nkp1981 · 6 months
BTS Of "Ghostbusters: Making Slimmer"
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sporesmoldsfungus · 2 years
Safety Net | Egon Spengler x Reader
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Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing for Egon and I would be lying If I said I did not thoroughly enjoy myself. Im still figuring out how to use Tumblr, so any tips would be well appreciated. Hope you enjoy :)
Word count: 3.1K
Side note: look how cute our man is in this gif, I cannot deal!!!
You grimace as you put your sleeve over your mouth, the smoke from the trap causing you to cough in reaction. 
“I Don’t think I will ever get used to that smell” You murmur to Ray as you pass him the trap. You were both currently out of town on a job for an old opera house. The job required you to stay at a hotel last night so you could catch the ghost in question early that morning. The ghost busters usually didn’t accept jobs from out of town, but when the owner of the opera house mentioned a large check, Peter could not say no. Of course, he had no intention of doing the job himself, which was why you and Ray were in the current situation. 
“Egon said it has something to do with the negative energy the ghost emit when captured” Ray explained, he also grimaced as he took the trap from you. He brought the trap over to Ecto-1 and threw it in the back before closing the door. “I cannot wait to get back and sleep in my own bed” He sighed. 
“Yeah, me too. Those hotel beds were horrible” you agreed as you made your way towards the driver’s side of the car. Ray had drove you both to the location, you thought you would return the favour by driving home. “I’ll make sure the invoice for those rooms go to Venkman, he’s the reason we had to do this job in the first place” You joke.
“Always the same, even in college he always got the best side of the deal” Ray agreed as he got into his side of the car, immediately putting the heaters on after he sat down.”
“Oh please don’t remind me of Peter’s Sorority years, I’ve had enough pain today to last me at least a week” You grumble as you gently rubbed your neck. The ghost you had been hired to capture had a little bit of a nasty streak. Just as you were about to capture it, it had thrown you back into a wall, your neck and shoulder hadn’t felt right since. 
Ray chuckled before asking in a concerned tone. “Are you alright to drive? I don’t mind switching”.
“I’ll be okay, an ice pack at home should do the trick” You smiled before turning the car on and starting your journey home. Ray’s selflessness was one of your favourite things about the scientist. No matter what the situation, Ray always offered to help. 
You firstly met Ray, Egon and Peter around eight years ago at Columbia University. As you walked through the door to your first lecture on parapsychology, you had noticed there was only one seat left available to sit in. Next to the free seat, sat the dorkiest man you had ever set eyes on. He had large round glasses that were definitely a decade out of fashion, but you couldn’t picture him wearing any other style. His slightly curly hair was neatly kept, and you couldn’t help but wonder what routine he used to tame it. The more you stared, the more you admired how beautiful this man was. From the way he had dressed himself in a suit just for a lecture, to the way his forehead was slightly creased due to the front on his face as he read over a book. 
You slowly made your way over to the empty seat, hesitating before sitting down. “Is this seat taken?” you asked softly, a small blush covered your cheeks and nose.
The man’s head rose to look up at you, his frown softening as he looked at you. It felt like he had been staring at you for an hour before he eventually cleared his throat. “uh, no this seat is free” he nodded before awkwardly going back to his book. 
You gave a small smile and sat down on the stool. As you brought your textbooks from your bag, you caught a glimpse of what the man next to you was reading. “you’re a fan of Joseph Rhine?”.
“Uhh, just a little bit of light reading” he replied hesitantly, as if he didn’t realise you were talking to him at first. 
You gave a small nod. “I’m more a fan of Arthur Doyle, myself”
“The sherlock Holmes author?” he asked sceptically.
You gave an enthusiastic nod “Yes, many people don’t know that he actually does research in telepathy and seances too”.  Just like every time you talked about anything on the lines of parapsychology, you could feel yourself becoming excited. Your family did everything in attempt to get you to choose a more ‘normal’ degree like English or Biology, but nothing could have possibly changed your mind. 
“interesting” he mumbled; his face looked as if it was deep in thought for a moment before he opened up a notebook, and scribbled down the author’s name. 
“My name is Y/N, by the way” you stuck your hand towards the man, a gentle smile on your lips. You were trying your best to follow your mother’s advice she had given you on the phone this morning. ‘Any day, is a successful day, if you meet a new friend’. 
The man returned a very small smile before gently taking your hand. “Egon Spengler”
“Lovely to meet you Egon”.
What you were unaware of that day, was why Egon had been sitting alone, when in fact his two best friends were sat directly behind him. Peter and Ray were well aware of Egon’s most important rule. ‘I forbid anybody to sit next to me in lectures, talking is a distraction of learning’.  Almost every day he had turned people down who were looking for a spare seat, earning his friends to cringe away in embarrassment each time. However, when he had looked at you, something changed. He realised that he, for some reason, would not mind being distracted by you. Of course, he later went home and tried to conduct a full study on why he felt this way, but it took him four years before he later came up with a reasonable conclusion. 
Later that day, you were introduced to Ray and Peter, through the expense of Egon being the centre of one of Peter’s jokes. After that day on, the four of you had been close friends ever since. 
After complaining about New York traffic for at least thirty minutes, you finally drove into the firehouse, sighing with content as you parked the car. “Home, sweet, home”. 
As you got out of the car, a floating green blob flew towards you, it’s stick like arms wrapping around your neck. 
“Awhh, I missed you too slimer” You chuckled as you hugged the ghost back. 
“How come he never slimes you; I swear he has full control of that stuff” Peter grumbled as he walked out his office and headed towards you. 
“Oh Peter, are you jealous that slimer loves me more? I’m sure he’d love to come and give you a cuddle too” You joked as you let go of the ghost, a mischievous smirk on your face. 
“Don’t you dare” He warned, his eyes narrowing as he spoke slowly. 
“Fine, you win this time. However, me and Ray have decided you are getting invoiced for those hotel rooms, after all, it was your call to take”. 
Peter struggled to find a reply for a moment before sighing in defeat. “Whatever, just give the papers to Janine, I’m too tired to debate this one out”. 
“What’s the matter? You’re not sick are you” You asked genuinely. If needed, Peter normally had the social skills to sell ice to someone who lived in the North pole. 
“No, I’m not sick. But considering I’m paying for the hotel rooms, I need to call in a favour from you too” He replied, leaning against the side of Ecto-1 as he spoke. 
You stopped unloading the equipment from the back to give him your full attention. “I’m not taking the blame again for you not closing the containment unit correctly”
“You forgot to close the containment unit again!” Ray rushed from behind the car, his face frantic as he looked between you and Peter. 
“No! The containment unit is fine! Gosh, what do you people take me for?” Peter replied quickly, finishing the sentence with a scoff.  “I’m calling in a favour because Spengz hasn’t left the lab since you went on that call”. He finally explained. 
Your heart sunk a little as Peter spoke. It was not unusually for Egon to spend hours at a time in the lab, but you and Ray had been gone for over twenty-four hours. Egon tended to go through stages where he become so fixated on science, his personal health was forgotten to him. He had the potential to go days without eating or sleeping, which often made him ill and even more stressed out for a few days. The boys did their best to encourage Egon to stop working, but it just resulting in them being thrown out of the lab. The boys sometimes called you their “secret weapon” which they would release when things got bad. 
You gave a sad sigh and nodded in understanding to Peter. “I’ll try my best” you muttered as you took a bag from ecto-1’s side door. You and Ray had picked up some snacks on the way home from your call that you were going to attempt to use. 
You headed downstairs and gently tapped on the lab door before entering. “Guess who’s back” you said cheerily, trying your best to act like you were unaware of Egon’s shenanigans. When you entered the lab, he was sat at his desk, microscope at hand. 
“Hey Sweetheart” he said softly, although you could hear the tired undertone in his voice. “How did the call go?”.
“It was just a class three, nothing we could not deal with. Although, it did get a little aggressive at the end” You explained as you came up and hugged him from behind. 
He gave a soft smile and rested one hand on your arms that were wrapped around him, his other hand continued to write down his notes from the microscope. “You must be tired from the drive home, why don’t you go and get some rest” He suggested. 
“Well, I was thinking perhaps me and you could get something to eat first?” you tried at your first attempt of dragging him from the lab. “We could order from your favourite Thai place.” You bribed. 
“That sounds great, but I really need to finish my work on this new slime sample.” Egon replied with a sigh as he continued to work with his microscope. “I really think I’m onto something with this sample, the electrochemical bond is unlike any other we’ve encountered”. 
“Oh, okay” you gave a small nod, thinking how this was going to be harder than you thought. “Well, I bought some snack on the way home from the call, we could share them in the meantime?” You suggested as you walked over to grab the bag you had put on the counter. 
“I would, but I really need to test the polarity of this sample” He abstained.
“Egon, you taking a five-minute break to eat sugary treats with me will not cause Gozer to raise from the dead.”
This time he finally looked up at you, a million thoughts seemed to be going through his head before he finally said. “Okay, but only a few minutes” He agreed, moving over to the other counter to sit next to you. 
‘Result!’ you thought. 
You gave him a bright smile and laid out the packets of food in front of you both. 
“So, did Peter behave himself whilst I was away?” You joked as you opened as packet of crisps. 
Egon hummed. “Peter behaved like Peter, if that answers your question.”  He also opened a box of twinkies as he spoke.  “I suppose it does” You agreed. “I also came up with a new theory” You announced. 
“And what would that be?” 
“Peter actually loves having slimer around. In fact, I think slimer is Peter’s favourite supernatural entity.”
Egon gave a low chuckle and you mentally ticked off another achievement box.
“Are you sure you’re not lacking sleep? That’s the most impossible theory you have conducted” Egon asked with a small smile. 
“Oh, I’m exhausted, those hotel beds should be burnt, they were horrible!” You exclaimed. You moved your neck side to side in order to relieve some of the tension. As you did so, your hair moved to the side, giving a plain sight to the side of your neck. 
Any humour that Egon had managed to gather instantly left his face at the sight of your neck. Right under your hairline, a purply black bruise began to form.
 Your neck and shoulders had been aching ever since the ghost had thrown you back into the wall. You had gotten your fair number of beatings when being on calls, but you always managed to just walk them off. You thought this was just like other times, but you were unaware of how much your neck was bruising. 
Egon slowly reached up and brushed the hair from the side of your neck, exposing more of the skin. You couldn’t help but wince a little from the pain. 
“What did this to you?” He whispered; his voice barely auditable.
You hesitated a little. “The ghost I said that got a little aggressive, he had a thing for throwing people too” You replied with an award chuckle, trying your best to lighten the mood. 
Egon clenched his jaw. “You need to ice this” he mumbled before going over to the lab freezer and pulling out an ice pack. Before he placed the ice pack on your neck, he very gently tied your hair back with the hair tie you conveniently had on your wrist. You tried your best not to wince which caused him to murmur a small “sorry”.
“I’m okay. Honestly, it doesn’t hurt that much” You reassured, taking his place of holding the icepack to the bruise. 
He sat back down next to you and gently took your free hand. “Y/N, you should really go and rest.” He told you softly, but with an authoritative undertone. “An injury like this is only going to heal with rest.”
Your eyes softened as you looked at him, really looked at him. The man before you looked exhausted. His eyes were dark but were still looking at you with pure love, His skin was slightly pale and his face had a slightly sad aura. Despite your friends attempts, nobody could persuade Egon to look after himself in the last twenty-four hours, but here he was, fully invested in your health and safety. Oh, the irony. 
“Are you in any pain?” He asked sadly, his eyes frowning a little as he noticed your eyes starting to glass over a little with tears. 
You slightly shook your head before leaning over and gently placing your lips to his. He seemed to relax at your touch, something that he had developed overtime. “I’ll make you a deal” You whispered as you pulled back to look at him, your face still quite close to his. 
He gently rubbed the back of your hand he was still holding with his thumb. He remained quiet, waiting for you to continue. 
“I will take a nap and rest my neck, but only if you come and keep me company” You bargained sweetly. 
Egon let out a sigh, he looked over his should at the slime sample before looking back to you. “Alright” He agreed. “But you’re keeping the icepack on” He added as he stood up, his hand remaining around yours as he led you upstairs and up to the bedrooms. You and Janine had your own bedroom with two double beds. Meanings that Janine hardly stayed at the firehouse, you and Egon had partly claimed the room for yourselves. 
“Now lovebirds, I don’t want to hear any noises coming from that room” Peter joked loudly as you and Egon got to the top floor. 
“Oh slimer! Peter said he wants a cuddle!” You yelled loudly with a huge smirk. The distant yelling of peter could be heard as Egon closed the bedroom door.
“I love that little ghost” You beamed as you got a set of pyjamas for you and Egon from the wardrobe. 
You both began to change into your pyjamas, Egon having to help you pull your t-shirt over your head due to the pain of your neck. As you got into bed, you gently took off Egon’s glasses and set them on the nightstand on your side of the bed, just in case he got any ideas about going back to the lab. You were a light sleeper and would wake up if he decided to slip out through the night. 
Egon wrapped his arms around you as you cuddled up to him, doing his best to avoid your neck at all costs. Just as you were about to drop off to sleep, he mumbled “I’m sorry”. You gave a small frown and opened your eyes again. “You have nothing to be sorry for” you said almost instantly. You repositioned yourself so you were resting on his chest but looking up at him. 
“I didn’t realise I was worrying people again” he said softly, looking down at you as he spoke. It had finally sunk in why you and his friends had been asking him to eat and rest a lot recently.
Your heart almost broke when you realised what he meant. “Oh Egon” You whispered sadly. You reached up and gently kissed his lips, his hand coming up to your cheek as you melted into each other’s grasp. “We all care about you so much” you told him sincerely. 
He gave a small nod before softly kissing you again. “Get some rest” he mumbled as he pulled away.  He gave the top of your head a small kiss as you repositioned yourself on his chest. 
Egon acknowledging why people were worried was the winning streak in your eyes. He was not somebody who needed to be told something many times, as soon as he acknowledged an issue, he would do his best to change things. 
“Goodnight, my love” “Goodnight, Sweetheart”
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coolcomicbookcovers · 24 days
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kitskull · 7 months
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Art By Brooke White - Facebook
Instagram - Kitskull2.0
Slimmer from Ghost Busters drawn and colored in procreate. 17 hours of draw/color time.
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moonbasetycho · 1 year
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healthandfitness00 · 2 years
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#transformatiothursday 🍂 "You didn't gain all your weight in one day; you won't lose it in one day. Be patient with yourself." What a journey it has been. After reaching over 19 stone I decided that now is the time to change my life. Having joined my local Slimming World group in 2015 I lost 6stone in a year and a further stone 4months later in 2016. With my 7 stone loss I was fitter, healthier and happier. My relationship with food completely changed. However this is a journey, with my pregnancy of my second child, I had gained weight in 2017 - 2018 until he was born. Following that with my new found knowledge of food, I knew how to get my weight off. But this time it took a little longer. Over the pandemic I lost 10lbs to get me back to my target weight in 2020 (11st 11lbs) Maintaining my target for the last two years, I decided to lower my target range. And I’ve been sitting comfortably in the lower elevens this year. I know my journey and challenges, just don’t stop here. I am forever learning about myself and eating habits, always trying to improve my attitude towards activity and fitness. And your continued support and encouragement means so much to me everyday! So watch this space! This girls not quite done yet! 💪🏼❤️ 109lb / 7st 11lb weight loss from 19st to 11st 3.5lbs 16months to lose 7stone (Height 5ft 6.5”) @slimmingworld ———————————————————————- #beforeandafter #transformation #motivation #foodiesofinstagram #healthyfood #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworld #diet #weightlosstips #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weighlossjourney #weightwatchers #facetofacetransformation #swuk #swfamily #swfriends #slimmingworldinsta #slimmer #inspirationoftheday #slimmingworldjourney #weightlossmotivation #healthyliving #healthyeating #fitness #weightlosstips #swrecipes #midsizestyle #weightlossideas (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClC5B-qIKLk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bajo la dirección de Jason Reitman, hijo de Ivan Reitman, director de las primeras dos películas de Los Cazafantasmas, el equipo de investigadores de lo paranormal tuvo un regreso eufórico con ‘Cazafantasmas: El Legado‘, ahora con una nueva película próxima a estrenarse la expectativa es enorme. El tráiler más nuevo de ‘Cazafantasmas: Apocalipsis Fantasma’ acaba de llegar y nos revela un poco más…
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nkp1981 · 5 months
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Deleted Scene From "Ghostbusters 2", 1989
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ashoss · 4 months
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this idea wont leave my brain please help me !! YIPPEE HADES BATKIDS !!!
without the bg and text under the cut :))
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asdhj probably gonna post like,, two at a time because thats ,, a lot,,,, of drawing ,,,,,,, so heres tim and jason! i think i got the hang of it more with jason lol
thank you to those who helped me with the titles for the batkids!! they were all really good :D (all on insta lol)
timothy: the tenured - thomson_at
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jangmi-latte · 2 months
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my gallery smells like a damn fish market
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zoeyhorse · 2 months
It was only a kiss
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guide-beauty · 1 year
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What's the secret to an effective workout? Met the fitness product you can't do without. Sweet Sweat improves circulation. Accelerates your warm-up time. Intensifies your workout. Fights muscle fatigue. And shortens your recovery time. Get that Sweet Sweat today.
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904pinballzine · 2 years
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Tomorrow is only a day away... #arcade #pinball #sternpinball #ghostbusterspinball #ghostbusters #zombieyeti #orangeparkfl #sternarmy #dickswings #dickswingsargyle @sternpinball @zombieyeti @ghostbusters #arcadebar #ecto1 #ectoone #slimmer #orangeparkflorida #orangepark #florida (at Dicks Wings & Grill on Youngerman Circle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co3hM2gONuX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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