#Small transitional master bathroom with black floor
serialthrill · 2 years
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Bathroom - Transitional Bathroom
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chloeeruby · 2 years
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New York Transitional Bathroom
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Transitional Bathroom - Master Bath
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Wrong Reflection. (No CW)
CW: None, possible small for panic attack
Characters: Dewdrop
Read it under the cut or on AO3!
Bandages wrapped around burnt skin felt as if sandpaper was touching every inch of Dewdrop's body as he sat in the infirmary. He stayed silent, looking down at his hands that no longer had webbing between them - down to his feet that stayed arched with no webbing as well and now held heavy claws. The once water ghoul exhaled, slowly pushing himself off the bed. He stumbled some, trying to get accustomed to the new feeling of his weight distribution - his once thick tail now slimmed and feeling unnatural. One step forward, another out.
He kept a slow, shuffling pace to the bathroom in his recovery room, the lights being dimmed to help with his sensitive eyes. As he stood in the bathroom, he reached to the knob in the corner, slowly turning it up more. Dew hissed and squeezed himself shut, hand shaking before exhaling and opening his eyes.
Who was that in the mirror?
Dew leaned forwards over the sink, finally seeing his face for the first time after his transition. His fingers shook as he went over his now pale face, ignoring the blisters and heavy burns that covered him.
Once dark gray skin now a strange gray-pale, his long black hair that shimmered as blue now a disgusting blonde yet held black at the roots. His eyes were two toned, left being red, right being blue. Dew felt himself shake more as he opened his mouth, whimpering at his fangs or rather the extra addition. He covered his mouth quickly, sobbing behind his palm as he finally acknowledged what had happened.
The gills on his neck struggled to open, and only the top slits did. Dew felt like he couldn't breathe, desperate to try and calm himself. He flicked the sink faucet on, putting his hands under the cup to splash on his face - only to scream in agony and yank his hands away, looking down as blisters began to split and blood oozed from the wounds. A strong, heavy trill left Dew, looking around the bathroom for some sort of guidance he knew wasn't there.
Dewdrop sobbed harder, bringing his hands to his chest as he hunched forwards, deep into his panic attack and pain everything started to blur out. He felt desperate… Scared. It felt like everything was crumbling around him, the room spinning.
“O-Omega..!” Dew cried out, slowly going to his knees as he slid down the wall. “Ifrit!”
A small shrivel inside his gut. "Papaaa..." He heaved, dragging out for his master. "Papa!"
He sobbed harder, crying for his pack for just some type of comfort, just some type of grounding. Despite their heavy hands that laid on him so uncomfortably, he needed them. Dew clawed at his neck, trying to inhale harder and faster - he could feel the bandages around his ribs too tight. He needed them off. He needed it. He couldn't breathe. Gripping at the white tape that had been stained from the inside, Dew ignored the flaring pain as he used his claws to rip through, going still as he looked down at himself.
His gills were cauterized shut.
A scream ripped through Dew's throat, eyes in points as he grabbed onto his skin, pulling and hurting himself. His hands scrambled to his hair, pulling as he continued yelling in anguish, folding over himself on the bathroom floor. It felt as his skin was too tight yet melting around his bones, desperately clawing and reopening his wounds - letting out a heavy scream as his body fought against itself.
What did they do to him?
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away-ward · 1 year
Make No Apologies, part 1
Part 2>>
Master List
Summary: Will takes a trip to San Francisco to confirm what he thinks he knows. What he learns changes everything.
Based on a request: Will and Emory reunite, outside of Blackchurch, and Will is jealous, possibly because Emory has a boyfriend.
For context, this first part takes place closely following Killswitch. Parts 2 and 3 take place two years later. In this AU, Will went to Blackchurch and returned after being "rescued" by his friends, where the remaining events were all the same, except for what was influenced by Emory (i.e the Horseman wedding and burning the Cove.). There are other minor difference that will be addressed in the text, but feel free to ask if there's any confusion.
Please enjoy, and thank you for reading!
I felt the shift in the air the second I stepped through the door. Everything was exactly where I left it when I walked out that morning. Living alone, I didn’t have to worry about people moving my stuff, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t weary of surprises.   
Locking the door behind me, I removed my sweater and hung it on the second-hand coat rack in the long, narrow living room. I dropped my keys in the small bowl on the old consul table by the door, leaving my work bag beside it. All my furniture, from the sofa to the wingback chair to my iron bed frame, was second-hand, a collection cobbled together as I transitioned out of the dorms.   
The one-bedroom apartment I scored during my internship was far out of my price range, but I fell in love when I saw the small chandeliers in the living and dining rooms. It didn’t matter that the kitchen counter was old, cracked tile, impossible to keep clean, or that the bathroom had horrible water pressure. I talked the owner down to something I could manage, promising to make improvements while I lived here. My degree was already paying off because he agreed with little arm twisting.  
I glanced right, taking in the nearly empty dining room. I didn’t have people over, so the table was only big enough for four, leaving most of the room bare. Through the arch, I saw the black and white tiles of the kitchen floor, the chipping sink and pale yellow wall. There was no exit through there, so I moved on to the hall leading to the bedroom.  
I refused to blink, keeping my eyes wide as I stared through the darkness. Scanning the walls, the corners, over every surface, I tried to pinpoint what unnerved me as I walked deeper into my home. Pictures of my grandma and my parents hung on the walls. I couldn’t shake the feeling someone had touched them as I passed. Unknown eyes had lingered on their faces. I swallowed, fighting the churn of my stomach.  
My bedroom was on the right, the door allowing a sliver of moonlight through. That confirmed what my instincts already knew. I only ever closed that door when I was inside. It should have been wide open.  
Quietly, heart pounding, I opened the hall closet and pulled out the bat Thea gave me when I told her I was moving to a first-floor apartment alone. I told her a taser would be better.   
My face cooled with sweat as I wrapped my hands around the base and moved silently toward the door. That would have been impossible two weeks ago before I had replaced all the squeaky floorboards.   
I paused next to the door, out of sight. The scent of cigarettes confronted me here, burning my sinuses. Holding my breath, I weighed my options. I should turn around and call the cops like any sane person.  
Ugh. Cops.  
Fight to the death it is, then. It’s them or me, and I’m not going down without swinging this time.  
I took a deep breath and kicked open the door on the exhale, biting back the roar of rage and fear as I brought the bat over my shoulder. My eyes wildly searched the room before landing on the lonely figure sitting in the chair by the window.   
The fight left my body as I took him in. The familiarity of it hit me like a train, slicing through my heart, leaving me struggling to hold myself up.  
“Long time, Em,” he said.    
He sat casually, unbothered by my sudden, loud intrusion. The glowing tip of the cigarette hung languidly between his fingers. Even slouched in the seat, he was massive. With the light coming in from behind him, I couldn’t make out the details, but I didn’t need to see to know that he’d changed far too much since the last time I saw him.  
He waited.   
I waited, watching his movements.  
He waited some more. He brought the cigarette to his mouth, drawing the smoke in deeply before exhaling a cloud through his nose and then lazily snuffing it out on the wooden arm of the antique chair.  
I couldn’t take it. I turned and bolted, darting down the hall.   
It didn’t take more than a few seconds for him to catch up. He grabbed me around the waist before I could reach the door, throwing me back, effectively putting himself between me and my only exit.  
In the tussle, I caught the sharp sting of alcohol. My head swam with memories, returning to the last time I saw him drunk and angry. Backing away, I stepped around the couch so that it acted like a shield. It would be nothing for him to leap over it, but it was all I had.  
I gritted my teeth, grinding until my jaw hurt. Was this it, then? Was he ready to air it all out and end this thing between us?   
The multiple windows give me a better view of his face. As always, I was struck by his fine features: straight nose, pretty mouth, strong jaw. But it was the new details that moved me. The dark skin under his eyes, the slightly greasy sheen on his forehead, and lips that were too red and cracked. Whatever he used to style his hair with was long gone, leaving it limp and looking like he’d run his hands through it too many times.  
He was handsome as always, but he didn’t look good.  
“I've been waiting for this day,” I spat, ignoring all that, “though I expected you to come sooner. What happened, couldn’t get off Michael’s leash, or does one of the others hold it these days?”  
His smile was mocking. “You were waiting for me? Why is that?”  
I stayed silent. Maybe this had nothing to do with what I’d done. Maybe Will didn't even know and was here for another reason. If that were the case, telling him now would only make him worse.  
He tilted his head, taking a step to the side. “Is it because you know you owe me, maybe.”  
“I owe you shit.” Lie. Lie. Lie.  
“We both know that isn’t right,” he said. With each step he took, I took another. I knew he was herding me back to the bedroom. There was no other choice unless I let him close the distance between us. “I loved you, and you lied.”  
“You put Martin in the hospital,” I argued, “and you burned down my gazebo. I’d say we’re even.”  
“You ruined me.”  
“You’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.”  
He came to a stop as he entered the hallway. “You want to know why I’m here, Em? I just wanted to see you. See how you were holding up after everything you did to me, to us. I wanted to talk, to understand why...I wondered if you’d finally tell me the truth after all this time. If you could do that, then maybe...”  
So he did know.
I didn’t answer him. How could I?  
“I am barely hanging on, Em,” he continued. “And you know what really hurts? Instead of seeing you hurting just as much, you have the life you always wanted. Away from me. Happy.”  
My mouth opened with a silent gasp as my chest caved in. He’s been watching me. For how long? What has he seen?  
“What did you expect?” I ask, forcing more bravado than I felt. “For me to wallow around in self-pity, drinking my days away, and lifting every skirt I can find? I think you’ve got us confused, Will.”  
“Who was the guy?” he growled.  
What? I blinked in confusion, his unexpected diversion causing my mind to spin out.  
Will stepped closer. “The guy you had lunch with. Is he your man now?” The question was guttural, like it was torn from his throat.  
Lunch. I had lunch with Brett, a senior designer at the firm. He wanted to bring me onto his team for an upcoming project and invited me to lunch to review the details. We talked about the house and our ideas. It was innocent. He was a happily married man with three kids at home. But the way Will’s eyes trailed over me, I might as well have been sitting in his lap.   
“So what if he is?” I challenged. “Why shouldn’t I be out here, living my life? I could crawl into as many beds as I wanted. Let every man in the city have a piece of this ass. What are you going to do about it?”  
He charged. I retreated, scrambling to get away from him, from the anger that poured out of him and burned me.  
“Will,” I cried when he caught my shoulders and turned me so my back hit the wall. My glasses flew off, clattering somewhere nearby. “Will, stop.”  
His closed fist landed next to my head, and I felt the vibrations down my neck and spine. “All you had to do was apologize.”  
With shaky hands, I bunched the fabric at his shoulders, feeling the soft material of a hoodie. A black hoodie, just like before. “I won’t.”  
“Why can’t you just do what I ask, just once. Why do you have to ruin everything?”  
“I gave you what you wanted.” My voice strained as tears built behind my eyes. That perfect night. We had one perfect night, and it was everything I had to give. He never understood that. “I gave you Thunder Bay back. I left so it could be yours. Isn’t that what you want.” He wanted to erase me, and I let him.  
He shook me by the arms, screaming, “I told you want I want.” Me...Us.  
The ache from his grip and the sound of his rage felt like an old meeting an old acquaintance. Looking up at him, I almost smiled. “And I told you no.”  
Maybe I was the first. I'd love that.
He pushed me so forcibly that my head thumped against the wall as he stepped away. He ran a hand over his face, a sound like a groan crossed with a wail pulling from his chest. It broke me to hear, but I couldn't let him see it, even now. 
“I can’t,” he panted, gasping for air that escaped him. His glare cut me deep, despite the shadows we stood in. “They’re all moving on. But I can’t. Because of you.”  
I understood. No matter what I did, no matter who I met, nothing changed. I was still Emory Scott, the girl who killed the heart of the only boy she ever loved. “You’ll have to kill me.”  
He recoiled as if slapped and looked as shocked as I felt at seeing him here.  
I rested my head against the wall and looked up at my ceiling as the tears threatened to leak. “Kill me because I can’t keep doing this with you.” Taking a deep shuddering breath, I turned my gaze on him, hardening myself. “But I can’t be this with anyone else either.”   
And that was the truth. Will had a part of me, a crucial part that kept me chained to him. I ached from a hollow emptiness constantly. Lived with the pain, knowing I’d never be full again. I only truly lived when I was with Will.   
I forced my eyes to stay open, trained on him. "So come on, Will! Finish this. Finish what you started." Because I warned him to stay away from me. Don't touch me. He never listened and always did what he wanted. This was the consequence.  
He charged at me, and I gasped, bracing myself for his wrath. As soon as he got his hands on me, I swatted at him, heedless of his strength and not caring where my blows landed. 
But Will took me by surprise. He wrapped me up, pinning my arms between us. “Shh,” he said into my hair. I fought to push him off, but my energy waned the longer he held me. Stupidly, I leaned into him, hiccuping into his shoulder. I felt him move, shifting lower. His nose dragged down my temple, around my cheek, over the curve of my jaw until he pressed an open kiss along my nape. That stirred in me something I should have known better than to enjoy. Anticipation mixed with fear and...  
I pounded my fist against his chest to keep from cracking open in front of him. “I’m not sorry.”   
“Neither am I,” he shot back, his breath heating the place his lips just were. “We’re not done yet.”  
I sniffled and stiffened in his arms as his words took root. His hand snaked up the back of my neck and into my hair. He fisted the loose strands, forcing my head back to look at him in his hooded eyes. The stark green rimmed in red was all I could see.   
“We are going to finish this, Em, and I'm going to get my due,” he said, his other hand coming up and wrapping his fingers around my exposed throat. My heart hammered under the pad of his thumb. His lips brushed lightly against mine as he whispered, “But I want to enjoy it. Sober.”  
My breaths became shallow as I watched him watch me. So much of this was familiar, yet I didn't know what this new Will would do next.   
Will moved suddenly, his mouth landed fully on mine and his tongue sinking in deep for a terrible moment that I craved so much before pulling back. “So, you’ll have to wait a little longer, but I promise you when I’m done, you’ll wish all I wanted was an apology.”  
part 2>>
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kuku-doodles · 1 year
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New York Master Bath Inspiration for a small transitional master black tile and subway tile mosaic tile floor and white floor bathroom remodel with flat-panel cabinets, black cabinets, a two-piece toilet, black walls, an undermount sink, marble countertops, a hinged shower door and white countertops
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wonkrups · 1 year
Bathroom Master Bath in Salt Lake City
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Small transitional master black tile and marble tile marble floor, multicolored floor and single-sink bathroom photo with beaded inset cabinets, black cabinets, a two-piece toilet, black walls, a console sink, marble countertops, a hinged shower door, multicolored countertops and a freestanding vanity
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betsyloop · 1 year
Bathroom - Transitional Bathroom
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Black cabinets with recessed panels, a two-piece toilet, white walls, an undermount sink, quartzite countertops, a hinged shower door, white countertops, and a freestanding vanity can be seen in a small transitional master bathroom with black and white and marble tile floors, white floors, and single-sink walk-in showers.
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heyitswil · 1 year
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Atlanta Master Bath Black cabinets with recessed panels, a two-piece toilet, white walls, an undermount sink, quartzite countertops, a hinged shower door, white countertops, and a freestanding vanity can be seen in a small transitional master bathroom with black and white and marble tile floors, white floors, and single-sink walk-in showers.
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thetwinsofevil · 1 year
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Transitional Bathroom - Master Bath Small transitional master blue tile and ceramic tile cement tile floor, black floor and single-sink alcove shower photo with furniture-like cabinets, white cabinets, a two-piece toilet, white walls, a vessel sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, white countertops and a freestanding vanity
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Bathroom - Master Bath Small doorless shower design for a transitional master bathroom with white tile and subway tile, marble flooring, a black floor, furniture-like cabinets made of light wood, a two-piece toilet, an undermount sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, and white countertops.
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How to Add a Spa in the Bathroom
Adding a spa in the bathroom can bring a feeling of relaxation and luxury to any home. Whether you want a spa in the shower or in the bathtub, there are several options available. Some of the options include built-in and floating vanities, contrasting color schemes, and a spa-like atmosphere.
Floating shelves
Floating shelves in the bathroom for a spa feel can be a wonderful addition to any bathroom. They are easy to install and provide extra storage for your bathroom. They are also a great way to display art and decor.
You can choose from a variety of floating shelves, including ones that fit in with the colors and style of your bathroom. The options are almost endless. You can use them for towels, toiletries, and other items. They can also be used for greenery.
You can also create a spa mood by adding a few lights to the walls. These lights can be fitted with warm bulbs to give the room a spa-like feeling.
Built-in vanity
Having a spa-like bathroom is a great way to relax. However, you don’t have to go to the spa to achieve this look. You can achieve it at home with a built-in vanity.
A spa bathroom is a minimalist design with clean lines and minimal hardware and fixtures. You can add industrial touches, such as reclaimed wood and metal hardware, to give the vanity a distinctly industrial feel.
A vanity with a marble countertop and simple cabinetry are a good way to achieve this look. It will also match with the rest of the bathroom, creating a cohesive look.
A built-in vanity is a great way to increase storage space in your bathroom. It will also create a cohesive look between your bathroom and your kitchen.
Vanity areas allow for seated use
Using vanity areas to allow for seated use of the spa in the bathroom is a great way to make the most of your space. The right storage is also important, and can make the space seem less cramped. A vanity with plenty of storage makes the room feel less like a pigpen.
In a smaller bathroom, the clear glass door is the obvious way to make the space feel bigger. A storage rack hung on the wall is also a good idea. Similarly, using patterned tiles for the floor helps to add interest.
Using a floating vanity in the bathroom is also a great way to make the most of the space. This is also the newest trend in bath design, and is being seen in contemporary and transitional designs alike.
Vanity areas allow for contrasting color schemes
Vanity areas in a bathroom are a great way to add color to the room. This makes the space feel larger. They are also a great way to showcase your own style.
There are many ways to achieve a color scheme that will work well in your bathroom. This includes choosing a bathroom vanity that will work with your color scheme. Using contrasting colors can make your vanity stand out and add a wow factor to your bathroom.
A black bathroom vanity looks great with gold accents. Gold hardware adds a metallic finish to dark elements, like the sink and tub. It also adds warmth to the room.
Adding candles to your bathroom is a great way to create a relaxing environment. Aside from lighting your bathroom, candles also add a romantic touch. Adding scented candles is a good idea, as they can add a touch of sweetness to your bath.
One of the best ways to add light to your bathroom is to install a floor-to-ceiling window. This will allow natural ambient light to flood the room. You can also add a pendant light, which will provide even lighting to the face area.
It is also a good idea to install a surface-mounted can light above the shower. This will provide general overhead lighting after the sun sets.
Luxury bathroom with amenities on par with those at a spa
Whether you’re planning a small powder room or a luxury master bathroom, there are several ways to give your space the spa-like look and feel that you want. By choosing high-quality fixtures, you can bring a spa-like touch to your home.
A freestanding bathtub is a great choice for a luxurious spa bathroom. It’s not only an eye-catching decorative piece, but it can absorb natural light as well.
Another spa-like bathroom item is a large mirror. Mirrors add light to a room, and can make a small bathroom seem bigger. Adding a patterned floor can tie the two looks together. You can also add a statement chandelier.
The bathroom is often the most overlooked room in your house. It’s easy to see why it’s usually small and hidden away, and it’s probably the last place you’d expect to spend a significant amount of time. But the truth is, the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home. It is a functional space for bathing and washing and a social hub for your entire household. So it makes sense that you want to ensure it looks its best. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation specializes in bathroom renovations. Whether you’re interested in updating your current bathroom or building a brand new one from scratch, we can help you create the perfect space for your whole family. We believe that bathrooms should look spa-like, sustainable, and modern. In addition to being practical spaces, they should also feel warm and inviting. With that in mind, we strive to incorporate natural materials, open floor plans, and lots of light.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a bathroom remodel increase home value?
Bathroom remodels can offer a return in investment (ROI), between 60 and 70%. This makes them a solid option for anyone looking to increase their home’s value. Your home’s potential value increase will depend on many factors such as the scope and quality of the remodel, and where it is located. An example: A luxurious bathroom remodel in a desirable area is more likely to yield a higher ROI than one in a less expensive neighborhood.
How can you remodel a bathroom while keeping your budget tight?
Take stock of everything that you have. This includes toilets.
After you have finished the list, determine if any items you can salvage. If they’re not salvageable then they need to be replaced.
Next, you’ll need to decide how much money you want to spend on each item. Once you’ve determined the budget for each item, it’s time to start shopping online for replacement parts or in your local hardware store.
Finally, you can update your bathroom once you have your new parts. This may include painting the walls, tiling the floors, or replacing old fixtures with new ones. Whatever route you choose to go, be sure to stick within your budget.
What is the ROI of a bathroom renovation in Metro Vancouver?
A bathroom renovation project can be very expensive. It can be very costly, but if done right, it can make a huge difference. According to HomeAdvisor, mid-range bathroom remodels have an average return on investment of 70%, while upscale bathroom renovations have an average ROI of 60%. You can expect a return on investment of $14,000 if you spend $20,000 to renovate a bathroom in Metro Vancouver. If you spend $40,000 to remodel your bathroom, you can expect a return of $24,000.
Of course, the actual ROI you experience will depend on several factors, including the quality of the renovation, the current market conditions, and the location of your home. But, bathroom remodeling is worth your consideration if you intend to sell your house soon. You will be able to make your home more appealing for potential buyers. It could also help you sell your home at a higher price.
Even if your goal is to sell your house in the near future, a bathroom remodel could still prove to be a good investment. A well-designed and executed bathroom renovation can increase the enjoyment you get from your home and improve its resale value down the road. A bathroom remodeling project is worth your consideration, whether you want to increase the value of your house or create a more relaxing and stylish space.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed revealed bathrooms are now designed for two-person use. (https://nkba.org)
If possible, allow a 15 to 20% contingency fund so you’re prepared for the unexpected. (loveproperty.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Floating vanities were favoured by 71% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value. (remodelista.com)
Glass tile is one of the greenest bathroom flooring options because it can be 100% recycled. (caddetailsblog.com)
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
WaterSense-labeled bathroom sink faucets use a maximum of 1.5 gallons per minute, reducing water use by 30 percent or more from the standard flow of 2.2 gallons per minute – without sacrificing performance. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Bathroom faucet designs reflected wellness concerns, with 61% choosing accessible lever handles, 48% choosing motion and 36% going for the touch or tap options. (https://nkba.org)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
External Links
How to buy a new toilet for your home
Home – NKBA
Bathroom Remodeling Budgeting in Real Life
How To
How to design your own bathroom
Choose a Color scheme that suits your Home Consider how the scheme will look in conjunction with your home’s decor. Consider the age of your house and avoid bright colors such as yellow, orange, or green. Instead, choose soft colours like blue, grays, white, or cream.
Living in a newer house gives you more flexibility when choosing bathroom colors. You can go for brighter shades if you want but use them sparingly. You might only need one accent wall or a brightly-coloured towel rail to bring personality to your space.
You should ensure that there is plenty of storage space
It is important to ensure there is enough storage space in your bathroom. This means that you need to leave enough space for your towels, hand soap, makeup brushes and other bathroom items.
If you are short on space, floating shelves and medicine cabinets might be a good option. These will give you extra storage space without taking up too much room.
Add Mirrors to Your Home
Mirrors are a great addition to any bathroom. Mirrors let you view yourself in your powder room. Mirrors come in different sizes and shapes. Some mirrors are rectangular, while others are round. Mirrors can even be shaped as animals or flowers.
Make sure you have the right lighting
Lighting is vital and should be treated with care. There are many factors you should consider when lighting your bathroom.
You need to decide what kind of light bulbs to use. There are a variety of options including LED, Halogen and Fluorescent.
Next, you need to decide where your light fixtures will be located. There are many options. You could place them on the ceiling, or on the wall. Make sure that your bathroom has enough windows to let in natural light. If not, you may want to consider adding a skylight.
It is up to you what type of lighting style you prefer. Make sure that you only use bathroom light fixtures. This will ensure that they can withstand the humidity and moisture in this room.
Choose the right flooring
Choose slip-resistant and easy-to-clean flooring. For bathroom flooring, you can choose from porcelain tiles, natural stone or luxury vinyl.
Avoid dark-colored flooring if you have a small bathroom. It will make your bathroom appear smaller and less spacious. Choose lighter colors such as beige, cream, and white.
Take Care in Choosing Your Layout
Your bathroom layout is as important as the fixtures and colours you choose. It is important to consider how you’ll use the space while planning your layout.
For example, if you have a small bathroom, you may want to avoid putting in a bathtub. This will allow you to move around in a more comfortable way.
Double sinks are a great idea for larger bathrooms. This will allow you to have more counter space, and it will make it easier for two people simultaneously to prepare.
Once you’ve determined how you want to use your space, you can plan your layout. Take a tape measurement to measure the space. Sketch out several layout options using graph paper.
Once you have seen several layouts, pick the one that suits your space best.
Remember Ventilation
Proper ventilation is necessary to keep mildew and mould from growing in bathrooms. This is especially important for those who live in humid areas.
Before installing, ensure you carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to ensure that your fan vents properly to the outside.
Use quality materials
Choose high-quality materials when remodeling your bathroom. Higher quality materials will last longer and resist more damage. While they may cost more initially, these materials will be cheaper in the long-term.
Ask for help from professionals
Remodelling your bathroom doesn’t have to be complicated. It is possible to hire professional contractors to handle the job. A contractor is trained to deal with different aspects. They can install heating/cooling, plumbing, and electrical wiring. You will save time and avoid headaches by hiring professionals. Plus, they know precisely how to complete each project step correctly.
Enjoy Your New bathroom
You are now ready to relax and enjoy your new bathroom. The final touches include scented candles, fluffy towels, or a plant. These small touches will make your bathroom feel homelier.
It’s now time to get started on your bathroom remodel. These are some tips to help you design the bathroom of your dreams.
The post How to Add a Spa in the Bathroom first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-add-a-spa-in-the-bathroom/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-add-a-spa-in-the-bathroom
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michelepoehler · 2 years
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Bathroom in New York Inspiration for a small transitional master black tile and subway tile mosaic tile floor and white floor bathroom remodel with flat-panel cabinets, black cabinets, a two-piece toilet, black walls, an undermount sink, marble countertops, a hinged shower door and white countertops
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nurkussmich · 2 years
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Bathroom - Master Bath Small transitional master black tile and stone tile concrete floor and gray floor bathroom photo with flat-panel cabinets, medium tone wood cabinets, a bidet, gray walls, an integrated sink, quartzite countertops, a hinged shower door and gray countertops
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spencerscookies · 2 years
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Transitional Bathroom - Master Bath Example of a small transitional master bathroom with solid surface countertops, a hinged shower door, flat-panel cabinets, black cabinets, a one-piece toilet, white walls, and stone slab porcelain tile flooring.
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intothewordless · 2 years
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Transitional Bathroom Salt Lake City Example of a small transitional master black tile and marble tile marble floor, multicolored floor and single-sink bathroom design with beaded inset cabinets, black cabinets, a two-piece toilet, black walls, a console sink, marble countertops, a hinged shower door, multicolored countertops and a freestanding vanity
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