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white diamonds starlight (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/kRgwoafGv2 what if rose had two children? what if it was a boy and girl? what if rose only wanted the boy and gave up the girl to the diamonds? what would happen? Pink/rose personality= Over powered, obsessive, can fake her feelings, loves steven, hates crystal gems other than garnet, pink diamonds daughter,very gently and cynically, don't give shit of some…
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white diamonds starlight (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/YuV7pzeGv2 what if rose had two children? what if it was a boy and girl? what if rose only wanted the boy and gave up the girl to the diamonds? what would happen? Pink/rose personality= Over powered, obsessive, can fake her feelings, loves steven, hates crystal gems other than garnet, pink diamonds daughter,very gently and cynically, don't give shit of some…
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Lady's backstory
BY EinnhardeR
Published: March 18, 2018
Jane was born on a summer day, her hair was albino and blue eyes like her dad, she did not have brothers, as the only daughter of the couple her parents raised her with a lot of love, and they raised her with a lot of sacrifice. When she was older (18 years old), she began to study what she was passionate about and that was chemistry. She did not have many friends, because she did not like making friends (apathy) until the day she met the love of her life.
Eiden is her stable boyfriend, both got married and had a little girl named Luz. Both were a happy couple and both worked hard. Eiden sometimes traveled for work, and Jane began working for a private company where varied experiments were made.
In this company called Doze Laboratories Jane meets her faithful friend Neon the Canary, and her other 9
coworkers. That work was very hard, several hours experimenting, failing and going back to try everything again. The projects were quite exhausting and required a lot of time and dedication, but they never knew exactly the real mission of each experiment, or what they were created for, or who the owners were, if they were so harmful and extremely dangerous. Jane came to think that some kind of war would come.
Their boss comes to show them a new project to the group, and they should be as cautious as possible, for someone who paid a lot to conclude it. The information was accurate, but everyone noticed that the company was trying to "hide" some details about the information. Jane and Neon and their partners worked hard on this project, called DNA-E for months.
One day Jane infiltrated her boss's office decisively. Without any fear, it did not matter to her to be discovered and dismissed in that
moment, she just wanted to know the truth, because she had people she love and care about their well-being, in case was a war or something worse, she preferred to resign or leave the country. She grew up in a family with a lot of love, so she knew the value of her family and she wanted to give Luz the same.
She quickly reviewed some files from the "DNA-E" files and at that moment, surprise ... "DNA-Emerald" was not a war,
It was a weapon created to kill something or someone.
A fragment with magnetic and unknown properties, she and her coworkers had to perform half of the experiment, the other half of the experiment was currently in process, but in another laboratory. According to the file the owner would be given half of the finished experiment to merge it and make a whole. This experiment, although she knew it was based on the DNA of an individual, she never imagined that it would be Sonic's the hedgehog DNA. But, why create such destructive power? ... they would be creating it to destroy only him. Jane saw clearly as repeatedly said "kill Sonic", she immediately noticed that they wanted to get rid of him. Someone with power wanted to kill the "hedgehog that keeps them out of chaos and danger", that someone was or should be a villain ... and Eggman came to her mind. 
Jane says to herself. "But this will cause Sonic to get out of control! And all this just to kill him!? This will not work! He is very
strong, and that stone will cause another soul to take his body, Sonic will flee and kill everyone! I ... I do not want to be part of this." (While she covers her mouth, and tries to breathe well, trying to think of a quick solution after reading such news).
And then she panics, knowing that she was part with her coworkers to create this "drug /experiment" so lethal, that it would probably kill themselves, Sonic with that "drug" plus the magnitude of such a dark fragment, it will be like an intelligent bomb, impossible to reason, like a cold robot without feelings, it will surely kill its friends without shame and everyone who want to cross in front him, his soul will not be in contact with his body, he will be like a dark entity.
Jane runs to the laboratory where the process of the experiment was almost finished, steals it and divides the loads of the experiment into 2 parts.
-A part where Sonic's magnetic charge is, where it weakens and depletes his energy, it only drugs him, so corrosively that he loses consciousness after a few minutes (green liquid).
-And another where activates his negative side, all his anger and lack of control making him lose his sanity (fuchsia liquid).
Both drugs together are a cocktail of chemicals that go directly to the brain, make you feel vulnerable and completely unblock it, the drug works in three fields: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Dividing what was done from the experiment for months was a strange and quick solution, which for her at that moment could save the lives of many.
Jane and Neon are working all night to "divide" both charges in necklaces swearing that they would keep the secret, as last step they investigate where Eggman's laboratory is, to try to reason with him and ask him, why he wanted to kill Sonic Such a risky way?
Eggman, seeing them arrive was not surprised, in fact he knew that it could happen with any curious employer.
Both face it, and they ask him, first why he wanted to get rid of Sonic and why in such a way. Both told him the negative side of the idea, where he puts many lifes at risk.
He explains that he was old and tired, that he did not want to continue with the constant and exhausting rivalry between the two, so he thought of a definitive way to achieve it.
Eggman says to both: "Probably I could kill him, even if it will very difficult for me, but I know, that with the emeralds chaos or other means, they will always get away with it and resuscitate him, I do not want that, so I thought in a solution, one for Sonic to be soulless for a moment, and thus be able to kill him in that time (3 minutes of state "fall into the void" approximatly).
He will no longer be bound with his body and he could not return.
"You have to kill him in that period of time, no more, no less, he must die within those 3 minutes, where his body will be paralyzed, and for unexplained things from the experiment, after that time the fragment will begin to affect his brain, and nobody wants him to get out of control and lose his head, and now the emeralds will not bring him back."
Both are frozen before a decisive response and decision. And that's when Jane decides to give up permanently.
Jane does not want to be part of that "plan" so risky, just for an old man who wants to retire and his purpose is to kill Sonic at once just to be at peace and feel good about himself, she does not want to risk that this plan fail. She has a daughter and family to enjoy and care for, they are her priority, so she angrily takes off her coat and throws it on the floor in front of him and Neon.
Eggman warns Jane that she can not leave, that she already knows too much, but she stubbornly asks him again to please at least let her run away with her family to another country, which she swears she will not say anything about. After that there is an awkward moment of silence in the laboratory... everyone looks at each other coldly ... and she runs away, without thinking about any future consequences. She at least wanted to try.
A few hours of what happened, Neon calls Jane by phone and tells her very frightened that Eggman was enraged and putting all his employees to work, this time already without secrets, but as slaves and in quarantine, where they can not leave the building until the project is finished, anyone who dares to escape will be killed coldly by their robots, they also realized that they were
stolen the key chemicals and it's total chaos in the lab. Neon warns Jane to come back or they could kill her, but Jane flatly refuses and asks her to please continue working there as if nothing happened and to keep her informed of everything. To which Neon accepts, but in a very nervous way.
When Jane arrives home she takes her daughter quickly and with her husband Eiden, the three escape in their vehicle as quickly as possible, not knowing that Eggman already knew perfectly where they were, and had intentions of killing her and also her family.
In the middle of the road, the vehicle where Jane, Eiden and Luz was traveling, is hit by a heavy load truck, where it hits it abruptly frontally, causing an accident that affected 5 vehicles in chain, but the most damaged of all was where the family was traveling.
(While Neon, along with his other coworkers, when they see the news, they realize that accident and they suspect Eggman of being the culprit since everything was so strange and so coincidental.) Neon prays for Jane.)
In the accident are the 3 seriously injured, Jane in a brief lapse of consciousness looks in a blurred way a familiar image ... was Sonic...
he was trying to get her out of the car while he was screaming loudly to keep her conscious, but she could not hear him well and after staring at him for several minutes, she lost consciousness and fainted.
With the impact of the accident, the necklace that Jane wore on her neck broke (pieces of the material were embedded in her chest, this chemical entering her bloodstream through her serious wounds).
At that moment Sonic manages to put Jane away from the vehicle, but the robots of Eggman were there caught Sonic and immobilized him for seconds... seconds where the car explodes, and the flames consumed it completely. Smoke, fire, ashes, Sonic manages to let go of the robots, but remains motionless for several seconds ... seeing that he did not manage to get everyone out in time. His face ... showed deep pain.
At that time Eggman, who has everything under control, realizes that Sonic is leaving the accident site, and that Jane was the key to make his plan work, because she was the only one who knew what was missing and probably had it hidden, as well he does everything possible to keep her alive and calls doctors to take her to the best hospital in the city, but besides that, Eggman is responsible for making the bodies of the girl and her husband disappear, so nothing could go wrong.
Four months passed and Jane, one Wednesday afternoon, wakes up from the deep coma she was in, suffered such a strong impact on her head that she detonated a psychopathic behavior that she had never suffered in her life, her brain was damaged. That was the main trigger that made her wake up as if she were someone else, she woke up like a madwoman in a terrible crisis of euphoria and total lack of control like a schizophrenic, then she calmed down and did not stop crying for hours, she felt terrible and desperate, because she did not remember anything about his past, or who she was, even his name.
The nurses had to name her at least by a name so they decided call her "Lady".
Nobody went to see her, no one called her, everyone was informed that she died in the accident along with her daughter and husband, and they lied to their relatives of their graves, burying fake replacement bodies.
While Jane or Lady slept in the hospital, the chemist already in her blood, began to take effect, filled with anger, but contradictorily to suffer a blow so hard on the head, she lost all her memories, except what caused more impact and adrenaline before and after the accident... and that was Sonic, she remembered having read his name many times in the files, and then Eggman telling her that he wanted to kill him, she refusing to do so, as a final act she remembers Sonic taking her out of the car and talking to her worriedly.
She made a hasty conclusion, full of hate, and was that she was deeply obsessed with Sonic, the one that she got out of that car, but because of not wanting to kill him as Egmann wanted, she practically had to give her life in return , she simply felt like dead in life or trapped. She have too much anger with both subjects in that moment.
As the days go by as "Lady" begins to remember many things, like almost everything she knew about chemistry and what Eggman planned to do, that made her hate him even more, but remembering Sonic have a mixture of emotions in her head between uncontrollable and passionate desires, but also wanting to hurt him a lot, both made her hallucinate.
Eggman upon learning that Lady woke up from the coma immediately he goes to look for her personally at the hospital, very gently and cynically, because the nurse had informed him that the patient completely lost her memory, and that she liked to be named under the name of Lady.
Eggman disguises, and invents a totally false past life, beginning that she never had children or husband, for him it was perfect to lose the memory, it was a new opportunity to convince her without being tied to people who love or have her as a hostage.
Act consecutive, he give her the keys  of her apartment and vehicle, days before Eggman was meticulously concerned to clean all traces of things that show relatives, family and friends.
Lady in complete silence only accentuating with the head, her followed the flow to Eggman, but she already remembered that before the accident they had discussed and that he had the complete guilty of such misfortune in her life of feeling bad (she does not remember her family), but Lady must be smart and simply wait for her moment in a clever way, since she only opens an opportunity to do what she plans.
Upon arriving at her apartment she only felt that warmth of home, but a huge sense of anguish and emptied by that intuition of knowing that many things happened there, but not remembering any, yes ... it was her home, but she felt anguish and pain being there. She began to dress in a different way than she used to, she did not even remember her particular previous style, so she adopted something that made her feel like her mood, she chose something more "punk" and strong colors like red highlighted her feelings, but always trying to hide her neck... the accident left an ugly scar on her neck, which she is ashamed of, since Lady is of a vain nature.
She begins to have mental conflicts, crying crisis, screaming, moments of depression, moments when she sought solace in drugs and alcohol, or breaking things from her apartment because they made her feel better, even so she could not remember anything clear. Only Sonic in her mind made her feel euphoria and at the same time anger and impotence, she just wanted to have him in her hands full of hate. Sonic gave her a reason to exist.
At that moment Lady begins to draw up a plan, one to finally have it and make him suffer, to make him feel terrible and make him suffer internally, with emotions, sadness, and even his own sexual identity, he would feel rotten inside.
She creates a mural of photos and images of Sonic on her wall, only images of the heroic blue hedgehog, she delights them, torments her, she relents writing there, placing teddies, sticking things, on her "altar". After much thinking, she reaches a conclusion. She knew she could not stop him hard, because he was a million times stronger, and in a blink of an eye Sonic could kill her if he wanted to... it would not be easy. She also can not use weapons against him since he is dangerous and Sonic is a fast phenomenon.
Lady was determined to make him lose control no matter how and creates a sick and strange obsession for him, and with a clear goal.
Lady begins to notice that a pink hedgehog accompanies him on most of his adventures, Amy Rose, sees them together in several photos and causes morbid. She looks at herself in the mirror and thought about being like her, that sweet, but she notices something, and it is that she looks rude too exposed, not too feminine and that does not give confidence. So Lady Decide tries to look like a good girl, dyes her hair pink, and as it was albino hair it did not cost her anything. Her suit should represent a little more the pretty female side, white, pink, strong and happy colors. When she looked at the final result, once more in the mirror she noticed what she would do and that was what she wanted. Her lethal weapon would be... infiltrate, fool him and his damned friends, make them trust her, make them feel comfortable with her, make them feel happy... until destroy Sonic.
Weeks passed, Eggman had problems in his laboratory everything went dark after a total blackout, the "fragment DNA-E" was created successfully, but having a strong magnetic field decomposed all his laboratory, his robots and all his technology, leaving him with very few useful things.
At a distance in total darkness Eggman can already see the "fragment" (of a bluish black color) intact in its capsule, it travels a chill to know all the danger it brings, it looks so peaceful and intimidating at the same, he even think in repent.
Now the fragment or DNA-E was ready, only missing few details of the other half of Doze laboratories to complete the plan. It had been passed a few days, he let Lady rest and calm down a bit in her apartment, but it was time to intervene and tell her to continue working on what she was, but also assign her a special task.
He needed Lady to be the bait to attract Sonic to DNA-E, give him the trigger and kill him immediately meanwhile he is in the phase of "fall into the void" will be his body still and easy to shoot, so Lady was perfect for him plan, only she had to win Sonic's trust, Eggman knew that by assigning that task to Lady, she would be in good hands as she looked like a mature and intelligent woman but harmless in appearance.
Eggman ignores the fact that she serious blow to the head generated a psychopath attitude, two personalities and irreversible damage to the brain.
Eggman decides to talk with Neon. He knows that Neon knows about Sonic and his friends, because Neon, apart from chemistry, liked to compete in "Riders" races and the competition made her see them very often without problems.
(Neon had his Riders suit, gear and all her implements).
He tells her to infiltrate Lady there, there with them, to present her as her friend. This will make it easier for them to feel more confident if you are there. To which Neon gets angry and says "of course not! Jane was not good for something like that", she also knows your intentions.
Eggman stares at her and laughs loudly, threatens her if she does not obey him and tells:
"It will be very easy for me to ask some of my robots that survived the blackout to get rid of you Neon, you are quite small and nobody will notice if you disappear" continue laughing.
Neon is silent. And look at the floor while he continues speaking in a very burlesque tone.
"I hope you do not say anything dear, nothing of her past life or her family, or her real name is Jane no Lady, did you hear me?"
Neon raises her head and looks into his eyes, she says aloud, " Eggman, I doubt that Lady will help you and work for you, because she is a woman of principles, not like you!"
Eggman laughs again, but stronger and says "Okay! What do you think if we ask her in person better?"
A door in the distance opens in the laboratory with little light, and Lady enters, the color pink and white was seen from afar, and in her face a smile.
Eggman again explains the horrible plan of killing Sonic, again in front of both of them.
And Lady says "of course I do, I'll be happy to do it"
Neon can not believe it, her eyes get bigger when she sees that response from Lady. And she yells "Lady, do not listen!" and while she takes her shoulder and shakes her a little bit to make her react, Lady does not even look at her. Neon noticed that apart from the physical her brain is wrong, she is not in her senses, this... was not her friend.
Neon had to simply accept the deal and go to the crossing to "cheat the hedgehog" compulsorily in Lady's company, to make him fall into the trap that he worked for so many months, with the other company.
Finally Eggman saw that his plan was finally taking shape.
Lady stopped being affectionate with Neon, she misses that attachment and that's why she cries and tries to make her come into herself many times.
Neon still can not believe it was Jane, after that time without her friend, seeing her again was a mixture of
feelings, but she did not look like Jane! what happened?! Apart from the pink, apart from those exaggerated clothes with strong and striking colors, she had something in that look that made Neón even more uneasy, a face with a strange smile as feigned, that was not her great friend that reflected harmony and security...
After that Eggman was responsible for equipping them both, they both had to mix well in the main city where Sonic and others live, he gave the suit and gear he designed for Lady, so that both pass as citizens there, without no kind of problems. Lady knew how to drive so they both took the car he gave to them and drove to the city, (she drives like a maniac) where both of them would be together for a good time. 
But Neon did not have a good feeling about this ... she was sad, she knows what will happen when Sonic falls into the trap ... it will be too late, for everyone...Neon, just let it go this time, being forced could not do much, just receive orders from an old fool, and a strange girl who was her friend ...she knows that doing it will be very bad and will have serious consequences.
The only thing that made her feel happy and at the same time worried was to think about Jet, she felt a great affection for him and admiration every time they shared, but being there, it meant that he would also be in danger too.
Both came with the lie of wanting to compete and meet them, so they showed up and met the whole group that was in the competition and in the environment. Lady with the most radiant and innocent smile she could fake greeted everyone, while Neon worried, worried about what was coming. Every second seeing Lady smile at seeing Sonic fixedly and being so kind makes her nervous. Neon with the nerves of the moment just squeezes her necklace... with the substance "green" inside. While Lady pretends to be a good rider, but she never in her life has she climbed a extreme gear. Sonic sees the girls and finds them pleasant, he did not recognize Lady at that moment, in the accident it looked very different from how she looked now.
Lady... remember everything about Eggman, the plan and how she "survived an accident" thanks to the blue hedgehog, Neon in a moment of anger and bored with lies told her "Sonic saved you life Lady and do you want to pay him that way ?!" (Neon learned about this by other means)...
Lady just laughs and keeps doing her things.
She knows this is the opportunity that Eggman gave her, was the great opportunity that she have to take revenge, but under her "own style", so Lady tells Eggman that she would obey him in every aspect (but in reality she more sees this as a personal plan, where she will take advantage of the situation, not a deal with Eggman), so she keeps her morbidity, madness and uncontrollable desires for having him so she acts as one girl more, very happy to know them, but with a goal to do, total she knows that Eggman has no other choice like her.
"Sonic, I'll make you regret having saved my life."
© 2018 - 2019 EinnhardeR
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