#Snooork mimimimimi
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omg almost done with my assignment, i am gonna sleep soooo good after this
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sleepyzuku · 2 years ago
My sleep schedule is all over the place...
Anyway school starts back tomorrow, I'll try to keep posting regularly!
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mmortis · 2 years ago
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sillyceo · 1 year ago
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idk guys I think this is the funniest thing I’ve drawn
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c-kiddo · 2 years ago
used 2 be like People who think cad is just a chill stoner are so annoying , but ive grown and now i just think its funny to imagine he was absolutely baked 90% of the campaign . like when they were talking to the king he got weed nervous . he gets out a wee wooden pipe before bed and accidentally hotboxes th inn room him and fjord are sharing before passing out and fjords like welp at least he doesnt sleep ass out like molly .........
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westaysilly · 11 months ago
!! thabkyou everyonee who sent asks ill probably answer them the day after tomorrow bcause because im sleepy im !!
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saw another artist doing this and wanted to try !!!! send me the characters via askbox or comments :3
og template by deadbeatescape
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yugiohmangaoutofcontext · 12 days ago
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snooork mimimimimi...
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lavendervulcan · 23 days ago
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snork mimimimimi….. snooork mimimimimimi….. pillow….
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squidpedia · 11 months ago
Snooork mimimimimi snooooooork mimimimimimi
Alright i think the coast is clear, kanako integrity duo GO‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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I think they’d have fun sharing a half melted amalgamate body and have riveting conversations
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variousincorrectxreader · 2 years ago
yk what has been on my mind for week? Monika and a reader that can fall asleep literally anywhere. class? asleep. car? asleep. doctor's office? asleep.
floor in the middle of aise 13 at Walmart?
snooork mimimimimi
I have not been to Walmart in so long, we don't have them here in New Zealand :') Anyways, fun fact about Ms. Author here, she used to be able to sleep anywhere as well. Still can, but I'm a little more wary now because safety first. (I once fell asleep at a very loud dance.)
anyways Warnings: none, just fluff (Not proofread like, well, all my works.) Story under the cut.
Monika walks around the school, worry written on her face. Her partner had not shown up to the literature club, which is well… not unusual but, you had always messaged her that you weren’t gonna come!
she paced through the halls, popping her head into classrooms, before stumbling upon the sleeping body of her lover in the music room, drool pooling around their mouth as they snoozed happily.
sighing, Monika walked up to her partner and shook their shoulder, and she let out another long suffering sigh as you woke up groggily. You yawn and blearily blink up at Monika ”… well, good morning sleepyhead.” She smiles softly, wiping your mouth as you clear your eyes of sleep. ”hmmm” you huff through your nose tiredly, blinking and stretching.
“ugh… hi Monika… did I fall asleep again?” She chuckles as you look around the empty music room, a band in the next room can be heard playing some sort of rock song. “yeah… you worried me when you didn’t respond to my texts…” Monika is lost in thought, thinking of the times she would stumble upon your sleeping body.
“Honestly,” she started slowly as she held your hand as the two of you walk to the train station. ”the classroom isn’t the weirdest place I’ve seen you fall asleep, dear.” She closes her eyes as she thinks about the times she would find you asleep in the weirdest places. She thinks to the time she lost you in a mall, only to find you asleep in the busy food court. Another time, she found you asleep at a party she was invited to, loud partying teenagers rushing past you with red solo cups in hand. The couch was comfortable enough to fall asleep on, apparently.
she snorts, about to talk to you when she realises you’re no longer holding her hand, she turns around and sees you standing up
sighing, she smiles and walks to where you were standing. It seems she may have to drag you home today.
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catchyhuh · 1 year ago
snooork mimimimimi
nightmare blunt rotation? no. nightmare sleeping arrangement rotation. these are the aforementioned sleep headcanons
VERY particular about his sleep. he has to lay down a certain way, he has to have TWO pillows under his head, ONE betwixt his spindly legs because his bony knees feel uncomfy when they touch, he has to be facing AWAY from a window but TOWARDS the door, and if he has an eyemask on him don’t even joke about taking that shit off
is lupin the third ever tired? i don’t fucking know. he’s cranky if you wake him up too early, he’s hardly a morning person, but at the same time if you meet up with him at noon, he’ll act the same regardless of if he got 10 hours last night or 3. 
all that said do NOT interrupt his sleep, it’ll take him five weeks to get comfy again and an additional 10 to actually fall back asleep. and he’ll remember who woke him up.
mumbles in his sleep occasionally (sometimes he pretends to sleeptalk cuz he thinks its funny) but the REAL problem with him is his tossing and turning. he’ll wake up on the bed completely upside down sometimes. he kicks, he pushes out his arms, he rolls over, he’s got one leg on the wall one arm off the bed and he’s sleeping like a baby
gross but he also sweats in his sleep. it’s why he either just sleeps in his underwear or has those nice satin types yknow
semi-light sleeper. depends on how little sleep he got the night before. kind of operates on rule of funny like most things with him really! jigen could be popping popcorn two inches from his head and he’d be drooling on his pillow but if some bad guy of the week takes one wrong step in his room at night he’s up in a second.
jigen is chill about sleep. if that makes even remotely any sense. he puts on his little cap and nightgown jammies, he gets under the covers, he wakes up at his desired time. however, the point where he actually GOES to sleep tends to be about an hour or two after everyone else has. not to sober up the party too much, but he’s a little iffy on the idea of everybody being completely asleep at once for reasons you could imagine
he’s equally grumpy no matter the amount of sleep he’s getting, but he is a little quicker to get silly with it if he’s tired. maybe he’s just losing clarity there. 
does it count as insomnia if it’s a selfmade choice to not go to bed before midnight? yes because if he TRIES to go to bed early he just stares at the ceiling for hours. which is actually better for your body than not trying to sleep at all, but still
jigen sleeps like the dead dude. or at least, it’s the impression he gives off. when jigen’s settled, he does not move. at all. his mouth doesn’t twitch. sometimes you’ll hear a little sigh or grumble, but they’re few and far between. 
in contrast to that though, if he hears even the slightest noise, if the temperature in the room changes by 1 degree, he wakes up. not fully, not immediately, but he’ll wake up enough to glance around, see nothing’s wrong, and get back to sleep. god help you if something IS wrong though cuz you know that bitch keeps his gun under his pillow
fujiko’s sleeping habits are almost elusive. nobody knows. except me right now because it’d be boring if i didn’t at least make up some shit to tell you right
like lupin, she’s very particular about her routine. VERY particular. and like jigen she has a little trouble actually settling in and being mentally comfortable enough to sleep. needless to say sleepovers are a fucking nightmare. 
fujiko sleeps like a fucking mattress firm model. the peaceful, on her side, little hands under her cheek pose and everything. she doesn’t toss or turn, she just makes occasional content sighs, digs her shoulder under her pillow a little more to get comfy, it’s like sickeningly cute, and unlike a lot of fujiko’s traits, this is not practiced, it’s just honestly how she sleeps
in a strange way aside from her intense routine getting to bed she’s a pretty normal sleeper in comparison. she wakes up in the middle of the night quite a bit, but even if it’s a nightmare induced wake up she just slips out of bed. gets a lil water. chills the fuck out and goes back to sleep. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW ENVIABLE IT IS TO THE OTHERS
but another not fun note is that fujiko dreams a lot, and as a result she experiences quite a few stress-nightmares. like i said, she’s handled it by herself, even if she shouldn’t, and she doesn’t stress over it (ironically) but. yeha.
you know goemon canonically falls asleep sitting crisscross applesauce sometimes. on his side. like in canon. i think he did it at least twice. it’s not even a matter of being so tired he could fall asleep in any position he just loves the challenge of it because he’s so fucking weird
goemon, and this is true in a lot of cases, is the least high maintenance out of the group. he can fall asleep anywhere if it’s convenient, safe, and comfy enough. horrible flat hotel bed? no prob. mat that’s barely keeping him 1 mm off the ground? sure. hammock desperatey holding on for dear life? he’ll just take the grass why the hell not.
also a very light sleeper, and sometimes struggles getting back to sleep, because he starts overthinking about why/what woke him up. and like fujiko, (and probably jigen now that i’m thinking about it. maybe all of them POINT BEING) he gets quite a few stress nightmares. but hey. no biggie. just the natural consequence of. everything that he’s experienced and exposed himself to!
sometimes if he falls asleep in a weird position VERY RARELY he makes this like. quiet cartoonish bubububuh snore. they have videos of it they think its hilarious. goemon’s completely unaware that he does it. also talks in his sleep on very rare occasions, but it’s mumbly and mostly inaudible anyway
do i need to put another health warning here. don’t do this. his sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. and not just in the “i stayed up all night researching this museum that lupin LOOKED at once (so i haven’t slept in. 30 hours oops)” sense but also like it’s been 15 hours and the other officers go “wait where did he-- didn’t he say he was just gonna take a nap.” and he’s out like a light dude
when he DOES sleep he’s immovable. not to say he doesn’t shift around any, he does, but like. HEAVY heavy sleeper he’s not moving from that spot man. good luck trying to wake him up unless you set off the trigger phrase because he might as well be hibernating.
(this one’s canonical too actually) he likes to fall asleep holding a pillow :) to the point that if there’s only one pillow available he just. moves it to his arms. maybe invest in a travel one my man. he does it sleeping on his side AND sleeping on his back so i can’t imagine it’s very good for his neck
also very canonical is the fact he snores. like violently. its awful get earplugs. good ones. like, get the kind they make for swimmers to keep water out of their ears. it won’t stop the entire room from vibrating but you can just pretend you’re experiencing a minor earthquake and it’ll be fine. on the plus side it means its incredibly easy for the gang to tell when he’s out, because they can hear it from the next building over
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marzonomy · 2 years ago
Hello! How are you today/night?
I would like to request(if your requests are open, if not then i must have missed it- i'm sorry) yandere Pip Pirrup with a cottagecore fem! s/o who's overly sweet and feminine(ex: she's always wearing long skirts and dresses, decorating her hair with colorful flowers and flower-earings. Seeing her ankles is like seeing santa basically)
Perpaps with a little bit of smut? Just a suggestion- it can be purely sfw too
live laugh love pip <33
Yan Pip x Cottagecore Reader
As soon as he lays eyes on you he's already in love with your style
Goes all googly eyed n shit
Absolutely ecstatic when you talk to him
Already imagining your future together (which consists of a lot of abuse toward him because, its pip, that's what he used to)
But when you're actually nice to him???? Poor guy doesn't know what to think!
Doesn't take long for him to become codependent on you :(
This codependency turns into obsession
He starts to despise seeing you interact with other people
They don't deserve you!
Eventually, people start to go... missing!
The more people disappear, the more on edge you get. An he knows this.
Offers to stay with you, to keep you safe.
Of course, you except. You'd never suspect your dearest friend could be responsible for such horrors!
That night, he realizes he can't stand just being your friend anymore. So, he confesses!
Over the moon when you accept his love, smothering you in kisses and praise.
These soft pecks soon turn into more passionate kisses
It doesn't take long for things to escalate
Your arms around his shoulders as he holds you ever so closely, with you sitting in his lap while your tongues explore each other
You subconsciously grind against him, eliciting a flustered gasp
You pull away, and you can see the pure hunger and desire in his eyes
Of course, he's still a gentleman, and he asks if it's okay for things to go further
You give him permission, and it's not long before he's on top of you, feeling and exploring every inch and crevice of your body
Eventually you're both undressed, stating at each other with a mix of love and lust
He feels like he's seen God when he admires you without every inch of skin covered by your clothes
Rutting against you like an animal before finally, he begins to slide in
I'm assuming you're a virgin here, so he immediately stops when he sees you wince in pain
You assure him you're fine, that this is normal for your first time
A feeling of pride waves over him when he realizes he's your first
Kisses away your tears when he slowly slides in further
Once you're comfortable, he nervously starts moving
It's his first time too, so he's not entirely sure what he's doing
But he's a fast learner
You're holding onto each other for dear life as he goes with his instinct, pounding into you with such vigor
Mumbling sweet nothings into your ear, most of which you can't quite make out
You can feel your release fast approaching, clawing at his back when it does
That sensation of pain drives him to his edge, and you cum together
You immediately apologize for hurting him and ask if he's okay
But, he's more than okay. He has you now!
Really good at aftercare, running you both a nice warm bubble bath and making sure he didn't accidentally hurt you
Overall treating you like absolute royalty
Tucks you into bed before joining himself, holding you close as you fall asleep together (snooork mimimimimi)
In his mind, he feels killing those people was the best thing he's ever done. He's finally happy
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anonthegoatasus · 2 years ago
SNOOORK MIMIMIMIMI I love Steven Universe guys Pearls are so me when ex friend group <3
Time taken: I don’t remember
Programs used: Capcut
Audio: https://youtu.be/JOO4Xodjjo8
Credits here!
Steven Universe belongs to Rebecca Sugar
Animation of Pink Pearl being cracked: https://youtu.be/joiviKLNZWo
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milf-n-dilf-dippin-dots · 8 months ago
lays down in your inbox for nap time. honk shooooo honk shooooo
!!! SNOOORK mimimimimi SNORKKK mimimimim
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years ago
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batmanshole · 2 years ago
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