourself and wait for him to wake up - although it's better to check that he hasn't fallen back asleep (which he usually has). he just keeps groaning for five more minutes and buries his head in his pillow to block the light out, but if you press a kiss to his cheek or forehead, that usually gets him to open his eyes and start smiling, then ask for a proper good morning kiss on the lips. this kid is annoying as hell, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
forgets his size and rests his whole body on you - haruto
haruto is like those big dogs that have no idea they're so big and wonder why they can't just lay on top of you. “it's because you're suffocating me, ruto! you're too heavy to rest your whole weight on me.” when you'd told him that, he pouted so hard and had seemed so genuinely upset that you apologized, took him back in your arms and simply neglected your need to breathe for a little longer. he is also one hundred percent that guy who will deny wanting cuddles or any sort of skinship, but if you don’t give it to him, he will be mad at you. if you do give it to him, he’ll pretend he doesn’t like it. you just have to be a mind reader, i guess. all this to say that even if he doesn’t tell you outright, haruto definitely wants to cuddle to sleep. sure, you can fall asleep in his arms if you really want (he loves it), but he’d rather fall asleep on you like yoshi does, even though he’s way too heavy for that.
you fight every time you have to decide who gets to be the little spoon - junghwan
my son.. do you guys know that “thank you myson!” jimin meme… anyways… junghwan might have buffed up over the years but do not get him wrong, that man is a little spoon until the day he dies. if you are also the little spoon, you will have to fight. simple as that. you can decide if it’ll be a tickle fight, an argument where you try to prove why you defend to be the little spoon more, or an actual fist fight (you might lose though), you’ll have to settle it one way or another. no matter how much both of you try to deny it, you love it either way anyway. as much as you love the feeling of his arms around you, there’s something about holding such a big man in your arms like he’s half the size that he is. 
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permanent taglist: @k-ingzo @bbujiikseu @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 @chaechae-23 @baekhyuns-lipchain @hyuckslvr @vernonburger @amorbonbon @fluerz @bucketofhiros (ask to be removed/added!)
treasure taglist: @mosviqu @nunoozi
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2024. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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semisolidmind · 4 months
About the cartoon episode dreams.
What if when the other Smiling Critters show up in them, they kinda... act/react out of character for a second. Before getting back into character and smiling again. Some are wistful, and glad that at least one of them survived. Others are kinda salty that Catnap, of all critters, is one of the ones that survived after all he did. (Nothing more than like a brief gasp, them just pausing to stare in horror at the Catnap innocently perching on Y/N's shoulder, or a sad sigh and somber expression before snapping back into place.)
Just something ever so slightly amiss about those Red Smoke induced dreams.
exactly what i was thinking
like, the very first "episode" that y/n experiences is their introduction into the critters' world. they're found, dazed and confused in the woods, by dogday, who of course wants to help them and introduce them to his friends. they wander the woods for a bit, y/n following dogday and listening to him talk about how neat all his friends are. there's something...sad about it, but y/n has no idea why.
after walking a ways, dogday stops suddenly. he's flung an arm out in front of y/n to stop them too, almost protectively. he stares wide-eyed and completely still at a tree to their left. his ever present grin turns down at the edges, and he goes quiet. y/n follows his line of sight to a branch higher up.
a purple cat snoozes in the tree, his long tail dangling in the open air. it flicks occasionally. he seems to sense the presence of our heroes, because he slowly opens his eyes, stretching before turning towards them. his smile grows at the sight of his friend, and he tilts his head curiously at the new arrival standing next to him.
y/n feels a chill down their spine at his stare. they don't know why, but...they feel like they need to run.
then dogday says a cheery hello, seemingly broken out of his trance, and ease returns to the scene. the cat, introduced as dogday's best buddy catnap, comes down from the tree. he silently stares at y/n as dogday introduces them, a big smile on his face. y/n greets him nicely, and after a beat, the cat takes hold of y/n's hand. they get the feeling he's saying that he's ready to go. dogday laughs at his friend's silly ways, grabs y/n's other hand, and leads the group on.
the trio continues through the woods, dogday and y/n laughing and carrying on while catnap remains silent. y/n can feel him intermittently squeezing their fingers or rubbing his thumb on the back of their palm, feeling the bones underneath. they wonder if he or his friends have ever seen a human before.
after a short while, the two critters and their new friend come upon a clearing with a cluster of adorably themed houses. y/n, amused, figures the scratching post and the dog house are the homes of their two new little buddies.
in a big circle in the clearing, a group of critters similar to their two companions are happily playing.
they see a rabbit and a bird playing soccer, an elephant and a unicorn scribbling on some paper and painting at an easel, and a bear and a pig seemingly setting up a picnic. it looks nice. it's a beautiful day for all of them, and they all look so content. y/n feels a pang in their chest.
they want to cry, and they're not sure why.
dogday notices, and gently squeezes their hand. he says nothing, but the sad, shaky smile he gives them speaks volumes.
it's quickly gone when the rabbit notices him and calls his name. the other critters look up as well, a myriad of hellos raising a joyous cadence in the air. they all look so happy to see dogday. their curiosity at y/n is apparent as well, asking who they are and where they come from. the critters all have questions about them, and y/n does their best to answer them.
then catnap steps out from behind y/n's back.
the group of critters all go silent.
they all stare at him; some horrified, some angry. not even a breath is taken in at the sight of the drowsy feline. if catnap is put off by his friend's reactions to him, he makes no indication. though his grip on y/n's hand tightens.
but then the critters snap back to attention. it's almost like they've all decided unanimously to ignore catnap altogether. he doesn't react, his gaze trained on y/n just like the others. his grin hasn't moved.
the critters introduce themselves. bubba, crafty, hoppy, kickin, picky, and bobby. y/n feels like they know them all already. after dogday informs them all that y/n is trying to find a way home, the critters agree that they'll do what they can to help.
the episode ends in static.
y/n wakes up.
–more thoughts; dogday, catnap, and y/n are the ones who feel the strangeness of the dreams the most. the other critters have their moments, but not as often. otherwise most of the dialogue is pretty standard for a kids cartoon.
– another sad thought is that in each dream, the other smiling critters start to dissapear, one by one, confusing dogday and y/n (catnap seems...unresponsive. he also tends to dissapear when the others do, but comes back). they try and try to find them, but they're nowhere to be found. eventually, dogday and catnap are the only ones left. dogday has been getting angrier and angrier at catnap, and he's not sure why. the cat remains as pleasantly lackadaisical as always, though at times his grin seems to freeze and pupils seem to shrink.
–each critter gets an episode where they try to help y/n and y/n helps them in some way. each one would have y/n giving advice on how to solve a problem, using the cutout dialogue from the game as inspiration for the problems the critters face. helping bubba remember something he forgot, helping kickin overcome a fear, helping crafty finish a painting she struggles with, find bobby when she gets lost, helping hoppy reach a goal, helping picky try something new.
after a critter has their own episode, they dissapear.
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zeninsama-moved · 1 year
pay up!
gojo satoru x female reader
satoru's poor time management has you working overtime, and this cheap bastard has something other than cash to pay you with (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
note from author mercury: this is my entry for our slimeball collab over on @bastardblvd , figured the host of the slimiest event on this corner of the internet should probably contribute a lil somethin. let's pretend like i'm not shitting bricks bc this is my first time writing for gojo <3 ending is a little abrupt but i needed to get this out asap or i'd be scrutinizing it for the next five months
content warnings: female reader, unprotected sex, oral and fingering (reader receiving), overuse of the word 'cute', praise and obnoxious petnames (reader receiving), needing to keep quiet, fucking on the couch while the kids are asleep down the hall so if that's a concern for you please don't touch, panty fetish if you squint, cumshot?, implied you've fucked before, unfair compensation for your labor lmao, multiple references to the slimeball au so that may be super jarring if you aren't familiar.
↳ word count: 3.9k
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It's almost eleven, which means Satoru is... very late.
Shit happens, you get it. Maybe work ran later than expected, or the train hit a freeloader on the way back to Grimetown, but still. You can’t help but feel bothered by the lack of text message from your pseudo-employer.
You would never complain about Megumi and Tsumiki. They're absolute angels, and caring for them has never felt like work. Besides, your only other options were a waitressing job at Franky’s or the graveyard shift at the gas station, which you heard is filled with... interesting characters at that time of night. Caring for the coolest elementary schoolers alive seemed like a no-brainer. The arrangement worked out in your favor as well. Satoru ended up moving you into his apartment complex due to his demanding schedule, wanting you to always be close – like two apartments down the hall close.
Contrary to the name, the Luxury Condos on Bastard Boulevard weren’t much of an upgrade from your last apartment. The landlord must be loaded because it’s a miracle this place passed inspection, but you’ll gladly accept updated appliances and neighbors without a small army of pet rats. Even the offensively high rent doesn’t bother you because your pseudo-employer paid it all in cash. 
(You tried asking Satoru exactly where he got all this money from, to which he said, “It ain’t easy being the sexiest designer sunglasses model on this side of town. You gotta work hard to play hard!”)
Anyways, whatever is holding him, you hope it’s a good excuse.
In the meantime, you’ve taken up camp on his sofa, wrapped in a throw blanket that smells vaguely of Satoru's disgustingly expensive cologne. You were too lazy to change the channel from whatever cartoon Megumi was watching before bedtime, laughing through your nose every now and then. It’s not that bad, but still… You’d really, really like to go back to your apartment and hit the hay.
Maybe a little snooze won’t hurt, but of course, right as you close your eyes...
The smart lock clicks behind you. It’s a quarter past eleven when Satoru enters the apartment, looking gorgeous and unbothered, sunglasses low on his nose and DAISO cat-print tote bag slung over his arm.
"Daddy's home!" 
"Shh!" you're glaring from the couch, lips drawn in a frown. "Megumi and Tsumiki are sleeping! Where the hell were you? You couldn't give me a heads up?" 
"Sorry, babycakes. They loved what I was giving 'em, so the shoot ran overtime." Satoru grins at you, pulling the sunglasses off his face and ditching them in the catch-all along with his keys. His shoes are toed off and left by the front door. "Why, you miss me that bad?" 
You're tempted to throw one of the many decorative pillows right at his big, dumb head. Instead you sink back into the couch, pulling the blanket tighter around your frame, grouchy. "Whatever," you sigh. "You're four hours late, so you better pay up." 
Satoru sucks in air through his teeth. "Yeah, about that..."
You don't like where this conversation is heading. 
"Some big guy outside the train station jacked my wallet on the way home. You'll never believe it, he had this fuckin'... worm? On his shoulder? Shit, it was crazy. So I don't have the cash to pay you, but–" 
You glance over your shoulder at the man now rummaging through his bag behind you, eyes and tone full of warning. "Satoru..."
An opened package is waved in your face by a beaming idiot.
"– Ichigo daifuku! Your favorite!"
He's so full of shit. There’s one piece of mochi left, does he really think his already-eaten train snack will fix this? Probably, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, you do like strawberry daifuku mochi. Dammit.  
Despite your annoyance, you don't get up from your spot on the couch. You're tempted to storm out, blow past Satoru and grab your things, maybe give him a good shove while you do it. However, you're tired, and no grand display of your frustrations would change the fact that you'd be returning tomorrow to pick up his kids from school. Also, your apartment is literally two doors down, so you wouldn't truly be escaping Satoru – you'll still feel his annoying energy seeping through the absurdly large gap under your door while you sit there, in the apartment that he bought you, stewing in your annoyance and eating your feelings in a single daifuku mochi. 
God, you might hate this man. You don't even wanna look at him, but despite feeling this way, you let Satoru move closer, ditching the bag of sweets in favor of pinching your puffed-out cheek in his fingers.
“Aw, come on,” he pouts, redirecting your face towards his in an attempt to get you to look at him, but you don’t give him the satisfaction. You force yourself to look anywhere else but the man above you and stubbornly pretend you can’t feel the cool puffs of his mint-gum breath, or notice his devious grin from the corner of your eye. “Don’t be mad at me, babycakes. Is there anything I can do to make it better?” 
“You can go to the ATM and get me some cash."
“Yeah, besides that.”
On the subject of things you hate about Satoru, you hate how quickly he switches up on you. One minute, he's the most annoying man you've ever had the misfortune of knowing. The next, he's smooth and serious. The kind of man that confidently leans in and ghosts his lips over your neck, intentionally fanning his breath over your skin because you made the mistake of telling him you're ticklish there.
"There must be some way for me to make this up to you," Satoru murmurs into your neck, the low vibrations of his voice making you shiver. It's then that you finally cave, eyes slowly meeting his, brilliant blues hidden behind heavy lids.
Unfortunately, he's very handsome.
"Okay," you huff. "Fine."
He kisses your cheek, then your nose, and then he kisses you.
You hate to admit it, but Satoru knows how to kiss. His lips are warm and soft, meshing with yours with confidence, tongue easing into your mouth in a practiced motion.
He momentarily breaks the kiss to join you on the couch, kneeling on the cushion beside you and leaning back in, cradling your cheek in his hand, murmuring against your lips before kissing them again.
"Let me show you just how much I appreciate you."
Satoru reaches down and rests his hand between your thighs, cupping your pussy through the rough fabric of your shorts. You bite your lip at the sensation, stifling a needy whimper, but he knows. Your grouchy demeanor melted so easily for him.
How cute, his little tsundere.
He squeezes you softly, then rubs four fingers up and down, keeping his pace slow.
"You know I can't do it without you, right?"
Your hips lift off the couch, chasing his hand as it continues its unbothered pace. Satoru rewards you by focusing the stimulation on your clit, switching to tighter, firmer circles over the sensitive bud.
"You're just saying that," you mutter.
"Nuh uh," Satoru teases. "I've never seen anyone be so good with my kids. They love you, you know. Maybe more than they love me."
That's not too difficult, you want to quip, but opt to bite your tongue instead. Satoru's touch feels way too good, you don't want him to stop or risk having your orgasm put off just over a snark. Instead, you curl your fingers into the nape of his neck, fidgeting with the shorter tufts of hair there. 
Satoru kisses you again. His hand stops playing with your clit just to skim higher, unfasten the button and zipper on your shorts so he can touch you where you both want it most.
"And you know," he murmurs between kisses, fingers sneaking under the loosened waist of your shorts, then your panties, until you feel his fingers make contact with your bare clit. He watches your reactions closely, smiling when you gasp and buck up into his touch. "I like you too. How can I not? You're too damn cute."
His slender middle finger skims your folds, feeling the wetness there, letting it gather and get him all slick, making it easier when it finally pushes inside you. Just one finger already feels like so much, almost too much. He feels your walls bear down, his cock twitching lazily in his pants. How long has it been since he’s had you last? 
You let him have you once before, back when he spent the whole day helping you move into your new apartment, carrying all those heavy boxes for you like the gentleman he is – and you, being the sweet peach you are, insisted on making him dinner as a thank you.
You reminded Satoru of a cute little housewife, puttering around the kitchen in your apron, though nothing was cuter than the sight of you sinking onto his dick that night, your hands and pussy clinging to him like you couldn’t get enough.
Every time he jerks off, he thinks of that adorable, pinched look on your face when the fat head of his dick first speared you open. 
It's kind of embarrassing, the hold you have on him. 
When you're taking his finger with ease, Satoru presses a second into your cunt, further stretching it out. "Come on, baby, open up for me," he coaxes, voice low and sultry. "Fuck, you don't know how bad I missed this pussy. Gonna let me fuck it again? Hm?"
"Uh huh," you're nodding, dazed, and the sight of you makes Satoru grin. The heel of his palm presses into your clit, providing the right amount of pressure when combined with his fingers.
"Yeah? Gonna let me have this cute pussy to myself?" 
Cruelly, the motion stops.
The lack of stimulation makes you pout.
Satoru's fingers glide out of you with an embarrassingly loud squelch, intentionally brushing along your clit as they withdraw from your shorts and panties. His hand emerges, fingers glistening with clear threads of arousal webbed between them, and before you can think, he slips them past your lips and presses firmly on your tongue, prompting you to suck.
"Tastes good?" Satoru coos, delighted at your eagerness. "Let me taste now, okay, cutie?" 
Shyly, you nod. His fingers withdraw from your mouth, leaving a dribble of spit on your bottom lip. 
Satoru repositions himself to kneel on the floor in front of you, tugging you by the hips so your bottom half comes right to the edge of the couch, dangerously close to his face. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your cunt, the sensation muted by your shorts, but it still makes you gasp. His fingers hook into your shorts and you lift your hips to help him pull them off, but he makes no effort to remove your panties with them. Instead, he fixates on the little wet patch right in the center, caressing it with his finger. Admiring it.
Fuck, you’re so cute. He can’t wait to get his mouth on you. 
"Need to keep quiet, okay?" Satoru instructs, peering up at you through his lashes, watching you take your bottom lip between your teeth and nod. The last thing you need is to disturb the two rugrats asleep down the hall, even if you could pry yourself off Satoru and pull your shorts back on in record time. You don't want this moment to stop, not when the promise of his mouth on your cunt is so deliciously close.
You look so sweet like this, he thinks. Chest heaving, eyes wide and eager, one hand fisting the hem of your shirt, holding it over your stomach for a better view. Satoru smiles up at you, maintaining eye contact as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh.
“What a beautiful girl.”
Satoru buries his face in the soft warmth between your legs. His nose presses into your clit, taking in your scent as his tongue ventures lower, finally getting a taste of your pussy and he shamelessly moans. It’s faint through the fabric. He knows he could taste you better without them, but something about eating pussy through a cute pair of panties never fails to get him so fucking hard. He likes watching them get wetter and wetter, until they're completely soaked from arousal and saliva and clinging to the shape of the pretty pussy underneath.
Your other hand flies down immediately, resting on the back of Satoru’s head to urge him closer, and of course he’ll indulge you. He’ll eat you just the same, dragging his tongue in broad strokes up to your clit, then sucking it into his mouth.
The muted sensation makes you whine. It’s not enough, yet so good. Enough to make your little pussy flutter under your panties. You push his head harder against your cunt, desperate to keep the kissing suction over your clit. You’re certain you could cum like this, between the pressure of Satoru’s tongue and the vibrations when he moans against you. 
A string of saliva connects Satoru’s swollen lips to your panties when he pulls back for air, but this time he pulls the soaked fabric aside, finally getting an eyeful of your pussy.
“Well hi, gorgeous,” he lovingly coos, pressing a light kiss over your clit. “Did you miss me?” 
Is he… really talking to your pussy? 
Scratch that, you hate him again. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, breathless. 
“What do you mean? We’re having a moment,” Satoru replies, voice still sweet and airy, the same way one would talk to a cute little pet. 
If you didn’t need him so badly, you’d kick him right in his dumb face.
Fortunately, Satoru cuts his little bit short and dives back in, tongue sweeping through your folds, finally getting his first real taste of your pussy. You taste even better than he could imagine. 
You release a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, body melting into the couch. Your fingers tangle in soft white hair, urging his head deeper, wanting to feel more of his mouth and Satoru obliges. His tongue dips into your cunt, fucking you with it, then drags up to your clit to lick in slow circles.  
He really, really wants to be inside you right now. His dick is throbbing so hard, he’s amazed he hasn’t passed out yet, but Satoru’s always been a man with a sweet tooth. He doesn’t mind setting his needs aside a while longer if it means eating out some pretty pussy. 
Maybe not too much longer though.
His fingers join between your legs, still slick from your saliva and arousal, and slip easily into your cunt. Making you cum is easy for him, his fingers thrust deep with each lazy roll of his wrist, stimulating that spot inside you with ease. Though, he can tell you're craving more of a stretch, so Satoru, being the chivalrous, generous, oh-so-kind man that he is, gives you a third finger.
Your jaw drops at the intrusion, pussy now spread wide to accommodate the stretch of three fingers as they curl and stroke your sensitive walls, drawing out more wetness and arousal until it drips down his wrist in clear drops.
Satoru knows you're close when you let out a particularly desperate moan, your hips stuttering and walls fluttering so perfectly on his fingers, clit pulsing against his tongue.
"Satoru, I'm–" you warn, trying to keep your voice low.
"I know, baby," he coos in encouragement. "Feels so good, doesn't it? Go ahead, pretty baby. Cum on my tongue if you need to."
You don't need any further coaxing. When you cum, you cum hard, hand smacking over your mouth to muffle your cries as Satoru keeps fucking you through your orgasm, fingers thrusting and tongue lapping up every drop of arousal your sensitive pussy drools out, just for him.
He rests his head on your inner thigh, watching fondly as you come down from your high. His fingers still thrust into you but his pace has slowed significantly, working you through it until your walls stop contracting. Your arousal coats his entire hand when it withdraws from your cunt, even pooling on the couch beneath you. It'll be a bitch to clean, but Satoru can't bring himself to care about that now. His dick might explode if it's not buried in your cunt in the next thirty seconds.
Even as you lay there, chest heaving, you still crave more. Your hands are greedy, grabbing at Satoru while he makes his way up and eases you back against the couch.
“Easy there, tiger,” he chuckles, hooking his fingers into your soaked panties and peeling them down your legs. "Let's take these off you first."
Your panties are discarded somewhere – probably his pocket, that pervert – before Satoru goes in for another kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. One hand rests beside your head, supporting his weight. The other reaches down and palms his dick through his pants. "You need my dick that badly? Hm? Turn around." 
You oblige, rolling over to lay on your stomach and pretending the sound of his belt unfastening doesn't make you warm with anticipation. Satoru shifts to straddle your thighs, placing one of the cushions to rest under your hips, keeping you nice and comfortable while also elevating your ass to be closer to his dick. A win-win.
"Shit," he sighs, pulling his dick from his briefs and jerking it slowly, slicking himself up with your wetness. Precum beads at the tip and he rubs it against your folds, mixing your messes. "It's been a while, huh?" 
"Satoru," you whine, pushing back against him, wiggling your hips slightly in a silent request for him to quit teasing you and get on with it.
Maybe that makes you greedy. After all, he was just nice enough to let you cum on his fingers and tongue, but you don't care. It doesn't hurt to be selfish every once in a while, especially with Satoru of all people.
When Satoru finally presses the thick head of his dick into you, it feels like you’re being split in two. He's immediately met with resistance, your cunt bearing down, struggling to accommodate it even with all the prep he gave you. So he starts slow and shallow, dragging his heavy dick in and out, bullying your cunt into relaxing and letting more of him fit. He pulls out and taps the head against your entrance again. "Come on, sweetie, open up for me~" 
He eases into your cunt again, but this time Satoru leans in, his opposite hand settling on the other side of your head, smothering you with his weight in the best way possible. His body blankets yours, pinning your back under his chest and ass against his hips. His dick pushes into you with more persistence, inch after inch sinking deeper until he's buried to the hilt.
Your eyes roll back, mouth hanging open in a silent scream. You're probably drooling all over his couch, but it's hard to feel shame when he's filling you out so nicely. He's so deep, it's like he's forcing the air out of your lungs and replacing it with his dick.
His lips ghost over your shoulder, kissing it sweetly, then he starts to move. Slow, deep thrusts, only withdrawing an inch before he's chasing that warmth again. He fucks you as hard as he can without being too noisy, limiting the smack of his hips against your ass, even though he really wants to see it bounce from the force of his thrusts. If he could, he’d be making you scream right now, watch some pretty tears stream down your face because of what his dick does to you. Yeah, that would be cute.
Satoru ruts ruthlessly into the tight heat of your cunt, chasing the orgasm he’s needed so fucking desperately. Balls slap against your clit, heavy with all his pent-up release. He takes advantage of your open mouth and forces two fingers inside, pressing down firmly on your tongue and delighting in the way you slobber around them, in the way your cheeks subconsciously hollow and suck them deeper, still tasting your pussy on them.
Sucking on his fingers keeps you quiet, gives you something else to focus on if not the relentless pounding against your cervix, or how close you’re getting to snapping and cumming all over his dick.
“Shit, you’re so perfect,” Satoru huffs against your neck. "I can feel you squeezing me, baby, I know this little pussy wants to cum."
It’s hard to moan his name when his stupidly long fingers are prodding the back of your throat. You’re babbling, crying out for Thatowu to keep fucking you, it feels so good, and he’s grinning like an idiot above you. Yeah, baby? It feels good?
Satoru’s fingers withdraw from your mouth only to snake underneath your body and stake claim on your clit, massaging in slow circles, coaxing you closer to your orgasm. You can’t take it anymore. Your body goes limp, cheek smashed into the cushion, gaping mouth smearing drool all over the fabric while your cunt creams around his dick.
“Shit, that’s it, baby,” Satoru moans, feeling your cunt squeeze around his dick like it's trying to swallow him whole. “Shit, you’re gonna make me cum. Is that what you want, baby? You want me to fill this pussy up?”
You’re too fucked out to answer, but that’s okay, because Satoru wasn’t really asking. More like letting you know he’s seconds away from driving his dick as deep as possible and unloading right against your cervix. God, he’d really like that, but he can't risk having any more rugrats right now. Not when his career as the only sexiest designer sunglasses model in Grimetown is taking off.
Instead, he pulls out of your cunt and manhandles you onto your back, quickly stroking his dick, filling the living room with the lewd sounds of your wetness squelching around him. You're laying there, dazed, legs spread wide and pussy exposed, all swollen and leaky and clenching around the air. The sight of your debauched face sends Satoru over the edge. He releases with a groan, cum splattering on your lower stomach, inner thighs, all over your pussy, before pressing the head right against your clit and letting the rest of his load drip.
You both need a minute after that. Maybe several minutes. 
Blood still rushes in your ears when you come to. You push yourself up on shaking arms, Winnie the Pooh-ing it with your tee shirt and lack of panties. You're a mess, all sweaty with his cum painting your lower half, even parts of the couch underneath you. Maybe he'll offer up his shirt as a cumrag so you don't have to do the walk of shame to the bathroom.
You watch Satoru, who is already back to his normal, irritating self, snatch his bag off the side table, already craving a little something sweet. He chomps into the last strawberry daifuku mochi in the packet and you frown.
“Hey, I thought that was for me."
“We can still share,” Satoru teases, waving the mochi-half in your face with a grin.
Huffing, your eyes drop back down to the open bag on his lap and… wait a minute. Has that been here this whole time?
“Satoru, is that your wallet?” 
He looks down, a little rice flour on his chin.
“Oh, shit! Where did that come from?” 
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littleguyconnor · 5 months
Sleeping with the mercs (literally) <3
Engineer: Has no concept of a sleep schedule, when he goes to bed is completely random every night. But the times when the both of you do go to sleep together, he’s very cuddly. He might be a little shy at first, but he gets over it once you wind up tangled in each others arms in the morning. His room is kept pretty simple I think, since he doesn’t stay in there often, but there’s some overflow of things from his garage. Sheets are light and airy from living in Texas, but the heater definitely comes on in the winter.
Scout: Also has no sleep schedule, though he’s more prone to passing out around midnight. Talkative up until the very moment he falls asleep because his mind is racing constantly. Probably still has a twin sized mattress so it’s pretty cramped, but he’s long and thin so cuddling makes enough room for both of you. He moves around a lot though, so sometimes the blankets end up on the floor in the middle of the night. Prefers to keep his room on the cooler side.
Demoman: Goes to bed pretty late, but it’s always around the same time. Very open to cuddling, loves to be the big spoon. Snores a little, but nothing too obstructive. Mattress is soft and squishy with big, thick comforters. Lots of quilts stacked on top of them that his mom made, which essentially act as a weighted blanket. Room is on the chillier side, but all the bedding prevents it from being uncomfortable. Sleeps like a rock.
Soldier: Has an extremely strict schedule and follows it exactly every single night with no exceptions. He’s kind of like a cartoon character in that he'll pull out a book, read one sentence, and then immediately pass out and start snoring. Doesn’t mind cuddling but you have to be the big spoon. His sheets and room are kept very plain, he just has the bare essentials and not much else. The bed is comfortable, though, and there’s a little raccoon stuffed animal he sleeps with every night. Room is kept pretty cold, but he’s warm so it’s okay.
Pyro: Has a set bedtime and routine they like to follow, which includes keeping a nightlight on. Bed is soft with tons of blankets and stuffed animals piled on top of it almost like a nest. If enclosed spaces feel secure and comforting to you, Pyro’s bed is the perfect place to be. Room is kept pretty warm. Heavy sleeper to a comical degree, if a fire alarm went off they’d still be snoozing. Curls up in bed like a cat.
Sniper: Goes to bed early, but doesn’t actually fall asleep until way later. It takes a while for him to get comfortable with the idea of sharing a bed with someone, but once he does, he’s very clingy and very affectionate. Loves to be both the big and little spoon, it doesn’t matter which. It’s definitely cramped in his van, which means cuddling is necessary if you both want to fit. It gets a little cold at night, so he layers a heated blanket over the rest of the bedding. Wakes up early in the morning.
Heavy: The only one with a healthy bedtime. He has a lamp next to his bed so that he can read a bit before sleeping, and sometimes he falls asleep with the book still in his hands. Bed is very very large and very very comfortable. Thick comforters, fur blankets, fluffy pillows, everything is built to keep heat in and the cold out. He’s like a personal heater, this man radiates warmth. Likes to sleep side by side with you so he doesn’t accidentally crush you.
Medic: You have to drag this man into bed, he will not sleep otherwise. He’s usually exhausted though, so he falls asleep quickly once he’s actually in bed. Likes cuddling and being cuddled, and his chest is the perfect place to lay on. His room is cluttered with jars of unidentified substances and creatures, books, medical tools, and scattered papers. His bed is the only cleared off space, mainly because he doesn’t ever use it. Room is chilly, but he also radiates heat so it’s never uncomfortable.
Spy: Usually goes to bed at around midnight. His living quarters and room are usually off limits to anyone but himself, so inviting you in is a big show of trust for him. He’s not much of a cuddler, but he’ll hold you for as long as you want if you ask him. Sheets and blankets are silky smooth and soft and have just the faintest smell of smoke. His room itself is very lavish with warm lighting. He has a fireplace that keeps the room nice and toasty.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
can i request ateez reaction to yoh falling asleep on the couch when waiting for them to comeback from work?
ateez when they find their s/o asleep on the couch
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genre: fluffiest fluff, tad bit of angst in wooyoung's
word count: 1k
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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hongjoong never expected you to stay up for him. i mean, who are we kidding? he comes back home at the most atrocious times, varying from the early hours of the morning with caffeine stilling running in his system. but you are so persistent; it's hard to persuade you otherwise. you're always so determined to stay awake until he gets back.
only this time you fell asleep.
hongjoong smiled fondly at the sight before him. his favourite person splayed out on the couch, a blanket lazily covering your body and the tv blaring on dimly in the background. he couldn't stop smiling at the sight as he took a neat photo with you, definitely adding it to his photography collection. you looked so gorgeous. so calm and unaware of him even coming in. there was nothing that truly warmed his heart more than the perfect sight of you.
seonghwa chuckled warmly as he approached your sleeping body quietly. he wasn't surprised to find you asleep when he did; it was late and he knew what time you needed to get up in the morning.
"y/n-ahh," he whispered softly, taking one of your earphones out that was playing his own asmr video (which helped you drift off to sleep when he wasn't there.) "you shouldn't be here, you should be in bed," his critical tone was soft as he watched you stir and yawn.
without another word, he picked up your sleeping form into his arms and walked to the bedroom, placing you gently on your side of the bed and tucking you in securely.
yunho lent against the door frame and grinned widely as he watched you sleeping. he couldn't help but laugh as you continued to snore your head off in a very humorous manner. he just had to take a video of you like this, for future purposes, of course.
but it wasn't like you to sleep on the couch, that was for sure. he hoped you hadn't stayed up just for him but he knew that was the case.
not wanting to wake you, he tiptoed over to you and placed a fluffy blanket on top of you, making sure you were warm and comfortable. then, he went to get showered and changed, a small smile playing on his lips at the thought of how adorable you were.
your book laid on top of your face as if you were some sort of loveable cartoon character, written into a tv show for comedic and endearing effect. yeosang couldn't help but laugh, wondering how on earth you weren't being suffocated by the heavy pages of the book.
on lifting the book off your face, relieving you from the pressure, you blinked your eyes open.
"why are you on the couch?" yeosang mused, settling down next to you and snaking an arm around your shoulder.
"i was waiting for you," you say, rubbing your eyes roughly. yeosang's heart fluttered, though he would never admit it. he smiled and pulled you against him.
"well that's very sweet of you, jagi," he mumbled shyly and kissed the top of your head.
"aww baby you didn't stay up for me did you?"
san pouts cutely as he looks at your half-dazed expression, waking up from your snooze on the couch.
you had done this before for him; staying up for when he gets home. it's only because it was so hard to sleep without him. both your bodies were now trained to find comfort in each other presence, and it was genuinely difficult to drift off to sleep if the other wasn't there.
so san snuggled on the couch with you, enclosing you tightly in his arms. he felt so loved that you thought to stay up for him yet again. he felt so blessed to have you in his arms once again.
"i just missed you so much."
that sentence brought tears into mingi's eyes as he walked over to the couch, which you lay on, quite comfortable in waiting for him to return home.
he felt like he didn't deserve such kindness, such pure love from you. after such a long, tiring, physically and emotionally exhausting day, there was nothing he needed to hear more than that.
he immediately went to you and curled up in your arms, holding you close to him and kissing you deeply. and he wondered how a person could feel so like home.
"you shouldn't have stayed up for me."
"why? i can do what i want."
"yeah but it's way too late, i don't want you to lose sleep because of me."
wooyoung felt guilty. he felt guilty about not being there when you needed him, but most of all when he came back much later than usual. time seemed to disappear and he felt so worried that you were being affected by this.
"i love you," you said sternly. "i love you and i will stay up for you." you crossed your arms and sunk back into the sofa. wooyoung tutted and laid next to you in a cuddly grumble. he knew how stubborn you were. but that made him love you just as much.
"fine, do what you want."
"oh i will."
jongho shakes you gently awake. "jagi~" his voice sounds melodic, which is surprising considering he has been singing all day. you are always surprised at how his vocal cords can manage. but of course, this is jongho. he is stronger in all aspects.
"y/n, wake up~" jongho poked at your cheek as you toss and turned, waking up slowly and mumbling something.
"you should be in bed, why are you in the living room?" jongho questioned, tucking a strand of hair elegantly behind your ear.
"i was waiting for you to get back from work," you said with one eye open. he felt a bubble of joy in his heart, feeling very much needed and loved by you. this was more than he could ever wish for.
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queseraone · 29 days
Rank the episodes of season 6… 😈
This took me forever, because I had to go back and look at transcripts and watch clips for several episodes...
And being the insane person that I am, my ranking process involved giving each episode a grade for (a) the episode itself, and (b) the Chenford.
Fair warning, this is a loooooooooooooooooong post, but here we go (from worst to best, in my humble opinion):
6x10 | Escape Plan Listen, I hated this episode. Take out the Chenford content and it absolutely lands near the top of my list of most-hated episodes of The Rookie ever. Because it barely felt like an episode of The Rookie—it was a constant parade of villains. I don't watch this show to follow random bad guys, I watch for the characters I love. And we spent less than half of the episode with my people (one day I'll re-watch and keep track of the exact percentage). I haaaaaaate Monica (she's honestly like a cartoon villain at this point), and I still have no idea who the Big Bad is/was?? Could someone please enlighten me?
The Chenford scenes were about the only redeeming moments for me. Love, love, loved the return of our beloved Battle Couple™. I loved seeing them riding together (Chenford in a vehicle together is everything to me), and they had some great conversations that very much felt like small steps forward. But those small moments weren't enough to redeem an incredibly disappointing episode for me, so that's why this lands at the bottom of my list.
6x05 | The Vow This episode ranks low because nearly every plotline felt abrupt and forced. There wasn't much follow-up to previous plot (the Budny shooting was apparently resolved to the point that Lucy was okay with being gifted a reminder of a moment that had her breaking down the last time she was on our screens...), nor was there enough build-up to anything we saw. It very much felt like they needed another episode or two in between to fill in a lot of those blanks.
I liked the Chenford (or I guess the Tim and Lucy mostly) because it definitely packed an emotional punch (especially the scene when Tim shows up at her place and she turns him away), but the contrast between Lucy laying awake worrying about Tim and her almost comedic use in Aaron's storyline was jarring, like we were watching two very different versions of her character. We know she's damn good at compartmentalizing, but that felt like a stretch.
6x03 | Trouble in Paradise This one is tricky for me, because while I loved the Chenford in this episode (it included one of my new favourite Chenford moments!), the episode itself was a snooze. I give absolutely zero fucks about Nolan and Bailey, and spending a huge chunk of time following them on their snooze of a honeymoon is not it. I still can't tell you what happened on that island(?), I just couldn't get invested (also that was the least romantic/passionate honeymoon to ever happen). And we had very little of Angela, Nyla, Aaron, etc., so that was a bummer too.
Seeing Tim and Lucy riding with Celina was fun, the Chenford domestic moments were lovely, and it was so nice to see Tim being so supportive of Lucy through her detective exam and with the trophy (!!!!), etc. Great moments, but I just can't get past the dreadful A-plot of the honeymoon.
6x01 | Strike Back My biggest gripe with this episode was that it felt anticlimactic following the intensity of 5x22. Yes, they picked right up in the immediate aftermath, but it was lacking somewhere. I think because they did that time jump and seemed to leave that whole storyline in the dust until the end of the season.
There were things I liked and things I didn't like with regards to Chenford. This episode was a great example of the challenges that come from the transition from TO/rookie to sergeant/aide, to boyfriend/girlfriend. TO Tim and BF Tim are very different, and the lines got blurred a bit. I hated the sprinkler thing (that's not on Lucy or Tim, that's on the other officers, and that's the hill I'll die on), but the conversation at the end of episode was so intense, and that's exactly what I want, the show to make me feel things.
6x09 | The Squeeze I'm going to start this one off by saying (again)—it was Lucy's birthday. What in the Sixteen Candles!!!! This is a timeline fumble, even for The Rookie. In that opening scene at the apartment, I was fully expecting Nolan to open that pastry box and having cupcakes or something, so I was flabbergasted when they just blew past not only the fact that it was her birthday, but that she also spilled so many feelings and he was basically like “okay, cool.” Nolan is a terrible friend (if they can even be called friends at this point).
Moving past that... where the hell was everyone?! Tim wasn't in the second half of the episode, Aaron had all of four lines, Bailey wasn't in it at all... and yet Monica. was. everywhere. Ugh.
ANYWAY. I did love seeing everyone rally around Tim (even though it made it even more obvious when they weren't when it was Lucy going through a difficult time). And the highlight of the episode for me was the Chenford elevator scene. Watching Lucy clearly contemplating, then making the decision to follow him into the elevator—I love that she acknowledged how she was feeling, but still managed to set that aside and be there for Tim. What a showcase of her empathy. (But truth be told, she needed that hug just as much as he did.)
6x07 | Crushed I LOVE seeing them all working together on one case. The team dynamic is a huge draw for me, and it's definitely something they've moved away from in the last couple of seasons (a byproduct of moving half of them out of patrol). So that felt like a really welcome return to their roots.
I really enjoyed watching Tim and Lucy in the immediate aftermath of the breakup. Do I wish we'd seen Lucy opening up to someone other than Sgt. Grey? Yes. But more than that, I'm glad we got to see her processing. She's hurt, she's confused, she's angry, and she's earned the right to feel all of those things.
Dr. London read Tim like a fucking book, and his actions solidified that—this is just another example of the way Tim continues to delude himself into thinking everything's fine, when in reality it's absolutely not (ahem, lie detector scene). I'm really happy that we saw him pursue therapy of his own volition, not because it was department-mandated or because someone was requesting it. Recognizing that you need help is a huge step for anyone, but it feels particularly monumental for Tim.
6x02 | The Hammer What a fun episode! Was it the best? Absolutely not. Was it worthy of being the monumental 100th episode? Eh. But as a whole I really enjoyed this one! It started off strong with the return of “Daddy Cop”—HELL. YES. And I really enjoyed the way they carried plotlines early in the season. Th first few episodes flowed together quite well, and it really felt like it was spanning a handful of days. The group scenes (the bachelor and bachelorette parties) were a lot of fun, I really wish they'd do more of those! I actually liked Nolan and Bailey's wedding vows (it's probably the closes I've ever been to caring about their relationship). I was pleasantly surprised to see Henry again, though it felt like a waste to go to that trouble (on-screen and off) to not have a scene with him and his dad. There are a lot of other characters I would have preferred to see instead of Skip Tracer Randy (Elroy! Ben! Pete!), but I did love Grey's “Sit down, German.” 😂
And then the Chenford. Again, it flowed really well from their tense moment in the previous episode (I'm reluctant to call it a fight), and it was nice to see them navigating the aftermath of that, and then come back together at the wedding. The thing with The Hammer was ridiculous in the most TR way, so I enjoyed that whole interaction. The ring imagery was !!!!, but also feels a little bit cruel in hindsight, knowing where they were going with that relationship this season. But I'm going to stay firm to my thinking that they couldn't possibly be cruel enough to do that without actually making it happen for real one day. ANYWAY. I loved hearing them say “I love you” (though I still wish we saw the first ones), and the dance scene was, overall, wonderful. I loved that it was Tim approaching Lucy, the “it's about damn time” look on her face, the way they come together so easily, the way they look at each other... love.
6x08 | Punch Card Another instance of seeing the team working together, so that contributes to this landing high on my list. (The good parts outweighed the absolute absurdity of Nolan and Bailey seeking medical help when they've only been trying to get pregnant for about five minutes.)
It was fun to see Lucy as a TO. I've long thought that path could be a good fit for her, however I'm not on board with the idea of it being something she resorts to after not be able to pursue the career path she really wants... The show would never do it, but it would certainly be fun to see Lucy be an incredible training officer in parallel to Nolan doing a terrible job at it (no one will convince me that he's a good TO, he's awful). Regardless of the longer term intentions for this, it was nice seeing Lucy work with Celina and to see her kicking ass at it.
And then, of course, the Kojo scene, already such a favourite for me. Beyond seeing my beloved pup again, it was also such an important moment, for Tim, for Lucy, for Chenford. We've seen Tim put on this strong façade (as he always does), but this really shows the audience just how much he's hurting in the aftermath of Ray/the breakup. And it also lets Lucy see that Tim still cares, because until now, she's been more or less been operating on the assumption that Tim walked away easily. It felt so incredibly hopeful, and showed us just how deep their feelings run.
6x04 | Training Day There was a lot to dislike in this episode (Nolan saying the exact wrong thing to Lucy, Angela and Nyla not being as supportive of Lucy as I'd hoped/expected, seeing Lucy struggling post-exam results...), but there was so much to love.
I love Tim and Aaron working together, and Tim busting out a training acronym just makes me so damn nostalgic. And sorry not sorry, it was refreshing to see Nolan get called out (and face repercussions, however minor) for his ineptitude as a training officer. Because while, yes, Celina is a rookie and bound to make mistakes, like Nyla said, “as her TO, that is on you.” I know he's the main character, but I'll say it until I'm blue in the face—it's so fucking boring watching a character win over and over and over again. There's no depth there.
Lucy being an absolute badass was wonderful, and when I tell you my heart stopped when I heard that gunshot, my god. And that hospital scene??? What can I say but the hospital scene!!!!!! That was everything. Great music (*sidebar, they've made some really beautiful song choices this season!!), great to see Tim rushing to her side, and it was just the greatest of the great to watch him supporting her, the way she melts into him, how impeccably Melissa acted that scene... all of it was phenomenal.
6x06 | Secrets and Lies Oh god, what does it say about me that my favourite episode of the season was the one with breakup?!?! 😅 But seriously, the episode gave us alllll the emotionally intense moments, and I'm here for it. Loved the Tim and Angela scenes (my favourite relationship on the show outside of Chenford), loved Nyla working with Aaron again and seeing her dip her toes back into UC work, loved seeing Commander West(!!!!!) back.
Obviously the breakup (and the events leading up to it) was painful as fuck, but they did it SO well. Eric and Melissa acted the hell out of this episode, and it paid off in a big way. It was emotionally compelling and I felt (and continue to feel) so strongly about their scenes. They made it so easy to feel for both of these characters, and that speaks volumes. It hurts like hell, but it was so well done!
Whew, longest post ever! (I suppose I could just have gone 10, 5, 3, 1, 9, 7, 2, 8, 4, 6, but... that's boring!)
Again if I was ranking on Chenford scenes alone, things would certainly shake out differently. And even still, I could probably swap a few of these spots.
Thanks for the fun/exhausting question! 💗
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toon-bunny · 1 month
Cathal head canons!!! I'm crazy about this guy so please be warned that there is a LOTTTTT under the cut
voice: Andrew VanWyngarden. soft tone, high pitch, speaks kinda slowly, little bit of vocal fry. breathy/hiccup-y laugh. definitely has that muffled synthetic sound like the in-game voice too
speaking sample (please ignore the weird title, this is just a good compilation)
singing sample (I don't imagine them singing, but I do like the voice effect here and the cadence)
personality: extremely perceptive and smart. friendly, light-heartedly sarcastic guy with a metric ton of non-emotive autism. it's kind of deceiving? because when u think of non-emotive autism u think of a guy who never smiles or changes pitch but Cathal is passively very smiley and has a laid back demeanor. very interesting guy to me. he is VERY passionate about his interests, they just aren't indulged/taken seriously by others so it's believed he just doesn't give a fuck about anything. that and they're still not very animated when infodumping
very alienated from living kind of outside of the cogs lifestyle. not that he should be pitied for not having to work, but how do you live and socialize in a culture completely dedicated to work when you don't Do That. but I think he would have odd friendships with other sellbot managers and probably some others
they have a good relationship with dad of course. I like to think that Allan Gets him and doesn't give him a hard time for his perceived lack of passion or anything like that. but giving him a very cushy job and continuing to encourage him w/ said job that doesn't interest him is just how Allan thinks is the best way to support him. I don't remember where I read this but I love the idea that Allan isn't emotionally getting anything out of his job either BUT he's better at masking that and believes he will if he keeps doing his best - it's "supposed" to feel good. sorry wait this is just me thinking about Allan
I do like the idea that, in addition to this job not really aligning with Cathal's interest, they also dgaf because no one would take them seriously in this position anyway even if they DID try. not only do they look silly and non-serious, they'd still be resented for having this position even if they proved they were qualified for it. so it becomes a feedback loop. I'm basically making a ton of reasons as to why he acts the way he does in canon which might seem excessive when ONE trait would explain it alone, but I really like when there are a bunch of experiences/symptoms/etc that foster a particular behavior/outlook and can't be untangled from each other
I think he likes TV shows because they kind of fill the void of connection with others… cartoons kind of endear them to toons but also whenever a character that represents someone like him shows up, they're 1) malicious and greedy, fat as shorthand for capitalist monster or 2) a selfish, stuffy nerd who's meant to be ridiculed by the audience. so no, liking cartoons doesn't necessarily make him more sympathetic to the toons' cause or push him to help, bc he's led to believe he also doesn't have a place in their society
all of the above points also make them a little intimidated by activism and seeking a better life. I think he got cornered into a particular brand of quiet nihilism. I am definitely inspired by this song
in terms of disabilities and conditions…..chronic insomnia from snoozing and lazing about all day, not getting any energy out when it's appropriate. CFS like crazzzzy. autism of course. and also ADHD's brother, cognitive disengagement syndrome
expanding on their canon interest in TV shows, I'm handing my luv of animation to them, but I also think this is the type of guy who could watch scarier stuff and just enjoy the artistry of it. as in "oh wow those practical effects are so well done" (guy who's unfazed by the horrors). (I'm so jealous of this I want to have this ability)
I think they'd like retro games more than I do, he seems like they'd enjoy a good GBA title. maybe roguelikes and metroidvanias, stuff that could be considered tedious and punishing to some but a really fun and rewarding way to waste time to others. he's got a lot of time on his hands to metaphorically bash his head against the wall with more difficult titles ykwim?
this bit's inspired by my friend's AU Toon After Time, I can't undo the association between them and tech knowledge/know-how LOL. I knowwww he collects VHS tapes and other old equipment and can also troubleshoot anything to do with old TVs, VCRs, etc
other details…
I KNOWWWWW it's so cliche to give the cogs tails but I can't help it I LOVE ROBOT TAILS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. plus I love the idea that if cogs have tails, they are prehensile, but Cathal can't even be arsed and just lets it drag everywhere so it's all worn out and torn up from getting stepped on/caught in stuff. I also like the idea of it flopping VERY slowly once or twice if they're happy. like a very old dog wagging its tail
inspired by this post by bunglefication, I love the idea that Gizmo is treated well by Cathal and is more like a service animal to them :D so awesomes
bc my friend suggested "closet femme Cathal" once I am now 100% sold on Cathal dressing at least a little more femme at home 🌈 likes to get cutes with it for funsies. other than that, I like the idea of 90s tech guy/TTRPG guy type clothing for them. like imagine a Best Buy employee or Blockbusters employee in the 90s do you see my vision
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top tier parenting
[ID1: A one-panel comic, with flat colors. It is a recreation of a Calvin and Hobbes panel with Tales of Vesperia characters and OCs. Flynn Scifo leans over a bed, pulling sheets up over the artist’s fan-child for him and Yuri Lowell, Mako. Mako is a small child with brown skin and short, curly dark hair. Also being tucked in beside them is a blue dog which resembles Repede. The dog is already snoozing. Mako clutches at the edges of the sheet, telling Flynn, brightly, “I hope one day, I’m as smart as Dad is.” Flynn, expression wary and annoyed, replies, “…Why, what did he tell you now?” ID2: A one-panel comic featuring characters in flat colors and a pastel green-to-red gradient background. It features Yuri Lowell, Flynn Scifo, and the artist’s fan-child for them, Mako. Yuri is depicted from the hips up, and holds Mako aloft in his arms. He declares, “ACAB includes elf on a shelf” (screenshot of twitter user ColetteReneee). Mako looks at him with an open, curious expression, eyes wide. In the foreground, the back of Flynn’s head and shoulder are visible, with a cartoon anger sign on the back of his head. /End ID]
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askthechronoverse · 3 months
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"This is QUNI Radio! It's 8:00 am and it's going to be a beautiful day here in the Unicapital!" A rich and slightly obnoxious voice cut through the darkness as a yellow hand reached out to silence it. A gray hand gently stopped the other as the voice started to talk about the weather forecast.
"Babe… just five more minutes." A gruff voice muttered as he tried once again to hit snooze. He purred as the other man kissed his neck.
"No. It's your turn to take Catherine to school." The man with the gray hand placed that hand on his partner's unshaven face. "You also have to be at work early, remember? Come on, Jay. You need to get up."
"Oh, fine. But only because I love you." RJ flipped around lazily to kiss his husband’s forehead before sluggishly getting out of bed and opening the curtains.
The morning sun quickly ate the darkness to reveal the large bedroom. A very unabashedly 90's feeling pop song started playing, having been announced prior as a re-released song off a lost album from the early days of Old Bricksburg played as Richard floated out of bed and began to make it look neat again. The room had a slanted ceiling, a fan at the center of the intersection of the two slants. It was decorated tastefully, the dark pink wood of the furniture matching the floor perfectly.
"Wonder how they got Lucy to agree to release that? She always hated that part of her life." RJ mostly said this to himself as he threw on a random shirt, vest, and pants he pulled from an older looking set of drawers before stretching with a loud yawn.
"You say that every single time this song plays on the radio and it always amazes me that it amazes you that someone so tough could have come from a pop band like this." Richard shook his head softly as he started to get dressed as well, his movements far more intentional and refined. "I suppose my question is more why she left the band in the first place."
"I may have to ask her when I see her next. She hates talkin' about her backstory, so I probably won't get anywhere." Tweed covered arms wrapped around RJ as another kiss landed on his neck. This caused a soft smile to stretch over the rough man's face.
"Unlike someone else I could name. Some of us have nothing to hide. Right, my beloved?" Richard chuckled, letting go of his husband to finally silence the alarm clock.
"I know, I know. It just… it helps to be open about where you came from. At least it did for me." He followed Richard with his eyes as he disappeared down the stairs to start breakfast.
It was the smell of bacon and slightly burnt toaster waffles that finally summoned RJ downstairs. He snatched a full coffee mug that proclaimed that the person who owned the mug was the world's best dad, though the word best was crossed out and replaced with the word okayest off of the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. He headed for a door that was close to the back of the cabin that was covered in cute and glittery stickers of cartoon characters and baked goods with faces. RJ opened the door and the light that leaked out from behind him caused a swift movement of blankets being thrown over a child’s head.
"Five more minutes, Daddy. Pleeeeeeeease?" The child moaned as RJ slid into the room and pulled the blanket down to reveal the child's face. She looked up at him with watery eyes and a quivering lower lip.
"As your dad, I am immune to that look." RJ shook his head softly as he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Come on, kiddo. We gotta do stuff today." The girl moaned and slid out of bed. As she got ready, RJ left the room to help his husband finish prepping breakfast by setting the bar with mismatched utensils. He didn't turn when his husband addressed him.
"As a reminder: I have a meeting today to discuss the current status of Master Doom and the other Doom Lords with Queen Wa'nabi and her officials. I will be coming home late tonight, so you need to pick Catherine up from school and most likely put her to bed." Richard finished putting all of the food on plates and placed two of them on the bar. "We may end up talking about you as well, my love." He sighed sadly, brows furrowed as he picked at a strip of bacon.
RJ silently waved the concerns off with a flick of his hand as he sat at the bar to eat. “That… that all happened a long time ago." He practically muttered to himself.
"I'm worried that won't matter. Since Unitron took over interplanetary crimes, they've been going over older reports. There's a very good chance they might take you away from us for at the very least a trial if Queen Wa'nabi can't hold them back." The nervousness didn't abait. “I'm worried things will end poorly."
“Please do what ya gotta ta make sure it doesn't." The fear RJ was feeling was tangible until a mumbled good morning behind him made both men go silent.
"Good morning, Catherine." Richard's monotone was soft and calm as he slid a plate closer to the child. "Please eat as quickly as you can. You and your father are going to be late. Don't eat too fast, however. You'll get hungry sooner." He turned back to the kitchen and began to prepare Kit’s lunch.
"Thanks, Papa." Kit didn't seem to be enthusiastic as she ate a bite of black toast slowly. She suddenly turned to RJ and bounced a little on her stool. "So are we walking to school today, Daddy? Is that why we're up early?"
"Nah. I'm takin' ya in the truck. I got things ta do at the office, so I leave when you do." He frowned slightly at this daughter's readable disappointment. "Hey, guess what?"
"What?" She asked as she adjusted the sky blue horn headband on her head. RJ pushed the horn just in front of her heart shaped cowlick.
"It's only you an' me tonight." He saw the words light up Kit's eyes and let his smile turn to a grin.
"Awesome!" She jumped down from the stool and rushed to grab her glittery unicorn backpack, in which Richard had shoved a matching unicorn lunch box. Kit grabbed this bag and rushed off to her bedroom.
"That doesn't mean that you can skip your homework, Catherine. I do expect you to do your assignments before I return tomorrow morning." Richard didn't raise his voice higher than someone would in a loud room. When Kit nodded, he went back to eating his breakfast. He turned to RJ. "Please make sure she does her assignments. She has a project coming up for history class that needs to be finished and turned in by the end of the week." Richard kissed RJ's lips softly. "I know you will do that, right?"
"Yeah. Of course. What is she supposed to be doing?" RJ grabbed both Kit’s and his plate, putting them in the sink.
"It's just a basic family tree. I'm sure her friends are going to be a little jealous that she's somewhat related to Unikitty and Puppycorn." Richard leaned into RJ, who put an arm around him.
"I think most people know that, R. That won't be a shock." RJ let go of Rick to run his fingers through his salt and pepper hair. He watched Kit rush over to the counter, where she waited earnestly. "You set ta samba, kiddo?" She adjusted the strap on a beaten up brown canvas and leather messenger bag that was adorned with patches with both cute slogans and local attractions.
"Yeah!" Kit hugged Richard tightly. "Love you, Papa! Have a good day at work!" She ran toward the garage and RJ's truck. RJ gave his husband a long, soft kiss. Richard pulled away, the artificial light in the kitchen showing his age way more than he probably would have liked.
"Go. I know you're the boss but it's unbecoming of the commander of the Royal Chrononauts to be late for an all hands meeting." Richard brushed the back of his hand against RJ's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, my beloved. Remember that I will love you, forever and always."
"Richard, I love you too. You made me a better man than I could have ever been." One last kiss, then RJ joined Kit in his beat up red pick up truck.
"So, did you finish saying goodbye to Papa?" Kit giggled as RJ started the car. Her unicorn backpack was not in the cab, but her canvas bag was on her lap. "How many times did he kiss you?" A few hearts popped up over her head as she spoke, clearly enamored by how romantic it all was.
"Enough, Kitten. But at the same time, not enough." He chuckled deeply as he started to head into town after some minor protest from the vehicle’s engine.
It took a while for the forest to transition into the bustling city, but when it did it felt like it hit like an ocean wave in a storm. There wasn't too much in the way of vehicle traffic, but bicycles filled the roadways. Sure, the occasional car was seen parallel parked by the sidewalks and safely nestled in small parking areas, but it was a less common sight on the road. He drove until he reached a building that looked like it fell from somewhere outside of time. The architecture was old but the actual building looked like it had just been built. A banner with a happy cartoon almiraj in a bowtie cheerfully stated that the school hoped the students would have a good summer.
"Can't believe summer is almost here." RJ sighed softly, glancing at his child bouncing in her seat anxiously.
"I just want it to come already!" Kit moaned.
"Can't wait to get started on some fun?” RJ said while trying to suppress a yawn.
"I thought I was gonna work with you this year?" This was spoken with a flutter of her eyelashes.
"I was hoping you'd work with your father this year, if you wanted to go that route. Your father and I agree that what I do is a bit too dangerous for you right now. Time travel isn't something to play with and I don't want you to get hurt." He ruffled Kit's dark gray hair, then bellowed at the sound of a fist pounding hard on his truck door. The two humans turned to the driver's side window to see a being with bee wings whose eyes were covered by a dense cluster of leaves. The only feature that could be seen on their face with any sort of consistency was a hawk like beak that was currently turned up into a Jack O'Lantern like grin.
"Mornin', Mr. B." The chimera bowed as they rushed to the passenger side of the car to open the door for Kit. They helped the human down from the seat as her bag fell back into its place on her side.
"Ya gotta stop givin' me a fright, Bellamy." RJ shook his head as he got out of the truck. He passed his daughter her backpack, which he grabbed from the truck bed as he walked toward them.
"That just means ya aren't bein' vigilant enough, Mr. B. I thought dad taught ya better than that." Once Kit was given her backpack, Bellamy folded her arms. "You're free to go. Kit'll be safe with me, as always."
"I think your dad taught you too well. Kitten, have a good day at school, OK? Ya can walk with Bellamy after school and meet me at my office. I'll see you later." RJ got back into the truck and drove off as Kit waved goodbye.
"Alright, Kay. We've got today an' tomorrow left before we're free for the summer. You get Mr. B to agree to letcha work with him at his office?" Bellamy kept their arms folded as they turned towards the school.
"No. I think, if I'm doing anything like that, I'm going with Papa. Boring… boring Papa." Kit let out a deep breath that was full of disappointment. "I love Papa, but I don't get to do anything Dad does."
"I'm glad your parents said no, though. Boring is safe. Ya know, I can't be your bodyguard when you grow up if you don't grow up." Bellamy’s arms now down and swinging slightly. "Mr. B and Mama do all that experimental stuff.” They stuck their tongue out slightly. “I can defend myself from what they do because of my dad's training. I could ask Dad to train you some basic fighting tricks.”
"Dad has been trying to teach me his special punch and other stuff he thinks I should know. I haven't been able to do any of it that well, but he says he's happy I can't. I think he's hiding some disappointment with that." Kit adjusted her horn as the two walked towards the school. "I just don't want to disappoint him."
"Somethin' tells me ya can't disappoint Mr. B." The chimera swished their fluffy bee-like tail, causing a few people behind her to move back. "When are ya gonna shadow Queen Unikitty?"
"Papa may be having me do that when I get older. Everyone feels that that's gonna be a long time away. I mean, PC is actually next in line and we all just kinda expect Big Sis to be on the throne for a long time." Kit shrugged, her backpack strap falling off her shoulder.
"It's better to be prepared, though. Dad has an Armommageddeon bunker somewhere in the countryside in case something bad happens." Bellamy opened the front door and waited for Kit to go through before she continued speaking. "Bad things happen. I'd rather know the person I will be protecting in the future is ready to take the throne if we need her to, know what I mean?"
"I guess, Ami. I just don't wanna think about that. It's a really sad thought." Kit shuffled her way to her locker, grabbing the sparkle matter above her head that showed her distress.
"Ya already got the "no sad feelings" mentality down." Bellamy opened the locker next to Kit's and shoved her adventurer style bag in as best she could. The two friends walked to their respective classrooms to properly start the day.
The red truck pulled in front of a building with a large satellite on the roof and an emblem with Unikitty's head silhouette that had a clock behind it. The clock disappeared past where the horn was and protruded out on the right side of the head. RJ barely turned the car off and hopped out before he was rushed by a fox in a lab coat.
"RJ! I'm so ecstatic you aren't late for once!" The fox hopped around the human, her tail puffed up. "Please, come with me! I need to show you something!" A large dog with fluffy blue and cream fur bolted after, his tartan scarf fluttering in the wind.
"Yeah! Ya need to see this, RJ!" The dog looked pale, his ears back.
"Scarlett, PC, relax. It probably ain't that serious." As he said this, Puppycorn opened the front door for the two older members of the group to reveal the aftermath of a localized storm in the lobby of an office that, given the damage, looked like it had been abandoned long ago. RJ stood, still as a statue. The only movement he could make was to lift one thick eyebrow on his face, which was glazed over by confusion and anger.
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ducktracy · 6 months
Idk how easy this will be to answer but what was the best year for Looney Tunes? I'm more fixated on Tom and Jerry myself, but I can't pick between 1947 and 1949. Looney Tunes has many more shorts tho, so its probably a lot harder to say. Would love to hear your opinion! (Loving the Mel Yell polls btw!!)
OH THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ASK!!!! (and thank you so much!!) GEEEEZ that is hard because there are so many different aspects to go by!
i think in general, i would probably say 1945 is the one year that consistently has banger after banger after banger. Wagon Heels maybe being the only exception, but it doesn’t necessarily count since it’s a remake of a previously existing cartoon—and even then, as eugh as the material in it is, i do think Heels does tangibly improve upon its source material in some considerable way. speaking purely in terms of technicalities, there is a noticeable uptick in animation quality and voice acting and timing. there are very few remakes i can say the same for.
i’d argue it’s also a relatively significant year, too—not as significant of a year as, say, 1937 when Mel first officially began voicing characters, Bob Clampett adopted the directing chair and set the tone for a lot of permanent changes, the Porky “that’s all folks” ending is instilled, the first usage of “The Merry Go Round Broke Down” is used for the opening titles—but as far as character introductions go you have Pepé, Sylvester and Yosemite Sam (and all of their respective introductory cartoons are very good—i enjoy what they did with Pepé in that one more than i do any other short with him HAHA), Frank Tashlin is in his element with every short he released, Bob Clampett’s cartoons are likewise top notch and full of lush animation, Chuck Jones has masterpieces like Fresh Airedale and Hare Conditioned, and Friz Freleng’s shorts are consistently hilarious
1946 is an answer always in my head too, but it doesn’t have the benefit of 1945’s short release year (which is one of the shortest out of the entire filmography due to a Technicolor backlog thanks to the war) and so there are a few more mediocrities involved. NOT MANY, and it’s likewise very significant in being the last year for Tashlin and Clampett (who is at his absolute apex this year. no director ever had a stronger string of hit after hit than Clampett with Book Revue, Baby Bottleneck, Kitty Kornered and The Great Piggy Bank Robbery released all in a row), Bob McKimson and Art Davis’ first year of directing, Gossamer and Foghorn Leghorn are introduced… but it does have a few weak spots in the foundation, namely The Big Snooze and Bacall to Arms especially being finished up by Art Davis after Clampett left and it shows. i enjoy both cartoons, but you cannot deny Bacall is a bit of a mess of a cartoon HAHA.
IT IS SO HARD TO JUDGE because there are so many different factors… especially when narrowing it down to directors, who i think each had their own respective “best” years at different times. Chuck Jones unquestionably hit his peak in the ‘50s, whereas McKimson was quicker to hit his peak in the late ‘40s… i actually dont know when Friz’s peak would be, though i do tend to enjoy his efforts from the ‘40s more when he’s not bogged down by middling Tweety cartoons. what i enjoy doesn’t necessarily coincide with what his objective best is, though!
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK! maybe the deeper i carve into doing my reviews i’ll be able to come out with an actual answer at some point! for now i’d have to say 1945, but there are so many different peaks and highs and lows spread so far apart
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 5 months
1, 9, 12, 16, 17, 21?
1. the character everyone gets wrong
i've answered this one already but gonna double down on dan heng/dan feng (their relation cannot be defined as black and white as fandom wants it to be) & neuvillette (he's not a uwu cry baby who doesn't know what sex is)
9. worst part of canon
[puts on my clown shoes] the high cloud quintet......... and also the fact that jing yuan literally has no reason to be in the story as is. they did not utilize his character at ALL when they could have easier done some cool things with him, but it all fell flat in the end and it sucks since he was the character i got into hsr for (im a big fan of his eng VA and only started playing bc of him)
and for genshin. they nerfed dottore with sexy anime ass plague doctor aesthetic. its just so boring and predictable. RIP webttore you should have survived the dottore segment hunger games not omega :/
12. the unpopular character(s) that you actually like and why more people should like them
the entire narzissenkreuz cast.... like genuinely one of the coolest and most tragic group of characters from more recent in game history that is fully expanded on in world quests. it a great self contained story told over 3 patches and offers neat context to the events of the fontaine archon quests but more specifically.... rene de petrichor i love you and youre unhinged culty academic shenanigans
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
im sorry but fanon haikaveh (its annoying & reduces their characters down to just a tropey ship) and jingheng (its boring) and i understand why people like neuvifuri and its neat they can be read as so many different relationship dynamics but i very much dislike it in a romantic sense.
i hate the weird sexualization of wriothesley being a prison warden x prisoner! reader, canon character, oc etc
but as for general tropes i think friends to lovers is boring and a snooze fest on its own. wheres the drama....the conflict.... the compelling plot. and i think high school aus are cringe in general. especially from either adult writers or characters who are already adults in canon
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
like in general? im sick of seeing so much rendered/soft shaded 'anime-esque' fanart being the most appreciated in fandom spaces. not to say these folks aren't talented they ARE but it feels like their type of work is the only stuff being praised and lifted in communities i personally would REALLY love to see more graphic and exaggerated cartoon work because i feel like there can so much personality put into pieces like than rather than just pure skill and technique in more rendered/painted styles of work
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
i really don't have any interested in the traveler as a character. i understand Why they exist but id have just as much if not more fun if they didn't have a story arc of their own........ the abyss twin being connected to khaehnri'ah and the abyss order is more interesting than the traveler's entire journey
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2010s-nostalgia · 6 months
It's a real shame that by 2016, most prom dresses were wearable, flattering, and in colors that didn't belong on a cartoon character. People looked nice for the first time in years. Was a real snooze fest
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mmmichyyy · 11 months
tag game tuesday
tagged by @celestialmickey ✨ haven't done one of these in a while!
name: michelle
whereabouts in the world are you? pacific northwest, canada
do you have any pets? sadly no :(
what do you do for work? i work at a small company doing [redacted]
favorite fruit? mango 🥭
a pet peeve of yours: people who are rude to servers/anyone in customer service
are you a fast walker or a slow walker? i'm slow as fuck, but if someone else is slow in front of me then i have to walk really fast past them out of spite
how do you usually wear your hair? usually straight but sometimes i loosely curl them if i have time in the morning
sunny days or rainy days? 🌧️
what time do you usually go to bed? either 10pm or 2am
what time do you usually wake up? i snooze my alarm for an hour before eventually waking up around 7:45am for work
if you were a cartoon character, what would be your everyday outfit? black turtleneck sweater, black skirt, black tights, black docs, black shoulder bag
something you'd like to learn: crochet
and finally, tell me something that made you happy recently: i went on my first vacation in four years to visit my best friend in georgia and to san fran with my roommate! i also went to the boygenius concert which was absolutely amazing
tagging @gardenerian @spoonfulstar @juliakayyy @deedala @gallawitchxx @whatthebodygraspsnot @lingy910y @thisdivorce @sam-loves-seb @stocious 🖤
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