#Skye Holland
lxrradio · 1 year
Skye Holland, Hiras, Dino Grand Big In Japan
Πρόκε��ται για μια συνεργασία ανάμεσα σε αυτούς τους καλλιτέχνες Skye Holland, Hiras, Dino Grand. Το τραγούδι αυτό έχει μια ενεργητική και χαρούμενη ατμόσφαιρα, και μπορεί να είναι ευχάριστο να το ακούσετε!
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borhapparker · 2 years
since your requests are opened... maybe peter parker having a polaroid camera (or a disposable camera) and constantly taking pictures of you both together and some of just you and then compiling it all for you for an occasion or after a fight 🥺🥺🥺 and iDK IT MAKES YOU FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN
this is adorable!! (also i'm back hehe)
send requests here! (now accepting stranger things characters!)
buy me a coffee! / request a commission
Peter had always loved photography. It had been a passion passed down from his father, then uncle, and now he held the camera in his hands, having captured memories over decades. He never had a reason to use it other than to fool around while on patrol, until he met you.
You were a work of art to him, something to admire, something to photograph occasionally. He had asked you out after you partnered with him for a photography assignment, a candid of you laughing caught by Peter with a note under that said "Will you be mine?"
Cheesy, you will admit, but you loved it. That was one of the things you loved about Peter, along with his photography skills, it was like having the ultimate significant other. He could capture your good side and compliment it, but also your 'bad side' (as you put it), and still be called beautiful because in his eyes you were.
There was never a time, whether you were on a date with Peter, in class or just studying at your apartment, he always had his camera with him. He never let you see the film or answered your question as to what he was photographing. He always just smiled and shrugged.
Sometimes you thought he was married to the camera, taking it everywhere with him, even if it was just a quick trip to the grocery store. And when it broke that one time he took it on patrol, you made sure to get him a replacement the very next day.
Both of you were calm together, loving and never getting into arguments. But when there was an occasional argument, it was important, and something the two of you had to address.
"Here's the thing, Peter, you can't just schedule a date with me and bail on me last minute. Yes, you may be a superhero, but you still have your life outside the suit."
"Look, babe, I swear it wasn't on purpose. I wasn't even going to bring the suit with me until my senses kicked in." he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, "I wanted to go out with you, I swear, time just got away from me."
"That's not the first time you've used that excuse. Peter, I'm getting sick of this. How are we going to make this work if I'm always going to be second in your life?"
"You are always first on my list, I promise. This is the last time, I promise it won't happen again. We can go again tomorrow, re-do our date, and go out together."
"I don't want a do-over, I wanted the date today. I'm done waiting, Peter. I need someone who wants to be with me no matter the circumstance. How can I be sure that's you?"
"Let me make it up to you, please. Baby, give me another chance."
Walking out of the apartment, your eyes burned, tears pooling and blurring your vision. Wiping away the stray ones, you headed on the bus, taking the route straight home, wanting nothing but to be alone.
Your keychain clinked with the pressure you placed on turning the key as you walked into your apartment, breathing in the comfort of your own home. Locking the door behind you, you made your way to your room, as you opened the door and gasped.
On your bed, and the floor, were countless polaroids, all spread out. Each of them is a different picture of you, some candids and some from a photoshoot, and others of you and Peter together. Tears brimmed your eyes as you picked one up and examined it, recognizing the date immediately before turning the polaroid to verify the date scribbled behind in your handwriting. March 15, 2016
It had been your first date with Peter, one you had actually asked him on as you didn't want to wait anymore for the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with the loving nerd in school. You were surprised when he said yes, and even more so when he still showed up at the diner, hair messy and panting like crazy, but he was there.
Picking up another polaroid, you noticed the handwriting on each of the polaroids, your pet names decorated the front trim of the picture. You had fallen for him because of his love of people and photography. He always told you never to look at the film and pocketed it before you were able to see it.
Yet, even with the argument you had with Peter earlier, nothing could stop you from forgiving him in a heartbeat, and maybe even falling for him just a little more.
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marleneoftheopera · 1 year
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Wishing (a tad belated) happy trails to the departing members of the 2022-23 London company!
(In order) Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young, Connor Carson, Michelle Cornelius, Edward Court, Emma Harris, Olivia Holland-Rose, James Hume, Michael Robert-Lowe, Manon Taris, Anouk van Laake, and Skye Weiss.
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rosieposie1002 · 2 months
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rena-sims · 5 months
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Family was invited to celebrate Alexander's birthday - including the most adorable toddler dance of Anna's granddaughters Delia Holland and Skye Miller
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scotianostra · 8 days
Happy Birthday Barbara Dickson, born September 27th 1947 in the Kingdom of Fife.
Dunfermline lass Dickson’s dad was a cook on a tugboat at Rosyth and Barbara says her mother, a housewife “ was a very good singer, although she didn’t work professionally.”
From an early age she admits she knew she could sing better than most people, but that didn’t have the confidence to do anything about it. Barbara learned the piano at five n then “slowly but surely how to play guitar. “Playing the pop hits of the time like Everly Brothers songs and Shadows hits.
Barbara loved The Beatles when they came along, and then, when she was 17 and started going to the local folk club, discovering the music of Bob Dylan as well as the traditional folk music.
In 1969, Dickson recorded an album, The Fate O’ Charlie, with Scottish folk singer Archie Fisher, her first solo album, Do Right Woman, came out in 1970. Her career changed course after she met playwright Willy Russell who invited her to Liverpool to sing Beatles songs in his musical John, Paul, George, Ringo… and Bert. Robert Stigwood produced the show and signed her to his RSO record label.
In 1976 her single Answer Me went Top 10, this led to her being resident guest singer on the BBC Comedy show The Two Ronnies.
In 1977 Barbara released Another Suitcase In Another Hall, which Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice they had asked her to sing for Evita but wasn’t in the show, just on the cast album. Next came a children’s album with Ringo Starr called Scouse The Mouse and her hit January February in 1980 became one of her biggest hits around the world.
Dickson appeared in the musical Blood Brothers in 1982, when she acted for the first time. In 1984 she hit the top of the charts in a duet with Elaine Paige, I Know Him So Well, written by Benny Andersson of Abba. It was very much of its time; a 1980s power ballad, slightly overblown, she had the hair and the big shoulders which makes me think that the version of The Skye Boat Song was around the same time.
Dickson is married to Oliver Cookson who works as an Assistant Director in television for the BBC, and has three sons. She and her family live in Edinburgh.
It’s always tough when I get to this part of posts regarding singers as I have to choose what song to post, that’s not to say I don’t enjoy reacquainting myself with some cracking songs and with Barbara being in the business for over 50 years there is no shortage to pick from.
In 2022 our songstress toured with pianist Nick Holland they will perform a wonderful range of material drawing on Barbara’s folk roots, contemporary greats and some of her classic hits.
Now in her 77th year Barbara is still working hard and tiouring the UK agai. As well as dates down south you can catch her in Dundee, Greenock, Crieff, Edinburgh and Livingston next month, a live album was also released two weeks ago.
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Any ideas for non twins & Simon crossovers?
Tried to cover lots of different vibes but feeling like I missed some possibilities 😅 (also tried to avoid ones that have been on past crossover asks to keep the vibes fresh)
Avery Stiles
Cherry Gilmore
Emmeline Forbes
Paige Huntzberger
Sienna Elliot
Viviana Lozano
Cosette Gerard
Char Howard-Danes
Heather Belleville
Indigo Boyer
Jane Forester
Loretta Mariano
Romy Danes
Amanda Weston
Annabel Harkness
Carlie Hayden
Dani Gilmore
Heather Belleville
Kathryn Gilmore
Kaylee Hayden
Pippi Gilmore
Allie St James
Heather Belleville
Holland Bass
Kaitlyn Lister
Romy Danes
Sage Hall
Annabel Harkness
Carlie Hayden
Heather Belleville
Kaylee Hayden
Pippi Gilmore
Allie St James
Delilah Bloom
Heather Belleville
Kaitlyn Lister
Kippi Doose
Levi & Skye Bloom
McKenna Goose
Romy Danes
Char Howard-Danes
Cosette Gerard
Holland Bass
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Paige Huntzberger
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Cosette Gerard
Delilah Bloom
Heather Belleville
McKenna Goose
Annabel Harkness
Avery Stiles
Brady Mariano
Elsie Lyons
Maisie McCrae
Sienna Elliot
Viviana Lozano
Brady Mariano
Char Howard-Danes
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Laney Danes
Lexi Danes
Loretta Mariano
Romy Danes
[Unnamed Danes brother]
Allie St James
Avery Stiles
Bekah Chamberlain
Casey Boone
McKenna Doose
Bekah Chamberlain
Cherry Gilmore
Elsie Lyons
Freya Morgan
Kaylee Hayden
Lucía Davila
Meredith Astor
Sienna Elliot
Viviana Lozano
Annabel Harkness
Cherry Gilmore
Dani Gilmore
Eleanor Gilmore
Elsie Lyons
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lili Gilmore
Meredith Astor
Virginia Gilmore
Annabel Harkness
Avery Stiles
Bekah Chamberlain
Bridget Hearst
Carlie Hayden
Cherry Gilmore
Elsie Lyons
Freya Morgan
Kaylee Hayden
Lucía Davila
Maisie McCrae
Meredith Astor
Verity Huntzberger
Virginia Gilmore
Viviana Lozano
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brigitttt · 6 months
8 11 20 for the book asks :)
hi lore!! <3 asks are from this list:
8. Favorite queer fiction book(s).
It's gonna have to be the series that got me into writing fanfiction actually, which is the Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat. Yeah it's got romance and spice but it's also got a surprising amount of political intrigue and tactics. The characters are so nuanced and well-written, and it's no wonder that it has the following it does.
I will also add that I read Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell last year and realllllllly enjoyed it, just such cool worldbuilding in there. I should see what else she's put out since then. Oh wait and also One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston! And does the Six of Crows trilogy by Leigh Bardugo count? okay that's enough now
11. Favorite historical fiction.
I'm not sure I could name a favourite, but two recent reads have really stuck with me. The first is As the Women Lay Dreaming by Donald S. Murray, which is about the HMY Iolaire disaster, but told through the lens of a grandson both living with his grandfather as a boy and reading his grandfather's journal about being on the ship decades later. It's really tragic, but written so compellingly, and having been to the Isle of Skye myself and seen the landscape and the sea around it, it really hit a chord.
The second is Sistersong by Lucy Holland, which is about three siblings in a sub-roman Brythonic kingdom in what is now Devon and Cornwall, during the time when Saxons are invading. It has magical elements to it, and is also very queer, but it was its setting that was so intriguing to me, like almost Arthuriana but very much not. It's apparently a reimagining of the folk ballad "The Twa Sisters", which I didn't know about until googling it just now.
20. Where and how do you find new books to read?
I mostly live off of recommendations from friends and family, but sometimes I'll venture out to a bookstore and find something on my own. For example, As the Women Lay Dreaming was recommended to me by a friend who I'd been to Scotland with, who is Scottish herself and is making an effort to read more Scottish stories. I also have a friend who reads like a fiend and will throw book recs at me from left and right. I also have a mother with a house with over a thousand books in it (I counted, once, decades ago) who will also throw book recs at me but they often trend older (Ngaio Marsh, Dorothy L. Sayers, Frank Herbert, Tony Hillerman, etc). I suppose I sometimes also watch a tv show based on a book series and then read it, but I'm still not finished the first Wheel of Time book yet (my brother has already zoomed through them). Sometimes I'll see a piece of fanart for a book series on tumblr and then wonder what that's all about and then read 3 novels and several short stories about it (Captive Prince).
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State of the Blog Address
Another fic done, another status update.
First off a special shout out to my bestie and storyline coordinator @pioched. None of this would happen without her. You guys have no idea how much work she does behind the scenes to help me out.
Hold You Up - Marcel Barthel x Kiya Bryant x Fabian Aichner
Heartbeat - Ethan Carter III x Adalynn Strowman
Yours - Dominik Dijakovic x Skye Simmons
The Day Before You - Ridge Holland x Lyssa Hutchinson
Long Time Coming - Bucky Barnes x Carina Rivera
In Progress:
From The Ground Up - Drew McIntire x Cassidy Riley 
Coming Soon (In no particular order):
Finally Home - Ari Levinson x Brianna Collier 
Rescue Me - Marcel Barthel x Sofia (Reese) x Fabian Aichner
Cross Every Line - Marcel Barthel x Alina Lawson x Fabian Aichner
What If - Julius Creed x Fiora Osborne
Some Hearts - Jack Reacher x Morgan Stone
I have a new system in place for doing fics and I really think it's going to help me get them done in a more timely manner.
If you are interested in being on any taglists feel free to add yourself HERE
You can find my Masterlist HERE
All my fics are also on A03 HERE
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kieranwritess · 1 year
fandoms n stuff
all hidden BTC but have more Keanu for your troubles; a strikethrough means I'm not writing for that fandom atm
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Agent Carter - Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson x reader, peggysous
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Daisy Johnson, Daniel Sousa, pre-tws/framework!Grant Ward x reader, philinda, Elena/Mack, platonic!Coulson
COD: MW (reboot) - 141, Alejandro, Graves, Valeria, König x reader
Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy/fem!V, River/V, Panam/V, Saul/fem!V, platonic!Vik
Detroit: Become Human - deviant!Connor, North x reader, platonic!Hank
Main MCU - Bucky Barnes, Kate Bishop, Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff x reader, platonic!Kamala Khan
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Sadie Adler, Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan x reader
VALORANT - Brim, Cypher, Harbor, KJ, Neon, Skye, Sova x reader, nanobomb
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slytherinbae88 · 2 years
A New Life part 2 || T.H || E.P
Description: y/n and Evan get to know each other. Is Tom jealous?.
wordcount: 1.1k
pairing: reader (afab) x Tom Holland x Evan Peters.
The next morning you woke up to two messages, one from Evan and one from Jenna. The one from Evan wrote 'morning, excited to see you in a bit' and it warmed your heart, the one from Jenna said 'OMG, Tom will not stop talking about you I've had him in the chair since about 6:30 and he has not stopped. all good things all good things' and with that message you sat thinking 'do they both like me?'.
You got in the shower and then when you got out you went over to feed your dog Skye. You got dressed into something simple, a pair of beige cargo bottoms and a white cropped shirt. You stuffed your laptop, phone charger and lunch into your bag.
You got in your car at about 7:30 and texted Evan saying you were leaving yours now to meet him. After you texted him you set out your journey to the coffee shop on the way to set. You pulled up t the car park and saw his Audi parked up already. You left your bag in the car, got out and went into the shop.
When you walked in you saw Evan sat at a table drinking a hot cup of coffee, he'd also got you a drink when you sat down and greeted each other he soon told you it was your favourite drink and he'd know because he'd overheard you talking to your secretary yesterday at set about what drink you want. You thought it was very thoughtful that he'd remembered that from yesterday and you hadn't even told him.
You spoke about everything, your hobbies, favourite foods, favourite drinks (even though he already knew yours because he ordered it for you), favourite restaurants, family and loads of other things. You found him talking about all the other work he's done on shows and movies and you think to yourself 'doesn't he get bored of it?'. But he does seem like he has a true passion for acting and he's really talented at it too.
You sat in the coffee shop until 8:30, you had to e at set at 9 so you said your goodbyes and both got in your cars. You sat in your car and watched him drive away, once he was out of sight you fangirled so much sat in your car until it got to 8:40 and you realised you were probably going to be late if you didn't set off now. And as you were driving a blackout Mercedes Benz pulled out of a slip road and followed you to set yet again, but at least you knew who it was this time.
When you arrived at set you parked next to Evan's Audi and Tom pulled in next to you. "Hey darling, I saw you and Evan driving out of the same car park did you bump into each other or something?" Tom said after you both got out of your cars. It surprised you with what he said was he following you from your house or did he just manage to drive by? you were so confused. "oh uh no, we went for coffee before coming to set today" you replied telling the truth, not wanting to lie to your co-star even though he looked upset.
You weren't sure why he looked upset you've only known him for a day and you were sure Evan only asked you for coffee platonically anyways. "Can we all meet for coffee tomorrow maybe, or just me and you if Evan can't make it" Tom asked in a manor in which you couldn't quite place. Tom knew deep down that he was hoping Evan couldn't make it and that it would just be the two of you tomorrow.
Nevertheless, you agreed "alright darling I'll talk to you in a bit, I've got to go and see Jenna" Tom said as he walked away towards the hair and makeup trailer. You got showed to your trailer today, you went inside and it had a mini kitchen and a mini bedroom with a double bed in and it had a tv and even a small couch.
You got a text from Evan, "hey, can i come to your trailer real quick?" you replied with a thumbs up emoji and sat on the couch watching tv waiting. You didn't exactly know what he wanted this late on in the day as it was currently 6:35pm and you had just finished shooting a scene with Tom. The scene was about when your two characters (Paisley and Spencer) first meet, which meaning Evan wasn't in any scenes that day but he still had to be on set.
A few moments later, somebody knocked on your trailer door and you guessed it was Evan so you shouted "come in". A joyful familiar face popped around the corner of the door "hey, sorry to bother you I just needed to tell you something" he said quite shyly. "Oh no really you're no bother i was just reading and waiting to see if I need to go and do another take on the scene me and Tom filmed today." you said casually and patted the couch next to you signalling him to come and sit down.
Evan came and sat down next to you, and in that moment as you looked into his eyes you thought for a second "what would happen if i kiss him right now". But you knew you shouldn't so instead you asked "uh so what did you come here to tell me?" he sat up straight and crossed his legs before responding with "well you see at some point this week me and you are going to be shooting our first sex scene and the director told me that we should probably meet up and practice". The thought of practising a sex scene with Evan alone made you blush a bright pink colour.
"But we don't have to practice alone if you want I could get Tom to come and help us work on it" and even him saying that Tom could go and help you too made you go even ore pink until you realised that you were just sat there blanking the poor man. "uh I don't mind it could be just us or Tom could join" you said in a shaky voice, silently hoping that he didn't really want Tom to come. "Okay, well meet me at my place at 7 then the address is ----". And with that he left you baffled and unable to say a word, meeting him at his house at 7pm.
A/N: sorry this one is a little bit shorter i wanted to save the tension buildup between y/n and Evan until the next chapter.
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Wanted: A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Crossover Novel
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49937563 by JustAnotherGirlmcg In the wake of the discovery of Inhumans, Agent, or rather, Director Phil Coulson has made it his prime priority to track and obtain all probable threats. When his mission leads him across an old file that strikes his interest, his only solution for the lack of information about the subject in question is more research. This only leads him to find facial recognition in the largest disasters of the modern era, not including the Avengers mishaps. What will happen when a curious Coulson sends his team on a mission to find the forgotten target? What will happen when they find Percy Jackson? Mild Language and Violence ***Disclaimer: I do not own all of the characters, backstories, places, etc. in this story. All other credits belong to Disney Marvel and Rick Riordan. Thank you. *** Words: 3219, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Chiron, Sally Jackson, Paul Blofis, Estelle Jackson-Blofis, Agent Coulson, Phil Coulson, Skye, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Grant Ward, Hydra - Character, S.H.I.E.L.D. - Character, Nico diAngelo, Grover Underwood, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Leo Fitz, Peter Parker, Spiderman, Tony Stark, Iron Man, Calypso, Malcolm Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Annabeth Chase/Jason Grace/Percy Jackson/Hazel Levesque/Piper McLean/Leo Valdez/Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Calypso/Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson, Estelle Blofis & Percy Jackson, Estelle Blofis & Sally Jackson, Phil Coulson & Leo Valdez, Phil Coulson & Percy Jackson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Phil Coulson/Tony Stark, Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz/Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie Additional Tags: Angst, Whump, Kidnapping, fight, Marvel - Freeform, Greek read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49937563
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borhapparker · 2 years
i am hosting a writing/sleepover weekend and i'm letting you guys choose which character it's going to be around! (: i will also be leaving a space open if you guys want it to be all the characters mentioned above!
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newtsbloodygf · 11 months
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Stray Kids:
Hwang Hyunjin masterlist
All skz members:
Breakfast Pt.1
[Breakfast Pt.2 loading....]
[Other members coming soon...]
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[coming soon]
Ryeji x reader:
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[coming soon...]
[coming soon....]
[other groups coming soon...]
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank:
[coming soon...]
Kiara Carrera:
[coming soon...]
Sarah Cameron:
[coming soon...]
Pope Heyward:
[coming soon...]
Rafe Cameron:
[coming soon...]
[coming soon....]
13 Reasons Why:
Justin Foley:
[coming soon...]
Sheri Holland:
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Zach Dempsey:
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Alex Standall:
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Jessica Davis:
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Hannah Baker:
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Jeff Atkins:
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Skye Miller:
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Clay Jensen x Skye Miller x Reader:
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Clay Jensen x Hannah Baker:
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The Sandman:
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Johanna Constantine:
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Rose Walker:
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Alex Burgess:
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The Corinthian:
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Morpheus x Calliope x Reader:
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Wanda Maximoff:
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Natasha Romanoff:
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Loki Laufeyson:
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Thor Odinson:
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Peter Parker:
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MJ/Mary Jane Watson:
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MJ x Peter Parker x Reader:
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Loki Laufeyson x Reader x Thor Odinson:
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Ned x Peter Parker x MJ x Reader:
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The End Of The F***ing World:
Alyssa Foley:
[coming soon..]
[coming soon...]
James x Alyssa x Reader:
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Kate Bishop:
[coming soon...]
Yelena Belova:
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Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova:
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Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova x Reader:
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Maze Runner:
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Newt x Thomas:
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Teresa x Thomas:
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Newt x Reader x Thomas:
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Newt x Reader x Minho:
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The Divergent:
Four/Tobias Eaton:
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Hunger Games:
Katniss Everdeen:
[coming soon...]
Finnick Odair:
[coming soon...]
Gale Hawthorne:
[coming soon...]
Katniss x Reader x Finnick:
[coming soon...]
[and more series+movies+characters to come...]
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beannary · 2 years
Hi hi!! I don't know if you actually want people to infodump in your ask box, but you reblogged the thing that said to. Anyway, so I write a lot, and I'm actually trying to make a horror-comedy story. It's about family and paranormal and unreal, and I'm very much excited about it!!
Right, so the biggest thing that I'm excited about but it's not actually a big deal in the story, is that one of the main character's special interest is clowns!! His name is Oliver, and he goes out on weekly "clownings" with his friends Frankie, Allison, and Gabe. His little brother Jasper makes him outfits, and Ollie helps Jasper with ghostbusting stuff in return. And Ollie's other brother, who's kinda like a twin, but they're a few months away. Anyway, Elliott (who also goes by Lucky) is the not-twin, makes cameras. and Ollie takes them on the outings to see how well they work and report back to Elliott.
In the actual story, it doesn't play a big role, but it's mentioned a bit, in the memory lane chapters and the actual hook.
I actually need to come up with an actual personality for Skye, because everyone else has something, but I've rewritten her so many different ways, I'm unhappy with her direction. Skye is the oldest, she's super into astronomy. I love her. Out of all of them, Bonnie is one of my favorites, she plays hockey in college and has a lot of anxiety, but is the groups kind of bodyguard while they try to find their missing siblings. And then there's Elliott and Oliver, who started this whole thing and are kinda joined at the hip, and tell each other the most things, while keeping the most secrets. Then there's Jasper, whos super into the paranormal and is definitely straight and totally hasn't made out with his best friend Adam. And then Marsh does robotics and his personality is kinda based off of my little brother, who is my favorite person ever. And then the youngest is Holland, and she's kinda the leader, along with Skye. Like, they but heads a lot, but with Skye's real work knowledge and Holly's quick thinking and solutions that really shouldn't work how well they do, they make a good team!
This went on a lot longer than I intended, I'm so sorry about that, I'm just very excited!
Oh yes I 10000% meant it when I reblogged that post!!!! I absolutely adore listening to people talk about the things that they like! It's so much fun!!!
This sounds like such a cool story!! I love all the siblings they seem so cool! I do also really like the whole clown thing aksjdhfjlksha I'm scared of clowns but I also adore like drawing clowns
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Contractor Chapter 39
They honeymoon at the Isle of Skye with their son. A temporary nanny, one of his teacher’s at his daycare is hired to come along so the newlyweds have alone time. It is time they enjoy immensely but family time is just as cherished.
Fergus loves the water. There are many laughs as he is introduced to the beach and the ocean. He splashes happily at the edge, his mama or daddy, close by.
The most amazing moment comes in the RB&B house they rent for the week. They are in the kitchen preparing breakfast with Fergus sitting content with his toys.
He first pulls himself up with the chair as support. It is something he has been doing. They happen to look back at him just in time. With a cheeky grin, he steps away from the chair. Both his parents hold their breaths.
Toddling a bit, he steps away. When he sees he has an audience, he moves farther out, taking another one, then another. His arms are spread out for balance but he is walking!
Claire gasps and falls to her knees, opening her arms. Fergus, two steps away, walks into them. Jamie is cheering and clapping until he remembers his son can’t hear him. Then he lifts his hands and waves them, recalling the deaf way to give applause from Mr. Holland’s Opus.
Fergus, grinning from his mama’s arms lifts his up as well.
“Aye, Fergus walked! Fergus is a big boy!” his daddy signs. His mama is smiling, tears falling onto her son’s curls.
It is the best day of their honeymoon.
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