La toute première voiture volante passe le test de sécurité au Japon et pourrait être en vente d’ici 2025
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Cette voiture a obtenu le premier certificat de sécurité délivré par le Japon, leur permettant de commercialiser leurs véhicules eVTOL dès 2025. Il s’agit de la première voiture volante à atteindre ce stade au Japon, et pourrait ouvrir la voie pour que cette décennie soit la décennie de voitures volantes. Le concept de voiture volante électrique eVTOL de SkyDrive est actuellement représenté par le SD-03 , qui a fait une démonstration de vol habité réussie en août 2020. Ne transportant qu’un seul siège, le SD-03 est propulsé par huit hélices en formation quadricoptère et dispose d’une gamme de environ 10 minutes de vol, atteignant des vitesses maximales 48 kilomètres par heure. 
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Lors de la première mondiale, un pilote a décollé verticalement avant de voler autour d’une zone d’essai et de redescendre en douceur 5 janvier 2023
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timestechnow · 22 days
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celeb-stalkerr · 7 months
मारुति सुजुकी लांच करेगा भारत का पहला एयर टैक्सी स्काईड्राइव
Maruti Suzuki to launch SkyDrive आपने कभी सोचा है कि आप अपनी कार को आसमान में उड़ा सकते हैं? या फिर आप भारी ट्रैफिक से बचकर अपने मंजिल तक पहुंच सकते हैं? यदि आपका जवाब हां है, तो आपके लिए एक अच्छी खबर है। भारत की सबसे बड़ी कार निर्माता कंपनी मारुति सुजुकी ने हाल ही में एक ऐतिहासिक घोषणा की है, कि वह भारत का पहला एयर टैक्सी स्काईड्राइव लांच करने जा रही है। स्काईड्राइव क्या है? स्काईड्राइव एक…
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mikeshouts · 11 months
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Suzuki Partnered With SkyDrive To Produce SkyDrive SD-05 “Flying Cars”
That's right. Suzuki "flying cars".
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c-25346 · 2 years
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dazzywolf · 2 years
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Sky Diving
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avo-kat · 1 year
outlook why did u put maria skyride as a holiday into my calender. its only a holiday in bayern. why are you so cruel to me. for a moment i had hope. how dare u.
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Coming soon: Flying taxis at 2025 World Expo
Kyodo News | 22 February 2023
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ANA Holdings Inc., Japan Airlines Co. and three other companies have been selected to operate air taxi services during the 2025 World Exposition to be held in Osaka in western Japan, the event's organizer said Tuesday.
Japan wants the "flying cars" to be one of the main attractions at the expo, with the next-generation mobility expected to provide access to the event venue to be set up on an artificial island in Osaka Bay.
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ANA Holdings, the parent of All Nippon Airways Co., will partner with U.S. startup Joby Aviation Inc., a company in which Toyota Motor Corp. has a stake.
Other companies selected as operators are SkyDrive Inc., based in Aichi Prefecture, and trading firm Marubeni Corp.
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Naoki Okada, minister in charge of the World Expo 2025, said he hopes the technology will "surprise" people around the world.
He also called on the five companies to cooperate on demonstration flights prior to the start of the 184-day event.
The flying cars, which will carry two to five people each, will connect the three areas of the exposition venue on Yumeshima, central Osaka city, and nearby Kansai International Airport.
Their flight routes, landing and takeoff areas are to be determined.
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ANA Holdings will operate a five-seat vertical takeoff and landing aircraft developed by Joby Aviation.
In October, the California-based company applied for its aircraft design to be certified for use in Japan.
JAL will operate two-rider aircraft developed by German firm Volocopter GmbH, while Marubeni will operate five-seater aircraft created by Vertical Aerospace Group Ltd., a British company, after reserving in January delivery slots for 25 of them.
SkyDrive is looking to get a type certificate for its two-rider aircraft, still in development, before the exposition.
Meanwhile, the operator of the takeoff and landing sites at the exposition venue on Yumeshima will be Orix Corp., according to the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition.
The World Expo 2025 will last from April 13 through October 13 under the theme "Designing Future Society for Our Lives."
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naptechgames · 7 months
Experience the Thrill of the Skies in Mega Ramps! 🛩️
Buckle up and get ready for heart-pounding stunts, breathtaking jumps, and adrenaline-fueled excitement in Mega Ramps! 🌈 Test your driving skills and conquer the skies in this ultimate online driving game. Are you ready to soar? Play now!
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japanbizinsider · 1 year
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lensman-arms-race · 2 months
Headcanons for techfolk vision
As we can see from the episodes themselves, Cam vision is very similar to human vision! One way it differs is that when Cams are physically hit or shocked, their vision greys out with scanlines and other artefacts.
You can see a real-life example of this in this video, in which a skydriver drops a video camera and it keeps recording until it lands (in a pig pen!)
As the camera tumbles, it spins faster than its sensors can keep up with, resulting in the video turning into a series of diagonal lines. Most digital cameras record in a 'sweep', going from one edge or corner to the opposite one. It looks as though this camera records in a diagonal sweep.
This also means that Cameramen possibly don't see things like propellors and hummingbird wings as a blur, as we do - they'd see it as a choppy effect, depending on how the movement syncs with the Cameraman's framerate.
Here's a bird appearing to hover perfectly because its wings happen to match the camera's shutter speed:
As far as Cameramen are concerned, that's probably just how birds are! They don't see bird wings as a flippa-flappa or propellors as a rounda-rounda blur.
Presumably, Cameramen cannot perceive the chimerical colours, which are colours humans can see thanks to how our retinas form afterimages:
I headcanon that Soundkind primarily perceive the world through echolocation. It's not really possible for humans to grasp what this 'looks' like. We've all heard of Thomas Nagel's essay 'What is it like to be a bat?' But at least a bat is a mammal like us, so it'll have mostly the same neural pathways as us. It's not outside the realms of possibility that bats 'see' the world in the same colours as us, but the colours are triggered in the brain's perception by wavelengths of sound rather than light. But Soundkind aren't even animals! Who knows how a tech brain processes this data?
I also headcanon that the Soundkind can see with light to a degree, just not as well as a human, Cameraman or TVman. Their vision is low-res and is heavy on the reds (hence their use of red as an emblematic colour), similar to a human with tritanomaly.
Here's Tri-Cam, approximately as a human or Cameraman would perceive them (from this SketchFab model):
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Here's how Soundkind might 'see' Tri-Cam with echolocation. (I took the 'matcap + surface' version of the model to get just the contours without textures, then noodled with it a little in GIMP.)
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Here's a scene approximately how a human or Cameraman would perceive it (source):
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And how it might look to a Soundkind using their visual processing - mainly red (achieved using a tritanopia simulator), and low resolution:
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Here's another 3D model, a bit more colourful than Tri-Cam, as a human or Cameraman might perceive it (source):
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Putting together the above info, here's how a Soundkind might perceive it using their echolocation overlaid with their optical vision:
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TVs are primarily optic-based, like humans and Cameras. Their vision overlaps less with the human range than the Cameramen's vision does. TVs see further into the infra-red than humans and Cams (unless said Cams have specialised thermal vision), and their vision has much more of a purple cast, hence their use of purple as an emblematic colour.
TVs can see even in complete darkness (by our standards), because everything above absolute zero gives off IR radiation. However, an environment of absolutely uniform temperature would appear blank, because there would be no differences in IR for the TVman to see. In addition, TVs can't see the temperature of stuff behind glass - they would only see the temperature of the glass itself (same as the limitations for real thermal cameras).
My infra-red headcanon is purely based on the fact that TV remotes are usually IR-based (more modern ones use Bluetooth).
...I don't have a speculative image to show, because to my surprise I couldn't find good quality pictures online of the same scene taken with RGB and with thermal (so I can combine them the way I want them). They were all either postage stamp-sized or they didn't align properly. Hopefully you can imagine something!
This video shows something a bit like what I'm thinking of:
The video shows that the thermal cam has something called 'MSX', which combines the thermal image with the light image, giving you the thermal imaging info combined with the surface patterns from the light imaging info. However, my headcanon is closer to 'human vision (but a bit more purple) combined with a black-hot greyscale thermal image', as opposed to the purple and yellow mess seen here.
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attractwithmusic · 1 year
Sky Driving.......
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timestechnow · 3 months
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kennak · 2 months
[B! 万博] 『空飛ぶクルマ』SkyDrive社は万博では“客を乗せない”方針 吉村知事と事業者との意向にずれ | MBSニュース
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ladyvenerasims · 1 year
Блог kazarinа.Одного мейкера с Михея
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sifasdt · 8 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-01-16
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-01-16
Let’s Game!
Mia: Rina, your TV, it’s so big! Rina: Let’s game on it. Mia: Alright, what should we play? I’m not gonna lose. Rina: Hmm...... Mia: Metal War Drift, Skydriver, Monster Viking, Hedgehog Fire...... Rina: I wanna play Doggy Island...... Mia: Eh? That’s the one where you build a town for dogs, right? Rina: Competing is fine, but... I want to create something together with Mia-chan. Mia: Rina...! Yeah, I want to do that too!! Rina: Ehehe. Let’s build the world’s biggest doghouse. Rina-chan Board says, “Determined!”
[End transcription.]
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