ya-bug-boy · 1 year
Guzma x reader who has allot of tattoos on their body and a bunch of face piercings (septum, snake bites eyebrow pierced etc) nsfw or sfw doesn’t really matter
Guzma x Tattooed/Pierced Reader
Guzma sometimes gets a little itch, the kind where only getting a piercing or a tattoo can fix. After everything that happened in Alola, he wants a pick me up. As bad as he proclaims to be, he oddly doesn't go for drugs or drinks, though the urge is still there.
There's only one shop in all of Alola to get piercings and tattoos, which would be your shop. When he comes in, he's rather surprised to see you.
The last time you saw Guzma, you were an apprentice. You didn't have any piercings and tattoos at that time. But now?
You're wearing a crop top that shows off your arms. You're tattooed just about everywhere but your pretty handsome face. But on your face is where all of your piercings are. You've got a nose bridge, a double pierced eyebrow and a nose ring. Your ears are the most pierced but you also have a belly piercing as well.
Guzma didn't pay attention to you the first time he saw you but now? He can't take his eyes off you. You just look so cool! So punk and handsome!
Guzma tries to play it cool, play his cards right, and maybe get your number at the end.
Turns out he's gotta wait in line though. One of his team skull grunts got ahead of him and was getting something tattooed on their spine. You were just having a small break before you went back to work. Guzma asks if he can watch.
When you get down to it, tattooing the back of this grunt, you both stay quiet. But the guy you were tattooing lets out a shaky breath before groaning in pain, clenching his fist. You tell him, in your deep husky voice, "Good boy," and Guzma just about loses it.
He comes to find out that maaybe he's got a thing for praise. Maybe you can call him that too?
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pokenerd98 · 2 years
Please give me any and all headcanons you can make for a gender neutral reader and my babygirl Guzma. Just general romance headcanons but of you throw in some mutual „unrequited pining that’s actually requited“ I would be delighted
Thank you for being my VERY first ask! I will certainly try to live up to your expectations! This turned out to be waaaay longer than I anticipated, so I've just focused on Guzma and another HC for the time being! I hope this is okay! Thanks so much again!
Romantic HCs: Guzma and Larry - SFW.
💀 Guzma 💀
As intimidating as this man presents himself to his grunts, and the rest of Alola for that matter, deep inside this capable trainers hard exterior, is a soft gooey centre that only surfaces when he is around you. In private, though. He won't admit it, but sometimes it does slip out when you're out in public together. The occasional soft kiss on the back of your hand without realising, or cinching your waist closer to him when around others. He'll quickly realise what he's done though, and relax his grip.
Patience is key with Guzma. Unfamiliar with reciprocated romantic love, you'll often catch him holding his breath and tensing ever so slightly when you take his hand into yours, and press your lips gently across his grazed knuckles. Your lips will linger, savouring his touch, whilst he simply doesn't know what to do with himself, other than shift awkwardly from side to side and gaze over at you with a twinkle in his eye. After a few moments of silence, he'll finally exhale. Emotion will swell deep inside him as he finally snakes his hand into yours.
He will do just about anything to have you close by at all times. He may not find himself wanting to completely abandon his Big Bad Boss image, but that won't stop him from internally yearning for your closeness. And you feel privileged to be able to see the gentler side of him, whether that be him tracing his finger tips over your waist, planting little pecks on your forehead or simply asking if you're okay after a long day. You can see he is trying, and that makes you swell with pride.
If you should find yourself sleeping beside him, like dozens of times before, you know he is a bit of a duvet hog. Perhaps this might be his pathetic little way of getting you to cuddle him close. You often find yourself being the big spoon in this situation, although it doesn't both you. You can feel his muscles relax beneath you, and him breathing a soft sigh of contentment. Sometimes you catch him sleepily nuzzling his face into your side of the blanket, if you got up in the night for whatever reason. It was simple things like this, that made loving him so effortless.
But despite what a complicated mess Guzma is, he genuinely wants to be with you as much as humanly possible. Whether that be accompanying you to Battle challenges, or simply grabbing a bite to eat, he doesn't care. As long as he gets to spend that time with you. He's even made a passing comment about you shacking up with him permanently in Po Town. Despite its reputation, you know you'd be just as happy there with him.
💼 Larry 💼
Larry never invisioned himself wanting to settle down with a s/o in his early 40s, but you came around and changed that almost straight away. He's finding the transition from a life long bachelor to a spoken for man, quite difficult; his routine quite literally flipped upside down. But as hard as this is for him, he is willing to make that change, because he's never felt this way about a person before. About you. And although emotionally speaking, he comes across as cold and distant, this is just one of the ways his love speaks to you. You know he wouldn't accommodate for just anyone, and this makes you feel special.
You find yourself sliding into Larry's monotonous daily routine without much fuss, knowing that compromise was tough for him. It worked out quite well that you started a little later than him, as it gave you time to show your appreciation for him by easing his morning chores. He often found you cooking eggs and bacon on the stove in one of his old shirts, when he eventually trudged down from the shower. Something that etched a small smile on this lips. They say that the way to a man's heart is through their stomach, and this certainly proved true with Larry. Setting his breakfast down in front of him, you could just see his face light up with excitement. He wasted no time devouring every last bite of deliciousness that you graciously prepared for him. Once finished, he would carefully pat his lips with a crumpled napkin, before taking your hand into his, and offering up a lingering kiss as thanks.
Time was of the essence in Larry's world. You hardly saw him most days because of his day job, and commitments to both the Medali Gym and The Elite Four. So the short time spent in the mornings together, and those long awaited evenings were precious. Sometimes he wouldn't wander through the door until late because Geeta had him working overtime. Something he was used to, and quite frankly didn't mind, but knew this might sadden you. He'd often make up for this by immediately abandoning his briefcase and suit jacket by the front door, loosening his tie, and slumping himself next to you on the sofa, his arms snaking around you for comfort. You could feel the tension in his touch as he tried his best to be gentle, the day clearly having took it out of him. You'd return his affection with gentle kisses along his jaw, before pulling a blanket over you both and nestling into his chest. He rarely spoke of his work day, but that's just how he liked it. When he was spending time with you, work was the last thing he wanted to bore you with.
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edgymuses · 1 year
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while i write bios and just figure things out, starter call! (muse list & rules) below is the muse name and fandom they belong to:
rachel grey-summers
hope summers
illyana rasputin
danielle moonstar
alison blaire (dazzler)
luna maximoff
megan gwynn (pixie)
jimmy hudson (wolverine)
anya corazon (arana + spider-girl)
lorna dane (polaris)
karen starr (kara zor-l + power girl)
grace choi
violet paige (mother panic)
scandal savage
louise lincoln (killer frost ii)
june moone (enchantress)
harper row (bluebird)
leslie willis (livewire)
artemis of bana-mighdall (artemis)
siobhan smythe (silver banshee)
nyssa raatko (nyssa al ghul)
cassandra cain (black bat)
oroku karai (karai)
cassie hack
eli (liquid snake)
emma emmerich (ee)
mei ling
reiji kido
eikichi mishina
jun kurosu
lei wulong (super cop) primary / bio & verse page
julia chang primary / bio & verse page
jun kazama secondary / bio & verse page
kazumi mishima
rebecca chambers
heather mason
red sonja
kylie griffin
cammy white
ken masters
jareth the goblin king
frankie stein
toralei stripe
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gaast · 7 months
What do you find most attractive in fictional characters? Give one physical trait and one personality trait if possible!
"If possible."
It really all depends, but you know that, on a basic level, I'm a sucker for blond anime boys for some reason. If they're the type to just smile mysteriously instead of answering a question about themselves, so much the better.
But I think my favorite characters in general are the ones who are determined to do what they think is right regardless of how painful or self-destructive it might be to do so, or how futile it might be overall (Hikigaya Hachiman, Lightning Farron, Siffrin). As you can see, I also really like characters who have to learn how to be vulnerable and learn how to (let themselves) express their feelings, especially with people they come to consider family.
I LOVE when characters are cheerful and never fully lose their optimism but have to acknowledge that they have been wrong wrong wrong and hurting people who they care about and let their friends help pick them up and learn and grow (Rex, and, in a way, Luke fon Fabre). But I also really love when characters just let themselves descend into their worst tendencies, acknowledging their own flaws while refusing to change them, just becoming a poisonous wreck incapable of forming meaningful comnections in favor of idolizing the self (Isamu Nitta, Albedo Piazzolla).
Of course, I also adore supremely cheerful characters whose lives are so fucking tough and to whom the world is almost nightmarish and who absolutely refuse to let that stop them from being happy and kind and helpful and naive (Marona, Sora). I love when characters who dont deserve that nightmare world decide to take revenge on it and then find the people they love and calm down and find peace and forgiveness in their hearts (Roxas, Axel, Walnut, Godot). But I also love when characters who wanted so desperately to do good end up so broken that they decide to become the villain (Big Boss, Lusamine, Guzma, Egil, Sprout).
Of course, I also adore characters who INSIST that they are evil but only if you frame it the right way (Laharl, Rozalin). I mean, characters who know they're evil but have a pathos about them get me too (Sigma, Metallia). But I think better than even those is when a nightmarishly powerful, truly deadful, overhwelmingly evil character decides to allow themself to change and be changed and become better people (Killia, Lambda).
But shoutouts to idealists who fall and never comfortably fit into villainy (Jin), idiots with ahoges who Blue Screen over something truly devastating happening to them only to decide their own new identities and throw off the reigns of the patrons who had for so long been manipulating them (Yumihiko Ichiyanagi, Shulk), and the characters who the developers didn't even realize they were queercoding (or maybe they did) who let us read so much pining into them it hurts (Reyn, Neku Sakuraba).
Also I love love love love LOVE when a character will sacrifice themself to protect someone, even if it's fucking STUPID of them and all they need to do is TRUST PEOPLE (Simon Blackquill), and characters who trust the protagonist but who the protagonist just can't trust implicitly (Klavier Gavin), and those very protagonists (Apollo Justice), and, yeah, I love a lot of characters and types.
I just love complexity and messiness and idealism in the face of despair (Makoto Naegi) and despair in the face of hope (Nagito Komaeda). I love bastards who know they're bastards, I love good people who fought long and hard to be good people and who will never acknowledge it (Solid Snake), I love good brothers (Gladion), I love cute friends (Hau), I love happiness and joy and I love sadness and despair. I love a lot. I have a lot of love.
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goth-automaton · 6 months
Do u have a favorite OTP/OT3?
Hmmmmm, depends on a fandom tbh – I'm usually a multishipper and it's pretty hard to me to pick favourites... But let's ponder that a little:
Definitely NeroV. I like a lot of DMC ships, but that was the one, that really got me into it. Plus I think they really fit each other. 💜
Otasune, sweet Arceus, Otasune! While I'm not against other ships with these two, I personally ship Solid Snake and Otacon only with each other. My beloved disaster husbands. T^T
Sonadow. Sonic is a fandom, where my shipping has no borders, but this one is a classic and I love their dynamics. ^^
When it comes to KH I'm team "fuck it, we ball!"... But lately I've gotten really fond of Luxord/Vexen. Unfortunately, so far I'm the only author on AO3, who's writing for them. XD Also, Larxene/Aqua, I think they're neat. ^^
I absolutely adore Tifa/Aerith, they're so cuuuuuuute! 💜
In BNHA I'm strong DabiHawks shipper, but I'm fine with shipping Dabi with others too (Hawks? Not so much).
Oh, and in Pokemon I love shipping Raihan with Piers. Or Leon with Piers. Or a threesome. Also, Guzma/Piers. And Guzma/Plumeria. 💜 (wait, isn't the last one only het ship on this list? ^^")
And now time for my two absolutely most favourite ships!
Hanch (Drakengard 2)/Daniella (Haunting Ground)!
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Does this ship make any sense? Nope, they aren't even in the same game. Do I still adore my traumatised psycho PS2 horror lesbians? Oh, yes! 💜
And the ship to rule all ships:
I don't ship waifu with anyone else. Just. Nope. She's mine! 😤
Thank you for the question! 💜
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fatherphilia · 1 year
First off, I loved the Lusamine fic you posted 💖
Second off, How about some Noncon Guzma and Team Skull Grunts running a train on a Tied Up G/N (Implied Male) reader???
(PS: The Grunts can be either Male or Female, whichever one suits best for you 🫶)
thank you for your kind words! ♡
tw. noncon under cut
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guzma normally isn’t one for brutal punishments but when he catches you stealing for his crew well, there’s not much else in his mind. he’d work hard to provide a place for his team and you’re going to come in and take from them? without even a hi? how rude.
it’s plumeria who initially catches you and hands you over to the big boss and he’s quick to force you on to your knees in front of a crowd full of wide-eyed grunts. the grunts cheer for their boss as he bounds your hands and then legs together, forcing you to stay on your knees even as you squirm.
“nice idea you had there, buddy. thought you could pull a fast one on your boy, guzma huh?” the boss says with a confident grin plastered onto his face as he grips your chin with his hand and forces you to look up at him. “well, i think it’s only fair that i take something in return.”
the crowd looks on with intrigue as guzma pulls down his sweats, freeing his cock from it’s confinements as the head nudges towards your lips.
you freeze, trying to twist your body away from his touch but the ropes digging into your hands and legs leave you with nowhere to go. “i’m sorry!”, you blurt out as it becomes increasingly clear to you what the man was planning to do with you. “i- i’ll pay you back for what i stole! i swear!”
your pleas however, fall on deaf ears as guzma beckons two grunts forward to join you. the pink-haired grunt looked a little nervous as she kneeled in front of you before guzma’s voice begins to egg her on.
“come on. he stole from us so don’t feel bad. we’re just.. taking somethin’ of equal value.”
the girl nods, looking a little more confident as her hand moves to roughly grope your crotch, her deft finger tips sliding over the seam of the pants. behind you, the blue-haired grunt is all the more eager to roughly grip your waist, earning a pleased chuckle from guzma as the grunt slides his hands up your shirt to press the pads of his thumbs against your nipples.
you squirm, trapped between the two grunts. any attempt to move away is futile and has them both grasping at you and pulling you back in close.
finally, guzma can truly take his turn. using his hand to pry open your jaw as he slides the head of his cock into your mouth. “shit,” he groans out as he thrusts up into your mouth causing you to choke as the head brushes the back of your throat.
the female grunt manages to snake her hand into your pants, her hand moving in rough motions to jerk you off while the male behind you is sliding his hands down your back. when his fingers skim the curve of your ass, you jerk forward in surprise which only serves to force guzma’s cock deeper down your throat.
there’s a sharp grunt from the man in front of you. “fuck, you must really like me.” guzma says with a chuckle as your mouth struggles to fit him farther in all while tears are streaming down your face and your body shakes while the girl in front of your begins to unbutton your pants.
“alright, pal. we’ll continue this a little longer.. since you seem so eager.”
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wildstar25 · 11 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
tagged by @eorzeanflowers thank you !!
I'm not always engaged in fandoms but I will list some media properties/series I really enjoy in no particular order and my top handful of characters from that o/
FFXIV - I love all the past and present scions so much. My bias is always going to be Alphinaud, Alisaie, Y'shtola, and G'raha of course <3
Kingdom Hearts - Sora, Xion, Roxas, Axel, Riku
DC Comics - Batman, Catwoman, Dick Grayson, Harley Quinn, Damien Wayne
HADES (2018) - Zagreus, Hypnos
One Piece - Luffy, Ace, Law, Usopp, Nami, Zoro, Robin
DRAMAticle Murder - Aoba, Koujaku, Kou
Pokemon - Anime: (Ash's) Pikachu, Team Rocket, Misty. Games: Red, Green, Silver, Guzma
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Jotaro Kujo, Josuke higashikata, Jolyne cujoh, Foo Fighters, Narancia, Mista, Trish, Giorno
Star Trek - Data, Spock, Worf, Jadzia Dax, Kira Nerys, Odo, Quark, Suru, Sisko
Metal Gear Solid - Otacon, Solid Snake, Raiden
tagging: @ablubluh, @sapphirestar98, @nhaneh, @quicksilver-ink, @binart, @titenoute, @smallnico, @jellymiens
and/or anyone who feels like it!
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gnzma · 1 year
[ kill ]
...he should be scared. Worried or, at the very least, impressed by Proton's quickness. It's not the first time he got a blade pointed at him, and hopefully this won't be the last, but it generally leaves him at least a little shaken.
Credit where credit is due, he did feel a shiver at first. That's something. Guzma even tilts lightly his head on the side, the blade pressing dangerously against his neck, but keeps his eyes on the Rocket in front of him.
That's his way to prove that nothing, not even a knife at his throat, scare him. Or, simply enough, that he doesn't give a shit. That he means business, and that he's not going away without some answers.
"You're gettin' close to Ree." he says after a few seconds spent glaring at the other. A very matter-of-fact-ly comment, going straight ot the point "And I would hate to take another friend away from 'em."
I mean. Did Kane even count as a friend? Ree will move on from that loser.
"But I really, really feel like punchin' someone's teeth in lately, so do me a favor and think very carefully about your next words.
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There's a snake in your ranks. His name's Jax. Y'know him, yeah?"
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draculecosplay · 2 years
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Super Smash Bros / Nintendo cosplayers compilation from Magfest 2023 Part 4/4. First pic was so adorable seeing a group of Pikmin. Also full blown Samus suits always blow me away. And those Snake cosplays with the boxes are always a nice touch. 😂 If anybody recognizes any of the cosplayers here please let me know or tag yourself. #magfest #magfest2023 #cosplay #cosplayers #costume #kirby #kirbycosplay #smashbros #smashbroscosplay #nintendo #nintendocosplay #itachi #itachicosplay #guzma #guzmacosplay #snakecosplay #pikmincosplay #pikmin #solidsnake (at MAGfest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Codo_p2LiMc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Masterlist Of Characters I’ll Write For (All male characters) Requests Open! 18+ MINORS DNI ~2024 Update~
~By now I’ve realized I’ve said I was coming back again like 12 times now, and there was no updates. Sorry guys💀😭. I just feel like I’m not as into anime anymore and my past imagines were just super cringey. I will be deleting my least popular posts and the ones I’m personally not proud of, so I apologize if any of my followers saved those😬. I will however be trying to get into creative writing once more, as I feel like I am able to write about more mature topics now and other things. My Masterlist of characters has changed, as some I don’t feel comfortable writing for and again I apologize. I won’t do heavy smut, nor certain topics of self harm as I don’t want to write for something I’m not entirely familiar with personally (nor do I want to compare my personal experiences with it to someone else’s as it’s different for everyone). I will however cover certain mental illnesses, but they will not be romanticized but rather comfort fics. As far as writing occasionally fics relating to a slight burp fetish (I hate that word🤧 it just sounds weird lmao) I probably won’t do too many of those requests as I’m trying to move away from that type of content. I also will be changing my accounts lay out, so if you see some changes dw it’s still me😅 Thank you, and I hope you guys will send me some great requests!💕~
Iwaizumi Hajime
Kuroo Tetsuro
Tsukkishima Kei
Phoenix Wright (During the time period of the Justice For All saga)
Miles Edgeworth (During the time period of the Justice For All saga)
AVATAR (James Cameron’s)
Jake Sully
Kafka Hibino
Iharu Furuhashi
Aoi Kaguragi
Ken Ryuguji
Takashi Mitsuya
Naoto Tachibana
Keisuke Baji
Atsushi Sendo
Takuya Yamamoto
Felix (Once Upon A Time)
Riff (Westside Story)
Draco Malfoy (Hogwarts Timeline up until the Battle of Hogwarts)
Rooster/ Bradley Bradshaw (Top Gun Maverick)
Jake Seresin (Top Gun Maverick)
David Shreiner (Gross Anatomy)
Andrew Neiman (Whiplash)
Coriolanus Snow (The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes)
Peter Hayes (Divergent Films)
Sebastian Sallow (Hogwarts Legacy)
*I am okay with writing minor weight gain and burp kinks if that appeals to you
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melodiaemfrp · 9 months
Hi, this is Guzma again! I have a small request. One of my muses, Frye (Splatoon) has her defining song officially listed as "Anarchy Rainbow (Frye Solo)." Her solo now actually has an official name! It is called "Anarchy Poison (Snake Mix)". If possible, could the name of her defining song be changed to that? If you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to reach out to me here on guwuzmania. Thank you!
hi guzma! the song title's been updated for you! —scribe poco ♡
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ask-themonsterthug · 7 years
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+Well, They DO!
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lycaran · 3 years
Guzma: Hey Plumes, remember how you hid the paypal account password from me last time I ordered stuff without you knowing?
Plumeria, suspicious: Yeeees?
Guzma, setting boxes down: Well, I figured it out.
Plumeria:...What did you buy?
Guzma: You'll like it, it's isopods!
Plumeria, looking at all the boxes:...Okay, it's alot of isopods?
Guzma: It's a lot of isopods.
Plumeria: How much did you spend on isopods?
Guzma: Uhh...Don't worry about it! There all really pretty!
Plumeria: A thousand pokedollars?
Guzma: Oh, if we're going that route, a little bit more than that.
Plumeria: Okay...Two thousand?
Guzma: Keep goin'.
Plumeria: Hmmm, Five thousand pokedollars on isopods.
Guzma: Uhh, let's go with yes?
Plumeria: More than that!? Oh my Arceus...Well, it can't be more than ten thousand pokedollars.
Guzma: It's not- It's not over ten thousand.
Note: I upped the actual numbers because Pokedollars to actual US Dollars isn't really a 1 to 1.
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thesnakesstuff · 5 years
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I am about 3 years late to ya boi.
Some n//sfw under the cut
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bpdhawks · 6 years
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Look at this stupid thing
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skull-doggery · 6 years
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Been a while since I drew Snake Guzma huh.
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